1-30. Sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz


1-30. Sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz
1-30. Sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The Prime Minister aims to .......
education in less developed regions by
this new project.
A. appreciate
B. promote
C. adopt
D. flourish
8. It ..............nearly 10 years since
Nasuh Mahruki ...........the Mount
A. is being / was climbing
B. is / climbs
C. was / climbed
D. has been / climbed
2. The use of computers has .......
rapidly in the technological age.
A. spread
B. included
C. regained
D. sustained
9.The mountaineers ...... after they
.......their equipment.
A. set out / are preparing
B. are setting out / prepare
C. set out / had prepared
D. will set out / prepared
3. Shakespeare wrote such ........ poems
and plays that he inspired many young
A. enormous
B. awful
C. terrible
D. influential
10.This is the most impressive painting I
...... ; who......this?
A. have ever seen / painted
B. see / has painted
C. will see / was painting
D. saw / did paint
4. None of us could remember when
that event ........... .
A. took place
B. could stand
C. set up
D. came easily
5. It is .......believed that the magazine is
targeted at young women.
A. primarily
B. gently
C. widely
D. well
6. He speaks so ....... that he must have
been learning Italian for a long time.
A. attractive
B. better
C. fluently
D. slowly
7. Mrs. Brown was involved ....... so
many charity works in her last years.
A. of
B. at
C. on
D. in
11. I ....... better when I get my license
next month.
A. have to drive
B. should drive
C. will be able to drive
D. could drive
12. People ....... fatty foods too quickly,
as it puts them at risk of indigestion.
A. didn’t have to eat
B. shouldn’t eat
C. might not eat
D. wouldn’t prefer to eat
13. We .......... overtime due to a large
order last week.
A. could have worked
B. shall work
C. used to work
D. had to work
14. I ........ the offer if I ...... you.
A. would accept / were
B. can accept / was
C. may have accepted / am
D. accept / will be
GİRESUN ÜNİVERSİTESİ Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu 2012-2013 Şubat Yeterlik Sınavı
15............... carelessly is one of the
most common reasons for the car
accidents in Turkey.
A. Driving
B. Driver
C. Have driven
D. Drive
21.My little daughter has read two
books so far; one is called “Sleeping
Beauty” and......... one is “ Pinocchio” .
A. another
B. the other
C. each other
D. other
16. Susan is always the last person …......
at a joke.
A. laughing
B. to laugh
C. laugh
D. laughed
22................... ,we were still very cold.
A. Besides the rescue team found us
B. Since we are wearing our coats
during the cruise
C. Even though we had thick clothes
on the trip to the mountain
D. While we were diving into the deep
of the ocean last summer
17. I saw Tasia watching a TV
programme ....... is about history.
A. when
B. whose
C. which
D. what
18. I don’t have any idea ...... the
building has been finished because I
haven’t been there recently.
A. what
B. whenever
C. that
D. whether or not
19. I will go there tonight but ...... this
green dress ..... that purple shirt is
suitable for the party.
A. neither / nor
B. both / and
C. as / as
D. each /other
20.I think my neighbour is as ............as
A. great
B. a great artist
C. great artist
D. more great artist
23. ...………… but he is also interested in
A. Braine is not only good at his job
B. Jack likes drawing pictures in his
leisure time
C. Jonathan’s mother wants to buy a
new camera for him
D. Henry not only climbs mountains to
take photos
24. Jack broke his leg three days ago,
A. because he was so careful while
B. so that he is going to go for a walk
with his friends.
C. thus he won’t be able to come to
the meeting today
D. as he wanted to run the marathon.
25. The more he eats vegetables and
A. the taller my brother would get.
B. the healthier he will be.
C. the weaker he wants to be.
D. the more time he will need.
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26-30. soruları aşağıdaki parçadaki numaralandırılmış boşluklara en uygun düşecek sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Most of the time, they 26)……… for exercise.
But exercise is only one of the reasons 27)……. bicycles are popular. Another reason is money.
Bicycles are not expensive to buy. Petrol is not needed to 28)……… them go. They are also easy
and cheap to 29)…….. In cities, many people like bicycles better than cars.30)………they ride a
bicycle, they never have to wait in traffic. They also do not have to find a place to park. And
finally, bicycles do not cause any pollution.
26. A. will be used B. were used
C. are used
27. A. why
C. which
28. A. ride
C. have
D. have been used
29. A. repair
C. push
B. sit on
D. learn
B. what
D. when
B. make
30. A. Unless
C. Though
B. Even if
D. If
D. get
31-35. soruları aşağıdaki parçadaki numaralandırılmış boşluklara en uygun düşecek sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
People from different cultures 31) …… each other in different ways. When you visit 32)…….
culture, it is important to learn the correct way to greet someone. In some countries, for
example China, people do not 33) ……. or kiss when they greet each other. They just smile and
say hello. In other cultures, for example Saudi Arabia, men kiss men and women kiss women,
but men and women never kiss in public. In fact, they don’t touch at all. They don’t look each
other in the eye, 34) …….. It is always a good idea to learn about acceptable greetings 35) ……
you travel to another country.
31. A. are greeting
C. greet
32. A. another
C. the other
33. A. cry
C. ignore
B. greeted
D. have greeted
34. A. too
C. neither
B. also
D. either
B. other
D. each other
B. touch
35. A. unless
C. during
D. see
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B. before
D. after
36-40. soruları aşağıdaki parçadaki numaralandırılmış boşluklara en uygun düşecek sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Space biomedicine is a relatively new area of research 36) ……. in the USA …… in Europe. Its
main objectives are to study the effects of space travel 37) …….. the human body, identifying
38) …….. critical problems and finding 39) ……. to those problems. Space biomedicine centers
40) ………. increasing direct support from NASA and/or the European Space Agency (ESA) day
by day.
36. A. either…or
C. even…when
B. both…and
D. neither…nor
37. A. for
B. toward
C. on
D. about
38. A.
the least
C. worse
39. A. results
C. solutions
B. supports
D. questions
40. A. are receiving
B. less
C. will receive
B. has received
D. could receive
D. the most
41-43. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümlelerin Türkçe karşılığını bulunuz.
41. Although it is a bank holiday tomorrow, we are going to work whole day.
Yarın bankalar kapalı olsa bile biz tüm gün çalışabiliriz.
Yarın resmi tatil olmasına rağmen tüm gün çalışacağız.
Tüm gün çalışacak olmamıza rağmen bankalar tatil.
Yarın bütün gün çalışırken bankalar kapalı olacak.
42. After Keriman Halis had become Miss Turkey, she went to Belgium to represent her
country in the international beauty contest.
A. Keriman Halis’ten sonra Türkiye güzeli olan kişi ülkesini uluslararası güzellik yarışmasında
temsil etmek için Belçika’ya gitti.
B. Keriman Halis Türkiye güzeli olduktan sonra Belçika’dan ülkesini temsil etmek için döndü.
C. Keriman Halis Türkiye güzeli olduktan sonra ülkesini uluslararası güzellik yarışmasında
temsil etmek için Belçika’ya gitti.
D. Türkiye güzeli olduktan sonra Belçika’ya giden Keriman Halis ülkesini uluslararası
yarışmada temsil etti.
43. President, who submitted the budget to the Parliament last week, was accused of not
telling the truth about the general expenditure of the government.
A. Geçen hafta Meclise bütçeyi sunan Başkan hükümetin genel harcamalarıyla ilgili doğruyu
söylememekle suçlandı.
B. Meclise geçen hafta bütçe sunan Başkan’ın genel hükümet giderleriyle ilgili doğruyu
söyleyip söylemediği bilinmiyordu.
C. Geçtiğimiz haftalarda Meclise bütçe teklifi götüren Başkan’ın hükümetin genel
harcamalarını doğru anlatmamaktan sorumlu olduğu söylendi.
D. Geçen hafta meclisten bütçe isteyen Başkan hükümetin genel harcamalarının doğru
anlatılmadığıyla suçlandı.
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44-46. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlelerin İngilizce karşılığını bulunuz.
44. Avrupa’da ortak bir pazar için ilk planı 1943’te tasarlayan, Hollanda eski Dışişleri Bakanı
J. W. Beyen idi.
A. Back in 1943, it was a former Dutch Foreign Minister J. W. Beyen who first announced a
plan for a common market in Europe.
B. In 1943 the former Dutch Foreign Minister J. W. Beyen announced a plan for common
market in Europe.
C. It was J. W. Beyen, the former Dutch Foreign Minister who drafted the first plan for a
common market in Europe in 1943.
D. In Europe the first common market was planned by the former Dutch Foreign Minister J.
W. Beyen in 1943.
45. Kamuoyu yoklamaları farklılık gösterir ancak Avusturalyalıların yaklaşık üçte ikisi
cumhuriyet istediklerini açıkça söylemektedir.
A. Opinion polls are inconclusive, but roughly two thirds of all Australians are clearly pleased
to have a republic.
B. Opinion polls may vary, but well over two thirds of the Australians admit that they want a
C. Opinion polls conclusively show that roughly two thirds of the Australian people actually
want a republic.
D. Opinion polls vary but about two thirds of the Australians openly says that they want a
46. Kuveyt’teki en önemli gelişme, Körfezde özellikle Dubai’de yaygın bir uygulama olan
serbest bölgenin yaratılmasıdır.
A. In imitation of the Gulf and of Dubai, in particular, Kuwait now has a free zone, which is a
most important development.
B. The most important development in Kuwait is the creation of a free zone, the practice that
is common in the Gulf and especially in Dubai.
C. The creation of a free zone in Kuwait is an important thing and it is very common in the
Gulf and in Dubai.
D. The creation of a free zone in Kuwait like those in the Gulf and in Dubai, especially, is an
important development.
47-51. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Like many people, David and Kate Grant dreamed of going around the world. But
their dream was out of the ordinary- the Grants and their three children wanted to travel in a
horse-drawn wagon! “It started as an unrealistic plan,” says David. “None of us knew a thing
about driving a horse.”
In 1990, the Grants sold their house in Scotland, bought a horse and a wagon, and hit
the road. They brought along a set of encyclopedias so as the children could keep up with
their studies.
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The trip got off to a good start as the family rode through Belgium, France, and Italy.
But then they ran into some problems. They arrived in Slovenia in 1991 at the start of the
Balkan wars, just as jets were bombing the country.
Two years later, in 1993, after crossing Hungary, Russia, and Kazakhstan,
bureaucratic routines prevented them from entering China. They had to go 1600 kilometers
out of their way to Mongolia. There, thieves tried to rob them, and the Grants used a
slingshot to drive them away.
In 1996, the family flew from Japan to North America for the last leg of their trip. They
spent more than a year crossing the United States and Canada. In the late 1997, the family
sailed from Nova Scotia back to Scotland. Kate says she’s ready to settle down now, but
David is not so sure. “Maybe I’ve got another expedition in me,” he says.
47. How many years did the family spend on the road?
A. ten
B. nine
C. seven
D. eight
48. How did the children continue their education?
They went to schools in the countries they visited
They studied themselves with their own books
They did not have any education
Their father taught them
49. What is the meaning of the phrase “hit the road” in paragraph 2 ?
fall while walking
force someone to leave
the final stage of a trip
start a trip
50. Which of the options below include a problem in their trip?
They killed some thieves on their way
They started a war between two countries
They couldn’t enter a country and turned back
One of the children broke his leg
51. What does “there” refer to in paragraph 3 ?
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52-56. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Though art and “high” culture are important in America, the most popular sources of
entertainment and information are televisions, movies, radio and recorded music. With a cable
TV, a lot more programs are available, but many people still complain about the low
intellectual level of TV. They also feel that the emphasis on youth, sex, and money teaches
children (and adults) the wrong values and goals. These criticisms are often made about
American movies too. But despite the “bad” movies, many wonderful and internationally
successful movies are produced in the U.S. The rapid spread of videotaped movies, watched
nightly by millions of Americans in their homes, has made movies an even more popular and
influential form of entertainment in recent years.
52. People complain about TV because…
TV does not give us good information and ideas
TV does not have any good shows
there are not enough TV channels
they don’t like movies
53. It can be understood from the passage that ...
people do not like to watch movies on cinemas
people do not like cable TVs
some people watch their TVs to be intelligent
a cable TV can provide various channels
54. What is the meaning of the word “rapid” in the passage?
A. conditional
B. interesting
C. quick
D. entertaining
55. What does “they” refer to in the passage?
A. entertainment sources
B. millions of Americans C. many people
D. cable TVs
56. Which of the below is considered as an effective form of entertainment in the last few
A. radio
B. recorded music
C. television
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D. videotaped movies
57-61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
UNESCO- the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- wants to
protect cultural traditions around the world. These traditions include types of dance, music,
festivals, cooking, and more. Every year, UNESCO adds more traditions to the list. UNESCO
calls these traditions “intangible cultural heritage”. Big Ben is a tangible example of British
heritage. You can see it and touch it. But what are some examples of intangible heritage?
Here is one of our reader’s favorite intangible traditions.
For example, there is an oil wrestling festival in Edirne, Turkey. The first Turkish oil wrestling
festival was almost 650 years ago. It is the oldest wrestling competition in the world. Men
wear leather pants and put oil all over their bodies. Then they wrestle. The winner gets a
golden belt and a lot of money. At the festival, there is also food, music and dancing. Every
year thousands of people of different ages, cultures, and regions come together for this
exciting event.
57. What is the aim of UNESCO ?
To save cultures from different parts of the world
To organize oil wrestling championships
To give names to traditions
To find new traditions for British people
58. Why does the writer mention “Big Ben”?
To give an example of a cultural monument
To picture how London is
To provide information about UNESCO
To explain the meaning of the word “tangible”
59. What is the meaning of the word “intangible” in the passage?
A. variable
B. untouchable
C. understandable
D. intellectual
60. What does the phrase “this exciting event” refer to ?
A. leather pants
B. oil
C. wrestling competition
D. British heritage
61. Where was the oldest wrestling competition held?
A. in Africa
B. in Anatolia
C. in Australia
D. in Canada
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62-64. sorularda parçada anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
62. (I)There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world - and the number is rising by
more than 40 million each year. (II) The average distance driven by car users is growing too
- from 8km a day per person in western Europe in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. (III) This
dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental
pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety. (IV) Until a hundred
years ago, most journeys were in the 20km range, the distance conveniently accessible by
A. I
63. (I) Discovered in the early 1800s and named ‘nicotianine’, the oily essence now called
nicotine is the main active ingredient of tobacco. (II) Nicotine, however, is only a small
component of cigarette smoke, which contains more than 4,700 chemical compounds,
including 43 cancer-causing substances. (III)Passive smoking, the breathing in of the sidestream smoke from the burning of tobacco between puffs or of the smoke exhaled by a
smoker, also causes a serious health risk. (IV) In recent times, scientific research has been
providing evidence that long time cigarette smoking vastly increases the risk of developing
fatal medical conditions due to such substances.
A. I
64. (I) One of the most popular fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ was written in Venice. (II)
Venice makes you a believer in fairy tales. (III)Cars are banned, so the only way to get
around the 1,500-year-old city is by foot or by water. (IV) From these vantage points, you'll
be amazed by the magical beauty. La Serenissima, "the most serene one," is filled with
palaces and art, fine shopping and excellent food. (V) Relax in Piazza San Marco, visit the
basilicas, drink a Bellini cocktail at Harry's Bar and wander the alleyways and bridges.
A. I
D. V
65-67. sorularda parçayı anlam bütünlüğü açısından tamamlayan ifadeyi seçiniz.
65. Roald Dahl was born in Wales in September 1916. His parents were Norwegian so they
often told him stories about trolls and other mythical creatures. He started writing stories
and things about himself in a secret diary when he was eight years old. Roald didn’t like
school very much. ..........Roald Dahl’s unhappy days at school later influenced many of his
characters and stories.
A. His main memory of this time was a school trip to a Sweet shop and that’s when he
started thinking about his famous story “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
B. He wrote stories about the yeti and the Chupacabra, which believed to live in South
C. His teacher, Mrs. Holloway was a model for him; he learned the first mythical stories at
D. Although, Dahl was not a good student he always studied hard, and especially in physics
he became so successful that he invented a printing machine.
GİRESUN ÜNİVERSİTESİ Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu 2012-2013 Şubat Yeterlik Sınavı
66. The Museum of Technology is a “hands-on” museum, designed for people to experience
science at work. ......... Special shows are scheduled for the first and second Wednesdays of
each month at 13:30. Open Tuesday–Friday 12:00–16:30, Saturday 10:00–17:30, and
Sunday 11:00–16:30.
A. Many scientists work in the museum, they all work in the field of technology.
B. Visitors are encouraged to use, test, and handle the objects on display.
C. A lot of children visit the museum during the weekends, so you’d better take your ticket
D. The Museum of Technology has the most amazing view of the city.
67. The kangaroo is the largest marsupial in the world. It is an animal that carries babies in the
pouch for 8 months. It can weigh 85 kilograms...........When European explorers first saw
these strange animals they asked a native Australian Aborigine about their name. He
answered “kangaroo” to say “I don’t understand your question”. The explorers thought
this was the animal’s name. That is how the kangaroo got its name.
The name “koala” is the Aboriginal name for “no water”.
How do you spell ‘kangaroo’?
The echidna is a toothless ant-eater and is an egg-laying mammal.
Why a “kangaroo”?
68-72. sorularda diyaloğu en iyi şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
68. Peter: Have you started your research project for management class?
Martin: Well, I have decided on a topic, but haven't actually started the
research yet.
Peter: --------------Martin: I know. Actually, I went to the library yesterday, but wasn't sure
where to look.
Didn't you hear what the professor said yesterday?
I guess we should get started today, so shall we head to the library now?
You are late. You don't have that much time to complete the paper.
If you want to find books on that subject, why don't you try the card catalogue?
69. Kyle: It's summertime. I thought people only took trips to Crested Butte in
the winter, for skiing.
Greg: --------------Kyle: Like what?
Greg: It's great for hiking. Or, if you don't feel like traveling on foot, you can
rent horses or mountain bikes.
It is a great place to go in the summer, too. There are lots to do.
This trip next week to Crested Butte is going to be fantastic, isn't it?
Could we get very far on a mountain bike if the hills are very steep?
Okay, then. If you don't want to go there, we could go somewhere else.
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70. Carla: How much of a tip should we leave?
Sally: No more than a dollar.
Carla: --------------Sally: No, not at all. The service was slow and the soup was cold.
Why do you say that? Wouldn't it be too little?
They didn't offer us coffee, either.
How about leaving nothing? I wasn't satisfied with it.
Instead of leaving a tip, I think we should complain to manager.
71. Jane:
She should have examined it thoroughly before she bought it.
She always acts too quickly and gets into trouble.
What did she do when she found out?
Why didn't they take it back?
72. Tim:
Alice was so angry when the toaster that she bought didn't work.
She certainly was.
--------------She made the company refund her money.
Were you able to get some sleep last night? I know you were really tired.
--------------Oh, really. What was the problem?
I was disturbed by the noisy traffic.
Thanks, I slept soundly as soon as I went to bed.
The NBA fans were everywhere making a lot of noise with their cars' horns.
I was going to do that, but some of my friends popped in to have coffee.
Well, actually I was able to sleep only a little bit.
73-76. sorularda cümleye anlamca en yakın ifadeyi bulunuz.
73. “Why don’t we fix the bike so you can go for a ride?” asked Tom.
A. Tom suggested fixing the bike so that we could go for a ride.
B. Tom want me not to go for a ride unless we fixed the bike.
C. Tom insisted on going for a ride so we fixed the bike.
D. Tom promised me to fix the bike to go for a ride.
74. The students finished the test before the teacher announced that the time was over.
A. By the time the students finished the test, the teacher had announced that the time was
B. As soon as the teacher announced that the time was over, the students finished the test.
C. When the teacher announced that the time was over, the students had already finished
the test.
D. The moment the students finished the test, the teacher announced that the time was
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75. The mobile phone has made a greater contribution to our convenience than any other
A. Our convenience has improved thanks to many inventions, one of which is the mobile
B. No invention has played a larger role to our convenience than the mobile phone.
C. Without the mobile phone, it is doubtful that out convenience would ever have
D. After the invention of mobile phone, we exploited it to a great extent.
76. I’m sure someone else wrote this essay since Maria’s English is not good.
A. Maria must have asked someone to write this essay even though she is good at English.
B. Maria would write her essays without any help if her English were better.
C. Maria’s English is poor; therefore, she might make someone else write her essay.
D. Maria can’t have written this essay because her English is poor.
77-80. sorularda duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
77. You didn’t get enough sleep last night, so you cannot focus on the lesson. You fell asleep in
the classroom, and your teacher noticed that you are about to sleep. He says:
A. Let’s listen to your ideas, why do you disagree with the writer?
B. If you feel that you are not well enough to participate in the lesson, you are free to leave.
C. Some people suffer from trouble sleeping because of the Seasonal Affective Disorder.
D. As your friend suggests, sleeping is necessary for the brain to revive and refresh itself.
78. You want a new coat made for you, but you don’t want to pay too much. So you ask a
A. Who is the best tailor in this town?
B. Who made that coat for you?
C. Can you recommend a good tailor who isn’t too expensive?
D. Where did you buy the coat? I like it.
79. You are reserving a room in a hotel. The receptionist asks you for the dates. You reply:
A. I want the room for at least 10 days, starting May 20th.
B. I’m afraid I can’t stay for two weeks.
C. I’m too busy to come this month.
D. What time of the year do most people come?
80. You learn from his mother that Peter is ill. You say to her:
A. Why can’t he come to the match tonight?
B. I told you he would soon be better.
C. Please tell him I hope he’ll be feeling better soon.
D. Please send him a get-well soon card.
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