October - AYSO Region 86


October - AYSO Region 86
October 8, 2013
Those in attendance of the October 8th Board Meeting included:
Alan Caserio
Kelly Brennan
Sherrie Conley
Denise Coury
Pascal Demilly
Jeb Dickerson
Sam Eidt
Ken Greengard
Pam Mangus
Frank Mead
Ole Nielsen
Marisa Parker
Jan Schrieber
Stacie Shonfeld
Stephanie Stewart
Commencement of Meeting
The October Board meeting was called to order at 6:43 p.m.
Approval of September Meeting Minutes
Alan asked all in attendance if they had the opportunity to review the September meeting minutes, which
were emailed to the Board. There was a discrepancy noted in the September minutes concerning the new
Refund Policy: An additional exception to the new Refund Policy is that if a registered player is not
placed on a team, that player is eligible for a refund of his/her paid registration fee. Sam moved for
approval of the September Board Meeting Minutes as corrected, followed by a second by Kelly. The
motion was unanimously carried.
Finances – Denise Coury/Alan Caserio
Bank Balances. There was no report distributed. Denise will email to the Board the current
balances in the two bank accounts.
Refunds. All registration refunds to be issued this week. Alan asked Denise to mail the refunds
written out of the general account within the next couple of days. Approximately 100 players dropped out
of the program. Total refund: ~$5,000, which isn’t bad. One one-third or less requested refunds and others
were not eligible for refunds.
Bank Account Signature Cards. Alan proposed that the following AYSO Board members be
signers going forward on the region’s bank accounts: Alan Caserio, Denise Coury, Sam Eidt, Frank Mead
(as new Treasurer), Anthony LoFranco and Ole Nielsen. Geoff Orias will be removed as signer on the
accounts. Denise moved for the addition of Frank Mead, Anthony LoFranco and Ole Nielsen and the
removal of Geoff Orias on the region’s bank accounts, followed by a second by Ole. The motion was
unanimously carried.
As new Treasurer and once Frank has provided American Security Bank with his signature, he will begin
his duties as Treasurer, and Alan indicated that Frank will utilize NAP online for his Treasurer functions.
Safety Report
Mehran was not present at tonight’s meeting. Alan reported one injury.
CVPA Report – Pam Mangus
Pam reported that there are a couple of outstanding refs. Background checks take time. It’s really
important to recruit volunteers early to get clearance in time for the season. Maybe we can get volunteers
to begin signing up in January in conjunction with earlier player registration for families taking advantage
of the 50th anniversary discounts.
Alan provided Pam with a guide on how to run the region (with the exception of field/finance/registration
information), “Nuts & Bolts of Being a Division Manager,” which deals with the volunteer process.
Nominating Committee Report
Any ideas for nominations of the region’s new regional commissioner?
Field Committee Report
TOW field looks terrible. AYSO is not using TOW this season and put away the two goals, but they have
been placed back onto the field in the bare/trouble spots. Alan would like a field coordinator to work with
the School District to troubleshoot and get the field back into condition. The bare areas need to be resodded and secured.
Fall 2014 Registration Report – Alan Caserio
50 Year Anniversary. A promotion of a 50% discount on the published registration fees will be
in place until January 31st in honor of AYSO’s 50th anniversary. Fall 2014 registration will open prior to
Fall 2013 season end. Current volunteers can email the registrar for an additional 50% discount. Flyers
will be created and distributed to promote the 50th anniversary and available discounts.
Boo Blast. Any volunteers to man an AYSO booth? Alan’s idea is to set up goals so that kids can
shoot on goal against Extra players and win prizes for goals. Jan, Christine and Ole will investigate and
make contact with Ed Ornelas for possible student volunteers.
Miscellaneous. Stephanie will set up a table at the U10 tournament with a “Save $100 Now”
Sport Ngin registration for Fall 2014 will be activated before the end of the Fall 2013 season to.
Referee Points – Alan Caserio
Because of the current difficulty in tracking ref points, Alan suggests that we “relax” this year and all
teams can enter tournaments. However, if a team submits a tournament application without identifying
referees, that team cannot participate in the tournament. Coaches must list referees who are committed to
ref the tournament.
U8 requires 1 referee; U10 and above – 2 referees. Alan indicated that he would like the referee
administration to assign each ref around his/her child’s game.
Alan will send to Sam a tournament application form, which Sam has been asked to forward to all
coaches. Alan stressed that there is no reason not to sign up now. A discussion ensued. Tournaments will
be scheduled through MatchTrak and MatchTrak will be used for ref sign-ups.
T-Shirts – Jan Schrieber
Jan distributed several different designs for a new t-shirt.
Galaxy Tickets – Alan Caserio
Alan is turning over the Galaxy ticket purchase responsibilities. The total purchase price is taken out of
the Spring/Tournament account, as most tickets are awarded to Spring volunteers. Jeb motioned for
approval to renew this incentive program and purchase Galaxy tickets again, followed by a second by
Jan. The motion was unanimously carried.
Galaxy tickets have been awarded to the following volunteers:
Richard Graham
Sam Eidt
Joe DeMichele
Stephen Smith
Ed Ornelas
Jan Schrieber
Glenn Wilson
Marisa Parker
Mehran Megerdichian
Anthony LoFranco
Johnny Vasquez
Eric Moore
Ken Greengard
Piero Wernyss
James Henry
Erik Berg
Galaxy v. Chicago
Galaxy v. C S Herediano
Galaxy v. Chivas
Galaxy v. Colorado
Galaxy v. C F Monterrey
Galaxy v. Sporting Kansas City
Galaxy v. Houston
Galaxy v. Seattle
Galaxy v. Portland
Galaxy v. Columbus Crew
Galaxy v. F C Dallas
Galaxy v. Vancouver
Galaxy v. Real Salt Lake
Galaxy v. San Jose Earthquakes
Galaxy v. Colorado
Galaxy v. Seattle
March 3rd
March 13th
March 17th
March 23rd
April 3rd
April 20th
May 5th
May 26th
June 19th
July 4th
July 7th
July 20th
August 17th
August 31st
September 7th
September 21st
Extra Report – Frank Mead
The new teams are enjoying exciting, close games. Season is going very well. Frank’s team is in first
place. Alan has been very impressed with the skill level.
All Stars (U9-U14)/Future Stars (U8) Program – Alan Caserio
Program to occur during two weekends in January (with rain-out date). 4 games, then final. Winner of
final to proceed to Section games. Winner of Section games to proceed to State games.
Rating forms will include selection of goal keepers and defenders, not just strikers.
In selecting All Stars, coaches at Coach Meetings are to place a star next to a player to nominate. All Stars
coaches will be selected by DM’s based on ability (maybe Extra coaches?), and RC and RCA to approve.
Start process now! Selections to be made by the time of Coach Meetings. All Stars coaches will use
criteria to select All Stars for competitive teams. Hopefully, All Stars coaches can view All Stars
nominees during tournaments.
For Future Stars, coaches to nominate 7 year olds ~ not 6 year olds. Future Stars and younger All Stars to
feed into U9/U10 Extra program.
Volunteer Appreciation Party – Alan Caserio/Denise Coury
Alan asked the Board if there is an interest in throwing another Volunteer Appreciation Party at the Hotel
Laguna, at the cost of approximately $7,000. There was a consensus to throw another party this year.
Denise to check availability of the hotel and gaming company for the first Wednesday or Thursday in
Galaxy Clinic / UK Coaches – Ole Nielsen
Ole reported that the Galaxy Clinic was going well and the coaching staff is even better than what we
experienced in the Spring. No problems with the UK Coaches either - all running smoothly.
National Games – Sam Eidt
BU14 Extra team to be coached by Jeb Dickerson. GU12 Extra team to be coached by Stacie Shonfeld
with help from Anthony LoFranco. Coaches for GU12 will have to become compliant with Extra
certification levels and training ASAP.
Spring Soccer – Alan Caserio/Jeb Dickerson
Jeb will be the Spring coordinator this coming Spring season. He will run the Spring coach meeting with
the help of Ole, which will take place at 6:30 PM, Nov12 after which the normal board meeting will start.
Meeting will be held in the Education room at the B&G Club. The board meeting will move upstairs to
the board room. Alan will forward all past documents to Jeb. Discussion ensued about allowing
players/coaches that abandoned AYSO this season to play or coach in the Spring. Alan indicated that no
change in the guidelines are planned and that the same procedure as has been in place in past years for
accommodating our Fall 2013 players/coaches and those that did not play/coach Fall 2013 will be applied.
The October Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. Next board meeting will be Nov
12, at approx 7:00 PM after the Spring Coach meeting.