esra sısıkoglu


esra sısıkoglu
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
E3437A Thomas and Nell Lafferre Hall
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-1334
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Ph.D., Industrial and Operations Engineering
July 2009
• Dissertation title: “Distributed Algorithms Based on Fictitious Play for Near Optimal Sequential
Decision Making.”
• Advisors: Robert L. Smith and Marina A. Epelman.
M.S.E., Industrial and Operations Engineering
May 2006
B.S.E., Industrial and Operations Engineering, summa cum laude
May 2004
Middle East Technical University
Industrial Engineering
Ankara, TURKEY
Sep 1999 – June 2002
Stochastic search algorithms
Sampled fictitious play
(Approximate) dynamic programming
Algorithm design
Large-scale optimization
Mathematical programming and modeling
Wireless Sensor Network Optimization
Convex optimization
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
University of Missouri
Assistant Professor
Columbia, MO
Sep 2009 – present
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
University of Missouri
Adjunct Professor
Columbia, MO
Sep 2008 – Aug 2009
Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan
Graduate Student Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant
Ann Arbor, MI
Sep 2005 – Aug 2009
Schlumberger – Doll Research
Summer Intern
• Performed a cost/benefit analysis of the CO2 Sequestration project.
• Developed a heuristic in FORTRAN for the optimization of well drilling
time schedules.
• The results were presented in the company business strategy meeting.
Cambridge, MA
May – Aug 2007
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (University of Missouri)
• IMSE 9250: Dynamic Programming (Spring 11)
Evaluations are not available
• IMSE 4280: Industrial Systems Simulation (Spring 10, Spring 11)
Spring 10: 3.9/4.0 (instructor), 3.9/5.0 (course)
Spring 11: 4.0/4.0 (instructor), 5.0/5.0 (course)
• IMSE 4210: Linear Programming
Fall 09: 3.2/4.0 (instructor), 4.1/5.0 (course)
Columbia, MO
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Fall 08: 3.4/4.0 (instructor), 3.9/5.0 (course)
IMSE 2110: Probability and Statistics (Fall 09)
Fall 09: 2.5/4.0 (instructor), 2.5/5.0 (course)
Industrial and Operations Engineering (University of Michigan)
• IOE 474: Simulation (Winter 07)
• IOE 316: Intro to Markov Processes (Winter 06, Fall 07)
• IOE 366: Linear Statistical Models (Fall 05, Winter 06)
Ann Arbor, MI
PUBLICATIONS (Submitted and Published)
Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, Praveen Nagilla, Sarah Root, and Kemal Akkaya, 2011 “Optimal
Relocation of Actors to Restore Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs),”
submitted to Computers and Operations Research.
Esra Sisikoglu, Marina A. Epelman and Robert L. Smith, “A Sampled Fictitious Play-Based Learning
Algorithm for Infinite Horizon Markov Decision Processes” Accepted to 2011 Winter Simulation
Jihyun Jo, Mustafa Y. Sir, and Esra Sisikoglu, 2011 “Strategic Multi-objective Routing in a High
Threat Environment,” Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno,
NV, May 2011.
Mustafa Y. Sir, Izzet Senturk, Esra Sisikoglu, and Kemal Akkaya, “An Optimization-based Approach
for Connecting Partitioned Mobile Sensor/Actuator Networks,” Proceedings of 3rd International
Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks (WiSARN), in conjunction with IEEE
INFOCOM'11, Shanghai, China, April 2011.
Enes Yildiz, Kemal Akkaya, Esra Sisikoglu, and Mustafa Y. Sir, “An Exact Algorithm for Providing
Multi-Perspective Event Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Istanbul,
Turkey, July 2011.
Enes Yildiz, Kemal Akkaya, Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, and I. Guneydas, “Camera Deployment for
Video Panorama Generation in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of International
Workshop on Video Panorama in conjunction with IEEE Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'11), Dana
Point, CA, USA (to appear).
PUBLICATIONS (Work-in-progress)
Mustafa Y. Sir, Esra Sisikoglu, and Kemal Akkaya, “Continuously Covering and Packing an Area with
Different Convex Shapes.” Submission planned to INFORMS Journal for Computing (estimated 90%
Rung-Chuan Lin, Mustafa Y. Sir, Esra Sisikoglu, Kalyan Pasupathy, and Linsey Barker, “Optimal
Nurse Scheduling Based on Quantitative Models of Work-Related Fatigue.” Submission planned to
Health Care Management Science (estimated 60% complete).
Linsey Barker, Kalyan Pasupathy, Esra Sisikoglu, and Mustafa Y. Sir, “A Conceptual Framework for
the Interface of Human Factors, Health Informatics, and Operations Research in Healthcare Systems.”
Submission planned to IIE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering (estimated 40% complete).
Jonathan L. Hathhorn, Mustafa Y. Sir, and Esra Sisikoglu, “Optimal Maintenance Scheduling for
Traffic Lights.” Submission planned to Transportation Science (estimated 60% complete).
• Leonard Wood Institute, April 2009, “Optimal Deployment of Wireless Sensors and Actors for
Surveillance Missions,” $281,994, (Sir (40%); Matisziw (30%); Sisikoglu (30%)), not funded.
• National Science Foundation, February 2010, “Integration of Human Factors Considerations into
Work System Optimization Models: Specific Application to Nurse-Patient Assignment,” $461,834, (Sir
(25%); Barker (25%); Pasupathy (25%); Sisikoglu (25%)), not funded.
• MoDOT, October 2009, “Evaluation of Life Expectancy of LED Traffic Signals and Development of a
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Replacement Schedule,” $74,970, (Sun (76%), Sisikoglu (24%)) not funded.
• National Science Foundation, January 2011, “Expanding Curricula-wide Project-Based Learning by
Refining Capstone Projects”, $595,749, (Hyman (40%), Lin (20%), Devaney (20%), Barker (10%),
Sisikoglu (10%)), not funded.
• “Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Wireless Sensor Deployment and Reconfiguration”, $38,719,
Sisikoglu (100%), not funded.
Presented by Esra Sisikoglu
• Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, Kemal Akkaya, and Enes Yildiz, “An Exact Algorithm for Multiperspective Event Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Charlotte, NC, November 2011
• Esra Sisikoglu, Marina A. Epelman and Robert L. Smith, “A Sampled Fictitious Play-Based Learning
Algorithm for Infinite Horizon Markov Decision Processes” Winter Simulation Conference, December
• Esra Sisikoglu, Marina Epelman, and Robert Smith, “Distributed Algorithms Based on Fictitious Play
for Near Optimal Sequential Decision Making,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October
• Esra Sisikoglu, Marina Epelman, and Robert Smith, “Sampled Fictitious Play for Solving Large-Scale
Dynamic Programming Problems,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2008.
Presented by co-authors
• Mustafa Sir, Praveen Nagilla Kumar, Esra Sisikoglu, Sarah Root, Kemal Akkaya, “Optimal Relocation
of Actors to Restore Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs)” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
• Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, Kemal Akkaya, and Enes Yildiz, “An Exact Algorithm for Multiperspective Event Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Charlotte, NC, November 2011.
• Kemal Akkaya, Enes Yildiz, Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, and I. Guneydas, “Camera Deployment for
Video Panorama Generation in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks,” IEEE Symposium on Multimedia
(ISM'11), Dana Point, CA, December 2011.
• Enes Yildiz, Kemal Akkaya, Esra Sisikoglu, and Mustafa Y. Sir, “An Exact Algorithm for Providing
Multi-Perspective Event Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” IEEE International
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
• Kemal Akkaya, Mustafa Y. Sir, Izzet Senturk, and Esra Sisikoglu, “An Optimization-based Approach
for Connecting Partitioned Mobile Sensor/Actuator Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM'11, Shanghai, China,
April 2011.
• Sarah Root, Praveen Nagilla, Esra Sisikoglu, Mustafa Y. Sir, and Kemal Akkaya, “Optimal Relocation
of Actors to Restore Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs),” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
(Invited workshop) Attended Self-Optimizing Systems Workshop in Santa Fe (June 13 - June 15 2010).
(Invited workshop) Attended Healthcare Systems Engineering Research and Education Leadership
Workshop at the University of Arkansas (May 20 – May 21 2010).
Attended “Transportation Research Forum” organized by Missouri Department of Transportation
(MoDOT) (February 24, 2010).
Doctoral Students
• Rana Afzali Baghdadabadi
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Master’s students
• Praveen Kumar Nagilla, Project: “Sensor Coverage and Actors Relocation in Wireless Sensors and
Actor Networks (WSAN): Optimization Models and Approximation Algorithms”, graduated in 2010
Undergraduate students
• Tyler Keel, Project: “Nurse Scheduling and Assignment Using Human Factors and Operations
Doctoral students committee member
• Mahmood Pariazar
Master’s students committee member
• Jonathan Lee Hathhorn (co-advisor with Mustafa Y. Sir), Project: “Optimal Layout of Departments for
Multi-floor Hospital Design.”
• Jihyun Jo (co-advisor with Mustafa Y. Sir), Project: “Managing Battlefield Risks Through Strategic
Multi-objective Routing.”
Departmental committees and service activities
• Assisted in Summer Welcome activities (Summer 2010).
• Participated and supported departmental ABET mock review preparations (Spring 2010).
• IMSE Representative at Mizzou Engineering Awareness Night (11/10/09).
• Assisted in organizing IMSE Departmental Seminar Series (Spring 2010).
• Supervised 10-15 undergraduate students in each semester during the preregistration period.
College of Engineering
• Academic Appeals Committee (Jan 2010 – September 2011).
• Affirmative Action Committee (September 2011 - present).
• Served as a panelist at the National Science Foundation (NSF) Operations Research panel (April 30,
• University of Missouri Research Board Grants (Fall 2009)
Industrial and Operations Engineering Departmental Fellowship (Sep 2004 – July 2009).
Full tuition scholarship as an undergraduate exchange student at the University of Michigan (Sep 2002
– May 2003).
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), member since 2006.
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