ACG`62 - Robert College


ACG`62 - Robert College
Alumni Association News
Page 4
Bizim Tepe
Sayfa 6
In the News
Page 8
Page 15
• Faculty
Nedim Göknil RC Yük'65
reminesces with Dorothy İz
Page 18
• Cover
Celebrity Survey Results
Page 20
• Annual Giving
Page 27
• Memories
Tahsin Pamir RC Yük'65 recounts
the "Lucky Luke and the Daltons"
Page 28
• Söyleşi
Kâzime Beygirci ACG'67, Ester
Ruso ACG'67 ile söyleşti.
Sayfa 30
Page 33
Alumni News
Page 41
oyalties are often difficult to explain and loyalty to
one's school is no exception. Yet, loyalty is more than an empty concept.
The fact that it is a tangible reality is attested to by the loyalty of RC
alumni which is one of the school's greatest assets. The Annual Giving
Campaign which is moving to the conclusion of its second year will
succeed because of the loyalty of its graduates (p. 27).
As you know, this campaign relies on individual gifts. Large or small, the
fact that every Kolejli gives
something back to the school every
year, has meant the establishment of a
substantial source of support for the
Robert College of today and
tomorrow. The Annual Giving Report
for the 1989-90 school year
scheduled for publication in October
will honor the names of each and
every donor.
A major gift received from another loyal friend, was in the form of
a corporate gift from Phillip Morris Co., a leading company in three large
industries —tobacco, food and beer. A check of 25 million TL presented to
Headmaster Dawe by Mark Duerst, General Manager of EPSAS— a Phillip
Morris subsidiary— has given the campaign a new dimension. Other
companies that have contributed by way of a corporate gift include Plastas,
and Pfizer.
We gratefully acknowledge their valuable support, and invite others
to join the cause.
Leylâ Aktay
Alumni and Development Office
Page 46
Yayın Kurulu:
Suay Aksoy RC Yük'72, Leylâ Aktay RC'72.
Deniz Alphan A C G ' 6 7 . Nuri Çolakoğlu RA'63
Cahit Düzel RA'65. Evin ilyasoğlu A C G ' 6 9 .
Nursuna M e m e c a n RC'75. Sema Özsoy ACG'67
Mete Taşkıran RC'55.
Alumni Journal published quarterly by the RC
Alumni & Development Office for 7000 members of
the RC community-graduates, students, faculty,
administration, parents a n d friends.
Mart Ajans 165 83 00
Robert College
P.O. Box 1
Arnavutköy-istanbul Tel: 165 34 30
The flickering candles, the cool breeze and warm friendship
ties gave the traditional Midsummer Night's Dream Ball a
truly dream-like quality (above). The Alumni Association is
happy to be organizing various events to bring alumni
together (on the right).
the Dream
T h e night of the 31 st of
July was like a dream
come true. The weather
was beautiful and still
and the atmosphere of
Çubuklu added to the
magical quality. The
cocktails were at 8 pm
and by the time we were
seated and dinner was
served it was 10 pm. The
disco music was very
inviting and kept people
on the dance floor until
2:00 in the morning.
Among the nearly 300
alumni and friends that
night there was a group
of 25 alumni celebrating
their 40 th year and it
was a pleasure to see a
small group of very
recent graduates, the
class of '89, there also.
The most exciting
moment of the night was
when the lottery was
drawn for grand prizes
like Arcelik's newest
model refrigerator and a
Pan Am plane ticket to
New York City. Vecahat
Sizrriazoglu ACG'52 ex.,
was the lucky person who
added a brand new fridge
to her kitchen while
Nuran Günden Aslan
ACG'58 ex., won the
ticket which will
transport her to the Big
Apple. Summer, in
Istanbul go by fast and SO
it was that another
Midsummer Night's Ball
came to an end. We are
looking forward to the
next one in 1991.
Day Trips Gain
in Popularity
On May 23 rd the first spring
tour organized by the alumni Association
was to Atabay Motel in Eskihisar
owned by Nur Atabay ACG'56and her
brother Bülent Atabay
The traditional Alumni Association tea for new graduates has always been a fun way for the older alumni to
welcome new ones into their midst.
An hours bus ride from
Levent took the 28
participants to Eskihisar
where a wonderful lunch
had been prepared in the
garden. This was
followed by a tour of the
newly restored house of
Osman Hamdi Bey which
also contains various
photographs of his
paintings. Tea was taken
at a typically oldfashioned cafe by the sea
and no one knew how the
day had flown by when
the trip was over at 6 pm.
The second trip during the
spring months was to
Sapanca (Masukiye). A
wonder of nature,
secluded and quiet, it was
a pleasure to sit under the
big trees, among the
flowers and enjoy lunch
together. Of the 34
participants we were
especially happy to have
Mayda Mimar ACG'27
among us on both trips.
Mayda Mimar says if the
Alumni Association had
not organized these trips
she would not have been
able to see such
interesting places.
Hopefully, more of our
alumni friends and family
Somehow everything tastes and feels nicer when in
the presence of friends and Mother Nature.
will join us and take
advantage of these
opportunities. Meanwhile
in Ankara, the social
committee branch at work
there organized a day trip
to Safranbolu. With its
narrow roads, magnificient old homes,
mosques, bazaar, markets,
its traditions and folklore,
Safranbolu is one of the
cities reflecting the
structure of the ancient
Turkish society. The
participating alumni were
in awe of the centuries
old, silent yet impressive
architecture. The visit was
thoroughly enjoyed by all
and we all look forward
to the next one.
Alumni Host Tea
for New Alumni
T h e Alumni Association
gave the class of 1990
their traditional tea on the
shady porch of Marble
Hall. Lycee Director
Ayfer Yeniçağ and
Headmaster Harry Dawe
were present at the
occasion. The president
of the association Engin
Asal gave a short speech
and congratulated the
new graduates. The
association later
presented the young
adults with the gift of one
year free membership to
the association as well as
a baseball cap stamped
with the Rf loon
The member­
ship dues for
the Alumni Association is not included
in the dues paid to Bizim
Tepe and must be paid
separately to the Alumni
Office. For more infor­
mation please call Nevin
Torkak at 1653430/308.
B i z i M TEPE
izim Tepe'ye bu yıl üye
olan ve mezuniyet yılları RC 79-'90 arasında
değişen 300'ü aşkın genç mezun için BT havuz
başında "Welcome Party" yapıldı.
Yeni ve eski üyeleri kaynaştıran, uzun süredir
birbirinden uzak kalan arkadaşları yeniden bir
araya getiren bu gecede üyeler, ılık bir yaz
gecesinin keyfini yaşadılar.
Tatil yöresi değil,
Bizim Tepe
ıcak İstanbul günleri Bizim Tepe'nin havuzu
başında oldukça serin geçiyor. Üyeler, bir yandan
güneşlenip havuzda serinlerken, diğer yandan da
açık havada artan iştahlarını BT'nin spesiyal hamburger
ve tostlarıyla bastırıyorlar. Ayrıca, çay saatinde havuz
başında sunulan birbirinden lezzetli pastalar, kağıt
helvalı dondurma, buz gibi karpuz, haşlanmış mısır ve
çocukların sevgilisi hazır paket dondurmalar herkesin
zevkine göre... Şehir gürültüsünden, çılgın kalabalıktan
uzakta, sayfiyedeymiş gibi hissedebilirsiniz kendinizi...
Tüm konukların hoşça
vakit geçirdiği 5.Boğaziçi
Tenis - Briç Mixed
Turnuvası ödül töreni
Bizim Tepe'de yapıldı
Tenis Briç Turnuvası sonuçlandı
aks Spor Kulübü ile Bizim Tepe tarafından
düzenlenen 5.Boğaziçi Tenis - Briç Mixed
Turnuvası'nda şampiyon olanlara ödül ve
kupaları verildi. 26 Mayıs'da başlayan ve bir
ay süren turnuvada tenis birinciliğini Meltem
ve Haluk Özmerzifon, Ayşe ve Tunç Baysal,
İnci Sarıok ve Can Karapınar ekibi kazandı.
Briçte ise Melih Özdil, Ahmet Dedehayır, Mehmet
Sırıklıoğlu, Yılmaz Güzelbay, Sam ve Ayşegül
Gattenia'dan kurulu Özdil takımı birinciliğe ulaştı.
Tenis - Briç mixed birinciliğini Ferihan Göksu,
Mesut Karadeniz, Nezih Kırbaç, İsmail Cebi,
Günhan Türker, Cem İncesulu, Surkay Resmor
ekibi elde ederken briçte şampiyon olan Özdil
takımı ikinci oldu. Derece alanların ödülleri Bizim
Tepe'de törenle verildi.
Şirin bir köy
var uzakta
izim Tepe'nin asırlık
ağaçlarının güvenli
gölgesi altında 4-12
yaş arası mezun
çocukları yaz
günlerini geçiriyorlar.
Bizim Köy'de yaratıcı el
sanatları, hafif sporlar ve
yüzme gibi eğitici faaliyetlerle
"oynayarak öğrenelim" anlayışı
yaşatılıyor. Tecrübeli öğret­
menler nezaretindeki bu
programa tüm mezun çocukları
Trustees on Campus
Trustees host cocktail for faculty and meet with seat
donors in a "Sneak Preview" of the new theater.
t was that time of the year
again when the nonresident
trustees of RC visited the
campus and met to discuss
issues concerning our
A full schedule of committee meet­
ings, board meetings, visiting class­
es, touring the new buildings and
working lunches and dinners kept the
trustees busy during their week in
Istanbul. On May 21, at Bizim Tepe,
the trustees hosted a cocktail dinner
for the faculty and staff of RC at
which over drinks and dinner, mem­
bers of the board and faculty got a
chance to mingle informally.
The Chairman of the Board, Rod­
ney Wagner, took this opportunity to
thank the faculty for their hard work
and dedication which plays such a vi­
tal role in making RC what it is to­
During the same week, trustees met
with theater seat donors for a "sneak
preview" of the new RC theater to be
named for Suna Kıraç. The evening
started with drinks at the colorful foy­
er decorated with RC students' art
The guests then went in to take their
seats and get ready for an evening of
student performances. This was not a
formal theater opening but rather an
opportunity created to give the trusSeû? donors
Ayşe Kulin,
Tanju and Ayda
Köseoğlu (right),
Feyyaz Berker,
inan Kıraç,
Rodney Wagner
and Suna Kıraç
at the "Sneak
cocktail (below).
S U M M E R 1990 8
tees a glimpse of what the theater was
like and to show the seat donors what
their valuable contributions had
achieved - a brand new theater with
the capacity to seat 550 people.
RC Orta and Lycee students dis­
played their wide range of talent from
singing madrigals to acting Shakes­
peare, dancing Turkish folklore, per­
forming a Turkish play, chanting
rhymes and putting on musicals. The
lycee musical performed was also
written and composed by the stu­
It was a successful night and guests
enjoyed the wide range of artistic tal­
ent on stage. It looks like R C will re­
sume to raise stage artists as the new
theater will certainly be most inspira­
tional. 1?
The Perfect
We believe that it is possible to reach a complete financial
solution by gathering adequate information, by conducting thorough
investigations and by skillful evaluations. Wherever your investment
Finance Group is ready to provide
the perfect combination for you.
172 99 35,
167 52 59
(1) 166 77 40
RC Alumni
Make Headlines
Alp Yalman RC'59, Nuri golakoglu RA'62 and
Ahmet Levendoglu RA'64 have been highly
successful in the world of sport, business and
hree alumni have made
a splash recently... A l l
three are big successes
in their own spheres,
and well known to the
general public. One is a high-flying
businessman also committed to a
leading soccer club, another the general director of a private television
company emerging as competition to
TRT and Magic Box and the third, a
versatile actor/director reclaiming
the stage.
Alp Yalman RC'59, is vice president ofTatko, a family business, and
at the same time president of Galatasaray, one of Turkey's oldest and
most established clubs, supported by
thousands of fans.
Yalman has succeeded in combin-
ing two completely separate activities
and is employing his economic
knowledge to impose a new economic model on the club. Although he
complains that "Running a club is
harder than running a company," his
attachment to Galatasaray remains
just as strong.
Nuri Colakoglu RA'62, formerly
vice-president of TRT is now General
Director of International Television
(INTV) which will broadcast in coded signals. He is a perfectionist whose
objective is a well established infrastructure.
"We are obliged to set an accurate
and realistic target for both Turkey
and European broadcasters abroad,"
he says, announcing that once the infrastructure is complete the station
will get on the air.
After graduating from RA in 1964,
Ahmet Levendoglu studied at the
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in
the UK and is currently a
drama teacher in addition to
his own multifaceted acting career.
After an absence of about
nine years, he has returned
to the limelight acting in
several recent television
series, and has directed as
well as performed in the
Ahmet Levendoglu
RA'64 (above). Alp
Yalman RC'59 (left)
and Nuri Colakoglu
RA'62 (right) have
recently been in the
public eye for many
achievements in
their respective
R C Q , SUMMER 1990
o d u I u
4 YILDIZI! (TROPİKAL) SOĞUTMA GÜCÜ: 4 yıldızlı (tropikal} soğutma gücü,
uluslararası standartlara göre, aş sıcaklık +43°C İken derin dondurucuda en az
•I8°C soğukluk sağlayan yüksek performanstır.
• ^ y o c o , en az 5 kiloluk bütün bir eti en fazla 24 saatte en iç noktasına kadar
döndürebilme özelliği olarak tanımlanır.
•325-T/W7 soğutma gücü, bu rakamların çok üstünde olduğu için, rahatça
''troptkal-ötesi'' atye nitelendirilebilir.
^"32$f, Türkiye'nin sıcak Hm şonionndo 4 yıldızlı soğutma gücü sağlayabilmesi
için özel kompresör ve özel ısı izolasyonuyla donatılmıştır.
• / » kaybı minimumdur. • O a A o ekonomiktir.
SOĞUK DUVAK TEKNOLOJİSİ: Isı kaybını en aza indirerek maksimum tasarruf
sağlayan en yeni buzdolabı teknolojisidir. Bu teknolojide ana bölmedeki soğutucular
(evoporatörj arka duvann gerisine gömülmüştür. Arka duvar tümüyle soğutucu yüzey
görevi yapar. • Bu nedenle 32ST'nin iç görünümü daha estetiktir.
BUILT-IN (GÖMME) KULLANIM ÖZELLİĞİ: Arkasındaki kondenser özel bölmesine
gömülü olduğu için mutfak duvarına çok yakın yerleştirilebilir.
• Hava akımı kapı altındaki özel bölümden sağlanır.
^Gövde ve kapı raffan istendiği gibi ayarlanabik^Kapılan
mutfağın durumuna göre istenen taraftan takılabilir. ^-Mıknatıslı kapı contalan özeldir.
Maksimum izolasyon sağlar.
Kalitesi üstün. Tasarımı çağdaş. Boyutları küçük. Soğutma gücü
tropikal. Derin dondurucusu 67 litre kapasiteli. Toplam iç hacmi
Yalnız yaşayanlar, kalabalık olmayan aileler için ideal.
Size en yakın Ar çelik Yetkili Satıcısına uğrayın, 325 - T yi
yakından tanıyın.
Ali Akman (Ersu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı): Başarısını,
çalışmalarında gösterdiği titizliğe ve yaratıcılığa bağlıyor...
Kongre Merkezi, KLASSİS1990
Klassıs'in Kongre Mcrkczi uluslararası standartlarda daha s a y g ı n , daha kusursuz ve konforlu toplantılarınız için hizmetinizde... Değişik
yerleştirme d ü z e n l e m e l e r i n e sahip dört ayrı salonu. 2500 kişiye hizmet veren kendine ö z g ü mutfağı ve her türlü ek
Daha geniş bilgi ve rezervasyon: 175 09 75
toplantılara açık geniş lobisi ile tüm seminer, konferans, kongre gibi toplantılariniz kokteyl ve dügün davetleriniz için
Grand Finale
for Young
Orta graduates rounded off the year with traditional
Maze Day festivities, their Annual Ball and
Graduation ceremony while the Lyceé 3's revived
"77", danced the night away at their ball and took
a big step towards the future.
Ayşe Odman could not hide her excite­
ment as she received her prize
from Engin Asal (above)
According to many spectators, the
123rd Lycee graduation ceremony
held on June 10,1990 was one of the
most moving and sincere ones in the
past years.
The maturity reflected in the faces
of the graduating students was worth
seeing. It seemed as though in one day
the LIII class had suddenly become
grown-up ladies and gentlemen.
Math department head Whitman
Shepard gave a "super" speech as de­
scribed by the audience, in which he
gave advice to the young graduates.
Following this, Headmas­
ter Harry Dawe also voiced
his sentiments. Lycee D i ­
rector Ayfer Yeniçağ hand­
ed out award plaques to the
most deserving students
and Ayşe Odman received
the admiration of everyone
as she was called on stage
for most of the awards.
Özlenen Kalav ACG'67
was this year's guest speak­
er. Now the vice-president
in a leading foreign bank
operating in Turkey she
emphasized the need for
the graduates to be respon­
sible individuals to themselves,
to their community and to their coun­
Closing remarks were made by stu­
dent speaker Ahmet Uysal. He
charmed the audience with his easy
manner and original speech accom­
panied by the strains of Rodriquez's
Guitar Concerto.
He animatedly described their seven
years at RC and concluded his words
by addressing his friends going
abroad to study. He urged them to go
but also to return to their country
which so badly needs talented people
like themselves.
As the Alma Mater was sung with
shiny eyes, another graduation cere­
mony had come to an end and young
talent were sent out to the world to
continue living and learning.
135 young and beautiful people
from the Class of'90 gathered to cele­
brate a new beginning and share the
mixed feelings of their last dinner to­
gether, that is, last dinner until their
first reunion rolls around! At the
graduation ball held on June 7, Satur­
day, the young adults shared the
night with proud families and facul­
ty. Once decorative balloons were let
loose that special night, they each
took a different path as will all these
young graduates. However, some
fundamentals will remain the same ,ii
R C ; a unique sense of unity and close
bonds of friendship.
Both RC graduation
celebrations at BT were
lively and enjoyable occa­
sions. The graduates
sang, danced the horon
and cut their graduation
cakes. Plenty of photo­
graphs were taken as
souveniers of these happy
goodbyes said as students and teach­
ers ended yet another chapter in the
education process at R C .
The Orta Class of '90 graduated this
year with a ceremony held on June 7,
with proud parents, family and
friends present to applaud them. Orta
Director George Damon was absent
due to an operation on his ankle ten­
don and therefore was unable to make
a speech.
The opening speech by Headmaster
Harry Dawe was followed by the in­
troduction of next years Lycee I stu­
dents and the presentation of awards.
The Director's Service award went to
Hande Giilen while Eda Kemahlioglu
received an award for the highest
grade point average. Bob and Eva
Forsgren who were P.E. and Math
teachers at RC for the past 4 years
were the guest speakers of the day.
As they will be leaving Istanbul to
open a new page in their life, students,
administration and faculty were very
sorry to have to bid farewell.
The moving ceremony was f o l
lowed by a reception in front of Barton
The Orta 3 class of 1990 graduated
on June 7, but had already started
celebrating the occasion earlier with
their annual ball sponsored by the
Parents Association, the Parents Club
and held at Bizim Tepe on June 2, Sa­
turday. Unexpected rainy weather
The Forsgrens who will be teaching
in Taiwan next year will be missed.
Even though it was different from the
77 days organized in the old but gold­
en days, the class of 90 hope they will
be remembered for having revived
this tradition and that it will continue
in the coming years.
The traditional Maze Day
Festival was as exuberant as
ever. The show put on by the
graduating Orta 3's was top-rate
and received loud applause.
forced them inside for dinner but cock­
tails were served around the pool. Y e l ­
low and white was the theme of the
decorations and the parents and facul­
ty wore yellow carnations on their la­
pels. Dinner was followed by speech­
es given by the president of the Parents
Club, Gülsevil Nalbantoğlu ACG'67
and Headmaster Harry Dawe. The Or­
ta Director, George Damon, sent
greetings from home as he was recov­
ering from an operation due to an inju­
ry sustained while playing mini-foot­
ball with the Orta's! Merve Mısırlı
(Orta 3) played the piano for her class­
mates and while the boys asked their
mothers to the dance floor the girls
were in the arms of their fathers. The
dark blue of the pool reflected faces of
a happy crowd, celebrating until the
early hours of the new day.
77 was a traditional carnival or­
ganized by the senior class 77
days before their graduation. A c ­
cording to the alumni who cele­
brated 77 back in the old days, the
fun started out with a parade then
continued with various "şakla­
banlıklar" and ended with a
dress-ball at night. The class of
'90 decided to revive this tradition af­
ter it had been laid to rest for many
years. Originally, 77 had been the
source of many wild and crazy hap­
penings like painting the teachers and
throwing bed springs out of win­
dows!! However, since permission to
revive the 77 spirit needed a lot of con­
vincing to get, it was decided that this
year 77 merriment would be kept un­
der more control ! The event started out
with dinner at "The Club" restaurant.
The next day, everyone spent the en­
tire day at the Plateau. In the morning
the traditional day/boarder soccer
game was played and ended with the
boarders' victory. Gökhan Erkinalp,
Ertuğ Ayık and Serhan Babaoğlu pre­
pared "çiğ köfte" for the picnic and
P.E. teacher Bob Forsgren organized a
square dance which was very popular.
An afternoon of song and dance,
jokes and imitations of teachers, filled
the maze on the traditional "Maze
Day" festivities. Usually held on the
last day of school and prepared and
performed by the graduating Orta 3
class this colorful afternoon is a great
way to view young talent all together
having fun while being fun for others!
Under the guidance of their chemistry
teacher Rahel Cikvasvili and with the
special appearance of English teacher
Gerard Kennedy, the Orta 3 class en­
tertained a very large audience com­
posed of faculty, staff, parents, fellow
classmates and Lycee students.
This year, for the first time in the
history of R C , a group of students
made a daring attempt to create their
own musical. Members of the Musi­
cal Activities Club, under the supervi­
sion of Jerry Kent, Gerard Kennedy,
Brigitte Işıl and Gill Bloor, succeeded
in this enormous task. The text of the
musical was written by a Lycee III
student Kerem Deren, the music was
composed and the dances were chore­
ographed with the collaboration of
many students. By writing, directing
and performing, they created a brand
new musical, "Delusions". The presi­
dent of the club Yeşim Özsoy (LIII)
voiced the sentiments of many when
she said "To create from scratch, to
practice with very limited time and to
finally come up with the finished
work of art was very difficult. Despite
the difficulties it was a source of great
pride and excitement. I hope there
will be others who will want to feel
this excitement in the future." "jf
The Leading Lady of
the College Theater
Nedim Goknil RC Yiik'65, a theatrical talent in his
own right, interviewed his former teacher Dorothy Iz.
"When asked to interview Mrs. remember one play, the theme of
Dorothy Iz, I was more than thrilled.which involved the debate of philosoNot only was it going to give me the phers in the presence of Fatih the Conopportunity to talk to a lady whom Iquerer. It contained discussions on the
had always liked and admired, but itextent the philosophy of Aristotle was
was also going to take me back to a
period of my life which was rich,
beautiful and unforgettable. We met
in Marble Hall. Years had not made
one bit of a change in her. The only
change was in her hair. The once
blond mane was now cropped short
and modern. She was, as always, full
of vigor and energy. We toured the
new theater building then returned
to the teachers' lounge and started
the interview over coffee and my incessant smoking."
Nedim Goknil - We go a long way
back Dorothy. But I want to go even
further back and start at the very
beginning. When was the beginning? When did you start all the
things you have been doing in the
school theater?
Dorothy Iz - It was 1956. It all started in the old auditorium. There was no
proper lighting. What was ordered
came smashed, on route. It took a long
time to repair them. I think there always was an interest in theater. Remember this was a hill. The girls did
not have much of a life outside the
campus. The need to express themselves was there. We started doing
four assembly plays a year and two
major productions, all in English.
We used to do a lot of classical
plays, like "Hedda Gabler", "The
Three Sisters", etc. At the time we also had one Turkish History play a
year. Students wrote the text. I vividly
echoed in Islam. We even had the Janissary Band in the production. The
sounding of "Allah! Allah! Allah!"
for the attack on the "surlar" sent the
whole audience into an uproar. It was
a great production. Would you believe it, we even had period piece
chain-mail, sancak and swords from
the military museum.
NG- For the mixed productions,
you had the boys coming from the
other hill, Robert College... What
do you think made them so enthusiastic about taking part in the
A C G productions? Like myself for
DI - Good food... (she laughs)
NG - Young ladies?
DI - (Laughs again) Yes! that too...
A l l in all, I think the two hills shared a
lot in common. But I always thought
that the girls spoke better English than
the boys. They were exposed to more
English then you were.
NG - Well! Let's go back again.
What happened when you became
DI - That was 1970. The auditorium
was torn down. There was no more
theater. So we had 6 platforms made
from the wood of the old assembly
hall, and started staging our produc­
tions in the make-shift gymnasium.
We staged plays like "Empty Room",
"Galileo", etc., and some Turkish
plays like "Bozuk Diizen".
More plays
NG - So you
Dİ - Yes! Istoped
doing classics and
plays which con­
tained material to
discuss afterwards.
I remember one
which was called
the "Sarcophagus"
by Vladimir Gubaryev on the Cher­
nobyl tragedy. It shook the audi­
Others" by 4 stu­
dents for the trus­
tees in New York,
and Washington.
NG - You are for­
getting our fa­
mous trip.
Dİ - Oh yes! To
That was the only
international theat­
er festival we participated in. That
was Güngör Dilmen's "Canlı May­
mun Lokantası" in English. You re­
member the train that took 3 days and
we were 8 students and myself in one
in English,
I think, will be
a real asset
NG - How do you compare the old
students with the new? Which ones
do you still remember
as talents?
Dİ - For one thing, the
students spoke
better English. Also
they were chronologi­
cally older than the pre­
sent students.
fore they could do older
parts, stay late and re­
For example, we cannot
rehearse past 5.30 in the
afternoon these days.
lems, being very young
and all that.
NG - I remember us
rehearsing up until
one, two o'clock in the
morning and taking
the day student girls
back home. Anyway,
who do you remember
from the old days?
Dİ - Well! most. Nevra
Mürvet Somuncuoğlu,
Çiğdem Selışık, A l i
Taygun, Tarık Okyay
and many others.
NG - Did you have pro­
ductions outside the
D İ - Y e s ! We took "The
Sea" to İzmir. Then we
travelled to the States to
perform "Mother
NG - Of course I do. I also remem­
ber that we had Jean Paul Sartre
and Jules Romain in the jury. I was
Dİ - Did you know that the present
Minister of Culture of France,
Jacques Lang, was the Director of that
Nancy Festival?
NG - No! I didn't. Well! Dorothy
what are your plans for the new fa­
DI -1 would like to call it a multi
purpose auditorium. It will be used
for other purposes besides the theater.
There will be concerts, lectures, ex­
ams and possibly other activities.
This will involve a lot of careful plan­
ning.We have been performing in all
kinds of conditions, determined to
keep on with the tradition of theater
on this hill and we will keep on.
NG - One last question Dorothy.
What do you think of reviving old
Groups like the "Hisar Players"
and also turning the "Campus Fol­
lies" into a traditional fund raising
annual activity?
DI -1 fully agree. I think it will be
marvellous to revive the Hisar
Players. More plays in English, I
think, will be a real asset. I also feel
that "The Campus Follies" was a great
happening and that it should be re­
NG - Well! I guess this sort of con­
cludes our interview. Thank you
very much indeed. *
T h e Most
Famous Ten
e went ahead and tried to do
the impossible - to shortlist
famous and infamous
college graduates.
The method employed was
to grab the first graduate that came within
eyesight and pop the question: "Can you
name the first three 'most famous' college
graduates that spring to your mind? You have
5 seconds to answer!"
The survey was carried out in the most
diverse places to have a representative
scientific sample population, which by the
way, turned out to be convenient and
impressive 100! Unsuspecting graduates of all
ages were approached at random on the street,
by the Bizim Tepe pool. Telephone
interviews were carried out as well as
interrogations at the BT Tuesday night bars.
The responses were alike in one respect.
Almost everyone questioned remarked that it
was impossible to narrow down three names.
At the same time, people also had a hard time
thinking of a third name! Every now and then,
celebrity names crept up in the answers that
had no connection to the Colleges.
You will find the results of this survey on
the next pages. We hope that it will provide
lighthearted and amusing summer reading.
1. Bülent Ecevit RC'44
Journalist, poet, politician, Prime
Minister of Turkey three times in
the 1970's.
2. Haldun Dormen RC'49
Theater actor, director, TV
3. Genco Erkal RC*57
Theater actor, director
4. Feyyaz Berker RC Eng'46
Chairman of Tekfen Holding,
Trustee of RC and Head of Hisar
Nevra Serezli ACG'65
Theater and movie actress.
5. Zeki Alasya RC'63 ex.
Theater and movie actor.
6. Halide Edip Adıvar A C G 1901
First Turkish female graduate, author
of several Turkish literature classics,
was member of parliament during the
first years of the Turkish Republic.
7. Burhan Karaçam
RA'68 RC Yük*72
General Manager of Yapı Kredi Bank.
8. Cem Boyner RC'74
Head of TUSİAD (Turkish
Businessmen and Industrialists
Nejat Eczacıbaşı RC'32
Chairman of Eczacıbaşı Holding,
Head of the Istanbul Foundation for
Culture and Arts.
Talat Halman RC'51
Poet, translator, writer, Turkey's first
minister of culture in 1971
9. Engin Cezzar RC '55
Theater actor, director.
10. Ibrahim Betil
RA '64 RC Yük '68
General Manager of Garanti Bank.
The Ten Most Mentioned Names
came out to be thirteen because of
ties. The list of the other names
that sprang to mind is on the next
page. We know that many more
would have come up if the survey
had gone on.
K n o w n
A Cem
A Pınar
alphabetical order )
Halide Edip Adıvar, Vural Akışık,
Zeki Alasya, Ercan Arıklı, Esin
Atıl, Mehmet Baler, Kutsi Beğdeş,
Feyyaz Berker, İbrahim Betil,
Behice Boran, Cem Boyner, Birim
Bozok, Ayşe İlgaz Carden, Engin
Cezzar, Sahire Çilli, Uğur Derman,
Şirin Devrim, Vecdi Diker, Ömer
Dinçkök, Haldun Dormen, Bülent
Ecevit, Nejat Eczacıbaşı, Orhan
Eralp, NeşeErberk, RefikErduran,
Genco Erkal, Şenes Erzik, Ersin
Faralyalı, Kasım Gülek, Avedis
Hacınlıyan, Talat Halman,
Korkmaz İlkorur, İsmail Cem
İpekçi, Erdal Kabatepe, Cem
Karaca, Burhan Karaçam, Ercüment
Karacan, Mehmet Emin
Karamehmet, Ömer Kavur, Altemur
Kılıç, Suna Kıraç, Suna K i l i , Rahmi
Koç, Göksel Kortay, Cem Kozlu,
Süheyla Kunt, Pınar Kür, Orhan
Mersinli, Olcay Neyzi, A l i Neyzi,
Hüsnü Özyeğin, Orhan Pamuk,
Mihri Pektaş, Ersin Pertan, Nur
Sabuncu, Hakan Saka, Selim
Sarper, Nevra Serezli, Çiğdem
Selışık, Ünal Sihman, Fuat Tahir,
A l i Taygun, Ülkü Tamer, Meral
Taygun, Tunç Yalman, Alp
Yalman, Bedii Yazıcı, Bülent
Yazıcı, Vedat Yerlici.
A Ömer
Nilgün Yucaoğlu» Cahit Düzel • Meral İkizler • Işıl Bilger • A l p Yalman «Suna Kıraç • F atma Barlas • Melih Şensoy • İlker
Gülfıdan • Erzin Ataç • Nuran Onar • Zeynep Muşkara • Semih Özmen • Zeynep Erk • Lale Göçmez • Hakan Binbaşgil • Simin
Soydan • Suna Eralp • Bülent Şenver «Sami Başaran • Erkut Yucaoğlu • Güler Vafi • Çınar Kılıç • Burhan Karaçam • Salih
Katipoğlu • İris Barzilay • Lale Cansun • Meral Müminoğlu • Engin Asal • Işık İplikçi »Leyla İsmier • İsmet Birsol • Cem Kozlu •
Nevra Serezli • Can Göknil • Çetin Kurman • Rahmi Koç • İgal Zakuto • Leyla Pekcan • Nazan Kabatepe • Oğuz Karakaş • Berna
Erdinç • Neslihan Özer • Emel Göktürk • Sevil Ören • Nadire Özalp • Ümit Samanlı • Gülten Özaltay • Cana Balay • Nesime
Morali • Zeynep Yalım • Selmin Tüzel • Leylâ Ohri • Nesrin Ölçmen • Vedat Urul • Seyra Dorken Armay • Kâzime Beygirci •
Ester Ruso • Ökkeş Özuygur • Şakir Eczacıbaşı • Aydın Haşefe • Emre Kocaoğlu • Hasan Yazıcı • Betül Mardin • Nuri Çolakoğlu •
Suna Haşefe • Celal Üster • Şahin Alpay • Feyza Onursal • Yasemin Kahya • Bülent Garan • Mehmet Kâhya • Şenes Erzik • Ersin
Pertan • Ülkü Faks • Nejat Özcan • Ferit Demren • Bülent Özsoy • Sema Özsoy • İpek Demre • Hasan Subaşı, • Nihal Pulat •
Atilla Çelikiz • Gül Özseven • Leyla Tara • Hakan Önen • Gülay Demirci • A l i Özkurd • Banu Yalçınalp • Necla Kurukahvecioğlu
• Süheyla Yenal • Serpil Yazoğlu • Güler Topkaya • Giray Pultar • Gülay Yumen • Banu Yılmazcan • Dilek Mert • Gülin Aköz •
Güney Savaş • Nesrin Gülsoy •
" İtalyan usulü"bir yer...
Italian Eatery
Pizza ve hamur işlerinde "İtalyan usulü" gerçek lezzeti
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İtalyan çeşnisi ve ağız tadı geleneğini,-Mecidiyeköy'den
sonra- Bağdat Caddesine getiren "İtalyan usulü" bir
yer: SİCİLY'S Pizza-Italian Eatery.
Geleneksel (original crust) ve derin tava (deep dish)
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SICILYS PIZZA Italian Eatery
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Is Your
Name In
This year's Annual
Giving Report will list
loyal alumni
contributors ranging
from the class of 18 to
the class of '90.
he Annual Giving Report
for 1989-90 due out in
October will boast many
more names than the previous year. The number of participants has increased to 890 at press
time compared to the overall figure
of 604 in the initial year.
Close to the end of its second year,
the Robert College Annual Giving
Campaign is progressing steadily to
reach its goal of 300 million T L .
Please consider making your contribution at this time if you have not
yet joined the ranks of this special
group of donors.
Your name in the "Honor Roll" is
absolutely crucial for the success of
this campaign that has established a
substantial source of annual support
for Robert College.
Contributions received after September 15, will be included into next
year's campaign.
To Fulfill
Your Pledge:
For those of you who
have not fulfilled your
pledge yet, the following options are available.
1. The amount may
be billed to your credit
2. You may send a
3. The money may
be deposited to a bank
Please fill out the
form below and mail it to the Alumni
and Development Office, Robert College, P K . 1, Arnavutköy, 80820,
(US residents who are solicited
through the NY Office of the Board of
Trustees should channel their
communications through: Office of
the RC Board of Trustees, 850 Third
Avenue, New York, New York
10022.) *
Lucky Luke, The Daltons
and Kazim's Place
Tahsin Pamir, the artist of drawings that decorated
the walls of Kazim's Place for years, talks about
the College social life then.
f Istanbul were to
be excavated three
centuries from
now, the pictures of
Lucky Luke and the
Daltons on the walls of Kazim's place
might be discovered. Then they
would begin to tell the story of the
College..." related Tahsin Pamir
RC'60, RC Yuk'65 in his account
of Kazim's Place and the pictures
on its walls.
Tahsin Pamir feels he is one of
those lucky students who experienced life at Robert College at
its best between 1954 and 1971.
His election as The Most Athletic
Student in 1961 and 1963, his
poetry, his drawings, his surveyorship and his period as
chemistry teacher at his old
school after graduation, make
him a major figure in the history
of the College of those years. He
is presently the Turkish manager
for M E T R O shopping centres.
No one who was a student on the
RC Bebek campus, particularly
if they were boarders, could have
failed to breathe the vivid atmosphere
of Kazim's. It was a place of great significance. Everyone met there. It was
the only canteen. In rainy weather,
hot weather, during lessons and after
lessons, students passed their time
there. Just some of its patrons who
come to Pamir's mind off hand are
Senes Erzik, Baskin Hiidayioglu, Kemal Noyan, K i r i l Kirof... Without exception everyone has an anectode to
tell about Kazim's. And after the arrival of female students, its popularity
exploded. It was the place where all
the College students met, confided in
one another, conducted their love
lives and made plans... It was a place
for give and take... In all those years
no one came to blows here. "The concerts given by Giiven and Munir were
an added attraction...", Pamir adds.
We pass the microphone to Kiril K i rof. "It was the main place to escape
tests. It was a home away from home
to take refuge in. In the evening it was
a wonderful place to postpone study-
Tahsin Pamir's
drawings of
Lucky Luke
and the Daltons
that decorated
Kazim's Place's
walls are no longer
there. They are now
unforgettable sweet
memories of both
Pamir and the
ing. There you shared your fate with
those who were not in a studying
mood, drinking tea and coffee on the
pretext that it would keep you
awake... We complained about wait­
ing in the queue at the school dining
hall, but we cheerfully spent twice as
long queuing for a toasted sandwich
at Kazim's.
You didn't even realise how the time
had passed in the chatty exchanges
with those around. I wonder if today's
students have a place similar in con­
cept to Kazim's where they can get to­
Pamir explains where he got the idea
of Lucky Luke: "Kazim's walls were
dingy grey. One day Özer Kabaş and I
decided to decorate the place. It was
1962. Every evening as if drawing a
cartoon strip, I drew a character or an
incident. I was Lucky Luke, and each
of the Daltons symbolised the
school's feared personalities: the first
Dalton was registration director
George Williams, the second Dalton
was the physics teacher McMickle;
the third Dalton was the physics
teacher Welton and the fourth was the
mathematics teacher Kortel, the
nightmare of engineers.
In every story these people were try­
ing a student and sending him to the
gallows. The teachers themselves
were interested in these drawings and
used to ask whether a character repre­
sented them or not. But the teachers
were very tolerant at the College at
that time. I wonder how similar esca­
pades by a later generation would
have been received.
The tolerance of our College days en­
couraged students to be creative. For
instance, to prepare 77, really crea­
tive innovative teams were needed,
because every class was judged on its
Share Y o u r News
for the Robert College Quarterly
We and your classmates enjoy keeping up with
what's happened and is happening in your life.
Please fill out this information sheet and drop it
in the mail (Add extra sheets if necessary).
Pictures are welcome and will be published in
the future issues of RC Quarterly as they are received.
Name (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms.)
Maiden Name (if married) or name you were enrolled under while attending the
Phone: Home
Company Name and Address
Graduated ACG / RA / RC Class of .
or Years attended
Further Education
Professional Experience
Children (and ages)
Recent News: (Schooling, Travel, Interests, Hobbies, Field of Special Studies
or Research, Family Growth, Vocation and Avocations, Accomplishments,
Education, Degrees, Musical Talents, etc.)
1971 was a transition time for the
school. The fashion for posters had
begun.Pamir doesn't know why or
who painted over them,
but these original
drawings were re­
placed by
İnsanları şimdi
daha çok seviyorum
Geçmiş günleri yad etmenin tadına doyum olmuyor ama, eskiler anılırken bugünü
es geçmek olur mu? İşte, eski iki dost, eski iki Robert Kolejli... Kâzime Beygirci
ACG'67 sordu, bugünün başarılı klinik psikologu Ester Ruso ACG'67 yanıtladı.
rılı iş kadını ve profesyonel öğrenci.
Coya fotoğraflarımızı çekerken, A C G
günlerimize uzanıyor belleğim. Ne
çok flash-back... Sınıfın edebiyat tut­
kunları, Ester, Gül (Özgüven), Ayfer
(Akşit), Özlenen (Eser), Sema (Özcan), ben... "İzlerimiz" dergisinde şiir­
ler, denemeler, hika­
yeler, sınav heyecan­
ları, baharı karşıla­
manın coşkusu, me­
Okul kraliçesi seçil­
diğin gün...
kolojiye kaydım. Tam böyle. Bence
mutluluğun tanımı insanın kendisi­
ne gereksinim duyulduğunu bilmcsidir.
KB - Neden psikiyatri değil?
ER - Geç kalmıştım, psikiyatri için
6 yil tip okumak
gerekiyordu bu
bir. İkincisi soru
sormak, insan
ilişkilerini anla­
mak, yorumla­
mak benim için
hep çok ilginç
ven, bağımsız­
lık, para kazan­
mak, bunlar da
şeylerdi. Bir psi­
koloji kliniği aç­
tım önce.
Çocuklara yöne­
lik bir çalışma
gıçta, ama sonra
çatışması beni
bu alana da itti. Yine de, en önemli et­
kileşim bence çiftler arasında; evli­
lik, cinsellik sorunları, nesil farkın­
dan doğan çatışmalar, davranış bo­
zuklukları uzmanlaştığım alan.
dönüyorum sonra...
Hüma (Bilimer) "you
rebel, therefore you
exist", Ayfer (Hortaçsu) "Ester, yoksuzluk
içinde yetişmiş her in­
san doğal olarak bu
durumun üzerine eği­
lir. Ama salt senin gi­
bi, bencil duygular­
dan uzak az bulunur
kişiler, tatmadıkları
aksaklıkları düzelt­
mek için çırpımrlar" demişler... İnsan
7'sinde neyse 70'inde de o oluyor de­
mek ki... Ne güzel tanımlamış kalıcı
dostların seni.
beni çocuklara
çalışmaya itti
ala güneşi da­
ma bağlayıp,
uçurtmaya var
dediğimde göz­
"Hem de nasıl?
Üstelik 40 tane sevimli varlıkla" de­
di. "İnsanları şimdi daha da çok sevi­
yorum, onlara daha bilinçle, daha çok
şey verebildiğim için, sevgim büyü­
yor. Bunu bilmek çok güzel, verebi­
leceklerim ve yapabileceklerim adı­
na içim içime sığmıyor."
Sevgili güzel Ester, güzel insan,
güzel dost, güzel anne, yetenekli öğ­
renci, başarılı klinik psikolog, başa­
Kâzime Beygirci - Ne oldu Ester
edebiyata? Yazıyor musun?
Ester Ruso - Edebiyat, artık yalnız­
ca beni besleyen bir kaynak. Yaşam bi­
zi farklı seçimlere yöneltti. Annelik, eş
olma, iş kadını olma, para getiren alan­
larda uzmanlaşma gibi.
Ama edebiyat, kişiliğimizi zengin­
leştiren, varoluşumuzu anlamlı kılan
bir ayraç hala. Okuyorum, özellikle de
kadın yazarları.
KB - Hatırladığım kadarıyla Şişli
İktisat'ta okuyordun anne olmadan
önce, sonra neden psikoloji, ne za­
ER - İktisat bana göre bir alan değil­
di, kendimi anlatabildiğim, yeni bo­
yutlar kazandığım bir konu değildi.
Ne zaman ki, iki kızım odalarının
kapısını kapatıp dersleri ve özel ya­
şamlarına daldılar, o zaman yeniden
okumaya, psikoloji eğitimi almaya ka­
rar verdim ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'ne
girdim.Yani bana gereksinmeleri, gö­
rece olarak kalmadığında tekrar vere­
bileceğim, bana gereksinim duyacak
olanları bulabileceğim bir alana, psiRCQ, SUMMER 1990
KB - Klinikteki yorucu saatler
özel yaşamını olumsuz etkiliyor
ER - Hayır, switch-off yapıyorum
kapıdan çıkınca. Aksi takdirde başa­
rılı olamam, işimde de, evimde de.
KB - Neden bir anaokulu, bir ço­
cuk evi değil?
ER - Bu soruyu bize okul açma iz­
ni sırasında yetkililer de sordu, eş
dost herkes. Kolay yoldan "mis gibi"
para kazanmak varken, "Allah'ın al­
dığını biz mi verecektik" gibi soru­
lar. Bu beni ve ortağımı bezdirdi
ama yıldırmadı. Olmayan bir şeyi
yapmak, zoru başarmak istedim. Her
sorunu tek tek aştık. Mutluyum.
Zeka Özürlü Çocuklar Evi, bir eği­
tim kurumu. Tedavi etmiyor, eğiti­
yor. Bahçeli ve iki katlı yer aradık.
Küçükyalı'da bulduk. İki yakaya ser­
vis koyduk. Bakırköy'den gelenler
var. Bu, trafikte geçen çok uzun süre
demek. Devletin veya kurumların
mutlaka benzeri yuva ve okulları aç­
ması gerek.
KB - Nasıl bir eğitim veriyorsu­
ER - Küçük Bahçe'de 4-12 yaş ara­
sı 40 çocuk var. Zeka geriliği; do­
ğum öncesi (hücrelerde bozukluk,
akraba evliliği, kan uyuşmazlığı),
doğum esnası (travma, oksijen yet­
mezliğinin beyni zedelemesi) ve do­
ğum ertesi (yüksek ateş, menenjit
vb.) ortaya çıkan özür. Haftada 5
gün, 9.30 - 16.30 arası beden özürü
olmayan zeka özürlü çocukları eğiti­
Küçük Bahçe'de çocuklara esas
olarak kavram eğitimi verilir. Bu
eğitim yemek yerken, oynarken hep
sürer. Örneğin, büyük küçük, sağ sol
gibi kavramları belleklerine kazı­
mak için "patatesin küçüğünü ye, ka­
Orada paylaşmayı, bende olanı olma­
yana vermenin mutluluğunu öğren­
dim. Sonra ACG'de Mr. & Mrs.
Holmstrom'lardan psikoloji dersleri
aldım. Onlar hayatımın en önemli ka­
rarını almama çok önemli katkısı olan
güzel insanlar. Burada Miss Pulat ve
Mrs. Kunkle'ı da şükranla anmak iste­
rim, değerli hocalardı. Yalnızca bizim
sınıftan 5 psikolog yetişti. Ayhan Ak­
su, Mirey Namer, Suzette Behmoaram, Nurder Çalışal. Ayrıca, hep hiz­
met satmayı isterdim öteden beri, ürün
değil. A C G bana sormayı, araştırma­
yı, merak etmeyi ve birey olmayı, bi­
rey olarak topluma katkının yöntemle­
rini öğretti. Tabii, yabancı dil öğreni­
mi de, bilimsel gelişmeleri izlememi
sağladı. 42 yaşında ve Marmara Üni-
ACG, bana birey
olarak topluma
şığını sağa koy" gibi uyarılarda bu­
lunuruz. Önce yemek, temizlik, tu­
valet ve giyinip soyunma öğretilir.
Soma masa başı çalışmalara yönelinir. Kurallar durmadan öğretilir.
Toplumdaki kurallara uyum sağla­
yabilmesi için, kurallarını kavraya­
bilmesi için. Okulda ağırlıklı olarak
orta, alt gelir düzeyinden ailelerin
çocukları var. Üçü okulun olanakla­
rıyla, 10'u yardımsever insanların
partial burslarıyla eğitim görüyorlar.
Burs için sırada bekleyenler var.
KB - İnsanlara birşeyler verebil­
menin seni mutlu ettiğine bir kez
daha tanık oluyorum. Sence,
ACG'nin ya da yaşama bakış açı­
nın böylesi bir yönelişe katkısı ne?
ER - Bence ilkokulu özel bir okulda
değil de, ayaklarımı yere basmamı
sağlayan Cihangir Firuzağa İlkoku­
lunda okumanın değeri yadsınamaz.
versitesi'nde doktora öğrencisiyim.
Kızlarımdan biri bu yıl üniversiteye
gidecek, öbürü de RC'de öğrenci. Evde
3 öğrenci, 3 arkadaşız. Bu da beni zi­
hinsel ve bedensel olarak genç kılı­
KB - Çocuklar yaşları nedeniyle
okuldan ayrılmak zorunda kaldık­
larında ne oluyor, onları izliyor mu­
ER - Henüz 3 yıllık bir okul bizimki.
Ayrılan yok, ama aileleri de eğitiyo­
ruz, yönlendiriyoruz. Çocuklar arasın­
da ilkokul bitirebilecekler var, bazı be­
ceriler kazanabilecekler var. Basit iş­
lerde çalışarak yaşamlarını sürdürebi­
lirler. Amacımız ileride bir atölyeokul açabilmek, 12-18 yaş grubuna.
KB - Peki, yabancı ülkelerle bilgi,
görgü alışverişi oluyor mu?
ER - Evet, bu karşılıklı oluyor. Ör­
neğin, İsveç'ten aynı konuda çalışan­
lar geldi ve Küçük Bahçe'yi gezdi­
Uyguladıkları program ve yön­
temleri içeren belgeler yolladılar.
Oraya gitmeden de, çalışmalarına
ilişkin bilgiler alabildik. Ben İsra­
il'de, ortağım da Fransa'da benzeri
kuruluşları gördük. Esas olarak
Fransız sisteminden yararlandığı­
mız Küçük Bahçe'nin bu konuda ge­
niş mali ve idari destek gören yurtdı­
şındaki benzerlerinin ne denli başa­
rılı olduğunu görmek beni çok yü­
KB - Benzeri kuruluşlar var mı
ER - Bir tane Göztepe'de var, bir
vakfın. Ankara'da da olduğunu duy­
KB - Çalışanlar kimler?
ER - Ortağım Dr. Psikoterapist, 8
pedagog, bir konuşma özürlüler için
terapist var, ayrıca yemek ve temiz­
lik işçileri. 13 kişiyiz. Okulu ev sı­
caklığında döşedik. Anaokullarında diğer çocuklara sağlanan sıcak
renkli dünyayı sağlamayı amaçla­
Çocuklarla yapılan çalışmalar,
program başlıkları olarak diğer yuvadakilerle aynı, yalnızca daha ya­
vaş, daha yinelemeli, daha çok sa­
bır, daha çok güleryüz ve daha az sa­
yıda çocuk gerektiriyor.
Bu çocuklar normal çocukların
gittiği yuvalara gittiklerinde, özel
eğitim verilmiyor. Oysa amaç, özel
bir eğitimle giyinmeyi, yemeyi, ku­
rallara uymayı, sosyalleşmeyi öğ­
renmesi. Küçük Bahçe'de benzer
özellikleri olan 5 çocuk bir sınıfta
kümelenir ve specific eğitim verilir.
Yazmayı, okumayı öğrenebilenler
var aralarında.
Çocukların davranışlarına ilişkin
istatistikler tutuluyor. İşte bunlar
ileride bilimsel yöntem ve sonuçlan
anlatan kitaplara dönüşebilir ve kıyıcığından da olsa yazma hevesimi
KB - Çocuklardan bağlandığın
oluyor mu?
ER - Değişik zamanlarda, farklı
çocuklara daha yakın hissedebiliyo­
rum kendimi. Önümüzdeki bir yılda
da "The Effect of Job Satisfaction on
Mental Health" konulu bir tez yaza­
KB - Ester,verirken zenginleşen
yüreğin hiç durmasın.
Pınar Utku, Gürsan Şeyhun, Su: an Yağlayan, idil Ergüner, Şafak Kocacıklıoğlu,
Melek Bolak, Meral Müminoğlu (from the left) at the ACG'62 reunion.
Members of the class of
ACG'62 travelled from
Ankara and Bursa to join
their classmates for their
28th reunion. Wearing
pink carnations on their
collars, the class enjoyed
the get-together with
cocktails and lunch at
Bizim Tepe. Everyone
was in tears with laughter
when Figen (Tecimer)
Ozan started telling
stories about the days and
nights in the dormitories.
School days were back
again for a few hours and
fond memories were
revived. The videotapes
prepared for the '88 and
'89 Homecoming days
were highly appreciated.
unexpectedly warm
Saturday, eighteen
classmates first had lunch
at Bizim Tepe, then
visited the new buildings,
including the theater.
Sevgi Elgin, Filiz
Yenişehirlioğlu, Ayşe
Göksel, Semiha Baban,
Güney Savaş, Gülin
Arkadaş, Sitare Kurtuluş,
Nilgün İskenderoğlu,
Handan Sezginer, Ömür
Göktuna, Hatice Orhon,
Nazan Kırkaya, Seçkin
Wieting, Şule Özbaşar,
Nimet Karan, Sayra
Armay, Gülden Günalp
Kurtboğan and Gülgün
Canlı were those
attending this happy
occasion. Everyone of
them hope to see more of
their friends at these
reunions in the coming
The class members
parted with promises to
meet again for their 29th
reunion in the coming
The A C G class of '68
came together for their
22nd reunion on May 26,
1990. On that
The years go by fast but
reunions like the one
RA'70 celebrated on June
8, 1990 at Bizim Tepe
give us a chance to pause,
remember and enjoy the
past and the present. 101
people, alumni and
spouses, got together on
their 20th year
anniversary. The
participants included
former faculty members
John Chalfant, Münir
Aysu, Şefik Yalçın and
Netice Erişen. There was
even an alumni from
Jeddah, here for the
event! The multivision
show presented after •
cocktails were served,
moved everyone at the
event. Also, the speeches
given by the guest faculty
The C l a s s of A C G ' 6 9 came to BT for tea on March
17. Animated conversations took place about the film
festival, Anadolu Liseleri exams, business projects and
regrets for some of the Kadıköy residents who did not
come! Promises were made for a fall reunion and
plans made to encourage more participation including
those from far away like Australia and South Africa.
members, two decades
after graduation, added a
whole different warmth
to the night.
This warmth
encouraged people to
spend a beautiful night
by the pool till the early
hours of the next day.
The interest shown to
the Alumni Association's
souvenier items on
display was phenomenal
and many alumni also
paid their dues to
become new members of
the association.
a pleasing result for
This match which has
become a tradition, held
every year, started with
a kick by Münir Aysu.
Well-known referees
Doğan Babacan, Güngör
Tuncel and Güngör
Gürkaynak were the trio
in charge of the game.
The sunny day was a
boost and allowed the
all-star teams to enjoy
the reunion match,
followed by a picnic.
The teams are hoping to
challenge each other once
again in the near future.
The reunion of '75
graduates on June 15,
which started out with
cocktails at Bizim Tepe
was well attended and the
atmosphere was lively.
Graduates who had long
lost touch renewed old
RC'75 alumni enjoyed the reunion at the BT poolside.
v s RC'72
Italia'90 World Cup
football matches
probably could not
compete with the
excitement felt on June
16, on the Robert
College Plateau. The
score of the match of the
year, '71 vs.'72 was 6-6,
friendships and vowed to
get together again at the
earliest opportunity. Two
teachers, Munir Aysu and
Aydin Ungan joined in
the happiness and
excitement evocative of
the good old college days.
Address lists of '75
graduates prepared by
class representative
Zeynep Kunter Muskara
were in great demand, and
all agreed that five years
was too long to wait for
another reunion.
European dan kiraladığınız araca
kendinizinki gibi güvenebilirsiniz
Europcar'dan kiraladığınız araca bindiniz,
yerinize yerleştiniz... silecek koluna asılı
bir "Onay Kartı" göreceksiniz. Bu
kart, kiraladığınız aracın tüm kontrollarının yapıldığını ve "sorunsuz"
olduğunu belgeler.
Çünkü, Europcarda tüm araçlar, her
kiralamadan sonra 20 temel konuda
"check-up"tan geçirilir. Bu "eheck-up",
genel görünümden iç ve dış temizliğe,
motordan frene, silecek suyundan em­
niyet kemerine, yedek lastikten küllüğe
kadar... en küçük ayrıntıları bile içerir. Ve
ancak, hiçbir eksiği olmayan araçların kira­
lanmasına onay verilir. Europcardan kirala­
dığınız araca kendi aracınız gibi güvenebilir,
huzur içinde kullanabilirsiniz.
^ l î S I İ V Europcar'ın Türkiye temsilcisi Esin Turizm'dir.
• Merkez:
Tel: (1) 154 77 88(12 hat)
• Taksim
Tel: (1) 154 77 88(12 hat)
• Atatürk Havalimanı
Tel: (1)574 19 08
573 70 24
• Kadıköy
Tel: (1)360 33 33(2 hat)
• Bursa
Tel: (24) 20 00 16 (3 hat)
• Merkez
Tel: (51) 25 46 9 8 - 1 2 09 65
• Adnan Menderes
Tel: (51)51 30 74
• Kuşadası
Tel: (636) 1 3 6 0 7 - 1 6 7 79
• Çeşme
Tel: (549) 279 95
• Bodrum
Tel: (6141) 56 32
• Marmaris
Tel: (612) 120 01 -123 28
• Dalaman H a v a a l a n ı
Tel: (6119) 1 1 1 7
• Fethiye
Tel: (6151)49 95
• Merkez
Tel: (31)11 88 79-11 1542
11 84 10 -11 12 60
• Antalya Havaalanı
Tel: (31) 21 62 48
21 77 80 Dahili: 435
• Steigenberger Falez Hotel
Tel: (31) 18 50 00
Dahili: Europcar
• Alanya
Tel: (323) 119 29
205 84 - 152 39
• Side
Tel: (3213) 17 64 -• 1 8 47
• Side (Pamfilya)
Tel: (3213) 13 44 (2 hat)
• Robinson Club Pamfilya
Tel: (3211)47 00 (5 hat)
Dahili: Europcar
• Kemer
Tel: (3214) 20 83 - 29 09
• Robinson Club Çamyuva
Tel: (3214) 63 84 (6 hat)
Dahili: Europcar
• Kiriş World Hotel
Tel: (3214) 33 00 (10 hat)
Dahili: Europcar
• Merkez
Tel: (4) 118 34 30
118 38 77
• Esenboğa Havaalanı
Tel: (4)312 28 20
Dahili : 740
• Ürgüp
Tel: (4868) 13 15
• Merkez
Tel: (71) 13 47 75
• Adana Havaalanı
Tel: (71) 15 03 80(2 hat)
Dahili: 303
• Mersin
Tel: (741) 200 17 (2 hat)
• Merkez
Tel: (031)258 44 - 241 64
• Trabzon Havaalanı
Tel: (031) 508 01 (2 hat)
Dahili: 83
ACQ 70 girls
sat in the lounge
talking about
teachers and
friends and
when they went
to their rooms to
sleep they
discovered no
one actually
wanted to!
55 ACG'70 "girls" met
at Marble Hall on June
16, and over tea,
exchanged the latest
news in their lives. Since
they all recognized each
other it was decided that
most people don't change
all that much! After
touring the new buildings
and celebrating Nese
Katirci's birthday at
Bizim Tepe, 42
adventurous alumni
wishing to relive
boarding life came back
to the dormitories to
spend the night. Not
wanting to sleep some of
the "girls" went around
as ghosts, waking
everyone up and keeping
them up until 5:00 in the
morning!! After
breakfast, the boarders
were reluctant to part.
Some had travelled far to
be together. Miriam
Rodrig Farhi came from
Tel Aviv, Lale Özes
Özkaragil from Germany,
Vildan Demirtaş Durmaz
from London, Giilru
Selek Paksoy from
Adana, Gülderen Süzek
from Ankara, Beyhan
Yeğen Oğuz who
recently had a traffic
accident came with
crutches and stayed the
night. She had to be
carried to BT on a chair!
Such are the bonds that
tie us to RC that no
matter what, alumni
always try to make it
back for these colorful
The RC '80 class
celebrated their 10th year
with a cocktail and dinner
party at BT on June 8.
During cocktails
everyone was able to
recognize each other at
once; therefore it was
happily concluded that
years have not done much
harm to anyone. It
seemed that getting
together and refreshing
the memories of the good
old days pleased
everyone. The night
ended with Münir Bey
organizing a special
event. Each graduate got
up and gave a brief
description of his/her past
10 years and this part of
the evening received
everyone's undivided
Ankara students got together to relive the College days at a video and multivision show, and took time out for plenty of photos.
Headmaster Harry
Dawe and the President
of the Alumni
Association Social
Committee Leylâ Pekcan
were in Ankara to be
together with the Ankara
alumni at the last lunch
of the '89/'90 season on
May 5th. During lunch
the Homecoming '88 and
'89 video shows
"multivision" and "Hiç
Unutmam, Hocalarımız"
were shown.
Following speeches by
Mr. Dawe and Mrs.
Pekcan, pledge cards for
the Annual Giving
Campaign were
distributed and
immediately returned
with donations. On June
8, a "Welcome to
Summer" dinner party
was held and a prize
filled lottery drawing
added excitement to the
event. During these gettogethers, the Ankara
alumni learned to cherish
the warmth of
togetherness based on
common values and
shared memories. They
agreed that these
meetings were to be
treasured more and more
with time.
The Ankara Alumni
announces its Fall'90
program and invites
everyone to join them.
-Regular Monthly
Saturday Lunches Oct 6,
Nov 3, Dec 1, Jan 5,
- New Years Party:
Dec. 22, 1990
R C '89
The class of '89 had its
first reunion on June 2nd,
Saturday. Though only
one year had passed,
there was a lot to say. 58
alumni showed up at
Marble Hall even though
it was an unbelievably
rainy day.
A spontaneous
decision was made to
have lunch at Bizim
Tepe and the wind and
steady downpour
couldn't alter plans to be
together. Alumni
studying abroad and
those remaining here
had endless discussions
and anectodes to share.
The next reunion date as
written in Record '89 is
June 1, 1991 at 1 pm, in
front of Marble Hall.
See you all there.
Please Note!..
ho's Who in Ankara from
American Colleges in İ s t a n b u l "
is being prepared. If you are living in
Ankara, please send your C . V . to
P.O.Box 114 Kavaklıdere 06692 Ankara at the earliest
convenient time or call Coşkun Mançuhan 117 54 75 (home
243 26 28/ 243 26 34 (office), Ayla Polat 126 73 54,
Eren Artu 235 11 40.
Yusuf Mardin
The author of
"Colloquial Turkish: Turkish
Phrasebook in English",
several poetry books
and a few biographies
In Turkish, Yusuf Mardin
is married to Seniha
Reşit Maykut ACG'42.
The Mardin couple Is
living in England,
Address: "Mola Pilgrims
Close, Westhumble
Dorking, Surrey RH5 6AR
Tel: 884 594
Yeğinobalı Erim
Studied classical
philology at the Faculty
and hopes to continue
upon retirement. Her
family has also been
e d u c a t e d at RC.
Other than herself her
sister Nihal Y e ğ i n o b a l ı
ACG'45, her brother Asım
Y e ğ i n o b a l ı RC ENG'55, at
present an assoc. prof, at
METU, and her daughter
Zeynep G ü l e ç ACG'67,
RCYÜK'71,all share the
same alma mater.
Müzehher Erim is pictured
with her daughter Zeynep
on her left a n d her
grandaughter Gül
Yaprak, who studies at
TED College, on her right.
Address: 2. kısım blok H-4
16/13 34750 Ataköyistanbul
Tel: (home) 559 77 99 /
(office) 520 75 40 /
Behnam Juma
RC Eng '43
of Letters, Istanbul Univ.
Prof. Dr. Muzehher Erim is
presently h e a d of the
Latin department at
istanbul Univ. At the
threshold of retirement
after 42.5 years of
pursuing her career, she
has at different periods,
done research at
Tubingen Univ,
(Germany), Oxford Univ.,
Univ. of California, San
Francisco a n d Berkely
Univ. Having travelled
extensively in Europe and
the USA she has written
books on ancient
Greek and Latin literature
Upon graduation from
RC, joined the Iraqui
Railway as a junior
engineer and worked his
way through until he
b e c a m e Deputy Chief
Engineer. He was later
transferred as a traffic
manager of the railways.
At this post between
1964-67 he attended
many international
conferences a n d m a d e
friends with many Turks in
the railway business, In
July 1967 he retired from
the railway and o p e n e d
his own consulting
engineering office. His
firm b e c a m e a partner
with an American
Consulting firm in the
design of a major bridge
across the Tigris river. He
has travelled in many
countries all over Europe
and has also b e e n to the
USA. Gardening a n d
reading are what he
enjoys during his free
time. He has one
daughter (25) who is
attending a post
graduate course in
structural engineering.
Address: Şhakir Ghassali
Bldg. Karrada Al-Sharkia
Bagdad - Iraq
Tel: (home) 719 78 3 9 /
(office) 718 71 47
Emine Pişkin Dora
Emine has 4 children who
are all married and 5
Here she is pictured sitting
on the steps of Marble
Hall, during her senior year,
with her friends Turan
( G ö k a y ) Kurdoğlu,
Asuman (Ünügür)
Müftüoğlu, Naile (Dudaş)
Ö k e and one friend we
have been unable to
identify. If anyone
recognizes her could you
please let us know?
Address: Şirket Geçidi 3
Emirgân - istanbul
Tel: (home) 177 63 22
Mehmet Cemal Bolgil
RC Eng'57
Mehmet Bolgil is working
at U.B.P. Constructions Ltd.
and living in Surrey, U.K.
with his wife Zerrin Bolgil.
Address: Little Orchard
Grove Rd. Beacon Hill
Hindhead, Surrey
GUZ6SQR, United Kingdom
Tel: (home) 0428 504072 /
(office) 071-284 1955
Feryal Zola ACG'62
Studied at the Univ. of
Istanbul's Faculty of
Literature upon
graduation from A C G . She
has a daughter Beyza,
who is 15 years old.
Tel: (home) 360 60 70
Sam Gatteno RA'64
For the first time In 20 o d d
years, Sam Gatteno c a m e
to istanbul for a visit with
his family a n d dropped by
the Alumni Office to c a t c h
up with RC news.
After completing his Ph.D,
at Columbia Univ. in 1975
he is presently living in
Michigan a n d working
as Joint Venture
Negotiating Manager
at Chrysler,
He has extended an
invitation to all fellow
alumni to visit him in
Grosse Pointe if they
ever find themselves in
Address: 542 Lakeland,
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
48230, USA
Tel: (home) 885 2254 /
(office) 497 0893
G ü l a y Yurdal Michaels
Gülay Michaels is living
in England where she is
self-employed as a
She is married to Robert
Address: 81a C i c a d a
Road, Wandsworth,
London SW18 2PA
Tel: (home a n d office)
071-870 9249
G ü r k a n K a z a n c ı RA 65
Was at RA under the
name of Kurken
Furthered his education
at the Faculty of
Medicine at Çapa,
With a background of
specialization in
urology at SSK Aydın,
SSK Kastamonu
and as an assistant
professor at Ondokuz
Mayıs School of Medicine
between 1984-1988, he is
presently the Chief of
Dept. of Urology at the
PTT hospital at Bostancı.
He has three children,
iskender (14), Şahin (10)
and Deniz (8) a n d his
interests include
American literature,
medical terminology and
Address: Yenimahale
c a d . Hamam Arkası sok.
2, Sarıyer
Tel: (home) 171 21 3 8 /
(office) 171 28 43
G ü n e y Kocaengin
S a v a ş ACG'68
Went on to study at
istanbul Üniv. iktisadi ve
Ticari ilimler Yüksek Okulu
and Ziverbey Eğitim
Enstitüsü. She is presently
working at the office of
the Turkish Head at
Robert College and is
married to Mehmet Savaş
RC Eng'67 who is a
manager at Tekstiplik A.Ş.
in Edirne. They have two
daughters, Aslı (12) a n d
Banu (8).
Address: imar Sitesi L blok
D,3 Arnatvutköy
Tel: (home) 163 25 3 2 /
(Office) 165 34 30
Tülin M u m c u o ğ l u
Arnık ACG'69
She continued her
education at istanbul
University of Law, After
working in various
companies until 1983. She
has established her own
international inspection
and consultancy
company, C G S A.Ş.,
mainly giving service for
textile products, She is
also the Turkish
shareholder of a FinnishTurkish joint venture textile
company, Reima Tekstil
A.Ş., producing and
exporting children
outerwear. She is a
member of the TurkishSoviet Business Council
ano Turkish American
Businessmen's Association.
She has one daughter,
Ceren (14 years old).
Address: Dümen sok, 7/3
Gümüşsüyü, Taksim
Tel: (home) 178 47 14
(Office) 151 48 47/
145 77 22
Zeynep Erim G ü l e ç
ACG'67, R C Y ü k ' 7 1
Studied sociology at
METU then received her
M,S, in sociology in 1986.
She started her Ph.D.
studies in 1986 again at
METU a n d having passed
the qualification exams
she is presently doing
research for her
dissertation on political
She has also been
teaching freshman English
in the department of
Modern Languages at
METU since 1972.
Unfortunately, Zeynep
Güleç's husband Erbil
Güleç who was a
geological engineer
passed a w a y in Feb, 1989.
She has one daughter,
Gül Yaprak who is 14 years
Address: Şen Yuva Mah.
Meriç sok. 1/38 Emek Ankara
Tel: (home) 223 57 40 /
(office) 223 71 00/
Tahir Ş a m a n RC'70
He is living in England with
his wife Hülya and working
with Entrade Ltd. (Enka).
Address: 67 Charlbert
Court, Mackennal Street
London NW8, Great Britian
Tel: (home) 071-7221842/
(office) 071-4934213
H.Melih ( Ö z c a n ) Fereli
RC Eng'70
He was known as Melih
Özcan during his years as
a student at RC, His last
name was c h a n g e d to
Fereli, Fere being the
name of his father's village
from which his family
Address: 5 Crosslands Ave.
London W5 3QH England
Tel: 081 993 8988
Ümit Bilge S a m a n l ı
Graduated from the
Cerrahpaşa Medical
Faculty in 1977 a n d
specialized in pediatrics.
After two years of
obligatory duty at the Bolu
State Hospital a n d several
years of private practice ,
she is now
superspecializing in
pediatric cardiology at
the istanbul University
Institute of Cardiology,
Haseki. She is married to
Vahap Samanlı RA'67, and
BÜ72 and has two sons
named Bilge Serdar (8
years) and Sinan (4
Address: Acisu Sok.9/12
Taşlık, Maçka
Tel: 160 16 14
Hospital at the Internal
Medicine Department
where she completed her
"mecburi hizmet",
At the present she is
preparing for her
specialization exams.
In 1989, she got married to
Prof, Solmaz Ayarslan who
worked in the USA for 20
years as a professor of
finance a n d as V.P. of
Irving Trust in New York.
Despite having been the
captain of the volleyball
team at RC she doesn't
Ronnie Margulies RC 72
Furthered his education at
the City Univ, in London
(B.Sc), Cambridge Univ.
(diploma in Development
Econ,), London Univ.
(M,Sc) and of East Anglia
(Ph.D). Ronnie Margulies
has had experience being
an economic bulletin
publisher and as a
freelance writer. Still not
married, he is spending his
time putting the final
touches on a co-authored
book on Turkish economy
to be published in London.
The c o m p a n y he works for
is "Turkey Research and
Information Center" in
London. He sees
classmates Şavker Altıner
(England) and Osman
T ü m a y (istanbul) as often
as he c a n .
Address: 9 Belmont Road,
London N 15 England
Tel: (home) 44 81 889 77 20
(Office) 44 81 881 31 99
Semra ( K a y a o ğ l u )
Ayarslan RC'73
Studied Business
Administration in Portland,
Oregon after RC and got
her BA in 1977 and her MA
in counselling psychology
in 1982. She received her
medical degree, in 1987,
from istanbul Faculty of
Medicine, Çapa. She
worked at Şişli Social
Security Administration
play anymore, However,
Semra does play tennis as
well as several other
She says her medical
career leaves her little
time to concentrate on
other activities,
Address: Ihlamur yolu sok.
Koza Levent Evleri Koza 14
D. 16,4. Levent/İstanbul
Tel: (home) 179 52 48
Tanzer Başar RC'73
After RC, Tanzer Başar
continued his studies at
Boğaziçi Univ. a n d
received his B,S. in
Mechanical Engineering
in 1977.
He is still a bachelor a n d
presently the general
manager of Ikpas A.Ş,
Address: Hacı Emin Efendi
sok. Bahar apt. No.3 D.l,
Teşvikiye - istanbul
Tel: (home) 147 88 2 5 /
(office) 141 03 6 8 141 58 89
Dr. Pauline Heizer (ex-faculty member)
She was born in Bebek in 1901 and grew up there.
A former faculty member who taught biology after
WWI she has retired from doing cancer research at
Stanford Medical School and now lives near her
daughter, takes care of her large garden and is in
g o o d health at the a g e of 89.
Address: 3357 Moraga Blv. Lafayette, Ca 94549 USA
Yosef Dov Asseo RC74
Furthered his education at
istanbul Technical Univ.,
Architecture a n d Univ.
of illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
He has been designing
single family residences,
apartment buildings,
restaurants and library
buildings since he started
his firm, Yosef Dov Asseo
Architecture In C h i c a g o
in 1988. He says they,
as a firm, are quickly
growing and
implementing a
computer aided design
system for all of their
His experience working
with Fujikawa Johnson
and Associates between
1984-1988, was mainly on
40-60 story high
reinforced concrete
buildings for commercial
or residential use.
Yosef Dov Asseo says he is
currently the President of
the Young Internationals
Club, a director of the
International Visitors
Center and an executive
Board Member at the
Museum of
Contemporary Arts, all in
He is currently in touch
with Hatice Ö ğ ü ş RC 74
(New York), Lale Ansen
RC74 a n d Oton (Toni)
Skarpatiyoti RC73
(Washington DC), Erol
H a k a n o ğ l u RC 74, (New
York) a n d G ü n d ü z
D a ğ d e l e n (Chicago).
Yosef says if you are
planning to visit C h i c a g o
just drop him a note or
give him a call.
Address: 733 West Aidine
Avenue, Chicago-illlnois.
Tel: (home) 312-883 9026
(office) 312 - 883 9044
İlhan Yıldız RA 74
Having studied In istanbul
Medical Faculty and the
State Univ. of New York at
Buffalo, ilhan Yıldız is
currently in private
practice in general
surgery and vascular
surgery in izmir.
He is the father of two
children, Işıl (8)
and Deniz (1).
Address: 1386 sok. 19/8
Alsancak, izmlr 35220
Tel: (home) 51 219 6 1 2 /
(office) 51 630930
Sema Anak RC 75
After graduation, she
studied at ist. Univ. School
of Medicine till 1981. Then
she studied in the same
faculty, Dept. of
Pediatrics, to be a
Pediatrician, After two
years of experience in the
Dept. of Pediatric
Hematology / Oncology,
she went to Royal Free
Hospital, London
130/3 A Blok, Şişli, istanbul,
Tel: (home) 140 45 5 0 148 55 60/(work) 521 94 50
- 525 92 30/2297 - 2437
Serdar Aksoy RC 75
A graduate of Boğaziçi
University, he started his
professional career in
Marketing at Unilever and
continued In Komili.
Serdar joined HDM
FULMAR Reklamcılık AŞ as
General Manager at the
beglning of 1990 when
HDM entered Turkish
market by purchasing the
great majority of Fulmar.
HDM is no 16 and
at the present is the
Fastest growing
advertising a g e n c y In the
world and is founded by
Hawas of France (no 1 in
Europe), Dentsu of J a p a n
(no 1 in the world) and
Burson Marsteller of USA
(no 1 PR c o m p a n y in the
world). Serdar has a
1 year old son,
Address: Matbaacı
Osmanbeysok. 17/6
Osmanbey - istanbu
ITel: (home) 130 46 11 /
(office) 143 17 7 0 149 78 03
Betül Ç a k m a k ç ı Obdan
University, U.K. for one
year to be e d u c a t e d for
Bone Marrow
Transplantation, After she
returned she b e c a m e an
Associate Proffessor in Pe­
diatrics in 1989.
She is now working In
istanbul Univ., School of
Medicine, Dept. of
Pediatric Hematology /
Oncology and continues
her a c a d e m i c career.
Address: Siracevizler c a d .
After graduating from
Robert College, Betül
studied at Ankara
University, Faculty of
Political Science. In 1980
she married customs
agent Arif O b d a n . She has
two children, Elif (8 years)
a n d Barış (3 years). Betül
says she would be
delighted to get in touch
with old friends.
Address: Bağdat c a d .
Selvill sok. Selvi apt. No: 10,
B Blok, D,7 Suadiye istanbul
Tel: 357 51 17
Osman Tüzün RC 76
Osman studied Business
Administration at BÜ upon
graduation from RC.
Between 1982-1984 he
worked for Koç Holding
and Migros and then
joined Şişe C a m where he
got promoted to the
position of Sales Manager.
Presently, he Is the
Marketing Manager of
Vestel a n d he continues to
e n h a n c e his career by
attending related
international fairs and
seminars, Osman's d e e p
involvement in music has
been going on for 16 years
now. With ever Increasing
dedication he continues
to pursue his love of music.
He plays the"kanun" and is
stiil a chorus member in
the Ruhi Ayangil Orchestra
and Choral group which
performs in the istanbul
Address: C a d d e b o s t a n ,
Şen Sokak, Neşe apt. 10/4,
Göztepe / istanbul
Tel: (home) 350 34 15-350
76 44 / ( O f f i c e )
Hakan Ö n e n RC 78
After graduating from the
BÜ Department of Business
Administration in 1982, he
was in charge of
marketing at Menkan
Sanayi Ürünleri Pazarlama
A.Ş., between '84 a n d '86,
as Product Manager for
L'Oreal between '87 and
'89 and in March '89 was
appointed Market
Development Manager
at Tifduruk.
Önen, who b e c a m e
Assistant General
Manager in July '90, is
married with a daughter
Ece, a g e d 2, Önen
described Tifduruk as the
Number 1 printer for the
cleaning materials,
sanitary and food
packaging industry.
Address: Palanga c a d .
No: 21, D 3, Ortaköy.
Tel: (home) 160 69 3 2 /
(office) 567 98 00
Simin Ç e l i k o ğ l u Soydan
After graduating, Simin
took a degree in foreign
trade and exchange at
Boğaziçi University.
After completing a
trainee course at
Aksa-Akrilik Kimya,
she joined Pamukbank,
where she worked for
four years in the Credit
Control a n d Credit
Marketing departments.
She then transferred to
Ege Bank Invest, and is
currently Sales Manager
at Yapi Kredi Investment
Banking. She married
C a n Soydan, a dentist
in 1989.
Address: Birkent, R BLok,
B-3 Korukent yolu,
Levent - istanbul
Tel: (home) 167 55 61 /
(office) 132 62 00
Filiz Yavuz RC'76
After RC, Filiz attended BU
and received a B.S, in
industrial engineering in
1980. In 1982, she received
an M.S. In the same field
from the Univ. of Miami,
Since then, she has been
working at Suave Shoe
Corporation in Miami,
Florida as a Sr. Industrial
Engineer specializing in
computer aided design
and manufacturing
systems a n d systems
Filiz would love to
hear from old friends
and if you are ever in
her part of the world,
look her up!
Address: 9916 NW41 street
Miami, Florida 33178 USA
Tel: (home) 305-477 7229 /
(office) 305-822 7880
Mary Yuvanidis
She was known as Marika
while at RC. After junior
school at RC she attended
the Evening Commercial
High School while working
as a secretary at Merkez
Deniz Acenteliği. In 78-'87
she worked at Tekfen
inşaat, a n d since '87 has
been working as an
executive secretary of
Bülent Şenver at
Pamukbank, She enjoys
being an executive
secretary and the friendly
working relationship with
her colleagues. She would
be very happy to get in
touch with former school
Address: Bilezikçi sok,
No: 153 D. 10 Emek apt.
Kurtuluş - istanbul
Tel: (home) 148 95 32
Sedat K a r a o s m a n o ğ l u
Graduated from the
istanbul Faculty of
Medicine and specialized
in obstetrics and
gynecology, He works
part-time at Zeynep Kâmil
Maternity Hospital and has
a private practice in
Due to rotation duty he
has recently spent two
interesting months in Doğu
Address: Bakla sok. 18/2
Croutier lectures on the "Harem" in NY
he Alumni Associ­
ation and
Board of Trustees
of Robert College in New
York City welcomed Alev
Lytle Croutier ACG"63 as
guest lecturer on May 10,
The lecture, based on
her highly acclaimed
book, Harem: The World
Behind the Veil, was at­
tended by enthusiastic
Alumni/ae, Trustees and
Friends. Chairman of the
Board Rodney B.Wagner
opened the program, then
turned the evening over to
Ms. Croutier to entertain
and inform with her lecture
and slides and to answer
questions posed by her au­
dience. Closing remarks
were graciously given by
Mrs. Emel Glicksman
ACG'57, President of the
Association.Following the
program, more than 100
guests met at Anatolia,
New York's lovely Turkish
restaurant, for cocktails and
a gala dinner.
Joining the group were
Amb. and Mrs. Mustafa
Akjin RC50, and Deputy
Consul General Vesahan
Ocak and Mrs. Ocak. Erol
RC'74 and Rachel Benjenk
RC77andMusaRC77 and
Lika Levi Yenni RC'77
were on hand to extend
warm welcomes to their
many friends and fellow
alumni/ae, trustees John
Guest, Barbara Lawrence,
Susan and Alfred Ogden,
Jane and Walter Page and
Robert Trainer also took
part in the festivities.
The many smiling faces
and the warm atmosphere of
fun and friendship proved
that the evening was a de­
lightful success.
Barbara Cramer, A. Croutier, Amb. M. Aksin, Lauren
Cramer, Mrs. Baum shared a table at the gala dinner.
Güven apt. Kadıköy
Tel: (home) 345 53 6 7 /
( O f f i c e ) 349 48 81
Esin Uslu Avşar RC'80
After RC, Esin majored İn
Business at Boğaziçi Univ.
with a concentration in
marketing. She worked as
a sales representative at
PaşaPahçe for three years
Pefore moving to Glrne,
Cyprus In 1989 due to her
husPand's job. For the past
year and a half, Esln has
been working as the
Director of Student Affairs
at the University College
of Northern Cyprus which
is the middle eastern
campus of Southeastern
Univ. based in Washington
Address: P.O. box 388,
Girne KKTC
Meral Bolak RC'81
She studied English
Literature at BU upon
graduation from RC. She
did her graduate studies
at Southern Illinois
University. After studying
at the Ph.D, program for
two years she c a m e back
to istanbul. She is working
for C e n Ajans Grey as
a c c o u n t executive in the
international clients
department, Her marital
status has not c h a n g e d
since she graduated from
Address: Nispetlye Mah.,
Peker sokak, Yasemin apt.
22, 1. Levent / istanbul
Tel: 164 03 69
Selim Taylan Koseoglu
Dear Friends, as you may
know, my part-time hoPby
was to apply to the US
during the last year of
school. This time I was
a c c e p t e d by the
irfan G ü c ü m RC Eng 50
Pediatrics division of
Massachusetts General
Hospital, a primary
teaching hospital of
Harvard Medical School.
After graduating In
second p l a c e from
medical school, I p l a c e d
first In the Turkish Clinical
Sciences competition, got
one of the highest scores
In FMGEMS, received third
place in TUS and
completed four months in
the Dept. of
Ophthalmology In istanbul
Tıp Fakültesi. I am greatly
looking forward to an
a c a d e m i c career In
pediatrics and needless to
say I will be very happy to
see you if you c o m e to
Boston and I plan to
contriPute to the well
being of your children.
Address: Ebulula C a d .
Akatlar M a y a Sitesi J1 D.l 1
80630 istanbul
Tel: 178 27 11
Beacon Hill, 34 Grove
Street, Boston, M A , USA
Serra Ersan RC'85
Daughter of İnci Gergel As
ACG'67 ex., received her
degree in architecture
from the Technical Univ. of
istanbul in June 1989. She
Is presently working for
EVO Design.
Address: Hüsrev G e r e d e
C a d . 63/7 Teşvikiye,
Sırma Umur RC'85
After graduation from RC
In '85, she attended
Business Administration
Faculty of BÜ. Just after
completing her
undergraduate studies she
started her MBA at BÜ.
Currently, she is working at
Procter & G a m b l e C o . in
the Marketing
Department while writing
her MBA thesis.
Address: Hüsrev G e r e d e
C a d . No:70 - 72 /6 80200
Teşvikiye / istanPul
Tel: (home) 161 88 68
Passed away In March
1990. He is survived by his
wife Tamer Gücüm and
children C e y h a n and
Yaman Veral RC74
Yaman Veral who has
been one of the best
friends of the Ankara
Alumni Group passed
away on May 18, 1990.
Ankara based graduates
wish to express their
sorrow upon death of
diplomat Yaman Veral
and offer condolences to
his parents and
He Is survived by his wife
Hale Şinink a n d children,
Billur and Melis,
Keskin Kılıç RC'43 ex.
Passed a w a y in April 1990,
He is survived by his wife
Nuhbe Kılıç a n d brother
Altemur Kılıç RC'44.
Despina Spanieles
Agapalidou ACG'29
Passed away In July 1988.
She is survived by her son
Damlanos Agapalides,
her daughter Lillian
AgapalidouPanagopoulou and five
Alexander Veglery RC
Passed away on April 8,
1990 leaving behind his
daughter A n n a Veglery.
He was an expert on
Byzantine coins a n d was
the author of two Pooks
on the subject.
Osman Evran RC'90
colleagues. To keep his
name alive, a fund will Pe
by the Ankara Social
Committee. Please
contact Coşkun
Mançuhan (4-175475),
Ayla Polat (4-1267354),
Eren Artu (4-2351140)
and/or write to P.O.B. 114,
Kavaklıdere 06692 Ankara,
iş Bankası Ankara Köroğlu
Şubesi 4234-300-31965
The tragic death of
one of RC's youngest
graduates in a car
accident in July 1990
saddened the class of '90
as well as the whole RC
A successful basketball
player and a brillant
math student, Osman,
who was from Denizli,
lived at RC as a boarder
Dixie Lee Bell
(ex-faculty member)
Also known as Mrs. Hasan
while teaching math at
Robert College, died of acar accident In California
the spring of 1989. She had
last Peen teaching at
C h i c o State College a n d
had been voted teacher
of the year.
Arif Samih Şinink RA'59
Maintenance Manager at
Pan A m , Arif Samih Şinink
died of a heart attack in
the spring of 1990,
for the past seven years.
The son of Raife a n d
Vedat Evran he will
always be remembered
for his everlasting
energy and desire to
live life to Its fullest as
well as his extreme
He is survived by his
parents a n d two sisters.
Is the Future a Labyrinth?
1. Which three words would you
choose to describe yourself?
Emotional %18.3
Cheerful %11.7
Clever % 10.0
Shy %9.4
Honest %8.8
2. Is the future a labyrinth or
broad meadows?
Labyrinth %56.3
Broad meadows %40.6
Neither %3.1
3. Do you like taking
Yes %49.7
No %38.3
Sometimes %12.0
4. Are you selfish?
Yes %25.7
No %60.4
Sometimes %13.9
5. Do you enjoy being alone?
Yes %41.0
No %39.3
Sometimes %19.7
6. Do you believe that love
demands self-sacrifice?
Yes %85.2
No %14.8
7. Are you jealous?
Yes %47.4
No %46.2
Sometimes %6.4
8. What do you expect
from your friends?
Sum up in just three
Understanding %24.7
Affection %22.9
Honesty %20.0
Reliability %18.8
Loyalty %17.1
9. Do you think it is
possible to live without
Yes %35.6
Objective, is the lyceé
school students' own
magazine, which is
edited and published
by themselves... In the
April issue they
published the results of
a questionnaire on a
wide range of subjects
to which 170 students
responded. The results
give interesting insight
into contemporary RC
students' attitudesNo %62.4
Sometimes %2.0
1 0 . What is the word you use
most frequently?
A b i ; hadi ya; inanmıyorum; evet;
hayır; bariz; şey
1 1 . In what areas do you feel
School/lessons %22.9
Family %17.6
University %10.0
R C Q , SUMMER 1990 46
The future %3.2
Sex %7.7
Society %7.1
Dormitory %5.9
None %8.2
1 2 . How often do you go to the
1 - 2 times a year % 17.6
3 - 4 times a year %39.4
1 - 2 times a month %34.1
3 - 4 times a month %5.9
More than 4 times a month %1.2
Never % 1.8
1 3 . How often do you go to the
1 - 2 times a year %2.1
3 - 4 times a year %14.0
1 - 2 times a month %42.4
3 - 4 times a month %33.8
More than 4 times a month %7.7
14. What types of music do you
listen to?
Pop %37.6
Rock %28.2
Classical %25.9
Hard-rock / heavy-metal % 18.9
Avant-garde music %18.2
Jazz %17.6
Rhythm and blues %10.6
Acid %9.4
New-wave %8.2
Every kind % 11.7
1 5 . Do you keep track
of new types of music?
Yes %74.6
No %24.0
Some of them % 1.4
16. Which newspa­
per^) do you read regu­
Hürriyet %41.8
Cumhuriyet %37.6
Milliyet %35.5
Güneş %8.2
Fotospor %7.6
Tercüman %7.1
Sabah %6.5
ilkeleri vardır!
kalite. Uluslararası standart. Zamanında
Borusan, İşte bu ilkelerle İşe başladı.
ilkeleri titizlikle uyguladı.
Böylece, sanayimizde bugünkü yerine
ulaşırken, ihraç ettiği ürünleriyle dünya
pazarlarında da tanındı.
Bugün, çelik borudan çelik profillere,
bantlardan galvanizli saclara, ağır s a ­
nayi makinelerine, motor supaplarından
amortisörlere kadar her alanda, Borusan
adı, "titizlik" ve "sorumluluk" anlamına
Çünkü Borusan, otuz iki yıldır ilkele­
rinden ödün vermiyor.
Borusan Birleşik Boru Fabrikaları A.Ş. • Kerim Çelik Mamulleri imalat ve Ticaret A.Ş. • Birlik Galvaniz Sac Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. • Borusan Makine
imalat A.Ş. • Boru Nakliyat ve Ticaret A.Ş. • Birlik Çelik Ticareti A.Ş. • Borusan Otomotiv Yatırım ve Pazarlama A.Ş. • Borusan Amortisör imalat ve
Ticaret A.Ş. • Supsan Motor Supapları Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. • Borusan Oto Servis ve Ticaret A.Ş. • Askon inşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.