Ahmet Mert Kartal - Political Science


Ahmet Mert Kartal - Political Science
Kartal CV – 1
September 2012
Ahmet Mert Kartal
PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science
110 North Hall, 1050 Bascom Mall
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 770 - 9786
2013 (Expected)
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Major Fields: International Relations, Comparative Politics
Minor Field: Political Methodology
M.A. in Political Science, University of Wisconsin – Madison
M.A. in European Politics (with Distinction), Lund University, Sweden
B.A. in International Relations (with High Honors),
B.A. in Media and Communication Systems (with High Honors),
Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
“A Few Bad Apples in a Good Barrel? The EU’s Impact on Good Governance Before
and After Accession” (preliminary title)
Committee: Lisa Martin (chair), Jon Pevehouse, Andy Kydd, Mark Copelovitch, Nils
Kartal, A. Mert. 2010. “Has the Dwarf Grown Up?” The Journal of European Integration
32, No. 3: 329-37. (Review article – peer reviewed)
Working Papers
"Endogenous Power Shifts, Weapons Development, and Costly Reassurance Signaling"
(with Dave Ohls)
“International Institutions and the Rule of Law: The Case of National Corruption” (with
Jon Pevehouse)
"Beyond political conditionality: Post-accession tendencies in Central and Eastern
Conference Papers
“Accounting for the Bad Apples: The EU’s Impact on National Corruption” – to be
presented at the 2012 APSA Annual National Conference, New Orleans, LA – USA
(UPDATE: Conference canceled)
“Accounting for the Bad Apples: The EU’s Impact on National Corruption” – presented
at the 2012 MPSA Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL – USA; the 2012 EU
Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL – USA
"God and the Strategic Imperative: Religious Commitments, Endogenous Power Shifts,
and Nuclear Proliferation" (with Dave Ohls) – presented at the 2011 MPSA Annual
National Conference, Chicago, IL – USA
“Who gets to access? Revisiting the Accession Criteria of the European Union” –
presented at the 2010 MPSA Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL – USA
“Who gets to access? Explaining the 2004 Enlargement of the European Union” –
presented at the 2009 MPSA Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL – USA
“Guardians of the Republic: The ‘Pro-Secular’ Movement in Turkey” – presented at the
2009 MPSA Annual National Conference, Chicago, IL – USA
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September 2012
Workshop Papers
“Accounting for the Bad Apples: The EU’s Impact on National Corruption” – presented
at the 2012 Western Graduate Workshop, University of California, Berkeley, CA –
“The Game of European Politics: Justifying the EU’s Enlargement Decisions” – May
2008 (presented at University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA)
“The Regional Integration of the EU: A Neo-liberal Project?” – March 2006 (presented at
Lund University, Sweden)
“The Eastern Enlargement of the EU: A Rational Choice or Rhetorical Commitment?” –
December 2005 (presented at Lund University, Sweden)
Invited Talks
“Turkey's Economic Integration into the EU: Challenges and Opportunities,” The Global
Market Place: A One-day K-12 Teacher Workshop, April 25, 2012, Madison, WI,
Master’s Thesis
“The EU’s CFSP in the post-September 11 Era: The Utility of a Constructivist Approach”
– May 2006 (Advisor: Prof. Magnus Jerneck, presented and published at Lund
University, Sweden)
Teaching and Research Experience
Adjunct Professor
PS 369 - Theories of International Security, University of Wisconsin – Madison, (Summer
IR 492 - Governance and Policy-making in the EU, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
(Summer 2012)
PS 337 - International Institutions and World Order, University of Wisconsin – Madison
(Fall 2011)
POLS 346 - International Organizations, Bogazici University, Turkey (Summer 2011 and
Summer 2012)
IR 124 - Global Challenges, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey (Summer 2010)
Teaching Assistant (All at University of Wisconsin – Madison)
IS 101 - Introduction to International Studies, Prof. Scott Straus (Fall 2012)
PS 377 - Nuclear Weapons and World Politics, Prof. Andrew Kydd (Summer 2012)
PS 103 - Introduction to International Relations, Prof. Lisa Martin (Fall 2009 –served as
the Head TA- and Spring 2011)
PS 103 - Introduction to International Relations, Prof. Jon Pevehouse (Spring 2010, Fall
2010, and Spring 2012)
PS 377 - Nuclear Weapons and World Politics, Prof. Andrew Kydd (Spring 2009)
PS 106 - Introduction to Comparative Politics, Prof. Nils Ringe (Fall 2008)
PS 338 - The European Union: Politics and Political Economy, Prof. Nils Ringe (Spring
PS 622 - European Politics, Prof. Nils Ringe (Fall 2007)
Research Assistant
Voting Patterns in the European Parliament, Prof. Nils Ringe, University of Wisconsin –
Madison (Summer 2009)
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September 2012
Honors and Awards
The Summer Initiative Research Grant, Department of Political Science, University of
Wisconsin – Madison (Summer 2012)
The College of Letters and Science Teaching Fellow (Alternate), University of Wisconsin
– Madison (Spring 2011)
Honored Instructors Award, Division of University Housing, University of Wisconsin –
Madison (Fall 2010)
European Union Center of Excellence International Travel Grant, University of
Wisconsin – Madison (Summer 2010 and Summer 2012)
Excellence in Teaching Assistantship Award, Department of Political Science, University
of Wisconsin-Madison (Fall 2009)
Teaching Assistantship, Department of Political Science, University of WisconsinMadison (2007 – present)
Pass with Distinction, M.A. in European Politics, Lund University, Sweden (2006)
Swedish Institute Travel Grant, Swedish Institute, Sweden (Spring 2006)
Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Program (Fellowship), Swedish Institute, Lund University,
Sweden (2005 – 2006)
High Honors, B.A. in International Relations Department of Political Science, Istanbul
Bilgi University (2005) (GPA: 3.89/4.00, Graduation Ranking: 1)
High Honors, B.A. in Media and Communication Systems, Department of Media and
Communication Systems, Istanbul Bilgi University (2005) (GPA: 3.89/4.00,
Graduation Ranking: 1)
Turkish (Native), English (Fluent), French (Intermediate), German (Beginner)
Software Knowledge
MS Office, Adobe Dreamweaver, WinEdt, LaTeX (Document Preparation Systems),
STATA (Data Analysis and Statistical Software)
University Service
Co-coordinator, Wisconsin International Relations Colloquium, University of
Wisconsin-Madison (Fall 2010-present)
Graduate Student Representative on the Joel Dean Reading Room Committee,
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Fall 2010 and Spring 2011)
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association (2007 – present )
Midwest Political Science Association (2008 – present)
International Association for Political Science Students (2005 – present)