Moe - Miami Dade College


Moe - Miami Dade College
Miami Dade College Wednesday, April 25, 2012 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave.} Suite 1350 Miami} Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366 - Fax. 305-237-3228 Get the latest MDC news on
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Profe ssio nal Deve lopme nt (http://profe ss ion lie ge board .co mJprof-dev)
Store ( nte r .do)
The College Board Forum will feature exciting plenary events and outstanding speakers in education,
politics and media.
Eduardo Padron
Donna E. Shatala President, Miami Dade
Pres ident, University of Miam i Shirley Tilghman
President, Princeton University
More .rJ1 0.r..e
More Speaker Biographies
Eduardo Padron
President, Miami Dade Cottege
An American by choice, Eduardo Padron arrived in the United States as
a refugee from Cuba at the age of 15. He has served as president of
Miami Dade College since 1995. He is credited with elevating the
college, which is the largest institution of higher education in America
with more than 174,000 students, into a position of national prominence.
An economist by training, in 2009 Time magazine included Padr6n on the list of "The 10 Best College
Pres idents."
Donna E. Shatata
President, University of Miami
The former longest serving Secretary of Health and Human Services in
U.S. history, Donna Shalata became professor of political science and
president of the University of Miami on June 1, 2001. With more than 30
years of experience as an accomplished scholar. teacher and
administrator, she has solidified UM's position among top U.S. research
universities and has raised more than $1.4 billion in private support for the university's endowment,
academic and reseanch programs and facilities.
Shirley Tilghman
President, Princeton University
An exceptional teacher and a world-renowned scholar and leader in the
field of molecular biology, Shirley lilghman ser.ed on the Princeton
faculty for 15 years before becoming the university's 19th president in
June, 2001. She is renowned for her national leadership on behalf of
women in science and for promoting efforts to make the early careers of
young scientists as meaningful and producti\e as possible .
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Forum 2011 Overview I Education Leading Change for a New Decade
Advocacy & Policy Ce nte r
College Guidance
Colle ge Board Schools
inspiring minds
Pr o qra m
Hig hlight s
2011 New York
Oct. 26-28
R e qistrati o n
College Fair
the future of
L' !J.L Collabol<=ite. Innovate.
Forum 2012
Save the date I Forum 2012 will be held in Miami on Oct. 24-26. The Call for Proposals will open in early February. Thank You For Attending Forum 2011
More than 2.000 educators from public and private secondary schools , colleges , universities, and non­
profits attended Forum 2011. We thank you for lending your loOice to help improve education in America . Relive the Conference
Cl ick here (hlle " www.con neclion-coll egeboard .org/forum 20 111?ee ch= PR&ee mid=93 81570&e p rid=60438 467) to read about the co nference in the Forum 2011 Dailies. Check out the highlights page (hlle liforum.collegeboard .org/ 2011 /hig hlighls) to see an overview of Forum 2011 featured plenary events and outstandi ng speakers . Jrum20 11.collegeboard .org
Harvard Graduate School of Education » HGSE Community Events
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Harvard Graduate School of Education» HGSE Community Events
spring, education , reception , learning, commencement , students, graduating, school, hgse , last
Eastern Time
This hCalendar-compliant page is optimized for search engines. View this calendar as published at isites.harvard .edu .
Last day of Spring semester classes
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617 495-3419. Sponsoring Organization/Department: HGSE . Registration
Required: No. Wednesday, April 25, 2012.
Last possible day to withdraw from HGSE without receiving spring semester or yearlong grades (5pm)
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617 495- 3419. Sponsoring Organization/ Department: HGSE. Registration
Required : No. Wednesday, April 25, 2012 .
Three-Day Learning Lab
Introduce your team of school and district leaders to the Ecology of Change framework-a
comprehensive approach to systemic change and school improvement-and discover valuable concepts that can be applied
directly to specific change projects. Type of Event: Conference / Symposium. Institute. Workshop. Building/Room: Other.
Contact Name: Programs in Professional Education. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 800-545-1849.
Sponsoring Organization/Department: Programs in Professional Education. Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee:
$1,095. Wednesday, April 25,2012, 7:30 AM - Friday, April 27,2012, 12 :30 PM. Harvard Graduate School of Education.
For more info visit www.gse.harvard. edu.
Free Financial Literacy Workshop
To celebrate Financial Literacy Month Harvard is offering a free money management workshop. If you have ever
wondered how credit scores work, what affects your monthly payor have unanswered questions about personal financing
this workshop is for you! Please contact Jill Barnhart Bertrand ( for more information . Type of
Event: Workshop. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Jill Bertrand. Contact Email: Contact
Phone: NA. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Sponsored by the Harvard Financial Literacy Committee . Registration
Required: No. Wednesday, April 25,2012, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM. Harvard Hall, Room 201.
Meira Levinson: Gutman Library Distinguished Author Series
A Book Talk : "No Citizen Left Behind" by Meira Levinson. Meira Levinson's latest book, "No Citizen Left Behind,"
argues that the United States suffers from a civic empowerment gap that is as shameful and anti-democratic as the
academic achievement gap targeted by No Child Left Behind . She shows how schools can help address the civic
empowerment gap by teaching collective action, openly discussing the racialized dimensions of citizenship , and provoking
students by engaging their passions against contemporary injustices through action civics . Reception and Book Signing to
follow. Type of Event: Discussion , Lecture. Presentation. Question & Answer Session . Reception . Building/Room: Other.
Contact Name: Mark Shelton. Contact Email: sheltoma@gse Contact Phone: 617-496-3108 . Sponsoring
Organization/Department: Gutman Library. Registration Required: No. RSVP Required: No. Wednesday, April 25,2012 ,
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM . HGSE Gutman Library 1st Floor Reading Room.
No Citizen Left Behind Book Talk and Reception
Book talk and signing. Type of Event: Presentation. Question & Answer Session. Reception. Building/Room :
Gutman Conference Center Lobby. Contact Name: Anita Wadhwa. Sponsoring Organization/Department: CMEI.
Registration Required: No. Wednesday, April 25,2012,5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Gutman Library first floor reading room .
Spring Reading Period Begins
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617495-3419. Sponsoring Organization/Department: HGSE. Registration
Required: No. Thursday, April 26, 2012 .
Mindfulness Meditation Break
In the midst of this whirlwind time of year, connect to resources that promote calm and centering. Join us for
a guided mini break practicing mindfulness meditation with Laura C. Arena , Assistant Director in the Office of Student
Affairs. Laura is a mindful yoga and meditation teacher who instructs in Mind Body Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques.
Join us for a restorative and relaxing guided practice during the week . We will start at 1:05 pm and end at about 1:35 pm
on Thursdays, through May 3. Drop ins encouraged! Type of Event: Workshop. Building/Room: Larsen G06. Contact Name:
http: //w
Harvard Graduate School of Education» HGSE Community Events
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~ ~
Laura Arena . Contact Email: laura_arena@gse.harvard .edu. Contact Phone: 617-495-8035. Sponsoring
Organization/Department: Office of Student Affairs. Registration Required: No. RSVP Required: No. Thursday, April 26 ,
2012, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Larsen Hall G06.
Defining The Educated Person
Chair: Fernando Reimers, Ed.M. '84, Ed.D. '88, Ford Foundation Professor of
international Education, and Director, international Education Policy Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Panelists: • Lawrence S. Bacow, President in Residence, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and President,
Emeritus,Tufts University· Deborah Delisle, Nominee, Assistant Secretary of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S .
Department of Education, and former Ohio State Superintendent. David Gergen, public service professor, and director,
Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School; • Henry Rosovsky, Lewis P and Linda L Geyser University Professor,
Emeritus, Harvard University. Armando Vilaseca, Education Commissioner, Vermont Department of Education At the core
of debates about education reform, from K-12 to college and university, are alternative views on the purposes of
education . What should schools and universities prepare students for? What defines an 'educated' person? What is the
role ... Type of Event: Forum. Lecture. Question 8: Answer Session. Building/Room: Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Amber
DiNatale. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617-384-9968. Sponsoring
Organization/Department: Harvard Graduate School of Education. Registration Required: No. Admission Fee: This event is
free and open to the public. Thursday, April 26, 2012,4 : 15 PM - 6:30 PM. 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138.
Sampson Live: Having a Gaylicious Time
Come see the rising comedic star from the East Coast .. Sampson McCormick. He is an openly gay, Black stand·
up comedian, writer, and activist. Fitting into the "double minority" category, being Black and gay, Sampson refuses to be
defined by these portions of his identity and performs mainstream venues and comedy clubs that include Broadway in New
York, his one man stage show Anatomy of a Brotha, appearing on Broadway in New York, MTV's The Real World (2010) , and
television show "Don't Make Me Take Off My Earrings". Sampson is also an activist speaking out against homophobia and
youth homelessness. Followed by a post· performance discussion on the intersection of race, gender, and queer identities.
FREE Food and drinks provided. Type of Event: Performance. Building/Room: Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Sheldon Ross.
Contact Email: sheldonross@fas.harvard,edu. Contact Phone: 617· 396-7556. Sponsoring Organization/ Department: HGSE
Queer Ed . Registration Required : No. Admission Fee: Free. RSVP Required: No. Thursday, April 26, 2012, 8:00 PM ­
10:00 PM . Askwith Hall.
Last day for name, program, and privacy changes for May Commencement
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617495-3419. Sponsoring Organization/Department: HGSE. Registration
Required: No . Friday, April 27, 2012.
The 13th Annual ALANA Anthology Launc h & End of the Year Multicultura I Celebration
The ALANA (African-American, Latin, Asian, Native and Allies Student Organization) and the Multicultural
Advisory Council (MAC) proudly present The 13th Annual ALANA Anthology Launch and End of the Year Multicultural
Celebration. The Anthology Launch and Celebration will be held April 28th at the Gutman Conference Center from 6:00pm
to 9:00pm. This celebration will be hosted in conjunction with the campus wide Harvard Arts First Festival. The talents of
the 2012 ALANA Anthology Contributors and local community arts organizations will be showcased throughout the evening.
The ALANA team will debut film and poetry from the print and online versions of the ALANA Anthology. The evening will
be capped off with performances by teen rappers from Zumix, a Boston Arts non-profit, Samoan Dancers, a Salsa dance
party and much more . Refreshments will be served. The ALANA and MAC teams look forward to celebrating the
accomplishments of these artists and HGSE students campus wide. To attend, please RSVP at hgse.a... Type of Event:
Performance. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: ALANA. Contact Email: Contact Phone:
NA. Sponsoring Organization/Department: ALANA Anthology Committee. Registration Required: No. Saturday, April 28,
2012, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Gutman Conference Center.
Instructional Rounds Level Two
The program is designed for those who are engaged in instructional Rounds practice. Learn
how to analyze and develop the connections among instructional Rounds, your improvement strategy and your explicit
theory about how individuals, teams and organizations learn. Type of Event: Conference / Symposium. institute.
Workshop. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Programs in Professional Education. Contact Email:
ppe@gse, Contact Phone: 800-545·1849 . Sponsoring Organization/Department: Programs in Professional
Education. Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee : $1 ,950. Monday, April 30, 2012, 12:00 PM - Thursday, May 3,2012,
1:30 PM. Harvard Graduate School of Education. For more info visit www.,?,
Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal
Moderator: Bridget Terry Long, Xander Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE
Panelists: • Martha Kanter, Ed.M.'74, under secretary of education, U.S. Department of Education· Rolando Montoya,
provost, Miami Dade College. Hilary Pennington, former director of education, Postsecondary Success, and Special
initiatives at the Bill 8: Melinda Gates Foundation Join influential leaders in higher education to discuss President Obama's
2020 Goal of America to double the number of college graduates. Currently, only 50 percent of college students graduate
with a degree. To remain competitive as a country and build on the amazing potential of our students, we must figure out
how to stem this tide. in response, the president has set the goal to have all Americans enroll in at least one year of
higher education or job training to better prepare our workforce for a 21st century economy. The administration has
http: //ww
Harvard Graduate School of Education» HGSE Community Events
proposed a restructuring of the federal financial aid program with the goal of making it simpler, ... Type of Event: Forum .
Lecture. Panel. Question & Answer Session. Building/Room: Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Amber DiNatale. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617-384·9968. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Harvard Graduate
School of Education. Registration Required: No. Admission Fee: This event is free and open to the public . Monday,
April 30,2012, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138.
A Discussion with General Colin L. Powell, USA (Retired)
ASKWITH FORUMS AND PUBLIC LECTURE SERIES Speaker: Colin L. Powell, former U.S. secretary of state; former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff; and founding chairman, America's Promise Alliance General Powell will discuss education, America's
Promise Alliance, and why we have to become a Grad Nation. Founded in 1997 with General Colin Powell as chairman and
chaired today by Alma Powell, America's Promise Alliance is a cross·sector partnership of 400+ national organizations
representing nonprofit groups, businesses, communities, educators, and policymakers dedicated to improving the lives of
children and youth. In 2010, America's Promise Alliance launched Grad Nation, a growing movement of dedicated
individuals, organizations and communities working together to end the dropout crisis. The goal of Grad Nation is to raise
the national high school graduation rate to 90 percent by 2020, with no school graduating fewer than 80 percent of its
students on time. This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or registration is required .... Type of Event: Forum .
Question & Answer Session. Building/Room: Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Amber DiNatale. Contact Email:
askwith_forums@gse.harvard .edu. Contact Phone: 617-384·9968. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Harvard Graduate
School of Education. Registration Required: No. Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. 13 Appian Way Cambridge,
MA 02138.
Spring Reading Period Ends
ACADEMIC CALENDAR Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617 495·3419. Sponsoring Organiza tion / Department: HGSE. Registration
Required: No. Thursday, May 3,2012 .
Mindfulness Meditation Break
STUDENT EVENTS In the midst of this whirlwind time of year, connect to resources that promote calm and centering . Join us for
a guided mini break practiCing mindfulness meditation with Laura C. Arena, Assistant Director in the Office of Student
Affairs. Laura is a mindful yoga and meditation teacher who instructs in Mind Body Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques .
Join us for a restorative and relaxing guided practice during the week. We will start at 1:05 pm and end at about 1:35 pm
on Thursdays, through May 3. Drop ins encouraged! Type of Event: Workshop . Building/Room: Larsen G06. Contact Name:
Laura Arena. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617-495-8035. Sponsoring
Organization/Department: Office of Student Affairs . Registration Required: No. RSVP Required: No. Thursday, May 3,
2012, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM , Larsen Hall G06.
Teacher Teams
PROGRAMS IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Create well·organized learning teams focused on the significant improvement of curriculum
and instruction in your school. The program is designed for K-12 teachers, department heads, principals, curriculum
developers, coaches and individuals specializing in staff development. Type of Event: Conference / Symposium. Institute.
Workshop . Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Programs in Professional Education. Contact Email: . Contact Phone: 800-545-1849. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Programs in Professional
Education. Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee: $1,250. Thursday, May 3,2012, 1:00 PM - Saturday, May 5,2012,
1:00 PM. Harvard Graduate School of Education. For more info visit www.gse,
Chocolate Me! with Taye Diggs and Shane Evans
ASKWITH FORUMS AND PUBLIC LECTURE SERIES Moderator: Pamela A. Mason, M.A.T. 70, Ed. D. 75, lecturer on education; and director,
Language and Literacy Program; HGSE Speakers: • Taye Diggs, actor and author· Shane Evans, author and illustrator
Children's book author and illustrator discuss their collaboration on Chocolate Me! a book based on experiences of feeling
different and trying to fit in as kids. Book signing will follow forum. Copies will be available for purchase. This event is
free and open to the public. No ticket or registration is required. Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis . This
event will be live-streamed. Please check back the day of the event for the live-stream link . , Want to win a reserved seat
for this forum? Become a fan of the Ed School on Facebook ( and watch for a
posting about this event. Connect with Us: Tweeting at an Askwith Forum? Use the IIAskwith hashtag . Attending a Forum?
Check in on Foursquare ( For more ... Type of Event: Forum. Lecture. Question & Answer
Session. Building / Room: Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Amber DiNatale. Contact Email: askwith_forums@gse
Contact Phone: 617·384·9968 . Sponsoring Organization/Department: Harvard Graduate School of Education. Registration
Required: No. Thursday, May 3,2012, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Longfellow Hall 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138,
Spring course examinations begin
ACADEMIC CALENDAR Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617 495·3419 . Sponsoring Organization/ Department : HGSE. Registration
Required: No. Friday, May 4,2012 .
Data Wise Impact Workshop: Collaborating to Take Our Work to the Next Level
PROGRAMS IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Learn how to fine-tune your current Data Wise practices and protocols to increase the
impact on learning, teaching and school culture. The program provides an opportunity to receive feedback from faculty lendar/eastern-ti me/harvard-grad uate-sch 00 1-0 f-education-hgse-comm un i ty-e vents
Harvard Graduate School of Education » HGSE Community Events
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and colleagues on how to take your work to the next level. Type of Event: Conference / Symposium. Institute. Workshop.
Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Programs in Professional Education. Contact Email: Contact
Phone: 800-545-1849. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Programs in Professional Education. Registration Required:
Yes. Admission Fee: $995. Sunday, May 6,2012, 1:00 PM - Tuesday, May 8,2012, 1:00 PM. Harvard Graduate School of
Education. For more info visit
Making it Work: Implementing a Comprehensive PreK-3rd Grade Approach
Gain the frameworks, research and strategies to support the implementation of a
comprehensive PreK-3rd approach. Learn how to strengthen and improve your existing efforts in schools and in supporting
families during the crucial years from pre-kindergarten through third grade. Type of Event: Conference / Symposium .
Institute. Workshop. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Programs in Professional Education. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 800-545-1849. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Programs in Professional
Education . Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee: $1095. Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 9:30 AM - Saturday, May 12, 2012,
1:30 PM. Harvard Graduate School of Education. For more info visit
Restorative Justice Workshop
With the potential of teaching conflict resolution and leadership skills, building stronger relationships and
providing alternative approaches to discipline, many schools and higher-ed organizations are exploring the use of
restorative practices, and watching lives and communities be transformed. Join us to learn how restorative justice
practices can: - build students' social-emotional capacities create and enhance relationships amongst diverse individuals ­
augment management and leadership skills - reduce teasing, bullying, and violence - decrease detention, suspension, and
expulsion rates - impact K-12 and higher ed policy and dialogue. Type of Event: Discussion. Diversity & Equity. Meeting.
Networking. Panel. Workshop. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Colleen McCann. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 2067147264. Sponsoring Organization/ Department: Harvard Coalition for
Restorative Justice. Registration Required: Yes. RSVP Required: Yes. Wednesday, May 9,2012,4:00 PM - 6:30 PM. Harvard
Graduate School of Education, Larsen 106.
Reception of 2012 China Education Symposium Annual Summit
People will register in Gutman Conference Center Lobby, and attend the reception in Conference Area A1, 2, 3
and 4. Refreshments will be provided, and conference brochures and name badges will be distributed at that time. Type
of Event: Ceremony. Networking. Performance. Reception. Registration & Enrollment. Building/Room: Other. Contact
Name: Mei Huang. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 6463841111. Sponsoring
Organization/Department: China Education Symposium. Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee: N/ A. RSVP Required :
Yes. Friday, May 11, 2012, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Gutman Conference Center Lobby and AI, A2, A3 and A4.
Last day of the Sp ring semester
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617495-3419. Sponsoring Organization/Department: HGSE. Registration
Required: No. Saturday, May 12, 2012 .
Spring course examinations end
Type of Event: Academic Schedule. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Katie Reilly. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 617 495-3419. Sponsoring Organization/ Department: HGSE. Registration
Required: No. Saturday, May 12, 2012.
2012 China Education Symposium Annual Summit
This all day event includes 1) opening ceremony, 2) 4 panels, 3) 1 pitch and 4) 1 lunch . Type of Event:
Conference / Symposium. Discussion. Forum. Networking. Panel. Registration & Enrollment. Workshop. Building/Room:
Askwith Hall. Contact Name: Mei Huang. Contact Email: Contact Phone: 646-384-1111.
Sponsoring Organization/Department: China Education Symposium. Registration Required: Yes. Admission Fee: N/A. RSVP
Required: Yes. Saturday, May 12, 2012. Askwith Hall at Longfellow Hall.
HGSE Kickball Tournament
Celebrate the end of finals at the 2012 HGSE KICKBALL TOURNAMENT! Teams can be within cohort to incite
some friendly competition (perhaps you want to make up for your low class-gift participation?) or cross-cohort (perhaps
you want to partner up with that cute guy/girl in EPM, SLP, L&L, etc). Even if your friends aren't from HGSE, everyone is
welcome to play. Spread the word!! 1. Grab a team of ten players (can be cross-cohort & can be outside of HGSE) and sign
up on this google doc (
key=OArG4TZleamBCdHoyQlRTWXB1 bjhrRGlUQjZEclZKZXc#gid=O) (if you don't have a team but want to play, sign up on the
right-hand column and we'll find you a team) 2. Deadline to sign up your team is Monday April 30th 3. Every player has to
pay a $3 fee (to cover the cost of the park permit, though if we get a lot to play, this could go down to $2!) 4. Bring the $
and yourself ready to play Saturday May 12th at 2pm . 5. If you have any questions, email jane_hsu@mail.harvard ... Type of
Event: Social Activity. Building/Room: Other. Contact Name: Jane Hsu. Contact Email:
Contact Phone: NA. Sponsoring Organization/Department: Office of Student Affairs. Registration Required: Yes. Admission
Fee: $3.00. RSVP Required: Yes. Saturday, May 12,2012,2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Cambridge Common Baseball Diamond.
http ://! even Is-calendar! eastern-timelharvard-grad uate-school-of-educa t ion-hgse-com m u n i ty -even ts
Page 1 of2 - Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal ECTURES Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation
Presented by Harvard Graduate School of Education
April 30, 2012
Moderator: Bridget Terry Long, Xander Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE
Panel participants include:
• Martha Kanter, Ed.M.'74, under secretary of education, U.S. Department of Education
• Rolando Montoya, provost, Miami Dade College
• Hilary Pennington, former director of education, Postsecondary Success, and Special
Initiatives at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Join influential leaders in college access to discuss President Obama's 2020 Goal of America to double the
number of college graduates. The President believes that regardless of educational path after high school, all
Americans should be prepared to enroll in at least one year of higher education or job training to better prepare
our workforce for a 21 st century economy. To accomplish these overarching goals, the President is committed to
increasing higher education access and success by restructuring and dramatically expanding college financial aid ,
while making federal programs simpler, more reliable, and more efficient for students. This roundtable discussion
will examine current issues in college access and retention , and what it will take to reach this goal.
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Longfellow Hall
13 Appian Way Cambridge , MA 02138
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Page 2 of2 - Evaluating President Obama' s 2020 College Graduation Goal
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Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal I Harvard Graduate School of Education I Harvard Graduate S...
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Wednesday Apr 25. 2012
Home> lECTURES> Evaluating PreSident Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal
Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal
Presented by Harvard Graduate School of Education
April 30, 2012
Add Review/Comment !fi Comment on Facebook Moderator: Bridget Terry long, Xander Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE
Panel participants include:
• Martha Kanter. Ed.M.'74, under secretary of education. U.S. Department of Education
• Rolando Montoya, provost, Miami Dade College
· Hilary Pennington. former director of education, Postsecondary Success, and Speciallniliatives at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
JOin influential leaders in college access to discuss President Obama's 2020 Goal of America to double the number of coUege graduates. The President believes that regardless of eci.Jcational
path after high school. all Americans should be prepared to enroll in at least one year of higher education or job training to better prepare our workforce for a 21st century economy. To
accomplish these overarching goals, the President is committed to increasing higher education access and success by reslructuring and dramatically expanding college financial aid, while
making federal programs simpler, more reliable, and more efficient for students. Th is roundtable discussion will examine current issues in COll ege access and retention, and what 1\ will take to
reach this goal.
Venue Info
Harvard Graduate School of Education, longfellow Hall
13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138
Full map and directions
Admission Info
Free!eventidetaiIl441592159/EvaluatingJresident_Obamas_2020 _College_Graduation_Goal
Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal I Harvard Graduate School of Education I Harvard Graduate S..
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Dates & Times
Dales:April 30. 2012
5:30 PM
Accessibility Info
l. : Wheelchair
:~ ;
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CHOCOLATE MEl Chocolate Me! with Taye Diggs and Shane Evans Harvard Graduate School of Education Longfellow
Hall 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Moderator Pamela A Mason, MAT.'70, Ed.D.'75, lecturer on education:
and director, Language and Literacy Program: HGSE Speakers : • Taye Diggs, actor and author· Shane Evans, author
and illustrator Children's book author and illustrator discuss their collaboration on Chocolate Me! a book based on
experiences of feeling different and trying to fit in as kids , Book signing will follow forum. Copies will be available for
purchase. This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or registration is required . Seating will be on a first-come,
first· serve basis. For more information, please visit: http://www.gss .harvard.sdu/calendar/askwith.html?
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Ca tegory. Events Posted: 04/24/2012
GENERAL COLIN L. POWELL A Discussion with General Colin L. Powell, USA (Retired) Harvard Graduate School of
Education Longfellow Hall 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Speaker: Colin L, Powell, former U.S. secretary of
state; fonner chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and founding chairman, America's Promise Alliance General Powell
will discuss education, America's Promise Alliance, and why we have to become a Grad Nation. Founded in 1997 with
General Colin Powell as chairman and chaired today by Alma Powell, Ame(ica's Promise Alliance is a cross-sector
partnership of 400+ national organizations representing nonprofit groups, businesses, communities, educators, and
policymakers dedicated to improving the lives of ch~dren and youth. In 2010, America's Promise Alliance launched Grad
Nalion, a growing movement of dedicated individuals, organizations and communities working together to end the dropout
cflsis. The goal of Grad Nation is to raise the national high school graduation rate to 90 percent by 2020, with no school
graduating fewer than 80 percent of its students on time. This event is free and open to the public. No ticke t or registratIon
is required . Sealing will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, please visit:
hllp://www ... [moreJ
report this ad I email me I email a friend Category: Events Posted: 04/24/2012 OBAMA'S 2020 GOAL Evaluating President Obama's 2020 College Graduation Goal Monday, April 30, 2012, 5:30­
7pm Harvard Graduale Schoot Of Education Longfellow Hall 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Moderator: Brklget
Terry Long, Xander Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE Panel participants Include: • Martha Kanter, Ed.M.'74,
under secretary of educatoon, U.S. Department of Education· Rolando Montoya, provost, Miami Dade Cotlege • Hilary
Penning ton, fonmer director of education, Postsecondary Success, and Speciallnijiatives at the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation JOIn influential leaders in college access to discuss President Obama's 2020 Goal of America to double the
number of college graduates. The President believes that regardless of educational path after high school, all Americans
should be prepared to enroll in at least one year of higher education or job training to better prepare our workforce for a
2151 century economy. To accomplish these overarching goals, the President is committed to increasing higher education
access and success by restructuring and dramahcally expanding college financial aid, while making federal programs
simpler, more reliable, and more efficient for students. This roundtable discussion will examine current issues in college
access and retention, and what ij will take to reach this goal. This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or
registration is required. Seating will be on a first-come , first-serve basis. For more infonnation please visit:
hllp:llwww.gse .htmi?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devenl%26eventid%3D99078151 .. [moreJ
report this ad I email me I email a friend Category. Evenls Posted 04/17/2012 THE EDUCATED PERSON Defining The Educaled Person ThurSday, April 26, 2012, 4'15 -6:30pm Harvard Graduate
School of Educalion LongfellOW Halt 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Chair: Femando Reimers, Ed.M.'84,
Ed.D.'88, Ford Foundalion Professor of International Education, and Director, Internalional Education Policy Program,
Harvard Graduate School of Educalion Speakers include: Lawrence S. Bacow, President in Res idence, Harvard
Graduate School of Education, and President, Emeritus,Tufts UniverSity Deborah Delisle, Nominee, Assistant Secretary
of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Departmenl of Education, and fonmer OhIO State Superintendent Henry
Rosovsky, LeWIS P and Linda L Geyser University Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University Armando Vilaseca, Education
Commissioner, Vennont Department of Education At the core of debates about education reform , from K-12 to college
and university, are alternative views on the purposes of education. Wlat should schools and universities prepare students
for? what defines an 'educated' person? what is the role of skills, character traits, knowledge and values in deSigning a
well-rounded curriculum. The panelists will participate in a dialogue about what goals and means we should consider in
educating students in our times . This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or reglstrarlon is required. Seating will
be on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, please visit:
http://www.gse.harvardedu/calendar/askwilh.htmi?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventld%3D995801 19 .. [moreJ
report thIS ad I email me I email a friend Category: Events Posted: 04/17/2012 NEW ORLEANS EDUCATION New Orleans Education Refonm: Pass or Fail? Tuesday, April 24, 2012 , 4:30 - 6pm
Harvard Graduate School of Education Lo ngfellow Hall 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Modera tor: Andy
Rotherham, co-founder/partner, Bellwether Education Partners and columnist, TIME Speakers: Kristen Buras, assislant
professor of urban educational policy, GeorgIa State University: and Sarah Newell Usdin, founder and CEO, New Schools
for New Orleans What can educators leam from the efforts to rebUIld New Orleans schools? Has the city's developmenl
of a choice-based, predominantly charter system benefited all children? This forum stems from the Harvard Educational
Review Summer 2011 artlCte, Race, Charter Schools, and Conscious Capitalism: On Ihe Spalial Politics of Whiteness as
Property (and the UnconscIonable Assault on Black New Orteans), and will explore the pasl five years of education
refonn efforts in New Orleans. This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or registration is required. Seating will
be on a first-come , first-serve baSIS. For more information, please viSIt: http://www.gse.harvard edu/calendarfindex him!?
trumbaEmbed= vlew%3 De vent%26eventid%3D98299323 ... [moreJ
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Category' Eve nts Posled: 04/1 1/2012
r ·rr'k';
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Erosphere (1) Buy Sell Trade (8) Mind Body Spirit (46) Services Offered (46) Roommates (8) Around Town (5) Adult (98) PREFERRED MEN SEEKING MEN 1-877 -409-8884 Gay hot phone
chat , 24/71 Talk to or meet sexy guys in your area
anytime you need it Fulfill your wildes#8230
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Call us today 10 applyl (617)749-1320 We are
currently hiring face-Io-face comm unity fundraisers to
help us ra#8230
Audio Engineering Courses
Learn everything you need to be a successful
Producer/Recording Engineer al a frac:tion of the cost
and lime elsewh#8230
Fusion Hip hip dance class
April's dance class has been designed to put the "fun"
back in fundamentals . This IS a fusion hip hop class
KERRY KENNEDY Kerry Kennedy - Speak Truth to Power: Take Action for Human Rights Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 6
_ 7:30pm Harvard Graduale School of Education Longfellow Hall 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 Introduction:
Kathleen McCartney, dean and Gerald S. Lesser Professor in Early ChIldhood Development, HGSE Speaker: Kerry
Kennedy, president, Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights Kerry Kennedy will talk about Speak Truth
Page 2 of2
Boston Classifieds - Automotive, Employment
To Power, a project of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. This multi-faceted global initiative
uses the expenences of oourageous defenders from around the world to educate students and others about human
rights, and urge them to take action. Defender programs include civic and moral education, and safe leaming
environments as a ruman rights issue for children. This event is free and open to the public. No ticket or regIstration is
required. Seating will be on a first<ome,
basis. For more information please visit: 7 trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D99209225..
repon thiS ad I email me I email a friend
Category. Events Posted 04/0912012
AGC SPRING SHOW - CTOWN •••• SPRING ART SHOW 4/27 -2/29' ••• The Artists' Group of Chartestown is hotding
their 8th Annual Spring Art Exhi bition, April 27th, 28th and 29th Artists working in 2d and 3d will be exhibiting their recent
works many of which are for sale to the general public. This is our 8th annual spring show and this year it is sponsored by
the Charlestown Preservation Society. Event will be hetd at the StoveFactory Gallery, 523 Medford St, Charlestown, Ma.
Opening reception Will be Friday 4127, from 6:00 to 9:00pm, gallery will be open Saturday, April 28th and Suniday, April
29th from 11 :OOam to 5:00pm. Pubtic is welcome, there is no admittance fee to see the show .... Imorel
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Ca tegory: Events Posted: 04/02/2012
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Category. Notlceboard Posted: 01/0312011
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Releases I Ten Institutions Form Network on Civic Learning through the Humanities
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--I.. .
Press Room Overview
iN S11 1Ul iO NAt ~D
l\SScSSrvlEN r
For Immediate Release
Debra Humphreys, Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs
202.387.3760, ext. 422
What is Liberal
Nledia Information
AAC&U Experts
Staterrents & Letters
SC ln;ci': & HEAli il
[ ~~
EMAl lliSf
Ten Institutions Chosen to Form Community College Network Focused on Civic Learning through the Humanities Supported by NEH and co-sponsored by AAC&U and The Democracy
Commitment, Bridging Cultures to Form a Nation: Difference, Community,
and Democratic Thinking, Will Build Campus Capacity for More Effective
Forms of Civic Learning through the Humanities
Washington, DC-April 13, 2012-The Association of American Colleges and
Universities (AAC&U) and The Democracy Commitment: An American
Com munity College Initiative (TDC) announced today the names of ten
comm unity colleges com petitively chosen to take the lead in a new initiative
funded by the National Endowment for the Hum anities.
AAC&U Nlerrber
LEAP Advocacy
AAC&U In the New s
Press Releases :
Recent Releases
Archived Releases
Selected institutions include:
Chandler-Gilbert Community College (AZ)
City University of New York, Kingsborough Community College
County College of Morris (NJ)
Georgia Perimeter College (GA)
Kapi'olani Community College (HI)
Miami Dade College (FL)
Middlesex Community College (MA)
Mount Wachusett Community College (MA)
Lone Star College-Kingwood (TX)
Santa Fe College (FL)
Teams from each of these schools will participate in Bridging Cultures, a three­
year curriculum and faculty development project designed to:
• infuse questions about difference, engaged community, and democratic
thinking into transfer courses in the humanities ;
• promote greater adoption of proven high-im pact practices that advance
important civic learning outcomes ;
• create a series of humanities-enriched professional development
opportunities for com m unity college faculty, especially adjunct faculty; and
• expand the project's im pact through collaboration with additional
IWW. aacu .org/press_room/press_releases/20 12/nehcldeschools .cfm
Press Room I Press Releases I Ten Institutions Form Network on Civic Learning through the Humanities
community colleges and
with state humanities councils,
"The comm
chosen for this project are
to lead the way in
developing curricular and co-curricular practices steeped in the humanities and
in the
democratic process," said Brian Murphy,
one of
the founders of The
Com m itment, and a co-director of the Bridging
Cultures project. 'The entire DemocracyCommitment network will benefit
greatly from the work these schools will do together over the course of this
"The community colleges in this NEH Bridging Cultures project are answering
released national report, A
the national call to action embedded in the
Crucible Moment: Col/ege
Future," said AAC&U
Senior Vice President and NEH
co-director Caryn
are targeting high-enrollment humanities courses and adopting proven civic
that together will offer more students opportunities to increase their
knowledge, skills, and commitments to making our multicultural democracyin
and more effective."
the US
Cultures was
as part of AAC&U's ongoing initiative on Civic
and Democratic
and builds on the recommendations
and Democracy's
issued in the report, A Crucible Moment: College
Future, released in January2012 at a White House convening. The
recom m endation inA Crucib Ie Mom ent is to make civic learning in
expected rather than optional for all students, including all those in career and
technical programs, Building from this recommendation,
in February2012 with a call for proposals to community colleges across
of hum anities faculty
the country, leading to the selection of ten teams
and administrators. Team members will partiCipate in an intensive summer
faculty development institute in Augus t 2012, as well as multiple other faculty
development opportunities and
with other com m unity
. The
will culminate in a symposium planned for October 2014. Bridging
with the New York
Cultures' impact will also be
Times Com pany education group, which is
national initiative.
online learning
forums and to share and co-create resources and course
For additional information about the initiative, visit:
http://www .aacu .org/bridg i ngcu Itu res
For a copy of the
A Crucib Ie Mom ent,
see: http://www ,aacu.o rg/civic _learn ing/cruci ble/index.cfm
For information aboutAAC&U's work in Civic
and Democratic
see http://www ,aacu.orgicivic_learning/index.cfm.
For more information about The
Commitment's mission. activities,
and m em bers, vis it
national association concerned with the quality, vitality, and
AAC&U is the
public standing of undergraduate liberal education. Its members are committed
to extending the
of a liberal education to all students,
or intended career. Founded in 1915, AAC&U now
more than 1,250 m em ber institutions-including accredited
and private colleges, communitycolleges, and universities of every
and size,
AAC&U functions as a catalyst and facilitator, forging links among
adm inistrators, and faculty members who are engaged in institutional and
curricular planning. Its mission is to reinforce the collective comm ilment to
liberal education at both the national and local levels and to help individual
Press Room I Press Releases I Ten Institutions Form Network on Civic Leaming through the Humanities
institutions keep the quality of student learning at the core of their work as they
evolve to meet new economic and social challenges.
Information aboutMC&U membership, programs, and publications can be
found at www
About The Democracy Commitment
The Democracy Comm itment is a national initiative that provides a platform for
the development and expansion of programs and projects aiming at engaging
community college students in civic learning and democratic practice. The goal
of the partnership is for every graduate of an American community college to
have had an education in democracy, whether they aim to trans fer to univers ity,
achieve an associate degree, or obtain a certificate.
For information and to become a member ofThe Democracy Commitment, visit: .
• X.H-"llt:II:';fi @' tWlVm "Gt4td· t,lIIthF'W1 ·f¥f~flU1,.l·f!tl+JifjfJltI
IWW .aacu .o rg/press _room/ press _releases/2012/nehcldeschoo Is.cfm
Meet Madeleine Albright discussing her new book at Miami Dade College
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Meet Madeleine Albright discussing her new book at Miami Dade College
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On View
Cancerl s
On Stage
Ev ents
April 30 . 2012. 8:00 p.m.
Miami Dade College presents Utopia
Posible . an Exhib ition by Felipe Dulzaides
From "' " rCh 3 t l'tr'C!IlQIl A pill 28 , 2U 12. !"haml Dade CQne!:e'c;
(MOe) l eno~'d"II':j A ft Gallery Sy~~m , In cwlldtmranvn w" h
w olfs.otl FQ<;u$ OC'I tN:l tiuma, rube s, MOC5 M i3ml I-tte . .
The Cleveland Orchestra returns to Miami
March 2 and 3
Sopf.:tno 1>3..... 11 Up-iha w, one or the
mO~l JII nlll~-l ('lt IJnd
d riunallcail y (I,Olllng t.lflogus 00 we stage [od;,y, 10m'S
ConduCtor Nt '-Gia ~ IJis¢ u fo r the W.;.~ 'XI D r ogr~f" of 'lth" CI .
UM Jerry He rman Ring Theatre 2011-12
From S ep t 201 1 thU.H•. (j I) Ac r 2012 . Th«! Ur;lvers.t y or 1'>11
Co tl eoge of A 1i and SClef'ClI!:s' Oeportmel"lt 01 Tne,Hle Alt 5
presents I ~$ 2Ql I · 7{) 12 Se<l~n ~'11I1(:h Si aneo' on 'Sep.. . .
Bird Road Art Walk
On I ~ ~ ·lr ,e 5a ~ um GY of ~ a CI1 mnI11t1, a "I l~" end Q" IUlrlfJ5- 01
the ada R o~d A rt Ol~ r ;c l O1)~ n tP"l~lr doors to hUSI tne lr
m o n~h! y art w alk starting at ' : OOp .m TheB I. .
Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will visit ~1iami Dade College's (MDC) Wolfson
Campus to discuss her new book, Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937­
1948, on Monday, April 30. The evening is presented by The Center for Literature and Theatre at MDC
and Books & Books. The event is free and open to the publi c.
Prague Winter takes readers from the capital city of Prague where Albright was born, to London where
her family moved following the Nazi invasion in 1939, to the desolate prison ghetto of Terezin.
Drawing upon her memory, her parents' written reflections, interviews with contemporaries and newly
-available documents, Albright offers a moving account of this tumultuous period. As she describes
her own experience growing up during this period, Albright reflects on the discovery of her family's
Jewish heritage many decades after the war, and the choices that her parents and their generation
faced as complicated events unfolded on the world stage. Both a deeply personal memoir and an
insightful historical work, Prague Winter presents an intimate portrait of these crucial twelve years and
serves as a guide to the future through the lessons of the past.
Springlime in Paris d uri ng Art Paris
"I was totall y blown away by this book," said biographer Walter Isaacson about Prague Winter. "It is a
breathtaking combination of the historical and the personal. Albright confronts the brutal realities of
the Holocaust and the conflicted moral choices it led to. It is an unforgettable tale of fascism and
I ar n ved t o Pa s on Monday, the h rst thIng to do wh en I am In the
Cit y, .. to ViSi t Le Louvre, Just to b@ '-~Jnlnd ed of (lasSoi(l\l qua lity,
Immerse ,nto t he n"Chness of hl$tQ(r(.It I..
RE AD "'lO RE ...
communism, courage and realism, families and heartache and love."
Albright served as U.S. Secretary of State from 1997 to 2001, the first woman ever to hold the
position. Her distinguished career in government includes positions in the National Security Council ,
on Capitol Hill, and as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She is currently Chair of Albright
Stonebridge Group and Albright Capital Management LLC, and serves as a professor in the Practice of
Diplomacy at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service . She has visited the Miami Dade
College several times with her last visit in 2011 regarding her popular book Read my Pins at which
Miami Dade College Art Gallery System
300 NE 2nd Av e nu e. "".ore Info I
Williams McCall Galtery
HD was hl~lon Avenue, CU- )
Mor '"' Into
time an exhibition of her pin and brooch collection was held at the college's National Historic
Landmark Freedom Tower.
Mark T Smith
6770 h"gjan Creek Dflv e
The Center for Literature and Theater @ MDC
...· -:lre Info
MDC Wolfson Campus Auditorium
300 NE Second Avenue. Building 1, Room 1261
3390 Mary St .'/16 2
Mor e Info
Grovehouse Artists. Featuring:
Don Calhoun
Miami, FL 33132
CompJ ex
3390 Mllry
http ://www.mjamiartguide.comli ndex. php?option=com_con tent&view=articl e& id=403 8: meet-made Ie ine-al bright-d jscussing..
M, L A ,~
8e Bo oKs
"Madeleine Albtight has written a remarkable story of adventure and
passion, tragedy and courage set against the backdrop of occupied
Czechoslovakia and World War II. In so doing, she provides fresh
insights into the events that shaped her career and challenges us to
think deeply about the moral dilemmas that arise in our own lives." ­
Vac1av Havel
In conversation with
Alberto Ibargiien about
Prague Winter:
A Personal Story ofRemembrance
and War, 1937-1948
(Harper, $29.99) ~ .l
Monday, April 30, Spm
Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus Auditorium
This event is presented in
collaboration with
CAN'T MAKE IT? If you'd like an autographed book from any of our author events, please call us at 305.442.4408 to pre-payor email us and we'll have one or more copies signed and reserved for you, Signed books make TheCenter:,MDC
"J JG ( '/i
~:'l ~4 ·1',, ·~. {,.lr'
Before the age of twelve, former
Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright's life was shaken by the Nazi
invasion of her native Prague, the
Battle of Britain, the near-total
destruction of European Jewry, the
allied victory in World War II, the
rise of communism, and the onset of
the Cold War. Albright recounts her
own experiences during this time,
and those of her family, in Prague
Winter. Drawing upon her memory,
her parents' written reflections,
interviews with contemporaries, and
~. .~~~
eat ~
P R \ ( . 1; F \\; I ;-IT ' · !{
r' ,.·
''!'.L; ' ' \ \ w j ~]r· ! 'f..,j.'
newly-available documents, Albright offers a moving and incisive
account of this tumultuous period.
Prague Winter takes readers from the capital city of Prague where
Albright was born, to the bomb shelters of London where her family
moved following the invasion in 1939, to the desolate prison ghetto
ofTerezin. As she describes her own experience growing up during
this period, Albright reflects on the discovery of her family's Jewish
heritage many decades after the war, and the choices that her
parents and their generation faced as complicated events unfolded
on the world stage .
In addition to her family's journey, Albright follows the story of
millions of ordinary citizens throughout Europe, who were ripped
from familiar surroundings and forced into new roles as exile
leaders, freedom fighters, resistance organizers, collaborators,
victims, and killers. Throughout Prague Winter, Albright weaves in
the tangled history of her Czech homeland, and considers the
effects offear, trust, identity, and morality on decisions made by
people from all walks of life du ring the war.
About the Author:
MADELEINE ALBRIGHT is the author of the New York Times
bestsellers Madam Secretary, The Mighty and the Almighty,
Memo to the President, and Read My Pins. She was U.S. Secretary
of State from 1997 to 2001. Her distinguished career of public
service includes positions in the National Security Council, as U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations, and on Capitol Hili. She is a
resident of Washington, D.C. and Virginia.
For media inquiries, contact Cristina Nostl at ;(iJ:1::!:;!:·l;;l:tl'!:~hI~ ..;. 3 or ~
or Debra Unn at ~rikrt:r:r:~rl·t;·n~~;.'4 or ~
CORAL GABLES 265 Aragon Avenue 1Coral Gables, Florida 33134 1305.442,4408 STORE HOURS:Sun-Thur: 9am-upm 1 Fri-Sat: 9am-Midnight MIA1VlI BEACH 927 Lincoln Road 1 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 1 305.532.3222 STORE HOURS:Sun-Thur: lOam-npm 1 Fri-Sat: lOam-Midnight BAL HARBOUR SHOPS 9700 Collins Avenue 1 Bal Harbour, Florida 33154 1305.864.4241 STORE HOURS:Mon-Sat: lOam-9pm 1Sun: 12-6pm MUSEUM OF ART 1FORT LAUDERDALE 1 East Las Olas Blvd. 1 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 1 954.262.0255 MlAMIINTERNATJONAL AIRPORT Concourse 0 Gate 0251 305.876.0468 STORE HOURS:7 days a week: 5:30am-upm GRAND CAYMAN 45 Market St. 1Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 1345.640.2665 STORE HOURS:Mon-Sat: loam-9pm 1 Closed Sun WESTHAMPTON BEACH STORE HOURS: Mon-Thur: lOam-7Pm I Fri-Sun: 9am-8pm I Closed Tues
THE CAFES @ BOOKS & BOOKS MIAMI BEACH I 927 Lincoln Road I 305.695·8898 CORAL GABLES I 265 Aragon Avenue I 305.448·9599 THE NEWSSTAND BY BOOKS & BOOKS NEW! 200 South Biscayne Boulevard I Miami, Florida 33131 I 305·379·5007 STORE HOURS: Mon-Fri: 7am-7pm BAL HARBOUR SHOPS: Inside our bookstore I 305.864.4241 The Gift Shop by BOOKS & BOOKS @ the Coral Gables Museum 285 Aragon Avenue I Coral Gables, Florida 33134 I 305·603.8067 STORE HOURS: Tues-Thurs & Sat: l1am-6pm I Fri: llam-8pm I Sun: 12-5pm For 11101 C infOlomation on OUIO all OUI' locations and directions to our stOI'CS pleasc visit
Madeleine Albright from HarperCollins Publishers
Page I
HarperCollins Publi sh er>
Rea ders
Author Tour
Madeleine Albright
Madeleine Albright served as America's sixty­ fourth secretary of state from 1997 to 2001. Her distinguished career also includes positions on capitol Hill, on the National Security Council, and as U.S. ambassador to the United Nation s. She is a reSident of Washington, D.C., and Virginia. Ptl0tO by Timot hy Gre enfield SanClers
Author Extras
Madeleine Albright Biography All Events
Promoting Prague Winter
Book Tour Wednesday, April 25, 2012 CZECH CONSULATE 321 E 73 rd St Bohemian National Hall
New York, NY 10021
Books Prague Winter
Before Madelene
Albright turned twelve,
her life was shaken by
the Nazi ...
Read My Pins
Before long , and
without intending it, I found that jewelry had become...
The Mighty and the
Does America, as
George W. Bush has proclaimed, have a special miSSion, ...
View more books by Madel eine Alb right» Thursday, April 26,2012 COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE BOSTON 1 Seaport LN Seaport Hotel Boston, MA 02210
Thursday, April 26,2012
Columbia Point John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Library Boston, MA 0212S
Friday, April 27, 2012
HA RVARD BOOKSTORE 91 Winthrop ST UpStairs on the SQ Cambridge, MA 02138 Friday, April 27, 2012
35 Swan Road Winchester, MA 01890
Saturday, April 28, 2012
2516 Solomons Island Rd Annapolis, MD
Sunday, April 29, 2012
600 I ST NW Washington, DC 2000 1
Monday, April 30, 2012
1 Chapman Conference Center Miami
Dade College Miami, FL 33132
Tuesday, May 01,2012
Newman Alumn i Center 6200 San Amaro
Drive University of Miami Coral Gables,
FL 33146
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 UNION LEAGUE 65 W Jackson Chicago, IL 60604 Wednesday, May 02, 2012
50 E Congress Parkway Roosevelt Univ
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49. Oyster Pan Stew at Tuyo - Miam i Restaurants and Dining - Short Order
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By Lee Klei n
10 t Popular Ston
Favorite Dishes
49. Oyster Pan Stew at Tuyo
ByLee Klein Wed., Apr. 25 2012 at9:18 AM
Categories: Favorite Dishes
Man Eats Whopper With 1,050 Strips
It's 4/20! Top Rve Restaurants When y,
It's that time of year when we count down to New Times' Best ofMiami 2012 issue in
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blogs. mia minewti mes .com/s hortorder/20 12/04/49_oyster_pa n_stew _at_tu yo. php
49. Oyster Pan Stew at Tuyo - Miami Restaurants and Dining - Short Order
hi II wi
49. Oyster Pan Stew at Tuyo
Tuyo sits atop the Miami Culinary Institute and affords a dramatic view of the Miami
sky line . The fare, orchestrated by executive chef Norman Van Aken and chef de cuisine
Jeffrey Brana leans towards the dramatic as well. No dish encapsulates this gastronomic
derring-do more than this oyster pan stew ($18).
Juice-swelled Fanny Bays are barely simmered in Bearnasise sauce thinned by the liquor
of the oysters. Black trumpet mushrooms contribute an earthy note to the rich Bearnaise
and briny shellfish -- a sassy spin on the traditional shellfish-in-milk rendition, and one
that plugs right into the current enthrallment with American comfort food.
Favorite Dishes
50 . Gnocchi "Romana" at Cecconi's
5 1. Minuta at La Camaronera's The Fish Box
52. Carolina Piggie Platter at Austen's
53. Salted Lime Pie at the Dutch
54. Chicken Parmesan at Vesper
55. Cheese Plate at The Cheese Course
56. Egg Salad BLT at The Daily Creative Food Co .
57 . Strawberry Pie at Fireman Derek's World Famous Pies
58. Pork Belly and Clams at Pubbelly Sushi
59. Poached Duck Breast at Rusty Pelican
60. Bacon and Blue at Ms. Cheezious
61. Spicy Scallop Roll at Toni's Sushi Bar
62. Chicken Tikka Masala at Bombay Darbar
63 . Empanadas at Go-Go Fresh Food Cafe
64. Gabby's D'Lorean Burger and Tots at the Filling Station and Garage Bar
65. Pear Apple at The Federal
66. Carne Asada Fajitas at Cinco Cantina & Tequila Bar
67 . Tres Leches at Havana 1957
68. Corn Bread at Peoples Barbecue
69. Truffle Artichoke Soup at Villa Mayfair
70. Portobello Mushroom at the Cafe at Books & Books
71. Grilled Wings at Shuckers Bar & Grill
72. Turkey and Prosciutto With Fresh Mozzarella at La Sandwicherie
73. Creamy Tahini With Hummus at Broken Shaker
74 . Kobe Burger at CG Burgers
75. Brie Mozzarella Sticks at the Local
76. Paleta de Elate at La Michoacana Paleteria
77 . Strawberry Fields Roll at I Love Sushi
79. Pork Rillettes at Buena Vista Deli
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Foreign cinema close to home
Published on 24 April 2012 by Valerie Nahmad Schimel in Miami
By Sue Arrowsmith, Miami Dade College
Dubbed the finest state-of-the-art theater in the South in 1926, the Tower Theater is now Miami's premier art cinema
and continues to serve as a historic and cultural gathering place . In fact , USA Today named it one of the "10 great
places to see a movie in splendor." Under the direction Miami Dade College's Cultural Affairs Department, the theater
presents a variety of independent, foreign and Spanish-subtitled films , as well as art exhibitions , live performances ,
free educational lectures, and more.
Th is week. the tileater is celebratin g Ital ian cinema . The featured films inclu de We Have a Pope (Habemu s papam) ,
written and directed by renowned Italian film make r Nanni Moretti. The fi lm humorously recce ates Vatican City and
ponders a scenario in which a newly elected pope finds he's unable to shoulder the wei ght of that responsibility . An
officia l selection at the iatest Cannes Film Festiva l, We Have a Pope was voted the top film of 201 1 by the influential
French magaz ine Cahiers du Cinema.
We Have a Pope
The showcase will also present the acclaimed The Salt of Life (Gianni e Ie donne) by Gianni di Lorenzo, the writer,
director and star of 201 D's surprise summer hit Mid-August Lunch . Set in Trastevere, one of the most popular
neighborhoods in Rome , this sparkling comedy has been one of the most recent New York Times Critics' picks.
Two of the films in the selection include roles by the brilliant Italian actress Margherita Buy, who plays a small part as
the wife of the Pope's psycho-analyst in We Have a Pope, and the leading role as a middle-aged single wOplan
caught up in her younger sister's impending nuptials in the delightful Italian-style comedy : Weddings and Other
Disasters (Matrimoni e altri disastri) .
The selection ends with the extraordinary Belgian-French-Italian co-production The Kid with a Bike (Le gamin au
vela), the new masterpiece from the internationally recognized Dardenne brothers , an indisp~tal'Jl(fpear~at the
recently concluded Miami International Film Festival , Golden Globe nominee as Best Foreign Language "Film and
winner of the Grand Jury Prize at 2011 Cannes Film Festival.
Tickets are $8 for the general public ; $7 for MDC students and staff, seniors, and Miami Film Socie~ members; $6 for
Tower Theater patrons with valid 5-ticket package .
For movie times and to purchase tickets in advance, please visit Free parking is available
behind the theater.
ASPIRA of Florida , Inc. Installs the New Board Leadership Team I Reuters
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ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. Installs the New Board
Leadership Team
• Reuters is not responsible for the content in thi s press release .
Man Apr 23,2012 2.54pm EDT
MIAMI, ,L, Apr 23 (Market'lire)
ASPIRA o f ,lorida's 31st Board Insta ll ~tion celebrated more than jus t its
new board leadershi p team; it also installed the new Pres . dent & CEO,
former ASPIRA CFO, George Cab rera. The celebra t i on too k p l ace in Lh~
hist o rlc Biltmore Hotel and t he p r ogra m, emc ee d by VP & COO, Ay met
Chaples, in cl uded musi ca l performances by ASPIRA' 5 kids , testimon i a ls
f rom fo rmer ASPIRANTES, and messages f r o m Mr . Cabrera an d Chairman o f
Board, Ed ward Hernandez, Esq.
"aspira of florida installs new board
Follow Reuters
"ASPIRA of Florida lS complete l y devoted to empowering un d erpriv~lege d
kids and creating future leadcLs f or ou r c ummunity," s ~ ys G C O~lC Ca ~ ) rera,
President & CEO. "I'm honore d for the oppo rt uni t y to lead I. h.s ' ~ ~ pi rin g
organization and t o work with our Bo ar d o f Dir ect o rs wh o are wholl y
co mmitted to ASPIRA's mission."
The new board includes :
You Tube
Edward Hernande z , Esq. - Chai rm an of th e Board; Falk, vJaa s, He r nandez,
Cor tina, Solomon, &. Bonner, P.A.
Isabel Rodriguez-Dehmer - Vice - Ch ai r Program and Planning; Mia mi Dade
Co l le g e
Luis Gonzalez Estevez - Vice -Cha i r Fu nd raising;
Fou nder/Pres i dent ,
C-COM Group Inc.
Hernan do No voa - Treasurer; VP Br an ch Adm ini stra tor, FirstBank Fl o ri da
Ma risol Gomez-Decena, Esq. - Secretary; Gamb~ & ~ ~m ban a P.A .
Dr. Victor Vazquez -Hern andez - At Large Mem0 1 r; Miami Dade Co l l e ge
Dr. Maria Va llej o - At Large Member; Provost Lake Worth Ca mp u s / Pa lm
Beach College
Ruth Pacheco - Local Studeci Advisory Coun e .! Chai r ; DeVry Universl ty
Remi De Ll eguas - Stu de nt Adv is ory Council Chalr; Ra u l Arnaldo
1 Dutch coalition to quit in budget row­
Apr 2012
2 Tech billionaires ban kroll gold rush to nine
2:3 2am EOT
3 Exctusiv e: China firm boasts about nissite­
linked North Korea sale: envoys
2:1 6am
Martinez Charter School Parent
Tu li a Badillo - At Large Direct o r - Miami Dade College Professor of
Aviatio n
Raymond A. Per e z - At Lar ge Direct o r Se n ior Managing Direc tor
Frontera Capital Advisors,
Michael Este vez - Presiden t of ASP IR A Club ,e deratio n of Florlda,
Louis-Albert H. Jo l ive rt - At Lar ge Direc tor - BNY Me l lon Wea l t h
4 Exctusiv e: North Korea's nuc tear test ready "soon" 7:23 am EDT "It is a pri v ilege,
5 u.s. says has raised Nort h Korea mssile­
lin ked sale with China
1: 19am ED T
~'e ll
as a humbling experience,
to ser ve on a
board compr i sed of indi v iduals who are deep ly committed to ASPI RA' s
mis s ion," say s Edwar d Her nandez, Esq., Chai ~m an of the Board for ASPIRA
of Florida. "Th e ir co l lec tive skills, expe ces, an d v ast networks wi ]
guide ASP IRA as it continues to grow, serving thousands of more students
and families in our community."
ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. is a non - profit committed to the soclal
ad va nc emen t of minority communities by empowering their youth in the
98 Nugent says had "solid" meeting
with Secret Service
IWW. rticie/2012/04/23/id US21
pursuit of educational excellence through l eade rs hip development programs
that emphasize commit ment to the community .
0771 +23-Apr-2012+MW20120423 'II
ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. Installs the New Board Leadership Team I Reuters
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ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. Installs the New Board Leadership Team - MarketWatch
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8:358 AK Sl eel Ql sales $1. 51 bin vs . $ 1.58 bin
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April 24. 2012
Tra ding Ofl c k
Q(llj§ relea se
April 23, 2012, 2:54 p.m. ED T
ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. Installs the New Board Leadership Team Florida's Leading Nonp rofit, Dedicated to the Educa tion and Empowerment of Underpriv ileged Youth, Inducted li s Board of Direc tors With a Ceremony at the Historic Biltmore Hotel ~
MLA.MI, FL , Apr 23, 2012 (MARKETWIREvia COMTEX) -- ASPIRA of Florida's 31st Board Installation celebrated rmre than just its new board leadership team; it also installed the new President & CEO, former ASPIRA CFO, George Cabrera. The celebration took place in the historic Biltrmre Hotel and the program, em;eed by VP& COO, Aymet Chaples, included musical performances by ASPIRA's kids, testirmnials from former ASPIRANTES,
and messages from Mr. Cabrera and Chairman of the Board , Edward Hernandez , Esq. "ASPIRA of Florida is completely devoted to errpow ering underprivileged kids and creating future leaders for our comlTUnity," says George Cabrera, President & CEO. "I'm
honored for the opportunity to lead this inspiring organization and to work with our Board
of Directors who are wholly cormitled to ASPlRA's mssion."
The new board includes:
fv10st Popular 1.
INDICATIONS U.S, stock futures higher as data,
Apple await
Dreaded IPO-crash signal flashes
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Ed.lard Hernandez,
E.s q.
CO (t l n a .
& So nner,
SO:"0!". on,
- Chai rm a n of t.he Bo ard,'
t'la a s ,
Sallie Krawcheck: Don't blame me
He r na ndpz,
P . A.
Isabe l Ro ,jr i guez -Dehmer - Vice - Chai r Prog ram a nd Pla nning; Mia mI Da de
':0 lJ e ge
Lui s
Gon zal~ z
Estevez -
V l ce - C ~ al(
Fund rais ing;
Why your co-workers don't like
nd cr / Pres l ~ ~ n t ,
C-C OM Group Inc .
T r easur~r;
Her-n ar do No voa -
Go ~~ z-Decpna.
Ma ri so l
Dr . VIc t or
Dr . t"1aria
B€ c.ici~
V 6 ~que L -Hernan dez
V all~jC)
Br anc h Admi r. l st::' tor,
fir s t l\a nk Fl c. :ri dl\
Esq . - Secre t ar y; Gambd & Lombana r . A.
- At
i. a ~ g e
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- At Larg e Me-mbe r; Provost Lake Wo r t.h Ca mpus/ ?,,:il m
Co l".;!'ge
Pac: l".~co
toc a l S tude nt Adv lsor y Co unci l Chail:;
U nlve r ~.:.ty
Don't Miss .. ,
PO'Aered by Tabool a
Remi De Lleg ua s - St.ud ent Adv isory Coun cll Chai r; Rau l Arnaldo
l'lar! : ne z Ch ar ter Sc hool
P~ r er'Jt
Shooter of Florida Teen Appears
Uninjure d in Video
Tu li a Ba dI llo - At Lar ge Di rect o r - Mia mi Dade Coll ege Prof e !'L,>or o f
AV J.. a ti ol l
Ray rr.o nd A.
Pecez - At
LiHge Dire c t o r - fr o n tera Ca Ad v i.sors .
Sen i or Ma naging
~ izec ~ or
Mic hael
- Pr es i d en t of A$ PIRA Club fede rat i o n o f Fl or ida,
Edward Lampert to Pay Nearly $40M
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Fo.srrR AN'I' E
r.O\Il ~ - A .l)::e [ t
Joli v e rt - At
Larg e Directo r - BN '! Mel':on Wealth
Hip Hop Artist Drake Sells Miami
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Florida Is land Es tate Cut in Price to
$52 Million
is a privilege, as w ell as a hurrbling experience, to serve on a board corrprised of
individuals who are deeply comnitled to ASPlRA's mssion," says Edward Hernandez,
Esq., Chairman of the Board for ASPIRA of Florida. "Their collective skills, experiences,
and vast netw orks w ill guide A SPIRA as it continues to grow, serving thousands of
rmre students and families in our comrrunity."
ASPIRA of Florida, Inc. is a non-profit committed to the social advancement of mnority
comlTUnities by empowering their youth in the pursuit of educational excellence through leadership development programs that errphasize cOll'Yl1tment to the comrrunily.
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IWW. marke twa tch .com/story/aspira-of-florida-inc-install s-the-new-bo ard-Ieadershi p-team-20 12-04-23
Community Management Concepts, Inc. Announces Employee Achievements - MarketWatch
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QIJ¥i§ release April 18, 2012. 12:20 p.m. EDT Community Management Concepts, Inc. Announces Employee Achievements ~f
BUSiness Wire'
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CLEARWATER, Fla., Apr 18, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Community Managerrent Concepts, Inc. (CMC Florida), an Associa company, congratUlates Community Association Managers Tom Sholl, Linda PIsano and David Humphrey for receiving the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) designation from the National Board of Certification for Community Association Managers (NBC-CAM) and Senior Corrmunity Association Manager Margot Guthrie for receiving the Association Managerrent Specialist (AMS) designation from the Community Associations Institute
(CAl). "I am extremely proud of all of these managers for achieving their goals ," said CMC Florida President and CEO Kirk Bliss. "Each individual has dedicated time and resources
to continue their educations and our clients w ill undoubtedly benefit from their know ledge." The CMCA designation is a valued accomplishment in the community managerrent industry. Managers must complete Community Association Institute's (CAl) Professional Management Developrrent Program (PMDP) course, the M-100: Essentials of Community Association Management. This course covers topics ranging from Facilities Managerrent and Corrmunity Government to Risk Management and Financial Managerrent. Once the
manager has completed and passed the M-1 00, they must complete a comprehensive exam before earning the CMCA designation. Sholl has served as a community association manager for 23 years and began with CMC
Florida in 2008 as an onsite manager for one of its largest HOAs. He has managed many
properties in New York City from 1995 to 2005, ranging from condominiurrs, cooperatives and garden-style communities. Pisano joined CMC Florida in 2010 as a portfolio manager. She moved to Florida in 1998 from New York and obtained her real estate license that year and later her Community Association Manager (CAM) license from CAl in 2002. Pisano has also served as an onsite manager in dow ntow n Tampa for a luxurious high-rise condominium community.
Humphrey joined CMC Florida in 2012 as a portfolio manager. As a graduate from London University with a degree in Hotel Management, he previously served as a general manager for several years for different country club communities . Humphrey has
recently been ass igned to tw 0 new clients and has added homeow ners associations to his portfolio. Those receiving the AMS designation demonstrate a higher level of colTlT'itrrent to their career and the community association industry. An AMS designation is recornmanded for
managers who want to enhance their career opportunities by increasing their know ledge and expertise. The AMS designation is the second level in the CAl career developrrent track for comm.mity association managers . To earn the designation, a comnunity manager must
have at least tw 0 years verified experience in financial, administrative, and facilities
managerrent of at least one association. They must also successfully pass the M-100
course, take at least one M-200 series course and successfully pass the CNCA
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Community Menu : Comm unity Home
I Education I Athletics I Comm unity Activities I Foundation I Schotarships I HEAT
Acad emy I HEA T Youth Basketball
I Reques,s
Feb 21 2012 6:12PM
Learn what it takes to become the best basketball player you can bel Hurry and sign up for the following
camps for 2012 1 All gymnasiums are air conditioned!
HEAT Camps are for boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 16. The camps will be held at South
Broward High School, Cooper City High School and Miami-Dade College, Campers will be grouped
according to their age and ability. Lunch will be provided daily and an optional "Snack Shack" is available
for an add itional price (recommended $10) . For more information, please call our HEAT Summer Camp
Hotline at 786-777-4113,
Quality Instruction
Guest Speakers
Camp Insurance
Air Conditioned Gymnasiums
Individual Camper Evaluation
Prizes and Awards
Tony Fiorentino HEAT Summer Camp Director Tony FiorentIno is In his 24th year wIt h the Miami unity/heat_camp.html
Page 2 of2
• Surprises
HEAT Organization. As II HEAT original, Tony ha~ held
the pOSitions of broadcHt analyst, assistant coach
and/or scouting coordinator. He was an aSSistant
coach with the Miami SOL (WNBA) tor 3 years.
Available Cam ps :
June 11-15
June 18-22
June 25-29
South Broward High
1901 N. Federal Highway Hollywood, FL 33020 ""'=-::=::=0""'1
Tony is a former high school tea cher and (Qach with
a muter's deg(ae In guidance counseling. This Will
be Tony's 24th summer Involved in basketba ll ca mps
for boys and girts In South florida .
Visit Tony's Website
July 09-13 July 16-20 Cooper City High School 9401 Slirling Rd Cooper Cily, FL 33328 July 23-27 July 30 - Aug. 3 Aug. 6-10 Miami Dade College (Kendall Campus) 11011 SW104St. Miami. FL 33176 All Star: Dwyane Wade Day
Dwyane l/l.ede In the community in
Orlando 0.44
All-Star: LeBron James and
Chris Bosh
COST:1 Week Session = $315.00 Additional Sessions = $315 for 1st Week and $295 for Additional Week(s) Snack Shack (Optional) = Recommended Minimum of $10 Chns BOSh and LeBon James help
paint at the Coallion for the
Homeless In Central Florida. 0.-47
Snack Shack (Optlonal):Snack Shack is an optional snack sale we offer at each session. Each item costs $1 .00 and participants can purchase any combination of snacks equal to the amount they have paid for in advance. For example, if they purchase a $10 Snack Shack, the participant can purchase up to 10 items over the span of the session. We suggest you purchase a $10.00 Snack Shack, but you are free to purchase a Snack Shack in any amount. The prepaid amount is non-refundable, even if the total amount is not used. Daily lunch is still provided with eaCh session. The Snack Shack option is in addition to lunch. Snack Shack sales are non-refundable regardless of whether or not the participant uses the complete amount purchased. After·School Allstars
Chns BoSh is awarded lor his
lOvolvment in After-School Aislars
Wade Father-Son Event
Space is limited. Payment in full is required to reserve a spot. First come, first served. Refunds will be issued minus a $50 reservation fee. By providing the above contact infonmation, you are consenting to receive future communications, including facsimiles, about HEAT Group promotions and events. Miami HEAT Season Ticket Holders rece ive a 10% di scount off the cost of cam p' by entering their MyHEATSeasonTickets ID# 'Snack Shack not included . To attend any of the Miami HEAT Camps the following form needs to be filled out com pletely, and accurately . The form is available as a Microsoft Word Document (.doc) or as an Adobe Acrobat File (.pdf) for your convenience. If you choose to use the Adobe Acrobat File form you will need Adobe Reader, it's free and available here. HEAT Camp Waivers HEAT Camp Waiver and Registration Form (Microsoft Word)
• HEAT Camp Waiver and Registration Form (Adobe Acrobat)
Please mail the completed forms to:
Miami HEAT Basketball Camps
601 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami. FL 33132
or Fax forms to: (786)777-1608
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Print Article : Phelps ready for homecoming
Phelps ready for homecoming
Bill Gamblin
One year ago Michelle Phelps was watching the Florida College System
Activities Association (FCSAA) Women's Fast Pitch Softball
Championship at Exchange Park as a senior at Pace High School.
Phelps, who had completed her senior year with the Lady Patriots, was
anticipated playing shortstop for the Northwest Florida State Lady
Now the Pace grad will return to Exchange Park, but her freshman year
in Niceville has been nothing like she had planned.
"It is going to be weird," said Phelps, who has been named to the All Gulf Coast Conference Second Team as
a pitcher. "It is going to be nice to be in my hometown playing , but it will also be a weird feeling as well."
But this season has been a little weird for Phelps , who was recruited as a middle infielder, after catching and
playing third at Pace her last two years.
"I have been working my tail off in college," Phelps said. "When we started the fall , we had four pitchers and
then a couple of weeks into the season we were down to just one (Rose Portiolli).
"Now we have played around fifty games and I have started about half of them."
The amazing part is Phelps has not stepped into the circle as a pitcher since her sophomore year.
"We were playing against Tate in a preseason tournament my sophomore year and I got my tail rocked,"
Phelps said. "I told Coach (Curtis) Williams then that I didn't want to pitch anymore."
But due to the l"Qid in the Lady Raiders pitching staff, Phelps has stepped up and met the challenge , which
was one way to get out from behind home plate .
"I am pitching because coach (Jack Byerley) asked me to, " Phelps said. "He came to us and asked us if
anybody could pitch and different players tried then when I threw a couple of pitches he told me welcome to
the pitchers world.
"So he had me turn in my catching gear and gave me a pitching glove."
Phelps and the Lady Raiders will be one of 16 teams from across Florida who qualified to play in the April 27 ­
29 tournament at Exchange Park with hopes of advancing to play for the NJCAA National Title in St. George,
This tournament will actually consist of two district tournaments Atlantic and Gulf) and a state championship
game, but the two district champions will advance to play in Utah.
Joining Northwest Florida State in the tournament will be Florida State College at Jacksonville, Seminole State
College, Santa Fe College, Daytona State College, Indian River State College, Miam 'l Dade College, Brevard
Community College, Chipola College, Tallahassee Community College, Gulf Coast State College, State
College of Florida, st. Petersburg College, Polk State College, College of Central Florida and Hillsborough
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Community College. Northwest Florida State will participate in the Gulf District Tournament and play their first game against the
State College of Florida at 2 p.m., their second game will be played at 7 p.m. on Friday.
Phelps is very excited about the opportunity the NO.8 ranked Lady Raiders have ahead of them this weekend
in Pensacola.
"I am please with my decision to play at Northwest Florida State," Phelps said. "We can make it to the
nationals if we are playing our game.
"Rose and I just have to do the best we can and leave the rest of the game up to the defense behind us and the
offense at the plate."
This will be a double elimination tournament with the FCSAA Championship garne slated for Sunday.
Tickets will be available at the gate at Exchange Park for $7, children 4 and under are free. Three-day
tournament passes are $18.
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• EI Teatro Tower del Miami Dade College
present \ la pelicuJa Flores de La guerra, del cine­
asta Zf:mg Yimou, con 1a actuacion protagonica
de Christian Bale, ganador de un Oscar al mejor
actor secundario. Hasta manana. 1508 SW 8th
Street. Informacion en (305) 642-1264 0 en\ tower.
• EI Orange Bowl,en colabotacion con la
YMCA de Greater Miami, anunciara sus metas
del 2012-2013 para el programa Kicks/or Kids:
mas de 60 ninos pintaran un mural gigante en
. celebracion de una reciente donacion. Hoy, en
Aliapattah YMCA Family Center (2370 NW 17
Ave., (305-635-9622).
• La Junta Patri6tica Cubana invi.t a a la charla
Misiones especiales y La Naval a cargo de Juan
Cosculluelas. Manana, a las Sp.m.en ellocal de
la Junta (4600 NW 7 St. .
, • EI Centro Cultural Cuba Ocho y la Funda­
cion APOGEO anuncian su tertulia Intimity
Forever, con el arquitecto y artista plastico Abel
Rodriguez, que sera entrevistado por Baltasar
Santiago Martin y contestanllas preguntas del
publico despues de mostrar algunas de sus
obras sQbre La Habana. Hoy, a las 7 p.m., en el
Centro Cultural Cuba Ocho (1465 SW Calle 8).
• M iami-Dade County Business Expo, la mas
grande exposicion de negocios del 2012: 16 ferias
en una. Transacciones comerciales,asociacio­
nes, alianzas, contratos, clientes, nuevas relacio­
nes, nuevos productos. La entrada general inclu­
ye: 36 seminarios profesionales. Manana, de 12
m. a 9 p.m. Las puertas abren al publico a las 3
. p.m. Entrada, $10. En Miami Airport Conven­
tion Center (711 NW 72 Ave.). Informes, (305)
278-1811 0
• La Camara de Comercio Hispana del Sur de
la Florida invita a la Feria Anual de la Salud de
los Hispanos. Se realizarfui pruebas gratuitas de
densidad osea, de arterias periferales, de equili­
brio, de colesterol y glucosa y tambien electro­
cardiogramas. Presentacion de como cocinar
saludable ydegustacion de comidas saludables.
Viernes 27, de 9:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m., en el Double­
Tree Mart Hotel (Ballroom). 711 NW 72 Ave.
• EI Pen Cillb de Escritores Cubanos en el
Exilio y La Otra Esquina de las Palabras invitan
ala presentacion dellibro Los naipes en el espe­
jo, de Armando de Armas. Viernes 27, a las 7
p:m., en el Cafe Demetrio (300 Alhambra Circle,
Coral Gables, 305-448-4949).
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