CURRICULUM VITAE Birsen Durmaz Çetin, MD Date of Birth : 04


CURRICULUM VITAE Birsen Durmaz Çetin, MD Date of Birth : 04
Birsen Durmaz Çetin, MD
Date of Birth
: 04 October 1965
Current Position
: Associate Professor in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Foreign Language
Koc University School of Medicine
VKV American Hospital
: English
Contact Information:
Mobile: 0532 697 40 12
Faculty of Istanbul University
Infectious Diseases and Sisli Etfal Training and Research 1994
Clinical Microbiology
Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases and
Clinical Microbiology
Sisli Etfal Training and Research
Academic and Professional Experience:
Çankırı Çerkeş Main Health Center
Istanbul Küçükyalı Center for Maternal and Infant 1989-1990
Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Infectious 1990-1994
Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Infectious 1994- 1998
Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Infectious 1998-2011
Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
VKV Italian Oncology and Rehabilitation Hospital, 2005-2007
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
VKV American Hospital, Infectious Diseases and 2001-2011
Clinical Microbiology
Associate Professor
Koc University School of Medicine, Department of
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Associate Professor
Clinical Microbiology Clinical Microbiology
Koc University School of Nursing
Positions Held:
: Chairman, Hospital Infection Control Committee, VKV American Hospital
: Chairman, Antibiotic Control Committee, VKV American Hospital
: Member, Quality Management and Improvement Committee
: Member, Wound Care Committee, Sisli Etfal Training and Research
: Member, Risk Management Committee, VKV American Hospital
: Chairman, Hospital Infection Control Committee, VKV Italian Oncology and
Rehabilitation Hospital
: Chairman, Hospital Infection Control Committee, Sisli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital
: Member, Ethics Committee, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital
: Member, Hospital Infection Control Committee, VKV American Hospital
Board Certifications:
: Association of EKMUD (Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology for
Specialists and Residents)
: Association of KLIMIK (Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases for
Specialists and Residents)
Courses and Certificates:
25- 29 April 2011
: Hospital Infection and Control Certification
Programme, Ministry of Health
16- 18 February 2007
: HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Educational Programme for Healthcare Professionals
24- 25 March 2007
: Candida Infections in Clinical Practice
17- 20 April 2004
: Education Programme in Hospital Infection
27 – 29 February 2004
: Post graduate Course 3.Febrile Neutropeniae
18 – 25 October 2000
: ( PCR ) RD/Cobas Amplicor System
22 – 24 March
: Practice in Immunology Education
25 – 27 February 2000
: Postgraduate Course 2.Febrile Neutropeniae
20 – 22 May 1999
: Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Course” European
Society of Chemotherapy Infectious Diseases.
20 – 22 May 1999
: “Identification of Fungi Course” European Society of
Chemotherapy Infectious Diseases.
7 – 10 June 1998
:Flow-Cytometry ( Coulter Epics XL-MCL) Education.
4 November– 21 April 1994
:Antibiotic Use in Clinical Practice
Membership of Scientific Organizations:
o ESCMID ( European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases)
o KLIMIK ( Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Association)
o EKMUD ( Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Association)
o Turkish Society for Microbiology
o Viral Hepatitis Society
o Association of Hospital Infections
o Istanbul Medical Chamber
-JCI Best Practice Recognition on Isolation Procedures,VKV American
- Respiratory system involvement in Brucellozis: Results of Kardelen study. EKMUD 2013
Scientific platform. The best oral presentation prize.
o Infection Control Chapter, leadership, JCI Accreditation, VKV American Hospital
(Hospital Accreditation December 2002 - Reaccreditiation:2005-2009)
o Infection Control Chapter, Leadership, JCI Accreditation, VKV Italian Oncology
and Rehabilitation Hospital, 2005.
o Member, Swine Flu Pandemia Scientific Board,İstanbul,2009-2010
o Swine Flu Control Committee, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, 2009-2010.
o Swine Flu Education program of health professionals, Sisli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital,2009-2010
o Prevention of catheter associated blood stream infections in cases with
hematologic malignancies, VKV American Hospital,2009o Prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia, VKV American Hospital,2009o Increasing the efficiency of hand washing, VKV American Hospital,2007-2009
o Avian Influenza Control Committee, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital,20062007
o Restricted antibiotic usage ,VKV American Hospital,2005-2010
o Diabetic foot infections, 2011o Predictors of Colistin Nephrotoxicity: A Multicenter Study, 2012o Evaluation of Renal Tuberculosis Cases, 2012o Comparison of ceftriaxone versus ceftriaxone plus vancomycin combination in patients
with pneumococcal meningitis, 2012o Locus Of Control, Social Factors (Perceived Social Support And Stigmatization), Coping
and Agression, Anxiety, and Self Esteem, Self Efficiacy in Patients with HIV, 2013-
o Evaluation of Brucella Epididymo-orchitis, 2013o Investigating the effect of Human Immunodefiency Virus ( HIV) and Highly
Antiretroviral Theraphy (HAART) on the Gastrointestinal Ecosystem of HIV infected
patients, 2013-
Thesis Advisor:
1. Evaluation of blood culture results among clinics other than intensive care units during the
period of 2002-2006 at Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Songül Ercan Borahan,
2. Seroprevalance of hepatitis B and C among health care workers. Ersin Aşkar,2006
3. Evaluation of meningitis cases during the last six years, Mehtap Oktar,2006
4. Investigation of beta lactamase resistance in gram negative bacteria isolated from intensive
care units patients, Ayfer Eren Şensoy, 2001
5. Grouping of beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from throat cultures, Kadir Güneş,2000
6. Investigation of the effects of antibiotics synergism over Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated
from clinical specimens by the e-test method, Mustafa Gül, 2000
7. Investigation of vaginal and rectal group B beta-hemolytic streptococcal colonization in
pregnant women, Emine Hoşaf, 2000
8. Investigation of Chlamydia trachomatis antigens in endocervical samples by immunoassay
method (Chlamyfast), Nevin Sarıgüzel, 1996
Lectures 2012-2013 (Koc University School of Medicine, Koc University School of Nursing)
The Change of Infections in the Changing World
Antibiotics: Mechanism of Action and Resistance
 Introduction to Microbiology History, Diversity of Microorganisms
 General Characteristics of Microorganisms-I
Structure and classification
 General Characteristics of Microorganisms-II
Growth and nutrition
 Control of Microbial Growth
 Normal Flora of Humans
Host-Parasite interactions
 Portals of entry and exit,transmission of pathogens
 Preventing the spread of communicable diseases.
 Immunity I
Innate and acquired immune responses
Antigen and antibody reaction
 Immunity II
Hypersensivity reactions
 Major Infectious Diseases of Humans
Skin,eye,ear infections
 Major Infectious Diseases of Humans
Respiratory System Infections
 Major Infectious Diseases of Humans
Gastrointestinal System and Urogenital tract Infections
 Major Infectious Diseases of Humans
Circulatory System and Nervous System Infections
 Hospital Infections
 Hand Hygine
 Orientation to the Laboratory
Safety Rules in the Laboratory
 Microscopes
Wet mount preparations
 Simple stains
Gram and Giemsa stains
 Sterilization, Disinfection
Hand washing
Waste management
 Special Dyes
 Medically important fungi
 Medically important parasites
 Specimen collection and transport I
Skin,eye,ear samples
 Specimen collection and transport II
Upper and lower respiratory system specimens
 Specimen collection and transport III
Gastrointestinal system and urogenital tract specimens
 Specimen collection and transport IV
CNS and blood culture samples
Articles in Foreign Language:
1. Erdem H, Dizbay M, Karabey S, Kaya S, Demirdal T, Koksal I, Inan A, Erayman I, Ak O,
Ulu-Kilic A, Karasahin A, Akbulut A, Elaldi N, Yilmaz G, Candevir A, Gul HC, Gonen I,
Azak E, Tekin R, Cetin B, Kose S, Turan H, Akalin H, Karabay O, Dogan-Celik A,
Albayrak A, Guven T, et al. Withdrawal of Staphylococcus aureus from intensive care
units in Turkey. American Journal of Infection Control (2013) ( In press Ms. Ref. No.:
AJIC-D-12-00561R3 ).
2. Erdem H, Inan A, Elaldi N, Tek R, Gulsun S, Ataman-Hatipoglu C, Deveci O, Yalci A,
Bolukcu S, Dagli O, Pekok A, Erayman I, Cetin B, Cicek-Senturk G, Duygu F, Engin A,
Hakyemez I, et al. Respiratory System Involvement In Brucellosıs: Results Of Kardelen
Study. CHEST Journal (2013) (In press, Ms. ID. 13-0240)
3. Oktenoglu T, Sasani M, Cetin B, Bozkus H, Ercelen O, Vural M, “Spontaneous pyogenic
spinal epidural abscess”, Turkish Neurosurgery, Vol:21, No:1, 74-82 (2011)
4. Kucukardalı Y, Oncul O, Cavuslu S, Danacı M ,Calangu S, Topcu A, Akova M, Azak E,
Caka B, Cetin B, Coban E,Erdem H, Karabay O, Karakoc C, Karan MA, Korkmaz S, Ozkaya
G, Pahsa A, Sirmatel F, Solmazgul E, Uzun C, Yakupoglu G, Besirbellioglu B. Fever
Unknown Origin Study Group. “The changing spectrum of diseases causing fever of
unknown origin in Turkey: a multicenter study”, International Journal of Infectious
Diseases.12,71-79 (2008).
5. Çetin B.D., Hasman H, Ozcan N,Gunduz A, Harmankaya O, Seber E, “Epidemiology and
etiology of catheter related nosocomial infections in a Turkish hospital”, le infezioni in
Medicina. Vol. 13, (3), September (2005).
6. Çetin , B. D., Harmankaya O, Hasman H, Gunduz A, Oktar M , Seber E, “A
common manifestation of leptospirosis”, Renal Failure. Nov: 26 (6), 655-61 (2004).
7. Harmankaya O, Çetin B. D., Erimez D, Obek A , Seber E, “Patient isolation
prevents the transmission of hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis units,”
Dialysis & Transplantation, Vol. 31, (12), 859-861 (2002).
8. Harmankaya O., Çetin B, Obek A, Seber E , “Low prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection
in hemodialysis units: effect of isolation?” Renal failure, Vol. 24, (5), 639-645 (2002).
9. Arslanoğlu I., Çetin B, Isguven P and M. Karavuş, “Anti-HB response to standard hepatitis
B. vaccination in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus”, Journal of
Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. Volume 15, (4), 389-395 (2002).
Book Chapter:
 Yildirim Ö, Cetin B, Kucukerenkoy F, Boyoglu F, Dogan N. Increasing complience with
hand-hygiene protocol. Best practice in Infection prevention and Control. An International
Perspective. 2nd edition. (Soule BM, Memish SA, Malani PN Eds). pp28-32, 2012 by Joint
Commision International.
Articles in Turkish:
1. Hasman, H., B Durmaz Çetin , “Antibacterial resistance of microorganisms causing
nosocomial infections”, Journal of the Turkish Microbiological Society, Vol.35, (1), 67-73 (2005).
2.Durmaz Çetin , B ., A. Gündüz, L. Erdem, E. Seber and Sökmen M, “Helicobacter pylori
infections and the role of the stool antigen test in the diagnosis ,” Klimik Journal , Vol:17, (3), 177180 (2004).
3. Hasman, H., B . Durmaz Çetin , “Antibacterial resistance of agents causing nosocomial
catheter related infections at Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital”, Journal of the Turkish
Microbiological Society, Vol.34, (4), 233-237 (2004).
4. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N.Özcan, M. Oktar, A. Gündüz and M.Gül, “Investigation of resistance to
different antibiotics of staphylococcus strains isolated from wound samples” The Medical Bulletin
of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol.38, (2), 44-47 (2004).
5. Gül, M., A. Şensoy, B . Çetin , F. Korkmaz and E. Seber, “Investigation of ceftazidime
susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains causing hospital infections by E-test and disc
diffusion methods” Journal of the Turkish Microbiological Society, Vol.34, (1), 33-36 (2004).
6. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N. Özcan, M. Oktar, H. Hasman and M. Gül, “Three years change of
antibiotic susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated wond and abscess samples ”,
Journal of the Turkish Microbiological Society, Vol.34,(4), 244-247 (2004).
7. Durmaz Çetin , B . and H. Hasman, “Herpes Encephalites”, Klimik Journal ,Vol 17, (2), 6871 (2004).
8. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N. Özcan, M. Oktar, Ö. Harmankaya, M. Yılmaz, A. Ünsal and N.
Çimenci, “Investigation of nasal Staphylococcus aureus colonisation among staff and patients in a
hemodialysis unit”, The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol.38, (3), 27-30 (2004).
9. Hasman, H., B. Çetin Durmaz, A. Gündüz, İ. Çelebi and E. Seber “Herpes simplex
virus encephalitis. “Presentation of two cases”, Turkish Journal of Infection, Cilt. 18 (1) 87-90
10. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N. Özcan, M. Oktar, H. Hasman,H Kımıl, “Investigation of
antibiotic resistance and species identification of enterococci isolated from clinical samples” ,
The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol.38, (3), 31-36 (2004).
11. Durmaz Çetin , B ., H. Hasman, A. Gündüz and E. Seber, “Evaluation thirteen cases with
leptospirosis”, Klimik Journal , Vol 16, (2) ,91-94 (2003).
12. Gül, M., A. Şensoy, B . Çetin , B. Bayraktar and E. Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibility of
pseudomonas species causing nosocomial infections”, Çukurova University Medicine Faculty
Journal, Vol:28 , (1), 9-12 (2003).
13. Gül, M., A. Şensoy, B. Çetin, F. Korkmaz and E. Seber, “Investigation of efficiency of
ticarcillin-clavunat to gram negative agents causing nosocomial infections by E-test”, Çukurova
University Medicine Faculty Journal,vol.28 ,(2), 60-64 (2003).
14. Gül, M., A. Şensoy, B. Çetin , A. Gündüz and E. Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibility of gram
negative enteric bacilli causing nosocomial infections”, The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal
Hospital, Vol.36, (3), 49-52 (2002).
15. Çınar, U., Ö.Yiğit, B.Uslu , B . Çetin , E.Topuz, Ü.Ünsal , N.Özcan, B.Dadaş, “Relationship of
Candida colonisation on oropharynx and Bloom-Singer voice prosthesis and its effect on the life of
the prosthesis”, Ear Nose Throat Speciality Journal, vol.9, (6) 410-413 (2002).
16. Hasman, H., B . D. Çetin, A. Gündüz, N. Beslen, E. Seber, “A rapidly progressive case of
acquired immune defficiency syndrome presenting with cryptococcal meningitis”, Turkish Journal of
Infection, 16 (4), 493-496 (2002).
17. Gül, M., B. Durmaz Çetin , A.Gündüz, F. Korkmaz, E.Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibility
of staphylococcus strains isolated from different clinical samples” The Medical Bulletin of Şişli
Etfal Hospital, Vol. 36, (1), 28-30 (2002).
18. Çetin Durmaz, B . , A. Gündüz, A. Şensoy, F. Korkmaz, E. Seber, “Investigation of
antibiotic susceptibility and extended spectrum beta lactamase features of gram negative
bacteria causing nosocomial infections,” Journal of the Turkish Microbiological Society, Vol. 31,
41-45 (2001).
19. Çetin Durmaz, B., İ. Arslanoğlu , P. İşgüven , N. İlgezdi, U. Numanoğlu, M. Karavuş,
E. Seber, “Efficacy of standard hepatitis B immunisation among children and adolescents with
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”. Viral Hepatitis journal, No.1, Vol.7, 250-252 (2001).
20. Çetin Durmaz, B . , S. Hatipoğlu, E. Sönmez Önal, A. Gündüz,E. Seber. “Rotavirus
prevalence among 0-5 years old gastroenteritis cases” Journal of the Turkish Microbiological
Society, Vol.31, (34), 263-265 (2001).
21. Hoşaf, E., A. Çalıca, B. Çetin Durmaz, E. Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibilities of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa strains isolated from wound, abscess samples” Journal of the Turkish Microbiological
Society, Vol. 31, (1-2), 37-40 (2001).
22. Gündüz, A. , B. Çetin, N. Özcan, H. Hasman, E. Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibility of gram
negative non-fermentative bacteria isolated from Intensive Care Units”, The Medical Bulletin of
Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol 35, (4), 19-22 (2001).
23. Sönmez, Önal, E., S. Hatipoğlu , B . Çetin Durmaz, M. Öztürk, K. Aksu, T. Olgun,
“Evaluation of cases with mumps meningoencephalitis followed our clinic,” Kartal Training
and Research Journal,XII, (1-2-3), 27-28 (2001).
24. Çetin Durmaz, B., Tourist diarrhea. Hipokrat Journal. (10) , (11), 448-449 (2001).
25 Çetin Durmaz, B ., Antibiotic associaed diarrhea. Hipokrat Journal. (10) , (12), 463464 (2001).
26. B. Durmaz Cetin, Gunduz A, Şensoy A, Korkmaz F, Seber E.”Determination of ESBL in
hospital infections caused by gram negative organism and antibiotic suspectibility of the
isolates. Journal of the Turkish Microbiological Society,31:1-2;13-17 (2001)
27. Seber, E., B . Durmaz Çetin , F. Korkmaz, K. Güneş, N. Okunakol, “Antibiotic susceptibility
of bacteria isolated from urinary tract infections”, The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital,
Vol. 344, (1), 43-45 (2000).
28 Hatipoğlu, S., E. Sönmez Önal, B. Çetin Durmaz, G. Güneş, M. Öztürk, T.Olgun, “Subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis (A case presentation)”, Kartal Training and Research Journal, Vol.
XI, (3), 916-917 (2000).
29. Doğan, S., S. Meral, N. Urgancı, B . Çetin , N. Kayaalp, “Ceftazidime in febrile
neutropenic patients” Turkish Oncology Journal, Vol.15, (3), 103-106 (2000).
30. Çetin Durmaz, B ., F. Yetişkul, S. Hatipoğlu, Y. Çağan, E. Seber, T. Olgun, “A case
with nosocomial meningitis caused by multiple drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa”, The
Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol (32). 1-2-3-4, 81-83 (1998).
31. Çetin Durmaz, B . , I. Kunter, G.A. Çetin, N. Sar, E. Seber, “Comparison of
immune chromatography with ELİSA for the detection of HBsAg”, Viral Hepatitis Journal, (2),
118-119 (1998).
32. Çetin Durmaz, B . , S. Erdeniz, G. A. Çetin, E. Seber, M. Karakuş, “Investigation of
HbsAg among food industry employees by immune chromatography method”, Viral Hepatitis
Journal, (2), 120-122 (1998).
33. Çetin Durmaz, B . and E. Seber, “General approach to gastroenteritis” Medical Bulletin of
Şişli Etfal Hospital, Vol (2-3), 249-266, (1994).
Book Chapter:
 Cetin BD, Gunduz A. Urinary tract infections in the elderly. Urinary Tract Infections.
Published by Istanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, Istanbul,2013 (in press).
International Presentations:
1. Yıldırım A, Boyoglu R, Cetin B, Kucukerenkoy F , Erbey O ” Restricted Antibiotics
Management” 16 th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacist, Vienna,2011
2. S.Gençaslan, A.Gunduz, A.S. Konuklar, N.Uzun, B. Cetin, T. Aslan, “Extrapulmonary
Tuberculosis. a Review of 70 Cases” The 3 rd Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Baku,2009.
3. B. Sahin, B. Cetin, N. Uzun, A. Gunduz, A. Konuklar, T. Aslan, “Vancomycin resistant
Enterococcus Infection” The 3 rd Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Baku,2009.
4. S. Borahan, D. Yıldız, F. Tuncer, B.Cetin, N. Uzun, A. Gunduz, T.Aslan, “Evaluation of
blood culture results obtained from different clinics except intensive care units during a four years
period “The 3 rd Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Baku,2009.
5. A. S. Konuklar, D. Yıldız, Z. Gokturk, A. Tekin, A. Gumduz, B.D. Cetin, N. Uzun, T. Aslan,
“Retrospective evaluation of 400 patients with acute hepatitis” 5 th APASL Single Topic
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-20 May 2009.
6. A.Palanduz, L. Erdem, B.D.Cetin, N.Ozcan, A.Gunduz, A.O.Ozturk, T. Aslan “Helicobacter
pylori infection in the family members of patients who underwent endoscopy for
gastroduodenal symptoms” The first international congress of central asia infectious diseases,
105, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2006.
7. M.Oktar, N.Uzun, A.Gunduz, A.Oncul, D.Yıldız, F. Tuncer, B.D.Cetin, T.Aslan “A
retrospective analysis of the meningitis cases in a teaching and research hospital during last six
years of period” The first international congress of central asia infectious diseases, 106,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2006.
8. G.Karatekin, O.Salihoglu, B.D.Cetin, S.Uslu, C.Kanı, A.Konuklar, T.Aslan, A.Nuhoglu
“Neonatal sepsis in the neonatal care unit: a 6 year analysis” The first international congress
of central asia infectious diseases, 108, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2006.
9. E.Askar, N.Uzun, A.Gunduz, B.D.Cetin, T.Aslan “Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among
health care workers in a teaching and research hospital” The first international congress
of central asia infectious diseases, 108, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2006
10.Hasman, H., Durmaz Çetin B ., Özcan N.,Gündüz A. and Harmankaya
Ö.,”Antibacterial resistance of nosocomial catheter infectious agents in Şişli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital,” Proc. XXIII.World congress of pathology and laboratory medicine
167,İstanbul, Turkey ,2005.
11. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N. Özcan, H. Hamsan and M. Oktar, “The Identification and
antibacterial resistance of enterococcus species Isolated from Clinical Specimens,”Proc.
XXIII.World congress of pathology and laboratory medicine , 167,İstanbul, Turkey, 2005.
12. Saniç, A., C. Eroğlu, M. Günaydın, H. Leblebicioğlu, E. Seber, V. Avkan Oğuz, M. Atasever, I.
Uruk, I. Ceyhan, R. Durmaz, A. Yaman, O. Tansel, A. Karadağ, E. Öztürk, B. Durmaz, A. Yüce,
G. Aslan, “Mutations in the rpoB, katG and inhA genes leading to rifampicin and isoniazid
resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Turkey”, Proc. 15th ECCMID,
154,Copenhagen, 2005
13. Küçükardalı, Y., O Öncül, S. Çavuslu, M. Danacı,Topcu A, Akova M, Azak E, Calangu S,
Çetin B, Coban E, Erdem H ,Karabay O ,Karakoc C, Karan MA, Korkmaz S, Ozkaya G,Pahsa
A,Sirmatel F, Solmazgul E, Uzun C,Yakupoglu G, Besirbellioglu B, Fever Unknown Origin
Study Group, “The Changing spectrum of diseases causing fever of unknown origin in Turkey: a
multicentre study”, Proc. 15th ECCMID, Vol 11,560-561,Copenhagen, 2005.
14. Çetin, B . D., N. Özcan, M. Oktar and M. Gül, “Change in antimicrobial resistance pattern
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa species isolated from wounds and abscesses over a threeyear period,”Proc.14th ECCMID,Vol.10 ,598, Prague, 2004.
15. Gündüz, A., B . D. Çetin L. Erdem and M. Sökmen, “ Comparison of stool test (HPSA) with
rapid urease test and histology in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection,” Proc.14 th
ECCMID, Vol.10,629-630,Prague, 2004.
16. Çetin, D. B. , N. Okunakol, M. Oktar and N. Özcan, “The simultaneous evaluation of
cultures obtained from urinary catheter and urine cultures of patients at Şişli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital, ”Proc. Microbıologıa Balkanıca 2003, 3rd Balkan Conference of
Microbiology, 546, Istanbul , Turkey, 2003.
17. Çetin , D. B. , S. Tatlıdede, Ü. Gürer Soyoğlu, Ü. İleri, E. Rayaman, H. Kımıl and A.
Çevikbaş, “The antımıcrobıal actıvıty of vernix caseosa,” Proc. Microbıologıa Balkanıca 2003,
3rd Balkan Conference of Microbiology, 517, Istanbul ,Turkey, 2003.
18. Yılmaz, M., Unsal A, Harmankaya O, Kösem M, Erimez D, Borlu F, Çetin B, Civan N
and Ahbap E, “Should femoral catheters be used only for short-term applications ? A comparison
of duration and complications of temporary femoral and jugular catheters,” Proc.Bantao
Journal, Journal of the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and
Artificial Organs, Vol. 1, Issue. 1 Bulgaria, 2003.
Çetin BD and Aksu A, “A rarely seen urea cycle
defect: citrulinemia,”Proc. The 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics, 504, Beijing, China,
19. Sönmez E, Hatipoglu S,
20. Çetin, B.D. , Hasman H, Gunduz A, Hatipoglu S and Seber E, “Nosocomial catheter
infections among 0-14 years old children.”Proc. The 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics,
641,Beijing, China, 2001.
21. Harmankaya O, Çetin B , Eran A, Seber E, Küçükler K and Obek A, “Low Prevalence
of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in hemodialysis units: effect of isolation?, Proc.11th
European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases , 43, Istanbul ,Turkey, 2001.
22. Çetin, B. , Gunduz A, Hatipoglu S, Sonmez E , Seber E and Olgun T, “Rotavirus infection
in gastroenteritis cases among children under 5 years of age”,Proc. Clinical Microbiology
and Infection Vol. 7, Suppl.1,258, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001.
23. Günes K, Seber E, Çetin B and Gunduz A, “Group A β hemolytic streptococcus
among patients with upper respiratory tract infections” ,Proc. Clinical Microbiology and Infection,
Vol. 7, Supp.1, 289, Istanbul, Turkey,2001.
24. Hoşaf E., Seber E, Çetin B and Gunduz A, “Vaginal colonization of pregnant women
with group β streptococcus,” Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of The European Society For
Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), 35, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001.
25. Hatipoğlu S., Sonmez E, Çetin BD, Kılıncoglu F, Gunduz A, Olgun T and Seber
E, “Nosocomial Fungal Meningitis: A Case Report,” Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of The
European Society For Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), 60, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001.
26. Seber E., Durmaz Çetin B, F. Korkmaz, M. Gül and A. E. Şensoy, “Antibiotic susceptibility
of gram-negative bacteria isolated as causative of nosocomial infections”, Proc. European
Society of Chemotherapy Infectious Diseases, 6th Scientific Meeting, 85,İstanbul, Turkey, 1999.
27. Çetin B , İ. Arslanoğlu, N. İlgezdi, Ü. Numanoğlu, P. İşgüven and E. Seber, “AntiHBs antibody levels in type-1 diabetic children after hepatitis-B vaccination,” Proc. First
world Congress on Vaccines and Immunization, İstanbul,Turkey,1998.
Turkish Presentations:
1. Respiratory system involvement in Brucellozis: Results of Kardelen study. EKMUD
2013 Scientific platform. (Oral presentation), Istanbul, 20-24 March 2013.
2. Tombul A. Alkan M. Dönmez H.E. Çetin B. ve ark. . Ventilatör associated
pneumonia (VAP). 2. National Hospital Infections Symposium.9-11 March Istanbul,
3. Uzpak Boyoglu R, Kazancı Dogan N, Cetin Durmaz B, Kucukerenkoy F,” Increasing the
effectiveness of hand hygiene” (oral presentation)VII.National Healhcare Facilities
Management Congress,Girne,May, 2009
4. R. Uzpak, N Dogan Kazancı, F. Kucukerenkoy, B. Cetin, S. Aksayan, N. Erdemir
Cakmak.” Does alcohol based hand desinfectant usage affect hand washing”, Hospital
Infections Congress, Antalya, 2010
5. M. Şahin, B . Durmaz Çetin , A. Gündüz, A. Sanlı Konuklar, İ. Kıvanç Altunay, “A
case developing neuropathic ulcer and osteomyelitis due to underlying benzene
neuropathy”, 14.Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress,
Antalya, 2009
6. M. Cengiz, D. Yıldız Sevgi, B . Durmaz Çetin , N. Uzun, A. Gündüz, “Brusellosis:
retrospective analysis of 76 cases”, 14.Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Congress, Antalya, 2009
7. F. S. Gençaslan, O. Derin, A.Gündüz, A. S. Konuklar, N. Uzun, B . Durmaz Çetin , T.
Aslan, “Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: evaluation of 101 cases, followed at our clinic” 14.
Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress, Antalya, 2009
8. Çetin B , Ö. Harmankaya, H. Kaptanoğulları, M. Oktar and Y. Özbahar, “Prevalence of
Herpes Simplex Virus 2, Cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii IgM and IgG antibodies
among chronic hemodialysis patients ”, 21. National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis
and Transplantation Congress,Vol.13, Antalya, 2004.
9. Güvenli, A., M. Ünlü, Ş. Şener, R. Durmaz, E. Seber, B. Durmaz, C. Eroğlu and A.
Saniç,“Epidemiological analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains by Variable
Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) Method”, XXXI. Turkish Microbiology Congress, 249,
Kusadasi, Aydin, 2004.
10. Durmaz Çetin , B . , “Moxifloxacin in respiratory tract infections. New antibiotics
and innovation in infectious diseases”, 3. Infectious Diseases Days,68, Istanbul, 2004.
11. Şengül, A., B. Durmaz Çetin , E. Çınar E, U. Muşabak, A. İnal and A. Pekel,
“Prevalence of measles antibodies among young Turkish population”, XI. Turkish
Clinical Microbiology and İnfectious Diseases Congress, 273, Istanbul, 2003.
12. Palandüz, A., L. Erdem, B . Çetin and N. Kayaalp, “Transmission of Helicobacter pylori
among family members”, 47. National Pediatric Congress, Istanbul, 2003.
13. Durmaz Çetin , B. , N. Özcan, Ö. Harmankaya and M. Yılmaz, “Investigation of
Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonisation among staff and patients of the hemodialysis unit ”,
XI. Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress, 332, Istanbul, 2003.
14. Durmaz Çetin , B ., N. Özcan and M. Oktar, “Antibiotic susceptibility rates and
identification of enterococci isolated from different clinical samples” XI. Turkish Clinical
Microbiyology and İnfectious Diseases Congress, 348, Istanbul, 2003.
15. Özcan, N., B. Durmaz Çetin and M. Oktar, “Antibiotic susceptibilities of staphylococcal
strains isolated from wound samples”, XI. Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases Congress, 350, Istanbul, 2003.
16. Gündüz, A., B . D. Çetin , L. Erdem, E. Seber and M. Sökmen, “Detection of
Helicobacter pylori antigen in stool samples by enzyme immunoassay and its diagnostic
value”, XXX. Turkish Clinical Microbiology Congress, 295,Antalya, 2002.
17. Hasman, H., A. Gündüz A, B. Çetin Durmaz, A. Çalıca and E. Seber, “Evaluation of
seven cases with leptospirosis”, X. Turkish Clinical Microbiology Congress, 247,Adana,
18. Özcan, N , B. Çetin, E. Seber, H. Hamsan and A. Gündüz, “Antibiotic susceptibilities of
non-fermentative gram negative bacteria isolated from intensive care units ”, 16.Antibiotic
and Chemotherapy Congress, 40,179, Antalya, 2001.
19. Karatekin, G., F. Okan, Ö. Salihoğlu, B. Çetin , S. Uslu, L.Yolar, H. Kocabora and A.
Nuhoğlu,“Infectious rates in our neonatal intensive care units proven by culture positivity”,
XI. National Neonatology Congress, Samsun, 2001.
20. Gül, M., B .Çetin Durmaz, S.A. Konuklar, F. Korkmaz and E. Seber “Antibiotic
susceptibilities of staphylococci isolated from different clinical samples ”, XXIX.
Turkish Microbiology Congress, 382, Antalya, 2000.
21. Hoşaf, E., A. Çalıca, B. Çetin Durmaz, N. Uzun and E. Seber, “Antibiotic
susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from wound and abscess
samples”, XXIX. Turkish Microbiology Congress, 382, Antalya, 2000.
22. Çetin , B. , M. Gül, A. Şensoy, F. Korkmaz and E. Seber, “Antibiotic susceptibilities of
gram negative enteric bacilli causing nosocomial infections”, 9. Turkish Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress, 220, 1999.
23. Şensoy Eren, A., M. Gül, B. Çetin Durmaz, F. Korkmaz and E. Seber, “Comparison of Etest and disc diffusion test methods for the activity of ceftazidime against Pseudomonas
aeruginosa causing nosocomial infections”, 9. Turkish Clinical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases Congress, 219, Antalya, 1999.
24. Korkmaz, F, B. Çetin, M. Gül, B. Bayraktar, A. Şensoy and E. Seber,
“Antibiotic susceptibilities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains causing
nosocomial infections” 9. Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases Congress, 149, Antalya, 1999.
25. Gül, M., Şensoy Eren A., B. Çetin Durmaz, F. Korkmaz and E. Seber, “Activity of
Ticarcillin- clavulanic acid against gram negative bacilli causing nosocomial infections
investigated by E-test method”, 9. Turkish Microbiology Congress, 148, Antalya, 1999.
26. Turgut, S., B. Çakır, B. Dadaş , B. Çetin, E. Topuz, K. Güneş and E. Seber, “Comparison of
the effects of extrafor nasal pad with transparent glove finger ”, 25National Otolaryngology
and Head- Neck Surgery Congress, 1,179, İzmir,1999.
27. Seber, E., B. Çetin, F. Korkmaz, K. Güneş and N. Okunakol, “Bacteria isolated from
urinecultures and their antibiotic susceptibilities. Şişli Etfal Hospital”, 100.Anniversary
events, 66,İstanbul,1999.
28. Vural, S., G. Sezer, B. Çetin , N. Kayaalp and E. Seber, “Ceftazidime in febrile
neutropenic patients. Approach to children with hematologic and oncologic problems”,
21. Pediatric Days 1. Children nursery days ,225,İstanbul, 1999.
29. Çetin Durmaz, B ., F. Şengül, İ. Yıldırım, J. Aytaç and E. Seber, “Acinetobacter
menengitis occurred in a case with Tuberculosis meningitis”, 28.Turkish Microbiology
Congress, 20-342, Antalya, 1998.
30. Seber, E., N. Sarıgüzel Sar, B . Çetin Durmaz, F. Yetişkul, F. Tuncer and A. Eren,
Investigation of antibiotic susceptibilities of gram negative bacteria isolated from Intensive
care Units by E test method ”, 28. Turkish Microbiology Congress,12-223, Antalya, 1998.
31. Çetin Durmaz, B ., I. Kunter, G. A. Çetin, N. Sar and E. Seber, “Comparison of
immunochromatography with ELISA for the detection of HbsAg”, 502 8.Turkish Clinical
Microbiology Congress, Antalya, 1997.
32. Çetin Durmaz, B, S. Erdeniz, G. A. Çetin, E. Seber and M. Karavuş, “Investigation of
HbsAg among food industry workers by immunochromatography method”, 8. Turkish
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress, 441, Antalya, 1997.
33. Sarıgüzel, S., A Tan, M. Ergez, B. Çetin Durmaz, Ö. Bakkal and E. Seber, “Investigation
of azithromycin therapy role among patients with cervicitis due to Chlamydia thrahomatis”,
11.Turkish Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress 10,(2), 112, Antalya, 1996.
34. Yıldırım, İ., S. Dodanlı, V. Avkan, B. Çetin Durmaz and E. Seber, “Evaluation of an
epidemia caused by multiple drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae”, 11. Turkish Antibiotic
and Chemotherapy Journal; 10, 98, Antalya, 1996.
35. Yılmaz, N., M. Ercan, B. Çetin, E.Seber and S. Önen, “Evaluation of blood viscosity among
patients with acute viral hepatitis”, 1.Natinal Hepatology Congress, 51, Istanbul ,1995.
36. Yılmaz, N., B. Çetin, M. Ercan, E. Seber, S. Önen and N. Bozkurtgil, “Effect of
hyperbilirubinemia over erythrocyte deformability among patients with acute viral hepatitis”
1. Natinal Hepatology Congress, 50, Istanbul, 1995.
37. Çetin Durmaz, B, T. Akvardar, N. Yılmaz, S. Erdeniz, N. Uzun and E. Seber
“Measurementof serum C-reactive protein levels in meningitis cases by nephelometry and
capillary tube methods”, 5. National Infectious Diseases Congress, 76, , Istanbul ,1995.
38. Akvardar, T., B . Çetin Durmaz, J. Aytaç, A. Tan and E. Seber, “Comparison of Cerebro
spinal fluid (CSF) protein levels by turbidimetric and sicard methods”, 5. National
Infectious Diseases Congress, 76, Istanbul, 1995.
39. Lermi, A., B . Çetin Durmaz, N. Sar, J. Aytaç and E. Seber, “A case with toxic shock
syndrome”, 5. National Infectious Diseases Congress, 113, Istanbul ,1995.
40. Seber, E., A. Yaşar, B . Çetin Durmaz, S. Erdeniz and E. Bulut, “Investigation of carriage
of group A beta hemolytic streptococci among children of the hospital’s kindergarten by
culture and direct antigen method”, 10. Turkish Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress, 9,
64, Antalya,1995.
41. Seber, E., A.Yaşar, T. Akvardar, B. Çetin Durmaz, ―Two cases of sepsis with
thrombocytopenia” 9. Turkish Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress, 8, 163, Urgup , 1994
42. Yaşar A, B. Çetin Durmaz, E.Seber, T. Akvardar, “Three cases of leptospirosis”, 9.
Turkish Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Congress, 8. 158, Urgup ,1994.
43. Seber, E., A. Yaşar, B. Çet in Durmaz, R. Sucu, “Ricketsiosis. Report of five cases”, 6.
Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Congress, 44, Trabzon,1992.
Translation (Book Chapter):
Durmaz Çetin , B ., “ HIV and Other Retroviruses”, In :” Current “Infectious Diseases
Diagnosis and Treatment”, Ed. Dündar İ. H, 442-448, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara,(2004).
Panel, Symposium and Conferences:
1. Non -Standard Chronic Hepatitis B Treatment, Chairman. EKMUD Istanbul Days, 14 March
2. Infection Control Measures in Intensive Care Units. Surp Agop Hospital, 8 March 2012
3. Service Procurement (Panel, 16-20 March2011, Disinfection, Antisepsis and Sterilization
Congress (DAS) , Antalya)
4. Hospital Infections. Surp Agop Hospital, 14 April 2011
5. Pandemic Influenza (Panel, November 2009, VKV American Hospital, Istanbul)
6. Clinical approach to diabetic foot infections (Panel, 16 February 2011,Sisli Etfal Training
and Research Hospital, Istanbul)
7. Tuberculosis Cases (Symposium, 27 January 2011, KLİMİK Society 2010-2011 Istanbul
8. The importance of central sterilization units for the control of hospital infections at the
present time (5. Sterilization and disinfection educational seminar 11 November 2006 VKV
American Hospital, Istanbul)
9. Hospital infections in patients undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation (Conference, 18
March 2005, 70. Years Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital, Istanbul)
10. H.pylori, prevalence and epidemiology (Panel, 25 May 2004, VKV American Hospital,
11. Hospital Infections (Panel, 20 March 2003, VKV American Hospital, Istanbul)
12. Rational antibiotic usage (Conference, 21 November 2002, Sisli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital, Istanbul)
13. Urogenital infections in women, acute pyelonephritis in women (Symposium, 22 November
2001, Klimik Society 2001-2002 Istanbul meetings)
14. Problems in infectious diseases consultations (Symposium, 25 October 2001, KLIMIK
Society 2001-2002 Istanbul meetings)
15. The importance of patient-physician communication for patient management (Panel, 14
February 2000, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul)
16. Internet and medicine, internet through the eyes of the physician (Symposium, 16
December 2001, KLIMIK Society 1999-2000 Istanbul meetings)
17. Febrile neutropenia (Conference, 21 January 1999, Sisli Etfal Training and Research
Hospital, Istanbul)
18. Community acquired and hospital acquired pneumonia (Conference, 8 January 1998, Sisli
Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul)
19. Sepsis (Conference, 8 May 1997, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul)
20. Diseases transmitted to health care personnel through blood and preventive measures
(Panel, 25 October 1996, Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul)
21. General approach to diarrhea (Conference, 14 April 1995, Sisli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital, Istanbul)
22. Lectures in Microbiology ,Sisli Vocational School of Health Services,1994 , Istanbul

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