Program konferencjii


Program konferencjii
Conference Program
Monday, September 16th 2013
10.15 - 10.45
10.15 - 10.45
11.00 - 11.15
11.15 - 13.00
13.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 15.30
15.30 - 16.00
16.00 - 17.30
18.00 - 20.00
Meeting our international guests
Opening Ceremony
Plenary session. Chairman: Professor Zoltán SIBALSZKY
• Cengiz AKDENİZ - Carbon Dioxide Emission and Importance of Raising Awareness
• Wlodzimierz BLASIAK - Distributed, small-scale production of electricity and heat with
high temperature gasification of biomass
• Bruce BESSERT - Algae to Zea Mays: The Current Status of Biofuels Development in
the United States
• Discussion
Oral presentations. Chairman: Professor Mikio UMEDA
• Mariusz WĄDRZYK - Bio-oil derived from microalgae as a potential source of energy
• Károly PETRÓCZKI, László TÓTH, Zoltán GERGELY- Renewable energy assisted campus
building air conditioning system instrumentation for educational purposes
• Michał CUPIAŁ The concept of the analysis system of renewable energy potential in
agricultural production
• Ligita MELECE - Development and issues of biogas production in Latvia
• Anita ZAPAŁOWSKA, Krzysztof KUGLARZ, Ulyana BASHUTSKA - Effects of the
biomass ash on growth of cereal plants
• Discussion
Coffee break
Oral presentations. Chairman: Prof. Tadeusz JULISZEWSKI
• Sławomir STANKOWSKI - Biomass ashes as a product for improving soil raection and
component of fertilizers
• Ibrahim AKSU - A new tool for sustainable agriculture and agricultural problem faced
• Mariusz FITOWSKI, Krzysztof MOLENDA, Agnieszka PESZEK, Maciej SPORYSZ
- Small scale CSP layout optimization for solar radiation in Poland
• Ireneusz NIEMIEC - Photovoltaics as an energy source for distributed systems
• Sławomir KURPASKA, Hubert LATAŁA - Analysis of thermal efficiency of vertical
ground exchangers cooperating with a compressor heat pump
• Discussion
Dinner / "Get together"
Tuesday, September 17th 2013
09.00 - 11.00
11.00 - 11.30
11.30 - 12.30
Plenary session. Chairman: Professor Wlodzimierz BLASIAK
• Bohumil HAVRLAND - Attracting Investments through Carbon Financing in
Developing Countries
• Ludwik PIEŃKOWSKI - Small nuclear reactors for distributed cogeneration systems
• Tadeusz JULISZEWSKI - Biomass as energy source: advantages and disadvatages
Coffee break
Poster session. Chairman: Prof. Cengiz AKDENİZ
analysis of the possibility used the revolving grate boiler to the combustion of the
briquettes created from not cut up cereals straw by the method of the curling
analysis of the parameters of the combustion briquettes formed by the method of the
curling with uncut cereals straw in various types of central heating boilers
• Maciej SPORYSZ, Sławomir KURPASKA, Maria SZCZUKA - Aiding heating of a plastic
12.30 - 14.00
14.00 - 15.00
15.00 - 16.00
17.00 - 19.00
film tunnel by means of a heat pump
• Gábor GÉCZI, László BENSE, Péter KORZENSZKY - Examination of energetic indexes of
air to water heat pump
• Peter SEMBERY, L. TÓTH, J. BEKE - Utilisation of biomass for energy
• Andrzej ŻABIŃSKI, Urszula SADOWSKA - Possibilities of supplementing the base of
solid fuels for the distributed energy sector
• Krzysztof NĘCKA, Jarosław KNAGA, Tomasz SZUL- Electric power demand in a
municipal facility
• Jarosław KNAGA, Krzysztof NĘCKA ,Tomasz SZUL- Analysis of solar radiation for the
purpose of implementation of photovoltaic systems in municipal facilities
• Tomasz SZUL, Jarosław KNAGA, Krzysztof NĘCKA - Multi-criterion optimisation of
photovoltaic systems for municipal facilities
• Aleksander LISOWSKI, Adam ŚWIĘTOCHOWSKI- Mechanical durability of pellets and
briquettes made from a miscanthus mixture without and with the separation of long
• Piotr SZYMAŃSKI - Analysis of the wind for the wind energy
• Ahmet Kamil BAYHAN - Bionur Microbial and uses in Agriculture
• Delfina Rogowska, Janusz JAKÓBIEC, Aleksander MAZANEK - Identification of GHG
emission sources in the life cycle of motor fuels
• Bogusława ŁAPCZYŃSKA-KORDON, Krzysztof DZIEDZIC, Jan MÓŁKA- Analysis of the
combustion kinetics of selected biomas species
• Agnieszka STOKŁOSA, PUŁA J., KACORZYK P., CIĘŻAREK M. - Studies on location and
calorific value of invasive species of the genus Solidago in the Pogórze Wiśnickie
• Jarosław FRĄCZEK, Krzysztof MUDRYK, Marek WRÓBEL- The influence of the degree
of fragmentation chosen biomass of woody plants on the quality parameters of
• Anna KRAKOWIAK-BAL, Urszula SADOWSKA, Wolff Z. - Operational safety of
biomass co-firing installations
Pararell sessions
• CIGR Section IV Meeting
• Faculty of Production and Power Engineering Laboratory Tours
Workshop on bio-energy and bio-fuels and their impact on the global economy
• Colin SCANES - Bioenergy: A Global Perspective on the Opportunities and Threats of
Alternative Energy Sources
• Bruce BESSERT - Algae to Zea Mays: The Current Status of Biofuels Development in
the United States
• Michael WNUK - The Imperative of Biofuels: An Overview
• Discussion
Dinner in the center of the City
Wednesday, September 18th 2013
Departure from Krakow to Polaniec
Technical tour
Arrival to Krakow. Free time
Krakow Underground Museum tour