irlanda mitleri ve efsaneleri: özet çalışma - 09-29-2010


irlanda mitleri ve efsaneleri: özet çalışma - 09-29-2010
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
by Can ABANAZIR - Çar?amba, Eylül 29, 2010
Bu Makale ilk olarak Hacettepe Universitesi: JOURNAL OF BRITISH LITERATURE & CULTURE'da
1990 y?l?nda ?ngilizce olarak yay?nlanm??t?r. Kay?p Dünya için Türkçele?tirilmi? olan makalenin
orijinalini 2. sayfada bulabilirsiniz. (Çev. Altu? Gürkaynak)
Deniz Bozer (ed.); Abanaz?r, Can. The Birth and Growth of a Department: Department of English
Language and Literature, 25th Anniversary, “Irish Myths and Legends: A Brief Study.” Special
Edition (Ankara, Hacettepe University, 1990): 79-82.
Please see Page 2 for the English version of the article.
Kelt Mitolojisi dönemlere ayr?l?r. Mitolojik dönemler çok önemlidir, zira bize mitlerin belirsiz
ça?lar?n?n tarihe dair küçük bilgiler verirler. Bu türün ilk önemli kitab? Lebor Gabala veya ?stilâlar
Kitab?’d?r. 12. Yüzd?lda Hristiyan bak?? aç?s?yla yaz?lm?? olsa da, kitab?n bütününe hakim olan ruh
Pagan’d?r. Kitaba göre, ?rlandadaki ilk insanlar Hristiyanl?k Tufan?yla telef oldular. 268 y?l sonra,
Partholon’un öncülük etti?i, 24 erkek ve 24 kad?ndan olu?an bir grup ?rlanda’ya ayak bast?. Göller
yaratt?lar, ovalarla ilgilendiler, ancak onlar da bir salg?nla yok olup gittiler. En önemli katk?lar? ise ilk
biray? mayalamak oldu. Parthalonlar?n yok olu?lar?n?n ard?ndan ?rlanda Nemedial?lar taraf?ndan istila
edildi. Bunlar macerac? Nemed’in takipçileriydi. Bu insanlar istilac? Fomorianlara kar?? ?sveç ve
Yunanistan’a kadar dünyan?n her yerinde sava?t?lar. Tüm bunlar?n ard?ndan Fir Bolg geldi. Adaya
A?ustosun ilk günü ayak bast?lar. Beraberlerinde müttefikleri vard? ve bu bilgi, kabileler istilas?n?n
Bu istilalar?n en önemlisi ise bir sonraki, Tuatha De Danann veya “Tanr?ça Danu’nun Halk?”n?n
geli?idir. 1 May?s’ta geldiler ve Fir Bolg’lar? tek bir sava?la yenip Connacht ve k?smen adan?n geri
kalan k?sm?n? fethettiler. Karaya ç?k??lar?yla ilgili tuhaf olan ?ey ise, kendilerini saran bir sisle
gelmeleri ve bu sayede dü?man?n gözüne ili?meden karan?n iç k?s?mlar?na kadar görünmeden nüfuz
edebilmi? olmalar?d?r. Dü?manlar?n? yendikten sonra ba?kentlerini Tara’da in?aa ettiler. Tuatha De
Danann sihirli güçleri olan bir soydu. Yetenekliydiler ve sanat ve bilim d???nda, büyücülük alan?nda
yüksek seviye ustayd?lar. Mitolojik ça?da Ölümsüzler aras?nda yer al?rlar. Daha sonralar?, âlimler
taraf?ndan iblisler veya sürgün edilmi? (dü?mü?) melekler olarak s?n?fland?r?lm??lard?r. Halklar?n?n
en cesurlar?, liderleri, zaferlerini sava? sanat?ndan ziyade üstün bilgi ve sihirle kazanan, öncelikle
büyücü, ikincil olarak da sava?ç?lard?.
Tuatha De Danann
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
Fiziksel zindelik ve güzellik gerek bu Superman’ler kavminde ve gerekse sonraki Kelt kavimlerinde
önemliydi. Bir örnek vermek gerekirse, Mag Tuireadh veya Maytura sava?lar?n?n ilkinde sa? elini
kaybeden Tuatha Kral?, Nuada, fiziksel olarak kusursuz olmad??? gerekçesiyle mevziden
uzakla?t?r?lm??t?. Bu kabile, yine 1 May?s’ta ?rlanda’ya ayak basan Milesian’lar taraf?ndan ma?lub
Burada bir parantez açmam?z laz?m, zira Galic (Galyal?) kültüründe May?s?n ilk günü yaz?n
ba?lang?c?d?r. Tüm ?eytanl?klar?n dünyada serbest kald???, 30 Nisan’daki Walpurgisnacht’?n
Teutonic festivalinden hemen sonra gelir. Ayr?ca Beltine denilen eski bir Kelt festivali de yine 1 May?sta
idi. Ve tekrar 30 Ekim de k???n geli?ini müjdeledi?i için kaydade?er bir tarihtir. Bu tarih günümüzde
eskisine oranla daha komik tarzda Cad?lar Bayram? olarak kutlan?yor. Ayn? gün Samain denilen ba?ka
bir Kelt bayram?nda insanlar tanr?lara kurban olarak sunulurdu. Druidik ?rlanda’da bu günler kutsald?,
böylece bunlar? yok edemeyen Haristiyanlar, bu inan??lar? yeniden ?ekillendirerek Hristiyan inan??lar?
halinde kabul ettiler.
Tuatha De Danann, ma?lubiyetlerinin ard?ndan di?er ?rklar gibi yok olmad?lar, bunun yerine ?rlanda
kültürel ya?ant?s?n?n temel yap? ta?lar?ndan birine dönü?tüler. Yeralt?na çekildiler ve büyük s?rlar? ve
gizemli sanatlar? da yanlar?nda götürerek “Sluagh Sidhe” yani peri halk?na dönü?tüler. Büyünün gizli
diyarlar?na girip bugüne de?in orada kald?lar.
Periler ?rlanda Kültürünün temellerini olu?turur. Ormanda, evlerde, ?rmaklarda ve her yerde ya?arlar.
Onlara Daoine Maithe denir, “Uslu Halk” veya Daoine Beage, “Küçük Halk” veya Daoine Sidhe,
“Huzurlu Halk”. Periler küçük, güzeldirler. Ye?il giyinirler ve pek çok sanatta ustad?rlar. Gaydan?n
mucidi etmi? ve cig dans?n?n yarat?c?s?d?rlar.
Bu perilerin en önemlisi “Leprechaun”dur. Bu, iyi bir zanaatkâr, terzi ve arkada? olan küçük bir adamd?r
ve ancak sabah veya ak?am üzeri alacakaranl???nda görünür. Biri onu gördü?ünde, gören ki?i
Leprechaun’la gayet nazik konu?mal?, onu dikkatle izlemeli ve do?ru zaman geldi?inde boynundan
tutuvermelidir. Özgürlü?ünü geri kazanabilmek için, kendisini yakalayan efendisini bir küp dolusu
alt?n?n sakl? oldu?u yere götürecektir. Gökku?a??n?n bitti?i yerdeki alt?n dolu küp hikâyesi de bu
efsaneden gelir. Bizim için tan?d?k bir di?er Tuatha ise di? perisidir.
Gerçeküstülü?ün katmanlar? boyunca ilerlerken, ?rlanda Tanr?lar?n?n kat?na da bir ad?m atmam?z
gerekiyor. Keltler çok tanr?l?yd?. ?rlandan?n her yerine da??lm?? küçüklü büyüklü tanr?lar ve ilaheler
vard?. Ancak tüm bu Tanr?lar?n ana kayna?? Tuatha idi. Kavimlerin kahramanlar?, bir Tanr? olarak
yeniden do?arlard?. Panteon’un en önemli Tanr?lar? Dagha ve Lug’dur. Dagha “her?eyin babas?”
olarak an?l?r. Büyük ve çirkindir. ?ri, kaba bir sopa ta??r. Hayat? al?r ve verir, böylece ya?am?n ve
ölümün de efendisidir. Asla bo?almayan bir kazan? vard?r ki bu kazandan “bolluk ?rma??” akar ve bu
da halen günümüz edebiyat?nda kullan?lagelen bir semboldür. Dagha, bereket Tanr?s? ve ha?metli
kalelerin yarat?c?s?yd?. Onuruna Kas?m?n ilk günü büyük bir festival verilir, Cad?lar bayram?.
Lug ise “Uzun Kol” ve “çok hünerli” olarak an?l?r. Sihirli gücü demircili?inden gelirdi ve o zamanlar bu
önemli bir zanaat dal?yd?. Ayn? zamanda bir sava?ç?, harp çalar, ?air, tarihçi ve büyücüydü. Lug
asl?nda Mag Tuireadh sava??nda yer ald? ve Famorianlar?n dev kahraman?n?, bize Davut ve Goliath’?
hat?rlatan ?ekilde, bir sapan ta??yla öldürdü. Lug, gerek sava?ç? gerekse zanaatkar olarak son derece
ba?ar?l? bir ?rk olan Keltlerin becerikli tanr?s?yd?.
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
Di?er ba?l?ca tanr?lar ise Danu, Toprak Ana ve sonradan Hristiyan inan???nda Azize Brigit olan
Brigit’tir. Brigit’e tap?nman?n rahiplerce önü al?namay?nca ruhban s?n?f? ak?ll?ca bir hamleyle
Brigit’i takdis etmi?ti.
Bu tanr?lara pek çok yolla tap?lm??t?. Ritüelin esas uygulay?c?s? büyük sihir güçlerine sahip bir ?aman
olan Druid’dir. Bunlar Öte görücüler, Kâhinler ve Ozanlar olarak farkl? s?n?flara ait olurlard?. Druid’in
kelime anlam? “me?e a?ac?n?n yerini bilen ve bulan”d?r. Me?e, Druid törenlerinde önemli bir yere
sahiptir. Ayin için, ökseotu ve me?e yapraklar? alt?n bir orakla toplan?p, büyük bir kazanda sihirli iksiri
haz?rlamak üzere kaynat?l?rd?. Bu ayinin en popüler oldu?u ve en çok görüldü?ü yer Fransa’daki
Carnutes orman?d?r. Bu törenlerde s?kl?kla insan kurbanlar verilirdi. Ayinlere dair detaylara antik
?rlanda kitaplar? ve destanlar?nda de?inilmektedir.
Antik ?rlanda Edebiyat? üç ana bölüme ayr?labilir:
?rlandan?n ilk istila edili?lerine dair Mitolojik dönem hikâyeleri;
2- K?z?l Dal dönemi veya Cu Chulainn efsaneleri ve Ulster ve Connacht aras?ndaki sava?lar? içeren,
Ulster dönemi hikayeleri.
Fiann MacCool ve o?lu Ossian’?n maceralar?n? içeren, Ossian Dönemi hikayeleri.
K?z?l dal dönemi, kat?ks?z Galyal? öykünmeleri ve destans? hareketler içermesi sebebiyle
önemlidir. Cooley’in S???r Bask?n? veya Tain’Bo’Cualnge bu hikayelerin en önemlileridir. Herhangi
biri orta ça?daki ?övalyelik gelene?inin izini sürerek bu kitaba ula?abilir. Kahraman Cu Chullainn’in
gerçek ad? Setenta’d?r, fakat demirci Culann’?n köpe?ini öldürdükten sonra, ona hizmet edece?ine ve
Cu Chulainn veya “Culann’?n taz?s?” ismini alaca??na söz verdi. Cu Chulainn asil bir Kelt ailesinden
geliyordu. ?i?irilmi? bir Kelt asaleti, gururu, cesaretine ek olarak, sihir ve sanatta yetenekliydi.
Unutulmamal?d?r ki, bir Kelt sava?ç?s? yontulmam?? bir asker de?il, bir ?air veya druide kar??l?k
gelen biridir. Modern gözle bak?ld???nda yedi?er el ve yedi?er ayak parma??yla biraz deforme görünse
de güçlü bir genç adamd?. Hat?rlanmal?d?r ki yedi, sihirli bir rakamd?r. Cu Chulainn Sava?ta tam bir
canavard?, öyle ki derisinin içinde dönebiliyor, saç?n?n üzerinde ayakta durabiliyor ve saçlar?ndan ate?
ç?karabiliyordu. Sava? alan?nda yenilmezdi.
Efsanede, cad? kraliçe Medb, Cualnge’?n kumral bo?as?n? çalmak ister, kahraman onun yolunu keser,
fakat güçlerini üç cad?n?n büyüsüyle kaybetmi? ve ölümcül yaralar alm??t?r. Yaras?n? gölde y?karken
bir köpek kanl? sudan içmek için yakla??r. Köpe?i öldürür ve hayat?ndaki ilk ve son cesaretli
davran???n bir köpe?i öldürmek oldu?unu söyleyip kendini ta? bir sütuna ba?layarak dü?manlar?na
ölümüne meydan okur. Böylece onuru zarar görmeden ölür.
Cu Chulainn esas kahraman tipiydi ve di?erleri onun ad?mlar?n? izledi. Cu Chulainn, kavmi için
sava??p, kendi kavminde kahraman olmu?tur. Onunla kar??la?t?r?ld???nda Dinn MacCool ve e?itleri
kavim d??? kahramanlar olarak dü?ünülebilir. Hikayeleri Fiana olarak an?l?r ve daha sonraki bir
dönemde geçer. Bu sava?ç?larlar ölümlü fakat di?er dünyayla ba?lant? halindeydiler. Bu insanlar Kelt
toplumunun tamamen insan ilk örnekleriydi. Hareketlerinin büyük k?sm? avlanmak ve paral? asker
olarak sava?a adanm??t?. Para için sava?an gezici bir orduydular. Yukar?da bahsedilen olaylar bazen
sihirli ortamlarda, Tanr?lar?n yan?nda, Tuatha De Denan ile ittifak halinde meydana geldi. Finn
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
do?u?tan yar? Tuatha, yar? Fir Bolg’du. Finn ve halk? ?airdiler fakat Ossian da gelmi? geçmi? ?airlerin
en büyü?üydü.
Kahraman, bu sebeple, kavimsel veya kavim d??? olsun, insand?. Süper güçlerle donat?lm?? olsa da
yaralanmayacak kadar güçlü de?ildi. Yine de kahramanlar ikiyüz y?l ya?am?? olan Finn gibi oldukça
uzun ömürlüydüler. Rahatl?kla diyebiliriz ki kahraman, Kelt sava?ç? asiller tabakas?n?n abart?lm?? bir
ideali idi.
Son olarak Keltik öteki-dünyadan da bahsetmek gerekir. Tuatha De Danan yenilip yeralt?na indi?inde
Tarih öncesi ?rlandan?n höyükleri ve tümülüsleri olan Sidhe’leri sahiplendi. Di?er Tanr?lar Tir-foThuinn yani “Dalgalar?n alt?ndaki ülke”ye (veya Tir-na-noc, “Gençlik ülkesi” veya Mag Mell,
“Mutluluk alan?”) gittiler. Di?er dünya Vikinglerin Valhala’s? gibi azami mutluluklar mekân?yd?.
Sonsuza kadar çe?itli yiyecekler, a?k ve mutluluklarla dolu, yaralar?n iyile?ebildi?i, ölülerin hataya
dönebildi?i mutlu bir yerdi. Kahramanlar Sid denilen bir yere girmeye Tanr?lar taraf?ndan davet edilir
veya zorlan?rd?. ?nsanlarda ayn? ?ekilde, kendi yöntemlerince Bolluk Kazan? gibi hazineleri çalmak
üzere Sid’e girmeye zorlan?rd?. Ayr?ca ba?ar?s?z ve korkak sava?ç?lar ve hainler için devler ve di?er
korkunç ?eylerin ya?ad??? yerler vard?.
?rlanda mitleri ve efsaneleri o kadar uzundur ki, basit bir yaz?da anlat?lmaktan ziyade dev ciltler halinde
ve bugün bile, okurlar? hayrete dü?üren ve mutlu eden efsanelerde anlat?labilirler. Her kültür,
?rlandan?n mitleri ve efsanelerinin bereketli topra??nda kendinden bir parça bulabilir.
1973 The Irish Mystique. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1977 Gods and Myths of Northern Europe. London: Peican Books.
1977 The Druids. London: Pelican Booka
DOUGLAS, Ronald MacDonald (ed.)
1936 The Irish Book. New York: The MacMillan Press
RADICE. Betty (ed.)
1977 A Celtic Miscellany. London: Penguin Classics.
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
The Celtic Mythology is classified into Cycles. The mythological cycles are very important because they
give bits and pieces of the history of the more obscure eras in the forms of myths. The first important
book of this type is Lebor Gabala or The Book of Invasions. It was written in the 12th Century from the
Christian point of view but it has the pagan feelings all over it. According to the book, the first people of
Ireland perished in the Biblical Flood. After two hundred and sixty-eight years, a group of twenty four
males and twenty four females led by Partholon landed in Ireland. They created lakes, tended the plains
but they were wiped out by an epidemic. Their most important contribution was to brew the first beer.
After the destruction of Parthalonians, Nemedians invaded Ireland. They were the followers of Nemed, an
adventurer. These people fought against the invading Fomorians and were scattered all over the world, as
far as Sweden and Greece. After these came the Fir Bolg. They landed on the First of August. They had
allies with them and this information is the evidence of a tribal invasion.
The most important of these invasions is the next one, the coming of tuatha Dc' Danann or "The People of
Goddess Danu". They landed on the First of May and beaten the Fir BoIg in a battle and conquered
Connacht and relatively the rest of the island. The curious thing about the landing is that they were
enveloped by a fog which hid them from the eyes of enemy and they penetrated the country unseen. After
beating the enemy they built their capital at Tara. The Tuatha De Danann were a race with magical
powers. They were handsome and learned and except art and science, they were the supreme masters of
wizardry. In the mythological cycle their place is among the Irnmortals. They were later classified as
demons or fallen angels by the scholars. Bravest of all peoples, their leaders were wizards first and
warriors second, whose victories were gained by superior knowledge and magic rather than by warfare.
Physical fitness and beauty were important among this tribe of supermen and later among the Celtic
tribes. To give an example, King Nuada of the Tuatha who lost his right hand in the first battle of Mag
Tuireadh or Maytura was removed from the post for not being physically perfect. This tribe was defeated
by the Milesians who landed in Ireland on the first of May again.
We have to open a paranthesis here because in the Gaelic culture like the First of May, which is the
beginning of surnmer. It comes right after the Teutonic feast of Walpurgisnacht on the 30th of April, a
time when all evil is loose on earth. There was a Celtic feast called Beltine on the First of May also. And
again the 30th of October is significant for it heralds the arrival of winter and this date is celebrated in a
rather comical manner today as Halloween or All Hallow's Eve, and there was a Celtic feast called
Samain that day where human sacrifices were offered to Gods. In the Druidic Ireland these dates were
holy so the Christians who could not destroy these beliefs re-shaped them and accepted them as Christian
The Tuatha Dc Danan, after the defeat did not disappear as the other races did but they became a pillar in
the cultural life of Ireland. They went underground and became the "Sluagh Sidhe" - the fairy folk, and
taking thek secrets and mysterious arts with them, entered an occult realm where they remained till today.
The fairies are the foundations of Irish Culture. They live in the forests, in the houses, in the brooks,
everywhere. They are called Daoine Maithe, the "Goed people" or Daoine Beage the "Little People", or
Daoine Sidhe, the "People of Peace". The fairies are small, beautiful, they are clad in green and are
masters of many arts. They invented bagpipes, created the jig dance. The most important of these fairies
is the "leprechaun", a little man who is good artisan, a tailor, a cobbler, who can be seen at about twilight
or dusk. When one is seen, the person who sees him must talk to him gently and watch him carefully and
when the time is ripe, he must grab the leprechaun by the neck. To gain back his liberty, he will lead the
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
master to a spot where a pot of gold is hidden. From this legend also comes the tale of the pot of gold at
the end of the rainbow. Another Tuatha we are familiar with is the tooth-fairy.
Through the layers of unreality, a necessary step towards the platform of the Irish Gods must be taken.
The Celts were polytheists. There were gods and deities, major and minor, scattered all over Ireland, but
the main source of these gods were the Tuatha. The heroes of the tribes were reincarnated as gods. The
most important gods of thepantheon are the Dagda and Lug. The Dagda is called the "father of all", and
he is big, ugly, carries a big club, kills and gives life, so he is the lord of life and death. He owns a big
cauldron which could not be emptied and from this cauldron comes the "Horn of Plenty" which is used
today as a symbol in literature. He was the fertility god and a builder of great fortresses. For his honour, a
giant feast is prepared on the first of November, Halloween. Lug is known as "of the Long Arm" and
"many skilled",. His magical skill is his being a smith, an important craft those days. He was also a
warrior, a harper, a poet, a historian and a sorcerer. Lug actually took part in the Battle of Mag Tuireadh
and killed the giant hero of the Famorians with a slingstone, which reminds us of David and Coliath. He
was an all-efficient deity to suit the warrior and artisan race called the Celts.
The other major deities are Danu, the Earth Mother, Brigit, who later became Saint Brigid in Christian
belief. The worship of Brigit could not he stopped by the priests and for this reason the clergy took a
clever step and canonised Brigit.
These gods were worshipped in many ways. The main performer of the ritual is called a druid, a shaman
with great powers of sorcery. They belonged to the learned class with the seers, diviners and bardoi, the
bards. Druid means "he who knows or finds the oak tree". The oak tree is significant for the Druidic
ceremony. For the ritual, mistletoe and oak leaves were collected with a golden sickle and boiled in a
huge cauldron to prepare a magic potion. The most popular sight known is Carnutes forest in France.
During the ceremonies, human sacrifice was often performed. These rituals were told in detail in ancient
Irish books and sagas.
Ancient Irish Literature can be divided into three main parts:
1- The Mythological Cycle-Stories dealing with the early invasions of Ireland;
2- The Red Branch Cycle or The Ulster Cycle-Stories dealing with Cu Chulainn legends and the wars
between Ulster and Connacht;
3- The Ossianic Cycle-Stories dealing with the exploits of Fiann MacCool and his son, Ossian.
The Red Branch Cycle is significant for its pure Gaelic narration and heroic deeds in it. The Cattle Raid
of Cooley or Tain' Bo' Cualnge is the most important of these tales. One can trace the tradition of chivalry
of the middle ages back to this book. The hero Cu Chullainn's original name was Setenta, but after he
killed the dog of Culann the smith, he promised to serve him and took the name of Cu Chulainn or 'the
hound of Culann'. He was a highborn Celt - an exaggerated ideal of Celtic nobility, proud, brave, and
skilled in magic and arts. It must be remembered that the Celtic warrior was no uncouth soldier but was
able to converse on equal terms with poets and druids. He was a strong young man but a little deformed
maybe to the rnodern eye, seven fingers on each hand and seven toes on each foot. It must be remembered
that seven is a magical number. He was a monster during the fights where he could turn round in his skin,
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
hair standing on the end and fire coming out of the hair, He was invincible in the battlefield.
In the tale, the witch queen Medb wanted to steal the brown bull of Cualnge, the hero stood in her way
but his powers were taken away by the witchcraft of the three witches and after this he was mortally
wounded. While washing his wound in a lake, a dog came to drink the bloody water, he killed it and he
said that the first and the last deed of his life was to kill a dog and he tied himself to a stone pillar and
defied his enemies to the end and died with his honour unimpaired.
Cu Chulainn was the main hero type and others followed his steps. Cu Chulainn fought for his tribe and
he was a hero whhin the tribe. Compared to him. Finn MacCool and his peers were conceived of as extratribal heroes. His warriors were called Fiana and the tales were of a later period. These people were
mortals but in close contact with the other world. The heroes were the purely human prototypes in Celtic
society. A great part of their activities was devoted to hunting and mercenary warfare. They were a
mobile army fighting for money. The above-mentioned activities sometimes took place in magical
environments fighting on the side of the Gods, making allies with the Tuatha De Danan. Finn was part
Tuatha part Fir BoIg by birth. Finn and his people were poets and Ossian was the greatest poet ever.
The hero, therefore, whether tribal or extra-tribal, was human. He was credited with superhuman powers
which were not sufficiently powerful to prevent him from being wounded, although they could live quite
long like Finn who lived two hundred thirty years. We can easily say that the hero was the magnified
ideal of the Celtic warrior aristocracy.
Lastly, it is necessary to talk about the Celtic otherworld. With the defeat the Tuatha De Danan went
underground and took possession of the Sidhe, natural mounds and tumuli of prehistoric Ireland. Other
Gods went under the sea where they took Tir-fo-Thuinn, "The Land Under the Waves"; and others
voyaged westward to Tir-na-noc, "The Land of Youth", or to Mag Mell, "Field of Happiness". The
otherworld was a place of supreme happiness like the Valhalla of the Vikings. It was a merry place with
plenty of food and love and happiness, wounds could be healed and the dead restored to life, into eternity.
Heroes were invited or were forced into the Sid by Gods. Men also forced their way into the Sid to steal
the treasures like the Cauldron of Plenty. There were also places where giants and other terrible beings
lived, for the unsuccessful and cowardly warriors and the traitors.
The myths and legends of old Ireland are so long that they cannot be told in a simple paper but in huge
volumes and the legends, even today, never stop to astonish the reader and make them happy. Every
culture can find a piece of its own in the fertile soil of Irish myths and legends.
1973 The Irish Mystique. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1977 Gods and Myths of Northern Europe. London: Peican Books.
1977 The Druids. London: Pelican Booka
DOUGLAS, Ronald MacDonald (ed.)
by Can ABANAZIR - Kay?p Dünya -
1936 The Irish Book. New York: The MacMillan Press
RADICE. Betty (ed.)
1977 A Celtic Miscellany. London: Penguin Classics.
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