read here - Appleton Roebuck and Acaster Selby Neighbourhood


read here - Appleton Roebuck and Acaster Selby Neighbourhood
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Questions forwarded for the meeting on 21st January
Appleton Roebuck has recently been upgraded to a Designated Service Village. What
infrastructure changes can we expect to see that will support the increase in housing that
we are expecting?
SDC is currently at the early stages of PLAN Selby and has not yet allocated the amount of
housing required by each DSV. The next stage will be to set this target and then assess
each site individually and work closely with infrastructure provider to assess the current
capacities and identify required improvements.
If a proposed development in the ARAS area is likely to exacerbate the existing sewerage
problem (regular overflows in time of heavy rain) can SDC either stop the development or
force the developer to pay for modifications to the sewerage system to avoid exacerbating
the problem?
SDC will undertake a Flood Risk assessment to help inform which sites are suitable as part
of the assessment process. Any site that is ‘allocated’ for housing will still need to go
through the formal planning permission process and any infrastructure that is required to
make the site ‘acceptable in planning terms’ for example SUDS or drainage improvements
will be sought through a s106 as a condition of approval.
We understand SDC is in the process of “tidying up” the village envelopes/ development
limits; when will this be completed and the revised envelopes published?
This work will be finished by late 2015 and will be made available to the public for
comments through a formal well publicised second consultation stage expected to be late
What will be the criteria for sustainability? Will sustainability be based upon the current
infrastructure of the village or what planners feel it can be upscaled to? Will infrastructure
be improved BEFORE house building is allowed?
Sustainability as set out by the Government has to be based on economic, social and
environmental benefits. SDC is undertaking a wide range of studies in order to assess the
sustainability of the whole district and individual sites. These studies are as varied as a
Flood Risk Assessment, Highways Assessment and Climate Change & Renewables. As well
as the studies SDC works very closely with infrastructure providers such as education
providers and health services to assess current capacity and future need.
Once individual DSV housing targets and sites are identified SDC and infrastructure
providers will be able to assess what infrastructure is required, when it is required and
what will need to be provided by the developer.
Should we assume that sustainability assessments will be carried out to ascertain the
potential of a village as opposed to its current status and then the envelope will be
increased to match the potential?
This decision has not been made yet and has been a main focus of the recent consultation
on PLAN Selby which gave an example of 8% proportional growth in every DSV for
consideration. At 8% growth Appleton Roebuck would be allocated 28 houses over the
plan period.
When will SDC announce which of the “potential areas of land for development” in the
ARAS area that it favours?
This is expected to go out for public consultation late 2015.
When will a decision be taken on the proposed piggery development in the northern part of
the NDP area?
Officers are aiming for a February 2015 decision.
We understand the piggery development, if it happens, will be regarded as “windfall”
development and as such will not count to any ARAS development quota – why not?
Any applications approved between the Core Strategy start date of 1 st April 2011 and the
proposed PLAN Selby baseline of 31st March 2015 will be taken off the housing targets. As
Appleton Roebuck does not currently have a target there is currently no figure to reduce.
Why will "windfall" be counted in Tadcaster and nowhere else?
All permissions granted between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2015 will be included. This
is demonstrated in Table 2 page 20 of PLAN Selby.
Is the % allocation the approach that is most likely to be applied to development quotas for
the DSVs?
Consultation only closed this Monday 19th January and officers have yet to analyse the
responses which as well as residents will also include responses from infrastructure and
services providers. At this stage no decisions have been made.
What will be the impact on ARAS if all development in Tadcaster is blocked ? If Tadcaster
development is blocked, will SDC use the Hedley hall site instead?
No decisions on individual sites have been made while SDC is committed to using the
target figures set out in the Core Strategy for Tadcaster.