April 2012 - PSN Consulting, Inc.


April 2012 - PSN Consulting, Inc.
Issue 13
April 2012
Florida Turkish American Association
3020 NE 32nd Ave. 123, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Tel: (954) 588-7957 Www.ftaa.com
Florida Turkish American Association is your
association, Türk Evi ıs your home !
FTAA has successfully accomplish
its task toward its members, presenting Turkish Culture to the
Americans and other ethnic communities of South East Florida. This
includes education to the young,
festivals, seminars entertainments,
other intellectual activities such as
book, poem, opera, history clubs
within its own organization.
FTAA is your only
 We need your feedback. We committed
to serve you
 We need your active
 We need your pledge
The main purpose of the association is to introduce Turkish Culture, through its activities.
Inside this issue:
10th Annual Festival
FTAA Event Calendar
What is FTAA
Turkish Center
Ataturk School, Clubs
FTAA Club Activities
Short News
FTAA Financials
Pledge Request
This year, FTAA actualized two
library presentation, one Arts &
Crafts Exhibition, one festival, special nights with other ethnic communities such as Macedonians and
FTAA serves in Florida Turkish
Center located in prime location of
Fort Lauderdale.
FTAA actualizes some of its activities outdoor such as Festivals, and
Florida Turkish Center operates from 2008,
and hosting all of FTAA members
members with an affordable price. The
members find this occasion as a good gathering atmosphere. The volunteers contribute
their skills in cooking in return of no benefit.
The only benefit is friendship.
FTAA sponsored by you and
Every Wednesday , volunteers and
sponsors gives best samples of
home cooked Turkish foods to its
Wednesday Dinners
Did you send your annual
membership fee?
The Wednesday Dinners became unavoidable traditional
event, of which the members racing with each
other to sponsor. This event alone became most
important income source to the association, after
the festival. Thanks to all who volunteer their
time and support. FTAA tries to emboss the
event with seminars, or concert of its choirs.
Continued on page 4 for Sponsor list
Page 2
We would like to thank the volunteers,
who worked hard to actualize our 10th
festival successfully. Those are;
Festival Commitee chairs; Canan Ozaktay, Oya Bekisoglu, Muge Nurgun,Aydan
Hay,Aynur Heller,Tulin Cheshire, AbdullahCanligil, Zuhre Canligil,Zeynep Aytekin,Meral Ornarli,Fuat Ornarli,Serap
Odabas-Yigit, Sermin Unsal, Meltem
Sevgili Guney Florida Turk toplumu,
Yorucu ama bir okadar da zevkli bir Festival surecini geride biraktik.
Bu festivalin gerceklesmesinde emegi gecen, basta Festival komitesi
baskani Sn. Canan Ozaktay'a ve onun organizasyonu altinda ozveriyle
calisan tum gonullulere, ayrica festivale gelerek bizleri yanliz birakmayan tum ziyaretcilere buradan tesekkur etmek istiyorum.
'Birlikten kuvvet dogar' deyimini gerceklestirdik. Bir defa daha gorduk
ki, istedikmi altindan kalkamayacagimiz bir gucluk yoktur. Bize maddi
ve manevi destek veren, cok sayida arkadasimiz bize bunu ispat etmis
Fuat Ornarli
FTAA Baskani
The Raffle prizes were distributed to the following lucky winners;
Nurhan Kagit - Winning Ticket # 0378
Bora Celenk - Winning Ticket # 1643
Tulin Tosyali - Winning Ticket # 0379
(1) CRUISE TRIP (3 DAYS) by Celebration Cruise
Metin Basaran - Winning Ticket # 1406
(1)IPAD(16GB) by FTAA Eddie Kotlyarov - WInning Ticket # 0107
FTAA Festivals sponsored by
Festival Volunteers (in alphabetic order)
Dr. Ayşegül Colak, Aliye Topal, Amanda
Espinel, Amber Rush, Ana Yepes, Anika
Reed, Ashley Hernandez, Atilla Orkan,
Aydan Seyhan, Ayse Colak, Ayten Olgac,
Ayten Omer, Dr. Baki Yigit, Baris Ornarli,Biray Yersu, Bulent Nurgun, Dr.
Celal Colak, Cemil Akbas, Cidam Alok
Rasmus, Deniz Kanyilmaz, Doga Barut ,
Donna Y.Scantlebury, Dr. Baki Yigit,
Eda & Ebru Aydin, Eliz Demren, Eren
Kurtulus, Eryetis Oyerli, Evşen Övünç,
Dr Evcan Alptekin, Ferit Guler, Feza Aktan, Giovanni Galeano, Gokhan, Gonul
Ozturk , Graham L. Cheshire, Gulsen
Celik, Gunsel Uluer, Hasan F. Kochan,
Hayriye Bilal, Hilal Oyerli, Hulya Yargici, Huriye Ulku, Ibrahim Ucin, Irfan
Atesnak, Juan Serrat Kemal Kizilisik,
Kemal Kocak, Kevin Enobal, Kimberly
Enobal, Kiymet Ergurbuz, Koray Ustun,
Meric Odabas-Yigit, Mertcan Topal, Michelle Rodriguez, Mustafa Cankat, Dr.
Mustafa Avci, Muzaffer Topal, MyLai
Hernandez, Nancy Akgun, Nermin Yasnar, Neville Ural Cheshire,Nevin Avcı,
Nisan Oyerli, Ovgu Barut, Oyku Barut,
Okan Bilenoglu, Paola Isaac Baraya,
Pervin Barut, Peyker Oktay, Rafael
Valazquez, Regi Hay Rena Kizilisik, Ron
Heller, Semra Kiziltanli, Senay Evrener,
Senay Kocak, Seren Nurgun, Serra Verbest, Sezai Olgac, Shantel Chevalier, Sibel Bode, Sinan Bilal, Sureyya Uzmezler,
Suna Bayraktar, Tammy Zhang, Tara
Demren, Tulin Oz, Tuna Gayus, Turgut
Yargici, Ulkun Fikirkoca, Vanessa Garcia, Vicky Rodriguez, Dr. Vural Uluer,
Yalin Sengil, Yenal Kucuker, Yigit
Karagoz, Yurdun Orkan
Page 3
FTAA Events Calendar
Valet parking at the front restaurant -Shooters- $3:00
(mention that you are for Turkish Center), $1.50 per
hour at public parking at the back of building.
Work hours: The gates open ONE hour prior to the
Wed May 16
Card Games, Wednesday Dinner –p Turk Evi
Wed May 23
Card Games , Wednesday Dinner—Turk Evi
Wed May 30
Wed Apr 18
Card Games , Wednesday Dinner-Turk Evi
Sat Apr 21
Ataturk School , FTAA Chorus—Turk Evi
Sun Apr 22
Card Games, Wednesday Dinner
End of Winter Season– Turk Evi minimizes its
activities, yetstill serving to the members. Do not
hesitate to call Fuat Ornarli (786) 251-9996 for any
questions, requests.
Thank you being with us!
23 Nisan Cocuk Bayrami - TY Park, Hollywood, Florida
Tue Apr 24
Opera Night - Turk Evi
Wed Apr 25
Card Games , Wednesday Dinner—Turk Evi
Sat Apr 28
Ataturk School - Turk Evi
Wed May 2
Disco Nights, Ramadan Iftar
Dinners will be announced
separately during summer months
Please pay your membership dues before your summer vacation, join to our committees, participate the
events, encourage your friends to join to the FTAA
Hepimizin derneği
olan FTAA’ya
üye olunuz, aktivitelerine katılınız, destekleyiniz, tanıdıklarınızı da
FTAA’ya üye olup, desteklemeye teşvik ediniz.
Did you send your annual
membership fee?
Card Games Wednesday Dinner—Turk Evi
Florida Turkish Center (Türk Evi ):
Wed May 9
Card Games, Wednesday Dinner—Turk Evi
Sun May 13
Anneler Gunu - Turk Evi
Association website: http://www.ftaa.com
Page 4
The purpose of
Florida Turkish
American Association, FTAA is
to create mutual
understanding and
cultural relations
between Americans and Turkish
decent Americans
in every aspects.
Our association is based on Floridian Turkish American citizens, Turkiye supporters, and of course volunteers who dedicated their time, efforts, and money to
this cause.
Apart from volunteering for
the event organization and
management, FTAA has
committees who work nonstop to fulfill the routine
daily association works,
such as membership committee, By-law committee,
accounting, newsletter/
website committee, school,
choir festival, appreciation/
welcoming committee, religious works committee etc.
The Board of Directors are;
Fuat Ornarli(P), Meral Ornarlı
(VP), Zeynep Uluer-Aytekin
(S), Serap Odabas-Yigit
(T), Zuhre Canligil, Yurdun
Orkan, Dr.Vural
Uluer, Dr.Ziya Çelik, Abdullah
Canligil, Aydan Hay, Aynur
Heller, Chris Miovski, Violette
Audit committee;
Canan Özaktay, Atilla
Orkan, Dr.Yilmaz Durudoğan
Your Association
FTAA is proud of
serving Turkish
Community here in
South East Florida
Every Wednesday
Turkish Center opens
its gates to the
members for
traditional Homemade
Turkish food
Thanking is not enough for
those who work hard for
this community, regardless
whether he/she is the
member of board of directors, or event volunteer.
Please accept our appreciation on behalf of Florida
Turkish community.
Wednesday Dinner (4-18-’12)Dr.
Kemal Tekinay
Wednesday Dinner (4-11-’12)
Peyker Oktay, Senay Kocak,
Necla Dimbiloglu, Tulin
Chashire, Ersin Kosker
Wednesday Dinner (4-4-’12)
Tulin & Kemal Tosyali
Bir Kahvenin Kırkyıl hatırı
vardır “ is a very meaningful
preverb in Turkish; One cup
of coffee has 40 year-long
appreciation which emphasises the importance of hospitality
Meral Ornarlı, Meltem Birkegren
Wednesday Dinner (3-07-’12)Evie
Lutikoff, Günsel Uluer
Wednesday Dinner (2-29-’12)
Gülşen Çelik, Violette Miovski,
Yurdun Orkan, Meral Ornarlı,
Tanju Munis
Wednesday Dinner (2-22-’12)
Aysegül, Dr. Celal Çolak
Wednesday Dinner (2-15-’12)Lale
Divringi, Müge Nurgun
Wednesday Dinner (2-8-’12)
Gönül and Turgut Karabekir
Wednesday Dinner (2-1-’12)Dr.
Gülsen and Dr. Ziya Çelik
Wednesday Dinner (3-28-’12)
FTAA & Dr. Sahver Ozbek
Wednesday Dinner (1-25-’12)
Nukhet Durudogan, Günsel
Uluer, Violet Miovski, Ayten
NEVRUZ (3-24-’12)Tohfa & Ajdar
Eminova, Ziya Celik, Serap Odabas-Yigit, Meral Ornarli, Gul
Wednesday Dinner (1-18-’12)
Fatos Mullen, Yurdun Orkan
Wednesday Dinner (3-21-’12)
Istanbul Restaurant (Hasan Kochan) & Deserts: Meral Ornarli,
Aydan Hay
Physicians' day Ball (3-14-’12)
Nukhet & Dr. Yilmaz Durudoğan,
Dr Fevziye & Dr Ali Manizade,
Günsel Uluer, Dr Gülşen Çelik,
Wednesday Dinner (1-11-’12)
Tuna Gayus, Peyker Oktay, Senay
Wednesday Dinner (1-4-’12)FTAA
Wednesday Night (12/28/’11)
Gunsel Uluer, Tanju Munis, Meral
Wednesday Dinner(12/21/'11)
Dr.Tülin Öz, Evcan Alptekin
Chili Night (12/14/’11)Aydan
Hay, Yurdun Orkan
Thanksgiving (11/23/’11)
Yurdun, Atilla Orkan
Wednesday Dinner (11/10/’11)
Nevin , Dr. Mustafa Avci
Wednesday Dinner (11/02/’12)
Violette, Chris Miovski
Wednesday Dinner (10/26/;12)
Coşay Altuğ, Oya Bekisoglu
Wednesday Dinner (10/19/’12)
Serap Odabas-Yiğit, Yurdun
Orkan, Meral Ornarli, Günsel
In every single event, Orkan,
Uluer, Ornarli families who
extend their supports, and
worked tirelessly deserved
the deepest and warmest
appreciation from the community.
Apart from the dinners, a
series of events were actualized such as seminars, Arts
& Crafts Exhibitions, Library
presentations: Thanks to
Zeynep Uluer Alptekin,
Didem Altintop, Dr. David
Arnett, Muzaffer , Meltem
See page 2 for Festival volunteers
Page 5
Florida Turkish Center Foundation
Florida Turkish Center Foundation
(FTCF) is a non-profit Florida corporation. The purpose of Florida Turkish
Center is to purchase or to build an
office and activity center (Turk Evi) in
South Florida and make it available
for the use of South Florida Turkish
American community. FTC is managed by a board of trustees with 11
members (The Board). The Board has
the full authority to purchase it, to
build it out, raise funds for the project and ensure that Turk Evi” is used
for the benefit of the Turkish American community in South Florida.
You may rent this hall for your personal events. Call (786) 251-9996
The 133 seat
Florida Turkish Center Foundation
capacity big
Florida Turkish Center Foundation (FTCF)
"Türk Evi Vakfi" Board of Trustees
Atilla Orkan (Current President )
Dr. Vural Uluer (Vice President)
Fuat Ornarli (Past P., Treasurer)
Mustafa Cankat (Secretary)
Serap Odabas-Yigit
Dr. Ali Manizade
Dr. Ziya Celik
Dr. Celal Colak
Erkan Nur (Past P.)
Florida Turkish
Center Financial
FTCF Balance Sheet (at
right)– presented in the
FTAA General Assembly
Meeting held on 2/19/2012
at Turkish Center.
As can easily noticed, the
loan reduced to 217,000
and another 30,000 is
scheduled to be paid befor
e May 2012.
banquette hall or
the small hall
with 50 seat
capacity are open
Erkan Nur
Fuat Ornarli Atilla Orkan
2007-2008 2009-2010
to public to rent
for their events.
Volunteer Teachers:
Coordinator: Zeynep
Uluer Aytekin
Meral Ornarli
Weekend school is serving
to the children who wants to
learn Turkish language, as
well as other subjects such
as music, Turkish geography
and history.
The Turkish language
classes to the adults will be
given, in case of any request
Contact Violet Miovski
(954) 561-3686
FTAA Music Club- Dr. Suat Akgun
The FTAA Chorus meets and practices every Saturday ,
by Dr. Suat Akgün. We would like to show our appreciation to our teacher s Haluk Yargici and Dr. Suat Akgün who dedicated their precious time to FTAA.
FTAA School & Chorus sponsored by
Page 6
Page 7
FTAA Book Club - Feza Aktan
FTAA Art Club– Nukhet Durudoğan
Book club
meets every
Sunday of
the books
which were
read prior
to the meeting.
Art & Craft
was organized by
and Günsel
FTAA History Club - Fuat Ornarli
FTAA History Club is meeting every 3rd Sunday
of the month to discuss Ottoman history, History
of close past in Turkish Republic of Atatürk.
FTAA Poetry Club - Meral Ornarli
Poetry Club meets
every second Sunday
of alternate month, in
which the poetry lovers are discussing the
pots, and his/hers poems.
Zeytin Dağı, was discussed. The next book readings are;
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun Yıkılışı, Son
padisah Vahdeddin, Özgürlüğe Kurşun
FTAA Sport Club - Cemil Akbas
The young members of FTAA are practising twice
a week on a soccer field located in Hollywood.
The ultimate goal is to participate in the Florida
FTAA Film Night- Gulsen Celik
Dr. Gulsen Celik organizes the film nights,
mostly Turkish originated films.
Meltem Birkegren organ- FTAA Opera Club - Dr. Ali Manizade
ized the film show,
named ―The Turkish
Passport‖ in Broward Holocaust Museum on March 5, 2012 Dr. Ali Manizade and Dr. Vural Uluer organize an
opera nights in which the popular opera films are
being watched.
Page 8
Republic Day October 29, 2011 was celebrated in Turkısh Center
wıth a distinguished guests and members. Editor in Cumhuriyet
Newspaper Orhan Birgint was among us.(Right)
Ataturk Commemoration Day on November 10th, 2011
Commemoration Day of Ataturk,
who founded modern Turkey in
his short life span was actualized . His tremendous accomplishments in the defend of Turkey against
conquerors and revolutionist reorganization in the
ample years of the newly
established Turkish Republic was remembered. A
documentary film ―The
Incredible Turk‖ was also
FTAA president Fuat Ornarlı (left) gave us a speech, Turgut Karabekir,
Ataturk School students recited poems about Atatürk (above)
Yurdun Orkan, Dr. Yilmaz Durudoğan, Günsel
Uluer ( below).
Page 9
Dr. David Arnett
St. Patrick Festival
.Dr. David Arnett visited us, gave us a speech for the book
he recently published , named as ―The Messanger‖. It was
a friendly meeting, since he
was former US consul to
Under the Sister City organization, FTAA volunteers joined to the
St. Patrick parade
in Fort Lauderdale on March
10th, 2012
Thanks to Dr.
Gülşen Çelik and
Müge Nurgün
He also talked about the
relations between USA
and Turkey.
Nevruz Celebration
Azerbaijanis and
Turkish communities arranged a
joint celebration
for Nevruz on
March 21st, 2012
Rep. Virigia Foxx was with us
The friend of Turks,
Ms. Virginia Foxx visited Turkish Center on
March 13th, 2012.
She was a hard worker
Art & Crafts Exhibition
Nukhet Durudoğan and
Günsel Uluer
arranged the 1st
Exhıbıtıon for
the artworks of
FTAA members
for the Turkish Caucus, and announced
that the number of
Turkish Caucus
members reached to
Physicians’ Day March 14th, 2012
Annual Physicians’ Day was celebrated in Turkish Center
Güler Galatalı
She was one of the most loved member of the Chorus. Rest in Peace...
Dr. Lutikoff was very respectful member. He was a
good supporter. God bless him. Rest in Peace.
Dr. Mustafa Avci, Ms. Tuna Gayus, Dr. Şahver
Özbek, Mr. Chris Miovski are hospitalized. We
wish best for you.
Florida Turkish American Association
Page 10
This Income-Expense spreadsheet below was presented in FTAA General Assembly
Meeting held on 2/19/2012 at Turkish Center, and audited by the FTAA Audit
Committee, approved by the members.
FTAA financial progress
between years 2007-20012 is
as shown at left.
There is a steady increase in
income, almost flat expenditures which leads us to a better profit margins. It proves
that we are in the right track,
and gives us a self confidence. We sure will payoff
the load in a short term, and
then the association will be
free in debit, concentrating
more on services to the members in the next generation in
the Turk Evi.
Thanks to all members, sponsors, volunteers for such
strong support.
Florida Turkish American Association
Page 11
Dear valuable supporter,
Almost two years ago, we have sent a letter to you similar to this one, asking support for Turkish Center. Some responded and committed $4000 payable in 4 years. We again, would like to remind you
that, your support will be appreciated if you also join to those respectful supporters.
As you know, the Florida Turkish American Association (F.T.A.A) was successfully founded 42 years
ago. Despite many efforts, our organization was not able to have its own place or venue since its inception and this is the main challenge that prevented FTAA from reaching its potential. Most of our
meetings, events have been taking place at homes or the residential „club-house‟s‟ of our members.
Arrangements were also made for gatherings to take place at various Community Center with rental
fees. In addition, each week we would have to carry our furniture or instruments from one address to
another. Most importantly, we never had the chance to have social meetings under one roof that we
could call our own. Over the years, the Founders and Board of Directors of the FTAA have felt the absence of a “Turkish House” and now have found this opportunity.
Three years ago, upon popular demand by our members, a group of friends came together with a
strong desire and commitment to make our dream come true. In light of high amount of donations, we
decided not to lease but to own our community center. As you know, we purchased the space located
at 3020 NE 32nd Avenue. Suite 123, in Fort Lauderdale, FL which has a total square feet of 3,384 and
within one of the most prestigious areas of the city.
Due to legal requirements, a new entity was established in 2008, and named Florida Turkish Center
Foundation (FTCF). In order to minimize the monthly operating expenses of the Turkish Center, a
mortgage in the amount of USD 350,000 was financed at 4% interest by a group of five of our dear
friends. In addition, USD 179,000 was paid for the interior construction and decoration of the center.
This property is not any person(s)‟ own asset as it belongs to the FTCF. The Center is managed in
cooperation between the FTCF Board of Trustees and FTAA. The five person finance group and
Board of Trustees are all members of FTAA.
The outstanding loan was already reduced to $217,000 by continued donations, and the event earnings of FTAA.
Such dense interests and continuing donations proved us that, we are on right track and encouraged
us to work even harder.
The monthly operating expenses of the Florida Turkish Center include the condo maintenance fee, the
mortgage, electricity, heating/cooling, cleaning, Cable TV and Turkish TV, telephone and other needs
which amount to USD 3,500. These expenses will decrease substantially upon settlement of the mortgage.
We are confident that you, our close friends and family, who believe in the mission of the Turkish Center, will support us. Your dedication and support is absolutely vital to keeping the Turkish Center operational forever.
As FTAA and FTCF, we are requesting that you kindly consider the following support: During the next
4 years, each family or person to donate less than $3 per day -- payable monthly ($83), 3 months
($250), bi-annually ($500), or yearly ($1000) so that we may be able to pay off our loan. We believe
that we can easily cover our monthly expenses with the activities and the increasing number of members. We believe that the philosophies of Ataturk have brought us together, as well as those principles
which have helped in the founding of our modern country. We are very confident that you, our most
valued friends, will help us hand over this flag to the next generations.
Florida Turkish American Association
3020 NE 32nd Ave. 123
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
FTAA is your only association
© 2008-2012 FTAA All Rights Reserved. FTAA is a non-profit
organization 501(c)(3) organization.
Phone: (954) 588-7957
Turkish Center: (954) 766-4810
Efax: (561)2095954
E-mail: contact@ftaa.com