Workability Enhancing Mortar Admixture


Workability Enhancing Mortar Admixture
ÜNKA.3.03.TB.112 30/03/2015/03
Workability Enhancing
Mortar Admixture
ÜNKA-SOFT is a liquid air-entraining chemical compound designed
to increase the workability and frost resistance of mortar.
¥ Although the mortar mix prepared with ÜNKA-SOFT does not
require the use of lime, it can be used if desired.
¥ ÜNKA-SOFT should never be added to the dry mortar mix. It
should only be added to the mixing water.
¥ It shoud be kept in mind that incase of overdosage, the mortars
strength will be decreased significantly.
ÜNKA-SOFT is used to obtain high quality plastering mortar;
¥ enhancing and increasing mortar's workability,
¥ providing good adherence and high strength eliminating the need
to use lime,
¥ by simplifying and smoothing the troweling process reducing
surface tension,
¥ by preventing the loss of cohesion due to increase in sand/cement
¥ by providing frost resistance,
¥ by increasing its physical strength,
¥ by making it watertight.
¥ Appearance: Brown liquid
¥ Density (@20¡C): 1,04 ± 0,03 kg/lt
¥ pH: 6 - 8
¥ Chloride: nill
¥ Storage: 36 months when kept unopened in its original
packaging away from frost
¥ Packaging: 5 kg and 30 kg PE bins
Rubber gloves and safety goggles should be worn at all times. If
contact with eyes occur, rinse immediately with plenty of water and
seek medical attention if necessary.
Our technical support team is ready to answer all your questions
concerning our product line.
For additional information, please contact our headquarters.
Material Safety Data Sheet of this product can be obtained from or from our regional sales representatives.
Application surface (concrete, brick, gas concrete, gypsum wall etc)
must be clean, free from loose particles, dust, grease, oil, scale and
ÜNKA-SOFT, is added to the mixing water by weight of cement at
a ratio of 0,1 - 0,5 %.
(100 - 500 grams ÜNKA-SOFT to 100 kgÕs of cement)
Depending on the environmental temperature, a laboratory test
program should be carried out to optimize dosages under on site
Bu broߟrdeki bilgiler elimizdeki en son verilere ve deneylere dayanmaktadÝr. Bununla beraber elde edilecek
sonular, kontrol imkanlarÝmÝz dÝßÝnda kalan muhafaza ßartlarÝ, uygulama ßekil ve koßullarÝna baÛlÝ olarak
deÛißkenlik gšsterebilir. DolayÝsÝ ile garantimiz sevk edilen ŸrŸnŸn kalitesi ile sÝnÝrlÝdÝr. Ünka mamullerle ilgili
yapÝlacak her tŸrlŸ teknik deÛißiklik, kod ve ambalaj deÛißikliÛi hakkÝnÝ saklÝ tutar.
The technical information on this data sheet is to the best of our present knowledge and long term experience of INKAÕs
R&D Department. However, the results obtained may vary in accordance with the care taken and the method of
application over which we have no influence. Our guarantee is therefore limited to the quality of the materials delivered.
Inka reserves the right to make any changes on technical specifications, product codes and/or packing details.

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TDS The technical information on this data sheet is to the best of our present knowledge and long term experience of INKAÕs R&D Department. However, the results obtained may vary in accordance with the...


Onarõm ve GŸ lendirme 1 ing

Onarõm ve GŸ lendirme 1 ing Rubber gloves and safety goggles should be worn at all times. If contact with eyes occur, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary. TECHNICAL SERVICES Our tech...
