

Šilutė District Municipality community is proud about evaluation of our activities on European
Community ideas by European Council Parliamentary Assembly's Diploma (2006), Flag Honour
(2009) and Plaque of Honour (2011).
Getting The Europe Dipoma, 2006, Strasbourg.
Gettnig the Flag of Honour, 2009, Šilutė.
Getting of Plague of Honour Šilutė, 2011.
Very exceptional year was 2011: Šilutė celebrated 500 years Anniversary, it was honored as
Lithuanian Capital of Culture, and our European activities were awarded by Plaque of Honour. All
these Year was full of cultural events, exhibitions, educational activities, variety of presentations,
which took place in Šilutė region, and also in the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius. We are proud of our
creators, cultural and educational institutions, Monitors communities, non-governmental
organizations and businessmen, who were a great team, and organized very exceptional events
glorifying Šilutė edge. Šilutė was visited by many guests from Lithuania, foreign delegations and
The Symbol, designed for Silute Lithuanian Cultural Capital – 2011.
Logo, designed for Silute 500 Aniversary.
We want to assure, that Šilutė region community (located in Klaipeda region, in the western part of
Lithuania), which is over 50,000 people will continue to operate at European level and will seek the
main prize - the Europe Prize of European Council Parliamentary Assembly. We are democratic,
contributing to a range of European actions, organizing the international events; we are actively
cooperating with foreign communities, by all means keeping and cherishing our heritage, developing
our regional culture. Pamarys region is attractive not only for its exceptional geographical location,
unique landscape, but is also famous for its cultural-historical heritage, unique ethnic culture and
courageous cultural innovations. In Register of Cultural values are involved 322 objects, and it is one
of the biggest lists in Lithuania. Our cultural life is glorifying by many institutions - Šilutė Public
Library of Friedrich Bajoraitis and its branch offices, cultural centers, professional chamber Drama
Theater and museum. Amateur art groups of children, youth and adult in also create nice
events and enrich our leisure time. We have also active education and training institutions, totally in
region it is 38 such institutions. Important role takes associations, of which within 40 works on the
cultural, educational, historical and areas (total it s 200 associations). We have very active rural
communities, whose activities are really important and promising. Šilutė District Municipality
community’s activities are visible not only in Lithuania but also in Italy, Spain, Latvia, Poland,
France, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, USA, Canada and other.
Giving thanks for the great European Council of Parliamentary Assembly's estimations and Mrs.
Anne - Marie Menger, the Europe Prize Sub-Committee Head‘s, warm incentives and support, we
would like to ensure that the community is ready to win the highest award –Europe Prize.
Virgilijus Pozingis
Municipality Mayor
21.12.2011, Šilutė
Ida Vasiljevienė
Administration Director
Šilutė District Municipality is an active member of Lithuanian Municipalities Association (LAL)
(since 1995), which is in the Council European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the United
Cities Organization (UTO International Union Local Self-Government (IULA) and cooperates with
neighboring countries, government associations, municipalities and other non-governmental
The Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Virgilijus Pozingis is the member of the Lithuanian
Association of Local Authorities Council and Board and the member of the Land Management and
Rural Affairs Committee. Mayor V. Pozingis is also the Chairman of Klaipėda Regional
Development Council. The main goal of this council is the effective planning of the European Union's
Structural Funds, encouraging of investment and new businesses and services in urban and rural
areas, promotion of the general regional local government initiatives, solving problems of the region,
representing the region in the international organizations, and the cooperation with the regions of
other states.
2011-04-07-08 The director of Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities Roma Žakaitienė
participated in Belgrade, Serbia, in the meeting of Secretary-General and the Directors' of the Council
of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR ), which was the subject of ongoing CEMR's
working methods Reform Progress and priorities for 2020.
The future of the largest association of European Local and Regional authorities was discussed in
three parallel working groups, one of which was chaired by LAL director R. Žakaitienė. During the
discussion two key issues were discuss: operational guidelines of the 'CEMR 2020 - from vision to
reality” project and the reform of organization working methods according the needs of its members.
Discussing the future vision of CEMR R. Žakaitienė expressed Lithuania's assent for CEMR up to the
year 2020 become the most important organization admitted by European Council and the European
Union representing the interests of European Municipalities and Regions, which main role is to
influence European policies and legislation and noted that this objective should be achieved in two
ways. "In order that the influence of the organization recognized by the European Union Committee
of the Regions, Council of Europe Local and Regional Authorities of the Congress of the European
Commission and other institutions, it is important to continue to strengthen the role its own as
cornerstone of the European Local and Regional Authorities as the expert and the main source of
information in this area " said Director of the LAL in Belgrade.
She also introduced the LAL developed proposals for new CEMR's working methods, emphasizing
the ways to increase operational efficiency by exploiting the opportunities offered by information
technology, for example, organizing expert group meetings on the Internet.
During the meeting it was also discussed the CEMR policy formulation and information about the
activities of the organization aspects, more important this year's meetings and events. Council of
European Municipalities and Regions General Association of Secretaries and Directors also discussed
the preparations for the upcoming 2012 General Assembly CEMR.
Currently CEMR is the largest organization in Europe representing the interests of local and regional
authorities. CEMR includes more than 50 national municipalities and regional local government
associations of 39 countries. Overall these associations together represent more than 100,000 local
and regional authorities in Europe.
CEMR works as an information exchange forum, to ensure adequate representation of regional and
local interests in EU policy-making processes and to create a lobbying channel for consultation with
the EU. At EU level CEMR wants similar legal guarantees, which already has a national association
in their respective countries.
LAL which is the member of CEMR since 2001, is actively working with the CEMR twinning
coordinator network, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, Environment Committee, a group
of government representatives in Brussels ELAN.
Council of European Municipalities and Regions - the largest non-governmental organization of the
European Union and neighboring countries, local and regional organizations, representing the
common interests of subnational level engaged in lobbying the EU institutions.
The Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Virgilijus Pozingis was
invited to the Lithuanian-Polish-Russian Cooperation Neighbourhood Programme second annual
conference. The conference aimed to inform local authorities, regional authorities and the public
about the progress of the program, the program activities and opportunities. During the meeting the
future cooperation in the neighborhood area was discussed. The event was also associated with the
international conference "Neighbourhood Co-operation: Russian Federation, the European Union and
Norway” in which participated in the Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis.
Šilutė District municipality is the member of Euroregion Baltic
(ERB) since it’s beginning (1998), and Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis participated at the forum in Gdansk
(Poland)., in September 25-27, 2011. Mayor participated in the discussion about ERB cooperation. It
was noted that further cooperation, expansion of tourism activities in the region by improving the
availability and promotion of entrepreneurship can provide to ERB significant added value. It was
also discussed about the activities of Youth board - to encourage young people to participate actively
in the activities of the ERB and to prepare a joint youth project. The meeting with the region's
municipal youth coordinators and ERB Youth Board Chairman Irmantas Sujeta was planned. In the
meeting the new ERB Youth Board project will be presented.
ERB - the biggest Euroregion in Europe, was founded more than 13 years ago. Over the years, this
Euroregion cooperation has developed rapidly: it includes both EU members (Denmark, Sweden,
Poland, Lithuania) and Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation (RF). ERB is a network that
develops cooperative relations, facilitate the political dialogue, as well as ensure sustainable
economic, social and environmental development.
2011-09-28-29 Director of Lithuanian municipalities Roma Žakaitienė participated at Executive
Bureau meeting of Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) in Warsaw (Poland)
September 28-29.
In CEMR Executive Bureau meeting was discussed the electronic consultations of CEMR activity
strategy to 2020 and the results of Europe local and regional government institutions Academy
establishment development. CEMR prepared strategy "Management Partnership" was presented to
Bureau members that intend to improve the governance model, also discussed CEMR developed
lobbying position of the European Union (EU) agenda, the program of EU Presidency Poland and the
role of its local and regional governments.
CEMR Executive Bureau also approved the Georgia's membership of the National Association of
Municipalities CEMR application. During the meeting it was also discussed the next year budget of
the organization.
Šilutė District Municipality visited the Lithuanian Energy Institute staff, who presented the project
ENNEREG (Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe - a region, paving the
way towards sustainable energy in Europe). Šilutė was invited to participate in this project,
because Šilutė Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis has signed the Covenant of Mayors in 11-02-2009 in
Brussels and the council of Municipality with 22-07-2010 Decision No.. T1-1458 has approved a
specific Sustainable Energy Action Plan. The project is implemented by the regions, and the project
coordinator in Lithuania is the Lithuanian Energy Institute (responsible - Junior scientist Eugenie
Farida Dzenajavičienė).
"ENNEREG project represents 12 regions of Europe: Greece, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Spain,
Bulgaria, Portugal, Lithuania, Sweden, France, United Kingdom that will be the first to show how
different types and sizes of regions may be the driving force to the European Union goals: 20%
reduction in CO2 emissions, the final consumption of the 20% renewable energy resources and 20%
improvement in energy efficiency. The project contains three main activities:
The first direction for the 12 regions of the partner (ENNEREG regions), which, acting in a
coordinated set of visions and goals that are suitable in the context of local policy in line with the
region's resources and activities of the participants' interests. It will prepare a Sustainable Energy
Action Plan (Sustainable Energy Action Plan - SEAP) for each region and will serve as the basis for
its implementation process. Its main elements are as follows:
The project "Regions of 20-20-20” has to act as a tool for the task of facilitating, motivating local
actors to participate in joint activities
Will be developed projects of sustainable energy as a general policy of inter-regional cooperation
result and pilot areas identified in the initial stage of the project (energy efficiency in industry,
advanced energy education, the use of RES, sustainable transport systems, energy-efficient
appliances, energy monitoring, energy-efficient buildings and energy services) as well as the
project proceeds.
Organized knowledge exchange workshops, "ENNEREG project regions will exchange
experience on how to develop a sustainable energy action plans, starting with the preparation of
specific plans, supportive structures, and the
end of the support issues, advertising
concepts and the development of image-making mind.
Will be spread appropriate good practice to the other EU regions.
The second direction will encourage regions (absence of the project consortium) to take the
challenge of sustainable energy, thus increasing the value of the project ENNEREG. It will achieve
this replication (replication) in which each region will be re-ENNEREG region twins and implement
the project achievements in the new region.
The third direction will enable the environment to the wider debate on how the region can begin to
achieve the EU goals through local and regional sustainable energy activities through multi-methods,
which include European-level workshops, communication of the project activities and dissemination
of information, best practices, lessons learned and project website and in printed form, an online
forum of EU Regions 202020; electronic and printed promotional material. This project and the
additional material will also be available on CD-ROM and via partner sites at the end of the project,
while providing added value and greater use of the results of the project in addition to EU-funded
business volume.
Sustainable Energy Action Plans of 11 regions participating in the "ENNERGEG project will be
Will be prepared and initiated a feasibility study for sustainable energy projects in all regions
involved in the project.
Will be created the EU's “Regional Network 202020”, including a virtual network, which will
regularly update the project partners. Other members of the network will unite all regions across
the EU.
Provides the dissemination of information: local / regional events, knowledge exchange
workshops in Germany, Greece, Poland, France, the appointment and publicizing of 15 cases of
good practice, the creation of website, which publicize the project's progress, results and so on.,
prepared the "Guide" printed and digital format, including experience, results, best practices, will
be organized several European-level seminars in Brussels and Bilbao.
On the 8th of December, 2011 official visit to Klaipėda region was made by the Euroregion "Baltic"
(hereinafter - ERB) Vice President Roland Gustbee ERB and the International Permanent Secretariat
head Slawomir Demkowicz-Dobrzanski. Guests were welcomed by the Klaipėda Regional
Development Council Chairman Šilutė Mayor
Development Board.
Virgilijus Pozingis and other Klaipėda Regional
During the visit the guests were presented the main tasks and functions of Klaipeda Regional
Development Council, current information about the region's Klaipeda Association of Municipalities
and its role in the Euroregion activities. The main objectives of the association - to develop and
promote international cooperation in the region of Klaipeda relations with neighboring and other
countries of the region, actively participate in international projects, programs and / or inter-regional
cooperation organizations, members of the Association's efforts focus on tourism in order to increase
the number of tourists in the region of Klaipeda, the formation unified image of the tourist region and
enhancing the competitiveness of the country and internationally, the development of the region of
Klaipeda tourism marketing strategy for coordinating the overall activities of municipalities.
During the meeting, the Klaipėda Regional Development Council members shared their experiences
in international cooperation and the Klaipeda region tourism development, discussed with the guests
the possible joint activities, and this time together with other Euroregion Baltic regions, members of
the projects.
During the meeting with the Vice President of ERB the social and economic partners were presented
to key members of ERB regional development trends and discuss possible joint projects. Very much
attention was paid to the youth and business development areas.
Uniting Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania (Klaipėda) region and the Russian Federation in the
Kaliningrad region, ERB links with national and international structures and local and regional
initiatives, and creates a strong partnership and networking. ERB is actively cooperating with various
European Union (hereinafter - EU) institutions involved in EU policy-making, providing resolutions
of key EU policy issues. ERB participated actively in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy and the EU in 2020
strategies preparation and is currently involved in their implementation.
Šilutė District Municipality is an active partner and has close relations with Gdansk (Poland) and the
Pruszcz Gdansk, Kaliningrad Slavsk (Russian Federation), Konakli (Turkey) municipalities. Different
projects are implemented with them.
2011-07-20 Chief Specialist of Šilutė district municipality Planning and Development department
Rasa Kmitienė has a meeting with Pruszcz Gdansk Development department specialists were was
discussed the possibilities of common international project.
In the project "Cultural heritage of the South Baltic region - Craftland“ Šilutė District Municipality
will participate with partners from Poland and Sweden. The program, which will be implemented
from 2012 includes a number of cultural events by 2014 under the theme: "The emergence of Šilutė,"
"Crafts", "Coast fishing experience”, “Folklore ensembles and races”, “Seminars and trainings”,
“Partner cities tournaments”, and others. In all meetings of partners from Poland and Sweden will
2011-07-22 The delegation of Šilutė District Municipality led by Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis
participated in the Roman era trade factory opening ceremony in Pruszcz Gdansk (Poland). The
Mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Virgilijus Pozingis said a welcome speech and presented the
gift of remembrance in the opening ceremony.
The arrangement of Roman times trade factory- it is a continuous Pruszcz Gdansk,Gdansk
Archaeological Museum (Poland), Šilutė District Municipality and Slavsk district administration
(Russia) INTERREG IIIA project "International Amber Road Reconstruction - 1 phase in Pruszcz
The overall aim of the project is to create a strong network of international co-operation on the
southern coast of the Baltic Sea amber route advertisement, which will form the basis for arrangement
of cultural tourism route. During the implementation of the project
Project manager was published, which will serve for further promotion of this touristic road in the
exhibitions and events with the participation of each partner of the project. For the long-term tourism
product promotion will be created an electronic version. In the first stage of the project arrangement
works were carried out in the Pruszcz Gdansk Cultural Park, and later follow-Amber road design
work will be carried out in partner cultural areas.
During the implementation of the project Šilutė District Municipality has played an important
advisory role in the implemented activities - particularly the park's cultural adaptation for
international events. At the end of investment works in Pruszcz Gdansk of the working group meeting
was held, during which the project results were discussed, divided information material: tourist
guides, electronic version of the guide, and more. The Working Group signed a joint programming
document for the common cultural heritage, restoration and promotion of long-term action.
During the event all Pruszcz Gdansk equipped entertainment complex: 2600 length of the pedestrian bicycle road Amber (Via Ambra), leading to the International Baltic Sea Culture Park was presented.
The park is a sports and recreation complex, including an amphitheater, skateboard’s park, sport’s
park, a garden "Four Seasons". The main focus of the celebration is the Roman era trading factory.
According to ancient techniques restored Roman settlement. It is a bustling, vibrant place, where
history is interwoven with contemporary issues of the day, visitors can feel the spirit of ancient times.
Factory area is used for recreational, artistic and cultural events. Factory equipped with a historic
coated Marketplace - local merchants meetings with trade envoys from the Roman provinces in place
of a blacksmith, a tub, amber, and the farmer's hut, goldsmiths, glaziers, oral horn handicraft shops,
and iron smelting site. One of the major trading post interesting stone circle is the ancient beliefs of
worship place.
On the 23 of July the meeting with the Mayorof Gdansk PRUSZCZ Janusz Wrobel and the
specialists of strategic development department Anna Knoch, Radek Gucwa, Patrrycja Gtochowska
was held.
During the meeting following questions were discussed:
1. The problems and opportunities of the implemented project;
2. Exchange of experience implementing EU projects.
3. Further co-operation between municipal;
4. Participation in the international projects.
2011-08-25 The festival of “Šilutė 500 anniversary" has left an indelible impression for the municipal
partners. In response to a warm reception Šilutė municipality partners Konakli city (Turkey) sent an
invitation to visit their municipality. "Based on a cooperation agreement with the municipality we
would like to invite the delegation of Šilutė district municipality to Konakli on the 11-18 September.
It would be very pleased if municipal leaders can come and to discuss future plans and opportunities
of cooperation between the municipalities, "- wrote Konakli Mayor Abdullah Sonmez.
A meeting is held to discuss the agreement between the municipality of Konakli and Šilutė signed on
the 26th of September,2009, the objectives set out - to exchange experiences and to support
international initiatives, to develop the cultural variety, to develop and implement tourism projects of
regional cultural and natural heritage. On the agenda to discuss the idea of municipal employees
exchanges (Konakli and Šilutė ) and the projects implementation possibility. And project feasibility.
These international exchanges will help to develop cultural diversity, to share best practices, ideas,
experience, work methods used by local and European levels. While implementing the project it is
possible to organize consultations, seminars and debates. The second issue for discussion and
evaluation of already implemented in the European Union Youth for Democracy program, 1.3. action
project "We are also here!". The project's aim was to enable young people with disabilities from
different European Union countries to be heard and to share existing practice and at the same time
helping friends with their peers who are healthy, to establish direct communication without
discrimination, to combat social exclusion. Partners from Konakli municipality as project
coordinators invited Šilutė district municipality to join as a partner, so the discussion would determine
whether such projects are appropriate, what could be done better, how they work and the participants
answered the participating municipalities. Konakli municipality welcomes the cooperation and
willing to discuss further opportunities for the development of EU projects. Also they are interested in
the possibility of co-operation arrangements developing tourism of two regions. Konakli municipal
leaders supports Šilutė municipality all important holiday season, even with a busy work schedule
finds time to visit the partners. Konakli representatives expressed satisfaction when Šilutė has been
awarded the European Union flag and the honor this year when it was awarded the higher Award - the
symbol of honor and Šilutė celebrated its 500 year anniversary celebration of the name. We are glad
that co-operation grows into a real friendship. Konakli mayor, said during the stay Šilutė that he is
always very pleased to come here, because he is
color. Being here, he always feels peace of mind.
attracted by Šilutė beautiful nature, rich green
2011-09-07 Šilutė District Municipality received a invitation from the mayor of to the annual "harvest
festival Ostróda Gmina 2011", which took place on the 10th of September, 2011 in Waldove. In the
invitation it is noted participation in the Holy Mass, merit awards for farmers, vocal ensembles, choir
performances, concerts, and sporting events and competitions. The delegation Deputy Mayor Vaidas
Pavilonis, Council Member Saulius Vytuvis, the deputy director of administration Raimundas went to
greet longtime partner and enjoy a beautiful holiday place. The delegation of Ostroda visited Šilutė
during Šilutė 500 anniversary celebration, visited Šilutė during autumn festivals and other important
2011-09-10 On the 10th of September Šilutė District Municipality delegation led by Deputy Mayor
Vaidas Pavilonis participated in Ostróda municipality (Poland) Harvest Festival. The delegation was
invited by the mayor of Ostróda municipality Marek Brzezin. Šilutė has co-operation with Ostroda for
10 years since the 27 th of September 2001, when it was signed the cooperation and friendship
agreement for. This aim of the agreement is to cooperate on economic, environmental, planning and
construction, education and culture, sports, leisure and health issues. Many times Poles visited Silute,
their delegation participated in Silute 500 anniversary events. The delegation of municipality
welcomed partners with co-operation anniversary and Harvest Festival and participated in the St.
Mass and other events. The attention to the delegation of Silute was huge,the Poles meet Šilutė
delegation with warm and sincere. The delegation members were thanked not only by the mayor of
the municipality, but also by the bishop during Holy Mass. Deputy Mayor Vaidas Pavilonis brought
to Silute the gratitude of Ostoda mayor Marek Brzezin which stays "On behalf of my own and whole
municipality of Ostróda, following the idea of a united Europe, which relies on the peoples of the
partnership and friendship, my sincere congratulations to you and all those who contributed to the
establishment of cooperation, which contributes to the further development of friendship development
of contacts. In accordance with this position I would also like to thank you for your cooperation with
the Municipality of Ostróda. On this occasion, I wish you much success in implementing initiatives,
and every success".
According the invitation of the mayor of Konakli municipality Abdullah Sonmez the delegation of
Šilutė District Municipality led by Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis visited Konakli on the 11-18 of
September, 2011. Delegation consisted of Mayor Virgilus Pozingis, Council members Saulius
Stankevičius, Steponas Kazlauskas, Daiva Žebelienė, Vincenta Bubilienė, Director of administration
Ida Vasiljevienė and the chief specialist of Communication Department Gintarė Vaitiekutė. Šilutė
cooperates with partners from the Turkey from the 26th of September, 2009 when the agreement of
cooperation and friendship was signed in Šilutė. It provides the exchange of experiences, the support
of international initiatives promoting cultural variety, development and implementation of tourism
projects on both the regional cultural and natural heritage, and so on. After signing the cooperation
agreement the Turkish delegation has visited Šilutė 2 times, so the delegation of Šilutė also visited
Turkey. The exchange allowed visits to become more familiar with both cultures, peculiar mentality,
a priority of both local governance and development objectives, core strategic objectives. The joint
youth project "We are also here!" which was given to disabled and healthy young people, as well as
promoting international address social problems, reduce social exclusion was successfully
implemented. Although Konakli municipality has more than one foreign partner Mayor Abdullah
Sonmez is most pleased with the cooperation of one of the municipalities
in Poland and Šilutė municipality. Greatest joys began warm and friendly relations that encourage the
development of joint plans. Turks call Lithuanians like them because they think the Lithuanians are
warm, sincere and hospitable in addition, these features are very important in the development of
tourism. People always come back, where they are well and happy, where they are waited by
close people.
The delegation of Šilutė visited the Konakli municipality, met the mayor and council members.
During the visit got acquainted with local management structure, and administrative activities of the
Council, discussed the budget structure and the priorities of the allocation. The budget of Konakli
municipality exceeds the budget of any municipality of Lithuania. This is due to the revenue
generated from tourism and agriculture, where the harvest is taken several times a year. The
population of town is about 15 thousand, during the tourism season this number increase to 100
thousand. Progeny leads to a convenient location, as Konakli's located between two major tourist
cities of Antalya and Alanya. The city has 7 km. seaside. It is for this reason Konakli built the second
largest Convention Center in Turkey, which includes about 6,500 visitors at a time. Another similar
center, just a little bigger is located in Istanbul. The members of Šilutė delegation visited the place of
the center construction, where the construction manager presented the design project. The Convention
Center is being built in cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean University. Konakli municipality
responsible for the construction project plan to finish the construction before the New year and the
university will take care of construction and operation of the employment intensity. The council
members of Šilutė district was interested in education and further education system, youth
employment, students, and students to support and promote initiatives, as well as social protection,
social security tax and medical services in accordance with the private and public sector Municipality
ratio of wages in different sectors and size of the minimum cost of living rate, as well as local media
The Mayor of Konakli also presented other municipal projects. It is planned to change the lighting
system, saving electricity, arrangement of bicycle racing track, and promoting bicycle tourism,
although owners recognized that the bicycle roads in Europe are well developed and bikes are more
popular. They already started to build few attraction objects. On the mountaintop the entertainment
center is being constructed in, it will be cafe, equipped with a picnic area, and organized activities for
youth. The municipality plans is to arrange a park for the people of different faiths and cultures.
Promoting the education it is planed to built in the Pedagogy Faculty of Mediterranean University to
attract students to the city and encourage local young people to remain study in Konakli Delegation
members were acquainted with a beach having a sandy coast that belongs to the municipality. This
beach has now been charged and is equipped with a cafe leased to a lessee who is caring the beach.
The delegation of Šilutė met the monitor of the town and local businessmen engaged in tourism and
hotel business, real estate and construction businesses. Visited one of Konakli hotel, which
construction if finishing and will open its doors to visitors in October. The concept of this hotel
differs from others, the owners of the focus on smaller, but įnoringesnių number of clients.
Delegation members were taken to Konakli water treatment station, which has been operating for
three years. This station has 40 thousand. m³ of container per day, they filled 15 thousand. m³ purified
water into the Mediterranean Sea, and the residual sludge used for fertilizer. The delegation of Šilutė
also has a cultural program. The delegation visited Alanya Castle, went to 2 km. high mountains,
where the the were showed the local village population, presented farming opportunities in mountain
area, visited the ancient mosque and authentic farmhouses. Also Hilal Isik municipal employee
responsible for international relations and EU projects, showed the Konakli town center. Mayor
Virgilijus Pozingis noticed that the city has changed significantly since the time when Šilutė
delegation visited Konakli four years ago for the first time. The town is developing very rapidly, in
cooperation municipal and private sectors of business, looking for common beneficial solutions. The
idea of Šilutė to publish photo album “Fotoskrydis. Šilutė land "charmed the mayor of Konakli
municipality Abdullah Sonmez. The album to him was presented during the visit to Šilute 500
anniversary. Looking at the album he said he would like to have the this album about Konakli town.
Participants of joint youth project "We are also here!" coordinator Hilal Isik and ŞİMŞEK Alim were
also invited to meet Šilutė delegation. They welcomed the implemented project and said that
cooperation with the Lithuanians was very successful, so in the future Šilutė is invited to contribute
to the joint projects. Currently the staff exchange project is planned. During the meeting it was
discussed what should be the objectives of the project and exchange phases. Konakli municipality
intended primarily exchanges should take place between the heads of departments, divisions, who
would share their experience in one or another field, working methods and ideas, which can be
implemented. Both have to learn from each other such things as management, construction, business
planning and other things.
This project is one of the first "best practice" local government project of international
cooperation. In addition, contribute to a diffusion of European ideas, which are particularly valued the
Union institutions. During the project will be organized mutual consultations, seminars, debates with
involvement of local residents.
Šilutė together with Polish municipalities during 2003-2011 have implemented and implement such
projects financed from EU structural funds:
Title of the
Title of the project
Polish partners
Phare 2001 Sewage system reconstruction in
Investment in the Baltic area in
Phare 2002 the city of Gdansk Pruščo
2004Prusco Gdansk
investment areas of feasibility
studies and technical projects
Coastal regional
2006Gdansk society
Accessibility of cultural tourism
III A program
Coastal Border Region
2008Gdansk, Gdansk
Society , Gdansk
city Prusco
The International Amber Road
Reconstruction - Phase 1 of Gdansk Prusco
III A program
Gdansk Prusco
The southern Baltic Sea border
Administration, 04-01
INTERREG cultural
III A program advertisement and Heritage
Regional Tourist 2008Recovery
Intelligent tourism promotion
and development of regional
Poland and identity, based on the northern
2012Gdansk poviat
Kaliningrad slopes of amber cultural heritage
and cultural parks, international
network "(H.Šojaus Manor Park)
South Baltic Cultural heritage of the South
2012Gdansk Prusco
Baltic region - CRAFTLAND.
"Human resource development,
2012Gdansk poviata
Poland and the introduction of new forms of
Project value for Šilutė
district municipality
380 206 EUR.
50665 EUR.
525 188, 00
6 905,60
214 073, 00
Total value- 1 503
535,00 eur.
district value- 511200,00
182067,00 eurų
Partners of Šilutė district municipality
On the 26 of May, 2001 cooperation agreement was signed between the city of
Šilutė (Lithuania) and Emmerich City (Germany). According to this agreement it is valued to
ensure the welfare of the people, to promote friendship of both cities citizens, co-operate as closely as
possible in the cultural, sport and economic activities, to exchange the information about urban policy
and administrative bodies and other significant events.
On the 28 of September, 1992 the friendship and cooperation
agreement between the Šilutė municipality (Lithuania) and Ljungby municipality (Sweden) was
signed. The aim of the agreement is to develop cooperation and exchange of experience in
environmental, cultural, sports fields, to share experiences and information about local government
job in society
On the 10th of October, 1992 the friendship and cooperation agreement between the
Šilutė municipality (Lithuania) and Nakskov municipality (Denmark) was signed. The aim of
this agreement is to cooperate on urban agriculture, environment, planning and construction,
education and culture, sports and leisure, as well as health care and charitable concerns.
On the 2nd of April, 1998 the Letter of intend is signed between the municipality of
Šilutė (Lithuania) and Warsaw Bielany municipality (Poland). The objectives of the agreement
are the exchange of the experiences, achievements representation, education, social welfare, health,
culture and the arts, sports and recreation, agriculture and environmental protection.
On the 29 of April, 1998 the Letter of intend is signed between the municipality
of Šilutė (Lithuania) and Russian Federation Kaliningrad district. The objectives to promote cooperation on border and transportation issues, environmental protection, culture and education, sports
and recreation, social welfare and health care industries.
On the 12 of November 1998 the Agreement on the principles of cooperation and
joint activities was signed between the Šilutė District Municipality Republic (Lithuania) and the
Slavsk municipality Kaliningrad Russian Federation. The planned joint activities are joint
environmental project development and implementation of a favorable economic climate in the
conclusion of joint projects between production, sales, service and business entities in Slavsk and
Šilutė areas, consistent exchange of culture, arts, education, sport and youth policies, mutual support
for Russian community in Šilutė and the Lithuanian community in Slavsk , as well as in other
On the 27nd of September, 2001 the friendship and cooperation agreement
between the Šilutė municipality (Lithuania) and Ostroda municipality (Poland) was signed. The
aim of this agreement is to cooperate on economic, environmental, planning and construction,
education and culture, sports, leisure and health issues.
On the 24th of May, 2004 the friendship and cooperation agreement between the
Šilutė municipality (Lithuania) and Gdanski Pruszcz (Poland) was signed. The aim of the
agreement is to develop both local economic and cultural activities in accordance with the practice of
international cooperation, actively participate in various European Union bodies.
On the 28th of May, 2007 the letter of Intend is signed between Šilutė municipality
(Lithuania) and Gdansk poviat (Poland). Taking into account the strong, balanced and
harmonious development of both areas, the attractiveness of investment and competitiveness in local
and international markets and growth in order to create a positive image of the two districts, the
parties agreed to pursue the following objectives: mutual consultation in the preparation and
implementation of European Union-funded projects, tourism products related to both regional cultural
and natural heritage, design, development and implementation of social, occupational, cultural,
scientific, and youth groups, co-operation and exchange, experience sharing and mutual support in
international initiatives, the development of cultural diversity, tourism and economic development of
infrastructure support, an integrated information system development and the two regions through the
promotion of innovation and new technologies.
On the 23rd of June, 2007 the co-operation agreement between Šilutė municipality
(Lithuania) and Gdansk poviat (Poland) was signed. The aim of this agreement is the development
of both regions, the economic, tourist and cultural activities in accordance with the practice of
international cooperation.
On the eight of October, 2007 m. the Letter of intend is signed between the
municipality of Šilutė (Lithuania) and Konakli municipality (Turkey). The aim is to develop
friendship between the cities, cultural and economic exchanges.
On the 29th of May, 2009 Letter of intent was signed between the administration of
Šilutė District Municipality (Lithuania) and Saldus city administration (Latvia). Taking into
account the strong, balanced and harmonious development of both areas, the attractiveness of
investment and competitiveness in local and international markets and growth in order to create a
positive image of the two districts, the parties agreed to pursue the following objectives: mutual
consultation, preparation and implementation of European Union-funded projects, tourism products
related to both regions, the cultural and natural heritage, design, development and implementation of
integrated information systems development and support of the two regions, through innovation and
new technologies, tourism and economic development of the infrastructure support, cultural diversity,
development, exchange of experiences and mutual support in international initiatives, social and
professional , cultural, scientific, and youth groups, co-operation and exchange.
On the 26 of September 2009, cooperation agreement was signed between
the Šilutė District Municipality Republic (Lithuania) and Konakli municipality Alanya region
(Turkey). In order to ensure both the regional long-term, balanced and harmonious development of
cooperation in improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of local and international
markets, developing both regional as favorable to investment and tourism areas of the image, the
parties undertook to promote bi-regional economy, development and implementation of tourism
projects on both regional cultural and natural heritage, to create an integrated information system
through innovation and new technologies to support tourism and economic development of
infrastructure for joint marketing of domestic and foreign markets through participation in
international tourism and agricultural exhibitions, promoting cultural diversity, exchange experiences
and to support international initiatives.
On the 24th of October, 2011 the Council of Šilutė District
Municipality approved the cooperation agreement with Italy Cittaducale municipality. The aim
is to ensure both the regional long-term, balanced and harmonious development of cooperation,
improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of local and international markets,
development of both regions, as conducive to investment and tourism areas of the image. Cooperation projects will be implemented from various funds of the European Union in two
municipalities. Priorities of the agreement is the development of tourism infrastructure and economic,
cultural diversity, development of international initiatives to support both local practice and
information exchange, participation in exhibitions and events, in the programs of the European
Union, promoting citizenship, tolerance and mutual understanding among citizens.
On the 5th of December, 2011 cooperation agreement was signed
between the Šilutė municipality (Lithuania) and Cittaducale municipality (Italy). The aim of this
agreement is to ensure both the regional long-term, balanced and harmonious development of
cooperation, improving the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of local and international
markets, developing both regional as favorable to investment and tourism areas of the image,
participation in exhibitions and events, the European Union, promoting citizenship, tolerance and
citizens' understanding.
Šilutė District Municipality local partners in Lithuania
On the 29 of December 2000, the Letter of intent was signed between the
municipality of Šilutė and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Addressing the scientific and
practical problems of moving into the twenty-first century, it is important to consolidate the close
relations of scientists and specialists in the country's regional co-operation. Pomeranian people is
interested in the economical changes, the problems of cultural heritage preservation, important
polders, water, fisheries development, social development issues, the development of education in the
country. The Parties intend to: organize the seacoast days of academics, organize joint seminars,
information and consultation days, other events of historical change, cognitive, and ethnic heritage
exhibits and develop new ideas for research papers and presentations, to develop further mutually
beneficial contacts.
On the 6th of June, 2001 m. the cooperation agreement iwas signed between the
Šilutė district municipality and Neringa municipality. Both municipalities have agreed to
encourage, promote and coordinate cooperation in culture and tourism, youth and social support.
On the 29th of January, 2008 the Letter of intent was signed between the Šilutė
district municipality and Palanga municipality. Recognizing the importance of cooperation to both
local and sustainable development of the European Union structures, considered the need for close
cooperation between municipalities in order to expand and strengthen cooperation in culture, tourism,
improving the business environment and strategic planning, with particular emphasis on local
participation in the European Union's programs in the preparation of bilateral and multilateral projects
and their implementation.
On the 1st od June, 2010 the cooperation agreement is signed between Šilutė
district municipality and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Both parties agreed to develop a
common vision of the future cooperation of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Šilutė local
communities, recognizing that the overall vision of the future is to develop educated, creative,
innovative and spirited community that wants to make a significant contribution to the prosperity of
the State of Lithuania.
On the 26 of November, 2010 cooperation agreement was signed between the Šilutė
municipality and Mykolo Romeris University. The parties agreed to cooperate with the university
studies, facilitating the continuing education of the population according to their needs, the
organization of municipal officials and staff in-service training, preparation and implementation of
municipal development and other projects with relevant scientific expertise.
On the 11th of February, 2011 cooperation agreement was signed between the Municipality of Šilutė
and Klaipėda University. The parties have agreed to collaborate with institutions of university
knowledge, facilitating the population of lifelong learning and improving skills, as well as the
creation of municipal development and other projects with relevant scientific expertise. The
agreement was signed when Klaipeda University was celebrating the 20th anniversary. On this
occasion, the ceremony was held.
During the celebration academics and guests listened to the lecture of the president of Lithuanian
Academy of Sciences, academician V. Razumas "Research and technological development policy of
small nations." Letters of thanks and souvenirs were given to the first university leaders. President of
the Republic of Latvia V.Zalteris participatedin the Ceremony as the guest of honor, and was
inaugurated as the Honorary Doctor of the University of Klaipeda.
The leaders of Šilutė district municipality are actively interested in the other foreign best practices.
Šilutė also receives many visitors from foreign and Lithuanian municipalities who are interested in
our experience and is an example of the implementation of their various local and international
2011-05-02 The mayor of Šilutė District Municipality Virgilijus Pozingis and Director of
Administration Ida Vasiljevienė met the students and teachers of delegations from Sonderborg
Denmark and Alhalman Poryoo Paskyhie school Finland. The delegations were followed by Šilutė
Martinas Jankus primary school leaders and students. The director of the secondary school Audrey
Astasevičius introduced guests and presented the exchange project. Foreign schools together with
Martinas Jankus school participates in the Junior Multilateral Fund partnership project "Global
warming" of international educational exchange program Nordplus.
The foreigners stayed in Šilute from 1 st of May to 7 th of May. Students (25) and their leaders (4)
lived in families. They got acquainted with Palanga city, visited Friedrich Bajoraitis public library
(Šilutė), visited Šilutė SFE, Šilutė turf company participated in an excursion to Rambynas Regional
Park, Šilutė museums and so on. The pupils carried out activities at school with an online magazine.
The project is led by the teachers Jovita Ranauskienė, Aida Skarbalienė, Kazimiera Vaitkuvienė, Rita
Barkauskienė. Municipal leaders welcomed a large group of students and their project idea "If you
start to implement such beautiful ideas when you are still young to, then we will have a very nice and
clean environment", - said the Mayor.
2011-08-23 The mayor Virgilijus Pozingis received a letter from the mayor of Cittaducale
municipality (Italy) Giovanni Falcone. It is proposed to work together to develop economic, cultural
and social integration. For the purposes of mutual knowledge and experience of the integration
objectives are more easily accessible and to promote commercial products in the economy, socialcultural trade. The letter states that the municipality Cittaducale is happy to start a long-term and
fruitful cooperation in the process of these areas. European citizens' program encouraging the
Europeans to uphold the ideas and raise awareness as well as is one of cooperation aims. Future
partners have expressed the hope that local interests will be similar and will soon be possible to sign
the agreement. The letter invited to come and to get acquainted with the region. The Mayor of Šilutė
District Municipality Virgilijus Pozingis respond to the proposal and stated that Šilutė municipality is
interested in the possibilities of cooperation in economic, cultural and social fields, pointed out that
our country emphasis promoting of tourism development, which could also be the general purpose of
both municipalities, and the mutual experience would be very useful.
2011-09-07 On the 7th of September 2011 the Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis was visited by the
Cittaducale mayor Giovanni Falcone, who was visiting Lithuania and decided to get acquainted with
the mayor and visit the land, which is going to cooperate. The visit was not official, but local leaders
discussed the features of each region, economic, cultural, business and industrial situation, the
opportunities for cooperation and the signing of the agreement.
The leaders expressed hope that local interests will be similar and will soon be possible to sign the
agreement. Cittaducale Mayor once again invited to come and get acquainted with the region. The
contract was signed on the 5th of December, 2011.
2011-12-05 Šilutė municipal council approved and the agreement was signed in Šilutė district
Šilutė (Lithuania) and Cittaducale (Italy) municipality in order to ensure both the regional longterm, balanced and harmonious development of cooperation in improving the investment
attractiveness and competitiveness of local and international markets, developing both regional as
favorable to investment and tourism areas of the image, decided:
Promote bi-regional economy;
Develop and implement joint projects related to both the regional social, cultural and natural heritage;
Create an integrated information system through innovation and new technologies;
Support tourism and economic infrastructure;
Carry out joint marketing of domestic and foreign markets through participation in international
tourism, agriculture and other exhibitions;
Promote cultural diversity;
Exchange of experiences, information and support international initiatives;
Promote commercial, cultural, social marketing;
Cooperate in the European Union-funded projects;
Participate in the European Union programs, foster citizenship, tolerance and mutual understanding
between the citizens, promote active citizenship;
Encourage youth participation and to incorporate the cultural exchanges, promote cooperation
between schools and other educational institutions
2011-02-25-27 On the 25th – 27th of February ,2011 in the Exhibition Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius,
took place the 17-th International Tourism, Sport and Leisure exhibition "Vivattur 2011”. This year,
the exhibition's motto was "Tourism, Sport and Recreation”. Lithuania sought to attract foreign
visitors not only with tourist attractions but also present qualified possibilities of health care and
disease treatment.
180 exhibitors including 122 from Lithuania and 58 foreign countries presented their services in the
exhibition. Fifteen countries participated in the exhibition: Lithuania, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Greece, Spain, Italy, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Nepal, Thailand, Turkey,
Ukraine. The exhibition was visited by 16 thousand of visitors.
The exhibition presented the rich Lithuanian health resorts and wellness centers and a variety of
accommodation - hotels, networks, customer, recreation and youth hostels, children's camps and rural
Everybody interested in travels got acquainted with travels organized in Lithuania and abroad,
relaxing, cognitive, recreational, professional, local or tourist "last minute". Also had the opportunity
to choose the characteristics of trips and tours for the whole family or youth. Tourism services - bus
parks, airports, airlines, car rents, water transport were actively presented.
Visitors were acquainted with information technologies in tourism - the reservation systems, tourism,
electronic commerce, insurance and banking services. The exhibition presented large recreation
parks, drama and musical theaters, museums, galleries, entertainment centers, crafts and culinary
Šilutė was presented by the municipality of Šilutė administration and Šilutė tourism information
center near Šilutė Museum. This year Šilutė was in the joint stand together with all Lithuanian Tourist
Information Centers. This is a new idea in Vivattur exhibition offered by the Lithuanian Department
of Tourism. The idea of Stand is Lithuania. Know! Feel! Fall in love! All together invited visitors to
discover the fuller corners of Lithuania, unanimously called to know and to love Lithuania.
Šilutė had an excellent opportunity to join the most beautiful places in Lithuania, while to separate.
This year Šilute presented themselves as Lithuanian Capital of Culture in 2011th. The main accent of
the exhibition was the events of Šilutė region’s 500-year anniversary and Lithuanian Capital of
Culture. Exhibition visitors were attracted to visit Šilutė. To stand employees invited to participate in
exclusive events, visit the unique nature and wildlife habitats, bird watching, enjoy water sports, take
part in republican "Milk Festival" and handed out invitations to Šilute 500 years anniversary
celebration.It is very exciting that many visitors sought themselves for Šilutė stand, many of them
remember the impressive Šilutė stands. This exhibition and the idea was a good opportunity to test
whether or not the Seacoast region attracts tourists and what results gave the work of the past
proclamation of this unique land.Šilutė land was presented to the visitors by new employees of Šilute
tourism information center Giedre Šniaukaitė and Edvardas Judžentis, as well as the Planning and
Development Department Chief Specialist Rasa Kmitienė and Chief specialist of Communications
Department Gintarė Vaitiekutė.
2011-03-01 The 7 th Baltic linear and country dance championship in Riga (Latvia) was a successful
for Šilutė Country dance bands "Salunas" and "Dakota" dancers. Šilutė returned returned with three
prizes. Highest prize - first place was given to Salunas "a group of children of primary Žibai school.
II, s cup was given to the second "Salunas" collective group of children. The women of line dance
club "Dakota" were also happy to win the II nd silver cup. Two "Salunas" groups of children of Žibai
primary school could learn and then show to all a new linear dance, taught by a pair of dance world
championship winners from England. Particularly many ovations and compliments had received little
dances "Salūniukai" from a judge from America, who observe children for three years already. After
receiving the children's dance video and audio material he will advertise the children's group in
America. Interesting cooperation proposals were discussed with the leader Reminta Stoškuvienė.
Championship, which was attended by two hundred and fifty participants from different European
countries, Lithuania was represented by linear dance clubs of Vilnius, Klaipėda, Ukmergė, Šilutė,
Kaunas. "Salunas" and "Dakota" took part in the competition for the fifth time.
2011-03-22 The kindergarten of Šilutė municipality "Pusele” is participating in the International
Comenius (School Partnerships) project Come2gether "Come Together" of Lifelong Learning
Program. Project partners teachers from the Portugal "Escola de Agrupamento Guilherme Stephens,"
Spain "CEIP Los Adilles, and Turkey' II GENEL Meelisi IIkogretim Okulu visited Šilutė on the 22nd
of March visit Šilutė municipality, where they were welcomed by Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and
Deputy Mayor Jonas Jaunius. Objective of the project is a way of facilitating adaptation period for
future beginners. The exchange of teachers help the participants to compare how the matter handled
in different countries, what preschoolers preparation methods are used to apply them in their work
and share experiences. On the 21st -25th of March, 2011 the guests visited Šilutė schools and
kindergartens, participated in the workshops. During the meeting with the Mayor was talking about
the education system Šilutė municipality educational institutions, educational funding system, the
number of teachers and students in educational institutions. Mayor wished to gain practical
experience from each other, as well as see the more beautiful places of Šilutė, to visit Rusnė island. It
is also noted that Šilutė celebrates 500 years anniversary, invited to return and celebrate with all
citizens of Šilutė.
2011-03-30-04-02 Association of Lithuanian municipalities
representatives from all over our country to participate in the sharing of best practices in the event
which was held in the Czech Republic public libraries. The bus left to the friendly Czech Republic
with librarians representing all regions of Lithuania. In this delegation was also a librarian from Šilutė
Friedrich Bajoraitis public library Vida Paldauskienė. They visited Prague and Charles Vary city
libraries. You don’t need to be a librarian to notice how the Czech government and the municipalities
takes care of home of books: the libraries are modern and impressive. A lot of space and comfortable
design, the latest modern technologies are installed. Librarians warmly told about their modern
workplaces, talked about the activities of various departments. Broad Karlovy Vary District Public
Library is bringing together even 12,000 readers. Over the year, this modern library was visited by
500,000 visitors of all ages, has accumulated 145,000 book fund, 22,000 CDs and DVDs. The library
offers a variety of common services, including books and periodicals lending, adult education using
the computer, there is an educational and cultural activity. Big attention is given to children with
special needs, organized memory training courses, other unusual events, set up the disabled section,
where readers with disabilities produces a variety of handicrafts, souvenirs, organizes exhibitions of
his own products - sales. By the way, recently in this city there is decline of the number of young
readers, as occurred many interesting activities for children and young people, the children's
department is looking for ways to return young to the library: the library organizes an exciting games
and activities, a youth music department takes place. The Library has two rooms, where there are
different courses for individual groups. As the Karlovy Vary is a spa town an information section for
tourists is set up, where not only locals but also visitors from other countries can obtain detailed
information about the city and region. Here you can purchase tickets for events happening in the city,
concerts and performances. Learned that the Prague City Library was founded in 1891 and the present
library building was built in 1920. The library has a very wide range of public, there are 16 thousand
readers. It is also information and cultural center. Library services available to everyone, the reader's
ticket is required only when the selected book you want to take home. That institution, provides not
only the usual library services – there is also learning a foreign language, a spacious and modern
internet café, a cozy and colorful children's section, the original theater room with a reading room.
During the trip the libraries of Lithuania had an opportunity not only to improve their professional
skills, but also to visit the most famous places of the Czech Republic
2011-04-06-09 In Belarusian capital Minsk was held 14 international tourism exhibition "Leisure
2011", organized by the National Exhibition Centre BELEXPO "together with the Republic of
Belarus Sports and Tourism Ministry. Šilutė region in the exhibition was presented by the chief
specialist of the Planning and Development department Rasa Kmitienė. This is the largest
international tourism exhibition in Belarus, attended by 20 different countries represented by the
tourist information centers, hotels, homes, entertainment centers, like any other business
representatives. The exhibition has 200 participants, and it was visited by more than 40 thousand
visitors. Belarus is one of the most important tourism markets for Lithuania: the number of tourist’s
arrival in 2010 the Belarus was in 2nd place after Russia. Our region is easily accessible and
interesting for the tourists of our neighbor country. For the first time the whole Western Lithuania
was presented in the exhibition. In joint stand were presented Tourism Information centers of
Klaipeda, Gargzdai, Neringa, Palanga and Šilutė, Health Centre "Energy", HR rest-house "Baltic" and
the tourist agency "Mercury" tourism. On the 8th of April 8 took place business mission, which was
attended by representatives of the media and tourism companies of Minsk. Innovations and the most
interesting events of Western Lithuania was presented during the event. The weekly magazine Отдых
и туризм ("Recreation and tourism) in the article “The Summer of 2011: where to spend holidays for
Belarusians" in addition to the popular holiday areas of Crimea, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria,
Montenegro, Italy, Spain mentioned Lithuania Resorts, which has good transport links , sandy
beaches, pine forests, a healthy climate, variety of prices.
2011-04-08 Two students of Šilutė agricultural school Žydrė Bertašiūtė and Deimantė Pintverytė had
three weeks of practice in Business institute and beauty salons in Kokakola town (Finland). Girls had
trainings and practice in beauty salons. The school is glad to have opportunity to give the opportunity
for the students to participate in the international Leonardo da Vinci mobility project “Know the style
of Europe - the training of hairdressers and cosmetics new competences“. Totally four hairdressers
participated in trainings in Italy and Finland.
2011-04-14. Šilutė District Municipality was presented in the international tourism exhibition "Yantur
2011" (the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad), which was held for the 14th time. Participants from
Kaliningrad regions of Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Croatia presented its tourism potential
and innovation. Šilutė was presented at the joint stand of Western Lithuania with Klaipeda,
Palanga and Gargždai. The tourism opportunities of Šilutė region were presented by the chief
specialist of Planning and Development department Rasa Kmitienė. Šilutė district attracted attention
of tour companies as well as of individual visitors. Tourists were informed about the area recreational
resources, tourism companies, active leisure, accommodation. On the 14th of April tourism
Information Centers of Kaliningrad region and of Warmia Mazury voivodship (Poland) has signed a
cooperation agreement. Representatives of west Lithuania was also invited to the event that took
place in the new hotel of Kaliningrad "Heliopark Kaiserhof”
2011-04-16-23 Šilutė first gymnasium for the second year participates in the international Comenius
project. This year the Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands was visited. The project involves seven
countries: the Netherlands, Lithuania, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany and Poland. This main theme of
the project- "Do you understand me?”. The first stage took place in November, 2010 when the Dutch
group arrived to small Šilutė wishing to know Lithuania and our country. The second stage began in
the 16th of April, 2011 when 12 students and three teachers visited the unseen Netherland, and they
returned on the 23rd of April full of different impressions. Students working in groups learned to
collaborate and communicate, and then made the analysis trying to find the best places to live and
learn. Not surprisingly, they discovered that the best higher education, free education and some even
better life - in Sweden. Part of the day they spend at school, but also had a lot of leisure. The first few
days, they traveled 25 km mountain bike and have gained much experience. Later visited
The palace of the royal family, what now is a museum. Even visited the capital city of Amsterdam
and played golf, which led to the new adventures. And the last day visited Brussels. They were very
impressed by the Dutch landscape, architecture and of human cordiality, relaxation and the warm
2011-05-16-20 The head of the Šilutė District Municipality Planning and Development Department
Remigijus Budrikis attended an international conference - exhibition of the Leader and rural
development of good practices, international cooperation on issues in Štramberk town. During the
conference it is acquainted with the Czech and the other 26 EU countries experiences in
implementing measures related to the renovation and expansion, visited local villages, in which were
implemented renewal and development projects financed by the EU and other funding sources. The
business meetings with the Czech Republic and other EU countries, communities and local business
representatives, presentations, discussions and international networking were held.
Formal meeting with the Czech community and representatives of the LAG, the theme:
the Czech Leader Program 2007-2013, the LAG and the role of communities in the implementation of
village renewal and development projects. It was discussed about the LEADER local development
strategies and best practices in project implementation and 2007-2013 term achievements in the
implementation of the LEADER method. With particular emphasis on the experience and good
practice sharing, as well as the future of the LEADER method in 2014-2020 Meeting with the
coordinators of village renewal and development projects implemented under the LEADER method.
Conference of International examples of good practice co-operation guidelines Leader Fest
2011 (Štramberk). Presentations and workshops (Project Co) on the theme: Program Leader examples of good practice.
Local and EU LEADER products fair and cultural presentation. Formal meeting with the
Czech community and representatives of the LAG. Discussion about the LEADER local
development strategies for the future. Country's experience in the legal framework and good practice
in the rural renewal measures (CAP) delivery to a common goal - to create an attractive environment
to live and work in rural areas, the realization of specific objectives: to increase the attractiveness of
rural living environment, reduce the population decline in rural areas, to preserve the cultural heritage
of the establishment and development of traditional handicraft shops.
2011-06-27-07-04 The head of Šilutė District Municipality Planning and Development Department
Remigijus Budrikas got acquainted with English and Scottish Rural Development Program, the
implementation of the relevant issues. Meet with the Rural Development Programme implementing
agencies. During the travel time became acquainted with the English and Scottish experiences in
implementing measures related to the renovation and expansion, and visited local villages, which
were implemented village renewal and development projects financed by the EU and other funding
sources. Business meetings were held with the English and Scottish local action groups and the
representatives of rural development authorities.
Official meeting with Gal Botte du Hainaut local activity group, visiting of local projects
Meeting with representatives of Leader – AVMK & Chilterns Programme and South east
England development organizations. The implementation of Rural development program in
Meeting with the representatives of local LAG (England, Oxford);
Meeting with the representatives of Scottish Borders Lag organization (Scotland);
Meeting with the LAG representatives, visiting of local projects (Scotland.).
During the meetings, the presentations and discussions took place. The international cooperation of
the local action groups is appointed in Lithuanian Rural Development Programme, so there was
discussed about the possibilities of implementation of joint projects with the English and Scottish
local action groups. Possible project ideas were discussed. Summing up the debate can be said that
the main project ideas related to culture and culinary heritage
During the meetings with Leader – AVMK & Chilterns Program, South east England
development and Scottish Borders Lag organizations was discussed about Rural development
program of England and Scotland.
Reports about the implementation of rural development programs in these countries, which projects
are supported, as the intensity of support to the key documents and information required from
applicants were read. Summarizing the presentations and discussions can be stated that Lithuania
does not have well-developed communities and other non-governmental organizations,
entrepreneurship, and their co-operation with local businesses and local authorities in implementing
projects. Scotland, England supports projects, collaborate with business and non-governmental
organizations operating in the village. Communities in these countries developed entrepreneurship implementation of local projects to attract funds to the communities.
2011 m. June-August. Šilutė students of agricultural school automotive repair specialty had the
opportunity to improve their skills in foreign countries. "The practice in the modern workplace - Auto
mechanics key to success" - a Leonardo da Vinci mobility project, which Šilutė School of Agriculture
implement jointly with Aukstadvaris School of Agriculture. The project's principal objective - to
improve and deepen the automotive repair specialty students practical skills and competencies of
young professionals by increasing the competitiveness and entrepreneurship. During the summer
vacation students training in Austria and the United Kingdom took place. Four students of Šilutė
agricultural school participated in trainings: Justas Gudeliūnas, Deivydas Suščianovas, Mindaugas
Stulginskis and Edgaras Kačerauskas.
Together with the host organizations was it was tried to make the best possible conditions to improve
students' qualifications: each individual has had an opportunity to take the experience and technical
innovation in the workplace, care, maintenance and repair. Automotive repair specialty students doing
practical training abroad have acquired new skills, learned to work with new technologies. Working
in modern facilities and extensive experience in businesses they deepen their knowledge and skills,
which they share with their friends in school and when they start their work life they certainly will
use it in Lithuanian labor market. Internships abroad encourages students to look to the work and
learning more responsible, and schools participating in this kind of project, to give the country's
automotive supply sphere high-skilled workers. Implementing the Leonardo da Vinci Action, which
is the part of Lifelong Learning Program (a program administered by Lithuania for the National
Agency) project, student internships abroad, seeking to satisfy their professional development needs.
The school hopes that giving the possibilities for the best students to train abroad at the same time
they are open and new options for the future, because the guys were able not only to acquire new
knowledge, competencies and skills but also to learn to adapt to new work, life and environmental
conditions, a new culture, gain independence, flexibility, and improve foreign language skills. In both
countries, the participants took part in cultural programs: visiting different cities, museums and
2011-06-02 Šilutė first gymnasium and gymnasium Buchtehude Halepaghen have been cooperating
for more than 20 years. During this period educational students and teachers projects involving more
than 1,000 high school students and teachers were implemented. On the 1-10yh of June 2011 School
students of June 10 to 10 days Buchtehude Halepaghen students and teachers visited Šilutė first
gymnasium. Three days long project was implemented and cognitive –cultural tours theme "Water stone - man." was organized. On the 2nd of June the german delegation and the delegation of Šilutė
first gymnasium visited Šilutė district municipality. They were greeted by the Mayor Virgilijus
Pozingis, Deputy Director of Administration Dainora Butvydienė, Raimundas Ambrozaitis, as well as
the Education Department specialist Giedrė Milukienė. Mayor pleased that young people are
becoming more active, participating in exchange programs and different projects, noting that Šilutė
land is the most beautiful and the cultural program will be very nice and they will be able to seea lot.
Gymnasiums were very active inquiring how it is tried to attract young people of Šilutė, how their
jobs are promoted. Mayor noted that one of the most important municipal priorities is to create an
attractive environment for young people in the area, so the main budget goes to the education. In
order to create a comfortable learning opportunities by investing in schools, high school renovations.
There are also plans to move the Art School and Music Division of the total newly arranged place.
Mayor Virgil Pozingis noticed that the youth of our country is decreasing, but this number is not as
frightening as in other smaller towns or districts. He said that it is very important to keep young
people, creating attractive jobs, this is an important task of local government and business. "But it is
very important the activity of young people" - added Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and invited to
cooperate. The Head of Buchtehud Halepaghen School delegation welcomed the opportunity to know
once again Lithuania and Šilutė, the long-term friendship. He pointed out that, he is always looking
forward new meetings. Municipal Mayor was presented a commemorative gift, and the Mayor gave
the most recent publication “Fotoskrydis. Šilutė land”.
2011-06-12 A concert of a classical music took place in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Šilutė. It
was sounding piano virtuoso from New York (USA), Alexander Paley, Roland Romoslauskas (viola)
and Laima Šulskutė (Lithuania) (flute), Ludwig van Beethoven performed, F. Chopin, F. Shubert, F.
Borne, P. Plakidžio F. Poulenc's chamber music.
2011-06-21 The employees of Šilutė Museum went to Bauska (Latvia) Regional Museum of Art. Trip
aim of trip was to get acquainted with the branch of Bauska museum Memorial Museum Lejenieki
awarded for the creative activities of poet Willie Pludono (1874-1940) and to agree about Bauska
doll collections exhibited in Šilutė Museum on lore and art museum. The exhibition “Victorian
Liampert dolls world” was brought and opened on the 1st of September during the festival and was
active until the end of November. The exhibition was visited by the pupils of Šilutė primary school
and kindergartens children.
2011-08-01 Šilutė Fridrich Bajoraitis Public Library held a meeting, getting acquainted with Šilutė
visiting German actor, songwriter and performer Thomas Kylau. Bright, energetic, bursting with
youthful guest not only remembered his childhood, the first steps in education, the family emigrate
to Germany, the beginning of the creative way, but also told funny, piquant facts of his biography.
Librarians communion with T. Kylau began during the preparation of traditional Šilutė World
Conference "Light" Carry, so good .... ". Artist's (born in 1932 in Klaipeda) parents two years later
(1934) settled near Silute. Thomas has arts and actor’s talents: organized children's performances in
the courtyard, loved to dance, during studying in Šilutė elementary school, willingly participated in
the music circle. In 1944, as the majority of the population Thomas family moved to West Germany,
first to Dresden and later to Munich. Thomas says that despite the hardship, difficulty, time spent
Silute was bright and good. Studied the art of acting in Lübeck, he attended private theater courses,
graduated the prestigious Hamburg Academy of Music and Theatre. His artistic career T.Kylau
developed in Bremen Theatre and later played in Hamburg, Munich and other state and folk drama
theaters. T. Kylau is also known as a film actor. He played in 25 films, produced over 150 roles in
comedies, detective series. Other passion of T. Kylau is music. French chanson, German schlagers
created by the actor- are played on the radio in Germany, released a few records.
Active creative activity does not prevent T. Kylau already 20 year every year come to visit Lithuania,
Curonian Spit. In Nida actor prepares the creative readings of writers Hermann Suderman and
Thomas Mann's, at least one day come to Šilutė, visiting school. The participants learned about the
library donated material: childhood, creative photo documents, listened to the actor created
and performed songs from the musical drive for Šilokarčemos (Silute), the first mention in written
sources in 500-year anniversary.
2011-10-09 The group of professionals of Šilutė F. Bajoraitis public library visited Khashuri, Surami
and Gori libraries in Georgia. Purpose of the journey is to implement partnership agreements with the
librarians of Khashuri municipality implementing the "Open Library" project. The idea was funded
by the Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia and Lithuanian Culture Foundation. Šilutė was chosen as
project partner not by chance. Two libraries are fellows since. Colleagues from Georgia visited Šilutė
(1977, 1989) international book fairs, the events funded by the Open Society Fund-Lithuania "EastEast" and the George Soros Foundation in Georgia (2003), Accumulated of The international
cooperation experience of Šilutė and Gori librarians (1985), was given the Bronze medal in the
economic achievements exhibition in Moscow (Russia), This time, the first Lithuanian patch of land
in Georgia, opened its hospitable shelter for Šilutė was the residence of the Ambassador of Lithuania
in Georgia its owners Dalia and Jonas Paslauskai. Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia has intensive
cultural mission not only in Khashuri, but in Tbilisi Kabuleti. Upgraded Khashuri council library, to
acquire computer-software, equipped with public Internet access, organized the library director Diane
Gelachvili internship at various libraries in Lithuania, as well as F. Bajoraitis Public Library.
According to Mr. Dalia the name of Lithuanian sounds in the lips of various Georgian intellectuals, as
the Embassy's efforts are to support the School of Art, Georgia, various youth projects and new ideas.
She said that the civil war survivors, state of exotic natural beauty and cultural heritage of the existing
retaining the authentic is now true in restorative-term priorities, among which is the public library
sector. Dalia herself has worked at the Library of Vilnius University, now she speaks Georgian
language, jokes that even the song "Suliko" could sing in Georgian language. The guests fro Šilutė
visited the Ambassador's residence, presented by J. Paslauskas project "Open Library" educationaldevelopmental activities in Gori and Khashuri library program, thanks for making a home and close
the hospitable culture of Lithuania in Georgia emitting door. Khashuri town is located in the
geographical center of Georgia, midway between the two largest cities of Tbilisi and Batumi, on the
main country (and the entire southern Caucasus) highway. The city and its suburbs have about 80
thousand inhabitants. Restored Khashuri council library is one of the most modern buildings in town,
located near the historic monument - the first railway locomotive in the former Soviet Union.
Khashuri is a former railway town. Perhaps this is why the city Khashuri chose the city of Lithuania
Radviliskis as Friendship. According to D. Gelachvili, the library organized an online streaming – tele
bridge, during which the Khashuri council leaders cimmunicated with the Radviliskis district leaders.
Visitors were warmly met in the library courtyard greeted by the city and municipal leaders, Georgian
dances and singers, art school students, dressed in national costumes. For the honor of Šilutė
Lithuanian and Georgian flags were raised. The unexpected and pleasant greeting was - Lithuanian
song by Mindaugas Tamosiunas "Tu numegzk man, mama, the kelia" performed the Khashuri
singers. The inner courtyard the exhibition presenting the old book "Books and script development in
Georgia." was organized. Individual exhibition stands states that the first printing house was opened
in Tbilisi in 1708 and the evangel was published there. The first book „Vytiaz v tygrovoj škure“
(„Knights in tiger skin") was published in 1712 in 11 thousand copies of which 21 copies survived to
this day. This book is a, pride of Georgia, masterpiece of Renaissance period and later translated into
many European and Asian languages. It is interesting that this book is an important custom of
Georgian relic – in all-times marriage dowry of brides. Georgia's script appeared in the thirteenth
century, brings together 33 alphabet letters in calligraphy complex. Georgia's old spelling and speech
samples are preserved on the Bolnijsko Zion church walls and dated back to the fifth century AD. In
the modernized Khashuri library for the convenience of the user online library, information center,
the NATO literary playground, children's play room, home lending, foreign languages and American
literary reading rooms are established. The establishment was funded by the U.S. Embassy in
Georgia. Waiting for the guests from Šilutė colleagues from Khashuri developed a book exhibition
"Lithuanian authors in the Georgian language." It exhibited translated Lithuanian poets Just.
Marcinkevicius, Alg. Baltakis, E. Mieželaitis etc. The Library has over 53 thousand books. One
branch (Surami) is active and the remaining 23 branches were closed because of the country's
difficult economic situation. The funds of the libraries are transferred to the schools. It is expected
that, coming up from the economic crisis, the rural branch network in the region will be restored.
Khashuri library, despite the economic downturn, the prevailing unemployment and social
problems, is active member of the Georgia Library Association, an international organization of
information professionals IREX State. Between the solid partners of the library is a W. A. Goethe
Institute in Germany, the United States and Lithuania Embassy in Georgia. Khashuri territory has no
bookstores, or other book outlets. Therefore, the library organizes the hire of books service to local
residents. According to D. Gelachvili, this promotes reading and allows the lovers of books to buy
new books, because the State's funding for the new library books is practically stopped.
In Surami, Khashuri branch library the delegation of Šilutė were met by the mayor of the town Zaza
Kurtamidze, singing youth ensembles, local community people, teachers, librarians, friends and
readers. Branch has installed the first computerized places for local consumers. Documents prepared
in the exhibition highlights the beginning of information technologies in rural communities of
Georgia. Šilutė was also reminded the Lithuanian rural libraries, which are only a few years ago
implemented the project "Libraries for Innovation", was started to create a public Internet access
points in rural library services. With ancient carriage, decorated with Georgian National Title with an
impressive horse cart rider, librarians have been taken to the famous Ukrainian writer Lesi Ukrainka
Memorial Museum. Then-coach road riding along with colleagues waved for local people, saying in
Georgian custom "gamardžoba (" Hello ") and can handle such a dignified and warm local Georgian
counter-shouting ... Gori 8 years ago (2003) visited the author civil war-torn city remembered the
empty houses, walls riddled with bullets and abandoned warehouse-like Gori library facilities. Then
the Gori library was visited by group of Lithuanian public library managers in accordance with the
Open Society Fund-Lithuania-funded program of the East - East "with the advisory mission to restore
and strengthen the public library sector and civil strife in the war in Georgia degraded. Gori now is
the municipal library located in the renovated and modernly building. Public Internet access,
information center, periodical reading room, children's care center is arranged. During the meeting
with the library community in Gori Šilutė organized electronic presentation “Šilutė - Gori partnership
in 1972-2003”.The event was attended by the professor of Gori University r Tamar Gogoladze, who
studied the Lithuanian-Georgian cultural relations and their historical evolution of the importance to
Lithuanian-Georgian cultures. University professor remembered as the Lithuanian Embassy in
Georgia implemented a very interesting project, that essence was to assist talented young artists from
Georgia who are victims of war. Their literary works were translated into the Lithuanian language.
The poetry of Justinas Marcinkevicius, R. Keturakis and other Lithuanian writers is later translated
into Georgian. Attention is concentrated on the Georgian poets, who had relations with Lithuania.
Such communication is as high as 1930, when Georgian writers founded a secret society, serving the
country's independence. But they were all sent (exiled) to Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevezys and
integrated into the Russian dragoon regiments. Georgian history dates that the Lithuanian literary
classic Antanas Zukauskas, translated into Georgian language "The legends of the Caucasus." During
the meeting in Gori compiler of the book "Poetry Spring in Lithuania” Džemalas Indžija talked about
his close friendship with the poet R.Keturakis, A. Mikuta, A. Jonynas and prepared and published in
Georgian language anthology Lithuanian poetry. Gori library works with illustrators of children's
books, including Manana Morčiladze, speaking excellent English, has been repeatedly visited
Lithuania and happy come to participate in F. Bajoraitis Public Library, the International Children's
Book Fair, held every three years. Gori librarians proudly recalled that the Georgian Ambassador in
Lithuania is originally from the town of Gori. Project of Šilutė "Open Library" partners, educational,
developmental program of events for librarians and libraries Khashuri users included 15 workshops.
The latter differentiate into F. Bajoraitis public library provision and meet consumers' needs
(constantly changing) traditional and electronic services, training, based on Šilutė experience: 1. An
electronic service training for Khashuri librarians and consumer groups, the following topics:
computer literacy primer, searching for information on the Internet, electronic mail and electronic
communication, the project "Libraries for Innovation: Change and the need for local population. 2.
For the Georgian fellow librarians organized traditional F. Bajoraitis library activities and services to
consumers Training: Library of innovation activity: towards modernity ... "" The Old Book Museum
in F. Bajoraitis Public Library (1995-2011) "," How are traditions created: the summit of Šilutė
people from the world “To bring the light, to do good ... '2011 '”, "Publishing: Šilutė. The book and
scrubs of twentieth"," Experience: information and publicity measures in mobilizing potential library
users. During the educational workshops Šilutė and colleagues carried out a practical task, and
arranged interviews of round tables, creating an open library model. Especially actual problem for
Georgians, according to D. Gelašvili, is a library public relations program development, bringing
together users and the organization of their interest to the libraries' service packages. There is no law
of libraries of Georgia. The library is funded only from the local government sector. From Soviet the
documents of new funds are not available. Approach of the first step is in the field of
computerization. Therefore, the library is not popular, their public image is poor. There is still silence
about competencies and skills of librarians. None of Georgia's high school trains professionals in the
librarians work. This profession is just unpopular. In proud and inducing a unique spiritual culture
country judged the fight against global poverty and unemployment problem. However, many
remained the natural treasures like the life of signs that are rich in Georgian cultural and natural
heritage webs will open its natural beauty is not just any compatriots, but also for the guest or
outsiders, are able to leave the hospitable spirit of its rare beauty of the land.
Librarians are not citizens of Šilutė to the depths of the soul, when leaving their country and culture
Šilutė name half a thousand years of written sources mention a friendly character Lithuanians in
Georgia ... Khashuri, Gori and Surami libraries, municipalities, and the in the Embassy of Lithuania
in Georgia were left the books “Šilutė. Fotoskrydis "(2011), "Šilutė. Flooding and its people”, Šilutė
cards, seacoast authors developed and published books for children, Šilutė professional artist Sofia
Vainilaitienės children's books, illustration, urban festival presenting films (CD format) Šilutė'500
World Conference ""Carry a light, well .to.. do '2011 '” To Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia, as the
project "Open Library" Nation Khashuri library was given all 15 educational presentations in Russian
(CD format). Also the colleagues left the possibility to re-examine the project to carry out activities
and materials consistent experiences to draw on. Especially the "Open Library" is due to the constant
movement, change, and alternative search toward perfection.
2011-10-18-22 Šilutė District Municipality was presented in the international tourism exhibition
"Tour Salon 2011" in Poland, Poznan city. Tour Salon "exhibition is also a lot of conferences,
meetings where the problems of modern tourism business was discussed."The art of cheap fly”- it's
not a phrase, but the specific ability. Therefore, anyone who does not want to overpay for the tickets,
along with service Fly4free.pl - the biggest Polish portal about air travel - the authors of the meeting
was to find out where, when and how to buy tickets so that they are the cheapest. During the two-day
event, Travel 2.0, the independent experts shared their experience of knowledge of online marketing
with the tourism and hotel industry representatives. Event organizers tried to make it practical, and
the second day, on the 20th of October, held a course of e-mail marketing, Web site functionality and
usefulness. During the conference it was also the Web site "Good tourism page” review and
experts identified the most interesting sites in 2011.
Silute district municipality has received considerable attention both from the tour companies as well
as from individual visitors. Visitors were given information about municipal recreational resources,
tourism businesses, leisure, accommodation, general information about Šilutė city and
neighborhoods. TOUR SALON - this is 22 - th International Tourism Exhibition, which was attended
by the representatives of over 30 countries and more than 1,000 exhibitors. During the 4 days
exhibition was visited by over 30,000 visitors and tourism professionals.
2011-10-20 Šilutė Vydūnas Gymnasium was visited by guests from Germany Vestersted
Gymnasium. Students exchange program lasted one week. The project’s managers in Šilutė are
Virginija Kisielienė and Daiva Abišalienė. The guests were given the lecture of Lithuanian language,
got acquainted with Lithuanian food traditions and tour across Šilutė, students had exchange of
language skills, they saw the capital of Lithuania Vilnius, the beautiful Nemunas River delta, Trakai
castle. At the same time gymnasium had nice evenings. In the spring, as usual, Vydūnas
gymnasium will have the second phase of the exchange in Germany.
2011-10-25 Silute district municipality applied to the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of
Agriculture, according to the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 measures
"Support" scope "National Rural Network and received 100% funding for the project" Local
government, business, social partners and other partners objective to improve rural quality of life”.
The representatives of the municipality on the 31st of October -5th of November, 2011 attended
international conference held in Catalonia (Spain), where they became acquainted with the ongoing
rural development and tourism, viewed rural development and innovation, both on industrial and
agricultural sectors. Šilutė District Municipality, the coordinator of EU-funded Lithuanian rural
development program for 2007-2013 projects, also had the opportunity to share experience in
agriculture, food industry and rural development, and deliver to existing local action groups and local
government representatives. Whereas the meetings were attended by local leaders of Spain, the cooperation relations between municipalities was begun. Also, this project aim is to share the
experiences improving the quality of life in rural areas, to encourage cross-sectoral partnership in
implementing the rural development policy in Lithuania and the use of foreign experience, and to use
the lessons in Šilutė, submitting proposals to diversify and expand the agricultural and rural range of
services and ensure economic growth in rural areas.The living in rural areas quality life of the old EU
countries is much higher than in Lithuania, it is important to know how to unite and encourage
various groups to a common goal. Šilutė District Municipality is one of the social partners of LAG
(Local Action Group). Professionals working in the administration, not only implementing Šilutė
municipal projects, according to the different Lithuanian Republic and EU programs, but also
coordinates local projects implemented by the LAG strategies. Municipality was particularly
interested in the Catalan local government experience in the implementation of the LEADER method,
because the state has pioneered the implementation of the LEADER method (since 1988) and has
accumulated the most experience by far. The participants of the project: Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis,
Deputy Mayor Vaidas Povilonis, Administrative Director Ida Vasiljevienė, the head of Planning and
development department Remigijus Budrikis, Deputy Head of Planning and development department
Diana Benkunskienė, the chairman of association “Lamatos zeme" Edita Grinčinaitienė and board
member Gražina Bardauskienė. Meetings were attended by the LAG network "ARCA president of X.
2011-10-26 The Central Library of the Isaak Jakovlevičius Rutman in Sovetsk (Russia) celebrated it’s
65 years anniversary. The librarians of Šilutė Friedrich Bajoraitis Public Library were invited to
participate in the event. The librarians share many years of friendship. On that day of Sovetsk
librarians received a lot of guests - local government, various communities - museums, public
associations, the members of various clubs. Guests thanked for the cooperation and delivered gifts
and thanks. To congratulate librarians came the widow of the city honorary citizen known as a
historian and writer, I. J. Rutmano (1926 10 04-2003 03 14) Zinaida V. Rutman. She took a bow to
Šilutė delegation, expressing respect for Lithuania because the printing of Klaipeda “Egle” agreed to
publish her husband's written popular science book "From Sovetsk to Tilsit, which at that time,
Russia refused to print. According the critics it is the most successful publication published about the
history of Tilsit. Zinaida V. Rutman thanked the library director Galina Utkin and the whole team for
the fact that after her husband's death she discovered the library as a second home, and gave to the
local history department of the library I. J. Rutmano manuscripts. Librarians of Šilutė wished
colleagues a beautiful celebration, meaningful
Lithuanian accent – sakotis (national cake).
work, presented the basket of books and a
The November of 2011 The goup of Šilutė Vydūnas gymnasium visited Valencia. Ste students of
Vydunas gymnasium participates in the exchange project "Lithuania-Spain”. Initiator of the project is
the English teacher of Vydūnas Gymnasium Lolita Kucinskiene. She together with her colleague
Renata Baliasi accompanied students to Spain. They were very warmly met in the half private Les
Caroline school where everyone, even the youngest two-year-old school visitors gave them gifts. The
delegation of Šilutė had the wonderful opportunity to live in families and learn about Spanish culture.
Together with their Spanish friends they attended classes in Les Caroline school, learned the history,
chemistry, English language, even create movies. It was organized a tour to Valencia, introduced
architectural objects, met the Mayor. Free time spend by the sea in the town of Xabia. On the June of
2012 Spanish students will visit Šilutė.
2011-11-08 According the invitation of Kaliningrad Regional Lithuanian Association of Teachers
Chernyakhovsk District Education Board and children's welfare and educational development of the
Kaliningrad Region of the Institute a group of Šilutė F. Bajoraitis public library staff attended
scientific-practical conference "Teacher preparation - from tradition to modernity." in Chernyakhovsk
(formerly Isruties, Kaliningrad Oblast. Russian Federation). Conference plenary session keynote
"Queen Louise of Prussia aspects of the history teachers 'seminary," was read by the Kaliningrad
regional Lithuanian Language Teachers' Association chairman Alex Bartnik. The first Lithuanian
seminary in Prussia was opened in 1811 at the initiative of Queen Louise and was for the training of
Lithuanian counties teachers. Seminary existed 113 years. It prepared 2385 teachers most of whom
became well-known teachers, the Lithuanian literature and actively assisted to the preservation of
Lithuanian language. Among the nuggets of the Lithuanian language - seminary students was the
poet Kristupas Kropaitis, politician Mauras Puzas, historian Artūras Bitėnas, composer Albertas
Nymanas, social activist and poet Frederick Bajoraitis. Report "Frederick Bajoraitis" words of
brightness" was read by the Director of Šilutė F. Bajoraitis Public Library Dalia Užpelkienė. The
presentations were made by Klaipeda University, Associate Professor Nijole Strakauskaite "Seminary
on the Queen - Queen Louise of Prussia offices sponsorship symbol in Lithuania, the Associate
Professor of Immanuel Kant Baltic University Russian Federation, Nadezhda Ermakova "Pestallozi
and East Prussia”, Irina Tren the professor of college "The graduates of seminary- the actors of
education, culture and arts.
2011-11-03-13 The members of Šilutė first gymnasium exchange program Lithuania - Germany: 23
students with two teachers had the opportunity to see the real life in Germany. In Buxtehude they
were met by the exchange partners. Located in the families they met with the German group,
Bukstehudes Halepageno School and the same city. Subsequently visited the Mayor who
congratulated the twenty-second time arrivals (both contact the school year) and offered a cup of
apple juice. Subsequently visited the German capital Berlin, where he saw a beautiful city, and many
interesting buildings and places: the Brandenburg Gate, Alexander Square, Berlin Cathedral, the
Reichstag palace. They visited the National Museum of Fine Arts in Hamburg watched the musical
"Sister Act". The gymnasiums of two countries has implemented the project "Regional human
traditions and culture." It has been five groups: music, theater, art and geography - history and
German. Several hundred people observe. Later it was met in the basketball place, where Šilutė won
against Germans. In the May of 2012 the Germans will visit Šilutė.
211-11-23 Šilutė tourism and service business school was visited by 30 educational staff delegation
from Kaliningrad (Russian Federation). The guests were introduced Šilutė municipal structure of
education, demographics, talked about young people training issues and problems. In Lithuania about
200 thousand young people are choosing colleges or high schools and only 46 thousand professional
education. The guests noted that the Kaliningrad region face similar problems that students have
completed higher education can not find a job. The director of tourism and service business school
Pranas Avižinis showed the school, teaching hotel, students living house.
2011-11-25 Association Nemunas Delta House "(Director Zivile Skirkevičienė), together with the
partners Germany's environmental specialists' Union, the German Federal Environmental Foundation
and the German district of Wesel biological station on the 25th of November 25 organized its second
Round Table "Environmental development of the region” in Rusne Island ethnic information center
(Ivan G. 7). The project “Nemunas delta: ecology for the region development - the establishment of
the Round Table "is financed by the German Environment and Atomic Energy Ministry.
Implementing the project "Round Table", one of the project managers Zivile Skirkevičienė said that
the Round Table is set up in the Nemunas River Delta region, especially in the Nemunas Delta
Regional Park, to be carried out to nature conservation-oriented activities. The round table has opened
up the possibility for representatives of various interest groups, interested citizens to discuss current
topics, the idea of the Nemunas River Delta region.
The project manager mentioned that very important themes are agricultural land use activities and
water management in polders, rural tourism, ethnic culture, as well as building development in the
region. "Round Table" offers to discuss the problems together, to discuss common approaches to
solve the problems.
2011-05-21 The events of the museum night in the capital of Lithuanian Culture 2011 Šilutė were
called "Jazz, light, architecture." The exhibitions of the museum was presented in the candlelight, on
a beautifully lit walls of the H.Scheu estate were exposed Šilutė young artists architectural models of
the old town, an on the outdoor movie screen was shown the film “Šilutės business card - the Art
Nouveau (Jugend) style of architecture”, and jazz band "Creed" from Klaipeda performed.
2011-05-30 Mayor of the Šilutė municipality Virgilijus Pozingis participated in the honor ceremony
of U.S. soldiers killed and buried in Macikai , which was also participated by the Ambassador Anne
E. Derse, U.S. soldiers and Lithuanian military Joint Forces Commander Rear Admiral Kestutis
Macijauskas and Guard of Honour. There were press representatives, the inhabitants. Ambassador
thanked him for the maintenance of Americans eternal resting place, emphasized the importance of
respect for the dead. Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis stressed that respect for those who died for
freedom and independence is one of the cornerstones of the nation's survival stones.
Later, Ambassador warmly communicated with all participants, answered the questions of
participants. Mayor V. Pozingis invited ambassador to the fish soups cooking championship in Silute
this autumn. Mrs. Anne E. Derse impressed everybody with relaxing, spiritual warmth. She
emphasized that she is interested in small regions culture, history, and wanted to visit Šilutė. Guest
were met by a priest R. Šemeklis in Šilutė Evangelic Lutheran Church who forcibly and graphically
told the church, the Lutheran community and the Šilutė history. The quest was impressed with Šilutė
town and promised to come back.
2011-07-04 Mayor of Šilutė municipality Virgilijus Pozingis Virgil got a letter thanks from United
States of America Ambassador in Lithuania Anne E. Derse for warm welcome during the visit in
Šilutė. The letter states: "I would like to thank you, the staff of Šilutė municipal and your fellows for
the hospitality shown for U.S. Embassy staff and me personally during our recent visit in Šilutė and
Rusnė last time. We are very impressed by the sailing down Pakalnės delta, where we could enjoy the
wonders of nature. I was also very interesting to learn about the rich history of Šilutė and visit a
number of significant areas of the city: the Lutheran church, a new harbor, the old market
place and so on. Thank you Ingrid, who have time to show us the city. I would like to express special
thanks to you for coming to Memorial Day commemoration in Macikai, in the territory of the former
war prisoners of concentration camps. Soldiers who fought for our country and were killed in
Lithuania and in the United States has a long tradition, so it was really important for me that the
ceremony was attended by a number of Lithuanian. U.S. Embassy employees was appointed to
contact your municipal employees, as well as Maciku concentration camp museum staff, so that we
can discuss possibilities for further research and perpetuate the memory of this place. "
2011-09-16-22 On the 16-22nd of September in many European cities organized European Mobility
Week and campaign "In town without my car". It attempts not only to attract public attention to the
negative impacts on the environment, human health, traffic safety, but also encourages the city people
to use alternative forms of transport and travel. The theme of 2011 campaign is ALTERNATIVE
MOVEMENT. This is the ways of traveling friendly for the environment and people- such as cycling,
hiking, use of public transport, the choice of fuel-efficient vehicles. Šilutė Public Health Bureau has
invited people who go to work without a car in 16-20th of September to register in Šilutė Municipal
Public Health Bureau. After the action the most active traveling to work or education institution
without a car were awarded special prizes.
2011-10-29 In Šilutė basketball hall an international youth boxing match between Poland
and Lithuania took place. The honor of the country was defended by the best sportsman of Šilutė
sport school coach Vincas Murauskas. The match was observed by the both presidents of boxing
federation. Lithuanian young boxers with the result 7.5: 4.5 celebrated the victory. During the match
photography exhibition "Šilutė boxing club “Fighter" (“Kovotojas”) by Aldona Katilienė took place.
Šilutė boxing club "Fighter", founded in 1995-06-21, continues Šilutė boxing traditions. During these
years it was prepared a lot of talented boxers and their achievements do not yield large towns
sportsman masterships. Šilutė boxing began to exist in 1971. During that time, having prepared more
than 150 Lithuanian champions, participated in various international and world competitions and
achieved many significant victories. All representatives of Šilutė won: Lukas Petrauskas (42 kg),
Davidas Girulis (60 kg), Edgaras Skurdelis (60 kg) and Evaldas Petrauskas (64 kg). In Lithuania Poland's friendly boxing match fought 16-18 years old young boxers. This is a historic event to
boxing club "Fighter”.
2011- Fourth year, carried out in Lithuania "Libraries for Innovation" project, which active
participant is F. Bajoraitis Public Library, has fundamentally changed the public library service users
package of upgraded services, create an equivalent free Internet access for all, even for a social pool
of people to social groups. F. Bajoraitis Public Library has become attractive to search for
information online and community resources for people in e-communication, free job search, medical
services, looking for issues with different levels of powers, using electronic banking services to
consumers. Especially, the public library gives free training for computer users, and the multiplicity
of the search space, and global resources of the global Internet training program. The library consults
and trains visitors outside not only to the latter visited the library, but also electronically. The growth
of computer technology and the changing lending Pomeranian networking community librarians
pours new challenges. Šilutė not only accepts them but successfully overcome. Each of the
Lithuanian Baltic region or the public library is not only a variety of trends in library science, but also
a number of factors contributing to the development. In the public library of Šilutė and its branches in
rural towns it is registered 21.7% of the total population of the region. Šilutė is famous for its nontraditional activities: Lithuania's first book museum, an impressive publishing and no less spectacular
public spaces, cultural events of the book. It is therefore no coincidence that in IX Congress of Baltic
Librarians CoBal9 "Reading in the digital age: a new partnership and service, this year held in
Lithuania” librarians of Šilutė presented their experience. The head of the public Library Information
Division Laima Dumšienė read the report "Innovative ways of promoting reading: book events."
Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and various library experts welcomed Šilutė regional book events,
educational programs for small, joint projects with the Šilutė Pamario secondary school, Zibai
primary school and Silute First gymnasium and all other general education and pre-school
institutions. Exclusive attention of participants was given to every three years held international
children's book fairs, literary festival -contest in autumn - and the first held People of Šilutė from
whole the world meeting “To bring the light, to do good ....” In the congress held in English Šilutė
met their fellows Bauska (Latvia) librarians. After five years, the Latvians will be the organizers of
the X-th Congress of Baltic Librarians. They passed the Baltic Librarians Congress flag.
Latvians called librarians from Šilutė to immortalized in commemorative photograph, because they
are fellows since 1972. Colleagues from Bauska are one of the F. Bajoraitis public library partners in
the next year held international literary autumn "Domesticate word, bird, cloud ..."
2011-05-02 Hundreds of primary school pupils with their teachers gathered in the The Old Market
Square to mention the Spring Festival and the Europe day. From there the solemn procession moved
down the center Lietuvininkų street. Procession was led by Šilutė art school orchestra Pamarys
(leader Raila Grazvydas). Students carried the posters with the fish that became a symbol of Šilutė.
Orchestra Pamarys took everybody to Pamarys primary school where the show went on with other
2011-05-02-06 The radio of Šilutė first gymnasium announced the plan of Europe
week’s events for the mentioning of Europe day. The next day, after four classes the Model European
Parliament (MEP) project was presented and Kaunas regional session was discussed. MEP project
was presented by the teacher of history L. Toliušienė. This project imitates the workings of the
Parliament, which takes place in committees, and then delivered to the General Assembly. The speech
was also held by the graduate S. Bendžiūtė because she participated in the MEP session in Tallinn
(Estonia), enjoyed the trip and encouraged the students to join the project. Five students participated
in MEP Kaunas Regional Session on the 28 – 30th of April: A. Kuncaitis, M. Kmitas, A. Skirkevičius,
L. Nikelis and V.Komskytė.Gymnasiums told what resolutions they were preparing: How European
Union can promote and support voluntary citizen action? How European Union can reduce
dependence from foreign energy sources, especially from Russia? Is it possible to ensure a balance
between freedom of expression, rights of privacy and national security? How European Union can
solve the problem of youth unemployment in Europe? Is the crisis showed the need to accelerate the
European integration in order to avoid such crises in the future? On Wednesday the European
knowledge-based test was organized by NGO "Encourage the Future" project and the LR Seimas
European Information Office. In addition during the action "Open Europe" took place during which
the students of the 1b together with teacher L. Toliušienė according the geographical position reestablished the map of European Union sticking the flags in the green yard of the gymnasium. It was
also presented the creation story of the European Union. On Thursday during the second lesson the
discussion of 1st grade gymnasiums took place in the amphitheater. Theme was Youth unemployment.
Is it necessary for students to employ? The lesson was led and number of questions for students was
given by S. Bendžiūtė. Gymnasium quickly joined the debate during which was discussed other
questions concerning young people. During the Europe week in every class the lessons of history and
civic lessons about European Union were held.
2011-05-09 In Šilutė cultural and entertainment center was the day of Europe commemoration, where
Šilutė with dance and music welcomed Europe. The concert was given by choreography and winds
section students of Šilutė Art School.
Europe Day was also mentioned by other local community of Šilutė: education, culture and
15-02-2011 In February 15th, at 13 o’clock pupil and teachers from Šilutė First Gymnasium,
Vydūnas Gymnasium, Pamarys and Martynas Jankus primary schools were created a vibrant symbol
of anniversary - "Fish", it was took place in Šilutė old market square. This campaign organized by
Šilutė District Municipality "Give a Fish to Lithuania and Šilutė" were indented to mark the 16th of
February - Lithuanian Independence Day and the upcoming 500-year Anniversary of Šilute. The Fish
were colored with blue pieces of paper, and the number reflected in the Lithuanian flag colors yellow, green, and red. The students and teachers of Šilutė were invited to participate in the beautiful
city’s campaign by Šilutė District Municipality Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis. During the campaign were
were taken pictures through Šilutė Municipality building windows, and other old buildings
surrounding the Market Square. However, the best you could saw from a bird's eye view. Students
and teachers (over 800 pupil) action was immortalized in Photo Album “Šilutė from a bird’s eye".
22-03-2011 Šilutė District Municipality kinder garden "Pušelė" during period 2010-2012 is
participating in the “Lifelong Learning Programme" International Comenius (School Partnerships)
project “Come2gether". Project partners are teachers from the Portuguese "Escola de Agrupamento
Guilherme Stephens", Spanish "CEIP Los Adilles”, and Turkey's “II GENEL Meelisi IIkogretim
Okulu”. In 22th of March they visited Šilutė District Municipality, where they were welcomed by
Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and Deputy of Mayor Jonas Jaunius.
Objective of the project - facilitating ways for adaptation period to future beginners. Teacher
exchanges help participants to compare how the matter handled in different countries, what
preschooler’s preparation methods are used and how to apply them in their work also to share
In 21-25th of March, 2011; the guests were in Šilutė, visited schools and education institutions,
participated in the workshops.
During the meeting guests with the Mayor were talking about the education system in Šilutė
Municipality educational institutions, educational funding system, the number of teachers and
students in educational institutions. Mayor wished to gain practical experience from each other, to see
the most beautiful places of Šilutė, to visit the island of Rusne. Also noted that Šilutė celebrates 500
years Anniversary, so invited to return and celebrate with all community.
29-04-2011 During April 26th - May 3th Lithuanian libraries communities had the eleventh National
Library Week. On this occasion, Klaipeda University Library held an international seminar on
"Leadership and organization of libraries in changing times" in the presence of Klaipeda University,
USA and Latvian librarians scientists. Report in this seminar about “Leader and innovative library.
How to recognize them?" read Director of Šilute F. Bajoraitis Public Library Dalia Užpelkienė. The
speaker talked about new generation of librarians in Silute - the leaders and all community of
librarians education, motivation, innovation and implementation traditions changes, presented the
library experience how they use partnership of Pamarys region schools and other educational
institutions for extra youth education and to promote teachers creativeness and self-expression.
Professor from USA Akrus University, the Fulbright program grant holder Delmus E. Williams
particularly welcomed our experience in cultural public spaces, books and script heritage events,
which helps not only for non-governmental organizations, but also for effectively librarian’s
education. Lutges American University professor and the Fulbright program grant holder at
University of Latvia, John Luban Jr., has published a book "Middle management" (2010), argued that
"democratic environment in the library, influence the higher productivity and creativity of library
community". By annotating this report Professor. J. Lubans Jr. remarked, that "it is evident, hat Šilute
Library is a powerful community attraction center and leaders changes place. And this is - most
important". Klaipeda University Library received suggestion from Professor. D. E. Williams to
publish all six international seminar presentations in annually collection of articles about library
management issues of Emerald Publishing (USA). In this case, professional leadership experience of
our region librarians achieved one of the oldest democracies in the world - the USA libraries
14-20th 05-2011 Director of Šilutė preschool "Pušelė” and the project coordinator Virginia Cesniene,
teachers Dalia Jokaitienė, Birute Bruneikienė, Daiva Šležienė went to Turkey. Here came the
international project "Come2gether" partners - teachers from the Portuguese "Escola de Agrupamento
Guilherme Stephens", Spanish "C.E.I.P. Los Adilles" Turkish “II GENEL Meelisi IIkogretim Okulu
and Lithuania educations institutions.
The school, which is cooperated with, is in Gebze city, in north-west of Turkey, 30 km east of
Istanbul, in the northern coast of the Marmara Sea. This is an important industrial center with
machine building, chemical, cement, furniture also paper and glass industries. The biggest problem is
the rapid urban population growth and congestion of transportation.
During the Meeting opening ceremony school children from “II GENEL Meelisi IIkogretim Okulu"
School dressed in national costumes and waving Spanish, Portuguese and Lithuanian flags met the
guests in the schoolyard, welcomed guests by their dances. It was acquainted with the school,
teachers, children and their parents, participants observed activities of pupils and they were
delighted of children courage and willingness to communicate. The school have pre-school group
Participants visited the State Municipal Directorate of Gebze city. The Head of Education Department
talked about education and training system in the country. Turkish education system is divided into
three levels: primary, secondary and higher education. Primary education lasts 8 year; children begin
to attend school from 7 years. Parents may choose private or public schools and preschool
institutions. Most of the preschools and schools are working in two shifts, because the classes and
groups have a very large number of children (from 20 to 30 children). Private preschool group consist
from 7 to 10 children. Children additional are training in English language, which is taught by a
coming teacher. Preschool children spend 4 hours in institution and teachers are working 5 hours a
Delegation participated in the City Festival- joint ceremony ”Youth Sports Day”. Everywhere was
very warm welcomed, it was great possibility to acquaint the Turkish customs, festivals, traditional
dishes and so on.
May of 2011 Students Basketball League (MKL) and the "Euro basket 2011" Organizing Committee
and the foreign embassies in Lithuania organized a general education school boys basketball
championship in accordance with the men's basketball championship model, which took place
Lithuania. Student basketball team of Šilutė First Gymnasium represented the Ukraine. “We are very
happy that this process involves young people. We are also able to deliver our country for young
Lithuanian generation. We hope that the school, which drew the name of Ukraine (Šilutė First
Gymnasium) will support us during the European Championship - said the first secretary of the
Embassy of Ukraine Oleg Dolgich. It will be the perfect lesson for our country before the 2012
European football championship. After all, Lithuania is a small country, and in these great attractions
will be able to attract lots of young people. We intend to apply this idea". The youngster’s from Silute
played in Klaipeda, D subgroup.
In June of 2011 from XII Italian music festival came back Šilutė dance team “Žvaigždūnė“, led by
Loreta Staneliene, senior girls' team. They won a respectable 4th place and a huge silver cup between
12 countries worldwide. In Championship participated two teams from Italy also Moldova, the Czech
Republic, Poland, France, Spain, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), Mexico. The main prize, set up by the
Italian President went to Lanzarote, 2nd place won Italy 3rd - France and the 4th - Lithuania,
represented by “Žvaigždūne” from Silute. Girls impressed the jury by the exclusive, original
choreography and professional performance. Photographers, TV cameras and all the viewers – by
smile and hair tails, which are one of the organizers informal requirements. The festival was
sponsored and the basic cup established by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, also by the Italian
Ministry of Culture, the European Commission Representation in Italy, RAI national TV and many
other official and commercial institutions in Italy. The festival was held in Giulianova city. However,
there were concerts and in Rosetta, the resort region of the Adriatic Sea, in urban areas. It was the
formal adoption of country delegations and exchange of gifts in Giulianova Municipality. Dancers
from Šilutė presented to the Mayor Francesco Mastromauro the photo album of Šilutė “FotoSkrydis.
Šilutė edge”, also Šilutė 500-year calendars and brochures, also awarded others delegations. From
Italy they brought the gift and gratitude to our city Mayor Virgilijus Pozingius. For a long time,
probably for all life, the dancers will remain in ther hearts memories of hot Italian sun, blue Adriatic
sea, palm trees, and full of admiration Italian smiles, shouts of "Bravo", the euphoria after the getting
highest, how ever received “Žvaigzdūnė” Silver cup, and friends from all the word. Trip took 10
days. Dancer visited Rome, Vatican City, the capital of Austria Vienna, the capital of Slovakia,
4-12 of June 2011 Šilutė Friedrich Bajoraitis Public Library participated in an international
conference, which was held in Sudak, Crimea Republic (Ukraine) there was presented interactive
services for readers used in F. Bajoraitis public library. Crimean Conference - is a global professional
forum where participating heads and specialists of libraries, museums, archives, publishers and book
trade organizations, information centers, employees, representatives from the scientific and cultural
institutions, entrepreneurs, lawyers, information technology companies and others. This forum is
sponsored by International Libraries Association and Institutions Federation (IFLA). In 2011 it was
the 18th event, which attracted professionals from all over the world; this year conference was
attended by 1300 participants from 34 countries. Conference theme: "Libraries in the new information
age decade: by improving technology and promoting cooperation”, and many events have been
designed for discussion, reflection on the role of libraries in the information age. Conference "Crimea
2011" consisted of 15 sections, special events, seminars, round table discussions, competitions, and
exhibitions and so on. It was discussed issues such as library personnel policies, problems and
solutions in admitting young professionals to work, a portrait of a young librarian, what library sees a
young librarian. Also it was talked about the library advertising in the lowest cost (Library of social
networks, work with the library Web site, Facebook, Blogs).
14-09-2011 Traditional sailing boat of Kuršių Marios lagoon has become a Russian outpost – in
Karaliaučius – during the parade of ships become a flagship and the star. Behind Kurėnas (an ancient
boat) sailed historical ships from the World Ocean Museum in Kaliningrad: the Chukchi walrus skin
shell kayak, boats, Finnish and Norwegian boats. Kurenas to this cultural expedition "From
Klaipėduže to Konigsberg" sailed before 10 days. The course for Kurenas was lead by of the head of
Maritime History Department, from Maritime Museum Romaldas Adomavicius together with him
sailed his son, Historian of the museum Romualdas Adomavicius and builder of boats from Rusne
(Šilutė District Municipality) Simas Knapkis. Lithuanians were joined by three employees from
World Ocean Museum in Kaliningrad.
In September of 2011 in Degučiai Primary School was the third meeting of the parties involved in the
project. During the past school year, teachers and students from Degučiai visited Spain and Czech
Republic. International multilateral Comenius school partnership project "Building Future through
Culture" which is funded by the European Union Commission involves five participating countries Lithuania, Turkey, Spain, Czech Republic and Slovenia. The project's aim - to increase students'
understanding of their country's cultural heritage and to promote the schools involved in the
partnership, inter-cultural dialogue. Each meeting is appointed to know countries involved in the
project, to know they their schools and national cultural heritage. In September, 33 participants (14
teachers and 19 students) from Turkey, Spain, the Czech Republic and Slovenia came to Šilutė. In
Degučiai Primary School they had a meeting; it was focused on the design of traditional each country
crafts and handicrafts. Every morning all the participants went to school to do activities of the project.
Guests got acquainted with the Lithuanian education system, school and community; also they
listened to the concert. During the classes students created the Anthem of the project, organized
handicraft exhibition, presented slides and videos of each country's traditional crafts and interviews
with folk artists, participated in an educational activity about the felt. During the meeting participants
tasted traditional Lithuanian dishes, watched a demonstration of baking national cake “Sakotis”, also
could saw musical instruments and traditional costumes of Minor Lithuania, listened national songs
performed by to "Verdainė” and “Pilutės" folklore ensembles, and merrily all together danced folk
dances. Lithuanian cultural heritage to the guests were presented not only in school, but also by tours
in Lithuania.
30th September – 3th October of 2011 Team of Šilutė City "Zvaigzdune" (Lieder Loreta
Stanelienė), 13 dancers represented Lithuania in France Montbrison city, there was 49-th
International Festival "Journees de la Fourme et des Cotes du Forez”. Monbrison is a city located in
the central French Alps region. Fore mountain area famous for its unique blue cheese “Fourme de
Monbrison”, XIII century castles and monasteries in abundance. It is always full of tourists from all
over the world, because of variety of jazz, cheese and wine festivals in the city.
Concert program was very intense. Dancers have appeared in various city stages and streets, and
performed even three or four times a day. Dancers were happy about special attention of the audience
and shouting’s “merci la Lithuania”. Organizers estimated the perfect technique, artistry, and the new
concert costumes and invited the team to the famous annual carnival NICOS of France.
It was organized the formal meeting in Montbrison Municipality of country delegations, they
exchange of gifts. Loreta Stanelienė presented to Mayor Lilliana FAURE photo album “FotoSkrydis.
Šilutė edge”. Brochures and carnets about our country gave to the other delegations. During the
trip, dancers visited city of Dresden and famous Heide Park in Germany.
24-09-2011 Each year, at the end of September, Traksėdžiai Elementary School mentions the Day of
European Languages. This year, in festival participated lower classes students, they accompanied by
their teachers, came to the library, where they were hospitably greeted by librarian Vida
Paldauskienė. Participants were welcomed by Director Birute Morkeviciene, she told students about
our and foreign languages and the importance of language in contemporary society. After it was
organized the contest for the Day of European Languages: second, third and fourth grade students
introduced themselves and showed smart shows, them helped teachers Laima Sirtautienė, Aldona
Potrienė and Elgira Būdvytienė, sang girl ensemble, teacher-led - John Jurkša. During the event
participants and the audience heard interesting greetings in various European languages, the students
sang, recited in Latvian, Russian and English languages. Interesting task was prepared for starters of
English by teachers Indre Diksienė and Irena Vasiliauskiene, Russian language teacher Loreta
Butkiene. After the event, the school director and librarian thanked the participants, presented letters
of appreciation and souvenirs.
Traksėdžiai Elementary School student Evelina Arnašiūtė successfully participated in an international
school project organized by e.Twinnig art competition “Four Seasons of the Year "and became the
second-place winner. Evelina was officially awarded by Diploma and her teacher I. Dikšienė gave her
a commemorative gift.
04-11-2011 Official delegation of the German Land of Thuringia visited Šilutė District Municipality.
Head of delegation Ms Birgit DIEZEL, Thuringia's Landtag President, Christian Democratic Union
member, also members: Mr. Gustav Bergemann, Regional Assembly Group of Friendship with
Lithuania President, P. Matthias Hey, member of the German Social Democratic Party, Mr. Marian
Koppe, Liberal Democratic Party member, Mr. Matthias BӒ RWOLFF, Mrs. Frauke BODLAK,
president's spokeswoman, Dr. Harald MITTELSDORF, Office of the Regional Assembly the highestranking civil servant. The Germans arrived in Lithuania to mention restoration of diplomatic relations
20-year Anniversary, to discuss infrastructure projects in Lithuania, expressed concern over the
planned construction of nuclear power plant in Kaliningrad and Belarus. The delegation met with
Prezident of Lithuania Republic Seimas Irena Degutienė, the Deputy Baltraitiene Virginia,
Parliamentary Group for Interparliamentary Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, with
Seimas State Administration and Local Government Committee members, visited the Lithuanian
Association of Municipalities. Guests also requested to visit the two Municipalities: Šilutė and
Delegation was welcomed by Šilutė District Municipality Deputy of Mayor Stasė Skutulienė. Guests
also were met by Deputies of Administration Director Dainora Butvydienė and Raimundas
Ambrozaitis, Šilutė Museum Director Šikšnienė Rosa and other Municipality employees, also Šilutė Emmerich Society member Antanas Krusnauskas. Šilutė - Emmerich Society also referred the 20th
anniversary of the friendship with the Germans.
Deputy of Mayor, S. Skutulienė introduced guests about Šilutė region-specific, international relations,
the structure of Municipality Council, described the demographic situation in city, provided the
following statistics, and addressed main social problems. Planning and Development Department,
Chief Specialist Rasa Kmitienė introduced implemented and on-going projects funded by European
Union Structural Funds and other instruments. Guests had a great interest about our Municipality
tourism, culture, education, social care activities and financing mechanisms.
Thuringia Landtag President Birgit DIEZEL noted that the Thuringia Land Parliament operates a
group of Lithuania friends, so they are not only active Lithuanian friends, but also supports cooperation in municipal, cultural, educational and economic fields. Erfurt is the capital of Thuringia,
and there are about 2.3 million citizens. The President pointed out that their problems similar to those
in Lithuania. According to the export and import volume in 2010 Thuringia was the 15th place or 1.1
percent of total German exports, or 0,85 - total imports. Strongest industry areas: Electrical
Engineering and Optics, wood, ceramics, metalwork, toys, machinery and transport equipment, food.
Mr. P. Gustav Bergemann, who visits Lithuania for the third time in the last 10 years, noted that
Lithuania's achievements and the changes are great and obvious.
Deputy of Mayor handed to guests brochures about Šilutė Municipality, and to President of Thuringia
Regional Assembly gave the album about Šilutė of bird flight. All delegation members signed in
Municipality Honorary guest’s book.
Germans also visited the peat company AB Klasmann-Deilmann, H. Zudermanas Museum in
Macikai and Šilute First Gymnasium.
11th-7th-11-2011 Šilutė Vydūnas Gymnasium teachers Sandra and Lolita Kučinskienė Tamašauskienė
in Dundalk (Ireland) took part in the UNESCO Associated Schools Network 10th conference. English
teacher Lolita for several years with high school students participates in collaborative projects with
various Asian and European schools. In such conferences it is possible to know innovative trends in
education. in the last conference it was emphasized on how the new technologies, as a measure to
seek goal , may serve to release the creative energy of students, to connect young people from very
different countries to make decisions on their common challenges and to build a peaceful future.
11th -18th-11-2011 in the square of Šilutė Elementary school has been exhibited the social
photography exhibition "We are for the clean Lithuania". Nature gives people the sun's heat, the trees
rustle, ripple the water, birds singing ... One way or another each of us is related to nature. Perhaps
this is why we like to relax in nature. And we are always full of good feelings. We are the charm of
the beauty than you see the sunset or sunrise, when you see nature from the bird's eye. But does
everyone always think of what we leave behind us? What we will leave to future generations? The
same as what we see or ...Images that capture the exhibited photographs, gives us the opportunity to
see and compare what we find and what we tend to leave behind. This exhibition let people to think:
whether or not we behave properly, are we really tend to save our wildlife, what we have now.
In 2011 Delegation from Šilutė youth organizations and youth organizations: Youth educational
center, Community “Rusnė family”, Association “Lamatos žemė”, "Juknaičiai youth club
representatives, attended the international conference "Gain of skills. Youngsters. Co-operation”. The
conference was organized by Calvarija local action group. It was attended by: the local action group
from Poland region, Association Lamatos žemė”, Calvary Municipality representatives, Lithuanian A.
Stulginskis University. It was discussed joint international project "Come, See and Learn" preparation
and implementation possibilities, activities how to attract youngsters to the project, and it was
represented youth organizations activities during the 2011 years in Šilutė. Delegation was represented
by: Lina Misiukonytė (Association “Lamatos žemė"), Rimutė Pilipavičienė, Julius Martinkus
(Juknaičiai youth club), Benediktas Grinčinaitis (Community "Rusnė family"), Aloyzas Jonikaitis
(Juknaičiai community).
The above named organizations are the Lithuanian rural network (LKT) members. Under the measure
"National Rural Network” they prepared project proposals, focused on the dissemination of EU ideas
in the area and whole country. Community "Rusnė family" in 2011 has developed and obtained
funding for an international youth project "Regional and international inter-generational dialogue
residential area development design”. During the project it is expected to establish close cooperation
with partners in Hungary (Hungary umbrella youth organization). Youth educational center in 2011,
developed the project and obtained funding for study of “rural development and experience at
viewpoint of values”. The research group included 10 youngsters from different municipalities of the
country. The study carried out focusing on qualitative research to European dimensions. Juknaičiai
community in 2011 developed and received funding for the project "Quality in rural areas: healthy
food laboratory". The project includes farmers, their children and students. It is addressed to solve
health food producing and processing unit problem according to European indicators in Juknaičiai
neighborhood farms (Šilutė), to carryout soil quality survey, to gather youngster’s life quality in rural
areas issues.
Lithuanian Red Cross Šilutė Department since 1991 began to cooperate with the German Red Cross
Rhine Westphalia committees: Cleve county and Emmerich town, Borken county and Vreden city.
When it was difficult to Lithuania during the first years of independence, German friends to Šilutė
brought various drugs, dressings, compensatory equipment for disabled people, even ambulances and
other special purpose vehicles (38 units), totally for 12 771 394,32 Lt. Currently Šilutė department
cooperates with the German-DRK-Bereitschat Schorborn-Emmerbon department.
15-02-2011 The Minister of Lithuanian Republic Social Security and Labor Donatas Jankauskas
wrote thanksgiving letter to Šilutė District Municipality Mayor Virgilijus Pozingįs, for his support
and interest shown to the social care institutions and implementation of the first "Stationary social
services infrastructure modernization in institution” program phase. In the letter Minister expressed
the hope that the future of social services infrastructure in Šilutė will expand and improve the quality
of services.
The similar honorary letter received Elders Cares Home of Šilutė Director Danutė Valodskienė.
Director commended for her leadership and successfully implementation of first program phase.
Minister in letter wishes success in implementing programs goals.
29-06-2011 Already five years Germany Emmerich - Šilutės Society provides funding for children
from poor families to take relax by the sea. This year, on 26th of May, President of the Society Alfred
Bartminn transferred from the association members gathered 1000 euro to Municipality Mayor
Virgilijus Pozingis.
Mayor asked Municipality Administrations Department of the Child Rights and Protection to provide
reasonable use of fund. Child Rights and Protection Department specialists bought 8 vouchers to the
children camp "Žilvitis" in Karklė. Also it was given for each child 40 Lt. to buy essential goods
needed to for camp. The hardest thing was to select children who are most appropriate to change the
environment, to run away from their families, financial and psychological problems. This year,
priority was given to children living in rural areas; the children went to the camp from five
neighborhoods: Šilutė, Kintai, Žemaiciu Naumiestis, Gardamas, Švėkšna. Municipality transport took
children on 29th of June to camp for ten-days.
11-07-2011 Silute was visited Mr. Elisabeth Jung and Mr. Eva Melakari of Ljungby – Šilutė cities
society. This association donated 16 thousand. Lt. for Šilutė District Municipality families of social
care child’s, and it was bought vouchers for 40 children's to spend time in the summer camp
"Weathercock". Children which went to camp for 10 days were selected from all the neighborhoods,
Saugai Children Foster Home, Šilutė Day Service Center, and O. Jogienė families “Dreams for
children”. Guests from Sweden had interest about children's leisure time conditions, met with Silute
Elementary school teachers, visited Day Services center. The guests were accompanied by Šilutė
Municipality Administration, Social Care Department Head Alvidas Šimelionis.
15-07-2011 During Šilutė 500 years Anniversary Events days, Šilutė F. Bajoraitis Public Library
librarians delighted citizens and presented them over 100 pictures got from Sweden “Lions” Club.
Librarians are in good links with the Scandinavian country with individuals and organizations and
this influenced Tadas Girčius, from Natkiskiai. Librarians are thankful for his personal library
activities support the acquisition of new very high-priced books.
06-09-2011 Šilutė District Municipality Social Care Department thanked to all people who give no
longer need things for them to “Support store” or transmit to the Social Care Department, and thus
help the poor or those unable to purchase one or other things. For generous assistance Department
sincerely thanked to the Seniors Care home “Seniors El Dorado” (Director Laimutė Giedraitienė),
who received a lot of support to its customers very significant part of the materiel presented to Šilutė
District Municipality Administration.
Have been received various things: walkers, bath benches, wheelchairs, elbow crutches.
15-12-2011 Šilute District Municipality Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis met with Emmerich - Šilutės
Society (in German) Chairman Alfred Bartminn and his wife. They brought 500 euro for Šilutė Emmerich Society and NGOs “Šilutė Seklyčia of Women”. Mayor thanked to friends and supporters
from Germany and delivered Christmas gifts - framed photographs of seacoast and fishers, a
collection of songs and a book about Šilutė edge.
20-01-2011 Šilutė District Municipality hosted the delegation of eminent scientists from the
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Among the institutions in 2010 June 1 was signed cooperation
agreement, which provides support and encourage of stakeholders communication and exchange of
relevant information, to use scientific work in the Municipality work.
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences days in Šilutė was like starting contract implementation phase.
Official guests were welcomed at Council Hall of the Municipality. Later, the researchers visited
Šilutė District Municipality institutions, where had discussions, consultations, and conversation with
professionals. It was discussed on these themes: "Leadership - the road to success", "Writers
contribution to popularization of Minor Lithuania”, “Šilutė City and District Cultural Heritage
Awareness”, “Rusnė island Skansen”, “Renewable (alternative) energy sources”, and other. In the
Afternoon there was a meeting with city public, they could heard presentations of Valdemaras
Razumas “Lithuanian Science Academy's 70th year of operation”, Member correspondent Vktorija
Daujotytė-Pakerienė "Humanistic culture: ratio of the center and the region", Academician Jurgis
Wilemas "Renewable (alternative) energy sources, and Lithuania's energy future”, DnBNord Bank
chief economist Professor. Habil. Dr. Rimantas Rudzkis "Food Sector Trends". Šilutė community had
opportunity to ask questions to academics, to discuss topics of interest.
13-01-2011 It was solemn mentioned the 13th of January 20 years Anniversary. Organizers invited
everybody to the lovely, warm and impressive event. Everybody was met by the choir "Pamario
aidas”, it was organized an interesting photography exhibition. With fanfare publication of the solemn
celebration opening everybody sung the National Hymn.
By one Minute silence the respect was given to those who died for Lithuanian independence, and then
for memory each of them sounded a bell stroke and lighted twinkles like a sign that memorial is alive,
that memory flame burn in of every loving Lithuania heart. In the Event spoke Mayor Virgilijus
Pozingis and wished to be unified and invited to share painful memories, also as a piece of the heart
to all District neighborhoods communities gave a tricolor Flags of Lithuania as of Freedom Fighters
20th Anniversary commemorative – as a hope to everyone ... During the Event singed Šilutė
kindergarten “Pusele" folk ensemble, danced Zibai Elementary school team, Šilutė First Gymnasium
dance team "Atlaja”, women's vocal ensemble “Vaivora”, folk ensemble ”Verdainė” and Šilutė
Children's Art School brass band with dancers.
Special evening mood was created by Kaunas Music Ensemble “Ainiai” concert, which ended just in
Šilutė Cultural and Entertainment Center yard, there was fire and everybody could taste a soldierly
16-02-2011 In Šilutė Cultural and Entertainment center hall it was celebrated Independence Day of
Lithuania. Commemoration began with a minute of silence to honor already dead poet Justinas
Marcinkevicius. Participants were welcomed by the Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis, the keynote speech
said Klaipėda University, Baltic region's History and Archaeology Institute Director Dr. Silva Pocytė.
Performed Šilutė kindergarten “Pušele” "folk ensemble, danced Žibai Elementary school team,
Silute First Gymnasium dance team "Atlaja”, women's vocal ensemble “Vaivora”, folk ensemble
”Verdainė” and Šilutė Children's Art School brass band with dancers.
24-02-2011 Spectacular concert in the symbolic name "The World welcomes Šilutė” organized Šilutė
First Gymnasium in Šilutė Cultural and Entertainment Center. Gymnasium Community with friends:
Silutes Zibai Elementary School juniors dance ensemble "Twinkles" (Leader Regina Puodžiuvienė),
Juknaičiai dance ensemble (Leader Loreta Margarita Černeckienė), Gymnasium dance ensemble
"Atlaja" (Leader Rita Kurpeikytė), artists from theater stud (Head Jolita Ežerinskė) and singers (Head
Giedre Pocienė) all citizens were welcomed by Jews, Russians, Mexicans, Chinese, Italian, Slovak
dances, songs and theatrical performance about Šilutė Patronage Hugo Šojus. The old buildings of
Šilutė have been exhibited on the student’s heads. Full hall echoed with the applause and warm
congratulations of Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and Director of Gymnasium Laima Spirgienė.
02-03-2011 "Do not waste natural resources, let’s sort garbage and waste, if we want to live for long
in our beautiful land" - this slogan launched the eco-project of Friedrich Bajoraitis Public Library
"Solving of global warming problems”. This project prepared Šilutė Martynas Jankus Primary
School, in collaboration with the Finnish and Danish schools and participate in the LR Ministry of
Education and Science Information technology Center’s coordinated by the International e.Twinning
program. The project is carried out by the teachers Jovita Ramanauskiene, Rita Barkauskienė,
Kazimiera Vaitkuvienė and Aida Skarbalienė. Teachers work together with a group of 40 students. At
the Event Friedrich Bajoraitis Public Library all the students ingeniously were involved by
teachers into the interview- quiz about the responsible use of natural resources and waste sorting.
Students were encouraged to save energy, water, paper and other natural resources, reduce
environmental pollution. They got knowledge, where to deliver telecommunications equipment and
other electronic waste. Children answered to the quiz questions on these topics and received many
awards for this.
20-03-2011 Earth's population in 2011 already the 40th time referred a World Earth Day. It was
referred by local Šilutė community also. Traksedziai Elementary school students produced bird
nesting-boxes; high school students in science classroom with biology and geography teacher Aldona
Gavutiene watched and discussed a video film about the Baltic Sea, ecological problems of the
Curonian Lagoon and Baltic Sea. Lithuanian language teacher and school Director Birutė
Morkevičienė with fifth grade students during Lithuanian language lesson were reading epistolary
essays created by students about Lithuanian forest protection, conservation of natural resources.
Primary school students created very exciting “Peat bog fairy-tale”. After the lessons, biology teacher
invited students at the second floor lobby decorated with symbols of Earth Day (the authors of
scenery - art and technology teacher Indra CIMA and students of 5-10th grades), there was discussed
the meaning of Earth Day and its significance for future generations.
21-03-2011 21th of March - World Poetry Day. On that occasion was organized the event "Poetry
for Children” on 18th of March, in Šilutė Friedrich Bajoraitis public library Grabupiai office. In the
event was participated Traksedziai Elementary school Director, Lithuanian language teacher Birutė
Morkevičienė. The teacher told to kids about the meaning of poetry, read his own writing poems. In
teacher's poems are dominating nature, flowers, harmony between people and nature. B.
Morkevičienė presented his collection of poems "The word for flower”, there poems are dedicated to
flowers, also she said children’s about another her hobby – to take pictures and presented the latest
photography exhibition "Symphony of Trees ". This is the second exhibition of the artist, which is
exhibited in Grabupiai library.
World Poetry Day in Traksėdžiai Elementary school was menthioned too.
01-04-2011 In Šilutė Entertainment and Cultural Center lobby was awarded competition "Birds come
back" winners; it was organized by the Nemunas Delta Regional Park together with Šilutė District
Municipality and Šilutė Forest Enterprise. The event was dedicated to the global Earth Day. Nemunas
Delta Regional Park HeadRamunas Lydis memories gifts presented to winners: Arnas Kmita (I-V
class group) from Šilutė Primary school, Arunas Mockus V-VII group) from Vainutas high school
and Andrius Skirkevičius (VIII-XII classes group) from Šilutė First Gymnasium. The competition
was competed nearly all Municipality schools and students made the 80 nesting-boxes for different
birds. The most beautiful of nesting box were exhibited in Šilutė cultural and entertainment center.
Bad weather didn’t let students to hang out nesting-box in the park, but they were able to taste
military mash, cooked by Vileikiai borderline guarders.
15-04-2011 During World Cultural Day, in April 15, 2011, Šilutė official was presented as Lithuanian
Capital of Culture in Vilnius. Šilutė as unique edge firstly was described in the Republic of Lithuania
Ministry of Culture, where officially took Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2011 steering wheel. During
theatrical ceremony, then Mars was playing Šilutė Art School Brass Orchestra Pamarys and Culture
Minister Arunas Gelūnas happily handled flag for Šilutė delegation. He wished creative and
spectacular events, also promised to come in Šilutė 500 years Anniversary celebration. Vice Minister
of Culture Nijolė Laužikiene was awarded by “weathervane”, in the association to find he way to her
native city Šilutė. Vice-Minister was happy that Šilutė really worth this new name. Vilnius Old Town,
German Street, was occupied by flood of goodness from Pamarys. Our national and cultural capital
flags declared about Šilutė Anniversary years. To make a picture with flag wanted all of pupil going
throw German street or even exotic foreign guests. The Orchestra of Gražvydas Raila lined in Old
Town entertained passersby with cheerful and moody marches. Much attention attracted developers
of national heritage product and folk Angel and Vytautas Raukciai, they introduced the art of dyeing
Easter eggs. Everybody could buy these unique Easter eggs and other things. German and street
smelled Prussian fish soup. This smell invited passers to taste the soup. It is unusual and has been
cooking of Minor Lithuania fishers only twice a year. In German Street, near the Evangelical
Lutheran Church, inaugurated the Embassy of Minor Lithuania; the Director Kristina Toleikiene
enjoyed the opportunity to the residents of Vilnius and Lithuania to reveal what is Minor Lithuania.
Embassy of Minor Lithuania consecrated bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran church Mindaugas
Sabutis. He was happy that a small part of the forfeited culture is coming to Vilnius. Šilutė,
Lithuanian Capital of Culture, introduction watched famous historians, writers, journalists,
politicians, Vilnius residents and guests, and most Silute community. Indre Skablauskaitė approached
to the public in dialect of “Sisioniskai”. Everybody was listening for stories about Šilutė edge, people,
and water. In Embassy of Minor Lithuania was presented exhibitions – Photos Exhibition “Silute.
Flood and people”, “Silute: the 20th century book and bookman”. Šilutė First Gymnasium students
surprised everybody by creativity. Their hats adorned most important buildings of Silute. Lined up,
they invited to visit the Art school young pianists and vocal ensembles “Vaivora" and "Minge"
concert. In Evangelical Lutheran Church was presented the traveling exhibition "Šilutė development”.
We can enjoy that little piece of Šilutė and Pamarys region we were able to show to Lithuania Capital
residents and visitors.
28-04-2011 As a goal to promote inbound and local tourism, Šilutė District Municipality organized
the project "Organization of Local tourism trade missions and sightseeing tours”. The essence of the
project was to present Lithuanian inbound and local tourism opportunities for travel agents and tourist
service providers, to inform about new (or renewed) tourism products of ethnographic regions, to
reveal the uniqueness of the ethnographic regions. The participants were welcomed by Mayor
Virgilijus Pozingis, Deputy of Mayor Vaidas Pavilonis and Administration Director Ida Vasiljevienė.
To participate in the project were invited: tourism developers, housing, cultural and recreational
services, recreation organizers, farmers, craft centers, health and spa services, national parks and
regional representatives. Also local and foreign tour operators.
29-04-2011 In Šilutė cultural and entertainment center was mentioned Šilutė art school 45th
Anniversary. Director of Art school Rūta Gatelienė, educators, and students were welcomed by
Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis, gifts and flowers, has served the Administration Director Ida Vasiljevienė
and Head of Education Department Birutė Tekorienė. At the end of the Concert Art school
community was welcomed by colleagues from other schools, arts groups, educators and friends,
Municipality Council Members.
During the concert performed graduates of the school from various cities of the country and from:
Dėja Aukštkalnytė, Marius Balčytis, Kristina Budvytytė, Egidijus Jovaiša, Lukas Kašėta, Vytautas
Kiminius, Regimantas Stankus, Audrius Zalcas and the current students and teachers. Former
graduates had a possibility to put the signatures on symbolic sail, which will be considered the
director's office.
02-05-2011 Šilutė foresters to commemorate the International year of the forest planted a beech
forest. This beautiful idea proposed forest management official Stepas Bairašauskas. Planted beech
forest will entertain just future generations, as the beech ages ranging from 150 to 200, and
sometimes even up to 300 years.
25-05-2011 Šilutė District Municipality issued the brochure about Šilutė. It is presented a brief
history in Lithuanian and English languages about the past and present of Šilutė, most famous people
and historical events. The publication contains a big number of statistics about population, existing
private companies and public organizations, sightseeing places. Information is dedicated for tourists
and citizens and those who are interested in Šilutė edge. It was presented for guests coming to the
Anniversary and Capital of Culture events. First brochure was distributed in international exhibition
Traveling exhibition “Šilutė evolution: the city where water and people create life” was made for
Silute 500 years Anniversary. The exhibition was presented for citizens and guests who participated
in the event 2011-02-25 "Congratulate each other” in Šilutė District Municipality Grand Hall. It
presented by the Museum's Director Rosa Šikšnienė. Exhibition is with short descriptions and
photographs on themes:"City, where the water and the people create lives", "Signs of Time", "From
Tavern to Town", "Community: from prayer to masks feast”, “From the devilish Market to the glass
display cases”, "Toward to Progress”, “Famous people”, "The Soviet Šilutė", "Free to city near the
water”; it is submitted Šilutė history from 1511 to the present times. The exhibition consists of 10
stands and in the future it will be proceed as Šilutė and citizen’s journey through history still
continues, the Chronicle is not finished yet ... Information was collected by Šilutė Museum, Šilutė
Friedrich Bajoraitis Library, Municipality Administrations Culture and Communications
27-28th -05-2011 Hugest event of the year - Anniversary of the city Šilutė. It was nice that the festival
brought together many people, guests and citizens, everybody took their good mood, songs in their
hearts, and noble love of their city like a flower, for our 500 -year old the Queen Šilutė.
On 27th of May curious citizens came listen for researcher’s reports about Šilutė town and 500-year
history, to learn new, unheard of facts and testimonies. A commemorative plaque was unveiled in the
evening for legendary German singer Alexander, which was born and lived for a time in Šilutė. One
of Silute streets was named Emmerich Street. This is a German city, in cooperation with Silute from
1991, and partnership exchanges are still alive. Šilutė First Gymnasium initiated to reveal
monumental stones for Lithuanian word enthusiasts from Silute Martynas Mažvydas, Martynas
Jankus, William Storosta – Vydūnas, Friedrich Bajoraitis and Petras Jakstas. Silute Friedrich
Bajoraitis Public Library organized assembly “Light to bring, good to do ... “came 97 respectable
fellows from all in the world.
On the Eve of Anniversary Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis welcomed the foreign partners came to Šilutė:
German Emerich city Mayor Johannes Diks, Emmerich-Šilutė Society Chairman Alfred Bartmin with
his wife, German Beverštet city Mayor Martin Bensen, Austrian Parliament member, the Council of
Europe Parliamentary Assembly Honorary member Ms. Edeltraud Gatterer, Germany Embassy of
Lithuania Cultural Attaché and others.
In the evening - we had very impressive opening celebration in the heart of the city, near the
Evangelical Lutheran Church, where St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Donatas
Katkus, played classical pieces, singe amazing voice owner Kaunas State Musical Theatre soloist
Liudas Mikalauskas. Classics were changed by sweeping symphonic rock, which was a gift for Silute
celebrating the Anniversary and the Lithuanian Capital of Culture. During the last song from the
Church tower was lowered very big festival flag, greeted by the citizens and spectacular fireworks.
After glory Friday started Saturday with a lot of Events. From early morning Šilutė District
Municipality Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis in the Hall of Municipality welcomed the honorable guests of
the Republic of Lithuania, from Seimas, Klaipėda region, fellows, Festival sponsors. There were
delegations from partner countries: Turkey, Poland, Latvia, Russian Federation, Sweden and
Germany. It was very nice to welcome European Council Parliamentary Assembly Member of honor,
guest from Austria, Ms. Edeltraud GATTERER, which brought not only a lot of beautiful words and
greetings to the city, but also the largest Šilute District Municipality assessment - the Plaque of Honor.
This was the most beautiful gift for Silute, on this honorable Anniversary. To congratulate the city
came over 200 guests from various organizations in Lithuania, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
Universities, religious communities, and neighboring municipalities. President of Lithuania Republic
Dalia Grybauskaitė, Seimas Chairperson Irena Degutienė, Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius, the
Minister of Agriculture Kazys Starkevičius also send greetings to Šilutė.
Particular attention was devoted to youth entertain. Young people were invited to Tilze Street, which
were improvised Youth city. Entrance to the street - a special gate - Arc de Triomphe. On it, each
could leave their mark or message for Šilutė. It was taught to paint graffiti, youngsters were treated
with various musical genres in Music Pharmacy. In Theatre Cafe were street circus artists, mime
group, live statues, and street theater. Classical and Latin American or break dancers were taught
in Dance school. Meditation has been done even in a noisy environment also yoga and eco-attractions
was in the Laundry of the soul. Later - in impressive festival of choirs, like a Little Song Festival,
Over 300 students performed most popular choral songs, and finally to the whole world and future
generations was sent to the charming greeting - the sky was decorated with 500 pigeons.
A lot has happened for the first time in Šilutė and participants liked everything. For the first time in
the history of the town festivals, final performances took place in two locations – in Youth Street and
recently rebuilt Šilutė berth. It was possible to choose where to go.
In Šilutė St. Church of the Cross for the first time St. Mass was offered with two bishops together Roman Catholic Bishop Jonas Boruta and the Evangelical Lutheran priest Remigijus Šemeklis. This
was a particularly delicate and sacred respect ceremony for outstanding people of the city. Those who
participated in ecumenical Mass were invited to bring a candle.
Kindness flame was lit at the old cemetery for those who raised us and presented us Šilutė.
In the morning a solemn Trakai, Jurbarkas, Palanga, Panevezys orchestra procession moved from four
different villages, which later was merged and became one name - Šilutė, the center street
Lietuvininkai them joined Šilutė "Pamarys" Orchestra and played together for the first time,
“Pamarys march". It is specially created for Šilutė birthday, of the composer Kazys Daugela.
For the first time, gathered the five ethnographic regions of Lithuania – Aukštaitja, Dzūkija,
Suvalkija, Žemaitija and Minor Lithuania at National Heritage Conference “Bazaar otherwise”. It was
located in the historic part of town - the old market square. Each region had its own backyard,
presented the cultural, culinary and other heritage, and was a musical program.
The city was once again a young and charming of songs, dances, colors, youngsters ... from many
scenes and tribunes sounded sincere congratulations to the city, impressive, intriguing exhibitions,
attractions, entertainment, dancing and plenty of songs didn’t let to come bad weather - it was raining
all over Lithuania, and the sun was shining in Silute. Streets was decorated with beautiful flowers,
sponsors donated additional benches in the city. Central Lietuvininkų Street fluttered with Šilutė flags
on each institutions and even own houses. Was felt a spirit of unity and solemnity, combining loving
for our land, our country.
The festival became over, but the Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2011 – Šilutė with nice events all the
year make us feel happy.
15-06-2011 Šilutė Municipality leaders welcomed Šilutė brightest students and their teachers. This
festival is organized at least one year, it has become a tradition. Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and
Administration Director Ida Vasiljevienė welcomed students glorifying Pamarys region. They
thanked the students for endurance, strength and patience, because such outcomes require constant
work. Also they thanked teachers and parents, for their support and. The arts, science and sports
leaders, was awarded, by Municipality Fotoalbum "FotoSkrydis. Šilutė edge" and other prizes. Gifts
handed over 20 students: Laura Balceryte (Šilute Elementary School) - Republic of Mathematics
Olympiad, 2nd place, Karolina Kaminskaitei\ (Šilute Vydūnas Gymnasium) - English speech contest,
3rd place, Oskaras Venckus (Šilute Vydūnas Gymnasium) - Images and video works contest, 1st
place, Auguste Užpelkyte (Šilutė Vydūnas Gymnasium) - Geography essay for Rimantas Krupickas
memory, contest, 3rd place, Eimantas Drachneris (Šilute Vydūnas Gymnasium) - Management and
Economic Simulation program, 2nd place, Jasmine Kūkštaite (Šilute Vydūnas Gymnasium) Management and Economic Simulation program Championships, 2nd place, Solveiga Bendžiūte
(Šilute First Gymnasium) - National Model European Parliament session, winner of the international
parliamentary party, Justina Černiauskaitė (Švėkšna Sun Gymnasium) - European Union Contest for
Young Scientists of the National Stage, 3rd place, Vilma Juciūte (Švėkšna Sun Gymnasium) European Union Contest for Young Scientists of the National Stage, 3rd place, Robertas Paulauskas
(Švėkšna Sun Gymnasium) - European Union Contest for Young Scientists of the National Stage, 2nd
place, Edvinas Jocius (Švėkšna Sun Gymnasium) - The European Union Young Scientists National
Stage Competition, 2nd prize, Laura Ragelskyti (Žemaičių Naumiestis Gymnasium) - Republican Č.
Kudaba geography contest, 3rd place, Tomas Kniuksta (Žemaičių Naumiestis Gymnasium) Republican historical essay contest, "They were different than we are" 3rd place, Iveta
Dambrauskaitė, Gintar Dilginaitei, Alina Kaunaite, Vaida Kaunaite, Emilia Šikšniūtė, Silvia Pielikyte
and Rima Probergaite (Kintai middle school) - Republic of the competition "Battle of Žalgiris
winners" for the anniversary of the Battle of Žalgiris (1410-2010) to mention, 2nd place, Kasparas
Mikužisi (Šilutė children's art school) - Republic of Young Pianists Competition "From Baroque to
the Romantic" International Competition "Young Virtuosos" winner, Cornelia Tunaityte (Šilutė art
school) - Republic of Young Pianists Competition "From Baroque to Romanticism," winner, Jnas
Vitkauskas (Šilute art school) - Republic of Young Pianists Competition "From Baroque to
Romanticism" winner, Viktoria Gečaitė (Šilutė Art School) - Republic of J. A Swedish folk
instrument performers contest winner, Ugne Petniūnaitei (Šilutė art school) - Republic of young
pianists in modern music contest winner, Emilija Skikaitė (Šilutė art school) - Republic of young
pianists in modern music contest winner, Gabriele Paužuolyte (Šilutė Art School) - Republic of young
pianists in modern music contest winner, Skaistė Kašėtaite (Šilutė art school) - Republic of young
pianists in modern music contest winner, International Young Performers Competition winner in 2
places (Tallinn), Cadet Choir (Šilutė art school) - Lithuanian Children and Youth Choir Festivalcompetition "We - Lithuanian Childrens" first prize winner, Orchestra Pamarys (Šilutė art school) Lithuania Brass Band Championships, III grade diploma.
15-07-2011 Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis, Deputy of Mayor Vaidas Pavilonis, Administration Director
Ida Vasiljevienė, the Deputy Dainora Butvydienė, Chief Specialist and chief specialist of Education
Department Giedre Milukienė welcomed the best local schools graduates, their teachers and parents.
Municipality Authorities said that everyone already decided what to seek, so they wished good luck
and expressed the hope that many of them after studies will return in Šilutė. They thanked for the
teachers, parents and wished to achieve their goals. For best graduates Mayor handed thanks,
brochures about Šilutė, notebooks and pens, photo album “Fotoskrydis. Šilutė edge” and flowers.
Graduates during the discussions told the dreams for the future life – some of them want to study
computer science, economics, finance, psychology, and medicine. Traditionally, the best graduates
wrote in Honor book and took pictures in the Mayor's office in front of Municipality highest awards the Diploma of the European Union, the Flag of honor and Plague of honor.
19-08-2011 Šilutė Distict Municipality in 2011 August 19th had Klaipeda Regional Development
Council meeting. This Council is headed by Klaipėda Regional Development Council Chairman
Šilutė Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis. Municipality in this Council is represented by the Mayor Deputy
Vaidas Pavilonis and Council member Vytautas Laurinaitis. The main tasks of the Council - the
effective execution of the European Union's Structural Funds planning, encourage investment and
new businesses and services in urban and rural areas, to promote joint regional initiatives to address
local problems in the region, according to their competence to represent the region in international
organizations, regional cooperation and cooperation with other states. During the meeting it was
discussed current issues: local delivery of Klaipėda region project "E-democracy services for citizens,
creation and development, to discuss the major metropolitan areas and transport infrastructure
priorities in municipalities of Lithuania, the European Union structural funds absorption in the region
of Klaipėda progress, About implementation of the project "E-democracy services for citizens
creation and development in Klaipeda region's local administration" was written of the foreign press English magazine InAVate:
04-09-2011 Šilutė, in 2011 was published like Lithuanian capital of culture. Many of the great ideas,
events, and famous works of our land glorified the name. September 2-4th in Vilnius during the event
"Capital Days 2011" Silute people again confirmed that it is creative, talented, rich of cultural
experiences, interesting and unique history edge. On this occasion, Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis
sincerely thanked for excellent performance to Šilutė arts school young talents Gabriele Paužuolytei,
Skaiste Kašėtaitei, Martynas Kšatuckui, teachers Daiva Pielikienei, Giedre Augaitytei, Zydrei
Adomaitieneil, Liudmila Kašėtienei, Šilutė Art School Art Department teachers and students
(supervised by Arnold Milukas), brass orchestra Pamarys (leaders Agile and Grazvydas Raila),
Adas Nausėda, Šilutė chamber drama ensemble (director Ramune Kiniulytė), the West coast youth
study group "18.20" (leader Mykolasl Eiva) Rusne female vocal ensemble Luotužė (Manager Ausra
Šlažienė) Šilutė folk ensemble Verdainė and Šilutė vocal ensemble "Minge" (Regina Jokubaitytė)
Šilutė young country music ensemble Karčemėlė and Šilutė country group Karčema (Head Vygantas
Stoškus) Švėkšna adult dance ensemble "Šalna” (Asta Sapetkienė) Juknaičiai adults dance ensemble"
Juknaičiai” (Loreta Margarita Černeckienė) Šilutė museum ethnographer Indre Skablauskaitei and
team (director Rosa Šikšnienė) Šilutė edge authors of the book, compilers and to Frydrich Bajoraitis
Public Library team (director Dalia Užpelkienė), Rusne Ethnic and Information Center Director
Birute Servienei, , fish soup cooker Algis Dirse, association of the Nemunas Delta House Dirsector
Zivile Skirkevičiene, Nemunas Delta Regional Park Director Ramunas Lydis folkers Angele and
Vytautas Raukciai, Herbalist Virgilijus Skirkevičiuis. For the excellent organizational work it was
thanked to Šilutė cultural and entertainment center and for all team, the Municipality administration
Specialists, others who was assisted by a good faith, shared a creativeness in this event.
10-09-2011 In Šilutė Port was the third
Republican fish soups cooking championship,
whose motto was "If you oversleep the fish soup, never forgive yourself". Of the total for the basic
Šilutė Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis prize - Championship ring - competed 26 teams, including those
from other municipalities – even 14 (Marijampolė, Jurbarkas, Elektrenai, Pagėgiai, Vilkaviškis,
Utena, Kupiškis, Taurage, Kretinga, Varena, Skuodas, Prienai, Neringa). Two teams was prepared
fish soup without participating in the competition for prizes and other awards. Championship
surprised organizers' expectations: only participants were over 150 teams, 1,000 liters fish soup was
boiled, the event visited many citizens and guests. Fish soup was tasted by commission headed by
European Parliament Member Povilas Zigmantas Balcytis. Commission was also included Minister of
Agriculture Kazys Starkevičius, last championships winning team captain - Chef Jonas Purlys,
Municipality Department of Culture Head Vilma Griškevičienė, Director of the Rusne Ethnic Center
Birute Servienė, singer Ovidijus Vyšniauskas, entrepreneurs Rimantas Cibauskas, Remigijus Baltutis
and Rimgaudas Višinskas.
The first place and championship ring of the Mayor won “Pakalnė sweep” team of Rusnė and cooker
Plikšnys Raimondas and his family. He got the championship ring, which was made by the author art teacher Romas Tarvydas from Kintai. Second place went to Šilutė sports and wellness center
"Athens" and the third – to Šilutės Lampetra teams. All the teams for participation in the
championship got Šilutė Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis thanks letters: “most stylish” team was published
“Aukstatija Eseriokai” from Utena, “most ethnographical” - Vilkaviškis District" Vištytežerio sygos”,
“Most funny” - Skuodas "Skouda zemaite”, “most fruitful” - Varena "Nakcižibiai”. Captains Captain
recognized Šilutė credit union team captain Rutenis Norkaitis. First ten teams, registered in
Championship with the participation of municipal mayors got smoked carp with instructions on how
to eat. During the championship participants and guests could try cultural heritage, to see admired
books, the photographs of the flood, which presented the museum with Šilutė folk ensemble Ramytė
and Šilutė Friedrich Bajoraitis library. Festival appeared guests from the Sovetsk (Tilsit) Ukrainian
community group "Svitanok", ensembles "Karčema" and "Jonis", singers Ovidijus Vysniauskas,
Ludmila Kašėtienė, Zydre, Adomaitiene, Mindaugas Norgaitis, danced Zvaigzdune team. Participants
from other municipalities after the awards had a chance to become more familiar with the Pamarys
land, they listened to stories, had ship tours to Rusnė and back to Šilutė. Championship participants
and guests may purchase gifts from the merchants and artisans, and the event manager Marijus
Budraitis invited everyone to participate in various games and attractions. It was remembered and
farmers and their nicest managed lands. Mayor handled checks (500, 300 and 200 litas) and were
they were awarded by the title "Best Equipment 2011": Jovita and Rimantas Kavaliauskas of Pasysiai
village (first place), Ksavera and Jona Stirbiais of Galnės Village (second prize), A. Kliučinskas of
Užliekniai Village (third place) and the title "Most Beautiful restored farm house": Zena
Simonavičienė, Kančaičiai village (first place), Daiva and Sigitas Trijonis of Pagryniai (second prize),
Nina and Adolfas Petrošius of Juknaičiai (third place).
22-09-2011 Šilutė Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis received a letter of thanks from the fish soups
championship guests in Sovetsk, Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region) Ukrainian community
group "Svitanok. Fascinating article in Sovetsk newspaper announced a local newspaper reporter
arrived together with guests. These sincere people thanked Mayor for the warm welcome, an admirer
of our Event originality, the number of participants and beauty of Šilutė city. Wishing success to all
citizens expressed the hope that next year they will participate in fish soups Championship as
28-09-2011 European Social Fund (ESF) staff "star" team: Gintare Šaltytė, Maxim Nikolsky, Zilvinas
Stanevičius, Sarunas Stackevičius, the Fund for Public Relations Specialist Regina LakačauskaitėKaminskiene and informative tour of Lithuania Head Paulas Skucas located in Šilutė Market in
accordance to present ESF-funded projects in Lithuania. ESF projects are directed to people. Meeting
is attended by representatives of the ESFA, Šilutė municipality representatives and media. ESF
projects implemented in Lithuania since 2004, and Lithuania is changing because of them. Residents
were introduced about projects rising public sector, health care services quality, the Lithuanian
officers and civil development, increasing the state, its borders and public safety.
06-10-2011 To Check Law knowledge once
again invited the Constitution exam. To take the
exam this year have been invited the citizens of Lithuania with a legal education or law students. To
check the knowledge and in order to express civil and patriotic feelings wanted six participants.
The first phase of the participants correctly answered at least 25 test questions out of 30 were eligible
to participate in the second stage of the examination of the Constitution, which took place on October
18. Our Municipality participants got to the second stage: the history teacher, Municipality council
member Algirdas Gečas (26 points) and correspondent Orestas Lidzius (25 points).
10-10-2011 2011 10th October – Local Autonomy Day. Šilutė District Municipality and the structural
units made an Open day. To watch and find out how are working Mayor, Director of Administration,
Departments came Žemaičių Naumiestis Gymnasium students, Degučiai elementary school students
from grades 9-10 and over 100 Šilutė first Gymnasium students. Overall, during the Open Day
Municipality was visited by 150 visitors. Visitors were interested in Šilutė Municipality council work,
visited Mayor Virgilijus Pozingis and Administration Director Ida Vasiljevienė, asked them about
their job functions. Visited Municipality Hall, where is taken the most important decisions of all
district, was introduced with Municipality's organizational structure, was visited some Departments.
Students were in Education Department, where they were interacted with the Department Head Birutė
Tekorienė, also Social Support Department Alvidas Šimelionis talked about social services,
department routine work and social work profession. Everybody wanted to visit Civil registry
Department where Lilija Valaitienė told about the activities of the department, showed marriage hall,
presented to the civil registration statistics. Groups of students accompanied by the Education
Department specialist Giedre Milukienė, Communications Departments Chief Specialist Gintarė
Vaitiekutė and Ingrida Joksiene. Since 2007, 10 October in Lithuania is mentioned as Local
Government day, which is not only public specialists celebration, but also all the people living in the
Municipality, because all are involved in municipal affairs: we collect Municipality council, free and
autonomous act in territory, to take care of community problems and help solve them. We were happy
about Šilutė youngster’s activeness.
16-11-2011 UNESCO 16th of November declared “International Day for Tolerance”. During
International Tolerance Day, Švėkšna Sun Gymnasium students staged Alive Tolerance ship.
Through art classes students with teacher Jūratė Leonienė folded more than 300 small boats, and
Student Council in November 16th were distributed them for students 5-9 grades, and told the true
meaning of the word tolerance. The proposal to make a big boat of cardboard, colored paper or other
material, build a new idea - to build Alive ship of high school students and teachers. In the schoolyard
High School students and teachers "became" a great ship of Tolerance, where everyone lives in peace
and in spite of differences, are friendly and tolerant of each one.
Tolerance day was mentioned also by Šilutė first gymnasium and other educational institutions.
18-11-2011 Šilutė District Municipality in 1
June of 2010 signed a cooperation agreement
with the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Contract provides to support and encourage
representative’s communication, exchange of relevant information, the adaptation of scientific work
in municipality.
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences distinguished scientists visited Šilutė Municipality in 2011-01-20; it
was organized public debates, consultations, contacts with professionals. Šilutė community had the
opportunity to ask questions to academics, to discuss topics of interest.
18th of November, in Vilnius it was organized the day of Šilutė in Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, it
was represented the program "Democracy, entrepreneurship, diversity competences in Šilutė edge.
The International Library Associations and Institutions Federation (IFLA), which is a true member of
the Lithuanian Librarians' Association (LBD), in August 8-10 of 2012, prepare an accompanying
IFLA conference in Lithuania. On this occasion, Šilutė F. Bajoraitis Public Library has received an
international invitation for August 10th to accept from all over the world arriving library professionals
delegation in Pamarys Library. Šilutė librarians accepted invitation. As the conference theme in
Lithuania is “Library networks: development, participation and cooperation", Pamarys librarians
preparing to introduce their guests about successful partnership activities with the regional education
and pre-school institutions, also the system of generalization and realization of ideas with the regional
NGO and business sector representatives.