City Council Agenda - 02/15/00


City Council Agenda - 02/15/00
Preliminary Matters
Roll Call: 7:00 p.m.
Ceremonial Matters: In addition to those items listed on the agenda, the Mayor may add additional
ceremonial matters.
a. Proclamation: Honoring Youth Radio’s E-Mails from Kosovo and Youth Voices on Kosovo
Comments From The City Manager: The City Manager may make announcements or provide
information to the City Council in the form of an oral report. The Council will not take action on such
items, but may request the City Manager place a report on a future agenda for discussion and/or
Comments From The Public: A total of thirty (30) minutes is scheduled. Each speaker is limited to
a maximum of three (3) minutes.
Council Action: The City Council may take action related to any subject listed on the Agenda.
Consent Calendar
The Council will consider removal and addition of items to the Consent Calendar prior to voting on
the Consent Calendar. All items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be approved in one motion.
Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be held over to the next meeting unless the City
Manager requests action due to priority.
1. Refund Refuse Fee Overcharges (CR 2000-13)
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Adopt first reading of an Ordinance amending Berkeley Municipal Code (BMC)
Section 7.20.048 C to eliminate the provision that the City retain the first $50 of all refunds over $50.
Contact: Manuela Albuquerque, City Attorney, 644-6380
2. Contract: Public Service Credit for Peace Corps of America or America Corps
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public
Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) to provide public service credit for Peace Corps of America
or America Corps (VISTA Service) for local miscellaneous and local safety members as provided in
California Government Code Section 21023.5; and 2) adopt first reading of an Ordinance to amend the
contract with CalPERS to provide public service credit for Peace Corps of America or America Corps
(VISTA Service) for local miscellaneous and local safety members as provided in California
Government Code Section 21023.5.
Contact: Ronald Brown, Personnel, 644-6951
3. Lawsuit: Don Flory and Debra Clark
From: City Manager
City Council Agenda - February 15, 2000
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Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to settle a public liability
lawsuit in the matter of Don Flory and Debra Clark, Alameda County Superior Court Action No.
807696-2 in the amount of $15,000.
Contact: Manuela Albuquerque, City Attorney, 644-6380
4. Waive Fees: Auditorium in Veterans Building for Seed Swap and Save Event
From: Councilmembers Worthington, Breland, and Vice-Mayor Shirek
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution waiving fees for the Veterans Building Auditorium for a Seed
Swap & Save event on March 18, 2000.
Contact: Kriss Worthington, Councilmember District 7, 644-6398; Contact: Margaret Breland,
Councilmember District 2, 644-6400; Contact: Maudelle Shirek, Councilmember District 3, 644-6243
5. Proclamation: Ron Mix and the Berkeley Daily Planet
From: Councilmember Olds
Recommendation: Approve a proclamation to be presented on February 22, 2000, honoring Ron Mix
and his staff of the Berkeley Daily Planet for providing important daily news coverage.
Contacts: Susan Wengraf, Councilmember Olds’ Office, 644-6399
6. Support for UC Students Animal Advocacy
From: Councilmember Dona Spring
Recommendation: Request the City Manager write a letter supporting the petition requests of the
student organization UC Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy and over 1600 students
regarding the care and treatment of animals on the UC Berkeley campus.
Contact: Dona Spring, Councilmember District 4, 644-6266
7. Endorse the Bus Rider’s Bill of Rights
From: Councilmember Dona Spring
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution endorsing the Bus Rider’s Bill of Rights as proposed by the
Bus Rider’s Union and request that the City Manager write a letter to AC Transit requesting their
Contact: Dona Spring, Councilmember District 4, and 644-6266
8. Bus Shelters in Berkeley
From: Councilmember Dona Spring
Recommendation: Request the City Manager write a letter to AC Transit and Lamar Outdoor
Advertising requesting that shelters be erected at the 75 locations requested by the Commissions on
Aging and Disabilities and that the City have input on the types of advertising allowed at bus shelters
in Berkeley.
Contact: Dona Spring, Councilmember District 4, 644-6266
9. Discussion of Planning Department and Planning Commission Work Load
From: Mayor Shirley Dean
Recommendation: Hold a discussion with the staff and Planning Commission on February 15, 2000
regarding workload. The discussion to include consideration of: 1) halting the work that is currently
being done on writing a new Master Plan; 2) completing the Southside Plan and list of zoning
amendments and issues that Council already sent to the Planning Commission; 3) folding all
completed Area Plans into the existing Master Plan; 4) identifying and resolving any conflicts between
the completed Area Plans and the existing Master Plan; 5) adopting that amended Master Plan for the
time being; and 6) determining at that point the next steps for the department and commission.
Contact: Shirley Dean, Mayor, 644-6484
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10. Status of Appeal of Landmarks Preservation Commission’s Approval of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the Civic Center Park
From: Mayor Shirley Dean
Recommendation: Hold a discussion on February 15, 2000, regarding the status of an appeal filed on
December 6, 1999.
Contact: Jennifer Drapeau, Chief of Staff, Mayor’s Office, 644-6484
11. Joint Meeting with School Board
From: Mayor Shirley Dean
Recommendation: Schedule a joint meeting with the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD)
School Board for February 22, 2000 to discuss the concerns at Berkeley High School and the
surrounding neighborhood if issues are not resolved at the 2 x 2 committee meeting on February 17,
Contact: Jennifer Drapeau, Chief of Staff, Mayor’s Office, 644-6484
12. Limiting the Sale of Easily-Concealable Handguns and Imposing Gun Related Restrictions
From: Mayor Shirley Dean
Recommendation: Request the City Attorney draft an Ordinance which would prohibit the sale of
handguns smaller than 6-3/4” length and 4-1/2 height; explore local or state legislation which would
require the owners of stolen guns to report such thefts to the police; and endorse the Mayor working
closely with Senator Don Perata, Assembleymember Mike Roos, and other mayors/supervisors from
the East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership on a proposed ballot initiative “Coalition for Common
Sense” that would require the licensing and registration of all handguns.
Contact: Barbara Gilbert, Mayor’s Assistant, 644-6484
13. Endorse SB1110: Plastic Containers Recycling Content
From: Councilmember Polly Armstrong
Recommendation: Endorse SB1110, which would require that all rigid plastic containers sold in the
State have a 25% -35% recycled content; a high recycling rate or a high reuse rate.
Contact: Polly Armstrong, Councilmember District 8, 644-6401
14. Support for BOSS Multi-Agency Service Center (MASC)
From: Mayor Shirley Dean
Recommendation: Support and refer to the budget process an additional $5,000 to enable MASC to
stay open from 8am to 3pm on weekends through the end of April.
Contact: Barbara Gilbert, Mayor’s Assistant, 644-6484.
15. University Avenue Medians
From: Councilmember Linda Maio
Recommendation: Refer to the City Manager and the Budget Review the need for a landscaping
design plan for University Avenue and for an irrigation system and permanent planting on the
Contact: Linda Maio, Councilmember District 1, 644-6359.
16. Presentation regarding Disaster Planning
a. Presentation by Dr. Murat Karaca regarding Earthquake in Turkey
Contact: Linda Maio, Councilmember District 1, 644-6359
b. City Manager Information Report on Seismic Preparation and Y2K
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Contact: Arrietta Chakos, City Manager's Office, 644-6580
c. Report on ABAG's “Living on Shaky Ground” Workshop
Contact: Linda Maio, Councilmember District 1, 644-6359; Shirley Dean, Mayor, 644-6484
d. Proclamation: Y2K and Earthquake Preparation Efforts
Contact: Linda Maio, Councilmember District 1, 644-6359
17. Presentation by the Fire Chief, Fire Safety Commission and Disaster Council regarding Fire
Danger and a Strategic Plan for Fire Protection
a. City Manager Report
Recommendation: Hear the presentation by the Fire Chief, Fire Safety Commission and the Disaster
Council and direct the City Manager to develop the Strategic Plan for Fire Protection and terminate the
Salt Water Pipeline Project and the Underground Cistern Project.
Contact: Reginald Garcia, Fire Chief, 664-6665
b. Fire Safety Commission Report
Recommendation: Endorse the Strategic Plan for Fire Protection as presented with the inclusion of a
fifth point covering prevention, that would include the work on the buffer zone, undergrounding of
utilities, inspections, and public education, and with assurances from the Fire Chief that this plan does
not take priority away from the new Hill Fire Station. The Commission would also like to insure that
the Fire Department has adequate staffing in light of the fire danger facing the City.
Contact: Reginald Garcia, Secretary, 664-6665
18. Discussion on Ballot Measures for November 2000 Election
City Manager Information Report
Recommendation: Discuss what measures to place on the November 2000 ballot. Deadline is July
Contact: Phil Kamlarz, Deputy City Manager, 644-6580
Information Reports
19. Annual General Fund Budget: Toxics Division, Planning and Development Department
From: City Manager
Contact: Wendy Cosin, Planning and Development, 705-8105
20. Status of Citywide Truck Route Plan (to be delivered)
From: City Manager
Contact: Rene Cardinaux, Public Works, 644-6506
21. Taxi Scrip Budget
From: City Manager
Contact: Phil Kamlarz, Deputy City Manager, 644-6580
22. Easy Does It Survey
From: City Manager
Contact: Phil Kamlarz, Deputy City Manager, 644-6580
Council rules limit action on Communications to referral to the City Manager and/or Boards and
Commissions for investigation and/or recommendations.
City Council Agenda - February 15, 2000
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Page No.
1. Robert Mitchell, Esq., Mitchell Law Offices, regarding
Black Repertory Group
2. Jeannie de Vries, The Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association, regarding
demolition of 150 Berkeley Square.
3. Rosemary Vimont, regarding Berkeley’ s Nuclear Free Zone Policy.
4. L. A. Wood, Community Environmental Advisory Commission, regarding redevelopment of West
Berkeley and the impact on Oceanview residents.
5. David Kafton, regarding proposed ordinance for regulating fireplaces.
6. Ray Dobard, regarding modifications to the policies, procedures and/or
programs regarding public accommodations for the disabled.
7. Anne Marselis, regarding City of Berkeley ’ s speeding garbage trucks.
8. Burton Spickler, regarding animal breeders.
9. Dianne Feinstein, United States Senate, regarding elementary and Secondary Education Act.
10. John Vance, A First amendment Center, regarding community information. (additional pages on
file for review in the City Clerk’s Office).