

Prof. Dr. Aytekin Isman
Faculty of Education
Department of Computer and Instructional Technology
Birth Date:
Career Objective:
To apply my distance education, instructional design, instructional
technology, internet and instructional television experiences within an
broadcasting and/or institution.
Prof. Dr.
: Computer and Instructional Technology.
17 February 2006-Sakarya University Sakarya, Turkey.
Assoc. Prof. Dr.: Computer and Instructional Technology.
14 November 2000 The Council of Higher Education.
Assist. Prof. Dr.: Computer and Instructional Technology.
9 November 2000 The Council of Higher Education.
: Instructional Technology
1997 Ohio University Athens, OHIO USA
Master(MA) : Educational Communication and Technology
1994, New York University, New York, USA.
Bachelor(BA) : Educational Measurement and Evaluation,
Department of Educational Sciences,
1987 Hacettepe University, Turkey.
International Conferences
1. Isman, Aytekin. (June 6-9 1995). Living in the Information Age: Global Distance Education.
Bridging the Distance. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Iowa
State University, USA.
2. Isman, Aytekin & Burke, Michael A. (November 13-15 1996). There is more than one way to
say learning: How it is done with the Learning Community Link. Proceedings Book of 1st
International Distance Education Conference. Orginized by The Ministry of Turkish
National Education. 270-277. November 13-15 1996. Ankara Turkey.
3. Isman, Aytekin. (November 13-15 1996) There is more than one way to say learning: How it
is done with the Learning Community Link. Turkey 1st International Distance Eucation
Conference. Ministry of Education, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Isman, Aytekin; Beach, Bonie. (June 1996). Elementary Students's Perceptions of Interactive
Learning in the Appalachian Distance Learning Project Learning Community Link. Getting
it Together. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Florida
State University, June 22-25, 1996.
5. Isman, Aytekin. (May 4–8 1997). Distance Education and Diffusion Theory.
International Distance Education Conference. Held by Ministry of Education, Ankara,
6. Isman, Aytekin and Beach Bonnie. (4-8 May 1998). 1997 LCL Evaluation Report. Turkey
2nd International Distance Education Conference. Ministry of Education, Ankara Turkey.
7. Isman, Aytekin (1999) The Conceptual Sides of Educational Technology: The Effects of
Constructivism in Education, Instruction Environment. Symposium of Contemporary
Approaches in Teacher Education. Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Education Faculty, Izmir,
8. Isman, Aytekin. (November 28–30 2001). The competence of teachers on educational
technology in Sakarya. 1st International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by
Sakarya University, Ohio University and Iowa State University. Sakarya, Turkey.
9. Calli, Ismail and Isman, Aytekin (28-30 November 2001) The today and future of Sakarya
University distance education applications.
1st International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Sakarya University, Ohio University and Iowa State University.
Sakarya Turkey.
10. Isman, Aytekin; Baytekin, Cetin; Kiyici, Mübin; Horzum, M. Baris (2002). The competence
of students taking Internet based educational technology material development course. 1st
International Open and Distance Learning Symposium – IODL. Anadolu University,
Eskisehir, Turkey.
11. Isman, Aytekin; Karsli, M. Durdu; Gündüz, H. Basri. (2002). Distance education
management system: New Model.
1st International Open and Distance Learning
Symposium – IODL, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
12. Isman, Aytekin; Baytekin, Cetin; Kiyici, Mübin; Horzum, M. Baris. (2002). Internet based
instructional design in distance education. 1st International Open and Distance Learning
Symposium – IODL, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
13. Isman, Aytekin and others. (November 2002). The perceptions of students on computer labs
at faculty of education.
International New Information Technologies In Education.
Conference held by Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir Turkey.
14. Isman, Aytekin and others. (November 2002). The effects of internet on educational planning
course. International New Information Technologies In Education. Conference held by
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir Turkey.
15. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi. (March 24-29, 2003). The Evaluation of The Course
“School experience” With Respect To Information Technologies. SITE 2003: Society for
Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference: Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
16. Isman, Aytekin; Caglar, Mehmet; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra; Altinay, Fahriye. (May
28–30 2003). Attitudes of Students Towards Computer. 3rd International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya
University, Ohio University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
17. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra. (May 28–30 2003). Roles of the Students and
Teachers in Distance Education. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference IETC.
Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya University, Ohio University and Iowa
State University. North Cyprus.
18. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra; Altinay, Fahriye. (May 28–30 2003).
Students’ Developments at Computer Courses under the Constructivist Approach. 3rd
International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean
University, Sakarya University, Ohio University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
19. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (May 28–30 2003). Electronic Publishing: The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET).
3rd International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya
University, Ohio University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
20. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Gümüs, Agah; Altinay, Fahriye; Altinay, Zehra. (May 28–30
2003). Web Page Design in Distance Education. 3rd International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya University, Ohio
University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
21. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra; Altinay, Fahriye. (May 28–30 2003).
Communication Barriers in Distance Education. 3rd International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya University, Ohio
University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
22. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra; Altinay, Fahriye. (May 28–30 2003). The
evaluation of Students’ Perceptions of Distance Education. 3rd International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Eastern Mediterranean University, Sakarya
University, Ohio University and Iowa State University. North Cyprus.
23. Isman, Aytekin; and others. (June, 7-9 2003). Effects of Internet on Learning. International
TAINN. Canakkale University.
24. Isman, Aytekin and others. (June, 7-9 2003). Effects of Instructional Design on Learning.
International TAINN. Canakkale University.
25. Isman, Aytekin and others. (June, 7-9 2003). The Level of Teacher-Students About Using
Educational Technology. International TAINN. Canakkale University.
26. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (7-11 November 2003). Attitudes of Students Towards
Internet. E-Learn 2003: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government,
Healthcare, & Higher Education. (1), 1618-1621. Association for the Advancement of
Computering in Education, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
27. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (2004). Roles of the Students and Teachers in Distance
Education. SITE 2004 Conference:
Society for Information Technology & Teacher
Education International Conference. (1), 497-502. Association for the Advancement of
Computing in Education , Atlanta, GA, USA.
28. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (March 01-06 2004).
Communication Barriers in
Distance Education: Text Based Internet Enabled Online Courses. SITE 2004: Society for
Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. (1), 491-496.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education , Atlanta, GA, USA.
29. Isman, Aytekin and Yaratan, Hüseyin. (2004). How Technology is integrated into Math
SITE 2004: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
International Conference. (1), 4453-4457. Association for the Advancement of Computing
in Education, Atlanta, GA, USA.
30. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi (2004). Roles of Students and Teachers in Distance
Education. SITE 2004: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,
Atlanta, GA, USA.
31. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (November 1-5, 2004). Electronic Publishing: The
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET).
E-Learn 2004: World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education.
Association for the Advancement of Computering in Education, Washington, DC, USA.
32. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (November 24-26 2004).
Diffusion of Distance
Education in Turkish North Cyprus. 4th International Educational Technology Conference
IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya,
33. Isman, Aytekin and Altinay, Fahriye. (November 24-26 2004). Eclectic Approach Based
Instructional Design Model. 4th International Educational Technology Conference IETC.
Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya,
34. Isman, Aytekin; Caglar, Mehmet; Dabaj, Fehmi and Ersozlü, Hatice. (November 24-26
A New Model for the World of Instructional Design -
A New Model. 4th
International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
35. Isman, Aytekin; Caner, Hamit; Yaratan, Hüseyin. (November 24-26 2004).
Technology Is Integrated Into Science Education. 4th International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya
University, Sakarya, Turkey.
36. Isman, Aytekin; Caglar, Mehmet; Dabaj, Fehmi and Yücesoylu, Rusen. (November 24-26
2004). Instructional Design Model – A Constructivist Based new Model. 4th International
Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State
University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
37. Isman, Aytekin and Altinay, Zehra. (November 24-26 2004). Model of Instructional Design
Based on Constructivist and Communication Theory. 4th International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and
Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
38. Isman, Aytekin and Sahin, Enis.
(November 24-26 2004).
Teaching History with
Educational Technology. 4th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held
by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
39. Isman, Aytekin. (November 24-26 2004). The implication results of new instructional
design model – Isman Model. 4th International Educational Technology Conference IETC.
Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya,
40. Isman, Aytekin, Yaratan Huseyin & Caner Hamit. (May, 2004). Perceptions of instructor of
the use of internet for teaching and learning activities. 5th International Conference on
Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training: ITHET 2004 Conference.
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.
41. Isman, Aytekin, Dabaj Fehmi, Gümüs Agah.
(June 21-26, 2004). The Evaluation of
Students´ Perceptions of Distance Education. ED-MEDIA 2004. Lugano, Switzerland.
42. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (22-24 September 2005). Perceptions of High school
Mathematics Teachers on the Use of Educational Technology in Their Classroom. 5th
International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
43. Isman, Aytekin. (September 22-24 2005). The Effects Of Palm Computers On The Students’
Achievement. 5th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio
University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
44. Isman, Aytekin; Yaratan Hüseyin; Caner, Hamit. (September 22-24 2005). Mathematics
Teachers and Educational Technology. 5th
International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya
University, Sakarya, Turkey.
45. Isman, Aytekin. (September 22-24 2005). Perceptions of High School Science Teachers on
the Use of Educational Technology in Their Classroom. 5th International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University and
Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
46. Isman, Aytekin; Kiyici, Mübin. (September 22-24 2005). Internet Destekli Educationde
Web Tasarimi. 5th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio
University, Louisiana State University and Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
47. Isman, Aytekin and Cengel Metin. (April 19-21 2006). School Management through internet.
6th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus.
48. Isman, Aytekin; Evirgen, Hayrettin; OztunC, Mustafa. (April 19-21 2006). The internet
tendency of students through communication education.
6th International Educational
Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University, Sakarya
University, and Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus.
49. Isman, Aytekin; Evirgen, Hayrettin; OztunC, Mustafa; Isbulan, Onur. (April 19-21 2006).
The competence of distance education students6th International Educational Technology
Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State University, Sakarya University,
and Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus.
50. Isman, Aytekin; Basri Gündüz, Hasan; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha. (April 19-21 2006).
The educational technology competence of students programmed in school administration.
6th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus.
51. Isman, Aytekin; Basri Gündüz, Hasan; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha. (April 19-21 2006).
The computer competence of students programmed in school administration.
International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus.
52. Isman, Aytekin; Basri Gündüz, Hasan; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha. (April 19-21 2006).
The internet competence of students programmed in school administration. 6th International
Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State
University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus.
53. Isman, Aytekin; Basri Gündüz, Hasan; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha. (April 19-21 2006).
The attitude of students on instructional technology programmed in school administration.
6th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus.
54. Isman, Aytekin and KünüCen, H. Hale. (April 19-21 2006). The effects of visual material on
distance education. 6th International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by
Ohio University, Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean
University, North Cyprus.
55. Altinay, Levent; Isman, Aytekin; A. Gazi, Zehra; A. Aksal, Fahriye; Dabaj, Fehmi. (April
19-21 2006). The Use Of Technology In Teaching And Learning: Success Factors. 6th
International Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University,
Louisiana State University, Sakarya University, and Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus.
56. Altinay, Fahriye; Altinay, Zehra; Dabaj, Fahme; Isman, Aytekin. (2006). What Challenges
Do Online Students Encounter in Their Learning Experiences at Eastern Mediterranean
University? ELEARN 2006: World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government,
Healtcare, and Higher Education. 13-17 November 2006. Waikiki Beach (Honolulu)
57. Isman, Aytekin; Akca, Ozlem.(2007). The perceptions of Sakarya University Distance
Education Students on Communication Barriers on Distance Education. 7th International
Educational Technology Conference IETC. Held by Ohio University, Louisiana State
University, Sakarya University, Eastern Mediterranean University and Nearest University,
North Cyprus.
58. Isman, Aytekin; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha; Canan, Ozlem. (2008). Web Site Usability.
8th International Educational Technology Conference. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
59. Isman, Aytekin; Canan, Ozlem; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha. (2008). Communication
Barriers: A Study Of Candidates Of Using Technology. 8th International Educational
Technology Conference. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
60. Isman, Aytekin; Isbulan, Onur; Demir, Zeliha; Canan, Ozlem. (2008). Barriers To Using
Internet For Teacher Candidates In Faculty Of Education. 8th International Educational
Technology Conference. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
61. Isman, Aytekin; Gunduz, Hasan Basri; Canan, Ozlem.(2008). Barriers to Adapting
Technology For Education Administrators Candidates. 8th
International Educational
Technology Conference. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
62. Isman,Aytekin; Canan, Ozlem.(2008). Barriers to Adapting Technology For Teacher
Candidates. 8th International Educational Technology Conference. Anadolu University,
63. Isman,Aytekin; Gürgün, Serhat.(2008). Ozel Okullarda Ogrenim Goren Ilkogretim
Ogrencilerinin Internete Yonelik Tutum and Düsünceleri(Acarkent Doga Koleji Ornegi). 8th
International Educational Technology Conference.. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
64. Isman,Aytekin; Evirgen, Hayrettin; Cengel, Metin.(2008).Sakarya Ili Milli Education
Müdürlügüne Calisan Ogretmenlerin Internet Kullanma Bariyerleri. 8th
Educational Technology Conference. Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
65. Isman, Aytekin; Demir, Zeliha; Isbulan, Onur; Canan, Ozlem. (2008). Social Barriers: A
Study of Teacher Candidates of Using Technology. ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 30 June-4 July 2008. Vienna,
66. Yaratan, Hüseyin; Isman,Aytekin; Alibaba Erden, Hale; Caner, Hamit; Canan, Ozlem.(2008).
Evaluation of The Intelligent Classes in North Cyprus. ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference
on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 30 June-4 July 2008.
Vienna, Austria.
67. Isman, Aytekin; Demir, Zeliha; Isbulan, Onur; Canan, Ozlem. (2008). The Efficiency of
Educational Technology and Material Course. ICIE 2008: Excellence in Education-Future
Minds and Creativity. 2-4 July 2008. Paris, France.
68. Isman, Aytekin, Gunduz, Hasan Basri, Canan, Ozlem.(2008). Barriers to Adapting
Technology For School Administrators Candidates. ICIE 2008: Excellence in
Education-Future Minds and Creativity. 2-4 July 2008. Paris, France.
69. Isman,Aytekin, Alibaba Erden, Hale, Canan, Ozlem.(2008). Evaluation of The Intelligent
Classes in North Cyprus. ICIE 2008: Excellence in Education-Future Minds and Creativity.
2-4 July 2008. Paris, France.
70. Isman, Aytekin; Demir, Zeliha; Isbulan, Onur; Canan, Ozlem. (2008). Sakarya University
Bilgisayar ve Ogretim Teknolojileri Educationi Bolümü Ogrencilerinin Sorunlari. 2nd
International Computer and Instructional Technology Symposium(ICITS). 16-18 April 2008,
Ege University, Kusadasi, Izmir.
71. Isman, Aytekin; Tosun, Nilgün; Ozgür, Hasan. (2009). Educationde Zeki Oğretim Sistemleri.
The 5th International Balkan Education and Science Congress: Education in Balkans Today.
October 01-03, 2009, 2, 532- 534, Trakya University, Edirne.
72. Isman, Aytekin; Canan, Ozlem.(2009). Evaluation Of Information Technology Classrooms
Usability. 9th International Educational Technology Conference.. Hacettepe University,
73. Isman, Aytekin; Isbulan, Onur.(2009). Usability Level Of Distance Education Web Site
(Sakarya University Sample). 9th International Educational Technology Conference..
Hacettepe University, Ankara.
74. Isman, Aytekin; Demir, Zeliha.(2009). The Student’s Level Of Academic Motivation In
Distance Education. 9th International Educational Technology Conference. Hacettepe
University, Ankara.
National Conferences
1. Isman, Aytekin; SevinC, Vahdettin; Altintig,E. (23-27 September 1998). (September 23–27
1998). Educational Technology Applications in Science Teaching. 2nd National Science
Education Conference. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Education, Trabzon,
2. Isman, Aytekin. (18-20 March 1999). Educational Technology Theory: Cunstructivist
Applications. New Teaching Methods Conference. Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of
Education, Izmir, Turkey.
3. Isman, Aytekin. (10-12 November 1999). Distance Education: A New Model for Turkish
Military. 1st Distance Education Conference. Turkish Military, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Isman, Aytekin; Baytekin, Cetin; Balkan Kiyici, Fatime; Horzum, M. Baris and Kiyici,
Mübin. (2002). Science Education and Constructivism. BTIE Conference. Middle East
University, Ankara, Turkey.
5. Isman, Aytekin; Baytekin, Cetin; Horzum, M. Baris and Kiyici, Mübin (2002). The effects of
educational material and technology on students. BTIE Conference. Middle East University,
Ankara, Turkey.
6. Isman, Aytekin and others. (21-23 May 2003). Online Publication: TOJET (The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology) Case. BTIE. Middle East University, Ankara,
7. Isman, Aytekin; Gümüs, Agah ve Dabaj, Fehmi. (October 15-18 2003). Internet dependency
in communication education.
National Education Conference. Gazi University,
Ankara Turkey.
8. Isman, Aytekin and others. (20-22 May 2004). The competence of students in Faculty of
Education on using computer: North Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean University Case. BTIE.
Middle East University, Ankara, Turkey.
9. Isman, Aytekin and others. (20-22 May 2004) The competence of teachers at Faculty of
Education: North Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean University Case. BTIE, Middle East
University, Ankara, Turkey.
1. Isman, Aytekin. (June 1997). The diffusion of Distance Education in Turkish Higher
Education. ETR&D-Educational Technology Research & Development. 45 (2), 124-128.
2. Isman, Aytekin; Beach, B. & Burke, Michael (August 1997). Learning Community Link:
Enhancing Learning Using Telecommunication Technologies. T.H.E. JOURNAL. 25(1).
3. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Gümüs, Agah. (21-26 June 2004). The Evaluation of
Students´ Perceptions of Distance Education. ED-MEDIA 2004:World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. 1-7, ISSN 3597-3602,
Lugano, Switzerland.
4. Isman, Aytekin; Yaratan, Hüseyin & Caner, Hamit. (May 2004). Perceptions of instructor of
the use of internet for teaching and learning activities. ITHET 2004 Conference: 5th
International Conference on Information Technology Based HigherEducation and Training.
389-392, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.
5. Altinay Aksal, Fahriye; Altinay Gazi, Zehra; Isman, Aytekin.(2008). A comprehensive Look
into the Learners’ Transferable Skills Related to Constructivist Approach. World Applied
Scinces Journal. 4 (4), 558-567, ISSN 1818-4952.
6. Isman, Aytekin; Altinay Aksal, Fahriye; Altinay Gazi, Zehra.(2009). Teacher Researchers:
Technology and Ethical Considerations While Conducting An Action Research. Hacettepe
University Journal of Education. 37, 1300-5340.
7. Isman, Aytekin; Celikli, Gülsen Ersoy. (2009) How Does Student Ability And Self-Efficacy
Affect The Usage Of Computer Technology? Turkish Online Journal Of Educational
Technology. 8 (1), 33-38.
8. Isman, A. & Isbulan, O. (January, 2010). Usability Level of Distance Education Website
(Sakarya University Sample). Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology. 9 (1),
Isman, A.; A. Gazi, Zehra; A. Aksal, Fahriye.(May-June 2010). Students’ Perceptions of
Online Learning. Educational Technology. 50(3).
International Journals
1. Isman, Aytekin. (August 1996). Living in the Information Age: Global Distance Education.
ED Journal. 10-2.
2. Isman, Aytekin and others (1995). Global Telecommunication University. A Monograph for
International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Institution for Telecommunication Studies,
3. Isman, Aytekin; Beach, Bonie. (March 1997). Elementary Students's Perceptions of
Interactive Learning in the Appalachian Distance Learning Project Learning Community
Link. ED Journal. 11-3.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (July 1997). The diffusion of Distance Education in Turkish Higher
Education. Educational Technology Research & Development. 45(2).
5. Demiray U., Flournoy, D., Isman, A. and others. (November 1997). Use of satellites in
Distance Education System between Japan and Turkey. ED Journal. 11(11).
6. Isman, Aytekin. (Winter 1998). The history of distance education: Where does distance
education come from. Distance Education. 2. Ministry of Education. Turkey.
7. Isman, Aytekin. (June 1998). The Turkish Education System and Distance Learning.
TeleConference Journal. 17(6), USA.
8. Isman, Aytekin and others. (April 2001). Unemployment and employment research in the
Japanese – Turkish village at Sakarya. Sakarya University Publishing. Sakarya.
9. Isman, Aytekin; Baytekin, Cetin; Balkan Kiyici, Fatime; Horzum, M. Baris and Kiyici,
Mübin (October, 2002). Constructivist approach and science teaching. TOJET: The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology. 1(1), ISSN 1303 – 6521. http://www.tojet.net
(ERIC cited Journal).
10. Isman, Aytekin. (January 2003). Technology. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology. 2 (1), ISSN 1303 – 6521. http://www.tojet.net.
11. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi. (2003). The Evaluation of The Course “School
experience” With Respect To Information Technologies. SITE: Society for Information
Technology &Teacher Education International Conference. 2, ISSN 1189-1196.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
12. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi. (April 2003). The Evaluation of The Course “School
experience” With Respect To Information Technologies. TOJET: The Turkish Online
Journal of Educational Technology. 2 (2), ISSN 1303 – 6521. http://www.tojet.net(ERIC
cited Journal)..
13. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Fahriye and Altinay, Zehra.(July 2003). Students’
Developments at Computer Courses under the Constructivist Approach.
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 2 (3),
ISSN 1303 – 6521.
http://www.tojet.net (ERIC cited Journal)..
14. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra and Altinay, Fahriye (July 2003). Effects of
Instructional Design On Learning. International Journal Of Computational Intelligence. 1
(1), 198-204.
15. Isman, Aytekin and Altinay, Fahriye. (July, 2003). Effects Of Internet On Learning.
International Journal Of Computational Intelligence. 1 (1), 185-193.
16. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi. (July 2003). The Level Of Teacher Students About Using
Educational Technology. International Journal Of
Computational Intelligence. 1 (1),
17. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Fahriye and Altinay, Zehra. (October 2003).
Communication Barriers in Distance Education. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology. 2 (4),
ISSN 1303 – 6521. http://www.tojet.net (ERIC cited
18. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fehmi; Gümüs, Agah. (January 2004). Electronic Publishing: The
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET). TOJDE: The Online Journal
19. Isman, Aytekin; Caglar, Mehmet; Dabaj, Fehmi; Altinay, Zehra and Altinay, Fahriye.
(January 2004). Attitudes of Students toward Computers. TOJET: The Turkish Online
Journal of Educational Technology. 3 (1), ISSN 1303 – 6521. http://www.tojet.net (ERIC
cited Journal)..
20. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj Fehmi. (February 2004). Communication Barriers in Distance
Education: Text Based Internet Enabled Online Courses.
International Journal Of
Instructional Technology And Distance Learning. 1 (2), 17-36.
21. Isman, Aytekin, Dabaj Fehmi, Altinay Zehra, Altinay Fahriye. (May 2004). Roles of
Students and Teachers in Distance Education.
International Journal of Instructional
Technology And Distance Learning. 1 (5), 33-42.
22. Isman, Aytekin and Dabaj, Fehmi. (July 2004). Students` Perceived Satisfaction with Text
Based Online Courses: Formative Course Evaluation. Asian Journal Of Distance Education.
1 (2).
23. Isman, Aytekin & Dabaj, Fehmi. (October, 2004). Attitudes of Students Towards Internet.
TOJDE: The Online Journal of Distance Education. 5(4). Anadolu University. Turkey.
24. Isman, Aytekin, Dabaj Fehmi, Altinay Zehra, Altinay Fahriye. (May 2004). Roles of
Students and Teachers in Distance Education. TOJDE: The Online Journal of Distance
Education. 5(4). Anadolu University. Turkey.
25. Isman, Aytekin; Altinay, Fahriye.(2005). Self-Perceptions and Roles: How Eastern
Mediterranean University Students and Teachers View Online Program and Courses.
GYAN-The Journal of Education. 2 (1), ISSN 0972-9992, Advance Institute of Management,
26. Isman, Aytekin. (2005). Technology and Technique: An Educational Perceptive. Eurasian
Journal of Educational Research. 5 (19) , ISSN 1302-597X.
27. Isman, Aytekin & Yaratan, Hüseyin. (July 2005). How technology is integrated into Math
Education. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 2 (7),
28. Isman, Aytekin & Altinay, Fahriye. (October 2005). Communication Barriers: A Study of
Eastern Mediterranean University Students’ and Teachers’ of Online Program and Courses.
TOJDE: The Online Journal of Distance Education. 6 (4), Anadolu University, Turkey.
29. Isman, Aytekin. (June 2005). Diffusion of Distance Education in Cyprus. TOJDE: The
Online Journal of Distance Education. 6 (4), Anadolu University, Turkey.
30. Isman, Aytekin. (Spring, 2006). Internet Dependency in Communication Education.
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 6 (23).
31. A. Gazi, Zehra; A. Aksal, Fahriye; Arasli, Hüseyin; Gazi, Mustafa; Isman, Aytekin.(2009).
Devlet Okullarinda Stratejik Planlama and Yonetim: KKTC Ornegi. MJER:Mediterranean
Journal of Educational Research. (6), ISSN 1309-0682, KKTC.
National Journals
1. Isman, Aytekin. (Winter 1998). Students' perception of a class offered thorough distance
education. Distance Education. 2nd Distance Education Journal. Ministry of Education,
Ankara Turkey.
2. Isman, Aytekin. (January-Febuary 1998). Education in Information Age. Yeni Turkiye
Journal. 4 (19), Turkey.
3. Isman, Aytekin. (Winter, 1999). Internet and Education. Distance Education Journal.
Ministry of Education, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Isman Aytekin. (2000). (Spring, 2000). Distance education and instructional design. Turkish
Land Forces Journal 2020.
5. Isman Aytekin. (Spring, 2001). Philosophy of technology. Education Faculty Journal.
Sakarya University. 1(1). Sakarya, Turkey.
6. Cerezci, Osman; Isman, Aytekin; Oztürk, Ergun; Kiyici, Mübin. (2001). The effects of
Cellular telephone on childrens’ health.
Education Faculty Journal. 1(1). Sakarya
University, Sakarya.
7. Isman, Aytekin; Demiray, Ugur. (2001). History of Distance Eduvation. Education Faculty
Journal. 1(1). Sakarya University, Sakarya.
8. Isman, Aytekin. (2001). Computer and Education. Education Faculty Journal. 1(2). Sakarya
University, Sakarya.
9. Isman, Aytekin. (2001). The computer competence of teachers in Sakarya. Education
Faculty Journal. 1(3). Sakarya University, Sakarya.
10. Calli, Ismail and Isman, Aytekin. (2001) The today and future of distance education in
Sakarya University. Education Faculty Journal. 1(3). Sakarya University, Sakarya.
11. Isman, Aytekin; Dabaj, Fahme; Gümüs, Agah. (October 2004). Internet dependency in
communication education. Education Faculty Journal. 8. Sakarya University, Sakarya.
12. Isman Aytekin and Altinay Zehra. (2005). The model of instructional design based on
constructivism and communication theory. Abbant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Social
Sciences. 2005-2 (11).
1. Isman, Aytekin. (1998). Distance Education. Degisim Publication.
2. Isman, Aytekin & Eskicumali, Ahmet. (2003). Educational Planning and Assessment.
Pegem Publication, Ankara, Turkey.
3. Isman, Aytekin; Barkan, Murat; Demiray Ugur. (2003). Distance Education. Online
Distance Education Book. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology: TOJET
Press. http://www.tojet.net/e-book/ebook.htm.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (2005). Distance Education. 2nd Press. Pegem Publication, Ankara, Turkey.
5. Isman, Aytekin. (2005). The applications of Educational measurement and evaluation in
Turkish Education System. 3rd Press. Pegem Publication, Ankara, Turkey.
6. Isman, Aytekin. (2008). Educational Technology and Materials. Pegem Publication, Ankara,
7. Isman, Aytekin; Barkan, Murat; Demiray Ugur. (2005). Distance Education: The Winds of
Change. 3rd Press. Pegem Publication, Ankara, Turkey.
8. Isman, Aytekin. (2008). The evaluation of educational materials. Chapter 9 in Preschool
Educational Technology. Published by Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
1. Isman Aytekin. (January, 12 2001). Distance Education and Turkish Applications. Aksam
Newspaper. Istanbul, Turkey.
2. Isman Aytekin. (February 16 and 23 2001). From past to Today Distance Education. Aksam
Newspaper. Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Isman, Aytekin and Iskender, Murat. (April 13 2001). The methods for solving Exam Stress
problems. Aksam Newspaper. Istanbul, Turkey.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (2008-2010). Newspaper Journal. Yeni Sakarya Newspaper. Sakarya.
1. Isman, Aytekin. (1989-1990). Industrial High School Project. Council of Higher Education,
Turkey. Worked as education expert.
2. Isman, Aytekin. (March 1995). Develop a new Model for Global Telecommunication
University. This model developed with Ohio University Research Team. This model was
submitted to International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
3. Isman, Aytekin. (1996). Conducting Research on The Appalachian Distance Learning
Project. Ohio University. This evaluation report was published by Ohio University.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (1997). Evaluating Learning Community Link Project. Ohio University.
Worked for assessing the distance education. This evaluation report was published by Ohio
5. Isman, Aytekin. (1997). School to Work State Technology Project. Ohio University. Worked
as programme developer and technology expert.
6. Isman, Aytekin. (1997-1999). Applachian Distance Education Project. Ohio University.
Worked as distance education expert.
7. Isman, Aytekin. (1998). The educational technology competence of K12 teachers in Sakarya.
Sakarya University. This research was supported by Sakarya University Research Fund.
8. Isman, Aytekin. (2002-2003). The educational technology competence of Prep school
teachers. Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus.
9. Isman, Aytekin. (2002-2003 The perceptions of teachers on using internet in classroom.
Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
1. Isman Aytekin. (1997). Educational Techhnology Seminars. Organized by Private High
Schools in Sakarya. Sakarya.
2. Isman Aytekin. (May, 10-20 1998). Educational Techhnology for Preschools. Seminar for
Training Preschool Teachers. Organized by Private Tansel Schools & Sakarya University
Faculty of Education. Sakarya.
3. Isman, Aytekin. (April, 5-15 1998). Educational Technology and Teaching English as a
Second Language. Organized by Sakarya University Department of Linguistic. Sakarya
University, Sakarya, Turkey.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (June 15-20 1998). Curriculum Design and Universities. Application
Meetings for Training Teachers Project. Organized by The Council of Higher Education and
World Bank. Sakarya, Turkey.
5. Isman, Aytekin. (Summer, 1998). Educational Technology and Learning. Organized by
Turkish Ministry of Education. Sakarya, Turkey.
6. Isman Aytekin. (February 15-30 1999). Computer applications. Development Meetings for
Development of Computer and Instructional Technology. Organized by The Council of
Higher Education, World Bank, and Middle Eeast University. Ankara, Turkey.
7. Isman Aytekin. (August 2000). IBM Learning Space Programme Education Seminar.
8. Isman Aytekin. (May, 5-10 2001). New Technologies and Education. New Technologies
Seminar. Organized by Ohio University and Sakarya University. Sakarya.
9. Isman Aytekin. (2001). School Principles. Organized by Ministry of Education and Sakarya
10. Isman, Aytekin. (Summer, 2002). The affective use of Educational Technologies in
education. It was given to Sakarya City K12 Teachers. Organized by Sakarya National
Education Principal. Sakarya, Turkey.
11. Isman, Aytekin. (2001-2002). Educational Measurement and Evaluation in distance
education. It was given to Distance education teachers at Sakarya University. Sakarya,
12. Isman, Aytekin. (2001-2002). Testing Methods. It was given to Private K12 Teachers.
Organized by Sakarya University and Private Schools. Sakarya Turkey.
13. Isman, Aytekin. (Summer, 2002). Educational Measurement and Evaluation. It was given
to K12 teachers in Sakarya city schools. Organized by Sakarya National Education Principal.
Sakarya, Turkey.
14. Isman Aytekin. (October 2001 – May 2003). Educational Planning and Evaluation.
Organized by Private Tansel Schools. Sakarya, Turkey.
15. Isman Aytekin. (October 2001 – May 2003). Educational Technology. Organized by Private
Tansel Schools. Sakarya, Turkey.
16. Isman, Aytekin. (2001-2002). Instructional Design in Distance education. It was given
Sakarya University distance education teachers. Organized by Sakarya University Distance
education center.
17. Isman, Aytekin. (Summer 2002). Internet and teachers. Presented at Summer Technology
Academy organized by Iowa State University. Sakarya Turkey.
18. Isman, Aytekin. (2002-2003). Educational Measurement and Evaluation. It was given to
K12 teachers in North Cyprus city schools. Organized by North Cyprus Ministry of National
Education. Gazi Magusa North Cyprus.
19. Isman, Aytekin. (May, 2002). New Methods in Virtual Education. Organized by Boğaziçi
Üniversity. Istanbul.
20. Isman, Aytekin.
(December, 2002). Development of Distance Education in Turkey.
Organized by The Council of Higher Education. Ankara, Turkey.
21. Isman, Aytekin. (January, 2003). New Methods in Distance Education. Organized by
Distance Education Institute at Eastern Mediteranean University, North Cyprus.
22. Isman, Aytekin. (November, 2002). Educational Technology and Teaching. Organized by
North Cyprus Ministry of National Education. Gazi Magusa North Cyprus.
23. Isman, Aytekin. (December, 2002). Educational Planing and Assessment. Organized by
North Cyprus Ministry of National Education. Gazi Magusa, North Cyprus.
24. Isman, Aytekin. (January, 2003). Internet and Education. Organized by North Cyprus
Ministry of National Education. Gazi Magusa, North Cyprus.
25. Isman, Aytekin. (December, 2002). Technology and Education. It was given to Iowa State
University graduate students. Organized by Iowa State University. Iowa, USA.
26. Isman, Aytekin. (March, 2003). Instructional Design and Educational Technology. It was
given to Iowa State University undergraduate and graduate students. Organized by Iowa
State University. Iowa, USA.
27. Isman, Aytekin. (March, 2003). Computer and Education. It was given to Ohio University
undergraduate and graduate students. Organized by Ohio University. Athens, Ohio USA.
28. Isman, Aytekin. (2004 October – 2005 March). Educational Technology and Materials. It
was given to high school teachers in Sakarya city schools. Organized by Sakarya National
Education Principal. Sakarya, Turkey.
29. Isman, Aytekin. (2007). Teacher Training Seminars. Organized by Ministry of Education.
Bodrum, Turkey.
30. Isman, Aytekin. (June 01-05 2009). Erasmus Seminars. Instituto Politecnico da Guarda,
31. Isman, Aytekin. (April 27-29 2009). Erasmus Seminars. KHLim, Belgium.
32. Isman, Aytekin. (May 14-18 2007). Erasmus Seminars. International Week of ESEC,
Coimbra, Protugal.
1. Isman, Aytekin. (March 1-3 2007). Education Science, Education Faculty and Accreditation.
Ankara University. Ankara.
2. Isman, Aytekin. (2007). SPIKE General Education Programme: Educational Technology,
Instructional Design, Distance Education, MOODLE Conference. Eastern Mediterrenean
University, Department of Computer and Educational Technology, North Cyprus.
3. Sevinc, Vahdettin; Isman, Aytekin. (March 1-3 2009) Workshop of Bachelor and Master
Education at Faculty of Education Aspect of Education Sciences. Ankara University
Educational Sciences Faculty. 207. Ankara.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (March 1-3 2009). Workshop of Bachelor and Master Education at Faculty
of Education Aspect of Education Sciences. Ankara University- Deans Council of Education
Faculty-EFDAK. Ankara.
5. Isman, Aytekin. (November 16-18 2009). WISE- World Innovation Summit for Education:
Global Education: Working Together for Sustainable Achievements, Qatar Foundation for
Education, Science and Community Development. Qatar.
1. Isman, Aytekin. (27.07.2007). Assessment of Project Proposals. TUBITAK. Ankara.
Inveted Speaker:
1. Isman, Aytekin. (2008). 2nd International Computer and Instructional Technology
Symposium(ICITS). 16-18 April 2008, Ege University, Kusadasi, Izmir.
2. Isman, Aytekin. (2008). Future of Distance Education In The World and In Turkey and
Suggestions. International Distance Education Conference. 17-18 October 2008, Maltepe
University, Istanbul.
3. Isman, Aytekin. (2009). Educational Sciences and Academic Publishing. World Education
Sciences Conference. 04-07 February 2009, Near East University, North Cyprus.
4. Isman, Aytekin. (2009). 12nd National Convention of Nursing Care. 20-24 October 2009,
Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas.
Participant (Meeting, Seminar and Conferences):
1. Isman, Aytekin. (3-5 September 2008). 17th National Convention of Education Sciences.
Sakarya University. Sakarya.
2. Isman, Aytekin. (29 September 2007). Counseling Meeting of Network and Information
Security Symposium. Sakarya University. Izmit.
1. Project Name: Integrative Teaching in Multicultural Environment for Teacher Students
Supporting Institutions: National Agency- LLP ERASMUS Intensive Program
Date/Place: 13-24 October 2008 / Sakarya University, Sakarya.
2. Project Name: Teacher Education for Working with Inclusive Education at Schools
Supporting Institutions: National Agency- LLP ERASMUS Intensive Program
Date/Place: 12-23 October 2009 / Liepaja University, Letonya.
3. Project Name: Sakarya University Vakfi Koleji Avrupa Dil Portfolyasi Calismasi
Supporting Institutions: Sakarya University
Date/Place: 2009 / Sakarya University Vakfi Koleji, Sakarya.
4. Project Name: LLP ERASMUS Intensive Program Project: INTIMETS(Integrative
Teaching in Multicultural Environment for Teacher Students)
Supporting Institutions: National Agency- LLP ERASMUS Intensive Program
Date/Place: 01-15 March 2010 / Sakarya University, Sakarya.
Executive Duties:
Education Expert
Producer, Cameraman, Technical Director,
Floor Manager, Assistant Director, Editing, and
Scriptwriter of Educational Television
Council of Higher Education, Turkey
New York University USA.
Programs(Tourism in Turkey and Distance
Education) and Educational Programs(America
The Light and The Architecture in Greenwich
Manager of Two way interactive television
Director of Media Lab
Director of Computer labs
Organizer of Two Way Interactive Radio Cours
Organizer of Two Way Interactive Television
Research Group Member
Evaluator of Ohio University Learning
Community Link Project
Advisor of Educational Technology
Evaluator of Ohio University Distance
Education Project - School To Work State
Technology Project.
Distance Education Expert of Ohio University
Distance Appalachian Project.
Organizer of Internet based courses with Ohio
Educational Measurement & Evaluation and
Instructional Design Coordinator – Distance
Education Board.
Member of Senior Management Board
Coordinator of Measurement and Assessment
Coordinator of Learning Environments Design
Chair of Computer and
Instructional Technology
Instructor Officer – Military Service - Teaching
Pedagogy courses
Conference Coordinator – 1st Distance
Education Conference – Military Service
Member of Distance Education Board
Department Chair of Elementary Education
Executive Editor of Education Faculty Journal
Director of Vocational High School
Advisor of Distance Education Institute
Graduate Chair
Member of Faculty Management Board
Member of Educational Technology and
E-learn Committe
Representative of OSYM Hendek
Vice Dean
New York University Television, New
York USA.
Boston University, Columbia University
and New York University, USA.
Faculty of Education, Ohio University,
Faculty of Education, Ohio University,
Ohio University, USA.
Ohio University, USA.
Telecommunication University Research
Group. Ohio University, Ohio USA.
Ohio, USA.
Public Schools in Athens, Ohio USA.
Ohio, USA.
Athens, Ohio USA.
Sakarya University, Turkey.
Sakarya University Turkey.
Sakarya University, Distance Education
Sakarya University, Distance Education
Sakarya University, Distance Education
Sakarya University Education Faculty.
Millitary Education Command (EDOK)
Balgat, Ankara, Turkey.
Military Education and Doctrine Command
(EDOK) Balgat, Ankara Turkey.
Sakarya University, Turkey.
Sakarya University Education Faculty.
Sakarya University, Education Faculty
Sakarya University, Distance Education
Adapazari Vocational High School
Eastern Mediterrenean University, North
Education Faculty, Department of
Educational Sciences, North Cyprus
Education Faculty, North Cyprus
Eastern Mediterrenean University, North
Hendek / Sakarya
Sakarya University Education Faculty
2001, 2005
Member of Ethics Committe
Faculty Board
Facuty Administration Board
Faculty Coordinator of Erasmus Programme
Member of University Erasmus Committe
Sakarya University Education Faculty
Sakarya University Education Faculty
Sakarya University Education Faculty
Sakarya University Education Faculty
Sakarya University
Member of Committe
Sakarya National Education Diroctarate
Member of Distance Education Committe
Project Evaluator
Member of University Senate
2nd Advisor of Theises
General Coordinator
Professor Member of Faculty Management
Head of Organization Committe
Member of Project Executive Board
Juror of Activity Boards
Member of Research Committe
Council of Higher Education, Distance
Education Committe
The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ankara
Sakarya University
Near East University, Department of
Educational Sciences, North Cyprus
Sakarya University Foundation Private
Sakarya University Education Faculty
Turkish Sport For All Federation
“Education First”- Sakarya National
Education Diroctarate
Stars of Informatics: Competition of
Sakarya University.
Memberships of Academic Institutions:
1. AACE (Asssociation for Advancement of Computing in Education)
2. AECT (Asssociation of Education Communication and Educational Technology)
3. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Dergisi .(2002-…).
http://www.tojet.net .
Memberships of Referee Board:
1. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal. (2002-…).
2. Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice. (2001-…). ISSN:1303-0485, Istanbul
3. International Conference on Innovation in Higher Education. 16–19 May 2003. Organized
by Iowa State University (USA) and Nizhyn State Pedagogical University (Ukrain).
Supported by United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
4. Mersin University Education Faculty Journal. 2005. p-ISSN:1305-5429, e-ISSN:1306-7850.
5. Anadolu University Social Sciences Journal. 2006. Eskisehir.
6. Educational Sciences&Practice. 2002-…, ISSN:1303-6475, Ankara University, Ankara.
7. E-SOSDER: Electronic Social Sciences Journal. 2007. ISSN:1304-0278.
8. Selcuk University Ahmet Kelesoglu Education Faculty Journal. Sayi:25 September 2008,
ISSN:1303-8125, Konya
9. EJER: Education Arastirmalari Dergisi. Number:37, Autumn 2009, ISSN:1302-597X,
10. Ahi Evran University Kirsehir Education Faculty Journal(KEFAD). 2009.
11. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Social Sciences Journal. 2009, Eskisehir.
12. Kastamonu University Kastamonu Education Journal. 2009, Kastamonu.
13. Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education Faculty Education Journal, 2009, Izmir.
14. TUSED: Turkish Science Education Journal. 2009, ISSN:1304-6020.
15. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
16. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
17. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
18. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
19. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
20. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
21. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
22. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
23. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
24. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
Memberships of Publication Board:
1. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal (2002-…)
2. TOJDE: The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (2002-…).
3. Sakarya University Education Faculty Journal. (2000-2002). Sakarya.
4. Educational Sciences&Practice. (2002-…) Ankara University, Ankara.
5. BTIE 2002 (Bilisim Teknolojileri Isiginda Education) Conference. (2002). Middle East
Technical University, Ankara.
6. Erzincan Education Faculty Journal. (2002-…). Atatürk University, Erzincan.
7. Sinirsiz Ogrenme Dergisi: Journal of Learning Without Frontiers (2002-…) Ministry of
Education, General Management of Educational Technology, e-dergi@meb.gov.tr
8. International Conference on Innovation in Higher Education. (16–19 May 2003). Iowa State
University, Nizhyn State Pedagogical University (Ukranya), United States Department of
State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
9. Anadolu University Social Sciences Journal (2004-…), Eskisehir.
10. The Malesian Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal (2004-…).
11. Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yücel Education Faculty Journal (2009) , Istanbul.
12. TürkBilMat- Turkish Computer and Math Education Journal(2009).
13. TurcoMat-Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education(2009).
14. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
15. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
16. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
17. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
18. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
19. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
20. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
21. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
22. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
23. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
Memberships of Scientific/Academic Board:
1. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal (2002-…)
2. TOJDE: The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (2002-…).
3. Sakarya University, Educational Faculty Journal, 2001-…, Sakarya.
4. International Conference on Innovation in Higher Education. 16–19 May 2003. Organized
by Iowa State University (USA) and Nizhyn State Pedagogical University (Ukrain).
Supported by United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
5. Educational Sciences&Practice. 2002-…, ISSN:1303-6475, Ankara University, Ankara.
6. National Teaching Forign Language Education 22-23 November 2007, Gazi University
Education Faculty, Ankara.
7. Journal of Learning Without Frontiers, 2002-2005, Ministry of Education, Ankara.
8. Erzincan Education Faculty Journal. 2002-2003. Atatürk University.
9. The Malaysian Online Journal of Education Technology, 2004-…, Malaysia
10. TUSED:Journal of Turkish Science Education, Turkey.
11. 4th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning: Forms of Democracy in
Education: Open Access and Distance Education, 23-25 November 2007, Athens, Greece
12. Turkish Bocce, Bowling, Dart Federation, 2007
13. Future e-Learning: 2th International Future e-Learning Conference on Innovations in
Learning for The Future 2008:e-Learning, March 27-29 2008, Istanbul University, Istanbul.
14. The 5th International Balkan Education and Science Congress: Education in Balkans Today,
October 01-03, 2009, Trakya University, Edirne.
15. 9th National Science Education and Math Congress, 2010, Dokuz Eylül University Buca
Education Faculty, Izmir.
16. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
17. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
18. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
19. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
20. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
21. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
22. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
23. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
24. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
25. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
26. IX. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Educationi Kongresi(UFBMEK), 23-25 September
2010, Buca Education Faculty, İzmir, Türkiye.
Memberships of Editorial Board:
1. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal (2002-…)
http://www.tojet.net .
2. International Journal of Innovation in Higher Education. Iowa State University ‘’Center for
Technology in Learning and Teaching’’, USA., 2003
3. Journal of Educational Research Vol.12 No.1 Deparment of Education, The Islamia
University of Bahamalpur(IUB), Pakistan, ISSN:1027-9776
4. World Education Sciences Congress, 04-07 February 2009, Near East University, North
5. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
6. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
7. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
8. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
9. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
10. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
11. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
12. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
13. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
14. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
Memberships of Advisory Board:
1. TOJDE: The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (2002-…).
2. 1st International Open and Distance Education Symposium. (23-25 May 2002). Anadolu
University, Eskisehir.
3. 2nd International Open and Distance Education Symposium.-IODL (2006). Anadolu
University, Eskisehir.
4. BTIE 2002 (Communication Technologies and Education Conference) Conference. (2002).
ODTÜ, Ankara.
5. Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice. (2001-…). ISSN:1303-0485, Istanbul
6. International Conference on Innovation in Higher Education. (16–19 May 2003). Iowa State
University, Nizhyn State Pedagogical University (Ukranya), United States Department of
State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
7. TV Programme For Preparing University With. (2000-2001). DIGITURK-MEF Training
8. The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Anadolu University, 2004-2005 Eskisehir, Turkey.
Memberships of Executive Board:
1. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
2. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
3. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
4. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
5. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
6. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
7. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
8. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
9. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
10. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
1. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Journal (2002-…)
http://www.tojet.net .
2. International Journal of Innovation in Higher Education: Center for Technology in Learning
and Teaching Dergisi. Iowa State University, ABD.
3. 1st International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 November 2001,
Sakarya, Turkey.
4. 2nd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 16–18 October 2002, Sakarya,
5. 3rd International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 28–30 May 2003, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
6. 4th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 24–26 November 2004,
Sakarya, Turkey.
7. 5th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 21–23 September 2005,
Sakarya, Turkey.
8. 6th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 19-21 April 2006, Famagusta,
North Cyprus.
9. 7th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 3-5 May 2007, Nicosia, North
10. 8th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-9 May 2008, Eskisehir,
11. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 6-8 May 2009, Ankara,
12. 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 26-28 April 2010, Istanbul,
1. Project Name: INTIMETS: Integrative Teaching in Multicultural Environment for Teacher
Supporting Institutions: National Agency- LLP ERASMUS Intensive Program
Contents: EU: European Union- Worthiest Price Sophisticated
Directed Thesis:
Master Thesis
1. Eker, Cevat. (2001) Video and Gosteri Ile Ogretim Yontemlerinin Ogrenci Basarisina
Etkileri. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
2. Demir, Saban. (2002). Felsefe Grubu Ogretmenlerinin Programa Iliskin Gorüs and
Düsünceleri. Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Ahmet Eskicumali. Sakarya University. (Juror)
3. Cakmak, Ahmet (2002). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Bilgisayar Destekli Ogretim. Advisor: Yrd.
Doc. Dr. Ahmet Eskicumali. Sakarya University. (Head of Jury)
4. Eroglu, EROL. (2002). Ailenin Cocuklarda Problem Cozme Yeteneginin Gelismesi
Üzerindeki Etkisi (Adapazari Ornegi). Advisor: Yrd. Doc.Dr. Ahmet Eskicumali. Sakarya
University. (Juror)
5. Güzelyel, Sami. (2002). Is Educationi Programinin Etkinligine Iliskin Ogretmen
Gorüslerinin Degerlendirilmesi. Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Ahmet Eskicumali. Sakarya
University. (Juror)
6. ……..(2002). Ilkogretim Okullarinda Ogretmenlerin Kararlara Katilmalarina Iliskin
Yonetici and Ogretmen Gorüsleri (Sakarya Ili Ornegi). Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Hasan Basri
Gündüz. Sakarya University. (Head of Jury)
7. Altinay, Fahriye.
(2004). Communication Barriers: A study of Eastern Medterrenean
University-Students’ and Teachers’. Perceptions of Online Program and Courses. Advisor:
Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Dogu Akdeniz University.
8. Altinay, Zehra. (2004). Self-Perceptions and Roles: How Eastern Mediterrenean University
Students and Teachers View Online Program and Courses. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman.
Dogu Akdeniz University.
9. Bodur, Evrim Teke. (2006). Bilgisayar Destekli Fizik Ogretiminde Yapisalci Yaklasimin
Ogrenci Basarisina Etkisi. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
10. Akca, Ozlem. (2006). Sakarya University Distance Education Ogrencilerinin Iletisim
Engelleri Ile Ilgili Ogrenci Gorüsleri. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
11. Gürgün, Serhat. (2007). Ozel Okullarda Ogrenim Goren Ilkogretim Ogrencilerinin Internete
Yonelik Tutum And Düsünceleri (Acarkent Dogu Koleji Ornegi). Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin
Isman. Sakarya University.
12. Isbulan, Onur. (2008). Distance Education Web Sitelerinin Kullanilabilirligi(Sakarya
University Ornegi). Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
13. Demir, Zeliha. (2008). Distance Education Ogrencilerinin Akademik Güdülenme Düzeyleri
(Sakarya University Ornegi). Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
14. Canan, Ozlem. (2008). Bilgi Teknolojisi Siniflarinin Kullanilabilirlik Düzeyleri. Advisor:
Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
15. Topaloglu, Songül. (2008). Bilgi Teknolojisi Siniflarina Yonelik Ogretmen Tutumlari:
Adapazari Ornegi. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Sakarya University.
16. Simsek, Irfan. (2009). E-Ogrenme Sistemlerine Entegre Edilebilir Online Sinav Modülü
Gelistirilmesi. Advisor: Yrd. DoC. Dr. Zerrin Ayvaz Reis. Istanbul University. (Juror)
Doktorate Thesis
1. Sayan, Hamiyet. (May 2002). "Ilkogretimde Internetin kullanilmasina Iliskin Yonetici and
Ogretmen Gorüsleri". Advisor: Prof. Dr. Petek Askar. Hacettepe University. (Juror)
2. Dabaj, Fehmi.
(2004). Student Perceptions of Communication Barriers in Distance
Education. Advisor: Prof.Dr. Aytekin Isman. Dogu Akdeniz University.
3. Kiyici, Mübin.(2008). Ogretmen Adaylarinin Sayisal Okuyazarliklarinin Belirlenmesi.
Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Abdullah Kuzu. Anadolu University. (Juror)
4. Tosun, Nilgün.(2008). Bilgisayar Destekli ve Bilgisayar Temelli Oğretim Yontemlerinin
Oğrencilerin Basarilarina Etkisi: Trakya University Education Faculty Orneği. Trakya
University. (Juror)
5. Tanyeri,
Entegrasyonu Konusunda Paydas Gorüsleri. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ferhan
Odabasi. Anadolu University. (Juror)
6. Altinay Aksal, Fahriye.(2009). Middlesex University, Institute for Work Based Learning,
UK. (Juror)
7. Altinay Gazi, Zehra.(2009). Middlesex University, Institute for Work Based Learning, UK.
8. Kara, Erdal.(2009). Anadolu University.(Juror)
9. Ünlüer, Sema.(2010). Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Isil Kabakci. Anadolu University. (Juror)
10. Ozgür, Hasan. (2009). Syracusse Modeli Ile E-oğrenme Ortami Için Tasarlanan Bir Dersin
Oğrenci Basarisina Etkisi. Advisor: Yrd. Doc. Dr. Nilgün Tosun. Trakya University, Fen
Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Mühendisligi ABD. (Juror of Proficiency Exam, Juror of
Thesis Control Committee)
Juror of Proficiency Exam for Doktorate:
1. Süral, İrfan. (2010). Anadolu University, Education Faculty, Distance Education Department,
Juror of The Trial Course For Assistant Professor
2. Oztürk Yilmaz, Suzan. (2009). Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering,
Food Technology Department, Sakarya.
3. Oztürk, Serpil. (2009). Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering, Food
Technology Department, Sakarya.
4. Angin, Dilek. (2009). Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering, Food
Technology Department, Sakarya.
Scientific/Academic Juror For Assistant Professor
1. Kartal, Günizi. (2009). Bogazici University, Education Faculty, Department of Computer
and Instructional Technology Education. Istanbul.
2. Cuhadar, Cem. (2008). Trakya University, Education Faculty, Bilgisayar and Ogretim
Teknolojileri Educationi Department. Edirne.
Juror For Associate Professor
1. Karaman, M. Kemal. (2008). Usak University, Education Bilimleri Bolümü, Education
Programs and Instruction Department, Usak.
2. Cataloglu, Erdat. (2009). Abant Izzet Baysal University, Education Faculty, Department of
Computer and Instructional Technology Education. Bolu.
3. Baser, Mustafa.(2009). Mustafa Kemal University, Education Faculty, Department of
Computer and Instructional Technology Education. Hatay.
4. Aypay, Ahmet. (2009). Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Education Faculty, Department of
Computer and Instructional Technology Education, Eskisehir.
5. Silman, Fatos. (2009). Yakin Dogu University(Near East University), Atatürk Education
Faculty. KKTC.
6. Varank, Ilhan. (2010). Yildiz Teknik University, Education Faculty, Department of
Computer and Instructional Technology Education. Istanbul.
7. Kuzu, Abdullah. (2010). The Council of Higher Education. Ankara, Turkey.
Yedek-Auxiliary Juror For Associate Professor
1. Topcu, Abdullah. (2008). Bogazici University, Istanbul.
2. Sahin, Ismail. (2008). Selcuk University, Konya.
3. Seferoglu, Süleyman Sadi. (2008). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
4. Erdem, Mukaddes. (2008). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
5. Varank, Ilhan. (2008). Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon.
Juror For Professor
1. Akpinar, Yavuz. (2009). Bogazici University, Education Faculty, Department of Computer
and Instructional Technology Education. Istanbul.
2. Altun, Arif. (2010). Hacettepe University, Education Faculty, Department of Computer and
Instructional Technology Education. Ankara.
Courses Given/ Teached At Last Two Years:
Bachelor Courses
Hours in a week
Course Name
Teoretical Application of
Educational Technology and 3
Material Design
Material 3
Development & Use In
Distance Education
School Experience
Educational Technology and
Material Design
Application Of Teaching At
CITE204 Instruction Design
CITE350 Internet Assissted
Mediterrenean University)
Hours in a week
Teoretical Application of
Educational Technology and 3
Material Design
Material 3
Development & Use In
Distance Education
School Experience
Distance Education (Eastern
Mediterrenean University)
EDUC315 Special Teaching
Mediterrenean University)
Educational Technology and 3
Material Design
Application Of Teaching At 2
Course Name
Master Courses
Hours in a week
Course Name
Teoretical Application of
Distance Education
Speciality Recipient Course
Computer Assissted Instruction 3
Speciality Recipient Course
Course Name
Hours in a week
Teoretical Application of
Distance Education
Speciality Recipient Course
Computer Assissted Instruction 3
Speciality Recipient Course
Doctorate Courses
Course Name
Course Name
Hours in a week
Teoretical Application of
Hours in a week
Teoretical Application of
Advisory(Zeliha Demir, Onur
Isbulan)- Sakarya University
Science Institute – Department
of Elektronic and Computer
Advisory(Zeliha Demir, Onur
Isbulan)- Sakarya University
Science Institute – Department
of Elektronic and Computer
Hours in a week
Teoretical Application of
Advisory(Zeliha Demir, Onur
Isbulan)- Sakarya University
Science Institute – Department
of Elektronic and Computer
Course Name

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