13 Contribution to the Knowledge of the Orchard Aphid (Hemiptera


13 Contribution to the Knowledge of the Orchard Aphid (Hemiptera
KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg., 18(1), 2015
KSU J. Nat. Sci., 18(1), 2015
Araştırma Makalesi
Research Article
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Orchard Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Fauna of
Istanbul and Kahramanmaras
Department of Zoology, Vilnius University, Čiurlionio 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania
Department of Plant Protection, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University, Avşar Campus, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Received (Geliş): 06.11.2014
Accepted (Kabul): 03.02.2015
ABSTRACT: This study presents the list of aphid species (Family Aphididae, 16 species of 9 genera altogether)
collected from Kahramanmaraşand Istanbul Province in 2011, with the comments on their distribution. DNA
extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing protocols used. Hyalopterus persikonus, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae,
Dysaphis (Pomaphis) reaumuri and Myzus (Myzus) varians are reported for the first time from the aphid fauna of
Kahramanmaraş Province. Comments on the biological characters and distribution of Brachycaudus divaricatae and
Hyalopterus species complex are also given in present study.
Key words: Aphididae, Aphid, Orchards, Faunal list, Turkey
İstanbul ve Kahramanmaraş İllerinde Bazı Meyva Ağaçlarında Belirlenen Yaprakbiti Türleri
ÖZET:Bu çalışmada, 2011 yılında Kahramanmaraş ve İstanbul illerinden toplanan yaprak biti türleri ve
dağılımlarını ortaya koymaktadır (Aphididae familyası, 9 cinse bağlı 16 tür).
DNA eksraksiyon, PCR
amplifikasyon ve sıralama protokolleri kullanılmıştır. Hyalopterus persikonus, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae,
Dysaphis (Pomaphis) reaumuri ve Myzus (Myzus) varians yaprakbiti türleri Kahramanmaraş bölgesi için ilk kez
rapor edilmiştir. Brachycaudus divaricatae ve Hyalopterus yaprak biti türlerinin biyolojik karakterleri ve dağılım
tanılamaları bu çalışmada verilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler :Aphididae, Yaprak biti, Meyva bahçeleri, Fauna Listesi, Türkiye
Aphid fauna of Turkey has been subject of several
studies (for recent review see Görür et al. 2011), yet it
still demands further research when compared with
respective research in adjacent countries (Görür et al.,
2012). This particularly concerns the regular
evaluation of local distribution of pest aphid species
due to their economic importance (Barbagallo et al.
1997, Blackman and Eastop 2000, Holman 2009).
The aim of this paper is to present information on
recent findings concerning orchard aphid fauna of
Turkey, with particular concern to Brachycaudus
(Acaudus) divaricatae Shaposhnikov, 1956 which
recently has been invader to Europe, and Hyalopterus
species complex which has been recently subject of
substantial taxonomic revision (Lozier et al. 2008,
Rakauskas et al. 2013).
The main aphid material (27 samples from 9 different
plant species) has been collected by R. Rakauskas and
M. Aslan on 28th and 31st of May, 2011 in the following
localities of the Kahramanmaraş Province: Çataloluk,
Tekir, Göksun and Afşin. Six samples from
Kahramanmaraş Province and four samples from Florya
district of Istanbul collected by R. Rakauskason on 27th
of May, 2011 were also included. For sampling of the
*Corresponding author: Aslan, M.M., aslan@ksu.edu.tr
aphid materials, common methods were used (Emden
1972). Microscope slides of aphis samples prepared
using Faure-Berlese mounting fluid or Canada balsam
(Blackman and Eastop 1984). Aphid materials are
deposited at the Department of Zoology of the Vilnius
University (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Morphological identification of aphids was
performed mostly by means of keys compiled by Heie
(1982-1995) and Blackman and Eastop (2006); several
other references were also used for the identification of
certain species and are referred to in respective places
of the text. In addition to morphological characters,
molecular markers (partial CO-I sequences) were used
for identification of problematic aphid species
Brachycaudus cardui-lateralis complex, Aphis pomi –
spiraecola complex, also Myzus varians). DNA
extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing
protocols used in pereseny study were the same as
those used by Rakauskas et al. 2013. Aphid synonymy
is in accordance with Remaudiere and Remaudiere
(1997), except when it is otherwise stated.
16 aphid species of 9 genera belonging to 2
subfamilies of the family Aphididae were found. Most
of the species (15) were representatives of the
KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg., 18(1), 2015
KSU J. Nat. Sci., 18(1), 2015
subfamily Aphidinae (5 and 10 species from tribe
Aphidini and Macrosiphini respectively), one species of the subfamily Lachninae. Hyalopterus persikonus is
reported for the first time from the aphid fauna of
Turkey. In addition to the earlier published data (Görür
et al. 2012), the list of aphid species in Turkey has
grown to 467 species. In the listing below, general
distribution of aphid species is given after Nieto Nafria
et al. 2004, unless otherwise stated.
Subfamily Aphidinae
Tribe Aphidini
Subtribe Aphidina
Aphis ruborum (Börner, 1932)
Material examined: Istanbul: Florya, 27.V.2011,
Rubus sp., 4 apterous vivipare. Females. Leg. R.
Distribution in Turkey: Tatvan-Şükran (Tuatay and
Remaudiere, 1964). Adana (Uygun et al., 2001).
Kahramanmaraş- Afşin, Çataloluk, Göksun-Fırnız
(Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Palaearctic species.
Aphis spiraecola Patch, 1914
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş, Azerbaycan
Blv., 28.V.2011, Spiraea sp., leg. R. Rakauskas, No
11-16; Kahramanmaraş, Azerbaycan Blv., 28.V.2011,
Prunus armeniaca, leg. R. Rakauskas, No: 11-17.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara,
Diyarbakır, Hatay, İçel (Tuatay and Remaudiere 1964,
Düzgüneş et al. 1982; Yumruktepe and Uygun 1994;
Ölmez 2000; Uygun et al. 2001). KahramanmaraşKaracasu (Aslan and Uygun, 2005).
General distribution: Holarctic species.
Subtribe Rhopalosiphina
Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy, 1762)
Material examined: Istanbul: Florya, 27.V.2011,
Prunus cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas, No: 11-11;
Kahramanmaraş, Trabzon Blv., 29.V.2011, Prunus
armeniaca, leg. R. Rakauskas, No: 11-18;
Kahramanmaraş, Trabzon Blv., 29.V.2011, Prunus
cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas, No: 11-19; Göksun,
31.V.2011, Prunus cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan, No: 11-28.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Antalya,
Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, İçel, Niğde, (Düzgüneş
and Tuatay 1956; Bodenheimer and Swirski 1957;
Çanakçıoğlu 1975; Düzgüneş et al. 1982; Uygun et al.
2001). Kahramanmaraş: Center, Ağabeyli, Döngele,
Elbistan, Gaffarlı, Karacasu, Karaelbistan, Narlı,
Pazarcık-Kirni (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Cosmopolitan species,
although some records might concern H. persikonus
(see below).
Hyalopterus pruni has been subject of the long
lasting debate concerning the number of cryptic species
involved in the complex (Basky and Szalay-Marszo
1987, Mosco et al., 1997, Lozier et al., 2007). Most
recent complex analysis (Lozier et al., 2008) has
suggested three host plants associated species. H. pruni
Araştırma Makalesi
Research Article
is supposed to be Prunus feeder, whilst H. amygdali and
H. persikonus are associated with almond and peach
respectively. Apricot is reported being "a shared
resource among Hyalopterus species" (Lozier et al.,
2008). Our material both from plums and from apricots
was not easy to determine by the key of Lozier et al.,
(2008), the key morphological characters were
controversial, partial CO-I sequences appeared of
decisive value therefore (for details see Rakauskas et al.
Hyalopterus persikonus Miller, Lozier and
Foottit, 2008
Azerbaycan Blv., 28.V.2011, Prunus armeniaca, leg. R.
Rakauskas, No: 11-15.
Distribution in Turkey: West Central Anatolia
(Senol et al., 2014).
General distribution: Difficult to summarize for
the present, because of long lasted taxonomic
uncertainty of the Hyalopterus species complex.
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Linnaeus, 1761)
Material examined: Göksun, 31.V.2011, Prunus
cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas and M. Aslan, 11-29;
Afşin, 31.V.2011, Prunus persica, leg. R. Rakauskas
and M. Aslan, No: 11-36.
Distribution in Turkey: Adapazarı, Ankara,
Diyarbakır, İzmir, Mersin Tatvan, (Bodenheimer and
Swirski 1957; Tuatay and Remaudiere 1964; Giray
1974; Özdemir and Toros 1997). First record for
Kahramanmaraş Province.
Tribe Macrosiphini
Brachycaudus (Acaudus) cardui (Linnaeus,
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Çataloluk,
31.V.2011, Prunus cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan, No: 11-22; Kahramanmaraş: Çataloluk,
31.V.2011, Prunus cerasifera, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan, No: 11-24; Göksun, 31.V.2011, Prunus nigra,
leg. R. Rakauskas and M. Aslan, No: 11-26; Göksun,
31.V.2011, Prunus armeniaca, leg. R. Rakauskas and
M. Aslan, No: 11-30.
Distribution in Turkey: Middle, North, East and
West Anatolia, Marmara Region, Adana, Ahlat, Ankara,
İçel, Diyarbakır, Niğde, Tatvan, Trabzon-Arsen
(Bodenheimer and Swirski 1957; Tuatay and
Remaudiere 1964; Çanakçıoğlu 1975; Lodos 1986;
Uygun et al. 2001). Kahramanmaraş: Çağlayancerit,
Çağlayancerit-Homur, Göksun, Göksun-Fırnız, GüzlekAhırdağı, Kampüs, Sarıkaya, Suçatı, Süleymanlı, Tekir,
Türkoglu (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Cosmopolitan species,
except the Australian region.
Shaposhnikov, 1956
Material examined: none. We have failed to find
any specimens of this species despite special search
efforts. In addition to Istanbul and Kahramanmaraş
province, we have also visited Gaziantep (Islahiye) and
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Hatay (Hassa, Kırıkhan, Antakya). Altogether, 37
cherry plum trees were inspected in Istanbul, 93 in
Kahramanmaraş, 41 in Gaziantep and 22 in Hatay
province seeking for B. divaricatae yet without any
Distribution in Turkey: Bitlis (Tatvan) (Tuatay
and Remaudiere 1964). Kahramanmaraş: Afşin-Erçene
(Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: B. divaricataehas been
originally described from Turkmenia (Shaposhnikov
1956), its original distribution area is reported to be the
Middle East (Iran, Turkey, Turkmenia) and Eastern
Europe (Northern Caucasus, Crimea) (Blackman and
Eastop 2000). Starting from 2002, it invaded the Eastern
Baltic region of Europe, including also Belarus and
North Ukraine, and is the most common pest on cherry
plum (Prunus cerasifera) in this area for the present
(Cichocka and Lubiarz 2003; Rakauskas 2004;
Rakauskas and Turčinavičienė 2006; Rakauskas and
Buga 2010). In 2011, B. divaricatae invaded also Czech
Republic (Bašilova et al. 2012). When compared with
the invasive area, B. divaricatae appeared to be
unexpectedly rare in its homeland territories in Turkey
(the present study), also in Georgia (Turčinavičienė and
Rakauskas, unpublished).
Dysaphis (Pomaphis) plantaginea (Passerini,
Material examined: Istanbul: Florya, 27.V.2011,
Malus sp. cult., leg. R. Rakauskas, No: 11-13.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Antalya,
Gümüşhane, Hatay, İçel, Elazığ, Niğde, Isparta, İzmir,
Kayseri, Sakarya, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ (Tuatay
1990, Uygun et al. 2001). Kahramanmaraş: Çataloluk,
Pazarcık-Bağsağır (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Cosmopolitan species,
except the Australian region.
Dysaphis (Pomaphis) pyri (Boyer de
Fonscolombe, 1841)
Material examined: Afşin, 31.V.2011, Pyrus
communis, leg. R. Rakauskas and M. Aslan, No: 11-32;
Afşin, 31.V.2011, Pyrus communis, leg. R. Rakauskas
and M. Aslan, No: 11-33; Afşin, 31.V.2011, Pyrus
communis, leg. R. Rakauskas and M. Aslan, No: 11-37.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara,
Diyarbakır, Isparta, İzmir, Konya, Niğde, Van
(Bodenheimer and Swirski 1957; Tuatay and
Remaudiere 1964; Düzgüneş et al., 1982; Giray 1974;
Toros et al. 1996; Uygun et al., 2001).Kahramanmaraş:
Çataloluk (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
widespread in southern and western Europe. It is also
reported from the Oriental region.
Dysaphis (Pomaphis) reaumuri (Mordvilko,
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Göksun,
31.V.2011, Pyrus communis, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan No: 11-23.
Araştırma Makalesi
Research Article
Distribution in Turkey: Adana-Kızıldağ (Toros et
al., 1996). First record for Kahramanmaraş Province.
General distribution: Palaearctic species.
Hyadaphis tataricae (Aizenberg, 1935)
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş, Trabzon
Blv., 29.V.2011, Lonicera sp., leg. R. Rakauskas, No:
Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Diyarbakır
(Toros 1986; Ölmez 2000). Kahramanmaraş: Ahır
Mountain (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Holarctic species.
Myzus cerasi pruniavium Börner, 1926
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Tekir,
31.V.2011, Cerasus avium, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan, No: 11-25; Göksun, 31.V.2011, Cerasus avium,
leg. R. Rakauskas and M. Aslan, No: 11-27.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, İçel,
İznik, Niğde, (Bodenheimer and Swirski 1957; Toros et
16.VI.2000, Göksun (Çataloluk), Pazarcık (Bağsağır)
(Aslan and Uygun 2005).
General distribution: Almost cosmopolitan
species, absent from Neotropical and Afrotropical
Myzus varians Davidson, 1912
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Çataloluk,
31.V.2011, Prunus persica, leg. R. Rakauskas and M.
Aslan, No: 11-21.
Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Hatay (Toros et
al. 2002). First record for Kahramanmaraş
Province.General distribution: Holarctic species.Myzus
(Nectarosiphon) persicae (Sulzer, 1776)
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Göksun,
31.V.2011, Prunus armeniaca, leg. R. Rakauskas and
M. Aslan.
Distribution in Turkey: Common in Turkey
(Bodenheimer and Swirski 1957; Yiğit and Uygun,
1982; Lodos 1986; Uygun et al., 2001).
Kahramanmaraş: Center, Çigce (Aslan and Uygun
General distribution: Cosmopolitan species.
Phorodon humuli (Schrank, 1801)
Material examined: Kahramanmaraş: Göksun,
31.V.2011, Prunus armeniaca, leg. R. Rakauskas and
M. Aslan.
Distribution in Turkey: West Anatolia
(Çanakçıoğlu, 1975), Istanbul-Bahçeköy (Lodos, 1986)
Kahramanmaraş-Pazarcık (Aslan and Uygun 2005).
Aslan, M.M. Uygun, N. 2005. The aphids (Homoptera:
Aphididae) of Kahramanmaras Province, Turkey.
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