Arzu Ruacan, MD, Professor of Pathology


Arzu Ruacan, MD, Professor of Pathology
Arzu Ruacan, M.D.,
Professor of Pathology
Koç University, School of Medicine,
Department of Pathology,
Rumelifeneri Yolu,
34450 Sarıyer, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 338 1171
GSM : +90 532 371 9340
E-mail :
Ankara University School of Medicine
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
Assistant Professor
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
1996- 1997
Sheffield Kidney Institute
Visiting Fellow
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
Hacettepe University Dept. Of Pathology
Ankara Pathology Society
European Association for Haematopathology
Sheffield Kidney Institute Club
Turkish Federation of Pathology Societies Haematopathology Working Group
Turkish Federation of Pathology Societies Head and Neck Working Group
Head and neck pathology, haematopathology, hodgkin diseases, lymphomas, viral
oncogenesis, pathology of neoplasia, molecular pathology.
2000 total hours of teaching
This includes general pathology lectures, pathology of infectious diseases, nephropathology,
cardiac and lung pathology, head and neck pathology.
Supervised minimum of 15 PhD dissertations theses in 13 years
Member of Hacettepe University The Scientific Research and Development Office, Medicine
and Health subcommittees 2001-2010
Editorial Board Member of the Hacettepe Medical Journal 2003-2010
Advisory Board Member of Hacettepe University School of Medicine 2004-2009
Board Member of Ankara Pathology Society 2001-2005
Chair of the Turkish Federation of Pathology Societies 2008-2010
Board Member of the Turkish Federation of Pathology Societies 2010-2012
Chair of the Turkish Federation of Pathology Societies Head and Neck Working Group 2012-
16. National Pathology Congress, 29-31 May 2003 Konya-Turkey (Secretary)
XXIII. World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 26-30 May 2005 İstanbul
Turkey (Secretary)
19. National Pathology Congress 7-11 Oct. 2009 The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
20. National Pathology Congress 29 Sep-3 Oct 2010 Eskişehir Turkey (Co-chair)
The Fourth Arkadi M. Rywlin International Pathology Slide Seminar Symposium in
Anatomic Pathology 5-6 June 2010 İstanbul Turkey (Co-Chair)
Turkish Regional HPV Meeting 25-28 Nov 2010 Çeşme İzmir Turkey (Co-Chair)
17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine 26-30 May 2014 İstanbul
Turkey (Member of organizing committee)
1. Detection of human papillomavirus by immunohistochemistry and in-situ hybridisation in
cervical neoplasia of Turkish women. TAG-1009
2. The prognostic significance of the biological characteristics of the breast cancer TAG-1215
3. Polimorphic marker analysis in mutant allels in Retinoblastoma cases TAG-1225
4. Evaluate the presence of Epstein-Barr virus in Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by
immunoperoxidase and in situ hybridization methods in Turkish population SBAG-1441
5. The relationship between oncogene- apoptosis-proliferation in mycosis fungoides and the
effectiveness of of PUVA Roche Research Grant
6. Bcl-2, Bax and mcl-1 expression analysis pre-treatment bone marrow samples of patients
with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eczacıbaşı Researh Grant.
7. The importance of vascular endothelial growth factor in acute and convalescent vasculitides
SBAG –1873
8. Epstein-Barr virus and p53 protein in Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Hacettepe University
The Scientific Research Grant
9. Histomorphological and immunohistochemical evaluation of postradiotherapy prostate
needle biopsies. Hacettepe University The Scientific Research Grant
Best Poster Award
Farshi FS, Özer AY, Hastürk H, Sungur A, Hıncal AA.
“ In vivo studies on dexamethasone sodium phosphate liposomes on the treatment of human
aphthous stomatitis ”
The fourth Liposome Research Days Conference Freiburg Germany 30 August-2
September 1995
Sedat Simavi Health Sciences Award 2000
İskit A, Sungur A, Gedikoğlu G, Güç MO.
“The Effects of Bosentan, Aminoguanidine and L-canavanine on mesenteric blood flow,
spleen and liver in endotoxaemic mice” (European Journal of Pharmacology 1999;379:
Hacettepe University Research Award 2001
Novartis Pharmaceutica Technology Award (Second Price) 2003-2004
Pelin Aksungur, Arzu Sungur, Serhat Ünal, Alper İskit, A. Christopher Squier, Sevda
“Chitosan delivery systems fort he treatment of oral mucositis:in vitro and in vivo studies”
1.Şevket Ruacan, Arzu Sungur, translations editors. TNM Classification of Malignant
Tumours. (in Turkish) 6.ed, Turkish association for cancer research and control
publications, Ankara, 2002.
2.Arzu Sungur. Pathology of the cancers of the salivary gland (in Turkish) Kayıhan
Engin, Levent Erişen, eds. Cancer of the head and neck, Nobel Publications, 2003;416423.
3.Ayşegül Üner, Arzu Sungur, Şevket Ruacan. Haematopoietic ve lymphoid system.
Gamze Mocan Kuzey, ed. Basic Pathology, Güneş Publications, 2007;343-354.
4.Şevket Ruacan, Arzu Sungur, translations editors. TNM Classification of Malignant
Tumours. (in Turkish) 7.ed, Turkish association for cancer research and control
publications, Ankara, 2012.
1. Doğan A, Sungur A, Isaacson PG . Primary B-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma in
Turkey . A review of 12 cases. Journal of Pathology 1989;158(4):341A.
2. Saygı S, Tan E, Kansu T, Önol B, Sungur A, Erbengi A, Zileli T. Bilateral
internuclear ophtalmoplegia as an initial sign of metastatic breast carcinoma Neuroophtalmology 1990; 10(4): 181-185.
3. Sungur C, Sungur A, Akpolat T, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar Ş.
Unresponsiveness to human recombinant erythropoietin in an epileptic dialysis patient
secondary to valproic acid toxicity. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 1992; 26:1156.
4. Çelebi İ, Özen H, Tekgül S, Ruacan Ş, Sungur A , Koçal C, Remzi D. Occurence of
epidermal growth factor receptors and their prognostic value in bladder cancer. Urology
Edited by Monduzzi, S.p.A. Bologna, Italy 1992, pp. 395-398.
5. Sungur C, Sungur A, Arık N, Akpolat T, Arınsoy T, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar Ş.
Bone marrow involvement in systemic amyloidosis. Another mechanism for erythropoietin
resistance. Nephron 1993; 63:232-233.
6. Sungur A, Ruacan Ş, Güngen Y, Dalkara T. Myasthenia gravis and primary
squamous cell carcinoma of the thymus. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1993; 117: 937-938.
7. Sungur A, Özbay G, Doğan A, Özyılmaz F, Ataman M. An endodermal sinus tumor
of the head and neck region. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryng 1993; 26: 177-180.
8. Sungur C, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş, Arık N, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar Ş.
Diagnostic value of bone marrow biopsy in patients with renal disease
secondary to Familial Mediterranean Fever. Kidney International 1993; 44:834-836.
9.Sungur C, Sungur A, Ergen A, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar Ş. Urinary tract
infection requiring nehrectomy in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
disease despite ciprofloxacin therapy. Nephron 1993;65:638-639.
10. Anlar B, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş, İmir T. An indirect immunofluorescence test for the
detection of acetylcholine receptor antibodies. Muscle and Nerve 1993; 16:1266-1267.
11. Sungur C, Sungur A, Gedikoğlu G. Usubütün A. Yasavul Ü. Turgan Ç. Çağlar Ş. Fatal
brucella melitensis endocarditis in a hemodialysis patient. Nephron 1994;67:234-235.
12.Palaoğlu S, Bavbek M, Peker S, Önol B, Sungur A, Erbengi A. Ossified
somatotropinoma. Surg Neurol 1994;41:143-146.
13.Palaoğlu S, Sungur A, Atasever A, Ruacan Ş Akalın S, Özgen T, Erbengi A.
Morphological assessment in pinealectomy and fetal pineal gland transplantation in rat .
Acta Neurochirurgica -Wien 1994;128(1-4):1-7.
14.Demiroğlu H, Özcebe O İ, Özdemir O, Sungur A, Dündar S. Pancytopenia with
hypocellular bone marrow due to miliary tuberculosis . An unusual presentation. Acta
Haematologica 1994;91(1):49-51.
15. Uygur C, Özen H, Sungur A, Şahin A, Remzi D. A solitary and synchronous
metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the bladder. Int Nephrology and Urology 1994;26:529533.
16. Sungur C, Sivri A, Sungur A, Akpolat T, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç. Early detection of carpal
tunnel syndrome by electroneurophysiologic studies in chronic hemodialysis patients.
Nephron 1994;67:114.
17. Sennaroğlu L, Önerci M, Turan E, Sungur A. Infratemporal hydatid cyst - unusual
location of echinoccosis: a case report. The Journal of Laryngology and Otol .
18. Sarıoğlu T, Yılmaz T, Sungur A, Gürsel B. The effect of lymphocytic infiltration on
clinical survıval in cancer of the tongue. Europ Arch Oto-rhino-laryngol 1994;251: 366-369.
19. Şahin S, Özkaya Ö, Sungur A, Yüksel N, Ekşioğlu M. Juvenile bullous pemphigoid
responding to dapsone. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
20. Giray B, Sungur A, Atasever A, Araz K. Comparison of silk sutures and n-butyl-2cyanoacrylate on the healing of skin wounds: A pilot study. Australian Dental Journal
21. Sungur C, Bozdoğan Ö, Sungur A, Oymak O, Yasavul Ü, Ruacan Ş, Turgan Ç, Çağlar
Ş. Lymphadenopathic aggressive Kaposi’s sarcoma in a renal transplant recipient with HLADR2 and HLA-DR5 antigens Nephron 1995;69:122-123.
22. Çolakoğlu M, Sungur C, Sungur A, Akpolat T, Kansu E, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar Ş.
Pattern of proteinuria in patients with renal amyloidosis secondary to familial Mediterranean
fever. Nephron 1995;69:124.
23. Acaroğlu E, Göğüş T, Ercan M, Sungur A . Experimental induction of osteosarcoma
by subperiostal radioactive phosphorus injections in rats. Nucl Med Biol 1995; 22(2):231234.
24. Sökmensüer C, Sungur A, Tokgözoğlu M, Ruacan Ş. Lymphangiomatosis of bone A
case report . International Orthopaedics 1995;19:63-64.
25. Açıkgöz B, Özgen T, Özdoğan F, Sungur A, Tekkök İ H. Angiotensin II receptor
content within the subfornical organ and organum vasculosum lamina terminalis increases
after experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage in rats. Acta Neurochir (Wien)
26. Emre S, Sungur A, Bilgiç S, Büyükpamukçu M, Günalp İ, Özgüç M. Loss of
heterozygosity in the VNTR region of intron 1 of p53 in two retinoblastoma cases Pediatric
Hematology and Oncology 1996;13:253-256.
27. Turgut M, Ekin Özcan O, Sungur A, Sargın H. Effect o Nd:YAG Laser on experimental
disc degeneration Part II. Histological and MR imaging findings. Acta Neurochir(Wien)
28. Şahin A, Demirbaş M, Özen H, Sungur A, Küçükali T, Aygün N, Remzi D.
Primary carcinoid of the kidney. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1996;30(4):325-327
29. Emre S, Sungur A, Hazar V, Bilgiç S, Büyükpamukçu M, Günalpİ. A linkage analysis in
two families with bilateral retinoblastoma. Turk J Pediatr 1996;38(4):413-417.
30. Sungur C, Sungur A, Akpolat T, Arık N. Diagnostic value of bone marrow biopsy in
patients with AA-type renal amyloidosis secondary to ankylosing spondylitis. Nephrol Dial
Transplant 1996;11(12):2520-2521.
31. Böke E, Sarıgül A, Sungur A, Uzunalimoğlu B. Benign mesenchymoma of the
esophagus European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 1997;11:196-198.
32. Şahin S, Hindioğlu U, Benekli M, Sivri B, Sökmensüer C, Sungur A. Peculiar
inflammatory cutaneous metastasis from stomach adenocarcinoma . British Journal of
Dermatology 1997;136:650-652.
33. Akcan Y, Tuncer S, Hayran M, Sungur A, Ünal S. PCR on Disseminated
tuberculosis in bone marrow and liver biopsy specimens: Correlation to histopathological and
clinical diagnosis Scand J Infect Dis 1997; 29:271-274.
34. Kostakoğlu L, Elahi N, Kıratlı P, Ruacan S, Sayek İ, Baltalı E, Sungur A, Hayran M,
Bekdik CF. Clinical validation of the influence of P-glycoprotein on technetium-99msestamibi uptake in malignant tumors. J Nucl Med 1997;38(7):1003-1008.
35. Beşbaş N, Saatçi Ü, Ruacan Ş, Özen S, Sungur A, Bakkaloğlu A, ELNahas AM. The
role of Cytokines in Henoch Schonlein Purpura. Scand J Rheumatol 1997;26:456-460.
36. Çiftçi K, Hıncal A, Kaş S, Ercan M, Sungur A, Güven O, Ruacan Ş. Solid tumor
chemotherapy and in vivo distribution of fluorouracil following administration in poly(LLactic Acid) microspheres. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 1997;2(2):151160.
37. Oldroyd S, Sungur A, Thomas G, Douthmaite J, Johnson T, ElNahas M. Biphasic
expression of TGFβ-1 m RNA and protein during experimental renal fibrosis. J.Am. Society
of Nephrol 1997;8:A2915.
38. Sungur C, Sungur A, Oldroyd S, Söylemezoğlu O, ElNahas M. Immunohistochemical
localization of MMP-1, MMP-3 and TIMP-1 in human renal disease. J.Am. Society of
Nephrol 1997;8:A2933.
39. Güler N, Sungur A, Canpınar H, Sayek İ, Öner Z, Kılıç S, Baltalı E. Prognostic
significance of the biologic features of breast tumors. The European Journal of Cancer
40. Üstün C, Sungur C, Akbaş O, Sungur A, Güngen Y,Ruacan Ş,Gürman G, Arslan Ö.
Spontaneous splenic rupture as the initial presentation of plasma cell leukemia: a case report.
Am J Hematol. 1998;57(3):266-267.
41. Goumenos D, Tsomi K, Iatrou C, Oldroyd S, Sungur A, Papaioannides D, Moustakas G,
Ziroyannis P.Mountokalakis T,El Nahas AM. Myofibroblasts and the progression of
crescentic glomerulonephritis. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 1998;13(7):1652-1661.
42. Bozkurt FY, Çelenligil H, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş. Gingival involvement in mucous
membrane pemphigoid. Quintessence Int. 1998;29(7):438-441.
43. Zengin N, Kars A, Sungur A, Zengin Nİ, Hayran M, Tekuzman G, Kansu E, Ruacan Ş,
Fırat D. The significance of the bone marrow biopsy pattern in chronic lymphocytic
leukemia: A prognostic dilemma. Am J Hematol. 1999;62:208-211.
44. İskit AB, Sungur A, Gedikoğlu G, Güç MO. The effects of bosentan, aminoguanidine
and L-canavanine on mesenteric blood flow, spleen and liver in endotoxaemic mice.
European Journal of Pharmacology 1999;379:73-80.
45. İsmailoğlu UB, Erdemli İŞ, Sungur A, İlhan M. Impairment of epithelium-dependent
relaxation in coaxial bioassay by reactive oxygen species. European Journal of Pharmacology
46. Güler G, Altınok G, Üner AH, Sungur A. CD56+ Lymphoma presenting as a testicular
tumor. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1999;36(1-2):207-211.
47. Sennaroğlu L, Sözeri B, Sungur A. Otological findings in idiopathic hyperphosphatasia.
The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1999;113:158-160.
48. Özdek A, Saraş S, Akyol MU, Ünal OF, Sungur A. Histopathological predictors of occult
lymph node metastases in supraglottic squamous cell carcinomas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
49. Aydın ZD, Barışta İ, Canpınar H, Sungur A, Tekuzman G. Gastric Lymphomas in
Turkey, analysis of prognostic factors with special emphasis on Flow Cytometric DNA
content. Cancer 2000;89:12-20.
50. Topaloğlu R, Sungur A, Baskın E, Beşbaş N, Saatçi Ü, Bakkaloğlu A. Vascular
endothelial growth factor in Henoch Schonlein purpura. The Journal of Rheumatology
51. Önerci M; Yılmaz T, Doğan R, Sungur A. Pulmonary metastasectomy in the treatment
of recurrent ameloblastoma of the maxilla and mandible: a case report. Eur Arch
Otorhinolaryngol 2001;258:25-27.
52. Fırat P, Güler G, Sungur A. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of epithelial-myoepithelial
carcinoma. Diagn Cytopathology 2001;24(3):224-225.
53. Saraç S, Akyol U, Kanbur B, Poyraz A, Akyol G, Yılmaz T, Sungur A. Bcl-2 and
LMP1 expression in nasopharyngeal carcinomas. Am J Otolaryngol 2001;22:377-382.
54. Sennaroğlu L, Sungur A. Histopathology of paragangliomas. Otol Neurotol. 2002; Jan
55. İnci K, İsmailoğlu UB, Şahin A, Sungur A, Şahin-Erdemli İ. The effect of inflamation on
rat urinary bladder-dependent relaxation in co-axial bioassay system. Naunyn Schmiedebergs
Arch Pharmacol 2003; May 367(5):547-52.
56. Durusu M Altundağ MK, Aksoy DY, Abalı H,Türker A, Sungur A. Metastatic carcinoma
of the breast mimicking multipl myeloma. Tumori 2003; Jan-Feb 89(1):106-7.
57. Kilic G, Unal OF, Sungur A, Gursel B. Unusual presentation of choriocarcinoma
metastasis to the neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2003 Sep;129(3):297-9.
58. Sevgen Önder, İbrahim Barışta, Arzu Sungur, Şevket Ruacan, Ayşegül Hasegeli Üner.
PTEN Expression in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphomas. Proceedıngs Of The Xvıı Meetıng
Internatıonal Socıety Of Haematology (European And Afrıcan Dıvısıon) 2003:125-131.
59. Aksoy DY, Turker A, Altundag MK, Abali H, Durusu M, Erman M, Uner A, Sungur AA,
Unal S, Uzun O. Concomitant Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Aspergillus niger infection in
a patient with acute myeloid leukemia. Chemotherapy. 2003 Sep;49(5):264-6.
60. Abali H, Aksoy S, Sungur A, Yalcin S. Laryngeal Involvement of Rhabdomyosarcoma
in an Adult. World J Surg Oncol. 2003 Sep 17;1(1):17.
61. Onder S, Sungur A. Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis: an unusual entity of the sinonasal
tract. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2004 Jan;128(1):90-91.
62. Ismailoglu UB, Sahin-Erdemli I, Sungur A, Ilhan M. Effects of lipopolysaccharide on
epithelium-dependent relaxation in coaxial bioassay. Eur J Pharmacol. 2004 Mar 8;487(13):233-9.
63. Yavas O, Altundag K, Sungur A. Extramedullary plasmacytoma of nasopharynx and
larynx: synchronous presentation. Am J Hematol. 2004 Apr;75(4):264-5.
64. Yilmaz T, Kamani T, Sungur A. Alveolar soft part sarcoma on the glabella. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 May;68(5):569-71.
65. Unal OF, Kocan EG, Sungur A, Kaya S. Rosai--Dorfman disease with multi-organ
involvement in head and neck region. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 May;68(5):581-4.
66. Yucel OT, Sungur A, Kaya S. c-met overexpression in supraglottic laryngeal squamous
cell carcinoma and its relation to lymph node metastases. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004
67. Ozdek A, Sarac S, Akyol MU, Sungur A, Yilmaz T. c-myc and bcl-2 Expression in
supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004
68.Aksungur P, Sungur A, Unal S, Iskit AB, Squier CA, Senel S. Chitosan delivery systems
for the treatment of oral mucositis: in vitro and in vivo studies. J Control Release. 2004 Aug
69.Doğan OF, Hancı D, Sungur A, Unal OF, Demircin M. unusual case of thyroid Hurtle
cell carcinoma with direct extension to the right brachiocephalic vein, right auricle, and right
atrium: case report. Heart Surg Forum. 2005;8(2):E114-7.
70.Dikbaş O, Altındağ K, Abalı H, Türker A, Engin H, Sungur A, Baltalı E. Embryonal
rhabdomyosarcoma of the larynx. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Jul;133(1):160-2.
71.Üner AH, Sağlam A, Han U, Hayran M, Sungur A , Ruacan S. PTEN and p27 expression
inmature T-cell and NK-cell neoplasms. Leuk Lymphoma. 2005 Oct;46(10):1463-70.
72.Hamada H, Taksın Yucel O, Engin H, Sungur A . Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the
nasopharynx. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Oct;133(4):639.
73.Palaoglu S, Sungur A, Cila A, Özdemir N, Ruacan S. Diethylstilbestrol-induced
prolactinoma: dose-related tumor growth and effect of catecholaminergic cells on prolactin
tumor cells. Surg Neurol. 2005;64 Suppl 2:S42-7.
74. Saylam G, Yücel OT, Sungur A, Önerci M. Proliferation, angiogenesis and hormonal
markers in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.
2006Feb;70(2):227-234 .
75. Beyazıt Y, Haznedaroglu IC, Aksu S, Kekilli M, Uner A, Agbaht K, Sungur A, Koca E,
Göker H, Ozcebe OI. Changing clinical manifestations of a T-peripheral lymphoma: From
hypereosinophilic syndrome to questionable Kimura's disease resulting in parotid mass.
Leuk Lymphoma. 2006 Feb;47(2):357-60.
76. Tufan A, Ranci O, Sungur A, Topeli A, Haznedaroglu I, Coplu L. Concurrent
presentations of the sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and lymphoma in a single patient. Respıratory
Medıcıne. 2006 May;100:951-953.
77.Akyol U, Tatar EC, Sungur AA. Kimura's disease in paraglottic space.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Dec;135(6):989-90.
78. Ergunay K, Altinok G,Gurel B, Pinar A , Sungur A, Balci S, Ustacelebi S. Identifying the
etiologic role of Parvovirus B19 non-immune hydrops fetalis by histopathology,
immunohistochemistry and nucleic acid testing: a retrospective study. Central European
Journal of Medıcıne 2007Sep;2:271-279.
79. Alp Usubütün, Özay Gököz, Pınar Fırat, Arzu Sungur. Utilization of College of
American Pathologists checklist as a quality improvement tool for accreditation. Virchow’s
Archiv. 2007;451(2):116.
80. Arzu Sağlam, Gökhan Özyiğit, Fadıl Akyol, Şevket Ruacan, Arzu Sungur.
Histomorphological and immunohistochemical evaluation of postradiotherapy prostate needle
biopsies. Virchow’s Archiv. 2007;451(2):409.
81.Yağci B, Varan A, Cağlar M, Söylemezoğlu F, Sungur A, Orhan D, Yalçin B, Akyüz
C, Kutluk T, Büyükpamukçu M. Langerhans cell histiocytosis: retrospective analysis of 217
cases in a single center. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008 Jun;25(5):399-408.
82. Nazmiye Dincer, Gaye Güler Tezel, Cigdem Himmetoğlu, Kay Huebner, Gülnur Güler,
Arzu Sungur. P-312FHIT and WWOX expression in mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic
carcinomas. Virchow’s Archiv 2008 May;452(1) : S175-S176
83. Ozer F, Unal OF, Atas A, Tekin O, Sungur A, Ayas K. Evaluation of the effect of
dexamethasone in experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops in guinea pigs.
Am J Otolaryngol. 2008 Mar-Apr;29(2):88-93.
84. Aksoy DY, Ağbaht K, Harmanci O, Karadağ O, Aytemir K, Sungur A, Onat AM, Apraş
S, Yildiz BO, Bayraktar M. Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome with atrial septal defect.
Am J Med Sci. 2008 Feb;335(2):157-9.
85. Küpeli S, Cağlar K, Birgen D, Sungur A, Varan A. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
of the mandible in a child with unusual plantar metastasis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010
86. Dinçer N, Tezel G G, Sungur A, Himmetoğlu C, Huebner K, Güler G. Study of FHIT and
WWOX expression in mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary
gland.Oral Oncology. 2010 Mar;46(3):195-9.
87. Turker S, Ozer AY, Kutlu B, Nohutcu R, Bilgili H, Ozturk D, Ozalp M, Sungur A.
Gamma Irradiation Studies I. Dental Grafts. Journal of Medıcal Devıces-transactıons of the
ASME. 2011Sep;5(3) DOI: 10.1115/1.4004647
88. Dinçer M, Altundağ K, Cengiz M, Özyar E, Sungur A, Hoşal Ş, Güllü İH. Tumor
heparanase expression in predicting response to induction chemotherapy in patients with
locally advanced laryngeal cancer. Journal of BUON. 2012 Apr-Jun; 17 (2): 337-342.
89. Çoşkun F, Saylam B, Külah B, Dolapcı I, Sungur A, Özer MV. Comparison of the
therapeutic effects of tri-iodothyronine and methylprednisolone during early sepsis in
laboratory animals. Bratislava Medical Journal-Bratislavske Lekarske Listy.
1. Doğan A, Sungur A, Isaacson PG . Primary B-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma in
Turkey . A review of 12 cases. Pathologic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
159. Meeting, 5-7 July 1989, Aberdeen. (Journal of Pathology 158(4): 341A.)
2. Yücetürk A, Yazıcı M, Sungur A . Fresh-frozen tendon allografts (Experimental study
in rats). V th International Congress of Hand Surgery 25-28 May 1992 Paris
3. Palaoğlu S, Özgen T, Erbengi A, Palaoğlu Ö, Ayhan İ.H, Sungur A,Ruacan Ş Atasever
A. Functional and morphological assessment in pinealectomy and fetal pineal gland
transplantation in rat. Nato Advenced Study Institutes Meeting 3-11 June 1993, Stromboli,
4. Sungur C, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş, Arık N, Akpolat T, Yasavul Ü, Turgan Ç, Çağlar
Ş. Diagnostic value of bone marrow biopsy in the diagnosis of AA type amyloidosis in
patients with FMF and other chronic inflammatory conditions and renal disease. 30 th EDTA
Congress 15-18 September 1993 Glasgow, England.
5. Akyol U, Sungur A, Ergin T, Turan E, Hoşal N, Ruacan Ş. Human papillomavirus
infection in laryngeal neoplasms in Turkey. III. International Congress on Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngology November 7-12 , 1993 Jerusalem, Israel.
6. Sungur A, Gedikoğlu G, Ruacan Ş, Ayhan A . Detection of human papillomavirus by
immunohistochemistry and in-situ hybridisation in cervical neoplasia of Turkish women.
Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland Winter Meeting 5-7 January 1994,
London, England.
7. Gedikoğlu G, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş, Ateş B . Bone marrow biopsy evaluation in
Hodgkin's Disease and secondary amyloidosis. Pathological Society of Great Britain and
Ireland Winter Meeting 5-7 January 1994, London,England
8. Taşar F, Giray B, Tümer C, Sungur A, Saysel M. Maxillary leiomyoma- an
uncommon location. XIIth Congress E.A.C.M.F.S. 5-10 September 1994, The Hague
The Netherlands.
9. Emre S, Bilgiç S, Sungur A, Günalp İ, Özgüç M. Loss of heterozygosity of VNTR in
the intron 1 region of p53 in two retinoblastoma tumors. International Symposium on
Genomic Imprinting and New Approaches in Identification and Mapping of Genetic
Syndromes 20-22 November 1994, Firenze Italy.
10. Sungur C, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş. Role of activated macrophages in AA type renal
amyloidosis secondary to familial mediterranean fever (FMF). XXXII nd Congress of the
European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association June 11-14
1995, Athens, Greece
11. Farshi F S, Özer A Y, Hastürk H, Sungur A, Hıncal A A. In vivo studies on
dexamethasone sodium phosphate liposomes in the treatment of human aphthous stomatitis.
The Fourth Liposome Research Days Conference Liposomes: State of the art August 30September 2 1995, Freiburg, Germany.
12. Beşbaş N, Saatçi Ü, Ruacan Ş, Özen S, Sungur A, Bakkaloğlu A, ElNahas AM. The
distribution of cytokines in Henoch Schonlein purpura. IV. European Conference on
Pediatric Rheumatology (Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 1996;14(4):457 )
13. Güler N, Sungur A, Canpınar H, Sayek İ, Öner Z, Kılıç S, Baltalı E. Prognostic
significance of the biologic features of breast tumors. The European Cancer Conference 1418 September 1997, Hamburg. (The European Journal of Cancer 1997;33(8):S198. )
14. Oldroyd S, Sungur A, Thomas G, Douthmaite J, Johnson T, ElNahas M. Biphasic
expression of TGFβ-1 m RNA and protein during experimental renal fibrosis. 30th Annual
Meeting of American Society of Nephrology 2-5 November 1997, San Antonio, Texas
(J.Am. Society of Nephrol 1997;8:625A).
15. Sungur C, Sungur A, Oldroyd S, Söylemezoğlu O, ElNahas M. Immunohistochemical
localization of MMP-1, MMP-3 and TIMP-1 in human renal disease. 30th Annual Meeting of
American Society of Nephrology 2-5 November 1997, San Antonio, Texas (J.Am. Society
of Nephrol 1997;8:629A).
16. Şahin S, Bükülmez G, Sungur A, Atakan N. Expression of c-myc, bcl-2 , p53 and
PCNA proteins and apoptosis in mycosis fungoides: before and after PUVA. 9th Congress of
the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 11-15 October 2000, Geneva,
Switzerland. (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
2000;14(1): P155. )
17. Sungur A, Azizoğlu Ç, Tezer G, Taşkın M, Kars A, Ruacan Ş. Phenotypical
characteristics of sinonasal lymphomas and their association with Epstein-Barr virus. X.
Meeting European Association for Haematopathology 6-12 May 2000, London.
18.Sungur A, Kars A, Ruacan Ş. Association of Epstein-Barr virus with Hodgkin’s Disease
in Turkish population: Analysis with in situ hybridization. X. Meeting European Association
for Haematopathology 6-12 May 2000, London.
19. Hasegeli Üner A, Zengin N, Türker A, Kars A, Barışta İ, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş.
Expression of gene products which regulate apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. X.
Meeting European Association for Haematopathology 6-12 May 2000, London.
20. Atayar Ç, Sungur A, Üner A, Ruacan Ş. Role of immunohistochemistry in diagnosis of
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Fifth International Symposium on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 22-25
September 2001, Köln, Germany.
21. Atayar Ç, Sungur A, Üner A, Ruacan Ş. Epstein-Barr virus and p53 protein in Hodgkin’s
lymphoma patients in Turkey. Fifth International Symposium on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 2225 September 2001, Köln, Germany.
22. Saylam G, Yücel OT, Sungur A, Önerci M. Proliferation, angiogenesis and hormonal
markers in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. 23rd International Symposium on Infection
and Allergy of the Nose (RhiinoIstanbul 23) , June 18-23, 2004, İstanbul, Turkey
23. Üner Ayşegül H, Sağlam A, Han Ünsal, Hayran M, Sungur A, Ruacan Ş. PTEN and P27
expression in mature T-cell and NK- cell neoplasms. 20th European Congress of Pathology,
September 3-8, 2005, Paris, France. (Virchow’s Archiv,447;2:151, 2005)
24. Sevgen Önder, İbrahim Barışta, Arzu Sungur, Şevket Ruacan, Ayşegül Hasegeli Üner.
PTEN Expression in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphomas. Meeting of the International Society
of Hematology (European and African Division) , September 7-10, 2003, Graz, Austria.
25. Pelin Aksungur, Arzu Sungur, A.Atilla Hıncal, Christopher A. Squier, Sevda Şenel. In
vivo Evaluation of Chitosan Gel Fofmulations Incorporated with Nystatin for Treatment of
Chemotherapy-induced Oral Mucocitis. 30th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release
Society, July 19-23 2003, Glasgow, Scotland.
26. Kösemehmetoğlu K, Önder S, Gürel B, Sungur A, Fırat P. Fine needle aspiraton
cytology of salivary glands. 32nd European Congress of Cytology October 1-4 2006,
Venice, İtaly
27. Alp Usubütün, Özay Gököz, Pınar Fırat, Arzu Sungur. Utilization of College of
American Pathologists checklist as a quality improvement tool for accreditation. 21st
European Congress of Pathology, September 8-13, 2007, İstanbul, Turkey. (Virchow’s
Archiv,451;2:116, 2007)
28. Arzu Sağlam, Gökhan Özyiğit, Fadıl Akyol, Şevket Ruacan, Arzu Sungur.
Histomorphological and immunohistochemical evaluation of postradiotherapy prostate needle
biopsies. 21st European Congress of Pathology, September 8-13, 2007, İstanbul, Turkey.
(Virchow’s Archiv,451;2:409, 2007)
29. Nazmiye Dincer, Gaye Güler Tezel, Cigdem Himmetoğlu, Kay Huebner, Gülnur Güler,
Arzu Sungur. P-312FHIT and WWOX expression in mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic
carcinomas. 3rd Intercontinental Congress of Pathology, May 17-22,2008, Barcelona, Spain.
30. Selcan Türker, A.Yekta Özer, Burak Kutlu, Rahime Nohutçu,
Hasan Bilgili, Didem Öztürk, Meral Özalp, Arzu Sungur. Gamma radiation studies on bone
grafts-II Microbiological Examinations.The 9th Meeting of the Ionizing Radiation and
Polymers Symposium, October 25-29, 2010, Maryland, College Park.