

Required Course
February 16, 2015 – May 22, 2015
Semester: Spring
Level of Course: Advanced
Year of Study: 2015
Credit structure/ECTS: (2+2+0) 3 Credits/ 5 ECTS
Language of Instruction: English
Instructors’ e-mail addresses:
Fatma Tuba Korkmaz
Meriç Bulca
Mustafa Eray Eren
Fulya İçöz
Fatih Ekinci
Class hours: (4 hours / week)
ENG 102-01
Monday 11:00 - 12:50
Room B146
Wednesday 10:00 - 11:50
Room A326
Fulya İçöz
ENG 102-02
Monday 12:00 - 13:50
Room A 422
Friday 15:00 - 16:50
Room A422
Eray Eren
ENG 102-03
Wednesday 13:00 - 14:50
Room A326
Friday 14:00 - 15:50
Room A435
Meriç Bulca
ENG 102-04
Monday 11:00 - 12:50
Room B148
Wednesday 13:00 - 14:50
Room B146
F. Tuba Korkmaz
ENG 102-05
Wednesday 11:00 - 12:50
Room A226
Friday 16:00 - 17:50
Room A226
Meric Bulca
ENG 102-06
Monday 14:00 - 15:50
Room A226
Monday 14:00 - 15:50
Room A226
Fulya İçöz
ENG 102-07
Wednesday 13:00 - 14:50
Room A226
Friday 12:00 - 13:50
Room A226
Eray Eren
ENG 102-08
Tuesday 13:00 - 14:50
Room A435
Friday 09:00 - 10:50
Room A422
F. Tuba Korkmaz
ENG 102-09
Monday 09:00 - 10:50
Room A326
Wednesday 11:00 - 12:50
Room A229
F . Tuba Korkmaz
ENG 102-10
Monday 09:00 - 10:50
Room B148
Thursday 16:00 - 17:50
Fatih Ekinci
ENG 102-11
Monday 12:00 - 13:50
Room A229
Thursday 12:00 - 13:50
Room A229
Meriç Bulca
ENG 102-12
Tuesday 13:00 - 14:50
Room A422
Friday 09:00 - 10:50
Room A226
Fulya İçöz
ENG 102-13
Monday 15:00 - 16:50
Room A422
Thursday 12:00 - 13:50
Room A435
Eray Eren
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENG 101 (DD passing grade)
Course Description:
Writing a term paper by following a process approach; doing library and internet research, formulating a thesis and
researching supporting ideas; one-on-one tutorials with instructors for feedback during the stages; oral presentation with the
aim of defending written work; emphasis on the importance of avoiding plagiarism.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to further improve four skills in an integrated manner and to develop and improve higher order thinking
skills. They will be able to prepare a term paper in the process by choosing and narrowing down a topic, preparing an
outline, reviewing literature, writing the introduction, preparing the first draft and finalizing the term paper. They will be able
to write academic essays after having dealt with academic articles and lectures on the same topic.
Expected student work load: 3-4 hours a week
Textbook: Materials prepared by ELS
1 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
February 16 - 20
Introduction / Course Presentation
How to do research? / Research Paper/ What is citation?
How to do library research
Online Research Practice with Appropriate Keywords
2 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
February 23 - 27
Argumentative Essay Writing (Thesis Statement, Outlining,
Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Direct Quotation)
Argumentative Essay Writing (Thesis Statement, Outlining,
Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Direct Quotation)
3 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
March 02 - 06
Argumentative Essay Writing (Thesis Statement, Outlining,
Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Direct Quotation)
Argumentative Essay Writing (Thesis Statement, Outlining,
Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Direct Quotation)
4 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
March 09 - 13
Article Discussion
Article Discussion
(Students are asked to prepare their outlines for their research
paper for the next week )
5 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
March 16 - 20
Outline Hand-in
(Friday 17.00 the latest)
Article Discussion
(Students should be told to read the text ‘Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk’ for the next lesson.)
Reading Text (Studying Citation)
(Atatürk- A Commander and an Effective Reader )
6 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
March 23 - 27
Introduction Hand-in
(Friday 17.00 the latest)
Reading Text (Studying Citation)
(Atatürk- A Commander and an Effective Reader )
Reading Text (Studying Citation)
(Atatürk- A Commander and an Effective Reader )
7 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
March 30 – April 03
Reading Text (Studying Citation)
(Atatürk- A Commander and an Effective Reader )
Revision of Argumentative Essay Structure: Sample Essay /
Sample Term Paper
Revision of Argumentative Essay Structure: Sample Essay /
Sample Term Paper
8 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
April 06 - 10
Article Presentation
Article Presentation
9 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
April 13 - 17
1st Draft Hand-in
(Without Conclusion Paragraph)
(Friday 17.00 the latest)
Article Presentation
Article Presentation
(Debate groups are determined and given their topics.)
10 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
April 20 - 24
(April 23, Holiday)
Debate Format (Before the debate / During the debate / After
the debate)
Debate Practice
(A list for feedback will be formed and the same list will be
used in the defense of paper.)
11 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
April 27- -May 01
(May 01, Holiday)
Debate Practice
Feedback for 1. Drafts
12 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
May 04 - 08
Feedback for 1. Drafts
Feedback for 1. Drafts
13 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
May 11- 15
Defense of Paper
Defense of Paper
14 (2 sessions/ 4 hours)
May 18 - 22
(May 19, Holiday)
Defense of Paper
Defense of Paper
Design content:
Article Study
Argumentative Essay
Term Paper
Class Policies:
Grading: 80% attendance to classes is required. Grade distribution is as the following:
55 %
Article presentation
20 %
Choosing a topic and outline
Final Product
25 %
20 %
Defense of Paper
10 %
10 %
25 %
100 %
Deadlines for portfolio studies:
Preparing outlines for research paper
(Both soft and hard copies)
Week 5 March 20, Friday 17:00 the latest
Writing introduction for research paper
(Both soft and hard copies)
Week 6 March 27, Friday 17:00 the latest
First Draft Hand in
(Both soft and hard copies)
Week 9 April 17, Friday 17:00 the latest
Submitting Term Paper
(Both soft and hard copies)
May 25, 2015, Monday 17:00 the latest
PS: Medical reports DO NOT work for deduction of absenteeism. Students who bring in COMMITTEE REPORTS
are entitled to take make-up for ONLY midterm exams.