

Conference Fees
300 €
350 €
200 €
150 €
ELECO 2015
The conference fee includes conference bag, conference proceedings CD,
tea/coffee breaks, lunches, cocktail, conference dinner, and social tours. Note
that maximum two papers can be presented by a single conference fee payment.
9th International Conference on
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Payment should be made by bank transfer or by credit card described
Bank transfer as folows to:
26-28 November 2015
Bursa - TURKEY
Bank Name: Turkiye Is Bankasý, Ankara Yenisehir Subesi
Bank Address: Ataturk Bul. No. 75-77, Yenisehir 06420 Cankaya /Ankara
Bank Shift Code: ISBKTRISXXX
IBAN: TR1000 0640 0000 1421 8584 1526
Account Holder: TMMOB Elektrik Muhendisleri Odasi Iktisadi Isletmesi
Account Holder Address: Elektrik Muhendisleri Odasi Iktisadi Isletmesi
Izmir Cd. Ihlamur Sk. No:10/2 Kizilay Ankara, Turkey
Please make sure that your name, your address and the name of the
conference are clearly stated on all money orders. Please attach a
photocopy of your bank receipt to the completed registration form. Be
aware that some fees will be charged by the bank for the remittance.
These fees have to be paid in advance by the registrant, and the net
transferred amount should be equal to the amount due.
Cheque drawn in favor of EMO Bursa ELECO 2015 Conference
I authorize EMO Bursa to debit my credit card
Surname, Name : ……………………………………….…….
Card Number : ………./………./………./…………………
Expiration date (mm/yy) : ………/……….
The total sum of amount : ………………………………......
Date : ………/………/………. Signature : ……………………
Contact & Information
The Chamber of Electrical Engineers
Bursa Branch
Bursa Akademik Odalar Birligi Yerleskesi (BAOB)
Odunluk Mah. Akademi Cad. No. 8
16040 Bursa, TURKEY
Phone: +90 224 4511212 , +90 224 4516193
Fax: +90 224 4519899
E-mail: eleco@emo.org.tr
Web site: http://www.eleco.org.tr
IEEE & EMO Members
Accompanying persons
Announcement and
Call for Papers
ove m be
Conference and Exhibition
Organized by
The Chamber of Electrical Engineers
Bursa Branch
Social Program
A social program including an opening reception, a conference dinner, touristic
visits, sightseeing and post-session tours will be available to ensure that
delegates have the opportunity to meet each other informally for the exchange
of views and information.
Uludag University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Aim and Scope
The nineth "International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, ELECO 2015 will be held on November 26-28, 2015
in Bursa, Turkey.
The conference aims to provide a forum for electrical and electronics
engineers and scientists in academia and industry to present their
works and to share their experiences in the area of electrical and
electronics engineering.
Conference Topics
- Energy Sources and Power Markets
- Electrical Power Systems
- Electrical Machines and Drives
- Power Electronics and Applications
- Electrical Materials and High Voltage Techniques
- Electronics
- Biomedical Electronics
- Communication Theory and Systems
- Mechatronics
- Robotics and Automation Systems
- Control Theory and Applications
- Intelligent Systems
- Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
- Circuits and Systems
- Sensors and Instrumentation
- Optoelectronics
- Signal Processing
- Other Topics
Submission of Papers
The full papers in English in electronic format (pdf, max. 2 Mb)
should be uploaded until August 14, 2015 by the corresponding
author of the manuscript through web upload on our homepage:
Only online submissions are accepted to facilitate rapid publication.
The submission guidelines for full papers and special session
proposals are available on the conference webpage.
The authors of the accepted papers will be notified by e-mail latest
September 28, 2015. The first author’s address will be used for all
correspondences unless otherwise requested. All papers accepted
for presentation at the conference will appear in the proceedings CD
of the conference if at least one of the authors' conference fee is
paid before November 15, 2015.
The official language of the conference is English.
Special Session Proposal
Paper Submission
Notification of Acceptance
Camera-ready Submission
Conference Dates
: June 15, 2015
: August 14,2015
: September 22,2015
: October 23,2015
: November 26-28,2015
14 bold
9 bold
Main text
10 bold
All paragraphs should be indented 0.4 mm. Be sure your text is fully justified.
Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.
Figure and table captions should be 9-point Times New Roman font.
Venue: Bursa
Bursa was the capital of the Ottoman Empire between 1326 and
1365.The mausoleums of the early Ottoman sultans are located in
Bursa and the city's main landmarks include numerous edifices built
throughout the Ottoman period.
Bursa also has thermal baths and several museums, including a
museum of archaeology. The shadow play characters Karagöz and
Hacivat are based on historic personalities who lived and died in
Bursa. Bursa is also home to some of the most famous Turkish
dishes such as Ýskender kebap, specially
candied marron glacés, peaches and Turkish delight. The historic
towns of Ýznik (Nicaea), Mudanya and Zeytinbaðý are all situated in
the Province of Bursa.
Bursa is a picturesque city located in the foothills of Mount Uludag
amidst green countryside and forest. Mount Uludag is Turkey's ski
resort and a wonderful place to visit all year round. Bursa is a highly
developed industrial city including textile and automotive companies.
Information for Authors
Initially capitalize only the first word of section titles and first-, second-, and
third-order headings must be typed and numbered with Arabic numerals. All
headings are to be centered on the respective columns, with one blank line
before, and one blank line after
All figures and graphics should be centered. All figures should be cited in
the paper in a consecutive order.
Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a
descriptive title.
All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references
in text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., "[9]";
"[9, 10]"). All references should be cited within the text.
All references must be listed in 9-point Times New Roman font and
single-spaced at the end of your paper.
Executive Committee
Five pages are allowed for each paper (including title, author(s), abstract,
text, figures, tables and references).
Vice Chairs
The margins around each page must be as follows:
on the first page:
Hakan Kuntman
Gunes Yilmaz
Serdar Ozoguz
Hüseyin Yesil
Remzi Cinar
Belgin Emre Turkay
Bilgin Metin
Irfan Senlik
Oguzhan Cicekoglu
Ozgur Ustun
Sait Eser Karlik
Conference Secretary
Huseyin Yesilseven
The manuscripts must be prepared in double-column format on A4 size
paper. Proceedings will be compiled from these manuscripts.
top = 3 cm, bottom = 3.7 cm, left = 2 cm, right = 2 cm;
on the second and subsequent pages:
top = 2.5 cm, bottom = 3.7 cm, left = 2 cm, right = 2 cm.
The width of each column must be 8.25 cm. The column separation is
0.5 cm.
The first page of the manuscript must contain the title of the paper, author's
name (s) and affiliation(s) all centered on the top of the page and spanning
both columns. There must be one-line separations between the title, the
author name(s) and the author affiliation(s). A two - line separation is required
between the author affiliation(s) and the start of the main text.
Please use Times New Roman font and single-space typing.
The font sizes should be as follows:
Istanbul Technical University
Uludag University
Istanbul Technical University
EMO Bursa Branch
Istanbul Technical University
Bogazici University
Bogazici University
Istanbul Technical University
Uludag University
EMO Bursa Branch
Organizing Committee
Conference Chairman
Vice Chairs
Ali Oktay
Aydin Akan
Ayten Kuntman
Belgin Emre Turkay
Bilgin Metin
Emir Birgun
Ersen Yilmaz
Fahri Vatansever
Galip Cansever
Hakan Kuntman
Irfan Senlik
M. Tayfun Gunel
M. Turan Soylemez
Neriman Usta
Neyir Ozcan Semerci
Oguzhan Cicekoglu
Ozgur Ustun
R. Nejat Tuncay
Sadri Ozcan
Sait Eser Karlik
Tunc Aladagli
Munir Buyukyazici
Hakan Kuntman Istanbul Technical University
Gunes Yilmaz Uludag University
Serdar Ozoguz Istanbul Technical University
Huseyin Yesil Chamber of Turkish Electrical Engineers (EMO)
Remzi Cinar EMO Bursa Section
Uludag University
Istanbul University
Istanbul University
Istanbul Technical University
Bogazici University
Chamber of Turkish Electrical Engineers (EMO)
EMO Bursa Branch
Uludag University
Yildiz Technical University
Istanbul Technical University
Chamber of Turkish Electrical Engineers (EMO)
Istanbul Technical University
Istanbul Technical University
Uludag University
Bogazici University
Istanbul Technical University
Okan University
Istanbul Technical University
Uludag University
EMO Bursa Branch
EMO Bursa Branch
Technical Committee
Acar Savaci (TR)
Ahmet Zobaa (UK)
Alain Fabre (FR)
Alexander S. Korotkov (RUS)
Ali Abur (USA)
Arda Yurdakul (TR)
Aydogan Ozdemir (TR)
Bal Virdee (UK)
Balwant Godara (FR)
Can Ozturan (TR)
Carlo Alberto Nucci (I)
Cem Goknar (TR)
Cevdet Akyel (CHN)
Chanan Singh (USA)
Chen-Ching Liu (IRL)
Cuneyt Guzelis (TR)
Dalibor Biolek (Czech Republic)
George Gross (USA)
Georgi Dimirovski (MK)
Guven Onbilgin (TR)
Hamit Serbest (TR)
Huseyin Hiziroglu (US)
Ion Tutanescu (RO)
Jan Izykowski (PL)
Jawad Talaq (Bahrain)
João P. S. Catalão (Portugal)
John Aasted Sorensen (Denmark)
Kemal Leblebicioglu (TR)
Lalit Kumar Goel (Singapoure)
Lars Wanhammar (Sweden)
Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad (Iran)
Mark Ehsani (USA)
M. Cengiz Taplamacioglu (TR)
Milan Stork (Czech Republic)
Mile Stankovski (Macedonia)
Mohammed Ismail (USA)
Mohammad Shahidehpour (USA)
Muhammad H. Rashid (USA)
Murtaza Farsadi (Iran)
Nicu Bizon (Romania)
Ozgur Cemal Özerdem (TR)
Raj Senani (India)
Sadik Kara (TR)
Seyed Hossein Hosseini (Iran)
Siddik Yarman (TR)
Suad Halilcevic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Tulay Yildirim (TR)
Vladimiro Miranda (Portugal)
Local Committee
Tunc Aladagli, EMO* Bursa Branch
Co-chairman Ugur Yalcin, Uludag Univ. (TR)
Co-chairman Sabiha Cesur, EMO Bursa Branch
Bahadir Acar, EMO (TR)
Ibrahim Aksoz, EMO (TR)
Erdal Apacik, EMO (TR)
Abdullah Buyukisiklar, EMO (TR)
Giyasi Gungor, EMO (TR)
Musa Tas, EMO (TR)
Serdar Ciftcan, EMO (TR)
Ethem Atalay Tercan, EMO (TR)
Hamit Yilmaz Kara, EMO (TR)
Husamettin Pala, EMO (TR)
Yusuf Gundogan, EMO (TR)
Ahmet Levent Eguz, EMO (TR)
Mustafa Asim Rasan, EMO (TR)
Tuncay Ozkul, EMO (TR)
Ahmet Turan Aydemir, EMO (TR)
Isa Gungor, EMO (TR)
Emre Metin, EMO (TR)
Abdurrahman Gunday, EMO Bursa (TR)
Ahmet Cagri Sen, EMO Bursa (TR)
Aysegül Durmayaz EMO Bursa (TR)
Aysenur Caglar, EMO Bursa (TR)
Aytac Sevim, EMO Bursa (TR)
Baha Erim, EMO Bursa (TR)
Bahri Kavilcioglu, EMO Bursa (TR)
Eda Yenigul, EMO Bursa (TR)
Egemen ENGÝZEK, EMO Bursa (TR)
Erdal Aktug, EMO Bursa (TR)
Erol Boztas, EMO Bursa (TR)
Faruk Koc, EMO Bursa (TR)
Gurcan Gur, EMO Bursa (TR)
Halil Ibrahim Bakar, EMO Bursa (TR)
Hasan Azar, EMO Bursa (TR)
Huseyin Erdi, EMO Bursa (TR)
Ismail Ozsuman, EMO Bursa (TR)
Ismail Zumbul, EMO Bursa (TR)
Mejnun Alper Soyaslan, EMO Bursa (TR)
Mestan Gunes, EMO Bursa (TR)
Mustafa Guveloglu, EMO Bursa (TR)
Mustafa Uzel, EMO Bursa (TR)
Mumin Ceyhan, EMO Bursa (TR)
Nevzat Akkasli, EMO Bursa (TR)
Onur Dallilar, EMO Bursa (TR)
Osman Aykut, EMO Bursa (TR)
Sait Saka, EMO Bursa (TR)
Yalcin Seymen, EMO Bursa (TR)
Abdullah Savkli, EMO Denizli (TR)
Hakan Tuna, EMO Eskisehir (TR)
Mehmet Ozdag, EMO Samsun (TR)
Beyza Metin, EMO Istanbul (TR)
Ebru Akgun Yalcin, EMO Ankara (TR)
Islim Arikan, EMO Gaziantep (TR)
Mehmet Fidan, EMO Kocaeli (TR)
Hasan Karal, EMO Trabzon (TR)
Ahmet Sormaz, EMO Diyarbakir (TR)
Ilhan Metin, EMO Antalya (TR)
Mehmet Mak, EMO Adana (TR)
Mahir Ulutas, EMO Izmir (TR)
Seyfettin Atar, EMO Mersin (TR)
Ahmet Altuncu, Dumlupinar Univ. (TR)
Ahmet Emir Dirik, Uludag Univ. (TR)
Ali Ihsan Canakoglu, Dumlupinar Univ. (TR)
Bahadir Hicdurmaz, Uludag Univ. (TR)
Celal Yasar, Dumlupinar Univ. (TR)
Ismail Tekin, Uludag Univ. (TR)
Mutlu Demirer, Uludag Univ. (TR)
Sevim Kurtuldu, Uludag Univ. (TR)
*EMO: The Chamber of Electrical Engineers
UCTEA: Union Of Chambers Of Turkish Engineers And Architects