mentalKLINIK - Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde


mentalKLINIK - Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde
:mentalKLINIK (founded in 1998) is an artist duo composed of Yasemin Baydar (born 1972, Istanbul) and Birol Demir (born 1967,
Ankara). They live and work in Istanbul. :mentalKLINIK is a reactionary, open-laboratory approach to process, production, conception
and presentation. Resisting a single vocabulary or style, their world is playful and full of hedonism, to be experienced as festive and
glamorous, and yet closer inspection reveals an underlying violence or sense of threat that is inherent in their work. Re flecting upon our
habits of consumption and production, the artist duo questions the modes of relation that drive these processes, and challenge the limits
of interdisciplinary practice in their work by incorporating sound, action, object, text and form. Throughout their works, :mentalKLINIK
seek to bring forward invisible politics and social dynamics that de fine our everyday lives.
Yasemin Baydar
1990 – 1994
Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Istanbul
Birol Demir
1990 – 1992
1986 – 1990
MA, Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Istanbul
BA, Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Istanbul
2014 – 2015
2012 – 2013
2001 – 2002
83% Satisfaction Guaranteed, Louise Alexander Gallery, Port Cevro
Time and Image, Greek Film Archive Museum, Athens
Co-Operation Would Be Highly Appreciated, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah
Entre Nosotros (Between Us), Video Art from the Middle East and North Africa, Etopia, Centro de Arte y Tecnologia,
Thank You For Your Cooperation, Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai
Plurivocality, Visual Arts and Music in Turkey, Istanbul Modern Museum, Istanbul
MAGMAONTHEMOUNTAIN, Performative Dinner, Istanbul Modern Museum, Istanbul
FRESHCUT, Performative Installation, MAK NITE Lab, MAK Museum of Applied Arts Zurich, Curated by Marlies Wirth
MAGMAONTHEMOUNTAIN, Performative Dinner, Paris
Encounter, The Royal Academy In The Middle East, Katara, Doha
TerriblyJolly, real-time sculpture, Istanbul
HappilyDizzy, Paris
Istanbul Modern-Rotterdam, Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam
That’s Fucking Awesome, Galerist Hasköy, Istanbul
30 et Presque-Songes, Maison Revue Noire, Paris
Silence_Storm, International Triennial of Contemporary Art, Izmir
From Istanbul They Come, Kappatos Gallery, Athens
A Survey of Turkish Art, Cuadro Fine Art Gallery, Dubai
rABBIThOLE, Galerist, Istanbul
PuFF, Art Basel 40, Art Unlimited, Basel
TagCloud, :mentalKLINIK, Istanbul
TagCloud, :mentalKLINIK, Istanbul
BinaryOccupations Phase1. Surface, Istanbul
Converted01, X-CUBE© locker, Tokyo
Give Joel a Gift, You Will Be Gifted, 30 and Almost-Dreams, Antanarivo
Frozen45, Tomorrow Now, MUDAM, Luxembourg
[copy], :mentalKLINIK, Istanbul
{game}, :mentalKLINIK, Istanbul
(sleep), :mentalKLINIK, Istanbul
1994 – 1995
Karan filköy, Right to Shelter, Kültür Group, 5th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul
A Gender Project from Istanbul, Kültür Group, Shedhalle, Zurich
Co-Founder of artist-run space Devlet Han
Contemporary Artists, Painting and Sculpture Museum, Istanbul
Contemporary Artists, Painting and Sculpture Museum, Istanbul
1994 – 1995
Co-founder of artist-run space Devlet Han
Group Exhibition, Urart Gallery, Ankara
Group Exhibition, Urart Gallery, Ankara
San-Art Exhibition, Ankara
Group Exhibition, Maçka Art Gallery, Ankara
Solo Exhibition, Urart Gallery, Ankara
Solo Exhibition, Çanakkale Gallery, stanbul
Obscure Object, Workshop, Ecole Speciale d’Architecture, Paris
Undisciplined State of Mind, Ecole Speciale d’Architecture, Paris
Present Future, Tent, Rotterdam
Undisciplined Designing, the Theory and Practice of :mentalKLINIK, Studium Generale Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
:mentalKLINIK, DAI-Week, Dutch Art Institute, Enschede
Ça da Sanat Konu malar 2, Ça da Sanatta Sivil Olu umlar ve nisiyati fler, Yapi Kredi Cultural Center, Istanbul
Non-Detail, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul
Non-Detail – Workshop, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul
Bir Çal ma Biçimi Olarak Tasarm, stanbul Modern, Istanbul
Güncel Sanat Tart malar : Ba ms z Bünyeler, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul
:mentalKLINIK Statement, Dreams Of Art Spaces Collected, The International Gesellschaft Der Bildenden Künste
(IGBK) in co-operation with Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin
Chat at Mudam Camp de Base, Musée D’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
Plurivocality, 2014, Published by Istanbul Modern Art Museum, ISBN 10: 9756167718 / ISBN 13: 9789756167717
That’s Fucking Awesome, 2012, Designed by :mentalKLINIK, Published by GALERIST, Istanbul, ISBN: 978-97592510-9-3
(uyku) sleep, 2001, Editor Birhan Keskin, Book Design Didem Ate , Photography Ömer Kokal, Illustration Kazumi Yamomoto Takaya,
Colour Separation Gra fik Film, Printing Ohan Matbaac l k, Publisher :mentalKLINIK, ISBN: 9758614002
{oyun} game, 2002, Editor Tül Akbal Süalp, Authors Tül Akbal, Ay etül Demirba , Haziran Düzkan, Ömer Süalp, Gökçe Algan, Meral
Özbek, Ali Akay, Zerrin Yan kkaya, Nurçay Türko lu, Fuat Erman, Süheyla K rca, Selim Eyüpo lu, Burçak Madran, Selahattin
Özpalab y klar, Birhan Keskin, Marsel, Ethem Özgüven, Melis Zarars z, Enelmare, Printing Stil Matbaac l k, Publisher :mentalKLINIK,
ISBN: 9758614010
[kopya] copy // unpublished, Editor Ali Akay, Authors Ali Akay, Giray Pultar, Pelin Çay rl o lu, Olcay Aky ld z, Serkan Özkaya, Melih
Ba aran, Nermin Sayba l , Levent Çal ko lu, Jan Hein, Selahattin Özpalab y klar, Murat Odaba , Ethem Eldem, Publisher
self 01, 2004 Editor: Birhan Keskin, Publisher :mentalKLINIK, Mudam
wanting book odd notebook, 2004, Authors Birhan Keskin, Zen Yula, Tül Akbal Süalp Translation Liz Amado (Eng), Esra Özdo an (Fr),
Design :mentalKLINIK Graphic Design Esra Atila, Printing Ofset Yap mevi, Publisher: :mentalKLINIK/MUDAM, ISBN: 9758614029
contents, 2004, Conceived by Yasemin Baydar, Birol Demir, Photography Ahmet Elhan, Editor Tül Akbal Süalp, Research Eren Pultar,
Translation Esra Özdo an, Cem Aka , Design :mentalKLINIK, Graphic Design Esra Atila, Printing Ofset Yap mevi, Publisher
:mentalKLINIK, MUDAM, ISBN: 9758614037
Ça da Sanat Konu malar , Ça da Sanatta Sivil Olu umlar ve nisiyati fler, Art Editor Levent Çalko lu, Publisher YKY, ISBN: 978-97508-1178-4
Sanat n ve Sosyolojinin Ruh Hali, Author: Ali Akay Category Theoria-2, Publisher: Ba lam Yay nc l k
Musée D’art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean 2000-2004 ALMANACH IS, 2004, Director Marie-Claude Beaud, Publisher Foundation Musée
D’art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean Luxembourg, ISBN: 2-919923-01-3
User’s Manual, Contemporary Art In Turkey 1986-2006, 2007, Editor Halil Alt ndere, Süreyya Evren, Publisher art-ist + revolver books,
ISBN: 978-3-86588-392-6
On Life, beauty, Translations and Other Dif ficulties stanbul Internat onal Biennial, 1997, Curator: Rosa Martinez, Editor Emre Baykal,
Publisher Istanbul Foundation For Culture and Arts, ISBN: 975-7363-03-0
Kültür ein Gender – Projekt aus stanbul, 1997, Curator: Ursula Biemann, Editor Emre Baykal, Category Kunst-Feminismus-Migration,
Publisher Shedhalle Zürich, Die Autorinnen, ISBN: 3-907829-06-9
docu:mentalKLINIK issues, 2002, :mentalKLINIK duo founded docu:mentalKLINIK as a form of documentation of their works