6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya


6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
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1. -­‐ 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
1. Since the Fukushima disaster, local
communities have been refusing to allow
reactors to be restarted after routine -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐, which
has to take place every 13 months.
A) oppression
B) endurance
C) maintenance
D) suspension
4. There are questions as to whether having
more women in parliament -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ means more
attention to issues concerning women.
A) necessarily
B) diligently
C) reluctantly
D) thoroughly
E) utterly
E) deterioration
5. Children who are -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ by two parents grow up
to be cleverer than those raised by just one
person, new research suggests.
2. The Chinese central bank has taken various
measures to -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ public spending attempt to
balance its budget deficit.
A) withdraw
B) curb
C) foster
D) vanish
A) brought up
B) made up
C) taken over
D) put away
E) carried out
E) enforce
3. There are concerns about the publication of
H5N1 studies that will amplify the risk of an
accidental, or -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐, release of the virus that could
spark a human pandemic.
6. Forests are considered to be renewable
resources, but they are being -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ at a rate greater
than its sustainable yield, meaning that they are
being exhausted faster than they can be
A) eligible
B) desperate
A) put off
B) set up
C) illiterate
D) intentional
C) used up
D) brought about
E) successive
E) put forward
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10. The relationship -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ past human development progress and current popular expectations is essential -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ understanding the context of political change. 7. -­‐ 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 7. As the world’s population -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ to grow, nations -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ action to manage the forests that remain, including the Amazon rain forests. A) from / to A) continued / may take C) in / with B) continues / will have to take D) between / to C) would continue / had to take E) by / around D) has continued / had taken E) will continue / could have taken 8. People -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ aware of some of the many consequences of overpopulation, but most still -­‐-­‐
-­‐-­‐ to recognize the underlying causes an economic system. 11. In India, high-­‐income families regarded social media -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ suspicion but low-­‐income families advocated them as a supplementary source -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐
schooling. A) will become / refused B) have become / would refuse A) into / through C) became / were refusing B) with / of D) are becoming /refuse C) to / on E) become / had refused D) aboard / at E) by / in 9. The conduct of biomedical research -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ human participants raises a host of ethical and legal issues that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ philosophers, lawyers, policy makers, scientists, and clinicians for many years. 12. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ controversy still exists with regard to its origin, many factors argue in favour of climate change’s being correlated with an increase in temperature. A) involving / have concerned A) Just as B) Even though B) to involve / concerned C) Since D) Before B) among / for E) As well as C) having involved/ concern D) involved / had concerned E) involving / will have concerned 2 www.ankaradil.com
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13. Security experts predict that resource wars will start to be fought in more industrialized and relatively stable countries -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ communities struggle for access to resources they need to survive. A) but B) unless C) as D) until www.ankaradil.com
16. We don't have any compelling evidence that migration from poor to rich countries has any effect on -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ global population growth -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ on the environment. A) both / and B) rather / than C) not only / but also E) before D) whether / or E) either / or 14. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ bird flu virus can spread from one person to another, the threat caused by the virus becomes much more potent globally. A) As though B) Although C) If D) Once E) As soon as 15. Human activity is putting -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ a strain on the natural functions of the earth -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted. A) neither / nor B) as / as C) such / as D) such / that E) so / that 3 www.ankaradil.com
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19. 17. -­‐ 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. A) Conversely B) Therefore C) Similarly D) Otherwise Dropout is a universal (17) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ of education system in India, spread over all levels of education. The dropout rates are (18) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ higher for educationally backward states and districts. Girls in India tend to have higher dropout rates than boys. (19) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐, children belonging to the socially disadvantaged groups like Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have the higher dropout rates in comparison to general population. In order to reduce wastage and improve the efficiency of education system, the educational planners (20) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ and identify the social groups that are more susceptible (21) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ dropout and the reasons for their dropping out. E) could understand 17. 21. E) Consequently 20. A) need to understand B) had to understand C) were able to understand D) might understand A) distinction B) phenomenon A) in B) by C) progress D) destruction C) over D) to E) beyond E) leap 18. A) most B) as C) more D) much E) the more 4 www.ankaradil.com
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22. -­‐ 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 24. A) As well as B) Besides C) However D) Thus Sibling relationships are emotionally powerful and (22) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ important not only in childhood but over the course of a lifetime. As children, siblings typically spend more time with (23) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ than with anyone else. Children learn social skills, particularly in sharing and managing conflict, from negotiating with brothers and sisters. (24) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐, sibling relationships can provide a significant source of continuity throughout a child’s lifetime. Being with their siblings (25) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ their sense of safety and well-­‐being and provide natural, mutual support. Research has demonstrated that warmth in sibling relationships is associated (26) -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ less loneliness, fewer behaviour problems, and higher self-­‐worth. E) Apart from 25. A) would enhance B) should enhance C) can enhance D) could have enhanced E) must enhance 22. A) critically C) haphazardly B) severely D) recklessly 26. E) inefficiently A) with B) to C) within D) into E) around 23. A) every other B) the others C) others D) each other E) another 5 www.ankaradil.com
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27. -­‐ 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 29. Experts think that while school staff cannot replace mental health professionals, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. 27. Although Hittite is the best known of the Indo-­‐European Anatolian languages, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. A) a variety of stressful events or circumstances can put people at increased risk of harming themselves A) they were skilled warriors and conquered the country in just five decades B) they can be trained to identify the signs and symptoms of suicidal behaviour at their students B) languages can become extinct due to dominant cultures oppression C) certain social and environmental factors also increase the likelihood of suicide C) several others were in use, spoken in various regions of Anatolia D) they could provide a convenient office environment that will minimize the stress factors at work D) Kyrill alphabet has been used in these countries in Aisia. E) students should choose subjects they are interested in and major in these fields E) the Hittite dynasty continued to rule some small kingdoms in northern Syria 28. Because people have little or no immunity to a pandemic flu virus, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. 30. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ , but psychologists have mostly given up on trying to divide humanity neatly into types. A) the flu virus is spread when someone with the flu coughs or sneezes, by droplets containing the virus A) Some people prefer interacting with the outer world by talking, actively participating, and being sociable, expressive B) most of them will recover in short time due preventive medicine and diligent health staff B) There are many ways to measure personality C) public health officials may organize public gatherings, such as concerts and sporting events C) When in decision making roles, many people are cautious, logical and require many details and facts D) evidence for such a disaster is slim and doesn't require and urgent step to be taken D) social norms have long been of interest to experts in the field of organizational behaviour E) the spread of the disease could occur more quickly than with an ordinary flu E) behaviour usually is the result of both characteristics possessed by an individual and the nature of the situation 6 www.ankaradil.com
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31. Although there had been previous warnings linking smoking and lung cancer -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. www.ankaradil.com
33. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐, it is argued that media and technology use is highly correlated with social withdrawal and isolation. A) they smoked everywhere -­‐ on trains and buses, at work, even in schools and hospitals A) Whereas certain technologies appear to be related to certain psychological disorders B) it's always been harder for addicts to give up smoking immediately B) As the Internet is still one of the fastest and least expensive ways to find your audience and help your business grow C) tobacco products would be banned from public display in big supermarkets C) When a country lacks the infrastructure for internet access D) many young people had been indifferent to warnings made by the health officials D) Unless high-­‐tech communication tools bring academic success and social interaction E) it was in 1960’s when public and politicians took the dangers posed by smoking cigarettes seriously E) Even though some research suggests internet use helps bolster social connections 34. Much of the urban population consists of people who do not grow their own food, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. 32. Archaeological tourism is popular and the number of people engaging in this form of tourism will continue to grow, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. A) so urban life is possible only where farmers can produce a substantial surplus beyond their own needs A) so the revenues will drop and these sites will no longer be visited by enthusiastic tourists B) therefore, they suffered from a severe famine and decided to move another country B) therefore this would undermine the illegal sale of historical artefacts and keep them intact C) though some of the ancient civilizations depended on hunting and gathering rather than settling a place C) just as beach holiday have lost ground as people have started to seek new holiday destinations D) as long as genetically modified food enhances the productivity and fertility levels to intended ones D) however, archaeologists working at this site have found many fascinating artefacts causing great interests among tourists E) whereas rural population do not have access to basic services like electricity, education and infrastructure E) yet increased tourism will bring with it the potential for serious harm to the sites that are being visited 7 www.ankaradil.com
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35. School should implement nutritional education starting from the pre-­‐school up to the secondary school, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. www.ankaradil.com
37. -­‐ 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. A) provided that adults exercise regularly and avoid unhealthy junk food to maintain their health 37. Infections like the common cold spread easily as they infect the upper respiratory tract, the nose and throat, so sneezing releases a lot of viruses into the air. B) thus, junk food is still being marketed to children as companies find ways to bypass rules C) so that students can adopt healthy food habits and raise awareness of obesity A) Soğuk algınlığı gibi hastalıklar,üst solunum yolu burun ve boğaza bulaşmalarına yayılırlar, bu yüzden hapşırma bir çok virüs havaya salınır. D) but food companies are also increasingly targeting children through computer games, mobile phones and social networks B) Soğuk algınlığı ve nezleye neden olan virüs, daha çok burun ve boğaz gibi üst solunum yolları bölgelerini etkilediği için, virüs öksürme ve hapşırmayla kolaylıkla yayılabiliyor. E) unless we encourage individuals to learn more about their local area, introducing them to urban gardening C) Soğuk algınlığı gibi hastalıklar,üst solunum yolu burun ve boğaza bulaştıkları için kolayca yayılırlar, bu yüzden hapşırma bir çok virüsü havaya salar. D) Soğuk algınlığına neden olan virüs, burun ve boğaz gibi üst solunum yolları bölgelerine yerleşerek, virüs öksürme ve hapşırmayla kolaylıkla sebep olabilir. 36.Renewable energy projects can take a long time to implement due to the time required to carry out necessary tasks,-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. E) Soğuk algınlığı gibi hastalıklar,üst solunum yolu burun ve boğaza bulaştıkları için yayılırlar, bu yüzden hapşırma bir miktar virüsü havaya salar. A) but it can help to reduce dependency upon fossil fuels, causing global warming diminish dramatically B) so many developing nations are opting in favour of these projects to increase their energy generation C) unless China, India and other emerging countries used up their rich underground resources D) however, they can make environmental and economic sense in the long term E) but it will also create many social problems including health impacts and substantial water wastage and environmental pollution 8 www.ankaradil.com
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38. The export and manufacturing sectors have been key drivers of China's economic growth in recent years, but a slowdown in demand from key markets such as the US and Europe has been hurting their growth recently. www.ankaradil.com
39. Speaking from the White House, President Obama said his administration had long resisted calls for military action in Syria because he did not believe that force could solve the civil war. A) Obama Beyaz Saray'da konuştu, ve güç kullanılmasının iç savaşa çözüm getireceğine inanmadığı için Suriye'ye yönelik askeri müdahale çağrılarına uzun süre direneceğini belirtti. A) İhracat ve imalat sektörleri Çin'in ekonomik büyümesinin kilit etmenleri olacaktır, bu yüzden ABD ve Avrupa gibi önemli pazarlardan gelen talebin yavaşlaması son zamanlarda büyümesine zarar vermektedir. B) Suriye'ye yönelik askeri müdahale çağrılarına uzun zamandır sürdüğünü belirten Obama, Beyaz Saray'da ,Suriye'de güç kullanılmayacağını çünkü bunun iç savaşa çözüm olmayacağını belirtti B) İhracat ve imalat sektörleri son yıllarda Çin'in ekonomik büyümesinin kilit etmenleri olmuştur, ama ABD ve Avrupa gibi pazarlardan gelen talebin artması son zamanlarda büyümesine etkileyemeyebilir. C) Beyaz Saray'da konuşan Obama, güç kullanılmasının iç savaşa çözüm getireceğine inanmadığı için Suriye'ye yönelik askeri müdahale çağrılarına uzun süre direndiğini söyledi. C) ABD ve Avrupa gibi önemli pazarlardan gelen talep son yıllarda Çin'in ekonomik büyümesinin kilit etmenleri olmuştur,ama ihracat ve imalat sektörleri yavaşlaması son zamanlarda büyümesine zarar vermektedir. D) Obama, güç kullanılmasının iç savaşa önemli bir çözüm getireceğine inandığını, ama Suriye'ye yönelik askeri müdahale çağrılarına uzun süre direndiğini Beyaz Saraydaki toplantıda ileri sürdü. D) ABD ve Avrupa gibi önemli pazarlardan gelen talep yıllarda Çin'in ekonomik büyümesine katlı sağlamıştır,ve ihracat ve imalat sektörleri yavaşlaması son zamanlarda büyümesine zarar vermeyebilir. E) Beyaz Saray'da konuşan Obama, güç kullanılmasının iç savaşa çözüm getireceğinin kesin olduğuna inanmasına rağmen, Suriye'ye yönelik askeri müdahale çağrılarına uzun süre direndiğini söyledi. E) İhracat ve imalat sektörleri son yıllarda Çin'in ekonomik büyümesinin kilit etmenleri olmuştur, ama ABD ve Avrupa gibi önemli pazarlardan gelen talebin yavaşlaması son zamanlarda büyümesine zarar vermektedir. 9 www.ankaradil.com
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40. Popülaritesi hızlı bir şekilde büyüyen elektronik sigaraların insanların sigarayı bırakmalarına yardımcı olmakta en az nikotin bantları kadar etkili olduğu görünmektedir . www.ankaradil.com
41. Japonya'da 2011'de 15 binden fazla kişinin öldüğü deprem ve tsunamide ağır hasar gören Fukuşima nükleer santralindeki radyasyon seviyesinin başlangıçta düşünülenden 18 kat daha fazla olduğu duyuruldu. A) Electronic cigarettes, which are rapidly growing in popularity, appear to be at least as effective as nicotine patches in helping people to give up smoking. A) Japan has announced that the radiation level at the Fukushima nuclear plant which suffered extensive damage from the earthquake and tsunami where at least 15 000 people died in Japan in 2011 is 18 times higher than originally thought. B) Electronic cigarettes are rapidly growing in popularity and they appear to be more effective than nicotine patches in helping people to give up smoking. B) It has been declared that the radiation levels at the Fukushima nuclear plant which caused minimal damage from the earthquake and tsunami where about 15 000 people died in Japan in 2011 is 18 times higher than originally thought. C) Electronic cigarettes, which are rapidly losing their popularity, are at least as effective as nicotine patches in helping people to give up smoking. C) The earthquake and tsunami caused severe damage to the Fukushima nuclear plant, so the radiation levels at the plant is 18 times higher than originally thought, killing more than 15 000 people in Japan in 2011. D) Electronic cigarettes appeared to be at least as effective as nicotine patches in helping people to give up smoking at the beginning, but they are losing their popularity now. E) Nicotine patches, which are rapidly growing in popularity, appear to be at least as effective as electronic cigarettes by helping people to oppose smoking. D) It has been announced that the radiation level at the Fukushima nuclear plant which suffered heavy damage from the earthquake and tsunami where more than 15 000 people died in Japan in 2011 is 18 times higher than originally thought. E) It has been reported that the radiation level at the Fukushima nuclear plant which suffered insignificant damage from the earthquake and tsunami where nearly 15 000 people died in Japan in 2011 is 18 times lower than originally thought. 10 www.ankaradil.com
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42. Başarılı laboratuvar çalışmalarını takiben insan deneylerine başlayan araştırmacılara göre bol bol brokoli yemek osteoartriti yavaşlatabilir hatta hastalığı engelleyebilir. A) Researchers are starting human trials following on from successful lab studies and they say eating enough broccoli is likely to slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis. B) Eating plenty of broccoli must slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, according to researchers who are starting human trials before on from successful lab studies. C) Eating lots of broccoli may slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, according to researchers who are starting human trials following on from successful lab studies. www.ankaradil.com
D) Consuming too much broccoli might slow down but not prevent osteoarthritis, according to researchers who are starting human experiments following on from sensitive lab studies. E) People should eating lots of broccoli, and it may slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, according to researchers who began human trials following on from successful lab studies. 11 www.ankaradil.com
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44. According to the passage -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . 43. -­‐ 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. A) Patty Hearst was abducted for ransom but her parents refused to pay it. Most people know the phrase Stockholm Syndrome from the numerous high-­‐profile kidnapping and hostage cases. It occurs in the most psychologically traumatic situations, and its effects usually do not end when the crisis ends. In the most classic cases, victims continue to defend and care about their captors even after they escape captivity. The term is most associated with Patty Hearst, the Californian newspaper heiress who was kidnapped by revolutionary militants in 1974. She appeared to develop sympathy with her captors and joined them in a robbery. She was eventually caught and received a prison sentence. But Hearst's defence lawyer Bailey claimed that the 19-­‐year-­‐old had been brainwashed and was suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome" -­‐ a term that had been recently coined to explain the apparently irrational feelings of some captives for their captors. In this syndrome, the hostages experience a powerful, primitive positive feeling towards their captor. They are in denial that this is the person who put them in that situation. In their mind, they think this is the person who is going to let them live. In other words, it is a psychological survival tactic. To make the situation less stressful and more manageable, the captive comes to believe that the captor is their friend, that he or she is a good person deep down, and they can get out of this dilemma together B) hostages feel a great hatred against to their kidnappers and try to take their revenge. C) Stockholm syndrome was coined by Patty Hearst, who was kidnapped by revolutionary militants. D) the person in Stockholm syndrome creates an imaginary world where he sees his captor as a decent person or a mate. E) when the crisis ends, the victims always get over the syndrome’s effects. 45. It can be inferred from the passage -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. A) Stockholm Syndrome is a mental survival strategy developed as an attempt to endure in a threatening environment B) abductors develop sympathy for their hostages in most hostage cases in Stockholm Syndrome C) Stockholm Syndrome can also be found in family, romantic, and interpersonal relationships. D) Stockholm Syndrome occurs in every hostage or abusive situation. E) Stockholm Syndrome has to be studied comprehensively by psychologists 43.It is clearly stated in the passage that Stockholm Syndrome -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . 46. According to the passage -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. A) revolutionary militants always kidnap people for ransom or political motives. A) is usually a temporary traumatic feeling experienced by kidnappers B) Patty Hearst was abducted and brainwashed by special psychological techniques B) is only felt in situations where victims are brainwashed by their captors C) kidnappers usually don’t kill their hostages but try to manipulate them C) can continue its effects in spite of the victim being saved from the captivity D) has not been observed in most of the hostage cases D) Stockholm Syndrome is widely known for many abductions and hostage instances in the public eye. E) hardly interferes with victim’s rational thinking and reasoning E) Patty Hearst was forced to join rebel militants and rob a bank with them. 12 www.ankaradil.com
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48. The writer points out that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. 47. -­‐ 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. A) previously women were largely kept out of the workplace because of a lack of education and skills In the past, men and women generally had their own roles to fulfil. These traditional gender roles were the norm back then and, to a certain extent, are still observed today. Men were seen as the breadwinners of the family, from whom the family’s main source of income was obtained. Women were in charge of the households. This meant household expenses, a child’s upbringing and housekeeping were left to them. Now, however, these gender roles are increasingly being challenged. The basis of the argument against fixed gender roles is that it is a product of past ideas which cannot apply to modern life. Men and women are created equal, save some physical differences, and hence specific roles for men and women apply. To suggest that men and women having different roles to play in modern society would seem to be challenging this notion of sexual equality. This, I fear, is open to argument. The sexual equality revolution that has taken place has dramatically changed the workplace. Where once women were rarely seen in areas such as the offices of major firms and government departments they have now become accepted. Women can do tasks just as well as their male counterparts and have earnings equal or above their peers. B) given the sexual equality, the traditional gender roles can’t be sustained any more C) women must be supported by the government to join economic life D) women can do most jobs much better than male counterparts E) physical differences of women can be blamed for their inefficiency in office jobs 49. It is implied in the passage that, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) the traditional gender roles established in the past are still mostly seen in daily life B) there have been some development in equality of sexes at workplace recently C) today, it is men that usually meet the needs of the family by working outside D) much of what we consider masculine or feminine roles has been passed down as a result of social norms E) in most workplaces, the number of women has surpassed that of the men 47. According to the passage, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) women are largely responsible for raising children and doing chores today 50. What could be the best title for the passage? B) the idea that both sexes were created equal has been debated for a long time A) The place of women in workplaces C) gender stereotypes can influence beliefs and create the impression that the differences are large C) Inequalities between men and women B) The gender roles in the past and today D) The rise of women in business D) as with most modern societies, men are considered the breadwinners and take pride in providing for their families E) The basis of gender bias E) fixed gender roles are attributed to concepts of earlier centuries, which are today obsolete 13 www.ankaradil.com
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52. It is pointed out in the passage that the EU -­‐-­‐-­‐
-­‐. 51. -­‐ 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. A) is unlikely to accept and accommodate such a large increase in migrant numbers In 2015, more than 886,000 people reached the EU via the Mediterranean, a significant increase over previous years. More than 3,500 people died or went missing in the same period while making the journey. Arrivals to Greece via Turkey across the Aegean Sea now far outstrip crossings via Libya to Italy. From Greece, a debt-­‐stricken country unable to cope with the influx, many travel overland through the Western Balkans to reach other EU countries. Over 80 percent of those taking the dangerous journey originate from countries beset by war, generalized violence, or with repressive governments, such as Syria, Eritrea, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The EU continues to emphasize preventing departures and combating smuggling over a coordinated approach based on respect for human rights including through cooperation with Turkey and other transit countries. However, the EU should sustain robust search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and expand safe and legal channels into the EU. Also, EU countries should ensure more equitable responsibility sharing for asylum seekers. B) is reluctant to welcome migrants fleeing from war zones but repressive governments C) is expected not to take any more migrants or asylum seekers from any countries D) has been seeking to solve the migrant crisis by cooperating with transit countries E) has taken strict measures to human smugglers to end the migrant crisis 53. The writer is of the opinion that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) EU countries ought to divide the refugees equally among themselves B) making such a dangerous journey isn’t worth arriving in Europe C) Turkey and other transit countries have shown great efforts to curb the migration D) free movement inside the Schengen can’t continue due to security concerns E) the migrant crisis will enter a new and even more dangerous phase in coming years 51. According to the passage, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) the migrants arriving through Turkey to Europe is nearly as much as those arriving via Libya 54. It is clear in the passage that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . B) Greece hasn’t been able to prevent any migrant flow to Europe A) although huge numbers have been applying for asylum, the number of people being given asylum is far lower C) the migrant flow to Europe escalated in 2015 compared to earlier years B) Germany’s open immigration policies makes economic sense, given declining birth rates and ageing populations D) relatively few people use Balkan countries so as to reach to Europe E) ever-­‐growing migrant influx could have been prevented with collaboration amongst EU countries C) the EU has failed to provide satisfactory search and rescue operations in Mediterranean D) most of the people travelling to Europe come from countries where there is warfare, violence and persecution E) Greece and Italy are having difficulty in stopping migrants due to economic factors 14 www.ankaradil.com
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56. It can be deduced from the passage that …. . 55. -­‐ 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. A) the wire mother astonished the researcher given that it was assigned the expected role with the ability to feed its offspring In the 1950s, Harry Harlow of the University of Wisconsin tested infant dependency using rhesus monkeys in his experiments. The monkey was removed from its actual mother replaced with two “mothers,” one made of cloth and one made of wire. The cloth “mother” served no purpose other than its comforting feel whereas the wire “mother” fed the monkey through a bottle. The monkey spent the majority of his day next to the cloth “mother” and surprisingly only around one hour a day next to the wire “mother,” despite the expected conventional association between the wire model and food. Harlow also used intimidation to prove that the monkey found the cloth “mother” to be superior. Harlow also conducted experiments isolating monkeys from other monkeys to show that those who did not learn to be part of the group at a young age were unable to assimilate and mate when they got older. His experiments ceased in 1985 due to APA rules against the mistreatment of animals. However, Department of Psychiatry Chair Ned H. Kalin has recently begun similar experiments. He hopes to discover data on human anxiety, but he is, deservedly, meeting with resistance from animal welfare organizations. B) what made a mother a real one is not how she feeds her offspring but why she does so C) monkeys certainly bear resemblances with human beings as to their breeding D) Harlow’s experiments with monkeys and other animals were contributive to the APA regulations E) scaring monkeys in Harlow’s experiment was for the good of humanity in search of data over human anxiety 57. Harry Harlow quit his experiments with monkeys in that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. A) Kalin has set out on similar trials for all APA rules against the mistreatment of animals B) he failed to prove his assumptions that a feeding mother model would be superior C) animal abuse, along with human’s, was prohibited by the regulations of APA D) the cloth and wire mothers experiment was not merely conducted by him E) the young monkeys he used in his all studies became the ones unable to assimilate 55. According to the passage, the cloth mother in the experiment …. . A) had traits similar to the actual mother from whom the experiment monkey had been taken 58. According to the information at the end of the passage, which of the following questions can be easily answered? B) was the one with whom the monkey not only spent more time but also felt intimidation A) Why did Harlow insist on conducting experiments using animals? C) is still being discussed on the basis of its characteristics peculiar to the ones that a real mother should have B) What does the writer of the passage think about Ned H. Kalin’s meeting with resistance? C) How could Kalin prevent the aggressive reaction of Harlow? D) proved to be a better mother even if it could merely give the feeling of comfort to the monkey D) Why did the wire mother model make a poor mother for the young monkey? E) illustrated that it was a curse to give comfort at the expense of lacking the ability to feed its baby monkey E) Did Harlow deserve the punishment that was sentenced to by APA laws? 15 www.ankaradil.com
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60. It is inferred from research results that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . 59. -­‐ 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. A) people returning back to a stressful job after a heart attack are more prone to a second one than others who have stress free jobs Having a highly demanding job, but little control over it, could be a deadly combination, researchers say. They analysed the studies covering nearly 200,000 people and found "job strain" was linked to a 23% increased risk of heart attacks and deaths from coronary heart disease. However, the risk to the heart was much smaller than for smoking or not exercising, the medical report said. The report said how people reacted to work stress was key. Job strain is a type of stress. The research said working in any profession could lead to strain, but it was more common in lower skilled workers. Doctors who have a lot of decision-­‐making in their jobs would be less likely to have job strain than someone working on a busy factory production line. Prof Peter Weissberg, said "We know that being under stress at work, and being unable to change the situation, could increase your risk of developing heart disease." This large study confirms this, but also shows that the negative effect of workplace strain is much smaller than, for example, the damage caused by smoking or lack of exercise. Though stresses at work may be unavoidable, how you deal with these pressures is important, and lighting up a cigarette is bad news for your heart. Eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise and quitting smoking will more than offset any risk associated with your job. B) medicine prescribed by physicians can help us to overcome stressful situations C) how much a person experiences work-­‐related stress depends on the job he or she does D) some stress at work can be motivating, but when it is excessive it can eventually lead to heart diseases E) work-­‐related stress has many causes, including long hours, heavy workload, and job insecurity 61. According to Peter Weissberg, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) if not improved, being under a lot of strain might put people’s lives in the risk of heart problems B) the impact of work stress on heart is twice as high as smoking and absence of exercise C) situations and events that are distressing for your colleagues might not bother you D) work stress can be sparked by things such as a formal warning, increased work pressure and deadlines E) symptoms of work-­‐related stress may include depression, anxiety and a drop in work performance 59. According to the passage, -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. 62. The author believes that -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . A) stress at work causes nearly half of cardiovascular disease experienced by adults A) the researches carried out by experts on job strain can only give controversial findings B) smoking is not as effective as job strain in developing heart attacks or deaths B) employees suffering from work-­‐related stress should seek counselling from a psychologist C) lack of regular exercise can lead to severe stress at work and home C) changing the job is one of the best option for reducing the job strain D) working in any profession causes stress but it is more prevalent in lower skilled employees D) adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet will make up for work-­‐related stress E) the important thing is how you deal with the stress you experience at work E) lighting up a cigarette will probably offset the distress you are exposed to at work 16 www.ankaradil.com
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64. Ekrem : 63. -­‐ 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. -­‐ According to a study nearly 80% of the world's one billion smokers live in low-­‐ and middle-­‐
income countries. 63. Cem: Fuat: -­‐ Do you know that in a majority of developing countries girls continue to face discrimination with regards to access to school? -­‐ That didn’t surprise me at all, because smoking rates are often highest among those with the lowest levels of education and among the lowest income groups. Ali: -­‐ Yes, I do, but I don’t really understand what factors are behind this discrimination. Ekrem: -­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Cem: Fuat: -­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ You mean growing prosperity in countries have brought along an awareness of dangers of smoking. Ali: -­‐ The international community should take action to provide them with accessible education. A) For example, when tobacco tax rates were increased by 250% in South Africa in the 1990s, cigarette consumption fell by 5-­‐7% for every 10% increase in cigarette prices. A) One in three women and girls in the developing world live on less than $2 a day. B) Per capita consumption for the populations of the low-­‐income countries as a whole has dropped. B) Of course, in more than 100 countries, basic services are not free and many parents cannot afford them. C) That is true, as incomes have risen within populations, the number of people who smoke have declined. C) Boys don’t want to go to school as they want achieve vocational skills to make a living. D) Smoking use deepens poverty as money spent on tobacco is money not spent on basic necessities such as food, shelter, education and healthcare. D) Additionally, educated mothers are twice as likely to send their children to school. E) They are being denied educations because of gender inequalities, early marriage, helping with housework, and taking care of other siblings. E) If current patterns persist, smoking will kill more than 8 million a year by 2030, of which more than 80% will occur in low-­‐ and middle-­‐income countries 17 www.ankaradil.com
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65. Elif: 66. Evrim: -­‐ Between a third and half of all Americans have insomnia and complain of poor sleep. Perhaps you're one of them? -­‐ Have you seen this article about the stolen heritage of Anatolia? Deniz: Burcu: -­‐ No, not yet. I have just arrived. Can you tell me what it is about? -­‐ To be honest, I have been suffering from insomnia lately and using some kind of sleeping pills. Evrim: -­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Elif: Deniz: -­‐ A sleeping pill may be effective at ending your sleep problems short-­‐term but it won’t solve your problem permanently. -­‐ That is a shame. All these cultural treasures should be returned to where they belong to as soon possible. Burcu: A) Some 1,865 historical works of art that were seized at the border with Bulgaria have also been returned to Turkey. -­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ A) Well, you mean that these pills can only relieve my sleeping problem temporarily, so I should quit them. B) Actually, it argues that much is being lost because Turkey doesn't have an established system for preserving historical artefacts. B) Well, newer medications help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. C) European countries argue that conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage is very important C) In fact, this is a widespread problem in Europe and Asia too. D) Agreed. Turkey vehemently insists museums, including German ones, should return valuable archaeological treasures smuggled to Europe. D) Then, it means these herbs work well at helping you get to satisfactory sleep. E) Really? I didn’t know that exercise during the day can improve sleep at night. E) It says many historical Anatolian artefacts smuggled overseas during the time of the Ottoman Empire are still on display in museums abroad. 18 www.ankaradil.com
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67. Eren: www.ankaradil.com
68. -­‐ 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz. -­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Laçin: 68. Major advances in information and communication technology have fundamentally changed the way people live and communicate and how companies conduct business. -­‐ What could be the consequence of such a development in today communication? Eren: A) Huge developments caused by modest changes in information and communication technology have brought along a change to how people and companies run. -­‐ For one thing, it has made possible high quality communication from anywhere at extremely low costs with lightning speed. Laçin: B) Big developments in information and communication technology have hardly influenced the lifestyles and interaction way of people as well as business circles. -­‐ Then you are saying that the Internet has thus increased the speed of communications manifold, and reduced the costs drastically. C) Lately, the technological progress brought about new information and communication technology paved the way for new search for alternative communications methods. A) Technology has helped us store large amounts of information with ease in computers rather than file folders. B) The latest technological developments such as the Internet have resulted in the advancement of the science of communication to a new level. D) How people lead lives, keep in touch with one another and how firms run businesses have been transformed by great strides in information and communication technologies. C) Technology helps remove such barriers and ensure a level playing field in this aspect for the most part. E) The big steps in information and communication technologies is due to changing life styles and attitudes of people besides growing companies' effects. D) Methods of communication, verbal and non-­‐
verbal have come a long way since the time we communicated for simple needs like hunger and illness. E) When planning an online educational system the possibility of using several separate communication channels should be taken into consideration. 19 www.ankaradil.com
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69. Tooth decay which stems largely from a poor diet, but also poor dental care is caused by a build-­‐up of plaque on the teeth. www.ankaradil.com
70. Poverty alleviation has become an essential condition for peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development, besides being an ethical obligation in an affluent world. A) The plaque causes tooth decay, but this plaque disappears on the teeth by a balanced diet and good dental care. A) Sustainable poverty reduction has been an indispensable goal for providing peace, promoting environmental conservation and growth rather than a moral obligation in a rich world. B) The plaque which accumulates on the teeth gives rise to tooth decay resulting from mainly bad nourishment as well as insufficient care for teeth. B) Unlike being an unnecessary concern impoverished world, the decrease in poverty levels have taken priority over peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development C) Tooth decay leads to increase of plaque on the teeth although it contributes to poor diet and dental care. C) The reduction of poorness has turned to an important necessity for peace, environmental preservation and sustainable growth as well as being a moral must in prosperous world. D) Neither a poor diet nor poor dental care leads to tooth decay as the build-­‐up of plaque on the teeth largely loses its effect. E) The plaque which remains on the teeth leaves teeth vulnerable to tooth decay, but it only stems from insufficient care for teeth. D) In addition to being an ethical issue for rich world, the increase in poorness has undermined the efforts for peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development E) Decreasing poverty has become an insignificant concern in an affluent world, as peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development haven't been addressed with an ethical obligation. 20 www.ankaradil.com
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71. The latest reports say sea levels have been rising faster in the last two decades than previously, and this tremendous rise is being seen in many tropical regions of the world. www.ankaradil.com
72. -­‐ 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 72. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . For fastest relief, a government can release reserves of grain, which can also help to stabilize prices. But if such reserves do not exist, there are few options for providing immediate relief other than the distribution of free food aid. Relief must go to the most severely affected regions and people, even if they are difficult to reach, as rapidly as possible. In areas prone to food shortages, populations may require free food aid for several years. A) The latest reports show that sea levels will increase much faster than the last two decades, and this enormous increase can only be seen in tropical regions of the world. B) According to new reports, in the past twenty years, there has been a sharper surge in the sea levels than earlier time and we can witness this enormous increase in most areas in tropical world. C) Sea levels have ceased to rise in the last twenty years according to new studies, but there is a huge increase seen in many tropical regions of the world. A) Few human tragedies have seized the world’s attention as thoroughly as Africa’s famine. B) Autocratic governments can be expected to respond differently to the availability of international food aid than democratic governments. D) It is said that sea levels in all tropical regions of the world has undergone a fast rise according to recent reports and this rate is rising faster than the earlier two decades. C) Governments need policies to decide the conditions under which grain from the reserve is released and how it is disposed of or sold. E) New reports show that taken measures have led sea levels to decrease more quickly than formerly and that brings a new rise which is being witnessed in some tropical areas of the world. D) When a famine is already underway, governments and aid agencies must work to minimize the mortality it produces. E) There has been a huge reduction in the number of people suffering from chronic hunger over the past several years. 21 www.ankaradil.com
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73. Music supports many developing skills of infants and young children. It can build relationships, provide comfort, foster language development, launch creativity, develop fine and large muscles and build coordination. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ . Young toddlers can participate in a song by clapping, bouncing or swaying with your help. They may try to dance or sing, or enjoy exploring the sounds of musical toys. 74. Global Climate Change is the most pressing problem the world faces today, due to the potentially catastrophic and far-­‐reaching nature of its effects. There are myriad ways to reduce these emissions. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. The gradual increase in global efficiency standards of cars is not only feasible, but will provide additional benefits to the all countries like promoting a cleaner environment. A) But they learn much more when adults often talk and play with them, rather than just watch them play. A) However, vehicles that use fuels other than gasoline or diesel should receive substantial tax incentives. B) Toddlers need outdoor and indoor space to play actively and enjoy. B) In other words, the industry argues that heavy cars should be subject to weaker CO2 standards than light ones. C) Music therapy can benefit the elderly with mental health needs, cognitive disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease and other aging related conditions. C) One of the most readily achievable methods is to increase the average fuel economy of the global automobile fleet. D) But these conversations stimulate the parts of a child’s brain responsible for speech and language development. D) Therefore, cars cause severe local air pollution and traffic congestion as well as increasing parking problems and accident costs. E) Captivated by the pattern of your voice, they may watch you intently, try to imitate your sounds, or wave and kick with delight. E) Besides, cities around the world are facing increasing environmental, social and economic challenges caused by inefficient urban transport systems. 22 www.ankaradil.com
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75. One of the most common practices in all of the religions of the world is sacrifice. Throughout history, people have offered sacrifices of nearly every imaginable material to the gods, spirits, and demons, or for ancestor veneration. Most often, they are animals, which are slaughtered and then burned or cooked and eaten before the gods. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐. For example, people have sacrificed grain, wine, milk, water, wood, tools, weapons, and jewellery to the gods. Occasionally, religions call for the sacrifice of a human, but in most religions this is a relatively rare practice. www.ankaradil.com
76. -­‐ 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz 76. (I) The transformation of news landscape has already taken a heavy toll on print news sources, particularly print newspapers. (II) Therefore, more people still prefer the conventional print versions of newspapers than going online to read them. (III) Online and digital news consumption, meanwhile, continues to increase, with many more people now getting news on cell phones, tablets or other mobile platforms. (IV) And perhaps the most dramatic change in the news environment has been the rise of social networking sites. (V) The percentage of Americans saying they saw news or news headlines on a social networking site yesterday has doubled – from 9% to 19% – since 2010. A) However, the sacrifice of nearly every other item of value can be found. B) For many people, religion, more than any other cultural trait, defines who they are and how they understand the world around them. C) One form of such sacred place visited by millions of Muslim people every year is popular pilgrimage site Kaaba. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V D) Thus, these religious myths often are used to explain the whys and hows of the world. E) Typically, the religions and total cultures of prehistoric people were referred to as primitive 77. (I) People prescribed anti-­‐depressants should be aware they could be at increased risk of type 2 diabetes, say UK researchers. (II) The research team looked at available medical studies and found evidence the two were linked. (III) But there was no proof that one necessarily caused the other. (IV) It may be that people taking anti-­‐
depressants put on weight which, in turn, increases their diabetes risk. (V) Anti-­‐depressants may help stroke patients recover, according to this research. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 23 www.ankaradil.com
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78. (I) Most toddlers can tell us if they are in pain. (II) Even if they cannot verbally communicate the source and level of their pain, toddlers can usually accurately point to the site of pain. (III) Crying is a natural and often automatic response to pain that can be helpful as a method of releasing the tension and anxiety pain causes. (IV) However, if they can’t indicate it on their own body, they might point to the spot in an illustration or photograph or on a doll’s body. (V) Some toddlers are reluctant to say they are in pain, but changes in their normal patterns of behaviour or movement may signal that something is wrong. A) I B) II C) III D) IV 80. (I) Ottoman science emerged and developed on the basis of the old scientific legacy and institutions of the pre-­‐Ottoman Seljuk period in Anatolian cities. (II) It benefited from the activities of scholars who came from Egypt, Syria, Iran and Turkestan which were the most important scientific and cultural centres of the time. (III) The Ottoman brought a new dynamism to cultural and scientific life in the Islamic world and enriched it. (IV) Thus, the Islamic scientific tradition reached its climax in the sixteenth century. (V) The first Ottoman madrasa was established in Iznik in 1311, when scholars were invited from Iran and Egypt to augment Muslim instruction in the new territories. E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 79. (I) Many as half of the world’s nearly 7,000 languages are poised to become extinct within the next century. (II) When these languages die, it will impact the endangered language community and the academic community alike. (III) Language plays a large role in identity formation, so the loss of a language has significant consequences for its speakers. (IV) That’s to say, he term “extinct” is commonly used to describe things that no longer have any descendants. (V) Endangered language communities also stand to lose valuable cultural practices, such as oral histories, traditional songs and poetry, and other art forms that are tied to language. A) I www.ankaradil.com
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