
Valve & Actuator Services
Valf & Aktüatör Servisleri
History of Vastas Valve Services
Vastaþ Servis Tarihçesi
On-Site Services
Saha Servisleri
At Plant Services
Fabrika Servisleri
Vastas Service Crew
Vastaþ Servis Ekibi
Service Equipments
Servis Ekipmanlarý
Service Procedures
Servis Prosedürleri
Projects & References
Projeler & Referanslar
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Service Practise
of Vastas
Vastaþ Servis Tarihçesi
One of the most experienced names of valve sector,
Vastas; offers you its 68 years of accumulated
service practice, where & whenever you need.
Valf sektörünün en tecrübeli isimlerinden biri olan
Vastaþ, 68 yýllýk servis tecrübesini ne zaman ve nerede
ihtiyaç duyarsanýz sizlere ulaþtýrýyor.
Service activity is one of the important factors, which lead up to current success of Vastaþ Company.
Repair works during years of 50’s caused Vastas for the first time getting familiar with valve business.
During this period, lasting almost 10 years Vastas gained important practice about valve types,
maintenance needs, damages created by wrong usage or from the product itself, observation of
defects, etc. Additional design and production activities together with those practice gained, resulted
with manufacturing of valves by the year of 1966.
We are able precisely to measure the product performance by means of still lasting service activity.
Our service activities are not limited with own products, but we offer our specialized qualification to
the customer whenever required for every type of brand.
Vastaþ'ýn bugünkü baþarýsýndaki en önemli faktörlerden biri 'Servis' faaliyetleridir. 1950'li yýllarda vanayla
ilk tanýþma tamir iþleri ile baþlamýþtýr. 10 yýl devam eden bu süreçte vana çeþitleri, bakým ihtiyaçlarý, kullaným
ya da ürün kaynaklý hasarlar ve hatalarý tespit etmek mümkün olmuþ, Vastaþ'a çok önemli birikimler
katmýþtýr. Servis ile edinilen tecrübelere tasarým ve üretim çabalarý eklenerek ilk valf üretimi 1966 yýlýnda
Halen daha devam eden servis hizmeti sayesinde ürün performansýný gerçekçi boyutlarda ölçebiliyoruz.
Ancak servis hizmetimiz kendi ürünlerimizle de sýnýrlý deðildir. Müþterimiz her ihtiyaç duyduðunda biz
destek vermeye hazýrýz. Servis faaliyeti ihtisas konumuzdur ve müþterilerin tesisinin/sisteminin saðlýklý
iþlemesi esastýr.
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Present Day...
After-Sale Service / Satýþ Sonrasý Hizmetler
Vastas is aware that ‘After Sales Service’ is an Important
factor in the sales and ongoing success of products.
Vastas’s highly qualified service crew, who monitors the
manufacture processes and tests of the product, is also
an indicator of how Vastas gives a special care to ‘after
Vastaþ ‘Satýþ Sonrasý Hizmetler’in satýþ ve ürünlerin baþarýsýnýn
devamý için ne kadar önemli rol oynadýðýnýn bilincindedir.
Vastaþ’ýn yüksek nitelikli servis ekibinin, üretim aþamalarýný
da izleme imkaný ve testlere katýlýmý, Vastaþ’ýn ‘satýþ sonrasý’na
itina ile yaklaþtýðýnýn bir göstergesidir.
Vastas stands by its customers
Vastaþ müþterisinin yanýndadýr
Our customer service starts at your first call and never
ends unless customer satisfaction is achieved. We do not
only support you for our own valves but we do help you
for your consultancy needs related pipeline valves and
actuators of other brand.
Vastaþ müþteri hizmetleri, ilk iletiþiminiz ile baþlar ve müþteri
memnuniyeti saðlanmadýkça sona ermez. Müþterilerimizi
Vastaþ ürünleri ile desteklemekle yetinmiyor, diðer markalý
boruhattý valf ve aktüatörleri için de danýþmanlýk ve servis
ihtiyaçlarýný karþýlýyoruz.
72” Gate Valve Production at Vastas, 1990 - Maintenance Service at Vastas, 2010
72” Gate Valf imalatý Vastaþ, 1990 - Bakým & Onarým servisi Vastaþ, 2010
Vastas stands by its products
Vastaþ ürününün arkasýndadýr
Our products are designed, produced and tested using
the latest technology and a qualified labour. If the
necessary conditions and maintenances are ensured,
Vastas valves have operational life equal to the plant life
they assembled to. The guarantee is not limited with 2
years; there is the chance to expand your guarantee to 4
years, adding a periodic service requirement to the
guarantee terms in your orders and/or contract.
Ürünlerimiz son teknoloji kullanýlarak, nitelikli çalýþanlar
tarafýndan tasarlanmakta, üretilmekte ve test edilmektedir.
Gerekli koþullar saðlanýp, periyodik bakýmlar aksatýlmadýðýnda
Vastaþ ürünlerinin ömrü, kullanýldýklarý tesisin ömrüne
eþdeðerdir. Garanti 2 yýl ile sýnýrlý deðildir, periyodik bakým
anlaþmasý ile 4 yýla çýkartýlabilir.
TPAO Silivri NG Storage, 2009 - TPAO Silivri Doðalgaz Depolama, 2009
Mobile Service
Mobil Hizmet
All Brands
All Valves
Her Marka
Her Vana
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
On-Site Services
Saha Servisleri
A professional, qualified crew ready for 7/24. In case
of necessity, emergency response shall be provided
within 24 hours
Profesyonel ve deneyimli kadro 7/24 hazýr durumdadýr.
Gerektiðinde, çaðrý sonrasý 24 saat içerisinde acil
müdahale saðlanabilir
Service and spare part are supplied for any brand
Marka gözetmeksizin servis hizmeti ve yedek parça
temin eder
Periodic maintenance and inspections reduce the
operating costs & increase operation life of valve and
valve operators
Yapýlacak periyodik bakým ve muayeneler, valf ve
iþleticilerin iþletme maliyetlerini düþürür ve iþletme
ömrünü arttýrýr
- Assembly of the product to the line (Highly recommended)
Hatta Montaj (Tavsiye edilir)
Botas Ceyhan Marine Terminal / Botaþ Ceyhan Terminali, 2006
- Safety Valve Maintenance & Calibration / Emniyet Valfi Bakým
& Kalibrasyon
- Sealants & Consumables for Maintenance & Operation / Bakým
& Operasyon için Sýzdýrmazlýk & Dolgu Malzemeleri
- Spare Part Supply & Replacement / Yedek Parça Temini & Deðiþimi
- Calibration & Adjustment / Kalibrasyon & Ayar
- Test & Inspection / Test ve Muayene
- Certification / Sertifikasyon
- Wall Thickness Measurement & Reporting / Et Kalýnlýðý Ölçüm
- Cleaning & Painting / Temizleme & Boyama
- Control, Inspection & Adjustment Services of Actuators /
Aktüatörlerin Kontrol, Muayene & Ayar Ýþlemleri
& Raporlama
- Welding and NDT Services / Kaynak ve Tahribatsýz Muayene
- Emergency Support Service / Acil Durum Destek Hizmeti
- Hydrostatic Test Services (1/2" - 100" , 150# - 2500#) / Hidrostatik
Test Hizmetleri
- Renewal & Rehabilitation / Yenileme & Ýyileþtirme
- Periodic Maintenance for Natural Gas & Crude Oil Valves /
Doðalgaz ve Ham Petrol Valfleri için Periyodik Bakým
- Preventive Maintenance / Önleyici Bakým
- Repair / Tamir
Doga Power Plant / Doða Enerji Santrali - Istanbul, 2011
BTC Pumping Stations / BTC Pompa Ýstasyonlarý, 2007
TPAO Silivri NG Storage / TPAO Silivri Doðalgaz Depolama, 2012
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
At Plant Services
Fabrika Servisleri
Botas Ceyhan Marine Terminal Valves / Botaþ Ceyhan Terminal Valfleri, 2011
Problems that can not be solved at the site, can be fixed
at the plant
Sahada giderilmesi mümkün olmayan sorunlara nihai
çözümler fabrikada ortamýnda saðlanýr
Service costs are reduced by establishing lots
Lotlar oluþturularak servis maliyetleri azaltýlýr
Installed equipment park reduces the service costs
Kurulu makine ve ekipman gücü hizmet maliyetini azaltýr
It includes all site service (Except start up) applications
and additional applications
Sahadaki hizmetlerin tamamýný kapsadýðý gibi sahada
yapýlmayan iþlemler yapýlabilir (Start-up hariç)
AKSA Acrylic Power Plant Valves / AKSA Akrilik Enerji Santrali Valfleri, 2011
- Calibration & Adjustment / Kalibrasyon & Ayar
- Certification / Sertifikasyon
- Cleaning, Sandblasting, Coating, Painting / Temizleme, Kumlama,
Kaplama, Boyama
- Emergency Support Service / Acil Durum Destek Hizmeti
- Equipment Analysis and Reporting / Malzeme Analizleri ve
- Inspection Measure Control, Damage Assessment & Reporting
/ Muayene Ölçü Kontrol, Hasar Tespit & Raporlama
- Periodic Maintenance (Flushing & Lubricating) for Natural Gas
& Crude Oil Valves / Doðalgaz ve Ham Petrol Valfleri için Periyodik
Bakým (Temizleme & Yaðlama)
- Sealants and Consumables for Maintenance & Operation /
Bakým & Operasyon için Sýzdýrmazlýk ve Dolgu Malzemeleri
- Spare Part Supply & Replacement / Yedek Parça Temini &
- Test and Inspection / Test ve Muayene
- Vastas Warehouse Sources (Configuration & Upgrade) / Vastaþ
Ambar Kaynaklarý (Konfigürasyon & Geliþtirme)
- Wall Thickness Measurement & Reporting / Et Kalýnlýðý Ölçüm
& Raporlama
- Welding and NDT Services / Kaynak ve Tahribatsýz Muayene
- Preventive Maintenance / Önleyici Bakým
- Renewal & Rehabilitation / Yenileme & Rehabilitasyon
- Repair / Tamir
- Safety Valve Maintenance & Calibration / Emniyet Valfi Bakým
& Kalibrasyon
Az-Me-Co Methanol Company / Az-Me-Co Metanol Þirketi - Azerbaijan, 2013
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Vastas Service Crew
Vastaþ Servis Ekibi
68 years
68 yýllýk deneyim
Vastas history is based on maintenance works, and has a valuable
knowledge and experience on service works. Our site service
manager has over 10 years of experience in the company, also
the team is equipped with Vastas’s 68 years of knowledge.
Vastaþ, geçmiþi tamir bakým hizmetlerine dayanan bir firmadýr, bu
sayede servis konusunda kayda deðer deneyime sahiptir.
Vastaþ saha servis müdürü 10 yýlý aþkýn firma deneyimine sahiptir,
ayrýca 68 yýllýk Vastaþ deneyimi ile tüm ekip desteklenmektedir.
Our field supervisor and foremen are Level 1 qualified personnel.
Other foreman are Level 2 Qualified Operators and the assistant
workers are Level 3 Qualified Operators.All workers that serve
you on-site are perfectly educated on safety regulations.
Saha süpervizörümüz ve ustabaþýlar 1. Seviye personel, diðer ustalar
2. Seviye operatör ve asistan iþçiler 3. Seviye operatörlerdir. Tüm
ekip saha ve iþçi güvenliði konusunda eðitimlidir.
Personnel Qualifications
Welder Qualification / Kaynak Personel Kalifikasyon
Other Personnel Certificates / Diðer Personel Sertifikalarý
• Preventest Operator Certificate Ventil-1
• Preventest Operator Certificate Ventil-2
• QA Personnel Certificates
• QC Personnel Certificates
• WPS 17 SAW (CRO)
• Emergency Health Certificates
NDT Personnel Qualification / NDT Personeli Kalifikasyon
• Ultrasonic Testing Level I
• Ultrasonic Testing Level II
• Penetrant Testing Level I
• Penetrant Testing Level II
• Magnetic Particle Testing Lvl I • Magnetic Particle Testing Lvl II
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Service Equipments
Servis Ekipmanlarý
Mobile Equipments / Mobil Ekipmanlar
Assembly-Disassembly Equipments / Montaj-Demontaj
Lapping & Grinding Equipments / Lepleme ve Taþlama Ekipmanlarý
Test Equipments / Test Ekipmanlarý (1”-100” On-line & Out of line)
Welding Equipments / Kaynak Ekipmanlarý
Lubrication Equipments & Consumables / Yaðlama Ekipmanlarý
ve Sarflarý
On-line Test Equipments for Safety Valves / Emniyet Valfi Online Test Ekipmanlarý
Measurement Devices (Ultrasonic Leakage Detector, Holiday
Spark, Hardness, Thickness, XRF Material Analyses, Magnetic
Particles, Helium Detector) / Ölçüm Cihazlarý (Ultrasonic kaçak
dedektörü, Holiday Spark, Sertlik Ölçüm, Kalýnlýk Ölçüm, XRF
malzeme analizi, Manyetik Partikül, Helyum Dedektörü)
Painting & PUR Equipments / Boya ve PUR Ekipmanlarý
Hydrostatic Test / Hidrostatik Test (36” Expansion Gate Valve)
Plant Facilities / Fabrika Ýmkanlarý
CNC Machines / CNC Makineleri
Coating & Painting Equipments / Kaplama ve Boyama Ekipmanlarý
Inspection Equipments / Muayene Ekipmanlarý
Line Test Equipments / Hat Testi Ekipmanlarý
Machining, Lapping Mach. / Ýþleme, Lepleme Mak.
Test Benches / Test Tezgahlarý
Welding Machines / Kaynak Makineleri
Mobile Lapping Machine / Mobil Lepleme Cihazý
NDT - Magnetic Particle Test / NDT - Manyetik Partikül Testi
See company profile or our web page for detailed equipment list.
Detaylý ekipman listesi için firma profiline ya da web sitemize bakýnýz.
Hydrostatic Test / Hidrostatik Test (16” UG Ball Valve with ESD System)
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Service Procedures
Servis Prosedürleri
General Maintenance Procedure
Genel Bakým Prosedürü
Disassembly, marking, recording, cleaning, blasting
Demontaj, markalama, kayýt, temizleme, kumlama
NDT & Visual inspection of pressure-containing parts
Basýnç taþýyýcý parçalarýn NDT ve göz muayenesi
Measuring, analyzing (Observation of Nace & ASME
3 Conformity) Reporting
Ölçme, analiz (Nace ve ASME uygunluk tespiti), Raporlama
Leakage inspection & Observation Record
Sýzdýrmazlýk muayenesi ve teþhis kaydý
Grinding, Lapping, Polishing
Taþlama, Lepleme, Polisaj
Renewal of maintenance spares if necessary (filter, gasket,
packing, sealent, grease etc)
Gerekli bakým yedeklerinin deðiþtirilmesi (Filtre, conta,
salmastra, yað, sýzdýrmazlýk yaðý vb)
Maintenance & Adjustment of Actuators, Gearboxes etc.
Aktüatör, Diþli Kutusu vb. Bakým & Ayar
Maintenance procedure applies
Bakým prosedürü uygulanýr
Part repair will be made when a nonconformity is observed
during Visual Inspection, NDT or tests
NDT, Göz Muayenesi veya testlerde tespit edilen
uygunsuzluklar için parça onarýmý yapýlýr
Unrepairable parts are renewed
Onarýmý uygun olmayan parçalar yenileri ile deðiþtirilir
Spares are manufactured when originals are absent
4 Orijinal yedek parça kullanýmýnýn imkansýz olduðu hallerde
yeni yedek parça imal edilir
Coating Processes for ENP, Chrome etc.
(Only at Vastas facility)
ENP Chrome vb. kaplama iþlemleri (Sadece Vastaþ tesisinde)
Repair & Adjustment for Actuators, Gearboxes etc.
Aktüatör, Diþli Kutusu vb. Tamir ve Ayar
Standard BW-RF finishing (Only at Vastas facility)
Standart BW-RF Ýþlemleri (Sadece Vastaþ tesisinde)
Inspection, Dimensional Control & Reporting
Muayene, Ölçü Kontrolü & Raporlama
Final Test and Inspection
Final Test ve Muayene
Calibration and Adjustment
Kalibrasyon ve Ayar
General Repair Procedure
Genel Onarým Prosedürü
Marking and Packing
Markalama ve Ambalaj
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Spare Part Procedure
Yedek Parça Prosedürü
Spare set is established for maintained & repaired
valve, actuator
Bakým ve onarýmý yapýlan valf, aktüatör için bakým yedek
parça seti oluþturulur
Unique spares are established for valves, when standard
spares cant be fitted
Standart yedekleri kullanamaz durumda olan valflere özel
yedek parça oluþturulur
Technical document is submitted together with
proper marking
Özel markalama yapýlarak, teknik doküman verilmektedir
Renovation & Rehabilitation Procedure
Ýyileþtirme & Yenileme prosedürü
Required revisions are defined & approved as per
customer’s needs
Kullanýcýnýn ihtiyacýna uygunluk saðlamak üzere gerekli
revizyonlar tespit edilir ve onaylanýr
Change of actuator operation, power system additives &
Aktüatör iþletim deðiþimi, güç sistemi ilavesi, modernize
Revisions as per ESD, LBV, SSOV, MOV, SOV features
ESD, LBV, SSOV, MOV, SOV gibi özelliklere göre revizyon
Field Service Procedure
Saha Servisi Prosedürü
Protective Maintenance
Önleyici Bakým
Limited Repair
Sýnýrlý Onarým
Spare Parts Renewal
Yedek Parça Deðiþimi
Ýþletmeye Alma
New product will be recommended if the repair cost
exceeds its value
Tamir ekonomik deðeri aþacak boyutta ise yeni valf önerilir.
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Sectors & Projects
Sektörler & Projeler
Natural Gas / Doðalgaz
- NG Transportation / Doðalgaz Taþýma
- NG Combined Cycle Plant / Doðalgaz Çevrim Santrali
- NG Distribution / Doðalgaz Daðýtým
- NG Pigging Station / Doðal Gaz Pig Ýstasyonu
- Compressor Station / Kompresör Ýstasyonu - RMS Reducing & Metering Stations / Basýnç Düþürme &
- NG Processing / Doðalgaz Ýþleme
Ölçme Ýstasyonu
- NG Storage / Doðalgaz Depolama
Natural Gas Transmission Service
Doðalgaz Ýletim Hattý Servisleri
- Malkoçlar-Kýrklareli-Avcýlar / Turkey, 2010
- Kýrklareli-Edirne / Turkey, 2008
- Misinli-Tekirdað / Turkey, 2008
- Çankýrý-Kastamonu-Tosa / Turkey, 2010
Natural Gas Pipeline Services
Doðalgaz Boruhattý Servisleri
- Ýstanbul / Turkey, 2009-2013
- Konya / Turkey, 2006-2013
- Kayseri / Turkey, 2006-2013
- Bursa / Turkey, 2011
- Kahramanmaraþ / Turkey, 2011
- Çarþamba / Turkey, 2005-2013
BOTAÞ Edirne, Tekirdað Pigging Stations / Pig
Ýstasyonlarý / Turkey, 2008
Trans Atlantik Corp. Süloðlu Comp. Station / Komp.
Ýstasyonu / Turkey, 2010
Akfel, Targaz, Kale Kalýp, Kýrklareli RMS Stations
/ RMS Ýstasyonlarý / Turkey, 2008-2013
Natural Gas Pipelines / Doðalgaz Boru Hattý
- Arvandan / Iran, 2011
- Ardebil / Iran, 2011
- Kermanshah / Iran, 2011 - Mahshahr / Iran, 2011
- Bid Boland / Iran, 2011
- Esfahan / Iran, 2011
- Mashad / Iran, 2011
Natural Gas Distribution Station Service /
Doðalgaz Daðýtým Ýstasyonu Servisleri
- Polgaz / Turkey, 2012
- Çorumgaz / Turkey, 2012
- Torosgaz / Turkey, 2012
BOTAÞ CS3 Compressor Station / Kompresör
Ýstasyonu / Turkey, 2011
BOTAÞ Kýrklareli Compressor Station / Komp.
Ýstasyonu / Turkey, 2006-2013
TPAO NG Process Plant / Çayaðzý Doðalgaz Proses
Tesisi / Turkey, 2009
Botas Malkoclar-Istanbul Mail Line Services, 2013
Botaþ Malkoçlar-Ýstanbul Ana Hat Valf Servisleri, 2013
TPAO Marmara Ereðlisi NG Storage Plant /
Doðalgaz Depolama Tesisi / Turkey, 2010-2013
TPAO Marmara Ereglisi NG Storage Facility, 2010
TPAO Marmara Ereðlisi Doðalgaz Depolama, 2010
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Crude-Oil & Fuel / Ham Petrol & Akaryakýt
- CO Transportation / Ham Petrol Taþýma
- CO & Fuel Storage / Ham Petrol & Akaryakýt Depolama
- CO Terminal / Ham Petrol Terminali
- CO Pumping Station / Ham Petrol Pompalama Ýstasyonu
Botaþ Ceyhan Marine Terminal / Deniz Terminali /
Turkey, 2003-2013
Botaþ Kerkük-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline / Ham
Petrol Boru Hattý / Turkey, 2003-2013
Botaþ Int. Haydar Aliyev Marine Terminal / Deniz
Terminali / Turkey, 2007-2012
Botaþ Int. Posof-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline /
Ham Petrol Boru Hattý/ Turkey, 2009-2012
Botaþ Int. BTC PT1-2-3-4 CO Pumping Stations /
Ham Petrol Pompa Ýst. / Turkey, 2009-2012
- CO Pigging Station / Ham Petrol Pig Ýstasyonu
- Petrochemical & Refineries / Petrokimya & Rafineriler
Tüpraþ Refineries / Rafineriler / Turkey, 1980-2013
- Izmir Refinery
- Ýzmit Refinery
- Kýrýkkale Refinery
- Batman Refinery
Refinery Services / Rafineri Servisleri
- Petkim Izmir Refinery
- Petkim Ýzmit Refinery
- Petkim Kýrýkkale Refinery
- Ghom Refinery - Iran, 2011
- Petrochemical Refinery - Poland, 2001
BP - Sangachal Terminal / BP - Sangachal Terminali
/ Azarbaijan, 2011
TPAO - Karadeniz Off-shore Facilities / Off-shore
Tesisleri / Turkey, 2012
Pemi Petroleum Well-Head Valves / Kuyu Baþý
Vanalarý / Turkey, 2010
Storage & Filling Facilities / Depolama & Dolum
Tesisleri / Turkey, 2008-2013
- TPAO Trakya
- OMV- Petrol Ofisi Yeþilköy
- OPET Yeþilköy, Marmara, Ambarlý
- BP-Mobil-Shell-Opet, Yeþilköy
- Çekisan
Botaþ Kerkük-Ceyhan Ham Petrol Boru Hattý, 2011
Botas Kerkuk-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline, 2011
BP-Mobil-Shell-Opet Havacýlýk Terminali / Istanbul, 2011
BP-Mobil-Shell-Opet Air Terminal/ Istanbul, 2011
BTC Posof-Ceyhan Ham Petrol Boru Hattý (BVT30), 2009
Opet Marmara Ereðlisi Depolama Tesisi, 2009-2013
BTC Posof-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline (BVT30), 2009
Opet Marmara Ereglisi Fuel Storage Facility, 2009-2013
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Power Plant / Enerji Santrali
- NG Combined Cycle Plant / Doðalgaz Çevrim Santrali
- Thermal Power Plant / Termal Güç Santrali
- Hydro Electric Station / Hidro Elektrik Santrali
Power Station Services / Güç Santrali Servis Ýþleri
- Unimar Enerji-Marmara Ereðlisi / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Enerji SA / Turkey, 2003-2013
- Trakya Elektrik - Marmara Ereðlisi / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Modern Enerji-Çorlu 1-2 / Turkey, 2004-2013
- Trakya Cam-Lüleburgaz / Turkey, 2000-2013
- Doða Enerji-Esenyurt / Turkey, 2002-2013
- Eren Enerji-Adams Armaturen / Turkey, 2009-2013
- RMS Reducing and Metering Stations /
Basýnç Düþürme ve Ölçme Ýstasyonu
- Mondi Tire Kutsan / Turkey, 2012
- Delta Enerji / Turkey, 2011-2013
- Aksa Enerji / Turkey, 2012-2013
Electricity Production Stations Valve Services / Elektrik
Üretim Santrali Valf Servisleri
- Hamitabat Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant / Doðalgaz
Kombine Çevrim Santrali / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Bursa Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant / Doðalgaz
Kombine Çevrim Santrali / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Park Termik Elektrik / Turkey, 2010
- Tunçbilek Thermal Power Plant /
Termik Santral /Turkey, 2007-2013
- Baymina Enerji / Turkey, 2004-2013
- Çan Thermal Plant / Termik Santral / Turkey, 2011
- Intergen-Enka / Turkey, 2002-2005
- Entek Elektrik / Turkey, 2009-2013
- Çolakoðlu / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Afþin-Elbistan / Turkey, 2006
- Nuh Enerji Üretim / Turkey, 2002-2013
- Aksa Akrilik Power Plant / Turkey, 2010-2013
- Akenerji / Turkey, 2001-2013
- Batýçim Elektrik Üretim / Turkey, 2001-2013
Aksa Acrylic Power Station / Yalova, 2011
Aksa Akrilik Enerji Santrali / Yalova, 2011
Unimar Power Station / Marmara Ereglisi, 2010
Unimar Enerji Santrali / Marmara Ereðlisi, 2010
EnerjiSA Power Station / Canakkale, 2009
EnerjiSA Enerji Santrali / Çanakkale, 2009
Vastas Valve Services / Vastaþ Valf Servisleri
Other / Diðer
- Methanol Facilities / Metanol Tesisleri
- Water Pipeline / Su Boruhattý
- Waste Water Pipeline / Atýk-Su Boruhattý
- LNG Storage / LNG Depolama
LNG Services / LNG Servisleri
- NIGC-Shiraz LNG / Iran, 2011
- Botaþ-LNG Storage & Filling Plants / LNG Depolama
& Dolum Tesisleri / Turkey, 2009-2013
- Butangaz LNG Storage & Filling Plants / LNG
Depolama & Dolum Tesisleri / Turkey, 2011-2013
Iron-Steel Ind. Services / Demir Çelik End. Servisleri
- Erdemir Iron and Steel Industry Plant / Demir Çelik
Tesisleri / Turkey, 1990-2012
Ýsdemir Iron&Steel Indutry / Demir Çelik Tesisleri /
Turkey, 1990-2010
Diler Demir Çelik - Iron and Steel Industry Plant /
Demir Çelik Endüstri / Turkey, 2001-2013
- LPG Storage / LPG Depolama
- Silver & Copper Facilities / Gümüþ & Bakýr Ýþletmeleri
- LPG Storage / LPG Depolama
Other Services / Diðer Servis Ýþleri
- AZ-ME-CO Methanol Facilities / Metanol Tesisleri
/ Azerbaijan, 2012-2013
- Eti Silver Plant / Eti Gümüþ / Turkey, 2012
- Eti Copper / Eti Bakýr / Turkey, 2012
- Modern Paper Factory / Karton Kaðýt Fabrikasý /
Turkey, 2007-2013
- Verbundplan Water Dam / Birecik Barajý / Turkey
- Konya Sugar Factory / Þeker Fabrikasý / Turkey
- Boðazlýyan Sugar Factory / Þeker Fabrikasý / Turkey
- Koza Polyester / Polyester / Turkey, 2012-2013
Çolakoðlu Iron and Steel Industry Plant / Demir Çelik
Endüstri / Turkey, 2006-2013
- ÝSKÝ Waste Water Treatment Plant / Atýk Su Arýtma
Tesisi / Turkey, 2003
Ýçdaþ Iron and Steel Industry Plant / Demir Çelik
Endüstri / Turkey, 2010-2013
- Amman Al-Samra Waste Water Transmission
Pipeline / Atýk Su Ýletim Boru Hattý / Jordan, 2002
- Akçansa & Aþkale Cement Factories / Çimento
Fabrikalarý / Turkey, 2012-2013
Eti Kýrka Bor Tesisi / Eskiþehir, 2012
Eti Kýrka Boron Facility / Eskiþehir, 2012
AZ-ME-CO Metanol Tesisleri / Azerbaycan, 2012-2013
AZ-ME-CO Methonal Facility / Azerbaijan, 2012-2013
Ýsdemir Demir Çelik Tesisleri / Ýskenderun, 1990-2010
Isdemir Iron&Steel Facility / Iskenderun, 1990-2010
Vastaþ Valf Armatür Sanayi
Ticaret Anonim Þirketi
Main Plant
Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Sabanci Cad. No:22 Cerkezkoy 59500 Tekirdag TURKEY
T: +90 282 758 36 50 (pbx) F: +90 282 758 36 59
Istanbul Office
Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B/Blok Kat:13 No:2365 Okmeydani Sisli 34384 Istanbul TURKEY
T: +90 212 221 39 81, +90 212 222 42 71, F: +90 212 222 63 59
6A-1301 600-0043
6D-0449 602-0035
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 18001