Cahiers d`Etudes sur la Mediterranee Orientale et


Cahiers d`Etudes sur la Mediterranee Orientale et
n t6
: c!€sir
ulilmesde l'Europe
LoSuisseel I'Asiecenkole
r' t6 lr rcG.ta..ibE 2OOt
dtund Europe
b DGdty Ehel.MM
d b r@
canxpt . tubr e
d &e
chpe I w e4b0 std6d@
@w b m
perq!€ n4E
8,rtu, ol,lN
J "rhc Si!E5 Trcd!". rm
iNsl!^d ni !{D disin'esrcrtu skrc I r! dry d
t6L word w{0i,hc vcryconft!-
..n.,,fr e'.o.,l o
i e l ' n ,o
n L r l li ) c t ' . c : e h . l l . n T L l . . . c
ibtrr rlnireL"c$.trcc isI.r rhclcmrdacr$etl mtrhe.among
fu s Btrr
ir subconsciousll
rh. lcnlq of rhctrbuins andmake\
lrd i'led i' nnponamissu!rlhd I \halldisc($ in rhs trlclc.
ln rl'. rnLi-m|trirli\r/rvla'ri{ d'nosphcr of rh. 60s md 70s dr
! t r i , e\ ' ' . . : r .l . s . A .
o .
'. b
u .-Jl
h cl r i
lr-.. so.ou.
nu du.. hi Fn.
m\on bchLnd
rll lnn rn,n)rd' ur's! cold.izcd:rorthe
d ir is rhetearot dninrcg.rionIr n rstrm.drha..fuy ro EU (ic..
un[]n-!or sh.rrnstheNS)wilLLead
ro r oriaLdni'rlTrutiof,$h 0h
i\ rlnn'Ehr1ohc alrady on rhcNrr sincenr l9${}\.An{ rll, thesere thc
!q sainc wstc.n Europearpovffs *hich disnenbt.d thc Olom.n
Fmpnein lel0 by Ihc Sd!rcrTrlart: rhcyhadlhei usedOftoDetrmLnorries
asr rool.nos rh.ii miir bcus s agrinDMe ngl,Nlor fte sanc.
Sone (ho drrc rhis deepf.rr rrc jui afnid ol losin! lhrn i!o-lon!
burlhe mrjonrj_is sirccrcLy
Thctois rhllrhc
omcial Kcmalislnrhonalisr.uproich whichlics ar rh. vcry foutuaroDot
rh. Turkish S1a1cu!!!ivcs rhc shrring of NS r5 ar intoductor io
drsinlcgnfon Or dE odEr imDona noinlsmud be i.,$d
r8ei'rt rhisfuin ol thoughtOne nms fon rh! f.c h Kcmalism6 !
weilmiz;g id.ologl. rlr n dr tur rhri the inrelPlaybclwcena
Siarcs rcgi'neandNS hasdeeplychaucd in ourdry.
fh. nt.dritq al Kt'nat^tn ona th. ' otu ert aj "lliahdt srftreisi
dcadior ot NS has n
ahdrcnn'c n ou rinE. for I
un., !'c ndron shrrcsn $rh
Jtrdrcirry: Two. rhe $e
cl.s nrudre oi rhecouilrlr rt
*treD onc ol ihc so.ixt !trs.
RelrrivcAtr.onomy')rrnd lhn
hnonri of t
rhc rc|tu\sr
dcrm\dh rhe tq! Clnrur r. 1
rhc 2ri ccdu.y ir n no\i dert
n:uori8 cm tu mor 4r 8 irpt
oemosa.ymd rhddoE rhcD.i
inlcEss cn. nr
alc ol CiobJizah)n.thE Ndio
is 4rinr se$m
lr i\ debalablewh.lhd Kcrnalis
!dop.: c.naDly
'mdcrdevclopcdcounlry nalion:llsm'.' .'r
2) Ou6ya,dookins.Ns is dc
onrybyiLjo$, dccl.Ed\i| a.e
8tr1.ri Kcfral Alaturki drinhne-Ureloner is mainlyr
pretoqtrnir.for rhc 3 $.org (modmi?ed)Turkey .ou1donly bc
ichrcved aglinn thc $ill ol $e impenalii wev. Kemlim is !
z ,'
Projeci btrilt round Auriiih\ .cntll .hone
Klmlnn s h+day *ar qrrernrcd b) $c monisri.lvcncmEuropeoith!
192tumd l0s. now n is rhc pLunlii. Wenem Eutupe.f ll C.n!',-1
ThscloR. $cm a.c 6\o inlcrtpr.(ionsof KcnFLismtl'!t or'Model l9l0r
rndrhdof Modcl2000s'iapdactdi.hoio y
NS. $e rJ,r 4!d d, ol rhcNarioill
Thc corcltirofrilonal sovereigDq
kctrtuli') sime ihe lr" Cenrut rnd df rhc N.rion.Srat (buih on llic
hx iuo diltcnnl
*\$nption of a singlccrhnldry)sL e rhe l9'" Cenrtrry.
thn nreaD\rhd rhe jnbDtN
lnged. I', rhe i7,hCeihra !1
1l Inqad tuori',9.n mcrns nr ftc Focusof
\o.icry i! tun.d bNards ihe concetriof niioi'
soreEignq throtrgh irs elccrcd rcpic$nEtires
e d i " ! o l N s , r n r h cr b \ o t t r
rup< 'h.rtuft I r at!rJnJ.t
r N S b u rd h e Jn f r h r - [ r L u m
c ot a Srare-sNS i! rc$rdq
obalbrlanc.orpo!.r and.ho
i" "r,r; i;, :
t'dc world(cxrenal
s . h , , h eI . h r 4 h ! < ! c n r
tro.ldehal Ns (donooall
'mklonbo. c{enit Ns (iidc
^rnhun h!'n rhc nrenEtruii
rlercicc $o!td be considcn
netus rofrm b)' $o,ing ()(
K wc c.n rca.h$e conduliof
sN rnr t!r/ir,!
a/h, Mirn?,r;/,ii tu^'lddsdopcd .ouiry Niiiomli:nl,
Atrrri. BLlg,.r'^ edirioi.
!o{itrjrjrr Ltr|adr
o'1.,\rk.ii. BLIgL5^edilioi. r999.p65lm
hlmnm. aod(irohlliatiN '\ SludJorI
rr*k..r'. ,torDd oJ sod,!'t!
rdm |q rr D'l addr r)ai{
n ]
or Ns liN it.oo( iD L9i Ceitur! Eunpc and 6 rh{e}orc
o n.'. -f r lcJr
one. rhe nd,on shds n $trh No otlier pannss, $c Exctuirc md rhc
.lrdi.iiry: T\yo. rhe trr of NS ir infiucn.eL br- lrrc sood
! L l s s $ f u c r u F ot hf e c o u n r r v i t hEcp . c r c i k h o n o l l h c i d r o D ' n m o r c r c a l
uhcn onNol (h. socirLdAsc\ do$ trot don'i"ric rll odrc (_lniemrl
Rlldnc donony l' dnd rn is
m,pon:n1of !ll: rhc rqr'.snraiion of rhe nrlion ti.c. dlno(a.yl *!s
drlii$ i0 lh. 19" Ccnturyas ihe\ril ollh. n.ionry'i in thc begritringof
rhc 2l uentu!- ii n now dcnn.d as r.spc( h, d,e strbidendiei Thc
mtionLl!.n ro Nre ad ,\ it rlexes likc a dichror Th.ov.ral lr|n!ipl!.r
'ldrocn.) rDd$crlnrc U. mainpnn.iplcdfdaii(trlidt8riry rc'tuns thar
ri. trken i o a.counr.ln fte
iders dcmands.
inrcrcis dc..l.hc tr,i',o'L!_
agc ol^lon- rhc Nrion stater\ r nHhnnisd of.srnlldior
:) Outrdd lookng,NS is deiinedA $e Shre\ indacndcn.crenndsd
onh by ns oLvnd.drred $ill (i c, inlcmaiionalteali$.crO.Thc $or.tnln
E.Dnis ofNS is in rhcab$hrrr/ccft.lN Soe nodeLofthe l7r'cerrury
roday.Now *e.rn no motuspcak
futupc thcrufd. iris aLsomadyoDisric
ofNS huM bcs ofdrc "Exrerrl RehdveAtrldnobyofrhc sut. , tb' rh.
) of x srlrc\ NS is 'enricredbr olhn shrcs.prcscncc.
obrl balance
of pos{.nd. no$ impodadofrl!. by rhe{ndur. or !r
rr - rTd
b.\..n '\" N. r..' s h!' td.el
1 ' nc.
ngeJ:ln $c 17' Cc'rur!. whrl N.s iml1onin!war Dotlioi rhe sbie
d rosardr irs ciizen: linlcmil NS) but hov trong I {as rovdds thc
,& *o d lcx.cmslNS).Tlie inr.mrlNS *rs r funcdor.l rhc erremll
ef Lnienrl NS (demdd.c)rJis lrofs
(i.e. kstri'n e aDd non
o g. b. '..
h_ei e*
pldr- n D 1..! r. io . b ' rhi
'h. n m 4f \ In" Lr
r r'c aorld b- ""n 'lebbl. nc{r'r
. "
. l
t t r i e l ' 1 . 1 .
!! c.n rclch nrc conclusnndrd rL{aythc c\rmal NS of! !!re {ill
hrii Ir \. D[ cdEli ()zc* ]-ij".,, D$[[ orxdGd.).fir'i ra Poh'izn.
eqdqlc wftl, vol. I (ltle le30).
.onrinus to h. nron-gqhen bmld on th. osc of lb(c, but oi rh. veLl
.o rn!- irslnremrl\s r sro.g.i \ter t [ tror
er-seononcimpodmr.ondrion NS olTurlcy n
Thcseso po \ !
nrDge, \!hr "Nlodcl:000s Krmdism rs prcl.'rcd $ 'hrl or "Nlodrl
rrr0i lhc bcs lnna$ ld nf ir is rhcTu*sh nalc s aritudcro$ardsis
! ttn'4n'tord 6 offlirtnrr nt Lru,taL.
loJrr. rh! .on.!pr oa mi'u q i\ deuneJi\ nnlo*\: a sn ll
c,oDpoaciizens \rirh Jilirml .handsnrlcs liom rfu run or rhr idi.f
\hi.h ir coDsidcrth! rri. ./,' ,or ,)l $ nbrrlt Rcltitreord'er-ausanr
I'.r. Tr.rr- ol l9ll lurkcy. recogni7.das lnorh.s lr\ non Mondi
''i.i. dc\r i'r" 1r i
Ju i.f.'.
lnnH by .nnrg ns Cons,turion ^hhough. espeoJlr N r rt{LLl of
i cndoixl de\.lofmeDt\ afl.r 19t0. rhc rccolni{iof of htrmrn rnd
minornyrighG has bofi lxpandnl -luo!fu illLlr d '1tr!Lirdr'!ly.'i'r
oh.n rrDeided ro Tnrkeys inlenuldn.l
ol-|ultcy ccn.s tl'.
.onrcNons on hunu righl rerds: lhe Reptrblic
(he\x\ dl rhn.EccnNt in !ccod$!e trirl, rl'.
a-qhrto i'npLernent
relelrft aniclc\oIlhcTtr *hConslturionlnd i a.(ydanoetrirli relerrnt
rtrdcs .nd ptulelur.s ofn,e Lr!{nDc Pe$e Trertyrnd ns aMc\s ol ll
Juy 192:l T\o i'nn.mDtoonasshouidb. to cyrlurrethn ditLd.:
y.r\ sin(erhcsgningofL.u\.ndc. ln rhcmclitinc rl'.
h hrs b.en.i-qhry
''crh'i.. linstrish(.reLi!iln,J croir .rmc to be mireNrlly ac.epul
.. ''rin! \i
\ \r
oldr Jc.lan(idndldrr Skrc Otr rorh.' h! .d'.
oShren ideDendem
EutuFrn Con\enrid.on Htr'nri Righr\ IFCHR),n, \Yl,id, Tuktt is a
is f a poslioi N notrtrorhlnrniminori(ynghu in lurkcy. ln
tad. as re rholl *e Tu&Gh connitutiomlCom de.nionr ro closcdor$
Doln.d |rnl.\Nnhinlhcconrc\tofninori(ieJ issue\v.r. consdsd Lohe
i,r riolarionof Ai. ll of rhc DCHRbr rhc ENop.$ Coun ot Humm
b$ed on l92l h.sberodc
Ri!h6. Alllh$c sho* dEth.Turknh Dosnion
$.ak arrheb.ginning
ofnr 2l" Centr'!- .
lhtrh. trnrit rbe ptucriccirt
9lb rJ(
L ur rct.rrd 0
ch unrrs l rrmdcc.rthe r_
a n ' p $ o fl e : i ! l d i o D ! o i n !
rce (idr_r.o'dcftd alLrhr aot
ring ihmovrbl. .nd ortrf r
nddioi Tbc uidrtyine icis
ucc rhelifun.ial 'esomer ot
lirk-s deaih.ltiosr pNpsrl
nru\ q!-, un eaitftLl
in LLL
ed non Mudm rourLl.[or
\c' ho* louLd,{un
ic<dmri-! rh(, tr'unrm ftr,t
bl\ltrJ hy iidividurt dcfte
uf \Jt'rs
r\ i!
dlrons nadc a rx ir! rhd di.
r rLtlltd4
tl !.'.e d$L
irlin3 h. o!idJ ru|o
\ r u n r ! $ u t r t Jd p n n r r ,
rlifuris submnrsJ
nr 1916\
ssed b}' rnmdifion al
ml O rcd atr b !l hr!
tl I tt{h^ Er.,tul h Leknr!
P D e do ' l
.nd lcst snrll
lrotrpsonry(rhcn J Gruekahhodox.Annmians.
rhriirn Ertn'ps
luch N Syna.sarc deFv.d o1die rght to e{rblLr
^i.h rh. ,
- , ii'
r0 r.J-n.aga, n
YdRc!D Ysufgm.rl.d
rh! r Pkibrh\t. tsrxDbuL.
.umpL.. unri the pradlcc Dd€drd in ]tnury 2001. loundrtionsof
S!na!s.d!. *d. not EmgDized.'secondly.rhc ri!h6 srinlcd ro rhc rhre.
Co P . c o. ,'llrimre
1916D(lanrion icbkd b nonMustrmfoudari.ns a I erDift. ol
ach unk\tnl praclicc.'TheLr\y on Foudilions ot 1916.on. or rn.
6r. rodry. ordcrudrll the btrlJrlions ro subDinr propenvdcclanhor
!.s mnovabr. ,rd orhcr llNpcdi.s poscscd bl each )nd ev.ry
(r,*r, lrw trrs to
ndrlion. rhe undffryi,rgrcasontnr rhis founJalions
u.r th! fin.nci.l Fsdo(es ofnE hlaDjic tounddrrnsBtrr,tblLosing
[onefty dcddrions were fo.eoncD wh.r
t . "n ". 'li d in
i.\ri, l - r{ lil
. Lb
. h l
L,fl' 'e. 3.'o . .., .J
le Ln. o d. r" h,l - h... I r,1 r,,,
' .( o Lc
.ic. dunnglhEotomar Empircr'hcrc n,ch lounddlons.ould only bc
J \'
- \ , d " o . . , j L ! r r h e\ . ' . n o
1 '-.4 ed ncr.'
.' L.dcr'?'o
, ' . t r . d . I ' c ,l .! . d r ! n . , d r c ' n ) a r " t ' o
ilin! rhe loundaron to scqunc im'noube propcny. ft deDrul
cronrc ryotru e{propririerrl c imnov.bte prope4-acqunNdrlie.
couir.' )rguNi. ol rh! non MLslim loudlionr salcd rh.l rhe
clr-. lisr olinnnor$le proFdics
*-d by erch loondaiionar dar drF. bur rha. did nor psn'ade the
'l D rccrorltc10ch.nseirs decisionNo mrrcr hoN rhet. prop.nrcs
niidn'i.\ \ho hs. dhined modlm
dr r1!r, r suflen I ledr r /r//rr,. r,f/
r Pfubrcnn.
kbnbnl.Gdzkn.ree{.fp r$rr
truc rrqunedlpnrhas. donarior.
nnrcry,fhern!rccdc) c{popn{ro.
r!d rhld Th.sccxpropridion
acr \cR nr\iolrnrnolh.rh Lxusnier
t) ;.
b..nI L. p' !u(
on. rDdii rhcr.$crc io drr loN Llus.
\reregNcnbrhe r.easuryrtnocon Ths pncrcc Nar cirrcd.6
lLrcldy ncnnoncd .bo\!. dily in lrruD
l00l {h.n lcgislr.E
llrrmoDdtiotr PackrSe
Nirh !h. EU !.s
opled.I shrll eLrbo.aie
Thi ly.1rk.t Jos nor honorrighr rharLru$fie sipul.rcsfor Eorps
oiri$ 'htr hn-Mos cn\ lrls gcnmlly rcccpkdlharr.cordi',-s
nr Lru\r,ne
$. d.tnlliiof of niinon!.n
diLy.! Bu1 rhc trd rhd
srdni.lll dfLh. rexLrlsop.ovide\righr\ro peorleorhu rh mr v!n nr
i\ i! iokd lh*e r !h6 cai bc gro,$cdin fourcrlegoie\:
GrotrpA: Non MuiliD ciri2tns.aTurkid,Re|ublic(IJrs. 3311.l9rt.10.
llrr lid :. a:rl..rll. lr cols \irhour eyin! rl ighc ctnded ro orkr
rhEesrounsrm y rorl'isSroutrlnr
GrotrpB:CnizensolTurki\h Republic1rl,ospclk l!d8trr!.5 orhcrrhd
Ttrrksli (A(. lqril Riglrs ol tIN !tu@ aL$ incllLde
Ifu rigl* oaO.ounrc
GronpC: All fn ish RcpubLic
cilteDr (An r9r:rdri 4) tugh$ ofrhn
To everyonc .t rhcscfor gr.uts of lleoll! Lrusnn! lrnt dilT.nnl
n-{h6 Lhnl.unor be reoeal.d(Arl l7). N.D.Mtrslmsdo idr hrc trlo
ld!'loncs of pnrilcgcsth.l rhc dlh{ groun\rre deniedotr. s dh rhq
lii\e rl'.9,.!e{ itrtr'b* ofilhG dd, N ]\fl 1-1rrsares.lbeirrigha rnl
p.nihgcsar flrc.d undn i'rcmrlidrl guddee Y.r. n rb!\n.
non-Mr imi areonly on. -lrotrpan,ongr]I aou meDroEd 0 selriof jll or
Latrsri0! A\ .ri b. seen.rha Slcrioninroduccsrig|a b _rll Tu'ri\h
or rDdrnor!o\( _c\ryonu Lningin Trk.r" ConscqucD
lll oi Lrusatrie( m. iilv r nxril.n ofm,noriryrigh6. bnt rlso of hlDrr
rightr lhis.rtr ben be {tr,ll.d in ,\n l9/4.
| (n{! rao)
JL| {n'Jt '( (\v
r) rI
b 'r'j\ \.ry rnNh
rLd dr' 'h. tu&o!
or Lhcs!!
ird!r\L$! \rihJ
on bdtroi DLldfbs:r.
L!. Nridc ^, q
Lhr rhc
d rfi,! Tdrsh Ddlgdioi isA
rorrh!N\ ^nr!hr trh!,nEr!r$h's ridrcd !s Ad I, ud:1.
s r s!h!MrEl
ocumcn. ^nk.R.Farrry
runc. if, F dr5ion of r!,7$oo thc
iTdanl'. F€bruiry
t. 'ninur!id rt ofrlit5!
weak|dsibitiryrtErdoa, \ t
hJ|'' dci
lr .rt {rdr tio'n drLs.l9r5 th. tnll tal ol lhc pmsranl' s rs Jolo$s
_Notuith{rrdingU. cxtrrefteofth. ofi( | ri!!.8c. 'dequrretr.ilili$
shalhc gne.loTrrkLsh ndionxl\olnor-T(lnh sncc.hta.llt d.rl's! oJ
drn.ln lanluelr.helorN$c Co,rh Tlrc! coD\idenlio'sshodldbc kqi
m tund trhihcoD\idcin-ulhNrlur!.xs Lnorday lthldgh$ $tue 'r D
bigrrNnsi'l*dion logdhcr{ rl, rre qufl nof*hclh{dtKudrdnmkt
rrdio rnd L.Lcyaoi hnrad.rnr l'iErll, Lhcclnw give\ b rU Ttr.ksli
rilt.'s rhr ri:hr ro u\e qhi.he\s l guxeerhey.hoosr \hs!!ct s'd
sh$cv{ e\.eni in pftli. otti..\ lleNnrmlcscvs} oo$ibr. u$e. oi r[c
h f g m g ! . l r h c p . ' , o d i r \ r a r \ t n ( 1 q 2 1 ) n i d l c c . F c d ( l 9 l r )s c c o t udL
' e ^ _ h r ' D ' .i o
prblittrtr: o[.,\ Irt<t snnr b. trd !s to imltrdendio and I.leri\].f
6r)irl$!ine rLso.Thndl! .nd Deftrns mo{ inpon.nrlr-.a llDueh ftis
drus.concem!rllTurk \r !nizc's. nmlnlypfl)fisTtr!krh cnizen\\lhosc
DoLbdrotr3uei{ d Tu ish. For.c\0!ci'lb f ih. }er l9:2, ir is I \.^
r suld
h n'ry besid rhardrc
urdsor orherN,lurth\ ryho
trd 'n y srirr\ jn f,rrd
i'n nnd rharrhcuseor.di
i n ru r , , b I r , t r n , h ! ! 4 ! J
tretrnc[ n in Arsbicjjj ts
l utnh detcgrional Lrr
anr inloisicnlt w!
s. do norntrdsrsrand
thd rh.rc h6 bdenm d
r. lit andlr5 0tdr
13' D!.crbq 1922rIn o$
nnrolld\5, n,csrh.Co
) n{i
$ bc induJtd fl dt $id |lnrdjli_
l L S M e n r 'a / | ' . m ] 0 , ] ] 0 ]
,,. jil
, t r h L L s N l . n y . a l!]/ . r n r r )
dufi3 Lb' P..idJ Anl c!7
Muslin lu{ish cn;!i, \!
r.p.ntr!c righr(ar Lhisrei
ucy 'hay hrv. u ., r i
sdl Do$iblitv rh. ho:c \rho h.d lu*ish rs theirn,oihcrron8uc$ouLd
mrk! u\e ol rnodiefrriguaSe
if.hcn @dc.nd pnvrleinrerconne,
l(tr y bc iid ftaLthc purDo$ofrl,! rigMroriesNls norro lnc righri ro
Xurdr.rorli$ Muslims{ho sp(k r dillcrcnlmolherlonguei', Tu*ev. and
in Jhdnanv \rirss n Tulcy dd sry so noryrdays.
ltouever,n \houldbe
tcpr ii Drirdthalh.uscofdii..cnr Munin ridgtrrscscoutd
innoual bea
toinr ofobj.dio in iheTurkcyoI1912:r \a\ i rustrkrpndic. to flbmi a
rn(h pdnion m Aijbir ln ras mr nrorisin! rhrl
|n. Iurli,l, d!l!!n,uo r Lxtr..Lme
did noLo6i
l e ( P € o r c. s h i n l h l k
y !ida! ha\c grclt difidtry r. Inden
'r..n.{i.1. LL.d - bo' h. -1 ,r'"r
pr.. l hc.r.,
rtr) irconsislcily We io* sp.ik *ith rhc ncnhlny
*€ do norund{$rnd Fionirr'isfoid.l! cB. i1}otrlJ rLsobc u{ri ro
rbd rhfc h's beef ro di\cusion oD th^ sancr in rhe coiccmed
Dii!\nn The cxtoflni.h l9r4 ind 1915isnororlj- r tne copyoid,c
. , I r
n t l \ ol i ' . ' i \ d
" . . o 0 o - ! ' d . . . r
t l ' , r o o D o . . db \
u \'
u- -!" 'o
rhc orhd h.nd. rho loLloRin-q
nronldbe madcclcar ro nru!.nr
.p.n ton thcs!NlocLau$ofAt 19.dr Kurds(rnd
^ltrllLmTu*id' cn?.NLvhosc
horhd ronlueis norTurkish)
do rot
(lor rn Gnnre rhefl d of drk s6h..d;g), andany
! po\nnr ri-shr
.hcy 'nry hare underLausanDc
docsnor Iill urder inremdonaL
djll. '
's ), \'cn.. '.. f
Lim' r
!'.h. .' f!..kJu
'..'] i . pi,'uf i.I
le'6 eor\. io .
t'n, , d
'. r. on he n-.
' I'L'.1,n"r'r,. r'0.."^b...1.e
ur" rl,e r- \ud. !. !
' h L . . n . . i ' . r h Lo i
'1, , i. ,nd
a r n r o' F u 1 1 / r K
l,- ea. obc., cd . \ cJ . . ..). li(rorc.o
r o '' h d o r l i .
.'.n Th n'!
'uts.1 i
i . . . br t l l
oetrte! 'l'c n n-M li'n, - mn"'n:4 . The 'e".on, oI hc rrdfollotr\: l) Tni\ h r degr&r on bccluscm Tr4cy rhc conce of
! h-
.o 'l :u J b\ rhe,'
tr' fl
'lr l\r!\lid. A Ll( "\u\.R gn u iotr inLl 'h? n r ririe. tnotr
) rs scond clas crizcns 2) Th. Kuillsh nriion.lnrs .onsidr
. \ . , b . . , , f h e q o n . n d ' l m c o l l , ' t r J' , . d 1
$nh th. Trkt
.\.corJing b thi\ rieR. nr wr ol Indqrcndcmc\5
rougl'rrogdhd llo$c!f. rhln rh! lrrksno longerreeded
tl,e Knrd\ fte!
hrlor rhem r) Ildr n|ltrr
oI all_rhe Kurdnh dali.n.lNs .onsdcr
rfulrs.lvs 10 b. a p$pl. rids Lhana mind'irt. \hich ii i'r rheorl r
urcsor) ntrchdosrf lo *rcm:I lcLld.lcnnnradon(independence)
rvhich I Bh$ N$c er!.r !r \hr(h srotrpsr( Lrue.n.? lhc rolLoNug
rx\re6 couLdbc giv.n Ji.m r.doyr 0c6p!u1n(. \h.n rtu drlc on of r|t sisDi"e of rhe tcary. irs lo08ri:c ir spnr. f!
nc.nin-(md rqro\! ft mnslderedLansnre s r !..ry dm! dcif$ r:
i'i'rrtr! rl'e foNNluslrnsonly bd bnngs.enrin right to \ome odier
eusi cc Tlrcrcfor! rlr
Kurds n ..nccr Prorldld
An. :r. this mhdc dcanv mi\cn
ilhgxlioi Lhrrno lmgurgeo rcr rMr Tu.k6hcatrbc trscdtnr tu1tumd Tv
brodca{ fg i Tmk.! This i c@tskrio' wotrld nor hann in I ry \}aj dr
olllrial rlrcs.soI lurkcr conc.nirg tr\ {nkl oi ,nmonhcsBn'!, becru\c
rhc nslr$ idd libcniesbroughrb) i\n. l9rJ .oNem nor d,e miNnls rJur
''aLlTn' As ro rht righr
bnrushrb) 3qr5. I hasbccnmysry
inpluncntd !inc. Lh. be-siuiD-g
of d,e Repu.bLn.
\irh thc oxccp0onof
cemo Frods, rharn r[c inmdh ol rhe 12 seDreD]bcr
lhc arorlmeDloned
inren'.rdo' ol An 19h* grcf ben.liisao.r key
riom foor importr.rasplcr rn{lt. ilTu|key, ir Nouldhs.
ro tu1 s c rhc |roLit conkinedin $e "inkrprelrlivd{ftneia lludr
mefroDedTh. 1932CoNirulon h.s beci.mendcdinnumcnbl.rimcsr
d pre$nl.ou1dbeJ.lifed 6e{as*rwofl ourdolh (hi crnnorbcnircrltl
{iy true . Fron rhc poinl dfricN of rdlonaLsorereLgnry
ir r rnponMl
rl'r1the piobabi..liNge ro bc u.dcdxkln in the _i erydative narcm.N
{'ll ror Drdc bc.$sc ol FU pr.ssrc bdrby ndidnrL$ill To prekrr
of rfotrfdinq.rcarv!fTtrIkly'his rill
sr\! ft.e. (LnMnne n thc Ibmding tr.dy oa D Turksh salc bccatrs..
trhlDuqhrhc Turknh Rcpubhcqas bnndcd on ocrobcr2:ri 1921.rrtr
Ttr rshnde $as ratrided$trh rlrcinrcmrliodrtrero-sntlion
on rhc sigring
dd.df Laus.m.. J,'ly2.r . l92ri rhei3DE olTurkcy duniglhs LrtrMnn!
rtgouln i{ uxs ,Thc Gorcndln( of rh. Tu.kish crelt Narioixl
Ss$nJ. il n i'nponarrro considc.rld wnhi r spifirofEatlual bur
sFedl d.nocr.riz.rnri in Ttrrkey.bmrdcani.s in cvtrl luguge trill he
Ii f!d. fio'n thc Lenin\ io the .epr.sorarircof
'b! e(Dd boq.onie TUSIAD.rhe incLinarioi
of mponMl sedoA ot rhc
Iu||nI nr!isy l'$ alu(l] blcn m thisdindion. TheFfoE,ilrhe ransii.i
r. r'|p.n rn r snoolh (
b s!. r[fe r io oh]ieirrn
Th, J r sr.r'hi,m|
rishri (gireDor
h :\ ninorlils 10helt pr
marond gM.rriee b rh.
Exrbd] rorh.rrnoDrt0t
Thc r'ounhpdi'r nhiio$Dh
ErJ qurc hafpyLoInc h
lsn Deisureb[ by dedoc
orn! tesi:ldio, a,t! ,s iDq
polic),in Trkc
s od he m'noriq.or.cprI
vc$aly exprescd rn Atr l
is b hr|pci r r nnoorh*a!. ir n,ould he uptFncd by tl,e v,gorous
.ir.i..Drni ordr cbnsesof Lxusanne.
Rhichhavethe Mmeenforcenrnr
porer A'{ay. olcou6c. thcrcn no add rhar.
-btu.dclnirg n c!e'y lineuaga slruld nor be con\ideEdm oblisa(ior
niolldbetakcnas ali6cnlollhccilircni. lhd
isk \ay rh*c is noobligdionrhrrsu.hbmadcrnsshouldbc trrJcnrk!.by
ftc idc .rdio mJ rcfuvision.
ThnJl). iris datrlhrl mnl! libhi.r nFuld bc gi! ro cvro ctrftn D
Turlly. aM io! ro tu Kurd! rlooq orheNne ne\r mLno.ires$ould be
crmted "Nesaiveish( (thosegiven
toaLlcirizent*ill prtvcnrdemmds
for _p6nn! ng:ht'lgircn only ro d'e nerbes ddnldvrftaged g'oups
ed, ri minorniesro heLpnmrecrrheiridcndGs) This *ill ako prcrcnr
for.ign of varionsinknls Th. so ut on appliedby Fftnle. a
6ui!!-B Nhi.h has al\rars rcsistd gntrrire minoiry ngh$ un'r$
nh- ,
n " - L s 1 - ' o ' - 0 n - 1.
1en leI'nl'-\
m m illunin.hngin lhisrnatcr:IFncc spdds suchngh$
all cniTeisir rhe iirm ol negaliveright- and bri',gsconrinurl
e\ b' I 'o Lhcprincipro no' rt.eln z ngrhemnun,rs.!
T l . r : u " h r ' i n . . Il * f
.J .nilctd. hc'.i m Inu' e3
io uniq'sidrogethflne$ n,
lidy r. mci( orcnizcns\yillconiribure
.. '
o t
c"ied .irl' ..mfL1 1
'e .$ a -i
b'b!dc o"i
i.t 4hhtior
rh. u nnr b-' nJ $ '
ol" '.
h( -. .ao Llbc I'onulrrtr
1 t" ?g
o J . ' .J r o
d\copm"' arcd -Jb)'lcT,\ h
&d it\ intpteh.nhtinn i' Inke|
| 'lr|
mrh nu'. 'c
'on thc d,nonry.on.!pr andriShb The bar. elenetrLs
ofthh poli.y
i', An. lil of rlk cdD{iitrtioD:Thc Trkish Statc,
rclbllly exprcssed
o f n d n o n i ' 1 i n d . . b k e n i ' . .' . ! n 6 . L e i . r l i . h -
Bit4nt Milhlt!. )\]1qa sntiii
Hrrrktu t hI Blrto'
ln,!i , .,f,,, 1,/,!M, Lt-cDcelidMinori, M;dry RiBhNii
po_.. jui.t'kot{r
fhi\ paolnph shich. rccodin! 10ArL.r of thc Comrirurion,
trhd/ldl b!
ot.rd.l.,at Jnllt\ unltkrnt"t tu rrr^f./
b! judicJ (l$dy.
1r. rtit[-irl. 01th! tndirhihk unl\.l ihe Nalinn
h r r h i s p m g f t p h . i ( i s q t r i r e n r t r L t u L l o r r h e r e n i r ol ur yr konl rhhSeh l c r o
b. d$cnbcd N an hdnnibh ctrlq No sar. tranN to gct dividcd.lnd
'nclsur.sro bc r!ko' aglLn! uanoN\hch mielitlod ro r d,vN,otrrre
lccirimrt. Sin.. inl.n tional bq rl\o$i^s drir a1l intnarionil
ininmcms on minorily ighb likc rso imd n
{LLvsoi: Ll lhut $. llrc rftnr ah! nghr\.f iMrvrdulls hcL.igir8 !r
minorirr g oup{ to emplirize ri dr rigl are rot giren to grouns
(.oLlldnirv) btr110idd,riduals:2l Thcy d..l$ays .mctul rc nsJ. 'n .hc
r.rrs ,e tilloLvig .lru\e: Thes ight \1lll only be ex*ci\e'l*nh di!
rrnorialintcgrnyof rbrrcml!-isre\p.dcd'.
tstrlrhc lcm fnrg-lriryol 1h. m1i,)i n ontn!.q ro rhc !s! c$.nc. oi
InafbtrLBa' Asocirrion m :002:' olrhc rdirnibillrf ol!lr.
n.(ion ( lrfatulid ro ic lutunelia.r Because.
o sr)' rhrl rhe Drlon
rtr(ldnr n n Dronoiilhic
nr nrilr. susgcisan airimihdon
lannorbe dirLded
polioyshrFd by thc lrlucs aod crcn by rhc opprlsrncdomrndon of.r
erhnic/relisio$grotrpd[r domindcr$c Stt.. The monolirhi.lllprodr
!\prsscd in 6n pangmphoflh. conniruli,rdr id cxtlcsrotrol rhe l9l0
lypc ndion-nrledlirt(]r rcclilicdbl rhcScprcmbcr
12. l9N0rn Inarycoup
rl t, e\ept lar 1hednesrc.o8n'zldbl
ThtsapfFadr iDcvBbly su-ggess
Lxuenfe. nrrc aR no mio.nricsin th..ounrry.nd rh.rcioretl'eE Jc
prucric.lltno minoiry nghrsrhar!!i b. spokenoJ:rnd rnj_oppo5irion
rlls nrlgeiion Durillied
TtriLsli leqnlrdonG full ole\amplesoflhis kind of Nimil.fon s narot
mlc appmrch lhc lblLorvi.g
rft rnon! th. maiy
Tcmradcscnb.J in An.I ofth! Anli.TcdorLavnollT:rdatedl99l is
folLo$s Temtrr\m ^ .,ry kind of acr dofe by ore o' Dro.epflsons
bdorging1om oreatriationNnh rheai olchuging$ech. c(criii.s ol
rh. Republic1 .). drmqin! rhc indivislblcunity o
rerirdry Md ndion
n 3rl of rhe gn'e
F$tuary 6.1002b'erdrs follows(rhn adiclck rbolishedbyrhe
llrrmoni-lion Package
in JL'ly2003): Wrnt.n.otul or \nual Fropiearda
id r$.'rhticr. mc.lin!, a
bdrnlbl! unis o|rhc 1u.ks
puiahed (...) tfdrn rd ir r.
bn.isr mnhods,rh. rdrfc
r.p.del conmnm.nror dris
n\rtr | io n fc\
pln I
triio,r lid ndnni s rln) '
nfcr.d An 7 of Law tr.:jj
bri, nr
Ll T(le\rLotr rh.t
The imFninr td
rh m
nin'r sriut\ in I dct b.L
ertkrncdr&r, rheaoNir
ofty !mupj'. Thc vid -p
ori! groqra ir sxpk-\sc
r,cal Pairics.
uf f t rhcan.,
A$o.irtroN rtad asn o\5
ai'n ofcbi'nine rhardR a
r.rr,i\ dricle hasbecnniir I
foundedwirh dE .im oa d
on uf (.d rn! nrninr.s br
r,!aL panlcssl'all u
.l I
curturesihan Turkish Th!
adsdmr" IA and
vi$r m ,h! Lqnlddn m Mi.dij'idl., r:,/*
r*r/r I
tesind prEml a\ trdtr
nfli.r Nilb rtieindepend.n
3n,t rsemblies medinls rnd Jcmonirarionsaimcd d dafrging rhc
nrdnisiblcmi{yoflhcTrkrsh Rcpubliu{nh $ cdory dndndr()i Llhr
run[cd ( ) ll llls r.r is connn
rdro.i{ Drdmds.the sntencerill be inrErsedb] a $nd ind in cxs. of
r.n.ftd coDmirnreni
ofrhis rd. rh! pcmlry of inpnsomcnl will mr bc
.onvenedrc noney Dcnrllv. "Thc indjvslblcurq ofthc sare $rh r\
rcm1ory.nd .!tior" is llso 'ne ioied i', rhe blbwing lrrs: At 3 aDd
Arne\edAn 7 ofLa* D'15i9 dal.d l9l4 on Lic Dtrlicsand Aurhonrv01
m. Pdrire.An 5/A oa rc La\! n':'ri.l 0n Tn ish Radioand Tctvnion,
An I ol Lrs n'193.1on rh( E$hh\h'nc idd Btuad.asi're.f Radi.
Shriois rid lcLcvniotr
andAns. rr oJ l0l olLN n'231:0onPoliricalPanrs.
Thr mrDonan.
f.d in tharnraler s rhehll.wi"g Chimitrgthd rl'ercrrt
U' '\n'c.rdl'n" hdfic. t. c,d ro
r' \:' I
asmrprionrhrl lhls _lnk-!riry is thtodenod
fd rhos.{hocliim r m
shcd hr_scpmlnDrrnordc$rucrirenes Asan,rderoftild,rsiill
n \ , . b :n - l f u i r . J p . " !
lrion ol rhc prin.ipl. ol $e
. '
rdiviiible ui,ry of $e $de wrh rs
r h c n o h ' b i ro n , "
.' i n"
.irl groupi Thc said prohibilion(bcncc.ihc crimer0 of(Rdlng
rir! groupj is c\prcssd ir rhe Law on $ln(tuis rid LN on
. ,:t,
0 r 1A ,
.t .rlr
. ( . o nr . . o ! . o - | c . , 1 ' o b d e
i', $ h
r olclrimineihartheRaremino y grouD!iD rlr. R.ptrbli.ol I ulk.y
on tuci.l. rl,liotrs, scd.iran..uhurol0r li"8ui!io diittrenoetor ol
or sprcadi"erny orhcr
e a m ioriry gfoupby !naed[g. developmg
I L .'
I 'li.\'
t h i n . e 1 . . b e - n n i d' . I r ' " . 1 . . i n . ( '
e n d '- n o . l J u J ) 2 .
N '..
( J . . h ' h . . _ o f . ' . " i n . l i . r c ' . c o f r u . . . . . i . i ^ - e . 'a
o _ .r " . e n . o ' ' c o r e o 4 - h e - d ' e e - e r n J q
d,e utritrrysraresirutureof ihe Republic
ol Tu*ey ( ..)r m
of( ) rhenariorrlsonly Dd rhcptrblic
ordd '
I ofrhe l.N\ otrPolliorlrdics i\ r bcter * itlc i" 0in Dndcr
prn,esshall nor r) cLaimlnat ftrc arc minoiry gmupsin $c
jb).. -.n, ..\ fo.
of-.L \ b".drnieJiltd.n(.ul
'h. i..!".
, f ' h i n ! i o b . ' . ' . . n n o i C r op
'nt de.-.tit 'nJ fl-'J r!Ld , ..rr
, $dn TLrlish th.\RnnlLiunsinLhcfiu unPolnilr Paniur
rio Ans.63 d 69 ofrlr C.i{\r.lLasthcactiviiiesof
politicalpaniess Lnotbe
q r h L e n d e p e n t l . nu(f . h . S i d r , i ' \ n L l i \ n i b l r i n i u s r\ n
r rh n !
l ]\M An 69 nipflx(csrMllh! |.l,ricaLDr.r1srL
(-onnirdo.rL Coun ddcnni'icr rl'ar d'e rDny ''
th Pti(ipL tt Ih. t ar!tr!..1lukoi
Thc si.tnl ol\lic lrf-4rge ofLh. i.rc nnoreagrinirhcprin.ipl$ff
sr.Iccri oily hav. m !1li.ial linsurgr"
dcr!,omc)trDderer ofnrtr.]\
rid peonleliring m lh.r rar. sperkrDd urir. \ariouslanlur!os.i'rlL'dr
dr onidlL onc L.n i'l9ll drtd l93l .nxdd b) 1lr sc|r.nrho l:
milLLd!idritin.rn.r ])rob$lv .onni1ulc\rl'c b.d cx&ni0leo] the hrni
il .an bc donc 1o ncmodE.)_l,] rhc desi.ero prorcL th! ridnnible
i cgrnyof rfu nlli.n- in l]t ling,'i$iccdnLcrlAir. 2olrh. lr\Ynrohibncd
rh! d.rlrfdion. cnNhion Ind publ,!{,otrol lltersii r langmg.\hr(i, n
r.r the iir{ official l.rgulge orr slrlc r..olnizd b} Ttrrklr" lhrc. rhe
l;r',! mJ brord.rsriD!in KrrJisl rill dmmgcrlt Lndivisiblc
negrnyofft. narioDls $ nrtrg thd ll,c cflnd pur in nr I ordrg or thr
airiclc ro rvoid rh! L!.n1 _Kurdnh i\ .emrkrblc Thc se.oid oJlirirl
Lrngu4! or Inq \rs Krdlsh al tbc pdiod !trd Tuikrl Lvoddnor rccogn/!
r NsihLe nareofKurdnfutr Thr fhrr\! in Aa
Tu [i\r cnL!.! r lu*i$ lrDgu]gc lcr\cr us \irh io flcd ro
Th^ la$. trhi.h n r &rr rolrttun .f An :191roi Lan$nne.\d
n b d l , \ l i ! d i ln9 9 l . b u r A n 2 6 ( _ N o l i i g u a s c ] r r o h i b i f tLdNh sr h i l l b c ! s d
in thc c\prestunanrldisscinrr.on olthotrghL) md ^tr.23 ( Ftrhlitrion
sh.lLnolbc iEdc n xDy|lngu-{! ptublbrcdh} lrw) ollhc Coninuhoi
oi llrB'oufd\ olwhich LhLl.w $ re\ktd unril200r N!\.1ct
rlr \ane lpprokh nilLpr.\ril\ i', nior rbnnsin ntrmcnnrlrqs. ,r '12
Dr! bc
of$e Coinnut oi ards r lollo$s:
ot lenmingfor Turkkh ciriTen\A i ndr.
usnl of rlughr in Lnnitorions
Prhcs. _r ,
of rhc L3r on PoliricnL
hi-euale A.cordinsro /\n ,1313
An,h.rnt lirr parlianr.nrq c.nd1dot.postiob n r nor us! any laitsug.
n "'l- h. l'lrl' \ 'J rr {]'.3. pu '.'lf. i
n.r uscatrrlan{uae.o$erlh.nTurk sl' i" 'e Dr
'n rhet otcr rtr
ofd,e I by LrRsrnd prolnns. I rl'e' panyconvcnhons.
xrJ in Joor llLcslid i', rhcnProprsxndxThq mly not usco, d\tr'6,(
o'd ,u-u.n!
.lru' p .h'o u -
. lr '.' 't
Tlrfle clrs.s codirrrc !i o|.
trfirlcDin hngurlesolherLhanTurkfL
nd&Lblr rhc sixrh EL Har
es onlr h n dificllr ro tm
t'rcglio bclonsr) anclhDi!i
prc\d,n! .npror.h nor oD
thJllJ I|
xh rdionalkn. whi.ti hrs
aldrlcrsiry nself Thc tr
Lotl cnd '
bcd prnLcsx do$ irdccdt
N,s ble unq ol$e Nxrior"
d\ rhd rs e*r rnd\
r i u ' n c , n a s . L lr ' 1 d . r r
orl aD{rNd'oD)s we trs th
olir,.rl P!ai.s: -Thcr r) ,
: _Arehpbrg tu mfu r sr
is c. nrr r) {h
in rhcrDf
r'don f th. ullilDt t.frL
: 1nrddirionrooffrirt.o;
d bcbr\edon'fu& o
tr" 's rrk6h culltrr. || |
!rubotrdoesroi alo\! brhr\
Nd,oi bi\r,l on ekmclb n,r
n a mrni*conriil1o rh. nr
'rrc infolnd or gNer.n s(
1537)nlrcs ^ ch ld i5 nnm.dbr-lliiid n!reDtrHo$cvcr.Drmesthd a
'Thtr rcnrniotr
mi rNropriarc10our daroful .ulrurc\ill not bc gven
rin,i"! ro pr!!.trr Krdnl, nanB rxs vrlrd rnril lunc 1003$lien I sG
E ) u ) 1 1 ' t t 1 H1 a 1 . q . j . o o
rln'/^rieniLriolr,.,rr !, m :
.neided by the SixrhEU HamotrizarioiPrckagc6 to pRvcn(,nmoral
mesonly Ir n dlficull10 i'nr81ican eu\rle ihrt sould alicn.r. noE
proplc\l'o hllof! rorn.d,nic gml'pofter rhanTuksh Oi rh.orherhrnd,
rhc |nvrili',g rpproachnd onlr' bds Kurdnh namesbur namcssu.h A
_McLnr"o._Ehrlyr''Lr1ris!lclrrhdnr maiDain is nor ro prcvcnrrmcd
(nrdi\h nrrion.lisn.rhich hat lrred rebellions
mmy rncs. bur ro prclcnt
ol1h. l9l0s s prcscntd
cul(utu|dilc6iry i.seli Tliemrion\brc mcnrali(y
(brn anrt the sq'r.tuc cnud ol4peakjuispdlden..
The Consnulion.lC.un hA. amonso$cF. thc adhonly b cLo* down
polirdl nd.\ lt doesiodccdban poliri.rlpiilcs on ihe princiDleoflhe
lrdrisibleuniryofdc Nrlioi' mlnriorcdin PanTwo of Thc
cod doseddo\n rh! Turkishwork{s ran} (TIP) in tuly l9?l o. rhc
enuds.h't icrie\r\ andbehaviordolarcdnE bxsicprincipleofrhc196l
ConnitutionexDrc$cdir An. 57 (rheindivGiblcuir] oflhs Srar.!irh 1!s
hLory andNdion)rs$e1lasrb! condrionextrEsld ri An.3l ofrl'e La*
o Polti$l Prdies: lhcy mrr- nor claimrhd rhcreexds minonliesirhcy
) trorpucuclhcgoalofdL\inlcgmlngnrcNdionbynearingninonlcs'
e \cdicr rh{ clofd do\i Tuikey\ Ioiler'Prny (l[P) jn May 1930
d\: _Arlmpliig ro crcar.r se'seofminorirl'in rhc mirts ofr cffrrn
ut ,r .'r?" ion"1'urh(.0.eoro rlrun'\o rhcsrr'"i'hi'.
nosuJ Ndidn lnrhcsan.\enlid.ln.Coundiscu$ed An. $l olrhc
dill(ion CThc of}icial lrngursc k Turkirh") md int4lrcred ihis to
n. 1 "lJ'
. oo r. ,
d onJr
'- !
uld bc b$cdonTu.kirh li drhcr$oft. ihe ofly narion.lculturcin rhe
nry is Turkirh mltrtrc lr rhe same tulin-q, the CoM sated d'I rhe
nirtrriondo$ norallor belfvior ihal wouldlc.d.o rh. diiinr+mrionof
Nrlion b6cd on clenenb \uch rs ldifcrcnc.sof] Eligion.Langurgc
u ' h ! p n n U P ho\ r T u ' ra h n n ' o n :E m
Y,Lmr '{ tr'rnd'illi.
ro '
) h 1ar'ft naia.q
r 'r'
lv oi..
rcr'ruls m idi.aed
.i. rrltq 21r (csd paecs
lnthisnlrng olih! Cof. rhm e\L$5r poimn'ararJ 10rh.lLLndrmcnrd
pn..ipl$ ofl.!v aid of.rhar may-qneris 1osnvc .onsqucn(csrrumr,!
|oi't ofview oaminorilyngh{s: B! rh! rclc\rir rnill( orsccli.n lll ol
Lrlsmnc thc prcsrntcofiod-Mtr
h.r! blcr
dcn rlhr Md pivil*cs hry. bccnlroffed our llrsc an'cLes
xndLhcyii! b.scdoi a
dcrc.rDrL xi thc cotrJcrcDce
theM'slb tuinonryn Cccce 5 e dedn)
I'! olrcciprocir_v{he'ebr
'Th6rulfglssuDes rl foDedar urcclc
d,e \a d nlhN Ind pnv,lcqs
{irhJuh $c.ghs urjoyedby rh. Tuk\ oaw.nem Thrac..lukry rill
rlsoh!!c rlicriehrLvrhdrtr rhe$mc righNsnotd (o i{snon-N1us
olLa':rnn. "
_p&Lll!loblLld(rr" ivo,eo!.r. theari.leiats uiCneecsN,LlE ni (s
Nluni'n minorllr rfu vnr righLsLhd .ic ginrld ro di. troi-Munins n'
lrker ln oLhc\!ods. nnnpose\rtr obligrnoDdn (neccc scrondly:tr.n
Ll Nc ,s$e. tni x mdDrnr.lo inrorr.r An ri oflauennr asr rccLpn,o')
.hu\c. d,h nacrD.ddlonrlrld q,mini!. \iddiotr olth. A'r 60ri ofrt
UN \ir.nN C! lnlilD on llr I N ofTrrties (1969) ThnrdderL.rrl)
n,lcs our r fegarik imeeBlrlion ofrciptu.ilr- in (h. conlcri oi humn
ri-gh( x n .dL pd$ibl! ro i'n!!,i. rl'ar rhe CoNirnoDrl coun mrv b!
LM{& ol,\n. 60/5or'e vLeim conFnron
On JLrly199l-rhe(iiM.L6!d doqn lhc furkishUnitcdConnnuniiP*r)
ITBKI') on rh. g$unds rLd ir'rioaled th. nJnisiblctri ly of rhc Shr
logdhc\irh n\ rc.nlor)rnd Nd$n. ThNrcrdrcr$as rulcdhy rheFuroDern
C o u n o l F ( n a r R i g l r $ ( b C I l Ri J) r n u q l 9 9 s r o b e L n v n n n n o r A n r l
of ll,c FjIRC' The so.irln( Prnr (Sl'r las do$d doNi in JLrt 1992rar
rds \ nnlnn-grtu indivi5iblcmir dl thorctriroryNd oldr Nd on rDd Ior
viol.hg tu Turki$ Coi$rurit)i rnd th. Lrw dD FoLidcrlPanics
cdtrnrf liom r sci.nriic poinr otvleB.lheie re i(J {'l[.i!n1 [ctltirl
chrmdcrkdcsor eLem.nrs
ro be lonsnbr.d !s rninorirlct Oi Mry 199s.
EaHRn edalrn rhrrrhis\crdrd $.s \iolding n. I I ord'e FHRtr I h!
., Dchocnq PanyIOZDFP)$ar 6rnredon tbe\amc lrornds
ir \oveDib.r lt9r Therotrnn'lcd thd lh! prugraholrh! pany.'i'reiJ\ 1o
d n i d . L h . L n n r o l $ ! T r k i s [ r d o n ( . ) i ' r . r w . r s T t r & s a D d K t r d sx n
l\r mdlr
'\''Lrr alieftdiolLu.op .r. p xo lL
unq ind lri. ra.ion.. ECll
H n . : T h <r n r s Ll u ( , \
rrr. lrouds rhd !mio's r.
]l oJ rhe LN on po]rLic
hed ar rhci'tivhibh ud! o
\ r ' $ L D en [ i 0
!n rucd N to|]otrr: .g;r
erv,! d'\c\ \ nd lor
i.n \!irJ n-cro rt,cCou
-!lc nr,nn
hk. inb lo'sidcftri
rhe ki !nrc b?drn
k \.rd
' Ll
c Inlbsirg rt6otrio!n rc
rodcmmdftd rhcybc $bj
be inr.qr.cred
as i viohrio
hc Dlircsion drl rh. cl
ro.rdenron rlr ddidu
thcrc n hcrc n more di
a"r s.ld .n nurJrose
- rid
rL.r thd {Lch cLu\es ir rhe pR,gmnraim ar denroyingthc uriry ol rli.
cdunty.nd rhc . ICHR fomd rhisJecnionvio]rted,\n ll ofte
FllRc: Tt. sociali$Tu&e! fJrv (STIr)wasb!trf.d on r_ovcnbq l9'r3
on 6. lmunds Lharvariou\sccrions
olirs pmgum violdedAns 78hrid
73'b of rhc LN on loliri.rl Padi.s.r.d rsain for iN divilivc ad,vrks
an!Ld rhciidnisihl! uiiry ollhc Sra{ovnh iG lcn roryandNarion.l
$hcn rhc l)cnoslcv Prn,- (frFPl N.s clos{ do}n in J[oc 199.1.
Couft ruled A iblols: errniine nino.iry naNs brscd on nciar and
lingtrnicdirlertnce\ls nol on|raiihlelnh the inteeriqofdrcrer iory and
urion. lccordin! ro rh. Co!n. _lhd! is one,dne shole rniory. a
g Cod. on ftc orhr hand.sdcd rhar fausmnc providcdaor non
un nr rh! to$ibilrl! df bci!firiie lron the sh{ nshN !ftnt.J 1o
us N. 3nd in drn Drnifl equariq,bcrarc rhc hw \eas gnnlcd 1o
rnotu lL ndifii lr{ound{i'nd thnbecru\eitseNdtrrheconndid
[Le inb cotrrderutotrrh. b6ic di$]idron bcn(ch rhc -ncg.rivc'
r\ lmdcd 10 cni^ns md rhc posirilt- ri-ghtsgrrnredonly b feL!
li., d
rh. seDrenc.
uscdrr thcrcrdtrr "Th. tulil1qorhislonnineunrcsnclc'l
L n
'-.'.Fd'91.. '.d"n,"-
l^i1J'.a"nin,. (p."Ld.Lbi
d.trr' o.nrl 1.
\eJ.' u
, Nliical panes 10 (.d.. rn'otrgqrDensrh.r dc in su.h.n
dpo.'o- '-r'r'
roJ.1 Lh'
bela'C'd,,, , o'1.
e \ b e n ' b - . k l . p o i " r o' - . ' r d i " '
b. interprered
rs a vioration
oanEuriiy ofthe nris
$( impre$ion
$ar rhecod is uu$aF ofor si,nplydoesnoi hke
anr cmrionrhcdisrincrion
nght ftfenedro above,
rhse Ls herc a nNr. di$urbingsiNarionThis posnidnol Ihc
ituli.Dl{rouft, *hetr Bd be.!e,' rl'elines.conside^rhc'najoriqas
. , 1 : I l' .l o ; ( . c t ' . ' ! ) . \ p . . . o Jn . h . .
'hdi'.i,nI i:q
l . 1 n r r l , e\ e . . r r y ' r r 4 ^ e g e - - o ' n
fom -,e
( 1i
- i'irrs!'Li trrrDone. {lir"l.
/..ri eJ'J., f
ihe lo, Pr( (FP) vrs brnicd i'i Fcbnnrl 1997 for violrring lbl
ofrhe _indnni6leuirr of rlic shk \irh r\ rrndry dd \r1iotr.
Iii rrr. toLlo$idgvcrdid. thc (orn re.rplhLrresi6 i'rtrp.erariorrhd llic
untr! ol th. ri$on rrs rola.ed b) daln!n-! rhd!,n
hrkcy wc u e^hDd'ni'rgrrree\isrcrc!orTdlish rnldrl
ol trrinorio$ of nrrion,l or Flilious ctrLur o' of cotrtasrotr.racc. ur
l3tr3ur3..llrc[L]llinrdllgorlolriolirin! rhcnaliorrlniry is beingptr$urLl
hy ftdi,,8 Di,Mi|.s ,trorgh rnftns ot pturccrin!.d.\ctoping. x
\orerdinganlxrg.s rnd crlnrcs .rlrq rlNi Tr4ish mgugc andNlrum"r'
be cLrbo.dcdcorlcm fg ths u o{trc
lt lh. nLlin-q
of$e coun on TEPpror d$ !n cxplin.honoI$! mernm!
r)1lhc c\pfcssioDs10 fl-o!.i rhd th.r. t mino'iriei rd -crca!i!
n,i"o,itici: ro nc iotri'r i. oblcdrr! ry:r rbd lh.langmgcor r!ligionoa
a mlon is din'crlnl rtum thd or orh.r
nJ r"'
i'm(. ' {
( o n { ' u r , , nr . . i r , d r $ h n
un,r J
r rpcori legrr \ecmr] rb,
r:n1cic! andchdiclsish(s rhd diiinsunh n imm lh.othsgrt,+\. rhd ,
rc srr rhcrcnun bc onci or (\od.lam (hd rh!$ pcoplchavcr righl LD
fuke3duMS.ofdrc nrioriryl!Sishlion Thrs(...)isrhcsiturrionddnnl
md fodidJeDas claiDirigrheexlnenceolmnoricJ '.rJTh! ruling.\hrn
lorsidccd up ro ftispoinl lerdsonebrhinktharthecof$lnriortrlcoN ri
i" rune trnh lrir,rnNrary r. .ncics dn lh! $Lbjed of Di niries k
.o'sdcr nomal lnatoncD[! sugge{d'!r n er n\ dfictonr idcnrncs.nDd
uil.s r is suggciedrhir rhcseidcndicshav. a rilll b beie& tron rhe
DirFrit) liu. rhal is mlcs rilsmdionrl prordion il callcdin n rcccps
rhn xo crme hls b.ctrcoNnn.cdid th. ya) ofvnnding the unig ol (li!
Le[ib.] aDdnrnn lfd,ose lvho clam .lDr drcr. criss ninonr* do i({
clrito Lh.riLis n.(essq- (o -sr t rhem3 spsial h8rl BuFfi.c. ' no crn!
\ill b!.gddcJ N havingbcen.omnited.
hi ,l'cr-,r$!ad
i'r! nrcha splciaLrsunn.e(a nosiriverlght)ir
ro dcmardrl'c pror.dbn ol d'e d,llteft d'rrod.niics of rlr.
minorliesby mernrolscodn-! r tmly dcmoo i. rdion in rher.!tu)
lrd dN rh!!. n quir! trscfi,ltseri[ie n $ill bothpreknt nnnorit.s
Jron becoDnDg
ra|g.6 tn' rheDDjorirylrd I trill h.ln brin! dcmosruyrl
ot . i" h^'tuo.i
!furdi0!h.,r, !r..r ll6
rll ci!r$!,.
r/,rr,k n,*r,n
Kiq'larrnr INIi)di'y Righlrr opur sbidrd5 lnd rd.r
coln due r, Jcn) ,tr <r
a cdml,nul
culruolw..lrhiit n rh rnr
u r l l a o fr b e D r i o n a ri nd c
TxlkishRcptrblic ArrhsI
dcn*Ms tor therccqhrion
tr( r bre* liom rhe \nrok
rhs a
![cs I'illlcrd ro rhcJi\i'rc
nde. big drfiennce$hdh
.rxlcDccof p.6onsof drru
onsequc y. rheTtrlki\h c.
in fi! comcrtof urircNLl
r.lory d'ats 'ncon'[4]bl.r
uli.rc sc leR ouabove: (tsul)in lies ofthe lact thardr lem tnalin!
cxnf, lhc lamur
'ninoririesis closelyrcl.lcd to the clzimthd minoriries
mLn bc inropded in rhesamedircclionas thc k(cr. Thc concllsiotrro bc
r.!che'l \yith strchinrarclrlion ls tharth. lcnn clcitiS r minonie can
onl mernrh. crca(io.ol1h. ntc.,r!ilhir Ih. communiwoi cniTen\.rhd r
is nccc$aryfor rhcn rdbciclir fromthelrwofnri'orirles."'
ln orh* Noiik. n,inki'igthai n mishrLeadtd imemrion.l pro.etionsid
migbt c.trscrhc dsinregnion ol Turkey.rhc
rhd. rn tunr.tliis protection
Cotr( rakcsaRaylilh one h.nd *h.. tr 8av. Lrirhrhe o$e. And in rhis
manfff, ii proreccrhc indilFibleuiny of$e triror] a.d rhc ndlon B
shd h.ppeDstorhecoDcepr
oIb* in th. ai.1hq mincr
l) l', sayinErharthc
oflhc indlvribili9 olthe Sralelnh ns
rerirorl andNrlionisuolarcdby sh€$i',crrcialand1ingtrisi.diffcrcnccs.
$trh diveNee$nic
$c Coundo$ rot dcDyrheexisld'.eofrhc individuals
|nc Connitu.jonfaiyoie who is atachcdto the Trki:h Sr.rcby way of
is Turkish) rhc con poinlcdou! i. 1s rulinc oi DEP ihat
ndionrl nbilly do mt mean tl,edenialoflhecrhnicioos
orrh..nlzcns' Acc.rd,'gtoiheCod. lhepu9oscoflcgaliegularioiIin
rhN marmr s Dot rhepruhibnidnol div.6iiy iod olrheir langurges
'whar i\ Mnred n not rh. expression
oftlt cultnl di$crcnces
Dd culturrl$crlrh:iris rhccDploy'neniot$escsi$ $c aimofde$rdying
rheuniryol rhcna.ioi andin conncdion*irh this,thecoisndion ofa !s
er oil.r brscd on divisiors by mean! of crcaling mlnorites on rhe lrnd ol
eTrkish Republi.. Ar rhn nolnrtheCout reFah theconcenrhd, ( .)
. dcmands
for rhcrccoefitioi ofculturl ide.lni.s shi.h iritially seen
$ . . ! oc d e- , n d .l b .I " . l t - n d { o . E ' .
'dr'e rh' . cer- f.J
* r d - o , e d r t u mn - . n - 1 . .
h' ! r
$hi.h loms lhc .$nrc. of rhe rcBulrrons
nu. m:rhcntrrerr
u\r .. lr -'rrD-3' ' d Tp.- n"io
lcgal interpieta.ioi:ihis i! rhc fear thxt the re.ognitlonoi dile6e
' e s '( , n I ' l i s b r r
' m d \ -d D . " d , n ' . n ( . - h c I ' d o r " 4 h e ' n n . i r u n n . o . a
c.o! .e
?\ ienrc oflcr.ons or dne^<ethn! udsio\.
Coln ..nsideE 'n'norilvn!h6
l i ' e n r e h b ' n L - . o n F { u f n a r i or l
' . 1 , ' - J n t r n b ' . s ' . , i . . 1 , u ! n 4 d n Jr . i .
l)oinr or vir!. {lrith $on\ fiDm rhc con$i$tor
j'rnres.naturallyatlcct rht rotalh.hNror ofrlt
dhft,rne ( ) dmies d.
pofJ ( I'r'hn
n!dcr so,tuTurkirhrirrzr
( drl Ll )pp..h
t h. strt(tt
ALllnlli tir b.havoi dLtlt ( onnirtrrio..lCoun 'na'nlr-ic'ns ro'nd'.
C o t r { i r u r i o n a n d l l r . ! n i d ( o f i h . L io
t rt r n o l n i c r l P d c sl l $ r n o t \ r [ d
rir $r snljrcn! conn of,tpeals. trhich gncs rh! i'nDrcsionrhi i r
trfNrr .l rhc highly.i.blnhed p ripl.r ol kr ofhar n do* nor rake
'liN fro rc.ounr.It iir Er dillicull u iftc9rer nt lolldNiig nhlg
$mpLcs i,, a'y o rs wayr' Comsning rlt lg:lrj Decla' on rkc&l)
nrnrioncd.lh. Sc.onJl-llsLrtne Brincholrhe Coun{dd d.lolk,*ing
Ltrrh.rasonln-!ofitsumDimoustohgor6 JLly l97l:Jr n.!idcdrhath.
o Tn tr
lnrh,ddcr' Rut thc Lcgll pfl\dr lhd th. Coun rctds to rnd b.ns ft.D
rcqunirg pr.p.n! in Turk.y is thc LhL'kL'Rnn vak6 lBrl*h
ajrcl OnhodoxllospitulEnnoLeNnrliit i\ nor . roreier"cndotnrsnl
r\h.D rhc isuc \!\ brc+ht beao.eLhcCorerulBord ol Lcgiskloi orthe
cdun on NIU 3". lq?r. rhc s!ne incFdiblc rulin! is rcPcaredThl
tb ILNing lca. thecod ofAppexLsln LcsalD.prnmcft r*ched I rinil!'
spccllicdby ei$erlh.lxs r.
rc.d, ^Fl\c.fl und$ $t condiiions
la$ n. 2762,lbrtignmroDrk aR lodiddci innn
lll{ or iir Ai
TurkcJ_tscctus!rh$c detrec\conccn rhe publt
rqrnlig 'erl -"idc
o $. rh.reisnodi.g agrinnrhcls! lff llrc DlrinritIin$rtrrit']b chrllen!!
rhcufhLrful bdra\iu of fte Jcrcndantinintrrion.or Lnblnrg legll icrioD
Thcalnre.bxsd od th. rca$n\
tarrhr mitrhnenlol rhetrnLaNtuldispo$l
aho\cxndor rltr orlHro.sorLig itrdi.rtd ln rhc.o!n v{nd I
ir uidrmoully deridld rharrheihprope'rDPcakbe rcj.ctd rll rhd
A ort inLsc$ing and noE dGtcsing si(urion for Turk.v n |h.
Thc inom.y\ orrh. Brl'll' GreekOnhodo:HospiIl FtrdoLe'nur
sDperlsdfo, rlt re.rilulri.n ol the lertlrcraft the !.bc BraDfr'or< 'td
(s n,lnq in ns rudgm.rrddcrl Dc.cmberll. 1975(r"!97ir116n: K:
_ln sprc ol rhe Lcr rh! ihc rnnex.d dciaf'ldr
$ iallows:
.ndo\lncr Li foundedb] Turknh .nizcrs. th! rctrentc 10 the hws rl'' t
rht dccisionolapprovrrr\ dic b r'
lorbidln,c,gncnk,o\$ realesrc'
llLrc cod 're.idesl ro rht rhmc bv amlndmed [and]
n e r Bi d s d l 4 , , , . f r e 0u :
I rNd!
ne r$ lbnnrngdr Pnl*cd b! r
lcnr[ccrn rcndcrcd
. rrq
furkish cidzeN $.
I Rligiotr\.
irhrlE nie i,,n ol n<d i!
nrry and.uitui't DEdsoJ I
t Ns\csion i[ tr'hdcvcr,
rortrddronk rl$co\cRd b
rrry ir.rnr potlcsard inl
,dfed rorcrsi., Thi\ sas
r &\evcn. Mrnnr.r of s
e n , \ LTl h uJ r \ b r c t , , L L h
itu rc
h | \.{
dd <.c^
n bu\,uudx 1,
orh.nyis! (...) denie\ r]t requst 1.. conccrio' of judg ent_ rlre
in'ponameorthisl.i deosionnihar n$rrhuStrpremcCouiroa
iliore rhc fo lid nrliorl dnrincror. uri thd ir
.onrnLcbsonrcTulish cidzens"nrcignsi bc.a's. ftey r.e non MustD.
ll's na'.licc ui rlr pd of rh. Strnrem.Coun ol ApDexA.r ii ryllt bc
e\pLrmcdi'nnrdirlcly h.lov. wiLl .omc 10 rD.nd o0ly whci. ErJ
Hrmofizdlon Packr8. trill bc r)asld in Aulur:002 sid amlrdld in
R.rot Jt\,.tt trrr,^ o"ottnL! ntnt.r it\ lb"",tutiD\
Th. fq lbmrins rhe PrragnphJ of rhc l]u HrmoDh.on Pr.kaec
n'cinorcdobole.|ltscJ by rhc.oa[ion sovflnmenrundd PrimeMiriner
tsiiledFcevit'endc'qla ssiou\ sdbrk ro rhismcndnv rllrcorsidc6 non
\'l'sln rrknh .nl7en\ ar drDgcroNtu.igi.b. _RcLisious
f.alcnalc by thc penn,sotrorrh! c.bincl oIMinisfls. i'i ordcrro pi{)!de
1..l tllr necdsin rcligiols. dHri[ble. socirl. !du..Liou], srniun rid
rft rlrJ inr) cxscisepoqd of disNsalove rc.l cn e.
of ne.!i3 rhc!lj
culltrnl needroarhsc fouDddo*. realcial. prolcn ro bd in
llti' pos.$ior in sh&v.r rmnnerby o\ docrnedl! lcss rnd oder
do0'menr{$Lll be (lnucd \irh rhefoundar
on D csc thcy aopy s rhn
si\ monlhsdlrbc d& rh s raLvr*.s cffco. ReaLesdedomlcdor tri cd r)
rlr i{'nJrltun ls rlsoco!erd bl thefnn,r'
Thc tr'cdlhrt rcihoned $orc. shilc gmmingrhe p.mission ro noD
yuniD foundatiotrs
b lcqun! rert eidc and b cx{0ir pows df
dL:poiindnoy*r them. lahoEd i cnsnclr |(tr rhe pemnsions6y di.
Ji..ndrNILnstt xndroRi-qDNl nisiry"bc icquncdftr rtsliraiion.lnrrior
\liDinry merDrpolicc idd intlligence o.-$ntrtiois. rhcronne_:e(rny
Fdri-qf Mi nrf nc..r rhar nB. ioutrdalorsLrsre
Iongn Thi\ {rs pievcn.d br, thc eftunsd.Dioyedb} l\1r.
\qd Aag\en. ilinisrcr or srarc r.l|l'i\ibr! tur HLdrn Rishr. aDd
e\p..3lly b rlr! IrotorgnMinisrrr,.bnr r dausc ro lljt.tti{
rrmr lhc
pmnrion uolrd be gnu br th. crbiner of \linisrcB coutd ior bc
p6uncd Tb!d lbr.[olnrk sd*tNhil.orhorlooJtrlions$crabkro
ul !nN! .nd c\dcisr rfui roRer ordisposrl overrhen by rhc
p.nnissionor th. ceie t Dnudotul. ot foundarioDs.
$hi.t 6 m otfice
mrrh l(Ns in bureautrdi.hinnLt Ths $r1. otunjrns our tured!
\Lolflon ro \arios nlemrtlonaLtrclic! aM rgrcebcnb ianing Rith
r\*ellas 1n. l0 orrh! Consruron (principlcofcqulq)
Th. rcd Jrt\b.!!. l$Lvcrcr emerged*nh dr byla{ p'.prred by ftt
Grn.r.l D;.d.fd. of l'oudarions lor rh! in]rl.Dknfurionol (hn k\
la)rt,ilr l,:,r.r. ol Oddbcr 1. 2002 tr'24396) fhis bylav.
'ni '.
l'_ i
rhd ir nndidsro oh{rud nrpadi.r $c cqualr}llxr r i'r.ndcd byrhe Lnq
lr iid, n requnrdUc non Muslrn Li,ufd ionsto p'o\id. m irnunftrblc
q n r.'n'- n
urkLh dlmoiac!
t.i .w ':'.^
',l lr'r n' k
| . . .i o
br .o$der$n
nch doe'ncds lion, r.rchirrg the
-iretrd ml recipm.ny ftr rh!
iMraltr] dLd rot ion lhcre,ir rcqtrncd
i'nplcme.khonof E b)-lrtr Apad frdm lhc facrthrr rcciljn)otvr out.r
qucro, $ litrmrDnlh6 A rLrcadymci( r!d. ir \Yashnher po$'ble ro
obse^chtrr rlrr non-Muslrm
lilizcrs trcreaerinr.grd.d N for.ignc^'
tn rhis .is.. th! l.$ lnd/or rfu by hs viohrld runctuus dorumensol
.4noig diese rhc follo\vnrgmay b!
nllioml rrd i'ttrnariort'l l.B
mninrneJ:Ads 2. 10.3i. 90ri ofrhe coniirurioni/\n € ol lrrc Lr\ on
r.ound.lons:Aft l of ,c lawn'47?l (rheHrmont!1i.n Lr* it*lt):^rts.
1 7 . 1 9 / l . 1 0 . r 2 r l o f l h . T r u a ( y o l l a u s r i n c rlA
Right Co''.'fon: Air. 6015ol the vl.nna Cdnvmrio. of .he Lrr of
Ffions nrdc h) nr corlnion -qolcmMr u e' BileDrriccri Ior d'.
r!c1ili.afotroa tl,n situdidD\crc
'nd Derelopmenl
P.ny I KP). which.rmc ro powff by r wrd! m!ryi n
nie !lccrionsof NorDibcr l. 2002.E$e.irlly thnn'gh1ltcitrdividual
olMr EntrgrulYrlgmb:r'tr.Dep,{y P.rc Mirnft. rnd vinisler ol S[re
lbr Htrm& Riglrs- cqurlila herReennon l4Nlim lfd od'r
hy rcphciig cabiner ol
lbunddionsNA .dricyed
ir rhererrol rhera* no
Nli'isrea' by CciqllDi'edotut
hr stitc oaninposi(i!cdcvclopnflr!tht mcrbliry intrtucd ri 0t
by.lls phasea-&in lhc ncw byJN ol lrnrry 2.1,200:lEqutrcdllnr rhe
buyErl*uE tid to cxcrcL.
appll.rilonsof$. non-Musli,n
po\verdl dispoel ove' thcDi wonld be de.iJcd or "b) soLicitngLh.
rccon'nd nox of llt rehreJ Nlrnistics and rubl'c Alsc'cr
sotrrlhLngror rcqunedlrofr rhc odrr tbufdarions.lhc cilblidnn!tu
alltrdcdb hft .F .l !0u6. dr *cfiry dd rgencics
unh\tul (l.trsc sooi bore i( fttrn On Ma)_5,2001 ftc daily ^.|rld,
ir Sld! (supreor^dFhnmlit cor
o j requdr]ylmliL)
m :00,]l. 1hTu[j\r': obb tr.Lt)l!
rprncd hri orftot t3lj.pp
E36rrldtr ofrot't cnar jr1
2b dpf .r un\ Jrc rnrrnst
of odoL{ I L. r!01
nlxke d tn.r. rh,hnl^"
One n,L !,n s\ rt,JrL I
,,ol^. Jrri| b. appronnd
erur*rnmrthn " ('n) drY
urd D'dbabtt be qtrnc dr
u(s rrppensro b. rtE N
rme i . lned -uri(,ll
c Llilrh! ar le.s rircordr
rponcJ lhrl oul of rlllr anplicxrionr
madcby non Muslimtnnndario'sinr
rcgishlni ol Ml cialc 57.1aFrefuied.579 arc round'i.cdnplere" ard
116rmricrtioN ar. dunrJ as \'ntbmdcd . The Dexrdry_rh.sanc daity
rc\sp4er publkheda vea i'rcrcnins n.\ys,a rarhs di*esin8 lne ibr
Tu{nh dcno.rd.l: a _secEf co'nnrofrdor scnrfmm I Slalcrsencyn
"Al(houghth( 2 monrhs
lnePfiDeMnsrry on Atnl7.200r readrs iorLo$sr
nr limn givef ro d,c GcrdalDitucromeofFoundrrioDs
lor rh! strdy 01'
i\ vel]]ishon.andcilcn.hc licl rhd io exrenddrisiinc lrmtrN
hft{ tlilli.ulL l(Jll\. $< !vn\iiderrha(tu C!nrdl Diredorrk $ill bc 5b c
pto,hdir( !:( 4 th^ trte trnit b, saDt. a.htinistdtirz
,.r/Ddr. rt $ir bc anplonri{! rd evatudcthesaidapplicrtions
by soticrin!
rh! to.omendatioDsof nE .cl&d Mrir$riesrndPubli.Agencie\md aiicr
@.tll exaninalion.(ny emphasi\).
onc mu{ rorlls\ d'arthisis. vny rt pieceof bDreaucmric
iylci andir
rorld pmbabLybc quirc diLcuh o frnd a noft Rfined exaDth oI
i en$tioD b! r Sldlersencyro hindcrthe ghr of.rizcns by cxrRle-sal
oe.ns. whars nFrc, d,n sor! .!ci!y h.rc rhd discimiMreson rcligiotrs
n d , h .o p c . r b . h e \ , . . t r , s ^ . u r . " . 1 ' l ' h . T r h r A r - r
o.cs. {amchej defendcsols.r'hnsm ir Tu|ke)i.irc vcr} influenr.Thc
umcnrs sgn.d:_cenetrlFerhiTun.el,
HeldA$(ion o rh. seselary
.n{rrl ot ihc (-rhiskindof inrcn$rionb]
sc NLI bed lcanrbcorclicalrr
rcrricredby lhc scvenlhHmmon'7jlon
diot ah.t theapttuatt nndono^ oI th. itutitn
Es.rdihq Mitutuies
from rh? rhorr Lorh! N r(br trom LtujulmrtFr ro rt'e
g c ' h c , u b j r du r m i n o n i e n
s . o n s i d t r e l l o mi \ e o n r t u $
ir l]irencrcFolrhn positlonmaybc sun'n.d up aslollols:
l)ln e"'rofrh"d". lof-1, v hc'h'nu..) ! ,r
rhe Dnro.ilv raw nt lhc londj (hn vies is {i1l cnruppedif 1921:
of Lauarnc n cirhcr rrcng or inco'nplcle
e. hI \r.r J ilnlun 'J l .Lm. r ,i Lrns n I m'nu' r ib '.
'f.'l "r\ -duua"n..r'hiO\'
i n d i . i J ', l r h . ., r e d i - " f a r
d . ' n e i n d i n. u l i - 1 - . . .
, . consdeEd"minori0.l . Henceibnh.
Turkcy.rntur pdend rbar
! l r . " D r n r . i 1 r ' r r d o r ' . n o r \ n e h ' \ . \ e ' o o \p t J . ' h ' ' .
an( a rcnddy ,or ! posibiliry ILe subjst of mis- ind incomptcic
reranonol Lrusannch{r alrady blcn rufiicie y exptorcd,.nd we
\ill for rtcd rlnshs. h Nill. horevtr, hc nece\\rry1. pdi ot rlr.r rl
Tur[.y rhcrcs a serou\ orobkmofror tno!!iq. oi noruifig to kio\
dR.oncept of ne! r !.nd positN ngh6.
2) lhc rc.ogtrtioi ol difertnl idenliriesand drc grrnringol 'ninorir\
riglrt are rhoughtor ron\idcr.d10 bc rhc sanr.. s rnJi$lud cdrl'cr rl'c
nymer is m obr.divNsitLrrior: ll rhcruis d diftrctrlsr.rD,i stxcilic
rt\p.ds. rnd ifthn !rul'p.onsd$ssudt dilltrctr.csrs ar i'nLienxbkpan ol
ir idrnlirr-.r I 'nani!l$i bxsk
$ft is r drllclcd rdqrir). rDdrh.relire.r minonq B ld gr.n( fr,norirl
rlh6 n \nhi', rlrej i\dlcrionof rhe SLd! Nor rccogriTfg dfiti.trl
deniiti.! in o.Jd nol !olrantmtrrrii, riShcle tro a cnppM dcmom()
d $hit s moie.rhisltii b drcali.rdio. of rhcminoritylion th. Slrlc.
a il rlrraorc prmlyz$ nalionilrrrc!roltun.
l) ls a .csullof cotrfusie _i cnol sell:ddflmination.*h'ch nons
selfddeminali.n. Nhi.h inpler
Ali'U for rnd
d nnre-qmr
oldificrci. idcifriesrid dr disinregmrion
rft nrre xie Nrudld or considered
.ll ln a M. onll \o!nry. ldfonni(y'rrd \'nily trB consnbtodlrrcsxrt
concq,rwhrl \ mor.. mmy p$pl.Jon r trid$n rd.rrclx* to und.atfnd
thrl rh. lbmu is lnduly n.sro)ire rlE hner FriliDgro Rrhze thd rlr.
.o'didons rnd rtu oi(.o$ ol rhc l9:l0 s lrNe mnplerelychinged'n n'.
OSCE vond. bc!6 qricaL cons.qu.ncesfor r Skrc. Thc retuel ro
ir rod.r\ {orld 'nighrbnig o theponnDl
r.$gtrtc diflarcntsubidenrities
dnnegrrior rlreSlrt rhalrcprcs.trstl'e donimDr'd!nrny Hcrcn hxt 's tri
quenionis n fNihrcro. or rhedesiF nor to. undtrmnd lhe refrs of_nLh
behreen(h! rvo
id..tr1f mrd-sup*ideD y rndrhcrcladons
n Dotioilced or rl,ft n .
retan tu m e{hnt grorp
duclan.c ro no( thc lcnn Turki due o l
Ihn ot ol rftrr*. \ ich NilLbe seDrmrely
t:'ilurero ndr.c. .r to adDin.r]It dre ndlionbuikLiigpr,aie.f Kemrhn
nrlionrlsin. $ much rs ir esrnriaLlyr.ns ot tcnirorialIondahorr.
icv!nlielss conrins \yithinnsulfs!iiri!or elemcDN
|]cnriningb blN{t
To iln up $lir \e. krm iiom the rhove obs$arionsrlr DeD,ocri.I
ro impos!
!ones und.rrlrcrr orrhestr(ellres disinr!':nrior.n s Geitimare
coun of HumanLghrs Bur tlI
rcnicions is Jcfincdb) thc l:_lroperD
r.nricLn,d:inposcdir Turke] do nol f.1l undft rhisbanN'. lvcn *hrn
rhq. s io i'i{rnce oI tusoni'rsro fole&e. rlit dighrcn di}e.encc is
deemedrs | llr.d: ! fdne \rii as_Mclissa crn be ptuhrbrcd.s.lrc.dl
tuciroiod ll rfp.rE rhI l]t naG is apll.hsntv! or 'ccognizinglh!! rhalolbq donaMsmighrfolLos.qtri.h rhcr
d,\srity ol ns peopLes.
Th! rcri ruin'p LeL{ee rh
rb€ Fcpxbti..Bor r srt
ntrl ^ rhcfnc \irh rh! D
onar{ 'dcooer ot rhc s
oulhll hlnto.d in llt lqj
ao bc a!.chcd ro rhr Ttrr
tiry (rheonechoscn
b\ rh
erlhrn saying..Ho$ hrppf
ds ofcrizlnshifi 2r a n.Ll
f t 4 c o u ub u t da r r i o ; i i r
riucn!{Lborh 6v turo.e2i I
30s rnd rbe Kordis[ trprnin
nD! 1,3.!) ar hr! a.D I
choro$rcru.redby ihc rcnn*r\ {. rlkr havebcenD re:
re rhrLrh!1r'lis belonsrdro
ro s d,snt*{ion. rliusrh! Srar
onc.rdifnmi id.d irl whri is beiDeFohibnedhye k divcEirl
Drnntuaindg rtrrh^luns ltunrhe t!r)s tnrmrerlion orrlr.
a'c iiro. \rte. shrcli r rilorv fdr dnc6
ry Thiscondud
hvo nrnddu'r: theft.ocri.rt folndttrion
( th. ret4ioishio
supnnicnrLr andn'b idflrry in theRcpuhtrc.1.Ttr
andnolircallntrDdli.i a dr -Sivre\Syndtumc..
l1n r.tnll
t.h. rlldiu
ho hr^,.", 1t1!\trt1t ithnt\ dnt
Thc rehio'rni p bdr.rd rbedro idmriliesrn rheOlomD Fnrpitomd irs
i'cre\\orrhe Rqlrbti otTtr .r js,tuircinntuftv. Thcrcwm DUrvsuo
' i,
in h!,i
. d ,: .hF, .r.. .. . ,
nare nlonmdr noneor drnr \cr idcrricalwirh rhe n.i, unjhrutu or
nlcnrily Ex.cpl ln' ! J(rNe in the truibcr oanor M$ ns.
rN repr!sertrn.nor srb idendie\h0sremain.drhesrnrc!ncr$e tnlDdine
or' rhc Reprbli.. Bu1 rtr strnrn. e q ha: chrtrgcdto .,Turkrr.. Thn
,drr r) r rre $tne \yilh th. mo{ rmponar..fsub-idenrilies.
rh. -Trtjrti.
{b idemr}. ei!i[g d]rs ib-idojr ri!j (espccr y rheKtrrJs)|rc tc.lin3or
I h . o n l l p l o a - T u [ _ i s b a s c J n d d D r u . b t r i o t r . u ] r uFkr c . r n o u g
' . ' ! ' . r ' . r. d r , , o " .
h I
uA ao be dk.h.d b r|t Ttrrklshcutnrc. and &r.1d he ltr .. Plcrdlnr
Ilurni Knnal hnnsdt hd r cnimd fn rhoire ot dje arhjc..\c^ , t,.
|.r, I.o o .rt I ti, t€nrt,
Icr s]trcch'.Ic \ardi -Ho$ hrnpy i\ rlj! on. \iro crtk h hsclf a Trk.,.
rhrrorr {}rng. "Hotrh.npyis rtr onc*ho n homi\hois I Trll...
Ru on drc olh( llfd rlrerem -Tu,t.hN dErc rE rhre. differ.n1
r boun,rtu rhcTurkishRclrbticrh,ough
. {
L b . r
nD 'n.
o . , - - 4 . t . , 4 . t !r , " . , s
' 1 ,0 a J
lchon!! flted by rlrercnn-sict Mxn of Empc..tu a\;been a blror
\reDrccrfs tr rhc l9t0s. inordcrr,
. rrii rr'c tuL bebtr' cdb diNhi!hcne.hchn olhud.n beiigs.sknLl
.usur!frenG *{c nuJc for euDnk. rhc gr.d m.hrccr Minif si.ri s
lofiii \.s op.tud w in ltrgon l9r5 io nakc bioloeLcaltrnd
r tstrrMimrr S an m! r
moDhoLognrl i',!.nLedons oi hn skclcron.
Chisdmyourbryho\ lJlrD ro rere dF Oro.m Srd! lh.
l_a!orscrl.moG,o 25100llgl,llsdlh!Mm,Ttrrkish@e.udildre
1 9 5 0 sr l.f n ' r i d l o o i o l c
$ i n ! ' n i L i r 4 s h o o l s r y r \l o b e n r n e r i r h e
'rld, o?id) . krs ruplturd br \o br r
Tbrsdlirde a 'or a rhlngof th. nr* Tod'r l)..ttc {} _Orr dhii!
biedretrrbrord (tt,7 rfu,k?.*t rdrL!/.,,,r)
Iher EtatrDg t. Turksh
Trke! JernoNflti"e rhlt rhc f.dor ol _tdrLh
.1hii!irr- is qtrir.imponmrindcfinin! idcn yinludel FMhe"nore.^n
66 oi rl'c Tudt(h Cor{ruli{)i ( Eyc!- on. bomd ro lh. rurkish Shk
thtuughdr bondofciilTenshiD
i5 r Tn.k) Lcr\csfo rLrsidi!. fo.rsding
art orlrqs0brdcnln! trror!.vr. $n sutro ide lry incorDonrct
rcLigi.i r
much a5 erhniditr Be.rse df rhe n,ll crdin! rn'sca of rhe MiLLer
sr-!cm.onc hA b be a [luslin o
.o6d.rtd a TurL whln oDcslc*s ofnon-N4Ldimin lurl.y. ok n.\rr
(,?bl,qr) . fcinids non-Nlustim
s}l r, A "Trkl hd kfidf
lvcn $! mon eJrcdedrJ rrc-qF$irelUun mTurk rcvsrctu6 hr i,n!
NnrLin .s r Ttr . bd * r CRek.Amrnirn. erc
in B.trt hisroryrhs iitoarionhs nor becnconiinedb nr mai r i,e
nrcd bd rrllrcred'leef dd MnoDll{cll. Umil LheLg.l(\.fotrVLBim cniuensNcrcrcgnhr.d in "r.?,i, rz&rrr1 (ForeigierR+isrvr
\fhqr lisirg rhc Eouns\lN L!.remon LikcLy
Io mkc eboragcs.rhe By
iioD Srh.r!g$ Nhlnhed oi Dcccmbcf23. Ie33
r' \'. T
he "l .'," ,.io 1rir.. . !i^rn.^
- o r)
''lil,..:.i r- Ihu. f"r
hr r e.
140,) ,ll.
A'r l.lrl or rhe l.d!v nu6li o. Pnralc hinudons ol Edrcaion Lvh'ch
{ifulxlcs llir r Tuk,$ Assi{rfr D,Edor n ro bc .sign.d ro _sclDolr
opcncdbr- forcigncr". h ako xpt,liedro thc 'ninonrt $hdols. Th. mdn
pmblcmL! llt saidarti.h spe.iti.sdh thisr$i\rrtrtd rcsro'hA .o b.-of
Turksh.ri: mdiTuk*hcirrz.n
A rtcefr md hratantelamtre
ordrisdfoinin.fon c.m. in February
\b.n r I.,!sLiL10rmul lhe lanJ regi$laola non Mudrm mriorn)rslhool
huildineNasilcd. A pdnionfilcdon bchalloflheTreNLrya-qri'rtdrestra
otruirs rlr fouo{ing pr.gtuph: _Br !
vrri&?@r.r1ri,/c1, /e.r, lclr!N(g!01
" rdhrl!(dh
4.r. m n)ed7j
(?t *r,*) h
r*,r?r?*) and!.Ardilk r
r beroncj
b rheReD!btj.o
! a sub.idediq,vould ha
enar \$mideditr du,h!
iord Imko- iThcr(,
r u d $ . r h e \ , , uh , , f T u
i"..r,'u"r,,r,,y."rij ,ri,
r he {atrcd usilrj rhcsc.on
done 50 rha ;o!td
ropmca To cdnlnuerhis!
|k volkanrcri^ ro ri ] "ch.
P.tititat Fonja,
hrd Lo !
'. fiN wdtd rvr the rep
rc n' lre ferples,p\!-.ljc
nEn L.'hor pint I !tri,
s.inn 'hc afrcrrn
en,behen telr unnn ler
trlo.zn Ikt,ik rtnn
- I n ' \ t o . r - o r r t r n . f , .I M m ,
rl'rt nonnorsihe rciirircs olminonricsiii regtudro naiionals
undq Lhenxft su']] Hr9 is nor lcgninlte.l ) rn. drn .c6or
rrr. ionulnmr or rhe!irlc deedofthc latrrdrrions immoublc ptuperq,aDd
r . . .
b - d f h c t e
d ' h . . . u . , ]
rh. Rqlhlic of Trkey \ie\s r! orn non Nlustrmcnizcnstike suspcd
roEer mriorls r.d cvcn r$ up . sde iniitolotr rJ honiror6em Thc
srbcommiteelnl connncc dde\nlrrkc ttrcc n thcsiar
{pp.ralusno. x thcrcan} inlbmrarion
rbourr. buriis dccisioisoi bchaltol
pnn.*n! -n.toralsecLriry is crcd ascvidenc.rn cdur procecdi'rg\Ths
is a lilrlc torI non iiiscsrrrnrr)
s a restrh_
drcsrrra ide !,
ol Ttr*ishn.s (Lr{rtil) h.s r'lienaiedborh rhc non MNi'os md rne
Kurds_rhc slcord mon imponsnrn'b rdeniityatl$ rhc Turkj Burir$c
iDn rdeniity hrd be.n designaredis belon-qi|gro th. Rcpubti.
rnd ifAhrlirk had lni.rd dedacd "}1oq haDDyis thc onc
Nho belonesro rhcReptrblic
ofTurkcy,. by givincerphasn Lorrrnoriat
ha!\ rn .onfonnirylvrh tho \trbjedivc idcnrily,,,no
sirh 5 subidenlitysotrld hNe bccn cEared M. Kemat had u\ed thc
rmrorirl suD.!-nbihlyduing the 9t9-2: Warof t.ibcmrdn.empLrsizinB
rhc\rod Turkev_{Th!Peopc ofTurkev,Thc NalionotTurkcr,,TheAmy
or Trkcy. The Yourh of Trkej-. cr )j injc.d of .Tukish,, (Turkih
Nabor An* thedcclamrioiotrhcRenbttc inOclobef
l9lr hc nrned usingfte secoidscl of rem' quning.hc nrn dne.Hadhc
Lvouldhrve .oiriburd posirlvclyro dE
Ar rheihrcshoktofthc 2l century.somcpeonk rM iiinmions do ior
ranr b relnm this n'pR-ide.riry iri ! way ro rellect.orKrpoE,y
.,.r.1opnhrs.Io coditru!thn obiR'crior. ry lrc aofti'rs io vhal prot
Vam,kvolkannler b asr "dDsli rnuma lhcs;vrcsSlndome
istatntt lkt P.lttnul F.,atdalhh\: Th! s.rrj s "JnhE
Th! otromaDEDitirehadro signthereaccTrcab,of sivresafierirsGred
ft. Fns world wr The repercussions
u6e'l by rhedi$olurioi ofrh.
pre 'n rhepcophs pslcber.Dri'r ro rhisday andhavc.yen inffeascd
AL?\ (SecreiAncnii. Amr, for r|c LihemrionotAnnetri!).nd pKK
I 'br
rl'ar rhc Annenirns and rhe Kurds woutd cdmplere a
.mbemenrreft urflnishedby die unamtiedsivrs Tredy the
rlo (rrxihd weekly
by th
l L q Kurdnh
L , ! ! u n - r ltuq
nonhcn L'sq\s. aforh.'nr(ldol
m 'e !1. htr\dr !.f,trr,] i"
cotrc.'D The hcl rhrl rhcs. ad\
ir.eired \i$ stmparh] | \re$!m colnti.s s:rc llrt iqr'lsion drrl
.lli$ (de Fniriprlins in thrs d srcDbcn.Dt ll,e \yndrori!
lrtuld iNo pa,aMixThr AS:\LA 1ctrorcidrd in nt miJ 1930s.Thr
in rhcli$r_c!6 rKK
cn$ing Ancnirn Gcno.dc E\n'iroN htr\t receded
re n' Um. ro m rnd rlls llr .rrture of I'KK Le.ddocalatrm Februrn
l 9 9 q B L 1r f u S . \ r $ I r a D o i r n b e i n gn n . m u L ! t . \ e 1 m n u ' n o d f l .
lhc^ rr. d,rit c{rnpLes of rh,s Famnoii $ne of ulich it lrr-!l'l!
lio TtrrkahtrLr.r\ as
iolcrcnire Anerlcrnnodo6 colLccr
gr.undlvo.tLr $bblnhLtrgr ronlusGr.rk ldc i 1lt |'{crn Bh.k S!!
ro lsLfnr in rh! lT" Ccnh'y calL.dr(t,'f
tu.ron. J.,$h.dn\s(
t rnr.J n lfrknh hrr! r!!c, xbrndoneddtn ul idc q rn,l c\$$ rllrcNc i Turret lr'ineJ sorcs 'q,rs ro e
lruq nlL {ill sphr rcfiror} lloDr sotrlbcincmTur$
Onhodo\ Pxtri.fthde i\ buyin! L'lrprctvt) in hhDtu ,n
orJu L0dlde 3 rc.
I" $ch rn dnio+h.R !!ci rlr. di-qhrei rtqlen ld.$cui3
ilLerrilyi\ cqt rcd rs rqing k, dnidc rhccounr! rDLlit Iuift
wliil. dj! lju n consde,edr lennffl naror rn
b\cqucdy {'lifl${d
.l K.D]lism s qti tnr Co .triporaq CniLtrrnr 1rl'.
rh. rult[i.i
rlrc r citoEd i', 1l[ lntoducrion).Turlish sr]is
Jr(ar lrl.,n./
dcr,.\ dur rhe l9l0 (oddnnr{ m DDtr!on.. so thd r.N otrrlil rlt r..Y
ird Lhalrs lriJ nennnrg tum rM l9llx Nlodcl or kemnl'sn li
bccoDkdb$ld! r'ilr rhefmlrc$.dd,crl tie\ of d,e:l ccntr'ry TlrL\r
limLLyh.rh.solLdimri bothdoNnicafd loRi$ poli!l' Withd'i\rri(ud
dono(nud oi r Turtcv is bel:reJmd lhc orrsdc i,adv.Drionon blhrl
of trtri!c1i'rg0,i'F itlesbe.onr$ituvrlble.
Nirb dr rd\er of r.ccsrdtr tu thc llnon. mrionlr r gd
r.hfln ir Tdi.r hrs ure,cJ in r Posirnc 0hlc Thn floccs '\
conrinu(io' ol Lclil ,cri'tri\ d,xcrd by KenrlLsfrrhideh a tevolLil
Iion rbola n th. l9l0s and l1)\!d ro nodeDizethe.oun
It)los rnd ll)s _lrd bcloN in rlt aom ol n .ligioos rc!(d,. urrc x a
ro thcs! ru,oi'i{ Thc trlrsff-g rhrig
*l lb. r "toD b.lo\f onposilion
Ltrthc I'Jlo\ lt|t a,LinsJ$!.e l
rhr. rlr \on\'
trR N:hrig lorr rcin'n no
D.\eLopDur P.a!,'
inrn rborc m
rbd\r.\li cllL."{itri 01rhos whomrdethr rcvolurion
l0\,c m$ r.xcrirg finn beLl\rrDnE fom oa Se\rcsl'&toin . L \
lorM,'oriri.{. tlc
ln. rlready\eencdnlcnrDgrrr. suhcommirlcc
ad rhe Dirdr hsrds I
nhu$ \r'h$ 0rie tines\
orc rd\rnlcd riuniln ii!h!
r hnsu.-q.ptutnhr.dhL ^L
rhfd H notrtdion P
1 eicbin! of toreigr rhgu
zrnr rnr 0n Fmblnlj,nlr
arn.h \is ch.[s.d so ] i
strilcs rid dral.qs @d ror
'rcsioDlus boug]l iD tN
rumrn Rilhrr {(h rhr Ji.i
c h\'
otr |(Mddio's
rddronsro acqtrn!inDo\tr
unri ol \lidner: Atr ncn
aedorerhr sil.Dr( ido fo
-. rodb Mtuniarn
rr Lr\'s\i\
Dtccro, e oi Fo
d , , u n . T ] , eR s , lb . t r r
Inh HrnrodizrrioD
m r r r l P n r l d r , ! r f dr h c ( n r
tirr retr|
toi r\4
e.r{ rornmti.dnibDr{l.r
\i{l lJnno -r,r t.!r
hc qrr fcmr Lis 1\rLl
uairc r!t(l h ,rrt,!!n
led ro cxpr l frc!(|dDrol r
drrtrc ro rht LEaRTc bnr
rbi,LllJr I d,qDlc i..!r
r rdi. h\!
Th! anrr !r otr n.
&'ttrtrc rcd .nd. Qtrlnn\ 'jr
.rs 01 'hc L.* or coNr;ri.
rs or Noah'nofdirl.!.e("
Lr! or cc,su:,.,nD!A rlt. ;
rhikho. pdirior
rhd hrr
s0ns dfrhc F(]JR torrdhiiin
I d
I t 4 . o . - r r . .
- , n u ' . , L . , n . \ . r , r , r
d lta.hing ofFori{r linlmues
. ngft o om h8ulc! and dillcds r.jdnndty usrd
by Ttrrti\h
ozoi\ Ld\ di E bt6hn.n dd uoidmsrs of R;io rnd
pR$ntr \as ryorghin tmc unh rheroms otlhe Ertupcan
Hn,. p,. '. .i,t L- .h r .n ..\r t.o o
tr.. p.n
'.drjc rhal \ill edq
inro lnrocRirhida yearas b,
g.l. I
F 4 d 6 - i . . . - h , 3 e . , f d ,r.F , , . 4 u d
... 'Tr.tcJ rfldc,o
, .\r,,o.
" I r . r i cr , . - t . , h (
/rd, p. I,a. . ".tr,, ,:o, ,,. ioo. ",
,, ,-.
'i, tf
in ,t o..,
. r - . , n , , . .- h - . .
.. rid torrppLiclrio'sn c rlter$.r dlr!
',lu r. Ld .
or aortoriatsL
rt,e., ..o , a .
n.1n-r.i ,.J|BP
.r,rr.. r, . i.
...,"",.....,- ,..
Lo,,Jt. j,-r!,n
, 1 , , - " . - , , , t1 , , ,b . r , , e ^ , . , t r .
b r r o f r h et L H l l h r r r nn r , 4 r
( !.n1, p. ."tri...i f.. \,.
(' I r. :0 r Ni'
|lcfilr) lbrrl'o{ lrlro
i'snlr rrd dendeInrkishn.s.d.. i\ redu.ed.rlso tieedoniolexpre\{of r
ndhd hymd bl aLl.\in! lor lxpr*sions of rhoughlsolcll rmn. 'o
$irclz.. $irh no i enuoi or irsulr..(. Tlre scopcofr\tr. 169 of TfC.
ig rhe rri'nc ol xsi{i,ig xrJ rberin8 a leron{ organ'aton L
irnhd limncLlCascsrrldrd 10(orrutuand nalt alnc shallbc hrndld
lnhoLr drlay r.rordrD!10a nc\yrn ( c aJdnl lo thc CCP.Lcrm,n! or'rh!
d ll!rud lmsu!$ {
dklcds ,a!l trtlioialy by Tr{ish ur ^$ 'n
rl'cifdrii) l,\s s lnnhr rLxxcdONni"gFn,culrrcltrss wnrr cxn(rg
fungule rse( i! .oN r.ndcrd po$ibh
As will bc soN ol imprc\cNnt $crc alrcadyprN. Ln
urLis Pa.k:gs Or rlt olh( hrid.lhctr proccs olrpph(dron milhr b.
sorr.L d pri"tuL Tl,tr 6 bc.rls. rl'c "srrbLisl',ncnas i.rnirg ro
modlmia{ion Ircm rbdyc . JLLsl
's rhe ken l Evolulior ftom :bo\.
ci(,u .'cda,clcr(riiiotr'lielou f ft tnmolrli!iousrclstion.nrisrin.
r rcadion nom b.loN. \hich should bc nshrly bapdzld as "Si\.d
Pdrnor". isircngl! opposinsrh!EU Hrmron;rlionP&kr!!s.
.r i
E qknion dc r,iJh[liDn d! li;
.,,i",,fH 1'ojh
h.comintr sufremeCounaboverheTurkishCrotrn
6e mrioDrl.oun de.isnrns
v lxringnr Eurcpean
R,gh$rre n'brcqtorun.l. i comcbr.k
$hr mo$mlikely.
Elaidr turo{uopd.M.r
x ra sief{rrc dr tr.iri rt

Benzer belgeler

SourueRsr EunopeRru

SourueRsr EunopeRru $ddy,",whr n tu sodtr oI th 1he rnr*q to rhis qusri,D ,N on.,br n.!s 60th r rhr i exds,ve. Tlie Fst onnorb. r chhsc as i rdsutrofr lhrnse ot i n i d e r . . D n i ( o f F s L jI n j n r Thtr dsis w...



NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY CONCEPT: TUR]<f,Y AND ITS hngur-{... lrrely Lhcrin ncmiotu,l in Ad .10of Lrsannc. A!am. rar
