Case Report


Case Report
Eur J Surg Sci 2014;5(1):39-42
Undefined Findings of Ochronotic PolyarthropathyCervical Pseudoankylosis, Spinal Cord Atrophy and
Anterior Mediastinal Mass: Case Report
Ahmet Özgür YILDIRIM1, Okyar ALTAŞ1, Özdamar Fuad ÖKEN1, İrem YILDIRIM2, Ahmet UÇANER3
Department of 1st Orthopedia and Traumatology, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Dermatology, Ankara Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
3 Department of Dermatology, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Homogentisic acid oxidase (HGO) enzyme deficiency from birth results in alkaptonuria, a rarely seen metabolic disease involving
several systems in the body. The enzyme deficiency results in an accumulation of homogentisic acid seen particularly in connective tissue, which is defined as ochronosis. Depending on the area of accumulation, there may be involvement of joints, skin,
eyes, and the cardiovascular, genitourinary, respiratory, endocrine, and central nervous systems. The initial symptoms of ochronosis are phenotypic (pigmentation of the sclera, ears, nails, and generally on the face), radiologic (primary glenohumeral and
acromioclavicular arthrosis, whole spine degeneration, spinal stenosis, other joint arthrosis), and intraoperative (blue-black
coloration). We could not find any publication in the English literature about pseudoankylosis. We present a 56-year-old male
patient with rare findings that included cervical pseudoankylosis, spinal cord atrophy and anterior mediastinal mass.
Key words: Ochronosis, Homogentisic acid oxidase, Pseudoankylosis, Spinal cord atrophy, Anterior mediastinal mass
Received: November 29, 2012 • Accepted: May 18, 2013
Okronotik Poliartropatide Tanımlanmamış Bulgular; Servikal Psödoankiloz, Spinal Kord
Atrofisi ve Ön Mediastende Kitle: Olgu Sunumu
Doğuştan homojensitik asit oksidaz enzim eksikliği az rastlanan ve vücutta birçok sistemi etkileyen bir hastalık olan alkaptanüriye neden olur. Enzim eksikliği bağ dokusunda homojensitik asit birikimiyle seyreden ve okronozis olarak adlandırılan rahatsızlığa
sebep olur. Birikimin yerine göre eklemler, deri, gözler, kardiyovasküler, genitoüriner, respiratuar, endokrin ve santral sinir sistemi
etkilenebilir. Okronozis başlıca belirtilerini fenotipik (sklera, kulaklar, tırnaklar ve yüzde pigmentasyon), radyolojik (glenohumeral
ve akromiyoklaviküler artroz, spinal dejenerasyon, spinal darlık veya diğer eklemlerde artroz), eklemlerde mavi, siyah renklenme
şeklinde gösterir. İngilizce literatürde psödoankiloz ile ilgili herhangi bir yayına rastlamadık. Bu yazıda servikal psödoankiloz, kord
atrofisi ön mediastende kitle nadir bulgularıyla seyreden 56 yaşında erkek hastayı sunuyoruz.
Anahtar kelimeler: Okronozis, Homojensitik asit oksidaz, Psödoankiloz, Spinal kord atrofisi, Ön mediastinal kitle
Geliş Tarihi: 29 Kasım 2012 • Kabul Ediliş Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2013
Undefined Findings of Ochronotic Polyarthropathy-Cervical Pseudoankylosis, Spinal Cord Atrophy and Anterior
Mediastinal Mass: Case Report
Homogentisic acid oxidase (HGO) enzyme deficiency from birth results in alkaptonuria, a rarely seen
metabolic disease involving several systems in the
body. The enzyme deficiency results in an accumulation of homogentisic acid seen particularly in connective tissue, which is defined as ochronosis. The development of ankylosis in the vertebral column is a frequently seen finding. To our best knowledge, there is
no case in the English literature about pseudoankylosis. We present a patient with an unusual presentation
of ochronosis.
A 56-year-old male presented to our polyclinic
with pain in the right knee and hip and limited movement of the neck. There was nothing remarkable in
the family history.
In the physical examination, blue-black pigmentation was observed in the ears, nail beds and sclera.
There was a palpable, hard, painless mass lesion
below the sternum in the anterior chest wall. Severely
limited movement of the cervical vertebrae was
Examination of direct radiographs showed findings of right coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, and spondylosis. On the lateral thoracic radiograph, a lesion 8 cm
in length with mass was determined below the sternum (Figure 1). In the vertebral column, besides generalized findings of arthrosis, a high degree severe
narrowing between discs was observed, and osteophytes were seen extending anterior-posterior.
On the spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
facet joint degeneration was observed in the cervical
area, as well as spinal stenosis and spinal cord atrophy.
Pseudoankylosis was seen between C7 and T1 vertebrae (Figures 2, 3). The neurological examination was
determined as normal.
Total hip replacement for the right coxarthrosis
was applied first to relieve the patient’s complaints.
During surgery, pigmentation was seen on the femoral
head and neck, and the diagnosis was confirmed by
pathological examination (Figure 4). Six months later,
the patient underwent total knee replacement for the
right gonarthrosis. Black discoloration in the form of
brushstrokes was seen in the joint cartilage, and black
degeneration was noticed in the meniscus and tendons (Figure 5). No problems were encountered in the
postoperative one-year follow-up (e.g. loosening,
infection, dislocation, etc.) (Figure 6).
Figure 1. Vertebral spondylosis and anterior mediastinal mass.
Disease associated with the lack of HGO enzyme,
which plays a role in the metabolism of phenylalanine
and tyrosine, is an autosomal recessive disease seen in
approximately 1/100.000-250.000[1,2]. The disease
was first described by Virshow in 1866. In 1915,
Sonderbergh named this condition ‘osteitis deformans
alkaptonuria’, defining the relationship between
ochronosis and spondylosis.
On the lateral thoracic radiograph, a mass was
observed starting in the anterior mediastinum of the
infrasternal area and extending along the linea alba.
The mass was evaluated as painless and hard. It was
compared with only one similar case in the literature[3].
When the intraoperative evaluation is not normal
due to blue-black coloration, ochronosis should be
the first diagnosis to come to mind. It should not be
forgotten that these patients may experience sponta-
Eur J Surg Sci 2014;5(1):39-42
Yıldırım AÖ, Altaş O, Öken ÖF, Yıldırım İ, Uçaner A.
Figure 2. Cervical MR sagittal section showing pseudoankylosis and cord atrophy between C7-T1.
neous or minimal energy fractures and ruptures, and
excessive stresses should be avoided [4,5].
Varying forms of ochronotic vertebrae involvement have been published in the literature, such as
thoracic myelopathy, root canal stenosis, intervertebral disc tears, herniations, calcifications, ankylosis,
and spondylolisthesis[6-9]. In our patient, there were
concomitant findings of cervical spine degeneration,
spinal stenosis, cervical pseudoankylosis, and cord
atrophy. To the best of our knowledge, there is no
similar case in the literature with which to compare
the presented patient.
In conclusion, ochronosis is a disease that may be
diagnosed after a thorough physical examination and
imaging evaluation. In the presence of eye and skin
findings together with advanced-stage degenerative
Eur J Surg Sci 2014;5(1):39-42
Figure 3. Cervical MR coronal section showing pseudoankylosis and scoliosis of the cervicothoracic
findings in the spinal column (osteophytes, narrowing
between discs, disc calcification) and early onset of
degeneration in the shoulder, knee and hip joints,
ochronosis should be kept in mind. When the surgical
intervention is being planned, cervical vertebrae
involvement should be kept in mind, and care should
be taken in the selection of the anesthesia technique
with respect to difficult intubation and possible complications[10]. Furthermore, patients with spinal cord
atrophy should be monitored neurologically. A patient
with an anterior mediastinal mass should be informed
of the possible need for midline incision surgical
Undefined Findings of Ochronotic Polyarthropathy-Cervical Pseudoankylosis, Spinal Cord Atrophy and Anterior
Mediastinal Mass: Case Report
1. Dereymaeker L, Van Parijs G, Bayart M, Daenen W,
Lauwerijns J, De Geest H. Ochronosis and alkaptonuria:
report of a new case with calcified aortic valve stenosis.
Acta Cardiol 1990; 11: 87-92.
2. Resnick D. Alkaptonuria. In: Resnick D, Niwayama G
(eds). Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Disorders.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1988: 1787-803.
3. Taylor AM, Batchelor TJ, Adams VL, Helliwell TR,
Gallagher JA, Ranganath LR. Ochronosis and calcification in the mediastinal mass of a patient with alkaptonuria. J Clin Pathol 2011; 64: 935-6.
4. Chua SY, Chang HC. Bilateral spontaneous rupture of the
quadriceps tendon as an initial presentation of alkaptonuria--a case report. Knee 2006; 13: 408-10.
Figure 4. Femoral head.
5. Manoj Kumar RV, Rajasekaran S. Spontaneous tendon
ruptures in alkaptonuria. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2003; 85:
6. Akeda K, Kasai Y, Kawakita E, Matsumura Y, Kono T,
Murata T, et al. Thoracic myelopathy with alkaptonuria.
Spine 2008; 33: 62-5.
7. Bezer M, Kocaoglu B, Guven O. Ankylosis of the spine in
a case with ochronosis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc
2003; 37: 344-7.
8. Kalevski SK, Haritonov DG, Peev NA. Alcaptonuria with
lumbar disc prolapse: case study and review of the literature. Spine J 2007; 7: 495-8.
9. Koh KB, Low EH, Ch'ng SL, Zakiah I. A case of alkaptonuria with root canal stenosis. Singapore Med J 1997;
35: 106-7.
Figure 5. General view of the knee.
10. Pandey R, Kumar A, Garg R, Khanna P, Darlong V.
Perioperative management of patient with alkaptonuria
and associated multiple comorbidities. J Anaesthesiol
Clin Pharmacol 2011; 27: 259-61.
Address for Correspondence
Ahmet Özgür YILDIRIM, MD
Department of 1st Orthopedia and Traumatology
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
Figure 6. Postoperative 1-year follow-up of total
knee arthroplasty.
Eur J Surg Sci 2014;5(1):39-42

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