
Curriculum Vitae
Name and Surname:
E-mail Address:
Ph.D, Department of European Union Politics and International Relations,
European Union Institute, Marmara University, Istanbul.
M.A., Department of European Union Politics and International Relations,
European Union Institute, Marmara University, Istanbul.
B.A., Department of International Relations, Faculty of Economics,
Administrative and Social Sciences, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Working Experiences:
Gedik University, Istanbul – Vice-Director of European Union Application and
Research Center
Gedik University, Istanbul - Assist.Prof.Dr.
DHL Worldwide Express – Commercial Coordinator
Institutional Affiliations:
Associated Researcher, European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and
Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA)
Founder and representative of Istanbul Circle of Mediterranean Citizens’
Assembly (ACIMEDIT)
Courses Thought:
Integration and Theories of the European Union
(Spring 2014)
International Organizations
(Fall 2013-2014)
International Politics
(Spring 2013, Spring 2014)
Political History I
(Fall 2012-2013)
Environment and Social Responsibility
(Fall 2011-2012, Fall 2012-2013, Fall
International Trade Law
(Fall 2011-2012)
Edited Books Published:
Ünver Noi, Aylin (2013). Islam and Democracy: The Perspectives on the Arab Spring. New
Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Books Published:
Ünver Noi, Aylin. (2011). The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Broader Middle East
and North Africa Initiative: Competing or Complementary Projects?. Lanham: University
Press of America.
Ünver Noi, Aylin. (2007). Avrupa’da Yükselen Milliyetçilik (The Rising Nationalism in
Europe). İstanbul: IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık.
Articles Published in Edited Books:
Ünver Noi, Aylin (2013). Introduction in Aylin Ünver Noi (Ed.) Islam and Democracy:
Perspectives on the Arab Spring, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (2013). Arab Spring and Its Effects on Regional Alignments in Aylin Ünver
Noi (Ed.) Islam and Democracy: Perspectives on the Arab Spring, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, New Castle.
Ünver Noi, Aylin & Kawakibi, Salam (2013). Turkey-Syria Relations Before and After the
Arab Spring in Aylin Ünver Noi (Ed.) Islam and Democracy: Perspectives on the Arab
Spring, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle.
Ünver Noi, Aylin & Amirahmadi, Hooshang (2013). Iran and the Arab Spring in Aylin Ünver
Noi (Ed.) Islam and Democracy: Perspectives on the Arab Spring, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, New Castle.
Ünver Noi, Aylin. (2011). A debate on EU and US Aproaches towards Iran: The Case of
Iran’s Nuclear Program in Munevver Cebeci (Ed.) Issues in EU and US Foreign Policy,
Lexington Books, Lanham.
Ünver Noi, Aylin. (2010). Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Bahram
Navazeni (Ed.) Iran and the World: Some Contemporary Developments, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, Newcastle.
Articles Published in Referreed and Indexed Journals:
Ünver Noi, Aylin (June 2013). The Clash of Islamic Models. Current Trends in Islamist
Ideology, Vol. 15. 52-74
Ünver Noi, Aylin (June-December 2012). Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in
the Changing International Environment. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, 25. 1-2., 43-58.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (Aralık 2012). Arap Baharı ve Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye İlişkilerine Etkisi
(Arab Spring and its Impact on the European Union-Turkey Relations). Ortadoğu
Analiz(Middle East Analyze), 4. 48., 10-19.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (Summer 2012). The Arab Spring: Should Turkey Coordinate Its Foreign
Policy with the European Union? Mediterranean Quarterly, 23.3., 63-81.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (Summer 2012). Arab Spring: Its Effects on Kurds and Approaches of
Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq to the Kurdish Issue. Middle East Review of International Affairs
Ünver Noi, Aylin (2009). Transatlantic Relationship between the European Union and the
United States with a Special Focus on Their Approaches towards Middle East and North
Africa Region in the Post-Cold War Era: From Competition to Cooperation?. Marmara
Journal of European Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1-2, 121-143.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (Autumn-Winter 2006). Iran and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Is
it Possible for Iran to become full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization under
Pressure of Nuclear Issue?. Perceptions Journal of International Affairs, XI, 79-103.
Ünver Noi, Aylin (Spring 2005). Iran’s Nuclear Program: EU’s Approach to Iran in
Comparison to US’ Approach. Perceptions Journal of International Affairs, X, 79-95.
Other Articles:
Ünver Noi, Aylin (December 2013). The Changing Dynamics in the MENA and Possible
Repercussions of Iran Nuclear Deal on Regional Powers. European Institute for Research on
Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA)
Ünver Noi, Aylin (February 10, 2013). The Arab Spring: Turkey and the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization. Today’s Zaman
Ünver Noi, Aylin (July 2012). The Place of Free Trade Areas in the Foreign Policy of the
United States and the European Union towards Middle East and North Africa and Possible
Effects of the Arab Spring on these Policies (Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa
Birliği’nin Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika Dış Politikalarında Serbest Ticaret Bölgeleri’nin Yeri
ve Arap Baharı’nın bu Politikalar Üzerindeki Olası Etkiler) PESIAD (Journal of Pendik
Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association), 9, 12-13.
Conferences, Seminars, Panels and Working Groups Attended:
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘Opening Speech’ and ‘Religion and Democracy in the Mediterranean,’
Mediterranean Dialogues: Citizenship and Conflicts, The Fourth Meeting of Mediterranean
Citizens’ Assembly, Istanbul (Turkey), 21-24 November 2013.
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘EU and the Emerging Powers: Can Turkey Bridge the Gap between the
EU and BRICS in the Middle East and North Africa?’ EU and the Emerging Powers, Center
for European Studies at UCL, Centre for Global Governance Studies KU Leuven, College of
Europe-Collége d’Europe, Department of Political Sciences Ghent University, Department of
Political Sciences Ulg, Institute for European Studies at ULB, Institute for European Studies
at Université Saint Louis, Institute for European Studies at VUB, European Parliament,
Brussels, April 29-30, 2013
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘Women Rights in the MENA in the post-Arab Spring era’, The Middle
East Dialogue 2013, Policy Study Organization (PSO) and University of WisconsinMilwaukie, Washington DC, February 21, 2013.
Ünver Noi, Aylin, Changes in the Mediterranean, the Dynamics of the Citizens’ Circles and
the Future of the MCA, The Third Meeting of Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly, Volos
(Greece), October 2012.
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘Arab Spring and Its Effects on Regional Alignments’, Arab Spring:
Getting It Right, 13th Annual Conference of Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy
(CSID) co-sponsored by Georgetown University, Washignton DC, 03 Mayıs 2012
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘The Current Security Challenges of the European Union’, EU-CONSENT:
Wider Europe, Deeper Integration?, Framework Programme-FP6 Project Dissemination
Meeting, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 21 Mayıs 2009
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘Iran’s Nuclear Programme and its Possible Effects in the EuroMediterranean Area’, EuroMeSCo 2008 Annual Conference, Working Group 6: Nuclear
Proliferation in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Trends and Policy Options for Europe and
“Barcelona Plus”, Euro-Mediterranean Relations Between Continuity and Reinforced
Cooperation. Quo Vadis Barcelona?, Amman, 16-17 Ekim 2008.
Ünver Noi, Aylin, ‘Democratic Deficit in the European Union’, “Imagine Europe” European
Youth Democracy Project under the framework of Youth in Action Program of European
(EUROMEDIST), Istanbul, 18 Nisan 2008
International Political Science Association (IPSA)

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