

 FATMA GÜL ÖZTÜRK (Asst. Prof. Dr.) Çankaya University Faculty of Architecture/ Department of Architecture Çukurambar Mah. Öğretmenler Cad. No: 14 06530 Çankaya/ ANKARA + 90 312 284 45 00/ 381 www.fatmagulozturk.de gulozturk@cankaya.edu.tr www.fatmagulozturk.com EDUCATION 2006-­‐2010 Ph.D. in Architectural History Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Department of History of Architecture Dissertation: A Comparative Architectural Investigation of the Middle Byzantine Courtyard Complexes in Açıksaray -­‐ Cappadocia: Questions of Monastic and Secular Settlement. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Suna Güven 1994-­‐2000 Dipl. Ing. in Architecture Universität Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and City Planning 1986-­‐1993 Secondary Education Ankara Anadolu Lisesi, French ACADEMIC POSITIONS Oct. 2013-­‐Sep. 2014 Visiting Researcher University of Pennsylvania Department of the History of Art Since June 2012 Assistant Prof. Dr. Çankaya University Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture Sep. 2010-­‐May 2012 Instr. Dr. Çankaya University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department of Interior Architecture Dec. 2006 -­‐ Sep. 2009 Research Assistant Başkent University Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design 1
WORK EXPERIENCE1 June 2006 -­‐ Sep. 2008 Feb.-­‐ March 2007 July 2005 – Nov. 2005 March 2004 – May 2005 May 2003 Sept. 2000 -­‐ Nov. 2002 1998/ 1999 GRANTS RECEIVED Oct. 2013-­‐Sep. 2014 2013 1
Advisor/Architect Tikta Tarımsal İklimleme ve Teknolojik Araştırmalar A.Ş. METU-­‐MED, Ankara TÜBİTAK R&D Project: Planning of atmosphere controlled storages Advisor Artı Mimarlık Çevre ve Kentsel Tasarım LTD., Ankara Competition: Embassy Building of the Turkish Republic in Berlin Architect HOL-­‐TUR İnşaat, San. ve Tic. LTD. ŞTİ., Alanya Housing projects Assistant Art Director/Architect KOLEKSİYON Tasarım Mobilya ve Orman Ürünleri San. A.Ş., Istanbul Showroom projects; trade fair project: ORGATEC 2004 (Cologne) Architectural Assistant Alan Seymour, Architect in Toronto, Canada Restoration projects Architect HSP Hoppe Sommer Planungs GMBH in Stuttgart, Germany Planning of health care and public facilities Student Assistant Ludwig Architects, Stuttgart, Germany Trade fair projects: Mercedes-­‐Benz, International Automobile Shows in Istanbul and Bologna TÜBİTAK, Post-­‐doctoral Research Fellowship for the research project titled “Byzantine Domestic Architecture in Anatolia.” TÜBİTAK, 2224-­‐A – Found for participating in the 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, Australia. For more detail on projects: www.fatmagulozturk.de
2013 2012 Çankaya University grant for research in Açıksaray, Cappadocia. American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT), Post-­‐doctoral Fellowship for Turkish Researchers for the research project titled “Survey of Byzantine Settlements in Açıksaray and the Environs.” July 2011 Scholarship received for participating in “Cappadocia in Context,” International Workshop for Graduate Students, Koç University (held by Prof. Robert Ousterhout and Dr. Tolga B. Uyar). BOOKS AUTHORED December 2009 BOOK CHAPTERS Forthcoming Öztürk, F. G., Kapadokya’da Dünden Bugüne Kaya Oymacılığı [Rock Carving in Cappadocia From Past to Present] (Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 2009). ARTICLES IN JOURNALS Forthcoming December 2012 June 2012 Öztürk, F. G., “Rock-­‐Cut Architecture: Its Nature and Archaeology” in The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From Late Antiquity to the Coming of the Turks, Brill. Öztürk, F. G., “Açıksaray ‘Open Palace’: a Byzantine rock-­‐cut settlement in Cappadocia,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. 107, no. 2 (2014) 127–152. (AHCI) Öztürk, F. G., “Ortaçağ’da Kapadokya Yemekhaneleri ve Mutfakları,” Yemek ve Kültür, no. 30 (Dec. 2012), 58-­‐66. Öztürk, F. G., “The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: An Enigma of Architectural History,” Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, vol. 29, no. 1 (June 2012), 153-­‐169. (AHCI) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS July 2013 “Negotiating between the Independent and Groups of Courtyard Complexes in Cappadocia.” In Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 30, Open, vol. 2, edited by A. Brown and A. Leach, 2013, 837-­‐849. November 2011 “Açıksaray: Mimari Bir Okuma. Manastır Yaşamı ve Yerleşimin Sorgulanması,” in 1. Uluslararası Nevşehir Tarih ve Kültür Sempozyumu 3
INVITED LECTURES April 2014 January 2014 April 2013 April-­‐May 2013 April 2012 December 2011 July 2010 December 2009 Bildirileri, ed. A. Öger (Nevşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları: 2, Ankara, 2012), vol. 3, 151-­‐171. “Rock-­‐Cut Façades in Byzantine Cappadocia” at the Symposium titled “From Constantinople to Cappadocia” at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 13.04.2014. “Açıksaray ‘Open Palace’: A Byzantine Rock-­‐Cut Settlement in Cappadocia,” University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 31.01.2014. “Negotiating between the Independent and Groups of Courtyard Complexes in Cappadocia,” Çankaya University, Department of Architecture, 29.04.2013. “An Enigma of Architectural History: Byzantine Settlements in Cappadocia,” METU Alumni Associations, Archaeology Club, Ankara, 25.04/02.05/09.05.2013. “The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: An Enigma of Architectural History,” Çankaya University, Department of Architecture. “Açıksaray: An Architectural Reading Questions of Monastic and Secular Settlement,” Çankaya University, Department of Architecture, 27.12.2011. “Cappadocian Rock-­‐cut Courtyard Complexes: An Architectural Reading,” İzmir Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, 19.07.2010. Documentary Film Screening: Kapadokya’da Dünden Bugüne Kaya Oymacılığı, ArkeoPera, Galatasaray, 26.09.2009. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS April 2014 “Transformation of the ‘Sacred’ Image of a Byzantine Cappadocian Settlement” at the 67th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, in Austin, Texas. July 2013 “Negotiating between the Independent and Groups of Courtyard Complexes in Cappadocia.” The 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, Australia. 4
November 2011 October 2010 December 2009 December 2009 March 2009 May 2008 FIELD RESEARCH Since 2013 July 2012 September 2011 August 2008 “Açıksaray: Mimari Bir Okuma. Manastır Yaşamı ve Yerleşimin Sorgulanması,” in 1. Uluslararası Nevşehir Tarih ve Kültür Sempozyumu, Nevşehir, Turkey. “The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: A Puzzle of Architectural History,” Architectural History Conference/ Turkey I, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. “The Façade-­‐Long Portico of Cappadocian Courtyard Complexes: An Intermediate Form between the Arabian Bayt and the Turkish Hayat”, Istanbul Graduate Symposium on Archaeology Netherlands Institute in Turkey: Connections in Past and Present, Netherlands Institute, Istanbul, Turkey. “Cappadocian Courtyard Complexes: An Architectural Typology Relying on the Common Vocabulary of Patronage Across the Mediterranean,” METU Graduate Program in Architectural History Doctorate Researches Symposium VI-­‐ Spaces/ Times/ Peoples: Patronage and Architectural History, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. “Açıksaray ‘Open Palace’: An Investigation on Rock-­‐Cut Courtyard Complexes in Cappadocia,” GAO Annual Conference-­‐ Living in the Past: Living Conditions through Time and Space, Graduate Archaeology Oxford, Oxford, England. “Questioning the Middle Byzantine Housing in Cappadocia: The Uninterrupted Tradition of Carving to Dwell," HERA-­‐C/ HREC Joint Symposium-­‐ Doctorial Studies on Housing, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus. Site Survey of Byzantine Settlements in Açıksaray and the Environs, in Cappadocia (Nevşehir, Turkey), principal investigator. Participation in the site survey of Güzelöz-­‐Başköy (Kayseri, Turkey) (conducted by Dr. Nilüfer Peker, Başkent University). Participation in the site survey of Güzelöz-­‐Başköy (Kayseri, Turkey) (conducted by Dr. Nilüfer Peker, Başkent University). Participation in Aphrodisias Excavation 2008 (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts). Member of the architectural team for the project “Anastylosis of the Sebasteion,” Karacasu (Aydın, Turkey). 5
AWARDS 2010 2001 JURY/ PANEL 2014 2011 Ph. D. Thesis was awarded with one of the METU, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Education and Research Foundation, Thesis of the Year Prizes for the 2009–2010 Academic Year. Purchase, Medical Clinic Freiburg. Published in Wettbewerbe Aktuell, 4/ 2001, 23-­‐24. (by HSP Hoppe Sommer Planungs GMBH in Stuttgart, Germany). Panelist in the Art Panel, 2014-­‐2-­‐BİDEB 2214A/2219, organized by TÜBİTAK. Alternate Juror in the competition “Kent Düşleri 5: Ego Hangarları ve Alanı Değerlendirme Projesi,”organized by Chamber of Architects of Turkey , Ankara Office. MEMBERSHIPS Since 2015 International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA) Since 2012 Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Since 2003 Member of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey FOREIGN LANGUAGES English Excellent: ÜDS Test Score 97.5/ 100, March 2008 German Excellent: KPDS Test Score: 94/ 100, Nov. 2003 French Good (Ankara Anadolu Lisesi) COURSES GIVEN (2010-­‐2015) INAR 201/ 202 Design Studio I/ II INAR 301/ 302 Design Studio III/ IV INAR 401 Design Studio V INAR 115 Perspective INAR 125/ 126 Foundation for Interior Architecture I/ II INAR 131 Technical Drawing INAR 134 Building Materials INAR 323 History of Art & Architecture III INAR 327 Architectural Theory INAR 366 Interior Space Analysis of Historical Buildings INAR 405 Research in Interior Architecture ARCH 101 Basic Design I ARCH 126 Introduction to Architecture II ARCH 134 Technical Drawing ARCH 223/ 224 History of Architecture I/ II DSGN 601 Design Studio (Ph.D. program) 6

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