

Dear Participants
As Turkish Air War College, we would be honored to welcome you in Turkey with the occasion
of International Conference on Air and Space Power, which we are organizing for the second
time at the international level. In this conference hosted by Air War College with Turkish Air
Force’s contribution, the operations of recent times will be examined with respect to Air and
Space Power and the facts provided by history will be presented to all participants in the light
of expert appraisals. In this beautiful city, İstanbul, where continents meet, academicians,
specialists, senior executives and commanders, known for their significant studies within
aviation field coming from across the globe will gather and contribute greatly for two days.
The subjects to be discussed academically in ICAP Istanbul 2015, will ensure that today’s
and future changing principles of Air and Space Power are clearly understood with the
contributions of speakers from friendly and allied nations from all over the world. In ICAP’15’s
sessions an academic environment will be provided, in which participants will be able to
discuss openly. ICAP’15 is going to be meeting point for Air and Space Power specialists and
airmen to exchange ideas and beliefs on latest development in their specific fields and create
mutual understanding.
Conference consists of five sessions including plenary session. Please see session topics
1st Session- Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
2nd Session- C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
3rd Session- Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
4th Session- Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future Air and Space Power
Thanks for your contributions in advance.
02 April 2015 Thursday
10.00 - 10.40
Opening Speeches
Welcome Speech by
General Abdullah Recep
Commander, War Colleges Command
Keynote Speech
General Akın Öztürk
(Keynote Speaker)
Commander, Turkish Air Force
“The Increasing Value of Air
and Space Power”
Honorary Guests
Professor Banu Onaral
H.H. Sun Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health Systems; Senior Advisor to President,
Global Innovation Partnerships, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA, USA; Senior Advisor, Strategic
Partnerships,Teknopark Istanbul.
Lt.Gen.David A.Deptula,
USAF (Ret.)
Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, a
thought leader and independent consultant on defense,
strategy, and ISR, and President, The Deptula Group, LLC.
Dr.Benjamin S.Lambeth
Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
10.40 - 11.30
"Feza Bey" Award Ceremony
Photo and Coffee Break
02 April 2015 Thursday
11.30 - 14.00
1st Session - Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
Director, National Security
Lt.Gen.Tad J.Oelstrom, USAF
(Ret.) (Moderator and Speaker) Program, Adjunct Lecturer in
Public Policy, John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard
"What Does Recent Use of Air
and Space Power Imply for the
Air Marshal David Walker,
RAF (Ret.)
an Honorary Fellow of the
University of Exeter Strategy and
Security Institute; and a visiting
Lecturer at the USAF Maxwell
Air University Alabama; former
Deputy Commander, Allied Joint
Force Command at Brunssum.
"Recent Operations - Enduring
Lessons and Emerging
Challenges for Air Power"
Major General Micael Byden
Chief of Staff, Swedish Air Force.
"Swedish Air Power Delivering
Independently, Joint, and
Colonel Professor John
Andreas Olsen
Norwegian Ministry of Defense,
Visiting Professor of Operational
Art and Tactics, Swedish
National Defense College.
"A New Air Power Concept"
Professor Thomas A.Keaney
the Associate Director of
Strategic Studies, Johns Hopkins
University School of Advanced
International Studies (SAIS),
Executive Director of the Merrill
Center, and a senior adjunct
professor of strategic studies at
“Rethinking Air Campaigns”
14.00 - 15.30
02 April 2015 Thursday
15.30 - 18.00
2nd Session - C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air
and Space Power
Supreme Allied Commander
General Jean Paul Palomeros
(Keynote Speaker of 2nd Session) Transformation, Norfolk,
“Air Power and Transformation”
Lt.Gen.David A.Deptula,
USAF (Ret.) (Moderator
and Speaker)
Dean of the Mitchell Institute for
Aerospace Studies, a thought
leader and independent
consultant on defense, strategy,
and ISR, and President, The
Deptula Group, LLC.
"A New Era for Command &
Control of Aerospace
Air Vice Marshal Junaid
Ahmed Siddiqui
Director General C4I at Pakistan
Air Force.
"C2 ISR in the Perspective of
Counter Insurgency Operations
General Abidin Ünal
Commander, Air Combat and
Air Defense Command,
Turkish Air Force.
"Centralized Control of
Airpower with Effective ISR
General Frank Gorenc
U.S. Air Forces in Europe,
U.S. Air Forces Africa,
Commander Allied Air
Ramstein Air Base,Germany,
Joint Air Power Competence
Centre, Kalkar, Germany."
"Global Integrated ISR (GIISR)
for the Joint Force Commander"
03 April 2015 Friday
10.00 - 12.10
3rd Session - Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
General Francisco Javier
Garcia Arnaiz
Spanish Air Force Chief of Staff.
“Is There Any Need for an Air
Operations Specific Logistic
Doctrine and Policy?”
Lt.Gen.Jean Jacques Borel
Commander, Air Defense and
Air Operations, French Air
"Sustainment of Air Power:
Benefits of Reachback C2 and
Lt.Col.Tamer Özarslan
Faculty Member in Management
Department, Turkish Air War
"Current and Future Challenges
in Military Logistic Domain, How
These Challenges Effect Today’s
Military Leaders and Their
Training Requirements in Logistic"
Dr.Robert S.Tripp
Senior Management Scientist,
RAND Corporation, Ca, USA.
“A Proactive Approach for
Integrating Logistics Enterprise
Capabilities into the Operational
Planning and Execution Process”
12.10 - 13.30
03 April 2015 Friday
13.30 - 15.40
4th Session - Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future
Air and Space Power
Professor Umran Savaş İnan
President of Koç University,
“Leadership in the 21st Century;
Creativity & Individualism versus
Chain of Command”
Air Chief Marshal Tanvir
Mahmood Ahmed
former Commander of Pakistan
Air Force.
"Significance, Quality, Development and Effectiveness of
Human Resource in Future Air &
Space Power"
General Robin Rand
Commander, Air Education and
Training Command, Joint Base
San Antonio-Randolph, Texas,
"AETC/CC Leadership and
Professional Development
Brig.Gen.Recep Ünal
Director of Training Department at
Turkish Air Force Headquarters,
"Training and Education
Perspective for the Future Air and
Space Power"
15.40 - 16.10
Coffee Break
Closing Speeches
Closing Remarks by Colonel
Professor John Andreas Olsen
Closing Address by Major
General Recep Yüksel
Norwegian Ministry of Defense,
Visiting Professor of Operational
Art and Tactics, Swedish
National Defense College.
“The Increasing Value of Air and
Space Power”
Commander, Turkish Air War College
General Akın ÖZTÜRK
Commander, Turkish Air Force
Keynote Speaker of the Conference
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
“The Increasing Value of Air and Space Power”
Gen. Akın ÖZTÜRK, was born in 1952 in Gümüşhane. After completing his high school
education in Erzincan, he graduated from Turkish Air Force Academy in 1973.
Upon graduating from 2nd Main Jet Base (MJB) Flight Training School as fighter pilot in
1975, he was assigned to 7th MJB, Malatya where he served as F-100 and then F-4 pilot
till 1981. Between 1981 and 1985, he was assigned to 1st MJB, Eskişehir where he served
as Squadron Officer and Standardization and Evaluation Branch Chief. He attended Air War
College in 1985 and graduated in 1987.
He was assigned to 3rd MJB as Standardization and Evaluation Officer in 1987. In 1989 he
was assigned to 4th MJB where he became an F-16 pilot. He served as 141st Sq Operations
Officer between 1989 and 1991. He then served as 141st Sq Commander till 1993. Between
1993 and 1996 he served as Project Officer and Branch Chief in Training Department at
TURAF Headquarters. He was the Turkish Military Attaché to Israel between 1996 and 1998.
He then became the Operations Commander of the 6th MJB, Bandırma between 1998 and
After his promotion to Brigadier General in 2000, he served as Chief of Training Department
in Air Force HQ for two years and as the Commander of 9th MJB until 2004.
As of 2004 he was promoted to Major General and assigned as Commander of 2nd Air
Supply and Maintenance Center for two years. In 2006 he assumed the command of 2nd
MJB. In 2008, he became the Chief of Intelligence of TURAF.
In 2009, he was promoted to Lieutenant General and served as the 2nd Air Force Commander
for two years. He then became the Commander of the Air Training Command in 2011.
As of 22 August 2013, Gen. ÖZTÜRK assumed the duty of the Turkish Air Force Commander.
He has been promoted to the rank of General as of 30 August 2013.
Gen. ÖZTÜRK has more than 5500 flight hours and he has flew with F-16, F-4, F-100, T-33,
T-34, T-37, T-38, KT-1T and CN-235 within his flight career of 41 years.
Gen. ÖZTÜRK was awarded with NATO Medal, Turkish Armed Forces Distinguished Service
Medal, Turkish Armed Forces Medal of Honor and Pakistan Nishan-e-Imtiaz Medal.
Gen. ÖZTÜRK is married to Mrs. Tülay ÖZTÜRK, has a daughter and a son.
General Abdullah RECEP
Commander, War Colleges Command
Welcome Speech
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
General Abdullah RECEP was born in Tirebolu, Giresun, Turkey in 1955. He graduated
from the Military Academy in 1975, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the
Engineer Corps.
After having completed his training in the branch school in 1976, he held a variety of positions
as Platoon Leader at the 3rd Corps, Engineer Battalion, 39th Infantry Division Engineer
Battalion and Engineer School Courses Battalion between 1976-1981, and Company
Commander at the 3rd Army Engineer Construction Battalion between 1981-1982.
He completed his study at the Army War College between 1982-1984, and served as a staff
officer in the capacity of the Company Commander at the 1st Infantry Battalion of the 9th
Infantry Regiment of the 19th Brigade between 1984-1986, the Planning Officer at the 9th
Corps, Operations and Training Branch as a Plans Officer between 1986-1989, and Planning
and Project Officer at the Personnel Department of the Turkish General Staff between 19891993.
In the period between 1993-1994, he took office as the Battalion Commander at the 1st
Mechanized Infantry Battalion of the 61st Mechanized Infantry Brigade and subsequently,
he served as staff officer at the Peacekeeping Branch, Operational Planning Department of
NATO Headquarters Europe located in Mons, Belgium between 1994-1997.
He was appointed as the Executive Assistant to the Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces
in 1997 and he served there for three years. During this period he completed his training at
the Armed Forces College. Afterwards, he served as the Commander of the Regiment of
Presidential Guard.
Having been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in 2001, he served as the Chief of the
Internal Security Operations Department of the Turkish General Staff between 2001-2004,
and as the Commander of the 16th Armored Brigade between 2004-2006.
General RECEP was promoted to the rank of Major General in 2006 and served as the
Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) for Resources and Logistics in HQ SACT in Norfolk, U.S.
between 2006-2008, and as the Commander of Security Forces of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus between 2008-2010.
In 2010, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed as the Chief of
Operations of the Turkish General Staff, and then he served as the Commander of the 7th
Corps between 2012-2014.
He was promoted to his current rank on August 30, 2014, and appointed as the Commandant
of the Turkish War Colleges.
General RECEP is married to Mrs. Alev RECEP, and has two children. He speaks English.
Major General Recep YÜKSEL
Commander, Turkish Air War College
Closing Address
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
Major General Recep YÜKSEL was born in 1965 in Tosya, Kastamonu. After completing his
high school education in 1980, he joined the Air Force. He earned his commission in 1984
from the Turkish Air Force Academy.
Upon graduating from 2nd Main Jet Base (MJB) Flight Training School as fighter pilot in 1985,
he was assigned to 7th MJB, Malatya where he served as F-4 pilot until 1992. Between 1992
and 1995, he was assigned to 1st MJB, Eskişehir where he served as quadro wing leader and
instructor pilot. He attended Air War College in 1995 and graduated in 1997.
Between 1997 and 1999, he served as project officer in Personnel Department, Air Force
Command Headquarters. He was assigned to Air Force Academy as squadron commander
in 1999. In 2002, he was assigned to Personnel Department where he served as head of
personnel management branch for 3 years and as head of officer assignment branch for
two years. In 2007, he was assigned to 7th MJB where he served as operation commander.
In 2008, he was assigned to Operation Department where he served as head of operation
After his promotion to Brigadier General in 2009, he served as Chief of Staff in Air Training
Command for 3 years and as the Commander of 1st MJB for a year.
As of 2013 he was promoted to Major General and he was assigned to Air Force Combat
Command as deputy commander. As of 2014, Major General YÜKSEL assumed the duty of
the Turkish Air War College Commander.
Major General YÜKSEL is married and has two daughters.
1984 Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering, Turkish Air Force Academy,
1985 Flight Training School, 2nd MJB, Izmir.
1997 Air War College, Istanbul.
2001 Armed Forces Higher Command and Management College, Istanbul.
1984-1985 student, Flight Training School, 2nd Main Jet Base (MJB), Izmir.
1985-1986 student, 3rd MJB, Konya.
1986-1990 wing man, 172nd Sq, 7th MJB, Malatya.
1990-1992 duo wing leader, 172nd Sq, 7th MJB, Malatya.
1992-1993 quadro wing leader, 112nd Sq, 1st MJB, Eskişehir.
1993-1995 instructor wing man, 112nd Sq, 1st MJB, Eskişehir.
1995-1997 student, Air War College, Istanbul.
1997-1999 financial project officer, Personel Plan and Management Department, Ankara.
1999-2002 squadron commander, 1st Squadron Command, Air Force Academy, Istanbul.
2002-2005 head of personel management branch, Personel Plan & Management
Department, Ankara.
2005-2007 head of officer assignment branch, Personel Department, Ankara.
2007-2008 operation commander, 7th MJB, Malatya.
2008-2009 head of operation branch, Operations Department, Ankara.
2009-2012 chief of staff, Air Training Command, Izmir.
2012-2013 commander, 1st MJB, Eskişehir.
2013-2014 deputy commander, Air Force Combat Command, Eskişehir.
present, commander, Air War College, Istanbul
Rating: Command pilot
Flight hours: More than 3,500
Aircraft flown: T-41D, T-38A, F-100, F-4, CN-235
NATO Medal
Operational Award, 2 stars
Education and Training Service Achievement Award, 3 stars
Administrative and Logistic Service Achievement Award, 7 stars
Combat Operational Award
Training Distinguished Unit Award, 2 stars
Abroad Temprorary Mission Award
Second Lieutenant Aug 30, 1984
First Lieutenant Aug 30, 1987
Captain Aug 30, 1991
Major Aug 30, 1997
Lt.Colonel Aug 30, 2001
Colonel Aug 30, 2004
Brigadier General Aug 30, 2009
Major General Aug 30, 2013 (Current as of August 2013)
Professor Banu ONARAL
H.H. Sun Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health Systems; Senior Advisor to President,
Global Innovation Partnerships, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA, USA; Senior Advisor, Strategic
Partnerships,Teknopark Istanbul.
Honorary Guest of the Conference
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
Banu Onaral is H. H. Sun Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering at
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. She received her BS and MS in electrical engineering
from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1973 and 1974 respectively and earned her PhD
in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1978. Dr. Onaral joined
the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Biomedical
Engineering and Science Institute at Drexel University in 1981. Starting in 1995, she led
the strategic planning to transform the Biomedical Engineering and Science Institute into a
university-level interdisciplinary school. She served as the Founding Director of the School
of Biomedical Engineering Science and Health Systems since its foundation in 1997 to 2014.
She currently serves as Senior PresidentialAdvisor for ‘Global Innovation Partnerships’ at
Drexel University.
Academic Focus and Leadership
Her academic focus both in research and teaching is centered on information engineering with
special emphasis on complex systems, biomedical signal processing in ultrasound and optics
and functional optical brain imaging. She has led major research and development projects
sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH),
Office of Naval Research (ONR), DARPA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal
Aviation Agency (FAA) and the US Marines. She supervised a large number of graduate
students to degree completion and has an extensive publication record in biomedical signals
and systems.
She founded several laboratories throughout her career: the most recent is the CONQUER
(Cognitive Neuroengineering and Quantitative Experimental Research) CollabOrative
established in Fall 2008 as an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional and international resource
dedicated to the study of brain activation, development and deployment of optical brain
imaging technologies in human performance, healthcare, mental health and learning with
research and development partners in US and overseas, including China, Israel, Spain and
National Honors, Awards and Services
She is the recipient of a number of faculty excellence awards including the 1990 Lindback
Distinguished Teaching Award of Drexel University, the EDUCOM Best educational Software
award and the NSF Faculty Achievement Award. She is a Fellow of the IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) and a Founding Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
(AIMBE). She served on the inaugural Board of the AIMBE as publications chair and as Chair
of the Academic Council.
Dr. Onaral’s professional services include chair and membership on advisory boards and
strategic planning bodies of several universities and funding agencies, including service on
the National Science Foundation's Engineering Advisory Board, and on the proposal review
panels and study sections. Her professional responsibilities have included service on the
Editorial Board of journals and the CRC Biomedical Engineering Handbook as Section Editor
for Biomedical Signal Analysis.
She served as President of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS),
the largest member-based biomedical engineering society in the world. Earlier, she had
served as Vice-President of Conferences of IEEE-EMBS. She has been active in conference
leadership; notably, she organized and chaired the 1990 Annual International Conference
of the EMBS and Co-Chaired the 2004 Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering.
Translational Research and Health Innovations Leadership – University
Dr. Onaral’s translational research efforts for rapid commercialization of biomedical
technologies developed at Drexel and its partner institutions have resulted in the creation of
the Translational Research in Biomedical Technologies program. This initiative brings together
academic technology developers with entrepreneurs, regional economic development
agencies, local legal, business and investment communities. Under her leadership, the
program has been awarded $10 million from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation toward the
creation of the $20 million Coulter-Drexel Translational Research Partnership Endowment
that serves all faculty and researchers at Drexel University. She has participated in the
development of the Philadelphia Pediatric Device Consortium sponsored in part by FDA and
led by the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University and University of Pennsylvania.
Regional Health Innovation Partnership
She led the creation of the regional Health Innovation Partnership - Philadelphia Region
Roadmap modeled on the ‘Coulter Translational Research Partnership’ approach to
commercialize university innovations. The initiative has been sponsored by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and aims to mobilize the academic grassroots and to pool regional resources
and assets to bring novel solutions to healthcare.
International Academic and Health Innovation Partnerships
She has actively forged international academic partnerships with institutions in China, Israel,
Italy, Spain and Turkey.
In 2000, she led the first Eisenhower Foundation sponsored delegation of biomedical
engineers to China and helped organize the first Asia-Pacific Biomedical Engineering
Conference in Hangzhou. She has been instrumental in the organization of international
biomedical engineering conferences in China including the Annual International Conference
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology in Shanghai, China, in 2005 and the dualdoctoral degree in Neuroengineering with Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
She has facilitated the development of translational research partnership with the Institute
for Drug Research of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. She is spearheading the creation
of similar partnerships in China including Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Shanghai
Advanced Research Institute and Shanghai Technology University.
In Turkey, she participated in the strategic planning team charged with the creation of
Sabancı University established in 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey and served on its Board of
Trustees. Sabancı University is top ranked in innovation and entrepreneurship in Turkey. She
served as the President of the Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association. She
serves as a senior advisor for strategic and global partnerships to Teknopark Istanbul, the
$4B science, technology and innovation hub under development in Turkey. Her responsibility
areas center on health solutions and human systems in aerospace. She also serves as an
honorary advisor to several Turkish universities, including her membership on the EBILTEM
Technology Transfer Advisory of Ege University, Izmir, the Advisory Board of DEpark, the
Dokuz Eylul University Health Technopark and HUNITEK, Hacettepe University Advanced
Technology initiative. She has participated as the US lead or global liaison in regional health
innovation initiatives, namely INOVIZ, INOVAnkara and INOVITA in Izmir, Ankara and
Istanbul, Turkey, respectively.
Lt. Gen. David A.Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, a thought
leader and independent consultant on defense, strategy, and
ISR, and President, The Deptula Group, LLC.
Honorary Guest of the Conference
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
Lieutenant General David A. Deptula (Ret.) is a battle-tested defense innovator. A highly
decorated military leader, he transitioned from the U.S. Air Force (USAF) in 2010 after
more than 34 years of distinguished service. He is a world-recognized leader and pioneer
in conceptualizing, planning, and executing national security operations from humanitarian
relief to major combat operations. Accomplished historic achievements and several “firsts”
in the command of joint forces, planning and execution of aerospace power, intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and improved international relationships. He has
taken part in operations, planning, and joint warfighting at unit, major command, service
headquarters and combatant command levels, and also served on two congressional
commissions charged with outlining America’s future defense posture.
General Deptula has significant experience in combat and leadership in several major joint
contingency operations. He was the principal attack planner for the Desert Storm coalition
air campaign in 1991. He has twice been a Combined/Joint Task Force Commander – in
1998/1999 for Operation Northern Watch where he flew 82 combat missions as a general
officer, and for Operation Deep Freeze conducting operations in Antarctica. In 2001, he
served as Director of the Combined Air Operations Center for Operation Enduring Freedom,
where he orchestrated air operations over Afghanistan during the period of decisive combat.
In 2005, he was the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) for Operation Unified
Assistance, the South Asia tsunami relief effort, and in 2006 he was the standing JFACC for
Pacific Command.
General Deptula was the first Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (ISR), Headquarters Air Force. Responsible for policy formulation, planning,
and leadership of AF ISR and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), he transformed those enterprises
setting a standard emulated by services and nations around the world. In 2009 he was
recognized as the Targeting Professional of the Year as the driving force in standing up the
Air Force Targeting Center. In 2010 he was awarded a Aviation Week & Space Technology
Aerospace Laureate Award for extraordinary accomplishment in national defense, and in
2010 he was also presented with the General H.H. Award, the AF Association’s highest honor
to a military member in the field of national security.
He has piloted more than 3,000 flying hours (400 in combat) to include multiple operational
fighter command assignments in the F-15. Formerly, the CEO of a high technology company,
he is currently a board member on a variety of public, private and think-tank institutions; is
a senior scholar at the US Air Force Academy; and a sought-after commentator around the
world as a thought leader on defense; strategy; and ISR.
Born in Dayton, Ohio, General Deptula earned his B.A. with distinction in astronomy at
the University of Virginia where he was commissioned as an Air Force officer in 1974 as a
distinguished graduate from Air Force ROTC. He remained at the University of Virginia to
complete a master’s degree in systems engineering. He also earned a master’s degree in
National Security Strategy from the National War College. He is a graduate of the U.S. Air
Force Fighter Weapons School, Air Command and Staff College, and the Armed Forces Staff
Dr. Benjamin S. LAMBETH
Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Honorary Guest of the Conference
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
Benjamin S. Lambeth is a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments, an independent, nonprofit public policy research institute established in
Washington, D.C. in 1983 to promote innovative thinking and debate about national security
strategy, defense planning, and military investment strategies and options. He assumed
this position in July 2011 after a 37-year career as a Senior Research Associate at the
RAND Corporation. His areas of professional interest include strategy, international security,
defense planning, force development, air campaign assessment, and air and space doctrine,
operations and training. An internationally recognized expert on military aviation and air
warfare, he has conducted research and lectured widely on these subjects, including at all of
the U.S. senior military service schools. He also has written more than 70 books, articles, and
professional studies on air power and other defense-related matters.
A civil-rated pilot, Dr. Lambeth has flown or flown in more than 40 different fighter, bomber,
attack, mobility, surveillance, and trainer aircraft types with the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and
Marine Corps, as well as with the Royal Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Australian
Air Force, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Royal Norwegian Air Force, German Luftwaffe,
Republic of Korea Air Force, Finnish Air Force, and Israeli Air Force. He also has attended
the USAF’s Ballistic Missile Staff Course, Tactical Fighter Weapons and Tactics Course, and
Combined Force Air Component Commander Course, as well as the Aerospace Defense
Command’s Senior Officers’ Course, Air Force Space Command’s Senior Leaders’ Course,
and portions of Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) and the Marine Aviation Weapons
and Tactics Instructor’s Course. In 1988, he received initial qualification training and a frontseat checkout in the F/A-18 Hornet. In December 1989, he became the first U.S. citizen to
fly the Soviet MiG-29 fighter and the first Westerner invited to fly a combat aircraft of any type
inside Soviet airspace since the end of World War II.
In 1985 and 1986, Dr. Lambeth served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Advanced
Airmanship at General Electric Company. He also served on the editorial board of Orbis
from 1985 to 1990 and for a time directed RAND’s International Security and Defense Policy
Program. In 1996, he took a four-day deployment in USS Atlanta (SSN-712) to observe
prospective commanding officer training in nuclear fast attack submarine-on-submarine
operations. In 1998, he was a participant-observer in the Mission Employment Phase of
USAF Weapons School Class 98A at Nellis AFB, Nevada. In 2008, he was appointed by
the Secretary of Defense to serve as a member of the Board of Visitors of Air University. In
addition, he currently serves on the editorial advisory boards of Strategic Studies Quarterly,
Air and Space Power Journal, and the Journal of Slavic Military Studies. He remains an
adjunct member of RAND’s senior research staff, holds a Top Secret/SCI security clearance,
and is proficient in Russian, German, and French.
1965 Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors in Political Science, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
1967 Master of Arts degree with Distinction in Government, Georgetown University
1985 Doctor of Philosophy degree in Political Science, Harvard University
1975-2011 Senior Research Associate, RAND Corporation
1973-1974 Senior Analyst, Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency 19721973 Resident Scholar, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen, Germany 19711972 Teaching Fellow in Government, Harvard University 1971-1973 Graduate Research
Associate, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University 1966-1969 Research Staff
Member, Institute for Defense Analyses 1965-1966 Research Fellow, Center for Strategic
and International Studies
1967 Invited to membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honorary
fraternity 1991 Resident Scholar, Rockefeller Foundation Study and Conference Center,
Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy 2001 Recipient of the Air Force Association’s Gill Robb Wilson
Award in Arts and Letters
2002 Elected an Honorary Member of the Order of Daedalians, the national fraternity of U.S.
military pilots
“Nuclear Proliferation and Soviet Arms Control Policy,” Orbis, Fall 1969
“Deterrence in the MIRV Era,” World Politics, January 1972 Selective Nuclear Operations
in American and Soviet Strategic Policy, RAND Corporation, December 1976 “The Political
Potential of Soviet Equivalence,” International Security, Fall 1979 “Soviet Strategic Conduct
and the Prospects for Stability,” in The Future of Strategic Deterrence, IISS, 1980 “Uncertainties
for the Soviet War Planner,” International Security, Winter 1982-83 “Pitfalls in Force Planning:
Structuring America’s Tactical Air Arm,” International Security, Fall 1985 “Moscow’s Lessons
from the 1982 Lebanon Air War,” in War in the Third Dimension, Pergamon-Brassey’s,
1986 “Theater Forces,” in American Defense Annual 1987-88, Lexington Books, 1987 “The
Kremlin and SDI,” Foreign Affairs, Spring 1988 “The Outlook for Tactical Air Power in the
Decade Ahead,” in Air Power, Pergamon-Brassey’s, 1988 From Farnborough to Kubinka: An
American MiG-29 Experience, RAND Corporation, 1991 “What the Russians Learned from
the Gulf War,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, October 5, 1992 “Flying the Flogger,”
Flight International, February 23, 1994 “Russia’s Wounded Military,” Foreign Affairs, MarchApril 1995 “The Uses and Abuses of Air Power,” Wall Street Journal, July 27, 1995 “To
Dominate the Skies: Why America Continues to Need the F-22,” Armed Forces Journal,
November 1995 “The Technology Revolution in Air Warfare,” Survival, Spring 1997
“Bounding the Air Power Debate,” Strategic Review, Fall 1997. “Air Power, Space Power,
and Geography,” The Journal of Strategic Studies, June/September 1999 “Why Submariners
Should Talk to Fighter Pilots,” The Submarine Review, October 1999
Russia’s Air Power in Crisis, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999 The Transformation of
American Air Power, Cornell University Press, 2000 NATO’s Air War for Kosovo: A Strategic
and Operational Assessment, RAND Corporation, 2001 “The Air Force Renaissance,” in The
Air Force, Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2002 Mastering the Ultimate High Ground: Next
Steps in the Military Uses of Space, RAND Corporation, 2003
Singapore’s Combat Aircraft Competition, King’s College London, January 2004
American Carrier Air Power at the Dawn of a New Century, RAND Corporation, 2005 Air Power
against Terror: America’s Conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom, RAND Corporation, 2005
“A Transformed U. S. Air Force at 60,” in United States Air Force: Founding Centennial and
60th Anniversary, 2007 Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike
Warfare, RAND Corporation, 2007 “Air Power in a Nutshell,” in Global Strategic Assessment
2009, National Defense University Press, 2009
“Reflections on the Balkan Air Wars,” Air Power History, Spring 2010
“Air Power, Space Power, and Cyber Power,” Joint Force Quarterly, First Quarter, 2011 Air
Operations in Israel’s War against Hezbollah, RAND Corporation, 2011 Airpower at 18,000’:
The Indian Air Force in the Kargil War, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2012
“Israel’s War in Gaza: A Paradigm of Effective Military Learning and Adaptation,” International
Security, Fall 2012 “Lessons from Modern Warfare,” Strategic Studies Quarterly, Fall 2013.
The Unseen War: Allied Air Power and the Takedown of Saddam Hussein, Naval Institute
Press, 2013
Nearly 500 hours of combined military flight experience in the T-33, T-37 (left seat), T-38
(front seat), F-100, F-101, F-104 (front seat), F-105, F-106, FB-111 (left seat), F-111C (left
seat), F-4C/D/E/F, RF-4, F-5B/F (front seat), F-14 (two traps in USS Kitty Hawk), F-15B/D/E,
F-16B/D, F/A-18B (front seat), F/A-18D/F, Mirage IIID/5B, Kfir TC-2, TA-4, EA-6B, TA-7C,
A-7K, TAV-8B, A-37, CT-114, T-2C, Alpha Jet, Aermacchi MB 326H, PC-9 (front seat), T-50,
MiG-21 (front seat), MiG-23 (front seat), MiG-29, Su-30, Hawk T1/127, Harrier T4, Tornado
GR1T/GR4, Jaguar T2, Typhoon T3, EMB-312 Tucano (front seat), and U-2. Also T-6C
and AT-6 (both front seat), T-28B (front seat), T-34A (front seat), AH-1W, OV-10, B-52H,
B-1B (left seat), Canberra T4, KC-135A (left seat), XV-15 (left seat), C-17 (left seat), C-47
(left seat), C-130, C-131, E-3 AWACS, Valmet Redigo L-90 TP, and Wright B Flyer replica,
plus high g-tolerance centrifuge training, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, and U.S.
Parachute Association B License with 44 jumps (34 free-fall).
Council on Foreign Relations, Air Force Association, Air Force Historical Foundation, U.S.
Naval Institute, Association of Naval Aviation, Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association,
Order of Daedalians, Tailhook Association
Lt. Gen. Tad J.Oelstrom, USAF (Ret.)
Director, National Security Program, Adjunct Lecturer in
Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University.
Moderator and Speaker in the 1st Session
Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
“What Does Recent Use of Air and Space Power Imply for
the Future?”
Tad Oelstrom, adjunct lecturer in Public Policy, is Director of the National Security Program
at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. The National Security
Program encompasses a broad range of executive education initiatives, e.g., program for
Senior Executives in National and International Security, National Security Fellows program,
US-Russia Security program, Black Sea Security Program, Generals and Flag Officers
Homeland Security Program and the US-South Asia Leader Engagement Program. He joined
the faculty in 2001 after more than 35 years in the US Air Force, retiring as a Lieutenant
General. As a Command Pilot, he has flown more than 20 types of fighter aircraft, served in 6
different countries, and participated in combat in both Southeast Asia and Southwest Asia. He
has command experience at all tactical levels from Flight through Numbered Air Force. Key
senior command positions include three different fighter wings in England, Southwest Asia,
and Germany, the US Third Air Force in England and the US Air Force Academy. Key staff
assignments include Director of Fighter Operations, Tactical Air Command; Executive Officer
to the Deputy Commander US European Command; and Inspector General US Air Forces
in Europe. His areas of focus are national and international security issues, US military, and
advanced development education for national security professionals.
Air Marshal David Walker, RAF (Ret.)
an Honorary Fellow of the University of Exeter Strategy
and Security Institute; and a visiting Lecturer at the
USAF Maxwell Air University Alabama; former Deputy
Commander, Allied Joint Force Command at Brunssum.
Speaker in the 1st Session
Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
“Recent Operations - Enduring Lessons and Emerging
Challenges for Air Power”
David Walker retired from the Royal Air Force in July 2013 having commanded operationally
at squadron, wing, and group level. He served in flying and command duties in Germany,
Belize, the Falkland Islands, USA, Iraq, and Bosnia; and in senior staff appointments in the
UK Ministry of Defence, NATO Headquarters, deployed operational locations, and throughout
the RAF command structure. He served on exchange with the US Navy and has held 3
separate senior NATO appointments, most recently as the Deputy Joint Force Commander
at JFC Brunssum. As the Deputy Commander for the NATO Air Headquarters he initiated and
championed the successful multi-national NATO helicopter project to support operations in
Afghanistan and was selected by the US and NATO to lead the development of the US/NATO
Ballistic Missile Defence programme.
David was educated at Bristol University (BSc in Geography); King’s College London (MA
in Defence Studies); and is completing a PhD in Military History with the War Studies
Department at the Birmingham University. He is a Graduate of the Windsor Leadership Trust;
the University of Exeter Strategic Development Scheme; an Honorary Fellow of the University
of Exeter Strategy and Security Institute; and a visiting Lecturer at the USAF Maxwell Air
University Alabama.
Major General Micael BYDÉN
Chief of Staff, Swedish Air Force.
Speaker in the 1st Session
Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
“Swedish Air Power Delivering Independently, Joint, and
Major General Bydén was born in Gnarp, Sweden in 1964. He graduated from the Coastal
Artillery Academy in 1985 and then converted to the Air Force to start basic flying training.
Most of the early part of his career was spent in the air as a fighter pilot. In 1999 he left
F21 Wing in the northern part of Sweden and moved to Washington D.C to take post as Air
Attaché at the Swedish Embassy for three years. Since then he has served as Commanding
officer at the Swedish Air Force Flying Training School and at the Swedish armed Forces
Helicopter Wing. Among other commitments he served as Chief of Staff at HQ Regional
Command North, ISAF, in 2011. In 2012 he was promoted Major General and took post as
the Chief of Staff, Swedish Air Force.
He has some 1500 flight hours in propeller and jet trainers and all versions of SAAB 37
Viggen (recce, ground attack and fighter). Part from this he has also basic helicopter training.
His hobbies include golf, hunting, running, workout and skiing. He is married to Anita Carlman
and they have three children; Ludvig, Lovisa and Harald.
Colonel Professor John Andreas OLSEN
Norwegian Ministry of Defense, Visiting Professor of
Operational Art and Tactics, Swedish National Defense
Speaker in the 1st Session
Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
“A New Air Power Concept”
Dr. John Andreas Olsen is director in the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, head of section for
security policy analyses, colonel in the Royal Norwegian Air Force and visiting professor at the
Swedish Defence University. He was the deputy commander and chief of the NATO Advisory
Team at NATO Headquarters, Sarajevo, from 2009 to 2012. His previous assignments
include tours as dean of the Norwegian Defence University College and head of its division
for strategic studies. Colonel Olsen is a graduate of the German Command and Staff College
and has served both as liaison officer to the German Operational Command in Potsdam
and as military assistant to the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin. He has a doctorate in history
and international relations from De Montfort University, a master’s degree in contemporary
literature from the University of Warwick, and a master’s degree in English from the University
of Trondheim. Professor Olsen is the author of Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm (2003) and
John Warden and the Renaissance of American Air Power (2007); coauthor of Destination
NATO: Defence Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003‒2013 (2013); editor of On New
Wars (2006), A History of Air Warfare (2010), Global Air Power (2011), Air Commanders
(2012), European Air Power (2014) and Airpower Reborn (2015); and coeditor of The
Evolution of Operational Art (2011) and The Practice of Strategy (2012). Olsen has received
several awards for his command and work.
Professor Thomas A. KEANEY
The Associate Director of Strategic Studies, Johns Hopkins
University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
Executive Director of the Merrill Center, and a senior
adjunct professor of strategic studies at SAIS.
Speaker in the 1st Session
Air and Space Power in Recent Crises and Conflicts
“Rethinking Air Campaigns”
Dr. Keaney is the Associate Director of Strategic Studies, Executive Director of the Merrill
Center, and a senior adjunct professor of strategic studies at Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies. Before coming to SAIS in 1998, he was for ten years a
professor of military strategy at National War College, Washington DC, and director of its
core courses on military thought and strategy. A retired colonel in the U.S. Air Force, during
his military career he served in positions including: associate professor of history at the U.S.
Air Force Academy; planner on the Air Staff; chairman of the department of military strategy
at National War College; forward air controller in Vietnam; and B-52 squadron commander.
During 1991 and 1992 he was a researcher/author with the Gulf War Air Power Survey.
He was co-author of two reports of that survey, The Summary Report and The Effects and
Effectiveness of Air Power, and a subsequent book, Revolution in Warfare?: Air Power in the
Persian Gulf (with Eliot A. Cohen).
Among his publications are: US Allies in a Changing World (2001) and Armed Forces in the
Middle East, Politics and Strategy (2002) (both ed. with Barry Rubin); War in Iraq: Planning
and Operations (2007) (ed. with Thomas Mahnken); and Understanding Counterinsurgency
Warfare (2010) (ed. with Thomas Rid). He received a Ph.D. in History from the University of
General Jean Paul PALOMÉROS
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, Norfolk, Virginia.
Keynote Speaker of 2nd Session
C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
“Air Power and Transformation”
General Jean-Paul Paloméros was confirmed by the North Atlantic Council as Supreme Allied
Commander Transformation on 6 August 2012 and assumed Command in Norfolk, Virginia,
on 28 September 2012.
He joined the French Air Force Academy in 1973 and qualified as a fighter pilot in 1976.
Throughout his career he acquired extensive experience both as an operational Commander
and as a fighter pilot, having flown 82 combat missions and more than 3,500 flying hours,
mostly on Mirage F1C and Mirage 2000 aircraft.
He commanded 2/12 Picardy Squadron in Cambrai which he led for the “Epervier” operational
deployment in Chad (1987) and then the 30th Fighter Wing in Reims (1990).
He was then appointed as Commander of Cazaux Air Force Base from 1996 to 1998. This
base hosts one the main French flight test centres, several advanced French flying training
squadrons and a permanently stationed Singaporean training Squadron.
General Palomeros also has a diverse background in multinational operations and was
deployed in Vicenza, Italy (1993) as Deputy Commander of the French Air Force during
Operation “Crecerelle”, French participation in operation “Deny Flight”, and then in Kiseljak,
Bosnia-Herzegovina (1995) where he was in charge of coordinating the air-ground campaign
during Operation “Deliberate Force.”
He became the head of the “Studies and Strategic Plans” Department of the French Air Force
Staff in 1998. Promoted to Brigadier General in 2001, he was appointed as Chairman of the
Capability Development Committee within the French Joint Staff and in August 2002 became
the Head of the Plans and Program Division.
In April 2005, he was appointed Vice-Chief of Staff of the French Air Force. In this function, he
developed and implemented the new organization named “Air 2010.” Promoted to General,
he went on to serve as Air Force Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2012.
General Palomeros graduated from the Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell, Great Britain
in 1993 where he was awarded the Curtis Prize by
the Chief of the Air Staff of Great Britain.
He was awarded the rank of Grand Officer of the French Legion of Honour in 2009. He is also
an Officer of the National Order of Merit and holds
the Aeronautical Medal.
Married to Agnes and the father of 5 grown-up children and 8 grandchildren, he regularly goes
jogging, enjoys swimming, opera and poetry.
Lt. Gen. David A.Deptula, USAF (Ret.)
Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, a thought
leader and independent consultant on defense, strategy, and
ISR, and President, The Deptula Group, LLC.
Moderator and Speaker in the 2nd Session
C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
“A New Era for Command & Control of Aerospace Operations”
Lieutenant General David A. Deptula (Ret.) is a battle-tested defense innovator. A highly
decorated military leader, he transitioned from the U.S. Air Force (USAF) in 2010 after
more than 34 years of distinguished service. He is a world-recognized leader and pioneer
in conceptualizing, planning, and executing national security operations from humanitarian
relief to major combat operations. Accomplished historic achievements and several “firsts”
in the command of joint forces, planning and execution of aerospace power, intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and improved international relationships. He has
taken part in operations, planning, and joint warfighting at unit, major command, service
headquarters and combatant command levels, and also served on two congressional
commissions charged with outlining America’s future defense posture.
General Deptula has significant experience in combat and leadership in several major joint
contingency operations. He was the principal attack planner for the Desert Storm coalition
air campaign in 1991. He has twice been a Combined/Joint Task Force Commander – in
1998/1999 for Operation Northern Watch where he flew 82 combat missions as a general
officer, and for Operation Deep Freeze conducting operations in Antarctica. In 2001, he
served as Director of the Combined Air Operations Center for Operation Enduring Freedom,
where he orchestrated air operations over Afghanistan during the period of decisive combat.
In 2005, he was the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) for Operation Unified
Assistance, the South Asia tsunami relief effort, and in 2006 he was the standing JFACC for
Pacific Command.
General Deptula was the first Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (ISR), Headquarters Air Force. Responsible for policy formulation, planning,
and leadership of AF ISR and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), he transformed those enterprises
setting a standard emulated by services and nations around the world. In 2009 he was
recognized as the Targeting Professional of the Year as the driving force in standing up the
Air Force Targeting Center. In 2010 he was awarded a Aviation Week & Space Technology
Aerospace Laureate Award for extraordinary accomplishment in national defense, and in
2010 he was also presented with the General H.H. Award, the AF Association’s highest honor
to a military member in the field of national security.
He has piloted more than 3,000 flying hours (400 in combat) to include multiple operational
fighter command assignments in the F-15. Formerly, the CEO of a high technology company,
he is currently a board member on a variety of public, private and think-tank institutions; is
a senior scholar at the US Air Force Academy; and a sought-after commentator around the
world as a thought leader on defense; strategy; and ISR.
Born in Dayton, Ohio, General Deptula earned his B.A. with distinction in astronomy at
the University of Virginia where he was commissioned as an Air Force officer in 1974 as a
distinguished graduate from Air Force ROTC. He remained at the University of Virginia to
complete a master’s degree in systems engineering. He also earned a master’s degree in
National Security Strategy from the National War College. He is a graduate of the U.S. Air
Force Fighter Weapons School, Air Command and Staff College, and the Armed Forces Staff
Air Vice Marshal Junaid Ahmed SIDDIQUI
Director General C4I at Pakistan Air Force.
Speaker in the 2nd Session
C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
“C2 ISR in the Perspective of Counter Insurgency Operations
Air Vice Marshal Juniad Ahmed Siddiqui was born in Lahore on 01 November, 1958. He
was inducted in Pakistan Air Force Academy in 1978 in General Duty Pilot Branch. After
completing his Flying Training from PAF Academy, he was commissioned in PAF as Pilot
Officer in 1981. He was promoted to the Rank of Air Vice Marshal on 21 July, 2011.
During his professional career, AVM Juniad Ahmed Siddiqui has held various Command
and Staff appointments. His Staff appointments include Flight Safety Officer at Fighter
Base, Deputy Director Flight Safety at Air Headquarters and Assistant Chief of the Air Staff
Operations at Air Headquarters. He has commanded Fighter Squadron, Combat Flying Wing
and Military Training Wing at PAF Academy. In addition to Commanding a fighter Base of PAF
he has also served as Deputy Director General Civil Aviation Authority Pakistan. Air Vice
Marshal Juniad Ahmed Siddiqui has been appointed as Director General C4I (Command,
Control, Communication, Computers and Intelligence) at Air Headquarters since August,
The officer is a qualified Instructor Pilot and graduate of Combat Commander School. He
is also graduate of prestigious Air War College, Nation Defence University Islamabad and
Nation Defence University China. He holds bachelor degree in Aero Sciences and Honors &
two Masters Degrees in War Studies and Defence Strategic Studies.
For his meritorious services the Air Officer has been conferred with 04 Green Endorsements,
Chief of the Air Staff Commendation Certificate, Sitara-i-Basalat and Sitara-i-Imtia (Militry).
General Abidin ÜNAL
Commander, Air Combat and Air Defense Command,
Turkish Air Force.
Speaker in the 2nd Session
C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
“Centralized Control of Airpower with Effective ISR
He was born in 01 January 1953 in Pınarbaşı-KAYSERİ. Upon graduation from Kazancık
primary school, he finished his secondary education at Pınarbaşı Secondary School and
Karabük Demir-Çelik Secondary school. Attended Ankara Chemical Technician School in
1968 and graduated in 1972 as he attended Turkish Air Force Academy at the same year. In
30 August 1975, he graduated with the rank of lieutenant.
After completion of flight and combat readiness training in 2nd Main Jet Base Flight Training
Central Command and 3rd Main Jet Base respectively, he was assigned to 3rd Main Jet Base
131st Squadron Command as wing pilot and instructor pilot in July
He was attended Air War College in 1982, graduated in 1984 and assigned to Air Military
College Trainee Regiment as Division Commander. With first F-16 activation in 1987, first
he was assigned to Öncel Squadron as Operations Officer and Instructor Pilot, then in 1989
upon activation he was assigned to 142nd Squadron as wing commander; in 1990 he was
assigned to MND System Management Division as Project Officer, in 1991 he was assigned
to 162nd Squadron as Operations Officer. In 1992 he attended Royal Air Force Air College for
a year; in 1993 he was assigned to 192nd Squadron as Squadron Commander.
In 1994 he was assumed the duty of Project Officer at General Staff Plans and Policy Division
Disarmament and International Relations Branch and in 1995 assigned as Military Advisor of
Turkish Permanent Representative of OSCE in Vienna.
He assumed the duty of Operations Commander at 5th Main Jet Base Command in September
1998, promoted the rank of Brigadier General in 30 August 2000 and at the same date he was
assigned as the Head of Scientific Decision Support Center. During his duty, he was a senior
member of NATO Technology and Research Organization General Committee.
He was assigned to 5th Main Jet Base Command as the Commander in 03 August 2002 and
in 04 August 2003 he was assigned to Air Force HQ as the Head of Project Management
Division. Promoted the rank of Major General in 30 August 2004 and assumed the duty of
Chief of Plans and Policy Division at Headquarters in 17 August 2004. He was assigned as
the Commander of Air Military College in 04 August 2006.
He was promoted the rank of Lieutenant General in 30 August 2008 and between 15 August
2008 and 12 August 2009 he was assumed the duty of the Head of General Staff ATASE and
Inspection Division while he was the Deputy Commander of the Air Force between 14 August
2009 and 09 August 2011. Lieutenant General ÜNAL was assigned as the Commander of 1st
Air Force and 6th CAOC. In 05 August 2014 he was assumed the duty of Deputy Comander
Of Air Combat and Air Defence Command. He was promoted the rank of General in 30
August 2014 and assigned to Air Combat and Air Defence Command as the Commander.
General Abidin ÜNAL is married to Mrs. Leyla ÜNAL and father to 2 children.
General Frank GORENC
“Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe,
Commander, U.S. Air Forces Africa,
Commander Allied Air Command, Ramstein Air Base,Germany,
Director, Joint Air Power Competence Centre, Kalkar,
Speaker in the 2nd Session
C2 and ISR Capability for Contemporary Air and Space Power
“Global Integrated ISR (GIISR) for the Joint Force Commander”
Gen. Frank Gorenc is Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe; Commander, U.S. Air Forces
Africa, Commander Allied Air Command, headquartered at Ramstein Air Base, Germany;
and Director, Joint Air Power Competence Centre, Kalkar, Germany. He is responsible for
Air Force activities, conducted through 3rd Air Force, in an area of operations covering more
than 19 million square miles. This area includes 104 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the
Middle East, and the Arctic, Atlantic and Indian oceans, and possesses more than a quarter
of the world’s population and generates more than a quarter of the world’s gross domestic
General Gorenc was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has commanded a fighter squadron, an
operations group, two wings, the Air Force District Washington, and a component Numbered
Air Force. General Gorenc has served in numerous positions at Air Combat Command, the Air
Staff, the Joint Staff, and at US European Command/Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe. Prior to assuming his current position, he was the Assistant Vice Chief of Staff and
Director, Air Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
The general is a command pilot with more than 4,500 flight hours.
1979 Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado
Springs, Colo.
1983 Squadron Officer School, by correspondence
1986 Air Command and Staff College, by correspondence
1986 NATO Tactical Leadership Program, Jever AB, West Germany
1988 Distinguished graduate, U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School, Nellis AFB, Nev.
1989 Master of Aeronautical Science degree, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona
Beach, Fla.
1994 Air War College, by seminar
1995 Master of Science degree in national security strategy, National War College, Fort
Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
2006 Joint Force Air Component Commander Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2007 Capstone Flag Officer Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair,
Washington, D.C.
2008 Joint Flag Officer Warfighter Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2008 Defense Policy Seminar, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington
University, Washington, D.C.
2009 Cyberspace Operations Executive Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2011 Pinnacle General and Flag Officer Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J.
McNair, Washington, D.C.
1. August 1979 - December 1980, student, undergraduate pilot training, Vance AFB, Okla.
2. December 1980 - April 1984, T-38A instructor pilot and flight examiner, 25th Flying Training
Squadron, Vance AFB, Okla.
3. April 1984 - August 1984, student, F-15 Replacement Training Unit, Luke AFB, Ariz.
4. August 1984 - April 1988, F-15C aircraft commander, flight examiner and flight commander,
525th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Bitburg AB, West Germany
5. April 1988 - October 1991, F-15C aircraft commander and Chief, Weapons and Tactics,
94th Fighter Squadron, Langley AFB, Va.
6. October 1991 - March 1992, Chief, Weapons and Tactics, 1st Fighter Wing, Langley AFB, Va.
7. March 1992 - June 1992, aide to the Commander, Tactical Air Command, Langley AFB, Va.
8. June 1992 - September 1993, aide to the Commander, Air Combat Command, Langley
AFB, Va.
9. September 1993 - August 1994, Chief, Operational Officer Assignments Branch, ACC,
Langley AFB, Va.
10. August 1994 - September 1995, student, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair,
Washington, D.C.
11. September 1995 - January 1996, operations officer, 390th Fighter Squadron, Mountain
Home AFB, Idaho
12. January 1996 - June 1997, Commander, 390th Fighter Squadron, Mountain Home AFB,
13. June 1997 - January 1998, special assistant to Operations Group Commander, Mountain
Home AFB, Idaho
14. January 1998 - December 2000, Chief, Studies, Analysis and Gaming Division, Joint
Staff, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
15. December 2000 - August 2002, Commander, 18th Operations Group, Kadena AB, Japan
16. August 2002 - September 2003, special assistant to U.S. European Command/Supreme
Allied Commander Europe, Mons, Belgium
17. September 2003 - June 2005, Commander, 1st Fighter Wing, Langley AFB, Va.
18. June 2005 - July 2006, Commander, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad AB, Iraq
19. August 2006 - June 2007, Director, Operational Plans and Joint Matters, Deputy Chief of
Staff for Air, Space and Information Operations, Plans and Requirements, Headquarters U.S.
Air Force, Washington, D.C.
20. June 2007 - August 2008, Commander, Air Force District of Washington, Andrews AFB,
21. August 2008 - August 2009, Director of Air and Space Operations, Air Combat Command,
Langley AFB, Va.
22. August 2009 - March 2012, Commander, 3rd Air Force, Ramstein AB, Germany
23. April 2012 - August 2013, Assistant Vice Chief of Staff and Director, Air Staff, Headquarters
U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
24. August 2013 - present, Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe; Commander, U.S. Air
Forces in Africa; Commander, Air Component Command, headquartered at Ramstein Air
Base, Germany; and Director, Joint
Air Power Competency Centre, Kalkar, Germany
1. January 1998 - December 2000, Chief, Studies, Analysis and Gaming Division, Joint Staff,
the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., as a lieutenant colonel and colonel
2. August 2002 - September 2003, special assistant to U.S. European Command/Supreme
Allied Commander Europe, Mons, Belgium, as a colonel
3. June 2005 - July 2006, Commander, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad AB, Iraq, as a
colonel and brigadier general
Rating: Command pilot
Flight hours: More than 4,500
Aircraft flown: T-38A, F-15C, MQ-1B, UH-1N and C-21
Distinguished Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Defense Superior Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters
Airman’s Medal
Bronze Star Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Aerial Achievement Medal with silver oak leaf cluster
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster
Combat Readiness Medal with four oak leaf clusters
National Defense Service Medal with bronze star
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Air and Space Campaign Medal
NATO Medal
2006 Joseph A. Moller Trophy, Air Combat Command’s Outstanding Wing Commander
Second Lieutenant May 30, 1979
First Lieutenant May 30, 1981
Captain May 30, 1983
Major June 1, 1990
Lieutenant Colonel March 1, 1994
Colonel Sept. 1, 1998
Brigadier General Oct. 1, 2005
Major General Feb. 1, 2008
Lieutenant General Aug. 24, 2009
General Aug. 2, 2013
(Current as of April 2014)
General Francisco Javier García ARNAIZ
Spanish Air Force Chief of Staff.
Moderator and Speaker in the 3rd Session
Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
“Is There Any Need for an Air Operations Specific Logistic
Doctrine and Policy?”
Nominated by H.M. the King, the 4-star General (General del Aire) F. Javier García Arnaiz
began his duties as the twentieth Spanish Air Force (SpAF) Chief of Staff on July 27th, 2012.
Under the direct authority of the Minister of Defense, he is responsible for the organization,
training and equipping of 24.000 active-duty and civilian forces. He is also member of the
National Defense Council.
General Arnaiz was born and primarily educated in Madrid. He joined the SpAF in 1972 and,
after completing his studies in the Spanish Air Force Academy, he was posted to his first
assignment in the 12th Fighter Wing, Torrejon Air Base, at that time equipped with F-4C.
Since then he had the opportunity to develop his fighter pilot career at three different
operational wings: the aforementioned 12th Wing (F-4 and F-18), the 15th Fighter Wing
(F-18) at Zaragoza Air Base and the 21st Fighter Wing (F-18) at Morón Air Base. He has
accumulated around 4000 flying hours, mainly on board of the F-4 and the F-18.
In 2000, colonel Arnaiz was nominated Commander of the 12th Fighter Wing, flying the F-18
In addition to his pilot activities, General Arnaiz has been assigned to several Staff Officer
positions such as the Air Combat Command, the Chief of Staff Office and the Air Force Staff.
His international experience is also wide. Among others, he´s had the following assignments:
Balkans Operations, UNPROFOR Air liaison Officer in Bosnia-Herzegovina, SP representative
to CAOC Vicenza for “Deliberate Force” Operation, Commander of the Forward Support
Base (FSB) Herat, Afghanistan, in the ISAF mission and in 2006 he was designated Deputy
Spanish MILREP to the NATO and EU Military Committees, in Brussels.
In 2010 General Arnaiz became SpAF Deputy Chief of Staff, and thereby responsible of the
main organization committed to provide advice to the Chief of Staff. From this position he was
promoted to Chief of Staff two years later.
General Arnaiz is married and has two children.
• Fighter and transport pilot.
• Air Staff Course.
• NATO Defence College Senior Course.
• Forward Air Controller.
• Flight Safety (USA).
• English SLP
• French SLP
• Italian SLP
• Gran Cruz de la Real y Militar Orden de San Hermenegildo.
• Gran Cruz del Mérito Aeronáutico con distintivo blanco.
• Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito de la Guardia Civil.
• Cinco Cruces del Mérito Aeronáutico con Distintivo Blanco.
• Placa, Encomienda y Cruz de la Real y Militar Orden de San Hermenegildo.
• Cruz de la Orden del Mérito de la Guardia Civil con distintivo blanco.
• Medalla de las Naciones Unidas (UNPROFOR).
• Medalla OTAN (Antigua Yugoslavia).
• Medalla OTAN: No artículo 5 “ISAF”
• Medalla al Mérito Santos Dumont de la República de Brasil.
• Medalla Cruz Centenario Aviación Militar de la República de Chile.
• Grado de Oficial en la Orden de la Legión de Honor de la República Francesa.
• Distintivo de Mérito por Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz.
• Distintivo de realización del curso NADEFCOL.
• Distintivo de permanencia en al Estado Mayor de la Defensa.
Madrid, 15th October 2014
Lt. Gen. Jean Jacques BOREL
Commander, Air Defense and
Air Operations, French Air Force.
Speaker in the 3rd Session
Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
“Sustainment of Air Power: Benefits of Reachback C2 and Space”
Born on June 15th ,1960 in Palikao (French Algeria).
Married with 4 children.
1980 “lieutenant Saint-Hillier” entry at the French Air Force Academy.
Fighter pilot wings in 1984.
3 300 flying hours.
1984 pilot at the Fighter Squadron 03.030 “Lorraine”, Reims air base.
1988 fourship leader with fighter squadron 01.030 “Valois”, Reims air base.
1990 chief of operations at fighter squadron 03.030 “Lorraine”, Reims air base.
1992 chief of operations then deputy commander of the fighter squadron 03.004 “ Limousin”,
Istres air base.
1996 commander of reconnaissance squadron 01.033 “Belfort”, Reims air base.
1999 Defense Staff College, Paris.
2000 Chief of “Air defense” department at the Air Defense and Air Operations Command,
Taverny air base.
2001 Deputy chief of staff in charge of operations and air safety affairs with the Air defense
and Air Operations Command, Taverny air base.
2003 Air safety” advisor for the Air defense and Air Operations Command, Taverny air base.
2004 Base commander, Colmar-Meyenheim Air Force 132 and Military senior representative
for the Haut-Rhin administrative department.
2007 Head of Risk management at the Air Force Staff , Paris air base.
2009 Air Force advisor to the General commanding the Joint Operations Center (CPCO),
Defense Staff (EMA), Paris.
2010 Head of planning and logistics for the CPCO, Defense Staff (EMA), Paris.
2012 Chief of Staff of the Air defense and Air Operations Command, Lyon air base.
2013 Deputy Commander, Air Defense and Air Operations, Paris.
2014 Commander, Air Defense and Air Operations, Lyon.
1st august 2014 Lieutenant General.
Officer of the Legion of Honour.
Commander of the National Order of Merit.
Medal of Aeronautics.
Cross of Military Valour with a bar.
Lt. Col. Tamer ÖZARSLAN
Faculty Member in Management Department,
Turkish Air War College.
Speaker in the 3rd Session
Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
“Current and Future Challenges in Military Logistic Domain,
How These Challenges Effect Today’s Military Leaders and
Their Training Requirements in Logistic”
Lieutenant Colonel Tamer ÖZARSLAN was born in Erzurum in 1972. Following his technical
high school education in 1991, he joined the Air Force. Graduating from Turkish Air Force
Academy, ÖZARSLAN became officer in 1995.
Upon completing his Basic Supply Officer Course, he was assigned to 7th Main Jet Base,
Malatya as logistic officer in 1996. As logistic officer he dealt with tactical level logistical
arrangements. It was a unique experience for him to develop a program to balance main
equipment requirements in F-4 main jet base.
From 1999 to 2002 he earned his MS Degree in Industrial Engineering and submitted his
thesis on “Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate efficiency of Turkish
Airforce F-16 squadrons” to The Middle East Technical University.
He served as Bilateral Relations Executive Officer in Turkish Air Force Headquarter till 2005.
In 2007, after two years of education at the Turkish Air War College, ÖZARSLAN became
staff officer and was assigned to General Staff Headquarters. He prepared a thesis on “The
implications of Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program on Turkish Air Force Logistics System and
Turkish Air Force dependence on foreign logistic supply”. He served as project officer in the
Plans and Policy Division up to 2011. During this assignment, he mainly dealt with helicopter
procurement projects and long-term defense planning issues.
At this post, he also completed Pakistan Air War College education in 2010 and became
a member of Pakistan AWC alumnae after 11 months of foreign education and training
experience. He prepared a thesis on “Border Security issues in the context of TurkishEuropean Union Accession Negotiations”.
He served as Air and Space Operations Planer in NATO Allied AIRCOM Ramstein/Germany
in 2011 and dealt with operations planning and several capability development projects like
AGS. Then, he took over military assistant office to DCOS PLANS in NATO Allied AIRCOM
in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He completed his foreign assignment in 2014 and be back
to Turkey.
As of 2014 he was assigned to Air War College as Faculty Member in Management
Department. His main research areas are long term defense planning, logistic and operations
planning, project management, strategic planning and logistic. He is following his doctoral
program at Department of Management and Organizational Behavior in Yıldız Technical
Lieutenant Colonel Tamer ÖZARSLAN is married and has three children.
1995 Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering, Turkish Air Force Academy,
1996 Basic Supply Officer Course, Training Command, Izmir.
2002 MS Degree in Industrial Engineering at METU, Ankara.
2007 Air War College, Istanbul.
2008 Defense Resources Management Course, California, USA.
2010 Pakistan Air War College, Karachi, Pakistan.
Education and Training Service Achievement Award, 2 stars
Administrative and Logistic Service Achievement Award, 2 stars
NATO Assignment Mission Award
Second Lieutenant Aug 30, 1995
First Lieutenant Aug 30, 1998
Captain Aug 30, 2003
Major Aug 30, 2007
Lt.Colonel Aug 30, 2012
(Current as of Apr 2015)
Dr. Robert S. TRIPP
Senior Management Scientist, RAND Corporation, Ca, USA.
Speaker in the 3rd Session
Sustainment of Combat Air and Space Power
“A Proactive Approach for Integrating Logistics Enterprise
Capabilities into the Operational Planning and Execution
Col (Dr.) Robert Tripp, USAF, retired (BS, MS, Michigan Technological University; PhD,
University of Minnesota), is a senior staff member at RAND Corporation, a nonprofit institution
that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis. He has led
Army and Air Force research projects to evaluate alternative combat-support postures. During
the last several years, he has led research efforts to evaluate how support policy, practice,
and technology options impact the effectiveness and efficiency of air and space expeditionary
forces. Dr. Tripp has held corporate officer positions in industry, and he has served in the Air
Force. Before he retired at the rank of colonel, he served in numerous logistics positions that
included program manager of two large logistics information systems. Dr. Tripp has taught
graduate and undergraduate courses in logistics, production management, management
sciences, and management information systems at the Air Force Institute of Technology
and the University of New Mexico. He chaired the Management Science and Management
Information Systems Department at the Robert O. Andersen Schools of Management at
the University of New Mexico. Dr. Tripp has numerous refereed publications in the fields
of logistics and information systems. He has been recognized as Teacher of the Year at
the University of New Mexico, by the National Gold Key Honor Society; awarded the RAND
Silver Medal for important contributions to research; and the Research Excellence Award by
RAND’S Project Air Force.
Professor Umran Savaş İNAN
President of Koç University, İstanbul.
Moderator and Speaker in the 4th Session
Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future Air and
Space Power
“Leadership in the 21st Century; Creativity & Individualism
versus Chain of Command”
Umran S. Inan (BS’73–MS’74–PhD’77) received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical
Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1972 and 1973,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, in 1977.
Professor Inan is currently the President of Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey. He served for
many years at Stanford University, as a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Director
of the Space, Telecommunications, and Radioscience Laboratory. In this capacity, Professor
Inan has managed numerous scientific projects totaling $90M and has served as the Principal
Dissertation Supervisor for more than 60 PhD students.
Prof. Inan is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrıcal
and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), a Fellow of American Physical Society (APS), and is a
member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and the Electromagnetics Academy. He has served as
the Chair of the U.S. National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
and the International Chair of Commission H (Waves in Plasmas) of URSI., and is currently
serving as the Vice President of URSI. He was the recipient of the 2007 Stanford University
Allan V. Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research; the 1998
Stanford University Tau Beta Pi Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching; several
Group Achievement Awards from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the
European Space Agency; the Antarctic Service Medal of the U.S., with an Antarctic Mountain
named “Inan Peak” in his honor; and the 2008 Appleton Prize from URSI and the Royal
Society. Professor Inan recently received 2010 Special Science Award from the Scientific and
Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) of Turkey, and was elected as a Member of the
Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA).
Air Chief Marshal
Tanvir Mahmood AHMED
Former Commander of Pakistan Air Force.
Speaker in the 4th Session
Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future Air and
Space Power
“Significance, Quality, Development and Effectiveness of
Human Resource in Future Air & Space Power”
Born in 1952, Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed got his initial education from
Central Model School in Lahore. Subsequently, after doing his F Sc from PAF Public School,
Sargodha, he joined the Pakistan Air Force. He graduated from PAF Academy, Risalpur
in April, 1972 and went on to do Fighter Conversion Course and Operational Conversion
Course. He first flew the American F-86 (Sabre) and later all types of Chinese and French
fighter aircraft on PAF inventory, including F-16s. He is an accomplished fighter pilot with rich
experience on F-16s and Mirages. He is a Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI) and a Combat
Commander on Fighters. He commanded an elite Fighter Squadron, the choicest F-16 Flying
Wing, PAF Base, Sargodha and PAF Academy, Risalpur.
In staff jobs, the Air Chief Marshal has served as Deputy Director in Operations Branch,
Personal Staff Officer to two Air Chiefs, Chief Project Director of F-16 Project, Senior Air Staff
Officer at Northern Air Command, Peshawar and Director General, Air Weapons Complex,
Wah. At senior staff assignments, the Air Chief Marshal has the unique distinction of having
served as Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Administration), Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Operations)
and Vice Chief of the Air Staff. The Air Chief Marshal has also served the UAE Air Force as
a fighter instructor pilot. He is a graduate of Air War College, Turkey and National Defense
University, Islamabad from where he did his M Sc in Strategic Studies.
Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed assumed the command of PAF on 18 March 2006
and retired with distinction on 18 March,2009. He is married and is blessed with four children,
two of them are pilots in the PAF. In recognition of his meritorious and exceptionally dedicated
services, he has been decorated with Sitara-i-Basalat, Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military), Hilal-i-Imtiaz
(Miltary) and Nishan-i-Imtiaz (Military). For his outstanding and distinctive services, he has
also been awarded ‘The Legion Of Merit of the Turkish Armed Force’, King Abdul Aziz
Distinctive medal from Saudi Arabia, Khalifa bin Zayed medal of First grade from UAE, Sultan
of Oman’s distinctive Medal from Oman and a special medal from Government of Brazil.
During the forty years that he spent in the PAF, he had the distinction of working with Defence
industry personnel from the US, the UK, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Far East, China and
South Africa. He has also worked as member Board of Governors, Fauji Foundation (2000
to 2002), DHA Karachi (2001 and 2002), member Board of Directors Shaheen Foundation
(2000 to 2006),Chairman, Shaheen Foundation (2006-2009), member and Chairman Board
of Governors, Air University, Islamabad (2004-2009), Chairman, Board of Governors, PAF
KIET Korangi, Karachi, member Board of Governors, CAA Pakistan (2003-2006) and member
Board of Directors, Shaheen Air International. He resides in his private house in Lahore Cantt.
General Robin RAND
Commander, Air Education and Training Command, Joint
Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, USA.
Speaker in the 4th Session
Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future Air and Space
“AETC/CC Leadership and Professional Development Perspective”
Selected for reassignment as Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command, Barksdale
Air Force Base, Louisiana Gen. Robin Rand is Commander, Air Education and Training
Command, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. He is responsible for the recruiting,
training and education of Air Force personnel. His command includes the Air Force Recruiting
Service, two numbered air forces and Air University. The command operates nearly 1,370
trainer, fighter and mobility aircraft, 23 wings, 12 bases, and five geographically separated
groups. It trains more than 293,000 students per year with approximately 62,000 active-duty,
Reserve, Guard, civilian and contractor personnel.
General Rand was commissioned in 1979 after graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy.
He’s had multiple flying tours; served as an air liaison officer with the U.S. Army; and has had
staff tours on the Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Air Staff. General Rand’s
previous commands include the 36th Fighter Squadron, USAF Weapons School, 8th Fighter
Wing, 56th Fighter Wing, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad Air Base, Iraq, and prior to
this assignment 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.
General Rand is a command pilot with more than 5,000 flying hours, including more than 470
combat hours.
1979 Bachelor of Science degree in aviation science, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado
Springs, Colo.
1982 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1986 Air Command and Staff College, by seminar
1988 Master of Science degree in aeronautical science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University, Fla.
1990 U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons Instructor Course, Nellis AFB, Nev.
1998 Master of Arts degree in national security policy, Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
2010 Joint Flag Officer Warfighter Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2012 Pinnacle Course, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
1. July 1979 - July 1980, student pilot, undergraduate pilot training, Williams AFB, Ariz.
2. August 1980 - December 1980, T-37 pilot, pilot instructor training, Randolph AFB, Texas
3. January 1981 - May 1984, T-37 instructor pilot, 82nd Flying Training Wing, Williams AFB,
4. May 1984 - July 1984, AT-38 pilot, fighter lead-in training, Holloman AFB, N.M.
5. August 1984 - January 1985, F-16 pilot, F-16 training, 63rd Tactical Fighter Squadron,
MacDill AFB, Fla.
6. February 1985 - December 1986, F-16 pilot, 612th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Torrejon
AB, Spain
7. December 1986 - June 1988, air liaison officer, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armor Division, Bamberg,
West Germany
8. July 1988 - October 1988, F-16 pilot, F-16 training, 311th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Luke
AFB, Ariz.
9. October 1988 - December 1989, F-16 flight examiner, 432nd Tactical Fighter Wing, Misawa
AB, Japan
10. January 1990 - April 1990, F-16 pilot, USAF Fighter Weapons Instructor Course, Nellis
AFB, Nev.
11. April 1990 - July 1992, F-16 weapons officer, 13th Fighter Squadron; and weapons and
tactics flight commander, 432nd Operations Support Squadron, Misawa AB, Japan
12. August 1992 - September 1994, F-16 operations officer, USAF Weapons School, Nellis
AFB, Nev.
13. September 1994 - July 1997, operations officer and Commander, 36th Fighter Squadron,
Osan AB, South Korea
14. August 1997 - June 1998, student, Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
15. June 1998 - May 2000, policy planner, Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy (J5),
Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
16. May 2000 - March 2001, Deputy Commander, 56th Operations Group, Luke AFB, Ariz.
17. April 2001 - April 2003, Commandant, USAF Weapons School, Nellis AFB, Nev.
18. May 2003 - May 2004, Commander, 8th Fighter Wing, Kunsan AB, South Korea
19. June 2004 - June 2006, Commander, 56th Fighter Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz.
20. July 2006 - July 2007, Commander, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad AB, Iraq
21. August 2007 - August 2009, Principal Director for Middle East Policy, Office of the
Secretary of Defense, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
22. August 2009 - November 2011, Director, Legislative Liaison, Office of the Secretary of
the Air Force; and Special Assistant to the Vice Chief of Staff, Headquarters Air Force, the
Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
23. December 2011 - September 2013, Commander, 12th Air Force, Air Combat Command,
and Commander, Air Forces Southern, U.S. Southern Command, Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.
24. October 2013 - present, Commander, Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base
San Antonio- Randolph, Texas
1. June 1998 - May 2000, policy planner, Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy (J5), Joint
Staff, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., as a lieutenant colonel
2. July 2006 - July 2007, Commander, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad AB, Iraq, as a
brigadier general
3. August 2007 - August 2009, Principal Director for Middle East Policy, Office of the Secretary
of Defense, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., as a brigadier general and major general
4. December 2011 - September 2013, Commander, Air Forces Southern, U.S. Southern
Command, Davis- Monthan AFB, Ariz., as a lieutenant general
Rating: command pilot
Flight hours: more than 5,000
Aircraft flown: Primarily F-16, T-38 and T-37
Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters
Bronze Star Medal
Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters
Korea Defense Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal with two bronze stars
Republic of Korea Order of National Security Merit (Samil Medal)
Colombian Air Force Cross of Aeronautical Merit (Grand Cross)
Brazilian Air Force Order of Aeronautical Merit (Grand Officer)
Second Lieutenant May 30, 1979
First Lieutenant May 30, 1981
Captain May 30, 1983
Major July 1, 1990
Lieutenant Colonel Feb. 1, 1995
Colonel Feb. 1, 2001
Brigadier General Jan. 1, 2006
Major General June 1, 2009
Lieutenant General Dec. 1, 2011
General Oct. 10, 2013
(Current as of March 2015)
Brig. Gen. Recep ÜNAL
Director of Training Department at Turkish Air Force
Headquarters, Ankara.
Speaker in the 4th Session
Personnel Quality and Effectiveness in the Future Air and
Space Power
“Training and Education Perspective for the Future Air and Space Power”
Brigadier General Recep UNAL graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1984. He earned
his wings after completing the Pilot School training in 1985. He also attended the Air Force
Staff College between 1994 and 1996 and the Armed Forces Staff College in 2001.
Brigadier General UNAL served in various operational and staff positions throughout his
aviation career.
His numerous assignments include the 5th Main Jet Base between 1985 and 1991 and 3th
Main Jet Base from 1991 to 1994 as Fighter Pilot. He was in the team of founding of the
Turkish Acrobatic Team Turkish Stars in Konya at 1993.
He served as a Flight Commander at the 5th Main Jet Base in Merzifon between 1985 and
1991. From 1998 to 2001, he was assigned as a Staff Officer to Plans Section, Reaction
Forces Air Staff, Germany. Upon completion of his first NATO tour, he later commanded
132nd Squadron with the 3th Main Jet Base in Konya, until 2003. In 2003, He was assigned
as Force Planning Section Chief with the J5 at the Turkish General Staff HQ in Ankara. Then,
he was assigned to JFC HQ Brunssum, Netherlands as Air Operation Section Chief between
2005 and 2007. Upon completion of his second NATO tour, He was assigned to 3th Main Jet
Base in Konya as Chief of Inspection at 2007, one year later as Operational Commander.
Then he has performed Training and Exercises Division Head in Air Command İzmir, Turkey
for two years. Later he has performed Director of Training in Turkish Air War College. In 2013
he is promoted to Brigadier General and performing as Training Department Chief of Turkish
Air Force HQ.
Brigadier General Recep UNAL is married to Mrs. Seyda UNAL, with two children; one
daughter and a son.
1984 Air Force Academy
1985 Pilot Training School
1994 Air Force Staff College
1998 NATO Defence College – ITA.
2001 Armed Forces Staff College
1. 1984-1985, student, undergraduate pilot training, Cigli AFB, Izmir.
2. 1985-1991, fighter pilot, Merzifon AFB.
3. 1991-1994, instructor for Tactical Weapon Scholl, founder of Turkish Acrobatic Team TURKISH STARS, Konya AFB.
4. 1994-1996, student, Air War College,Istanbul.
5. 1996-1998, Force planner in Plans & Policy Division, Headquarters Turkish Air Force, Ankara.
6. August 1997-Feb 1998, student, NATO Defence College, Rome, ITA.
7. 1998-2001, Planning Officer, Headquarters Reaction Force Air Staff, Kalkar, Germany.
8. 2001-2002, student, Armed Force Staff Collage, Istanbul.
9. 2002-2003, Commander for 132rd Fighter Wapon Scholl Squadron, Konya.
10. 2003-2005, Force Planning Section Chief, Turkish General Staff J5, Konya.
11. 2005-2007, Air Branch Chief, JFC HQ Brunssum, Netherlands.
12. 2007-2009, Operational Commander, Konya AFB.
13. 2009-2011, A7 Divison Head, Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Izmir,
14.2011-2012, Director of Training in Turkish Air War College, Istanbul,
15. 2012-2013 Training Department Branch Chief in Turkish Air Force HQ
16. 2013-present, Training Department Chief of Turkish Air Force HQ, Ankara,
Rating: Command Pilot
He has a total of 3200 flying hours on F-5 and F-4 aircraft.
1984 2nd Lieutenant
1987 1st Lieutenant
1993 Captain
1998 Major
2002 Lieutenant Colonel
2004 Colonel
2013 Brigadier General
Colonel Professor John Andreas OLSEN
Norwegian Ministry of Defense, Visiting Professor of
Operational Art and Tactics, Swedish National Defense
Closing Remarks
International Conference on Air and Space Power, ICAP 2015
“The Increasing Value of Air and Space Power”
Dr. John Andreas Olsen is director in the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, head of section for
security policy analyses, colonel in the Royal Norwegian Air Force and visiting professor at the
Swedish Defence University. He was the deputy commander and chief of the NATO Advisory
Team at NATO Headquarters, Sarajevo, from 2009 to 2012. His previous assignments
include tours as dean of the Norwegian Defence University College and head of its division
for strategic studies. Colonel Olsen is a graduate of the German Command and Staff College
and has served both as liaison officer to the German Operational Command in Potsdam
and as military assistant to the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin. He has a doctorate in history
and international relations from De Montfort University, a master’s degree in contemporary
literature from the University of Warwick, and a master’s degree in English from the University
of Trondheim. Professor Olsen is the author of Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm (2003) and
John Warden and the Renaissance of American Air Power (2007); coauthor of Destination
NATO: Defence Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003‒2013 (2013); editor of On New
Wars (2006), A History of Air Warfare (2010), Global Air Power (2011), Air Commanders
(2012), European Air Power (2014) and Airpower Reborn (2015); and coeditor of The
Evolution of Operational Art (2011) and The Practice of Strategy (2012). Olsen has received
several awards for his command and work.
Turkish Air War College
The Turkish Air War College (Turkish AWC) is the highest level education and training center
of the Air Force. The alma mater of all Air Force military leaders and commanders, the college
holds the education philosophy of providing opportunities to young officers with advanced
level of thinking, intellectual problem solving, and leadership skills to meet future challenges.
Turkish AWC’s accredited education system is composed of three pillars, namely
“Management and Military Leadership”, “Strategy and History of Warfare” and “Operations
and Intelligence”. It aims to donate future military leaders with the understanding of both
distinct leadership skills necessary to deal with today’s military atmosphere and command
and control applications in past and present air warfare to overcome operational and logistic
problems as well as operational planning to reach political objectives.
In addition, to further enhance the abilities of future military leaders and commanders, Turkish
AWC has held numerous conferences, symposiums and panels leading the College to become
an international center of attraction, along with high standard of education. Empowered with
synthesis of scientific knowledge and military tradition, Turkish AWC prepares the members
of Allied and Turkish Air Forces today for tomorrow.