COURSE CONTENTS POL 101 Introduction to Political Science (3+0)


COURSE CONTENTS POL 101 Introduction to Political Science (3+0)
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to introduce to the students the related literature while trying to make
them obtain necessary conceptual and methodological understanding for the field. Political
legitimacy and authority, ideal legitimacy types, traditional legitimacy, legal-rational
legitimacy, charismatic legitimacy, classification of political systems, autonomy of politics,
fragility of politics and grounds of politics are some of the main topics which will be dealt
with during the course.
Course Material:
 Cemil Oktay, Siyaset Bilimi İncelemeleri, Alfa Yayınları:2007 (Üçüncü Baskı)
 Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Çağdaş Siyasal Bilim, Beta Yayınları:1984
 Ali Yaşar Sarıbay-S.S.Öğün, Bir Politik Bilim Perspektifi, Asa Yayınları:1988
IR 101 Introduction to International Relations (3+0)
Purpose of this course is making the students familiar with the main topics of international
politics by teaching them the basic concepts of International Relations. In the course,
conceptual framework of international politics and factors determining foreign policy will be
Course Material:
International Politics:A Framework for Analysis, K.J. Holsti New Jersey PrenticeHall,1995,
Faruk Sönmezoğlu, Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş, Der Yayınları,2005
Chris Brown ve Kirsten Ainley, Uluslararası İlişkileri Anlamak, Arzu Oyacıoğlu
(Çeviren) Yayınodası Yayınları, 2008
Hans Morgenthau, Uluslararası Politika, Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği Yayınları ,
ECON 101 -Micro Economics (4+0)
Basic concepts, application examples of basic processes, supply and demand models, demand
curve, consumer behaviours, supply curve and suppliers behaviours, competition, monopoly,
state intervention, business cycle, total supply and total demand, fiscal policy, money and
bank, monetary policy, economic growth, international trade will be the main topics being
dealt in the course
Course Material:
Genel İktisat, Sadık Acar. DEÜ, Hukuk Fakültesi Yayını, 3. Baskı, İzmir. 2000.
Ekonomiye Giriş, Tevfik Pekin, İzmir. 1999.
Ekonomi Bilimi I, Mustafa Özateşler. I. Baskı, İzmir. 2000.
Mikro Ekonomiye Giriş, Tümay Ertek. Beta Yayımcılık, İstanbul. 2005.
Economics, D.Begg, R.Dornbush, S.Fischer, McGraw Hill. 2000.
Economics, R. G. Lipsey, P. O. Steiner, D. D. Purvis, Harper International Edition.
MATH 151 - The Principles of General Mathematics-I(3+0)
It is aimed to teach necessary knowledge and applications of Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Matris,
Determinant, Lineer Algebra to the students of Business and International
Relations.Foundations, coordinates and vectors, functions, limits, continuity, derivative,
tangent lines, the mean value theorem, graphing, extreme values, optimization problems,
linearization and differentials, integration, Riemann sums and definite integrals, the
fundamental theorem of calculus, natural logarithm, exponential functions, inverse
trigonometric functions, L'Hospital's rule, methods of integration, applications of integrals.
Course Material:
Alpha C. Chiang, Matematiksel İktisadın Temel Yöntemleri çevirenler: Doç. Dr.
Osman Aydoğuş, Doç. Dr. Muzaffer Sarımeşeli, Gazi Kitabevi, ( 1999) Ankara.
Prof. Dr. Emin Altan, İktisatçılar için Genel Matematik, Emek Matbaacılık, (1998)
Ernest F. Haeussler Jr., Richard S. Paul, Richard Wood, Introductory Mathematical
Analysis , PEARSON Prentice Hall, USA. ( Türkçe çevirisi)
ATA101 - Atatürk's Principles and Reforms-I (2+0)
In the content of this course, the period fromthe mid-19th century until the year of 1924 will
be examined. Efforts and reforms of Westernization in the late Ottoman period, social and
economic changes, the First World War, the rise of Turkish nationalism, the Independence
War, internal and external affairs, Lausanne Treaty and Declaration of the Republic will be
the main concerns.
Course Material:
Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Devrimi Tarihi, Ayferi Göze.
Türk Devrim Tarihi, Toktamış Ateş.
Türk Devrim Tarihi, Suna Kili.
İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyet’e Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Belgeseli, Orhan Çekiç.
COM150 - Computer Applications(1+2)
To have knowledge about the main components of the computer (hardware and software), to
be able to use Windows System, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Powerpoint, MS Access are the
objectivesof the course.
Course Material:
“Microsoft Windows XP Inside OUT”, Bott E., Siechert C., Microsoft Press, 2001.
“Microsoft Ofiice XP Inside OUT”, Halvorson M., Young M. J. Microsoft Press,
“Bilgisayar Kurs Kitabı”, Arkadaş Yayınevi, 2002
Office XP Training CD Sets, Sera Production Co.
ENG10X - English(2+0)
The course in Fall and the course in Spring are the courses in a combined program observing
the course material. Main target is improving the students' understanding capacity of English
language and their capacity to understand and interpret current and academic texts and
capacity of language skills for using the language as a communication system.
Course Material:
 Quesst (McGrawHill).
TÜRK101 - Turkish Language (2+0)
The definiton of language, types and features, relations between language and art, culture,
literature, methods of understanding texts, knowledge of written communication ( choosing
topics, defining the limits of topics, purpose and vision for writing, preparing a plan for
writing, writing composition in different types and summarizing texts), verbal communication
skills (improvisional speech, prepared speech, debates etc.), Turkish grammar, writing and
Course Material:
 Çotuksöken, YÜniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili, 2 cilt,
güncellenmiş baskı, İstanbul, 2007.
POL 101 - Introduction to Political Science II (3+0)
In this course it is aimed to introduce students the main topics, debates and research fields in
political sociology and to establish a foundation for these areas. Importance of comparetive
method in political science and types of it, political culture, features of modernization process
and political modernity theories are some of the topics which will be dealt with.
Course Material:
 Cemil Oktay, Siyaset Bilimi İncelemeleri, Alfa Yayınları, 2003.
IR 101 - International Relations (3+0)
Strategies, instruments and methods of foreign policy along with the international security
problems, terrorism and armaments are the main topics of the course
Course Material:
International Politics:A Framework for Analysis, K.J. Holsti New Jersey PrenticeHall,1995
 Faruk Sönmezoğlu, Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş, Der Yayınları,2005
Chris Brown ve Kirsten Ainley, Uluslararası İlişkileri Anlamak, Arzu Oyacıoğlu
(Çeviren) Yayınodası Yayınları, 2008
Hans Morgenthau, Uluslararası Politika, Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği Yayınları,1970
ECON 102 - Macro Economics(3+0)
Introduction to macro economy theory, content of macro economy, gross national/domestic
products and their calculation, total supply and demand, equilibrium of gdp, Keynesian
Course Material:
 Besim Üstünel, Ekonominin Temelleri, İstanbul, 1997.
 Ertan Oktay, Makro İktisat Teorisi ve Politikası, İstanbul, 2002.
MATH 152 - The Principles of General Mathematics-II(3+0)
Sequences and series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, lengths of plane curves, polar coordinates
and complex numbers, lines, planes and quadric surfaces in space, functions of several
variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, differentiability, the chain rule, directional
derivatives, extreme values, multiple integrals, integrals in polar, cylindrical and spherical
coordinates, line integrals and surface integrals.
Course Material
Alpha C. Chiang, Matematiksel İktisadın Temel Yöntemleri çevirenler: Doç. Dr.
Osman Aydoğuş, Doç. Dr. Muzaffer Sarımeşeli, Gazi Kitabevi, ( 1999) Ankara.
Prof. Dr. Emin Altan, İktisatçılar için Genel Matematik, Emek Matbaacılık, (1998)
Ernest F. Haeussler Jr., Richard S. Paul, Richard Wood, Introductory Mathematical
Analysis , PEARSON Prentice Hall, USA. ( Türkçe çevirisi)
ATA 102 - Atatürk's Principle and Reforms-II (2+0)
This course covers the period from Lausanne Treaty to the demise of Atatürk. The reforms
related with the Principles, developments in social and economic areas, changes in cultural
and ideologic sides, events in domestic and foreign affairs and the situation of Turkey in
world politics will be undertaken.
Course Material:
Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Devrimi Tarihi, Ayferi Göze.
Türk Devrim Tarihi, Toktamış Ateş.
Türk Devrim Tarihi, Suna Kili.
İmparatorluk’tan Cumhuriyet’e Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Belgeseli, Orhan Çekiç.
ENG 10X - English- II (3+0)
In addition to general purpose of ENG 151, in this course it is aimed to improve students'
academic writing skills.
Course Material:
 Quest (McGraw-Hill) Suplementary Materials
TÜRK 102- Turkish Language- II (2+0)
World and Turkic languages, methods of analysing instructive and descriptive texts, written
expression knowledge ( sampling, defining, comparing, citation, quotation, using statistics);
verbal expression knowledge (improvisional speech, prepared speech etc.)
Course Material:
 Çotuksöken, YusufÜniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili, Güncellenmiş
baskı, İstanbul, 2008.
CIV 150 - History of Civilizations (2+0)
Aim is to give to the students an understanding of the process of civilizations. In this manner
the historical developments will be taken with their connection the knowledge. Topics
regarding the agricultural revolution, written and verbal culture, differences between
mythology and philosophical thinking, defining the civilization, the Reform and the
Renassaince movements along with the topics of the definiton and the types of knowledge,
differences in the contents and the methods between natural sciences and cultural sciences
will be examined.
Course Material:
 Uygarlıkların Grameri, Fernand Braudel, İmge Yayınevi, 2001.
 Felsefe ve Doğa Bilimleri, Doğan Özlem, Doğu-Batı Yayınları, 2008.
 Kültür Bilimleri ve Kültür Felsefesi, Doğan Özlem, İnkılâp Yayınevi, 2000.
POL 201 Political History (1789-1914) (3+0)
In this course it is aimed to teach students the political events between the French Revolution
and First World War. The French Revolution, Vienna Congress, Revolutions of 1830 and
1848, Industrial Revolution, American Inpendence Wars, German and Italian confederations,
rising of Germany, changing balance of power in Europe, Ottoman Empire in 19th century
and First World War are main topics to be dealt with in the course.
Course Material:
 Oral Sander, Siyasi Tarih, İmge Yayınları, Ankara, 2006
POL 203 - Political Theories (3+0)
During this course, the area of political theory as an academic discipline along with the
questions asked and answered by the political theorists will be discussed.
Course Material:
 Political Science: An Introduction,Michael G. Roskin, Robert L. Cord, James A.
Medeiros,Walter S. Jones, Prentice Hall,2002.
 Mete Tunçay, Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi, Bilgi Üni. Yayınları.
LAW 154 - Constitutional Law (2+0)
The Constitution, Constitutional Law and State, Democracy, Marxism and Fascism, General
Principles of Democracy, Constitutional Movements in Turkey, Constitution of 1924,
Constitution of 1961, Constitution of 1982 and general principles of these, legislation process
and functions, structure of TBMM and working style, execution process and functions, the
Presidency, the Cabinet's functions, the Jurisdiction and Turkish Jurisdictional structure,
Human Rights and Protections
Course Material:
 Gözübüyük, Ş. (2004) Anayasa Hukuku. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi
 Teziç, E. (2003) Anayasa Hukuku. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları
Additional Material
 Erdoğan, M. (1999) Anayasal Demokrasi. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
 Atar, Y. (2000) Türk Anayasa Hukuku. Konya: Mimoza
BUS 251 - Data Gathering and Analysis (2+2)
Purpose of the course is to teach students how to gather data and information and analaysing
the results by using numerical methods, sampling methods, percentage and ratio calculations.
Course Material:
 Meriç Öztürkcan, İstatistik, İstanbul:Maltepe Üni.Yayınları, 2006.
IR 363 - Nationalism and Globalization (3+0)
In this course, it is aimed to introduce to the students the main theories about nationalism.
After theoretical aspects, current international issues related nationalism will also be dealt
Course Material:
 Ernst Gellner, Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk, Hill Yayınevi, 2008.
 Eric Hobsbawn, Milletler ve Milliyetçilik, Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2006.
POL 364 Contemporary Political Thought (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to understand why and how political thought changes and
understanding social and econmic factors triggering new expectations. Main line of the course
is this: Change in relations of productions creates different expectations, demands and needs.
As an answer to these necessities new ways of political understanding emerges. Demands for
liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, fascism and plurality in an open society are
the results of this concrete changes in everyday lives of societies.
Course Material:
 Birsen Örs (der.) 19. Yüzyıldan 20. Yüzyıla Modern Siyasal İdeolojiler, İstanbul
Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınlarıİstanbul, 2009, 2. baskı.
POL 202 - 20th Century Political History (3+0)
Aim is to teach students the political events after the First World War by considering their
social, economic and cultural dimensions. Peace Treaties after the First World War,
temporary peace period after the First World War, rising of totalitarian regimes, the Second
World War, the Cold War, the Detant and the period after the Cold War are the topics which
will be covered during the course.
Course Material:
 Oral Sander, Siyasi Tarih, İmge Yayınları, Ankara, 2006
IR 202 - International Politics (3+0)
During this course, the state as the main actor and its position in the international system will
be examined. Problems of globalization and development of other international actors will
also be discussed.
Course Material:
Bruce Russett,Harvey Starr, Freeman, World Politics: The Menu For Choice,
New York1996
Atila Eralp, Devlet ve Ötesi, İletişim, İstanbul, 2005
Faruk Sönmezoğlu, Uluslararası Politika ve Dış Politika Analizi, Filiz Kitabevi,
2000, Istanbul
Paul Viotti ve Mark V. Kauppi, International Relations Theory, Allyn and Bacon
Boston, 1999
IR 204 - Research Methods in Social Sciences (1+2)
In the course, the topics such as progress of social sciences, other science sections and relation
between disciplines will be examined and it will be taught to students how to make research
in social sciences and present it.
Course Material:
 Doğan Özlem, Bilim Felsefesi (Ders Notları) II. Ve V. Bölümler, İnkılapYay.
 Cemal Yıldırım, “Bilimin Anlamı ve Kapsamı” (Birinci Kesim) Bilim Felsefesi
(içinde), Remzi Kitabevi.
ECON 252 - International Economics (3+0)
One of the two main subtopics of international economics is International Trade Theory
which examines components of international trade and the other one is International Trade
Policy which examines the interventions of states to the international trade. Parallel to these
subtopics it is aimed to understand foreign policy theories with thier application fields and
process of international trade. Along with the types of products and services in international
trade, that why the states trade in international level, liberalization of markets will also be
Course Material:
 Gülten Kazgan, İktisadi Düşünce, Remzi, 1984
LAW 252 - International Law (3+0)
Aim of the course is to teach students the main international law concepts to enable them to
discuss current debates regarding international law. In this context, the actors of international
law, the sources obligations of international law will be the main topics.
Course Material:
 Aslan Gündüz, Milletlerarası Hukuk, Temel Belgeler, Örnek Kararlar, Beta
 Hüseyin Pazarcı, Uluslararası Hukuk, Turhan Kitabevi, 2006.
IR 301 International Relations Theories(3+0)
Purpose of this course to introduce students to the theories in international relations as an
academic field. In the course the relation between epistemology and international relations
together with the theories explaining cooperation and conflicts. Theory debates in
international relations, normativism and normative theory, analysis level and analysis unit
debate, realism and neorealism, geopolitic and globalist theories are the contents of the course
Course Material:
 International Relations Theory:Realism,Pluralism,Globalism,, Paul R.Viotti,
Mark V.Kauppi Macmillan,New York1993
 Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları, Alfa Yayınları,2002
 Atilla Eralp (der), Devlet, Sistem ve Kimlik, İletişim Yayınları, 1996
IR 303 International Organizations (3+0)
It is aimed in the course that to examine the operations of international organizations as one of
main actors in international level and the situations of these organizations regarding the
international problems. Thanks to this the students will be able to understand the pluralist
nature of international relations. During the course, the historical background of organizing in
international context, the League of Nations, historcal development of the United Nations and
other organizations and associations connected to it and international problems regarding the
UN will be the main content.
Course Material:
 Mehmet Hasgüler ve Mehmet B. Uludağ, Uluslararası Örgütler, İstanbul, Alfa
Yayınları, 2007.
POL 301 Politics and Society in Ottoman Empire (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to teach students the social and political structure of Ottoman Empire.
Political events after Tanzimat period will be examined more intensely.
Course Material:
 İlber Ortaylı, İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı, Alkım Yayınevi.
 Bernard Lewis, Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları:2000.
IR 461 - Politics and Society in the Middle East (3+0)
In this course it is aimed to teach students the current issues in the Middle East by taking
social, cultural and political dimensions into consideration. In this context, Palestine issue,
nationalism, problems of civil society, democracy and militarism, women rights and terrorism
will be the topics discussed.
Course Material
 Sabahattin Şen , Ortadoğu’da İdeolojik Bunalım, Birey Yayınları, İstanbul, 2004.
UI 302 International Relations Theories II (3+0)
In addition to the theories studied in International Relations Theories I, the theories
explaining cooperation will be examined. In this context, pluralism and liberalism,
interdependence approach, international integration concepts, multi-polarity and international
regimes will be the topics to be dealt with.
Course Material:
International Relations Theory:Realism,Pluralism,Globalism,, Paul R.Viotti,
Mark V.Kauppi Macmillan,New York1993
Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları, Alfa Yayınları,2002
Atilla Eralp (der), Devlet, Sistem ve Kimlik, İletişim Yayınları, 1996
EU 361 - European Integration Process (3+0)
This course aims to introduce to the students historical development and debates in theoretical
level regarding European integration.
Course Material:
 Beril Dedeoğlu (der.) , Dünden Bugüne Avrupa Birliği, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul,
 Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Debates on European Integration, Palgrave, UK, 2006.
POL 302 Comparative Political Systems (3+0)
During this course, the importance and the types of comparative method, political cultures,
features of modernization process, political modernity theories, comparison of political
systems, presidential and semi-presindential system and the parliamentary system will be the
main topics of the course.
Course Material:
 Cem Eroğul, Çağdaş Devlet Düzenleri, 5. Baskı,Kırlangıç Yayınevi, Ankara, 2006.
 Cemil Oktay, Siyaset Bilimi İncelemeleri, Alfa Yayınları, 2003.
POL 304 Turkish Politics (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to analyze Turkish politics in the context of modernity process.
During the course, that what it is need to be understood as modernization and the main
literature about it will be studied. Political participation and integration concepts as being two
components of development and the problems in modern societies will also be discussed.
The course will be undertook in a chronologic context to be understood particularities of
Turkey along with comparative method.
Course Material:
 İlber Ortaylı, İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı, Alkım Yayınevi.
 Cemil Oktay, Siyaset Yazıları, Der Yayınları: 1998.
 Bernard Lewis, Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları:2000.
IR 401 Turkish Foreign Policy I (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to examine main aspects of Turkish foreign policy in its historical
context in a theoretical manner. In first part of the course, it will be studied especially the
period from the declaration of Republic until to the 1990s.
Course Material:
 Şule Kut ve Gencer Özcan (ed)., En Uzun On Yıl: Türkiye’de Ulusal Güvenlik ve
Dış Politika Gündeminde Doksanlı Yıllar,Boyut Yayınları,1998.
 Baskın Oran, Türk Dış Politikası, Cilt 1 ve 2, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2001.
 Faruk Sönmezoğlu, Türk Dış Politikasının Analizi, İstanbul: Der Yayınları, 1998.
 Oral Sander, Türkiye’nin Dış Politikası, Melek Fırat(der.), Ankara: İmge Kitabevi,
IR 400 Graduation Project I (1+2)
Main purpose of the course is to make students enforce their theoretical build-up throughout
their undergraduate studies. Targeting this, it is expected from the students to conduct a
research project on a topic they interested in by browsing the literature or using primary
sources. Research topics may be selected in the fields such as current problems in Turkish
foreign policy, current problems in international relations, regional political conflicts in
Caucasia, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Middle Asia, the EU-Turkey relations, EU's
relations to other actors.
Course Material:
The students will be using primary and secondary sources to conduct their project.
POL 361 Political Modernity (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to educate students the modernity process starting from
primitive communities in the history of civilization and after going through the transition
societies it reaches to the high-tech industrialized nations. Cultural and political aspects of
modernity in relation to production level of respective periods of progress along with the
interaction particular to modernity between political structures and society are the main topics
of the course. Different kinds of approaches which examines this interaction (micro, macro or
hybrid theories, conflicting or cooperating society models) will also be studied.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
POL 363 Democracy Theory (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to teach students the meaning of democracy and boundaries in its
current applications. In the context of the course, historical background of the democracy
concept (Athenian democracy, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Alexis de Tocqueville, John Stuart
Mill, Karl Marx), current debates (elitism, internet, plurality, the third wave) will be the main
Course Material:
Giovanni Sartori, Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, çev. Tunçer Karamustafaoğlu
&Mehmet Turan, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, 1996.
 Demokrasi Nedir?, çev. Levent Köker, Türk Demokrasi Vakfı, Ankara, 1992.
 Samuel Huntington.,3. Dalga, Türk Demokrasi Vakfı, Kıta Yayınları, 2007
ECON 251 - History of Economic Thoughts (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to examine theories which formulates the parameters of economic
thoughts by seeking correlations between economical progress of societies and the idea of
economy. Merchantalism, Physiocracy, Classical and Neo-Classical School, Critical
Approaches, Keynesian and Post-Keynesian Economics, Marxism will be the topics of the
Course Material:
 Gülten Kazgan, İktisadi Düşünce, Remzi, 1984
POL 362 The Evolution of Turkish Political Thought(3+0)
Aim of the course to introduce students the political thought and thinkers dominant in the
period from Ottoman Empire and during the Republican era. In this context, Classical Era
Ottoman political thought and developments after Tanzimat period will be dealt with.
Course Material:
 Cumhuriyet’e Devreden Düşünce Mirası -Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet’in Birikimi,
Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Serisi, Cilt 1, İletişim Yayınları:2001 – Özellikle ilk
dört makalesi
 Şerif Mardin, Jön Türklerin Siyasi Fikirleri 1895–1908, Toplu Eserleri–1, İletişim
Yayınları:1983 ( Değişik baskıları mevcuttur.)
POL 461 Theories of Imperialism (3+0)
Aim of the course is to examine critically different kinds of imperalism theories which were
dealt with in international relations once but neglected after the Cold War period and collapse
of the Soviets. Students will be taught during the course: whether imperialism concept in
general or different kinds of imperialism in particular are solely ideologic instruments or
scientific method providing original method; what these imperialism theories mentioned are;
whether they are scientfically explanatory in their historical conditions; how efficient these
theories for explaining current world politics; whether it is possible to create different kinds of
imperialism theories today.
Course Material:
 David Harvey, Yeni Emperyalizm, Everest, 2004.
POL 462 - Gender and Politics (3+0)
Aim of this course is to introduce students the feminist approaches in political science and
discuss the effects of gender in everyday politics.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
POL 464 - Analysis of Ottoman Political and Diplomatic Texts (3+0)
It is aimed in this course to understand involvement process of Ottoman Empire to European
diplomatic sphere by the mediation of diplomatic texts. Diplomatic applications, Ad Hoc
diplomacy, transition to constant diplomacy in Europe and emerging of modern diplomacy
and types of diplomacy will be the topics to dealt with.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
IR 361 - International Waters and International Relations (3+0)
In this course students will be taught about the issues regarding domination, conflict,
cooperation of the international waters in the context of international law. International water
issues around the world, texts in international law and treaties regarding international waters,
Fırat and Dicle Rivers, Southeastern Anatolia Project, Peace Water Project will be the topics
Course Material:
Sabahattin Şen , Su Sorunu, Türkiye ve Ortadoğu, Bağlam Yayınları, İstanbul,
IR 362 - International War and Peace (3+0)
In the course the texts which defend the idea that industrialized nations would be peaceful by
Comte and Spencer to the ones about the wars will be examined. Likewise the evolution of
Clausewitz's war theory during the modernity and emerging of the concept of Total War in
the 20th century are also among the topics of the course
Course Material:
Immanuel Kant, Ebedi Barış Teorisi, Seha Meray-Yavuz Abadan Çevirisi,
Henry Kissinger, Diplomasi, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 1998. Özellikle 3, 4, 7 ve
8. Bölümler
Henry Kissinger, Amerika’nın Dış Politika’ya İhtiyacı Var mı?, ODTÜ
Geliştirme Vakfı Yayınları:2002 Özellikle 7.Bölüm – Barış ve Adalet Başlıklı
IR 361 - Politics and Society in Caucasus (3+0)
Purpose of the course is to provide students both theoretical historical framework enabling
them to understand political process in Caucasus after the Cold War period. Policies of
regional and non-regional actors over the conflicts in region's politics will be analyzed.
Primarily it is aimed to give students a general knowledge about states' politics in the region
and historical background of their policies. Secondary aim is to broaden students' view for
looking at the region's political events by providing them different conceptual instruments.
Course Material
 Ali Faik Demir, Türk Dış Politikası Perspektifinden Güney Kafkasya, Bağlam
Yay. İstanbul, 2003.
IR 463 - Politics and Society in Latin America (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to give the students a historical, social and cultural framework which
will enable them to understand political events in Latin America.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
IR 465 - Politics and Society in Africa (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to give the students a historical, social and cultural framework which
will enable them to understand political events in Africa.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
IR 462 - American Political System and Society (3+0)
Aim of the course is to introduce to the students the political system of United States and to
discuss its effects to the world politics.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
IR 464 - Politics and Society in Russia (3+0)
Purpose of this course is to give the students a historical, social and cultural framework which
will enable them to understand political events in Russia
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
IR 466 - Protection of Human Rights in International Level (3+0)
In this course, the students will have the knowledge about the emergence of root human rights
texts and their contents. In addition it will be discussed how the development of human rights
has effected international relations.
Course Material:
 Munci Kapani, İnsan Haklarının Uluslararası Boyutları, Bilgi 1996
IR 468 - International Migration Problems (3+0)
Purpose of this course is make students think about the notion of migration in international
level. In the course it will be discussed how international migrations changed in last fifty
years. During the examinations, concept of 'ghetto', issues in host countries and the image of
immigrant will also be dealt with.
Course Material:
 Mark Miller & Stephen Castles, Göçler Çağı, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2008.
 Nermin Abadan Unat, Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa,
Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2002.
EU 362 - Institutional Structure of European Union
This course aims to introduce to the students the institutions of European Union. The
structure, function and decision systems of European Commission, European Parliament and
Court of Justice; Nice Treaty and developments afterwards and transformation in EU
institutions will be the topics to be dealt with.
Course Material:
 Haluk Günuğur, Avrupa Birliği’nin Hukuk Düzeni, EKO, Ankara, 2007.
 Ercüment Tezcan, Avrupa Birliği Kurumlar Hukuku, USAK, Ankara, 2005.
LAW 251 - Introduction to European Union Law (3+0)
General features of European Union law systems, components and duties of European
communities, Council of Europe, European Court of Justice will be the main course contents.
Course Material:
 Avrupa Birliği Hukuku Dersleri, Mehmet Hanifi Bayram, Seçkin Yayıncılık
EU 461 - Foreign Relations of European Union
In this course foreign relations of European Union and its relations with the world will be
discussed as main topics.
Course Material:
Material related to the course will be given by the instructor in the beginning of the term.
EU 442 - European Union and Turkey
The course will cover the relations between European Communities and Turkey.
Course Material:
 Haluk Günuğur, Türkiye Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri, EKO, Ankara, 2007.
Aykut Çelebi, Avrupa: Halkları Siyasal Birliği, Metis, İstanbul, 2002.