ASLI ÇARKOĞLU Kadir Has University Department of Psychology


ASLI ÇARKOĞLU Kadir Has University Department of Psychology
Kadir Has University Department of Psychology
Kadir Has Caddesi, Cibali, İstanbul
Work: (212) 533 6532-1612
Post-Doctoral Certificate Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ
Research area: Medical Anthropology
August, 2004
(Advisor: Prof. Mark Nichter)
Ph.D. Department of Child Development & Family Studies. Purdue University, W.
Lafayette, IN
Major: Family Studies
August, 2003
Dissertation: Exploring Relationship-Focused Coping: Turkish Couples and Diabetes.
(Co-Chairs: Associate Prof. Joan Jurich & Prof Dena Targ)
M.S. Department of Child Development & Family Studies. Purdue University, W.
Lafayette, IN
Major: Family Studies
January, 1998
Thesis: The Association between Mother Characteristics and Perception of Infant
(Co-Chairs: Associate Prof. Joan Jurich & Prof Judith Myers-Walls)
Graduate courses attended, Department of Psychology, Bogazici University, Istanbul
Major: Clinical Psychology
B.A. Department of Psychology, Bogazici University, Istanbul
Major: Psychology (with Honors)
January, 1993
Associate Professorship via Turkish Higher Education Council
May, 2013
Full-time Faculty Member Department of Psychology, Kadir Has University, Istanbul
2013Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul.
Instructor Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul.
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Part-time Instructor Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul
Published Papers:
Navas-Acien A., Carkoglu A., Ergor G., Hayran M., Erguder T., Kaplan B., Susan J.,
Magid H., Pollak J., Cohen J. Compliance with smoke-free tobacco legislation
observations of smoking, ashtrays, cigarette butts, and smoking signs in indoor and
outdoor public places: A 12-city study in Turkey. Bulletin of World Health
Organization;94:92–102 (SCI; IF: 5.089)
Moon K. A., Magid H., Torrey C., Rule A. M., Ferguson J., Susan J., Sun Z., Abubaker S.,
Levshin V., Çarkoğlu A., Radwan G. N., El-Rabbat M., Cohen J., Strickland P., NavasAcien A., Breysse P. N. (2015). Secondhand Smoke in Waterpipe Tobacco Venues in
Istanbul, Moscow, and Cairo. Environmental Research, 142, 568-574. (SCI; IF: 4.373)
Carkoglu, A., Kafescioglu Aydın, N., & Akdas Mitrani, A. (2012). Review of explicit
family policies in Turkey from a systemic approach. Journal of Child and Family
Studies, 21(1), 42-52. (SSCI; IF: 1.163 ; Web of Science:2 citations)
Nichter, M., Nichter, M., Carkoglu, A. & Lyod-Richardson, E. (2010). Smoking and
drinking among college students: “It's a package deal”. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
106(1), 16-20. (SCI; IF: 3,423 ; Web of Science:14 citationS)
Nichter, M., Nichter, M. & Carkoglu, A. (2007). Reconsidering stress and smoking: A
qualitative study among college students. Tobacco Control, 16, 211-214. (SSCI & SCI;
IF: 5,933 ; Web of Science:20 citations)
Nichter, M., Nichter, M., Lyod-Richardson, E., Flaherty, B., Carkoglu, A., & Taylor, N.
(2006). Gendered dimensions of smoking among college students. Journal of
Adolescent Research, 21(3), 215-243. (SSCI; IF: 1,455 ; Web of Science:41 citations)
Book Chapters:
Çarkoglu, A. & Kafescioğlu Aydın, N. (2013); For whose sake is it anyway: Evaluation
of explicit family policies in Turkey. In Mihaela Robila (Ed.) Family Policies Across the
Globe. Springer: New York.
Nichter, M., Nichter, M., Lyod-Richardson, E., Flaherty, B., Carkoglu, A., & Taylor, N.
(2010). Gendered dimensions of smoking among college students. In J.A. Inciardi & K.
McElrath (Eds.) The American Drug Scene: An Anthology 6th Edition (pp. 106-125).
New York: Oxford University Press.
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Çarkoğlu, A., Yazan, G., Haspolat, C., Arslan, Y., Yel, R., Gül, H., Kara, M.C. TAPDK
İçim Rejimleri İnceleme Komisyonu Raporu (Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulation
Agency Cigarette Smoking Protocols Investigation Committee Report). September
2010: Ankara.
Myers-Walls, J., Elicker, J., Bandyk, J., Carkoglu, A., Dolbin, M., Hall, S., Robbins, D. &
Romero, L. (2000). Healthy Families Indiana outcome evaluation final report. Purdue
University, Department of Child Development and Family Studies.
Educational Resources:
Jurich, J.; Seery, B. L. with Cobb, L. A., Carkoglu, A., DeRaus, L. A., Harpel, T.,
Hertzog, J., Keller, M., Rose, W., & Takigiku, S. (1998). Feminism and family studies
course syllabi. Feminism and Family Studies Section, National Council on Family
Çarkoğlu, A. (2006). PY Case Study: Türkiye’de Sigara Karşıtı Pazarlama -- Hedef Kitle
Öncelikle Kadınlar Olmalı (Tobacco Control Marketing in Turkey – Target Population
Needs to be Women). Popüler Yönetim, 8, 45.
Çarkoğlu, A. & Krespi, M.R. (2013). “Ben” nesli sokakta (“Me” Generation on the
streets/in protest). KHAS Panorama, 11, 20-22.
Manuscripts in Progress:
Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Çarkoğlu, A. and Öner, S. Effect of Couple Communication
Patterns and Conflict Resolution Styles on Relationship Satisfaction. Manuscript in
Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Çarkoğlu, A. and Özer, S. The effect of Fillial Therapy on child,
parent and family related variables. Manuscript in progress.
Çarkoğlu, A., Nichter, M. and Nichter M. Biopolitics of Tobacco Cessation in Turkey. A
news analysis brief report. Manuscript in progress.
Country PI with Prof. Mimi Nichter and Prof Mark Nichter “Building Capacity for
Illness-Specific Tobacco Cessation among Nurses and Clinical Psychologists in Turkey”,
funded by Global Bridges: Healthcare Alliance for Tobacco Dependence Treatment.
Co-PI with Dr. Mary Lou O’Neil “Perceptions of gender roles and status of women in
the public sphere in Turkey- Phase 1 (Türkiye’De Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rollerinin Ve
Kadının Toplumdaki Yerinin Kamuoyundaki Algısı)”, funded by Kadir Has University
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Co-PI/Country Coordinator with Dr. Ana Navas-Acien “Implementation of the
Smoke-Free Compliance Guide: Country-wide Evidence from Turkey” funded by the
Bloomberg Foundation.
Country PI with Dr. Katherine Clegg-Smith “TPackSS-Turkey: Tobacco Product
Packaging Surveillance System- Turkey”, funded by the Institute for Global Tobacco
Country PI with Dr. Ana Navas-Acien and Dr. Patrick Breysse “Water Pipe Secondhand
Smoke Exposure: Characterization of Environmental Toxicants and Tobacco
Biomarkers” funded by the Bloomberg Foundation.
Co-PI with Dr. Nilüfer Kafescioğlu-Aydın and Dr. Serap Özer “Fillial Therapy
Effectiveness Study with Turkish Parent-Child Pairs” funded by TÜBİTAK 1003.
Co-PI with Prof. Ali Çarkoğlu, “Subjective well-being, perception of health and
religiosity: An exploratory study” funded by TUBITAK 1001.
Co-PI with Prof. Ann McNeil and Erdem Pulcu, “Turkish Cigarette Testing
Protocols and Human Smoking Behavior” funded by CRUK (Cancer Research UK)
Post-Doctoral Fellow Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Supervisor: Mark Nichter).
Graduate Project Coordinator for TERN (Tobacco Etiology Research Network)
“UPTERN (University Project for Tobacco Etiology Research Network) - Ethnography
component” funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Supervisors: Mark &
Mimi Nichter, Elizabeth Lloyd-Richardson & Christopher Agnew).
Research Assistant Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue
University “The Effects of Social Ecological Factors and Timing of Immigration on Post
World War II Immigrant Japanese Women’s Personal and Relational Experiences”
(Supervisor: Paula Usita)
Research Assistant Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue
University “Healthy Families Indiana Evaluation Project” (Supervisor: Judith MyersWalls).
Undergraduate Research Assistant Department of Psychology, Bogazici University,
Istanbul. “Instrumental Support for Female Breast Cancer Patients” (Supervisors: Pınar
Serbest and Güliz Elal-Lawrence).
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Undergraduate Research Assistant Department of Psychology, Bogazici University,
Istanbul. “Turkish Early Childhood Enrichment Program Tenth-year Follow-up”
(Supervisors: Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı, Diane Sunar & Sevda Bekman).
Research Grant, Global Bridges
Project Title: Building Capacity for Illness-Specific Tobacco Cessation among Nurses
and Clinical Psychologists in Turkey (199,998 USD)
Research Grant, Bloomberg Foundation
Project Title: Implementation of the Smoke-Free Compliance Guide: Country-wide
Evidence from Turkey (246,050 USD)
Research Grant, Bloomberg Foundation
Project Title: Second-hand Smoke Exposure at Water Pipe Cafes in Istanbul
(21,600 USD)
Research Grant, Bloomberg Foundation
Project Title: Tpacss-Turkey: Tobacco Pack Surveillance System,
(9,200 USD)
Research Grant, TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
Project Title: Subjective well-being, perception of health and religiosity
(120,000 TL/ 60,000 USD)
Research Grant, CRUK (Cancer Research UK)
Project Title: Turkish Cigarette Testing Protocols and Human Smoking Behavior
(80,000 GBP/120,000 USD)
Scholarship, Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC), JHSPH
Summer 2006
Program Title: Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health Intensive Tobacco
Control Summer Program
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Project Title: UPTERN: University Project for Tobacco Etiology Research Network
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Department of Psychology, Kadir Has University, Istanbul
PSY 201 “Research Methods in Psychology I”
PSY 212 “Developmental Psychology”
PSY 321 “Close Relationships and Families”
PSY 429 “Psychology and Communication”
PSY 301 “Positive Psychology”
Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul
PSY 103 “Introduction to Psychology”
PSY 201 “Research Methods in Psychology I”
PSY 212 “Developmental Psychology”
PSY 301 “Selected Topics in Psychology: Positive Psychology”
PSY 319 “Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology: Adolescence in Context”
PSY 344 “Motivation and Emotion”
PSY 443 “Family and Group Dynamics”
PSY 442/529 “Health Psychology”
Couple and Family Therapy Masters Program, Doğuş University, Istanbul
PSY 511 “Advanced Developmental Psychology”
PSY 518 “Family Studies”
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancı University, Istanbul
SOC 318/518 “Qualitative Research Methods”
ANTH 326 “Anthropology of Body, Health and Illness”
Cultural Studies Masters Program, Boğazici University, Istanbul
CS 504 “Research Methods”
Health Psychology Masters Program, Okan University, Istanbul
Selected Topics in Health Psychology
Department of Psychology, Bogazici University, Istanbul
PSY 489 “Selected Topics in Group Psychology: Close Relationships”
Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue University, W.
Lafayette, IN.
CDFS 431 “Skills for Helping Professionals”
Bölükbaşı, İdil. Üniversite öğrencilerinde sigara kullanımı, dürtüsellik ve sabahçılakşamcıl tipleri arasındaki ilişkiler (The relationship between smoking, impulsivity
and chronotypes among university students). Okan University Clinical-Health
psychology MA Program. July, 2012.
Üzümcü, Şule. Tip 2 Diyabet Hastalarında, Diurnal Tercihler, Uyku Kalitesi, Sigara Ve
Kafein Tüketimi Arasındaki İlişki ( The relationship between diurnal preferences,
sleep quality, tobacco and caffein use among patients with type 2 diabetes). Okan
University Clinical-Health psychology MA Program. September, 2014.
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Affiliated Faculty Member
Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center
Kadir Has University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Executive Board
Kadir Has University, Istanbul
Faculty Coordinator
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Bologna Educational
Adaptation Committee, Kadir Has University, Istanbul
Animal Research Ethics Committee
Koç University, Istanbul
Department of Psychology
Doğuş University, Istanbul
Human Research Ethics Committee
Doğuş University, Istanbul
Graduate Advocate
Women’s Resource Office,
Purdue University W. Lafayette, IN.
Turkish Psychologists Association Istanbul Chapter
European Health Psychology Society
International Association for Relationship Research
Turkish Psychologists Association
NCFR (National Council on Family Relations)
Papers Presented:
Carkoglu, A. (2015). Challenges and opportunities for tobacco control research in
Turkey. 1st. International Tobacco Control Research Workshop, March 24-26 2015,
Ankara, Turkey.
Carkoglu, A. (2015) Assessing air quality and secondhand smoke biomarkers in water
pipe cafes in Turkey. 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, March 17-21 2015,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
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Carkoglu, A. (2014). Çocuğa Yönelik Şiddeti Önleme Programı Geliştirme Ve
Değerlendirmesi Nasıl Yapılmalı? Healthy Families Indiana’dan Dersler (How to evaluate
child abuse prevention programs: Lessons from Health Families Indian). I. Uluslararası
Çocuk Koruma Kongresi, 23-25 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Carkoglu, A. (2014). Son 10 Yılda Sağlık Psikolojisi Eğitimi Alanında Neler Yaptık? Neler
Hedefliyoruz? (What have we been doing in the area of Health Psychology Education in
Turkey in the last 10 years? What are our future plans?). 18th National Psychology
Conference, April 2014, Bursa Turkey.
Carkoglu, A. (2014). Psikolojide Yöntem Çeşitliliği, Disipliner Bütünlük Ve Güncel
Tartışmalar (Current discussions on methodological multiplisity, disciplinary integrity in
psychology). 18th National Psychology Conference, April 2014, Bursa Turkey.
Carkoglu, A. (2013). Informal Social Networks, Gender and Well-Being in Turkey, CRFR
(Center for Research on Families and Relationships) International Conference, 10-12
June 2013, Edinburgh, UK.
Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Çarkoğlu, A. & Öner, S (2012). Effect of Couple Communication
Patterns and Conflict Resolution Styles on Relationship Satisfaction, InPact
(International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends) 2012, 24-26 May,
2012, Lizbon, Portugal.
Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Özer, S & Çarkoğlu, A. (2012). Filial Terapi'nin Çocuk, Ebeveyn
ve Aile Değişkenleri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi (The Effect of Filial Therapy on Child,
Parent and Family Related Variables), 17. National Psychology Congress, 25-28 April
2012, Istanbul.
Çarkoğlu, A., Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Akdaş Mitrani, T.A. (2011), “Policies for and Politics
of the Turkish Family”, 2011 ISPP Conference, 9-12 July 2011, Istanbul.
Çarkoğlu, A. & Çarkoğlu, A. (2011), “Religious Orientation, Life Satisfaction and SocioPolitical Attitudes”, 2011 ISPP Conference, 9-12 July 2011, Istanbul.
Kafescioğlu Aydın, N., Çarkoğlu, A., Öner, S., Duymaz, G., Özcanlı, F. (2011), “The
Couple Communication and Interaction Patterns in the Turkish Context”. IACCP
(International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology) –Regional, , 30 June-3 July
2011, Istanbul.
Çarkoğlu, A. & Çarkoğlu, A. (2011). Happiness and religiosity relationship in a nonChristian population. IACCP (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology) –
Regional, 30 June-3 July 2011, Istanbul.
Çarkoglu, A. & Carkoglu, A. (2010). Measuring the effort to be happy. 1st World
Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, 22-24 April 2010, Antalya,
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Çarkoğlu, A. & Çarkoğlu, A. (2009). Relationship between subjective well-being and
social capital in Turkey. 11th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July 2009, Oslo,
Pulcu, E., McNeill, A. & Çarkoglu, A. (2008). Cigarettes, Smoking Behaviour and
Exposure Among Turkish Smokers. SRNT -Society for Research on Nicotine and
Tobacco- Europe Conference, September, 2008, Rome, Italy.
Çarkoglu, A. & Nichter, M. (2004). Smoking as a response to stress among college
freshmen. Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Meeting, March, 2004, Dallas,
Texas, USA.
Çarkoglu, A. (2002). Turkish couples’ coping with Diabetes: A dyadic approach.
National Council on Family Relations, 64th Annual Conference, November 2002,
Houston, Texas, USA.
Myers-Walls, J., Elicker, J., Benner, A., Çarkoglu, A., Dolbin, M., & Robbins, D. (March,
1999). Healthy Families Participants: How Satisfied Are They? Who Benefits Most? Fifth
National Healthy Families America Conference, Chicago, IL.
Elicker, J., Myers-Walls, J., Çarkoglu, A., Cobb, L., & Ball, J. (November, 1998). New
Research on Healthy Families America: The Influence of Family Characteristics. Health
Families Indiana Think Tank Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Myers-Walls, J., Elicker, J., Çarkoglu, A., Cobb L., & Ball, J. (November, 1998). New
research on Healthy Families America: Implications for practice. 12th National
Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cincinnati, OH.
Posters Presented:
Nichter, M. & Çarkoğlu, A. (May 2016). Building Capacity for Illness-Specific Tobacco
Cessation among Nurses & Clinical Psychologists in Turkey. Global Tobacco
Dependence Treatment Summit 2016, Rochester, MN, USA.
Çarkoglu, A., Ozen, S. & Kafescioglu, N., (May, 2014). Love And Happiness: Gaining A
Deeper Understanding About The Relationship Of The Ultimate Duo. 26th Annual
Convention Of Association For Psychological Science, San Francisco, USA.
Çarkoglu, A. & Carkoglu, A. (July, 2009). Perceived health, health-risk behaviors and
life satisfaction: Recent findings from Turkey. 11th European Congress of Psychology,
Oslo Norway.
Yakalı-Camoğlu, D. & Çarkoglu, A. (July, 2006). Turkish Family Narratives in Time: The
Relationships Between Mothers- and Daughters-in-law. International Association for
Relationship Research Conference, Rethymno, Crete, Greece.
Çarkoglu, A. & Seery, B. (November, 2001). Relationship-focused coping strategies
used by diabetic Turkish couples. National Council on Family Relations, 63rd.Annual
Conference, Rochester, NY.
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Çarkoglu, A. (November, 1998). Reaching a couple meaning of illness for couples with
a chronically ill child: A theoretical model. National Council on Family Relations, 60th
Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Research Consultant Anadolu Kültür A.Ş.
2005-2012 (A national NGO working in the local cultural policymaking arena)
Research Consultant, Frekans Public Survey Company, Istanbul
2012Instructor, Satir Family Therapy Institute Turkey, Istanbul
Statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, AMOS); Qualitative data management/analysis tools
(ATLAS.ti); E-learning tools (WebCT, BlackBoard).
English- Fluent
Turkish- Native Language
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