Özgeçmiş dosyasını indir


Özgeçmiş dosyasını indir
Doctor of Philosophy, Management Studies Research, Brunel University, London, UK 2013- …..
Master of Science, Business Administration, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey 2010-2013
• The Effect of Individual Creativity on Ecopreneurship, supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulas Cakar
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey 2005-2010
(Magna Cum Laude).
Bachelor of Science, International Relations, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey 2007-2011
(Double Major Program)
Bachelor of Science, Public Administration, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey 2007-2012
Aydin, E & Gormus, A.S. (2015). Does Organizational Forgetting Matter?- Organizational
Survival for Life Coaching Companies. The Learning Organization. 22 (3), pp..(indexed in
Scopus and ranked as 1 star by ABS 2015)
AYDIN, E., & ÇAKAR, U. (2014). Relationship Between Ecopreneurship and Creativity: A
Research on Recycling Sector. Journal of Management and Economics: Celal Bayar
University, 21(1), 77-90.
Arslan, R., Gulveren, H., & Aydin, E. (2014). A Research on Critical Thinking Tendencies
and Factors that Affect Critical Thinking of Higher Education Students. International Journal
of Business and Management, 9(5), p43.
ARSLAN, R., EFE, D., & AYDIN, E. (2013). The Relationship between Emotional
Intelligence and Organizational Commitment: A Research on Health Care Personnel. Journal
of Alanya Faculty of Business, 5(3).
Aydin, E. & Cakar, U. (2013). Integration of Ecology and Entrepreneurship: Ecopreneurship.
Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 50 (581).
Arslan, R., & Aydin, E. Complexity of Organizational Culture and Necessity of Change for
Emerging Universities in Turkey. International Journal of Arts and Commerce ,1 (5).
Arslan, R., Aydin, E., Ceylan, F. (2013). System Of Special Opportunity Of Tolarance:
Change Progress for University’s Administrative Members. International Journal of
Education and Research, 1 (5).
Arslan, R., Mazan, I., & Aydin, E (2013). Changing Emotion- Intelligence Relationship In
Management And A Research On Emotional Quotient Levels Of Managers. Usak University
Journal of Social Science, 6 (3)
Conference Papers
Uygur, S. & Aydin, E. (2015). Politics and Religious Discrimination at workplace: The Case
of Turkey. 28th Annual European Business Ethics Networks, Istanbul, Under the consideration
of Journal of Business Ethics (indexed in SSCI and ranked as 3 star journal By ABS 2015)
Uygur, S. & Aydin, E. (2015). Politics and Religious Discrimination at workplace: The Case
of Turkey. European Academy of Management, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland.
Aydin, E. (2014). Sexual Orientation Positioning As an Invisible Diversity across the Europe.
9th International Conference on Business and Management Research, Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan.
Aydin, S., Ceylan, H. H., & Aydin, E. (2014). A Research on Reference Behavior Trend
According to Horney's Personality Types. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148,
680-685. 2nd International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Prague, Czech
Aydin, E., Cakar, U. (2014). Geri Donusum Sektorunde Ekoloji ve Yaraticilik Iliskisi, 22.
National Management and Organization Congress, Konya, Turkey.
Arslan, R., Aydin, E., Sen, S., Ergin, G. An Evaluation of Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Concepts in Organizations from Collectivist and Individualist Perspectives. 11. Ulusal Uretim
Arastirmalari Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey.
Book and Book Chapters
Uygur, S, and Aydin E. (2015) Religious diversity in the workplace. In Syed, J. and
Ozbilgin, M. (eds) Managing Diversity and Inclusion: An International Perspective,
Sage Publication.
Aydin, E. (2013). The Effect of Individual Creativity on Ecopreneurship. Lambert
Academic Publishing, Germany
Arslan, R. and Aydin, E. (2013). ‘Alienation Management and Job Satisfaction.’ in
Paksoy, M. (eds) Organizational Sciences, Lisans Publication, pp. 273-290
Research Experience
Research Assistant, Management and Organization, Usak University, Usak, Turkey 2011 …..
Research Assistant, Management and Organization, Brunel University, London, UK April
2014- September 2014 – Research Supervisor (Dr. Selcuk Uygur).
Teaching Experience
Between 2011 and 2013, I have a teaching assistantship for following courses in Usak University:
- Academic and Social Adaptation
- Introduction to Business Administration
- Organizational Behavior
- Entrepreneurship
- Strategic Management
Community Involvement / Administrative Activity
1) Before starting my PhD in Brunel University, London, I had following administrative
role in Usak University, Turkey.
- Quality Improvement Coordinator (2012-2013):
(System improvement for administration process, quality assurance and system design.)
- Departmental Erasmus Coordinator of Business Administration (2012-2013)
- Academic Advisor of Entrepreneurship Club (2011-2013)
- Academic Advisor (2012-2014) :
(Undergraduate Academic Adviser: This position encompasses creating personal seminars
for undergradutes, coaching activities and academic guidance for both orientation to
university and business life.)
- Selective Committee Member :
Selective Committee Member as part of Entrepreneurship Competition in the Spring
Juries: Prof. Dr. Sait Çelik (Rector) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Faysal GÖKALP (Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences- Dean) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alparslan Şahin GÖRMÜŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramazan ARSLAN Res. Assist. Erhan AYDIN
2) After I started my PhD Program last year in Brunel Business School, I had following
administrative role:
- PhD Student Rep (November 2013 – July 2014) :
(I'm elected to the School Board as Student Representative on behalf of all registered
postgraduate research students).
- Chair of Session in BBS Doctoral Symposium
(I was the chair of the session which Prof. Stéphanie Dameron (Paris Dauphine University)
made a presentation.)
- Student Panel Member
(I was Student Panel Member in the University-wide Review of Postgraduate Research of
Brunel University. My responsibility was to attend meetings with Research Students,
Supervisors and School Management. My main role was to examine university postgraduate
research education internally. Aims of Periodic Review of PGR are:
o admission and monitoring arrangements
o quality of supervision
o skills training for students
o student support
o completion rates
o destinations
o training for supervisors
o mechanisms in place for enhancement
o how they meet the expectation of the QAA Quality code.
Chair: Professor Eric Hirsch External Panel Member : Professor Helen Xanthaki Note-taker
: Chris Miller).
3) Attended Seminars
- Qualitative Data and Content Analysis (Dokuz Eylul University)
- Multivariable Data Analysis with SPSS (Dokuz Eylul University)
- Speed Reading Course (Yon Egitim ve Danismanlik- Turkey)
- Presentation Skills- Designing Posters (Graduate School- Brunel University)
- Presentation Skills- Oral Presentation (Graduate School- Brunel University)
- Introduction to Refworks (Brunel University)
- Research Development Series 1: New Researcher Induction (Brunel University)
- NVIVO (Brunel University)
- Graduate Learning and Teaching Programme (In order to have teaching knowledge and in
order to teach in universities)
4) Journal Referee
- Gender, Work & Organization (Online ISSN: 1468-0432 - ISI Journal Citation Reports ©
Ranking: 2013: 11/40 (Women's Studies); 98/173 (Management). Indexed in SSCI and ranked
as 3 star by ABS 2015
- Journal of Organizational Change Management (ISSN: 0953-4814 – indexed in SSCI;
ranked as 2 star by ABS 2015)
- Personnel Review (ISSN: 0048-3486- indexed in SSCI and ranked as 2 star by ABS 2015).
5) Scientific Societies
British Academy of Management
Academy of Management
Emerald Literati Network
Work and Organisation Research Centre (Brunel University)
European Academy of Management