Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel CV İngilizce


Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel CV İngilizce
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel CV ?ngilizce
Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth:
Marital status:
Current address:
Name: Hamdi
Place of Birth:
Yozgat/Sorgun (Turkey)
DicleUniversityGraduateSchool of Natural and Applied Sciences
21280 Diyarbak?r, TURKEY
Telephone: +90 412 2488320/2331/2341 (work)
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Education and Employment
1984-1988 (B.Sc. in Chemistry):SelçukUniversity, Konya, Turkey.
1990-1992 (M. Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry): University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey. The Title of the
Theses of “The Chemical Absorption of Sulfur dioxide in Aqueous Suspension of various
carbonates” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mustafa BOYBAY.
1992-1995 (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry): University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey. The title of the
Theses of “Synthesis and Characterization Na+, K+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+and Pb2+ Complexes with
Some Lipophilic Diaza-18-crown-6 Derivatives” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mustafa
1989- 1996
Research Assistant, University of Dicle, Diyarbak?r-Turkey
Assistant Professor, University of Dicle, Diyarbak?r-Turkey
2002- 2008
Assoc. Professor, University of Dicle, Diyarbak?r-Turkey
2008- present
Professor, University of Dicle, Diyarbak?r-Turkey
1I am currently referees for Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Journal of Molecular
Structure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Egyptian Journal of
Chemistry, F. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, C. Ü. E?itim
Fakültesi Dergisi, Nobel International Journals, ZAAC - Zeitschrift für Anorganische und
Allgemeine Chemie, Research letters in Inorganic Chemistry, Acta Chimica Slovenica,
Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), Journal of The Serbian Chemical Society
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
KEY WORDS: Schiff base, polymeric Schiff base, Schiff Base and polymeric Schiff base
Complexes, Macrocyclic Schiff bases, Chiral Schiff base, Synthesis, Characterization,
Biological Studies, Complexation Studies, Preparation of Crown Ether Precursors, Crown Ether
Metal Complexes, environmental pollution, metal analysis of oil leakage.
Research Interests
I am currently involved in the following research areas:
Preparations of Transition Metal Complexes with Schiff Base and polymeric
Schiff base. Characterization of prepared complexes by elemental analyses,
LM,IR, UV-VIS, 1H NMR and magnetic measurements. In addition, Comlexation
Studies, Antifungal and Biological Activities of Prepared Complexes, The
Determination of Stability Constant (Ke)
Chiral Schiff bases, Synthesis of Their complexes.
Macrocyclik Schiff bases, Synthesis of Their complexes
Synthesis of New Crown Ethers, Crown Ether Precursors and Their Complexes.
Environmental pollution
Metal analysis of oil leakage
Abroad Experience
1I have been as an ERASMUS teacher at our institution
between the following date’s 12-04.2009-18.04.2009, Tallinn
University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia.
2- I have been participated The General English Course between 20/07-08/08 2010 inMalta
and received Certificate.
3- Hayat Boyu Ö?renme program? 2010 teklif ça?r?s? döneminde Ulusal Ajans taraf?ndan
kabul edilen ve Siirt üniversitesi taraf?ndan yürütülen Avusturya (Viyana) da yap?lan
“Çölyak Hastalar? için T?bbi Ekmek Yap?m?n?n Ö?renilmesi” isimli 2010-1-TR1LEO02-15889
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
referans numaral? Leonardo Da Vinci projesinde kat?l?mc? olarak 28.01.2001- 18.02.2011
tarihleri aras?nda bulunmu?tur.
4- I took “Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education in Italy” between 12-18
Haziran 2011.
Certificate of Attendance
1I have attended a training course organized bye the Strengthening Quality ?nfrastructure
in Turkey project-TR0702.12.01/001 on Training for Laboratories from DicleUniversity on the
measurement Uncertainty for testing laboratories
2I have attended a training course organized bye the Strengthening Quality ?nfrastructure
in Turkey project-TR0702.12.01/001 on Training for Laboratories from DicleUniversity, in
Diyarbak?r on the method Validation for testing laboratories accredited under the Standart ISO
3I have attended a training course organized bye the Strengthening Quality ?nfrastructure
in Turkey project-TR0702.12.01/001 on Training for Laboratories from DicleUniversity, in
Diyarbak?r on the accreditation Standart ISO 17025.
4I have completed the “Project Proposal Evaluation Process Training” conducted on 21-22
January 2012, Gordiom Hotel, and Ankara.
1Ü. Çak?r, M. Karakaplan, H. Temel, H. Ho?gören and Ç. Erk, Synthesis of New Lariat
Cyclicdiamides and Their Complexes, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular
Recognation in Chemistry, 26, 21-26 (1996).
2Y. Aydo?du, F. Yakuphano?lu, A. Aydo?du, H. Temel, M. ?ekerci and H. Ho?gören,
Electrical and Optical Properties of Inorganic Complexes (C36H76N2O9ClNa) and
(C14H12N2O4TeBr2), Solid State Sciences, 3, 377-382 (2001).
Temel, H. and M. ?ekerci, Novel complexes of Manganese(II), Cobalt(II), Copper(II) and
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Zinc(II) with Schiff Base derived from 1,2-Bis-(p-amino-phenoxy)ethane and salicylaldehyde,
Synt. React. Inorg. Met-Org. Chem. 31 (5), 849- 857 (2001).
4G. Topal, H. Temel, Ö. Yavuz, M. Co?kun and M. ?ekerci, Preparation of New o
-carboxyaniliotellurium(IV)bromides and Their Dyeing Properties, Synt. React. Inorg. Met-Org.
Chem, 31 (6) 1097- 1107 (2001).
5H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, B. Otludil and H. ?. U?ra?, Synthesis, Spectral and Biological
Studies of Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) Complexes with Tetra Dentate Schiff Base Ligand.
Complexation Studies and The Determination of Stability Constant (Ke), Synt. React. Inorg.
Met-Org. Chem., 31 (8) 1323- 1337 (2001).
6H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, And H. ?. U?ra?, Synthesis and Characterization of Zn(II), Cu(II)
and Ni(II) Complexes with Bidentate Schiff Base Ligands. Complexation Studies and The
Determination of Stability Constant (Ke), Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 12 20222026 (2001).
7H. Temel, H. Ho?gören and M. Boybay, Synthesis and Characterization Na+, K+, Ca2+ ,
Ba2+, Sr2+and Pb2+ Complexes With Some Lipophilic Diaza-18-crown-6 Derivatives,
Spectroscopy Letters, 34 (5) 1-8 (2001).
8H. Temel, S. ?lhan, M. ?ekerci, R. Ziyadano?ullar?, The Synthesis and Spectral
characterization of new Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(III) and Zn(II) Complexes with Schiff base,
Spectroscopic Letters., 35 (2) 219- 228, (2002).
9G. Topal, H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, F. Karadeniz, and H. Ho?gören, Synthesis
and Complexation of New Substituted Dibenzo Diaza Macrocyclic Diester Compounds,
Synthetic Communication, 32 (11), 1721- 1729 (2002).
10- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, and M. ?ekerci, Synthesis and Characterization of New
N,N’-Bis(cinnemaldeydene)-1,2-bis(p-aminophenoxy)ethane and Its Transition Metal
Complexes, Synt. React. Inorg. Met-Org. Chem.,32 (9) 1625-1634 (2002)
11- H. Temel, H. Ho?gören, New Cu(II), Mn(III), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes with chiral
quadridentate Schiff base, Transition metal Chemistry, 27 (6) 609-612 (2002).
12- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, M. Sekerci, The Synthesis, characterization and
conductance studies of new Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) Complexes with Schiff base derived from
1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane and salicylaldehyde, J. Coord. Chem., 56 (11) 943-951(2003).
13- Ü. Çak?r, H. Temel, H. H. ?. ?lhan, S. U?ra?, H.?, The Spectroscopic and Conductance
Studies of new Transition Metal Complexes with Schiff Base derived from
4-Methoxybenzaldehyde and 1,2-Bis(p-Aminophenoxy)Ethane, Spect. Letters., 36 (5/6) p.
429-440 (2003) .
14- Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, H. Temel, G. Topal, Complexation Studies of some newly
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Synthesized Precursors for Substituted Dibenzo and Dibenzodiaza Crown Ethers. Journal of
Applied Polymer Science, 91 (4) P.2497- 2501 (2003)
15- H. Temel, T. Ta?k?n, and M. ?ekerci, The Spectral and Antifungal Studies of Transition
metal complexes of N,N’-Ethylenebis(salicylideneimine), Russian Journal of Inorganic
Chemistry, 49 (3) 347-351 (2004)
16- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, and H. ?. U?ra?, Synthesis and Characterization of a novel
Oxovanadium(IV) Complex and Conductometric Studies with
N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-bis-(p-aminophenoxy)ethane, Synt. React. Inorg. Met-Org. Chem., 34
(4) 819-831 (2004).
17- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, V. Tolan, B. Otludil, H. ?. U?ra?, Complexation and Mutagenicity
Potential Studies with
N,N'-Bis(2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene)-1,2-bis-(p-aminophenoxy)ethane and The
Novel Oxovanadium(IV) Complex, J. Coord. Chem., 57 (7) 571- 581 (2004).
18- H. Temel, Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies on new Cu(II), Ni(II), VO(IV) and Zn(II)
Complexes with
N,N'-Bis(2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene)-1,2-bis-(p-aminophenoxy)ethane, J. Coord.
Chem., 57 (9) 723- 729, (2004).
19- E. Ta?, M. Aslano?lu, M. Ulusoy and H. Temel, Sythesis, spectral, characterization and
Electrochemical Studies of Copper and Cobalt complexes with Novel tetradentate
Salicylaldimines, J. Coord. Chem., 57 (8) 677- 684 (2004).
20- O. Çak?r, H. Temel, M. Kiyak, Chemical Etching of Cu-ETP copper, Journal of Materila s
Procsesing Technology,162-163, 275- 279 (2005).
21- H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, I. Ayd?n, F. Ayd?n, Synthesis, Spectroscopic and
Thermodynamic Studies on New Transition Metal Complexes with
N,N'-Bis(2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene)-1,2-bis-(m-aminophenoxy)ethane and Their
Determination by Spectrophotometric Method, J Coord. Chem. 58 (14) 1177-1185 (2005).
22- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, F. Ayd?n, E. ?ahin, I. Ayd?n, H. Temel, Determination of stability
constants and thermodynamic parameters of some complexes of with the Schiff Base derived
from 2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene-1-naphtylamin, Russian Journal of Inorganic
Chemistry, 50 (10) 1532- 1535 ( 2005).
23- H. Aydin, B. Ziyadano?ullari, H. Temel, The Characterization and Spectrophotometric
Studies of new Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) Complexes with The Schiff Base Derived from
1,2-Bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane and Salicylaldehyde, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry
(Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii), 79 (1) 114-117 (2005).
24- H. Bulut, M. Karatepe, H. Temel, M. ?ekerci, Studies on the Antiviral and Cytotoxic Activity
of Schiff Bases Derived from 1,2-bis-(o- and p-aminophenoxy)ethane and Salicylaldehyde,
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Asian Journal of Chemistry 17 (4) 2793-2796 (2005)
25- H. Temel, U. Çak?r, and H. ?. U?ra?, N,N’-Ethylenebis(salicylideneimine)- Cation
Complexation Behaviour in Dioxane/water mixtures by Conductometris Studies, Russian
Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (2) 274- 276 (2005).
26- E. Ta?, M. Aslano?lu, A. K?l?ç, Ö. Kaplan, H. Temel, Preparation, Characterisation and
Redox Properties of four New Tetradentate Salicylaldimines with their Cu(II) complexes, Journal
of Chemical Research, 05/ 3322, 242-245, (2006).
27- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, M. Aslano?lu, A. K?l?ç, E. Ta?, Synthesis, Spectroscopic and
Electrochemical Studies of Novel Transition Metal Complexes with Quadridentate Schiff base,
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 53, 1027- 1031, (2006).
28- E. Suba??, H. Temel, O. S. ?entürk, F. U?ur, Photochemical Reactions of Metal Carbonlys
[(M(CO)6(M=Cr, Mo, W) with N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane, J Coord.
Chem., 59 (16), 1807-1811, (2006).
29- H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Alp, I.Ayd?n, F. Ayd?n and S. ?lhan, Synthesis and
Spectral Studies, Determination of Stability Constants and Thermodynamic Parameters of
Some Aromatic Diamine Transiton Metal Complexes, Russian Coord. Chem, 32 (4), 282-286
30- N. Tokmak, M. ?ekerci and H. Temel, New Co(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes with
1,2-Bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 28 (6) 557-560
31- E. Suba??, H. Temel, Photochemical Reactions of VIB and VIIB Group Metal Carbonly
Complexes with a Chiral Schiff base, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and
Nano-Metal Chemistry, 37; 85- 89 (2007).
32- H. Temel, S. Soran and M. ?ekerci, The Spectroscopic Studies of new Co(II), Cu(II) and
Ni(II) Complexes with 1,2-bis(m-aminophenoxy)ethane, R Inorg Chem. 52 (5) 709- 712 (2007).
33- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, D. Ceviziçi, H. Temel, R. Guzel, Extraction of Copper(II), Nickel(II)
and Cobalt(II) with N,N'-Bis(salicylaldehydene)-1,4-bis-(m-aminophenoxy)butane, Annali di
Chimica, 97, p. 287- 294 (2007).
34- S. Ilhan, H. Temel, I. Yilmaz, A. Kilic, Synthesis, Characterization and Redox Properties of
Macrocyclic Schiff Base by Reaction of 2,6-diaminopyridine and 1,3-bis(2-carboxyaldehyde
phenoxy)propane and its Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) and La(III) complexes, Transition Metal
Chemistry, 32; 344- 349 (2007).
35- S. Ilhan, H. Temel, I. Yilmaz and M. ?ekerci, Synthesis and Characterization of new
Macrocyclic Schiff Base Derived from 2,6-Diaminopyridine and
1,7-Bis(2-formylphenyl)-1,4,7-trioxaheptane and its Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) and La(III)
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
complexes., Polyhedron, 26; 2795- 2802 (2007).
36- S. Ilhan, H. Temel, R. Ziyadano?ullar? and M. ?ekerci, Synthesis and spectral
characterization of macrocyclic Schiff base by reaction of 2,6-diaminopyridine and
1,4-bis(2-carboxyaldehyde phenoxy)butane and its Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) and La(III)
complexes., Transition Metal Chemistry, 32, 584-590 (2007).
37- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, M. Aslano?lu and H. Alp,Synthesis, Spectroscopic and
Electrochemical Studies of Novel Transition Metal Complexes with
N,N'-Bis(2-hydroxynaphthalin-1-carbaldehydene)-1,3-bis-(o-aminophenoxy) propane, Indian
Journal of Chemistry, Sec A (IJC-A) 46A, 1109- 1112 (2007).
38- S.Ilhan, H. Temel, I. Yilmaz and M. Sekerci, Synthesis, structural characterization and
electro chemical studies of new macrocyclic Schiff base containing pyridine head and its metal
complexes, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 692, 3855–3865 (2007).
39- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, Synthesis, spectral studies of new macrocyclic Schiff base derived
from 2,6-diaminopyridine and 1,10-bis(2-formylphenyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraoxadecane and its Cu(II),
Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) and La(III) complexes, Transition metal chemistry 32, 1039- 1046 (2007)
40- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, A. Kilic, E. Tas Synthesis and spectral characterization of macrocyclic
Ni(II) complexes derived from various diamines, Ni(II) perchlorate and
1,4-bis(2-carboxyaldehydephenoxy)butane, Transition Metal Chemistry, 32 , 1012-1017 (2007)
41- H. Temel,H. Alp,S. ?lhan, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, and ?. Y?lmaz, Spectroscopic and
electrochemical studies of novel transition metal complexes with
N,N’-bis(2-aminothiphenol)-1,7-bis(2-formylphenyl)-1,4,7-trioxaheptane and structure effects on
extractability of ligand towards some divalent cations, Monatshefte für chemica chemical
monthly, 138, 1199- 1209 (2007)
42- S. Ilhan, H. Temel, A. K?l?ç, Synthesis and characterization of new macrocyclic Cu(II)
complexes from various amines, copper(II) nitrate and 1,4-bis(2-carboxyaldehyde
phenoxy)butane , Journal of Chine chem. 1-10 (25) (2007)
43- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, Synthesis, Characterization and Spectroscopic Studies of Novel
Transition Metal Complexes with
N,N'-bis(salicyaldehydene)-1,4-bis-(4-chloro-2-aminophenoxy)butane, R J of
Coord. Chemistry, 33 (12) 918-91 (2007).
44- I. Yilmaz, H.Temel,H. Alp, Synthesis, Electrochemistry and In situ
Spectroelectrochemistry of a New Co(III) Thio Schiff-base Complex with
N,N’-Bis(2-aminothiophenol)-1,4-bis(carboxylidene phenoxy)butane, Polyhedron, 27, 125- 132
45- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, D. Ceviziçi, H. Temel, R. Ziyadano?ullar?, Preparation and Structure
Effects on Preconcentration and Extraction of
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
N,N'-Bis(Salicylaldehydene)-1,4-Bis-(p-Aminophenoxy)butane towards some Divalent Cations, J
of Hazardous Materials. 150, 285-289 (2008).
46- S. ?lhan, H. Temel and A. Kilic, Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Macrocyclic Cu(II)
Complexes by Reaction of various Amines, Copper(II) Perchlorate and
1,4-Bis(2-carboxyaldehydephenoxy)butane, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 61 (2) 277- 284
47- H. Temel and S. ?lhan, Prepared and characterization of macrocyclic Schiff base by
reaction of 2,6-diaminopyridine with various aldehydes and their Cu(II) complexes,
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 69, 896–903(2008).
48- S. ?lhan and H. Temel, Synthesis and Characterization of macrocyclic Cd(II) complexes,
Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec A (IJC-A). 47 (3) 378- 382 (2008).
49- H. Temel,H. Alp,S. Ilhan and B. Ziyadanogullari, Spectroscopic and Extraction Studies of
new Transition Metal Complexes with
N,N’-bis(2-aminothiphenol)-1,4-Bis(2-carboxaldehydenephenoxy)butane, J Coordination
Chem.,61 (7) (2008) 1146-1156.
50- S. Ilhan and H. Temel, M. Sunkur and ? Tegin Synthesis, structural characterization of
new macrocyclic Schiff base derived from 1,6-bis(2-carboxyaldehydephenoxy)pentane and
2,6-diaminopyridine and its metal complexes, Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec A (IJC-A). 47
(4) 560- 564 (2008).
51- H. Temel, Ü. Demirbas and M. ?ekerci, Synthesis And Spectral Studies Of New Co(Ii),
Cu(Ii) And Ni(Ii) Metal Complexes with Aromatic Diamine, Russian journal inorganic chemistry
53 (7) 1061-1064 (2008).
52- H. Temel, S. ?lhan A. Kilic and E. Tas, Synthesis and spectral characterization of new
macrocyclic Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes derived from 1,4-bis(2-carboxyaldehyde
phenoxy)butane and various diamines presence Ni(II) and Co(II) nitrate, J of Coordination
Chem., 61 (9) 1443- 1454 (2008).
53- S . Karahan, P. Köse, E. Suba??, H. Temel, Photochemical reactions of [M(CO)5THF] (M:
Cr, Mo and W) with tetradentate Schiff-bases, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and MetalOrganic Chemistry, 38 (5) 422-427 (2008).
54- S. Karahan, P. Köse, E. Suba??, H. Alp and H. Temel, "Photochemical Reactions of
[M(CO)5THF] (M: Cr, Mo and W) with Thio Schiff-bases" , Trans. Met. Chem., 33(7), 849-854
55- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, Synthesis and spectral studies of macrocyclic Cu(II), Ni(II) and Co(II)
complexes by reaction of 1,4-bis(3-aminopropoxy)butane with metal(II) nitrate and salicyaldeyde
derivatives, Journal of Moleculer Structure, 891 , 157-166 (2008).
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
56- S. Ilhan and H. Temel, Synthesis, spectral characterization of new macrocyclic Schiff base
by reaction of 1,5-bis(2-formylphenyl)pentane and 2,6-diaminopyridine and its metal complexes,
J Coord. Chem. 62 (3) 456-464 (2009).
57- I. Yilmaz, S. Ilhan, H. Temel and A. K?l?c, Synthesis, Characterization and ElectroSpectroelectrochemical Studies of Four New Macrocyclic Schiff-Base Cobalt Complexes having
N2O2 Set of Donor Atoms, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry,63,
163-169 (2009).
58- ?lhan, S., Temel, H., Pasa, S., Synthesis and spectral studies of macrocyclic Pb(II), Zn(II),
Cd(II) and La(III) complexes derived from 1,4-bis(3-aminopropoxy)butane with metal nitrate and
salicylaldehyde derivatives, Chinese Chemical Letters 20, 339–343 (2009).
59- H. Temel, S.?lhan, Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Novel Transition Metal
Complexes with Schiff Base synthesized from 1,4-bis–(o-aminophenoxy)butane and
salicyldehyde, Russian J Inorg Chem. 54 (4) 5439-547 (2009).
60- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of novel transition metal
complexes with schiff base synthesized from 1,4-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)butane and
salicyldehyde, Russ?an Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 54 (4) 543-547 (2009).
61- I. Aydin, S. Sozcan, B. Ziyadano?ullari, H. Temel, Selective extraction
of copper(II) from aqueous solution by using Schiff bases, Polish Journal of Chemistry , 83,
1591-1600 (2009).
62- K. Akk?l?ç, Y.S. Ocak, T. K?l?ço?lu, S. ?lhan, H. Temel, Calculation of current–voltage
characteristics of a Cu(II) complex/n–Si/AuSb-Schottky diyote, Current Applied Physics 10 (1)
337- 341 (2010).
63- ?lhan S., H. Temel., Synthesis of complexes of Pb(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), La(III) and Cu(II)
with a Schiff base macrocyclic ligand containing pyridine, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL
RESEARCH 304–306 (2010).
64- S. Ilhan, H.Temel, S. Pa?a, and ?. Te?in, Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Macrocyclic
Pb(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and La(III) Complexes by Template Reaction of
1,2_Bis(2_formylphenyl)ethane with Metal Nitrate and Various Daimine, Russian Journal of
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 1402–1409(2010).
65- E. V. Oral, I. Dolak, H. Temel, B. Ziyadanogullari, Preconcentration and determination of
copper and cadmium ions with 1,6-bis(2-carboxy aldehyde phenoxy)butane functionalized 186
(1) 724-730 (2011).
66- R.G. Guven, F. M. Bekler, H. Kaya, O. Acar, K. Guven, H. Temel, Isolation and
Identification of petroleum degrading bacteria, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 22S 2011
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
67- Hamdi Temel, Salih Pa?a, Yusuf Selim Ocak, ?smail Y?lmaz, Serpil Demir, ?smail
Özdemir Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical-spectroelectrochemical properties and
applications in palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reactions of N2S2O2 thio Schiff base
ligand and its Cu(II), Co(III), Ni(II), Pd(II) complexes and their usage in the fabrication of organicinorganic hybrid devices Synthetic metals accepted.
Other Publicaiton
1H. Temel, The Chemical Absorption of Sulfur dioxide in Aqueous Suspension of
Limestone and DTA Studies, Arch. Für Nat.- Lands.-, 41 Nos. 3-4, 141-147 (2002).
2H. Temel, R. Ziyadano?ullar?, M. Boybay M. Arslan, The Chemical Absorption of Sulfur
dioxide in Aqueous Suspension of Dolomite and DTA Studies, Archives of Argonomy and Soil
Science, 49, 435-443 (2003).
3H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, M. Boybay, The Interaction of Sulfur dioxide in Aqueous
Suspension of Magnesite and DTA Studies, Archives of Argonomy and Soil Science, 50 (3)
361-368 (2004).
B. Otludil, O. B. Agülo?lu, R. Demir, V. Tolan, H. Temel, The Effects on Extracellular and
4Membrane in Amylase Base, Its Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes and Metal ions in
Bacillus Substilis, Bio Technology & Biotechnological Equipment, 19 (2) 105- 110 (2005).
Gündüz, B., Küçükkolba??, S., Malta?, E., H. Temel, Y?ld?z, S. Spectrofluorimetric
5determination of copper by using a new Schiff base, Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry,
Volume 16, Number 1, page 15-18 (2005).
H. Temel, S. ?han, Synthesis And Spectral Studies of New Schiff Base Macrocyclic Zn(II)
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Complexes, Macromoleculer, An Indian Journal, Trade Science Inc 3 (3) (2007).
Presentations submitted to various chemistry conferences
1H. Temel, H. Ho?gören, Ü. Çak?r, and M. Boybay, Synthesis and Characterization of
Na+ and Ba2+ Complexes of diaza-18-crown-6 Derivatives, Molecular Recognation and
Inclusion, Proceeding of the Ninth International Symposium on Molecular Recognation and
Inclusion, Lyon, Fransa, P. 527-530, 1996.
Ü. Çak?r, H. Temel, and H. Ho?gören, Synthesis of N,N'Disubstituted Diazacoronands VI
2µ, W-Diamino-Aliphatic Ethers Precursors, 35th IUPAC Congress, ?stanbul, Turkey, P. 609,
Ü. Çak?r, H. Temel, and H. Ho?gören, The Metal Complexes with New Type Macrocyclic
3Polyether-Diamide Ligands, International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds, ?stanbul, Turkey,
P.76, 1995.
4H. Temel, Complexes of Cupper(II), Nickel(II), Cobalt(III) and Zinc(II) with Schiff Base
Derived From 1,2-Bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane and Salicylaldehyde, MBCAC III 3rd
Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Antalya, Turkey, P. 138, 2000.
5H. Temel, U, Çak?r, B. Otludil, H. ?. U?ra?, ?. Ba?aran, Complexation and Mutagenicity
Potential Studies w?th N,N'-B?s(2-Hydroxynapthalin-1-Carbaldehydene)-1,2-Bis(paminophenoxy)ethane and the novel oxovanadium(IV) Complex, 2nd International Aegean
Physical Chemistry Days, Balikesir, Turkey, p- 034 (2004).
6H. Temel, H., U, Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, ?. Ba?aran, Synthesis And Characterization of a
Novel Oxovanadium(IV) Complex And Conductometric Studies with N,N'-bis
(Salicylidene)-1,2-B?s-(p-aminophenoxy)ethane, 2nd International Aegean Physical Chemistry
Days, Balikesir, Turkey, p. 079 (2004).
B. Gündüz, S. Küçükkolba??, E. Malta?, H. Temel, S. Y?ld?z, Determination of
7Fluorescence Properties of some Transition Metal Complexes by Quenching Method, 4th
Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings Book, Ku?adas?, Ayd?n, Turkey, P. 428-430,
B. Gündüz, S. Küçükkolba??, E. Malta?, H. Temel, S. Y?ld?z, Effect of Solvent on the
8Fluorence of some Schiff Bases, 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings Book,
Ku?adas?, Ayd?n, Turkey, P. 66-68, (2004).
9O. Çak?r, H. Temel, M. K?yak, Chemical etching of Cu-ETP Copper, 8th International
Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 16th- 19th May GliwiceWisia, Poland, P. 94-97 (2005).
10- B. Gündüz, S. Kücükkolbasi, Maltas, E., H. Temel, Y?ld?z, S., Spectrofluorimetric
Determination Of Copper by us?ng a new Schiff Base, 3rd Black Sea Basin Conference on
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Analytical Chemistry, Constanda, Romania (2005).
11- E. Malta?, B. Gündüz, B., H. Temel, S. Y?ld?z, Spectrofluorimetric determination of
aluminum by using a new Schiff base, pp. 133. XVIIth European Chemistry at Interfaces
Conference, 27 June- 1 July 2005, Loughborough, UK.
12- S. Y?ld?z, M. Yaman, E. Maltas, H. Temel, Development of spectrofluorometric method
based complexation for determination of copper, 41st IUPAC Congress, Torino (Italy) August
5-10, 2007.
13- K. Akk?l?ç, S. ?lhan, T. K?l?ço?lu, H. Temel, Determination of the Characteristic
Parameters of Metal Complex/n_Si/AuSb Structures, Türk Fizik Derne?i, 24. Uluslar aras? Fizik
Kongresi, 28-31 A?ustos, Malatya, 2007, P. 372.
14- Pelin Köse, Senem Karahan, Elif Suba??, Yavuz Ergün, Hamdi Temel "Photochemical
reactions of M(CO)6 (M=Cr,Mo,W) with salen type Schiff base ligands".Sixth International
Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern Europen Countries, Bulgaristan,
Eylül 2008.
15- Senem Karahan, Pelin Köse, Elif Suba??, Hüseyin Alp, Hamdi Temel "Photochemical
Rearrangement of Tetradentate Schiff Bases and Photogeneration of VIB Group Metal Carbonyl
Complexes". Sixth International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern
Europen Countries, Bulgaristan, Eylül 2008.
16- Senem Karahan, Pelin Köse, Elif Suba??, Hamdi Temel "Photochemical Generations of
Bimetallic Carbonyl Complexes". Sixth International Conference of the Chemical Societies of
the South-Eastern Europen Countries, Bulgaristan, Eylül 2008.
17- Orhan Kavak, Kivilcim Onen, Hamdi Temel, methods of Analysis Applied to Hydrocarbon
Seepage in Southeastern region of Anatolia (Turkey) and their ?nterpretation, SGEM 2011, 11.
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 20-25 June 2011 Bulgaria, Volume 1,
P.1237- 1244.
18- Fatma Siga, Hamdi Temel, Yusuf Selim Ocak, Salih Pa?a, Kemal Akk?l?c, Elektrical
properties of New polimeric metal Complexes, Nanomaterials: Appl,ication & properties,
Nanomaterials: Application & Properties, Paper282, 2011, Ukrain.
19- R.G. Guven, F. M. Bekler, H. Kaya, O. Acar, K. Guven, H. Temel, Isolation and
Identification of petroleum degrading bacteria, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 22S 2011,
European Biotechnology Congress Location: Istanbul, TURKEY Date: SEP 28-OCT 01, 2011
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
National Publications
1Kara, ?. H., H. Temel, M. Ertem, M. Bo?nak, B. Dikici, ve M. K?l?nç, Malnutrosyonlu
Çocuklarda Serum Çinko Düzeyleri, Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 27 (2), 5-9 (1998).
2H. Temel, B. Oral, ve Y. Avano?lu, Kimya Ö?rencilerinin Deneye Yönelik Tutumlar? ile
Analitik Kimya Laboratuar?ndaki Titrimetri Deneylerini Planlama ve Uygulamaya ?li?kin Bilgi ve
Becerileri Aras?ndaki ?li?ki, Ça?da? E?itim, 264, 32-38 (2000).
3B. Oral, H. Temel, E. Güler, Kimya E?itimi Ö?rencilerinin Bilgisayar Destekli Ö?retim
Uygulamas?na ?li?kin Alg?lar?, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (8) (2004),
4Z. Özgen, M. Y?ld?r?m, H. Temel, Farkl? Schiff Bazlar? ve Komplekslerinin Bu?day ve
pamukta Çimlenme Üzerine Etkisi, “I. Uluslararas? Aras? Kat?l?ml? Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi
??birli?i Sempozyumu ve Mermercilik ?uras?”, 24-26 May?s 2010, D.Ü. Kongre merkezi,
5S. Pa?a, Y.S. Ocak, H. Temel, T. K?l?ço?lu, Tiyoschiff Bazi
N,N?-Bis(2-Hidroksi-1-Naftaldehit)-1,2-Bis(2-Amino Feniltiyo) Etan Ve Co(II), Ni(II), Pd(II) Metal
Komplekslerinin Metal/Yariiletken Kontaklarin Elektriksel Karakterizasyonuna Etkisi, “I.
Uluslararas? Aras? Kat?l?ml? Kamu-Üniversite-Sanayi ??birli?i Sempozyumu ve Mermercilik
?uras?”, 24-26 May?s 2010, D.Ü. Kongre merkezi, Diyarbak?r,
6H. Temel, plastik torbalar?n insan ve çevre sa?l???na zararlar?, Do?an?n yeniden ke?fi,
Merkezefendi geleneksel T?p Festivali, 5-13 haziran 2010, 44-47.
7H.Temel, Plastik Po?et Kirlili?i ve Çevre E?itimi, Diyarbak?r’da Tar?m, Do?a ve Çevre
Sempozyumu, Diyarbak?r ?l G?da, Tar?m ve Hayvanc?l?k Müdürlü?ü yay?nlar?, Cilt I, 1-3
haziran 2010, Diyarbak?r, s. 208- 220.
8H. Temel, Dicle Üniversitesi Engelliler uygulama ve Ara?t?rma merkezinin Kurulu?
Hedef ve ?lkeleri, Modern kentle?mede Engelliler ve Güvenlik, Adalet yay?nevi, Ankara 2011,
National Congress
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
1H. Temel, R. Ziyadano?ullar?, ve M. Boybay, SO2'in Çe?itli Karbonatlar Taraf?ndan
Kimyasal Absorpsiyonu, Kimya-93 IX Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisli?i Sempozyumu, s. 62,
Trabzon, 1993.
H. Ho?gören, ve H. Temel, Baz? Yan Kollu Taç Eterlerin Alkali ve Toprak Alkali
2Metalleriyle Komplekslerinin Haz?rlanmas?, Kimya-94 X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 137, Bursa,
?. H. Kara, H. Temel, M. Ertem, M. Bo?nak, B. Dikici, ve M. K?l?nç, Diyarbak?r
3Yöresinde Protein Malnutrosyonu ve Çocuklarda Serum Çinko Eksikli?i, XI. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, s. 655, Van, 1997.
4H. Temel, B. Oral, ve Y. Avano?lu, Kimya Ö?rencilerinin Deneye yönelik Tutumlar? ile
Analitik Kimya Laboratuar?ndaki Titrimetri Deneylerini Planlama ve Uygulamaya ?li?kin Bilgi ve
Becerileri Aras?ndaki ?li?ki, XI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 682, Van, 1997.
G. Topal, H. Temel, F. Karadeniz ve H. Ho?gören, Sübstitüe Benzen Birimleri ?çeren
5benzo(aza) Crown Eter Ç?k?? Maddelerinin Haz?rlanmas?, XIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s.
1258, Van, 1998.
Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, H. Temel, ve G. Topal, Baz? yeni Fonksiyonel Gruplar içeren
6Oksijen ve Azot Ta??yan Köprülü Makromoleküler Türevlerinin Sentezi ve Kompleksle?me
Sabitlerinin Tayini, XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 566, Diyarbak?r, 2000.
G. Topal, B. Oral, H. Y?lmaz, H. Temel, ve M. Co?kun, Organik Kimya Ö?retiminde
7Ö?rencilerin Aromatiklik Kavram?n? Kazanma Düzeylerinin Belirlemeye ili?kin Bir
De?erlendirme, XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 184, Diyarbak?r, 2000.
8H. Temel ve S. ?lhan, 1,2-Bis-(p-aminofenoksi)etan?n 4-metoksi Benzaldehitle Schiff
baz?n?n Sentezi ve Baz? Geçi? Metal Komplekslerinin Haz?rlanmas?, XIV. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, s. 396, Diyarbak?r, 2000.
H. Y?lmaz, M. Co?kun, G. Topal, ve H. Temel, Kimya Ö?retiminde Ba?ar?s?zl???n
9Nedenleri, XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 173, Diyarbak?r, 2000.
10- H. Y?lmaz, M. Co?kun, G. Topal, ve H. Temel, Ö?retmenin Kimya Dersine Kar??
Tutumu, XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, s. 520, Diyarbak?r, 2000.
11- H. Temel, ve Ö. Sat?c?, Bir Çevre Kirleticisi olan; Kükürt dioksidin kalsit Taraf?ndan
Farkl? Süre ve ?s? gruplar?nda Absorpsiyon De?i?iminin Friedman ?ki yönlü Varyans Analizi ve
Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi ile ?ncelenmesi, 5. Ulusal Biyoistatistik Sempozyumu, s. 339,
Eski?ehir, 2000.
12- F. Yakuphano?lu, H. Temel, M. ?ekerci ve Y. Aydo?du, N-Toluil Bile?i?inin Elektriksel
?letkenli?inin S?cakl??a Ba?l?l???, XV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ?stanbul, AN-P79. 2001.
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
13- H. Temel, H., S. ?lhan, M. ?ekerci, ve R. Ziyadano?ullar?, Schiff Bazl? Yeni Cu(II), Ni(II),
Co(III) ve Zn(II) Komplekslerinin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu, XV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi,
?stanbul, AN-S39, 2001.
14- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, ve M. ?ekerci, Yeni N,N’Bis(sinnemaldehiden)-1,2-Bis(p-aminofenoksi)etan ve Geçi? Metal Kompleksleri, XV. Ulusal
Kimya Kongresi, ?stanbul, AN-P78, 2001.
15- H. Temel, ve Ho?gören, H. Kiral Schiff Baz?n?n Cu(II), Mn(III), Ni(II) VE Zn(II)
Komplekslerinin sentezi, karekterizasyonu ve spektral Çal??malar?, XVI. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, Konya, AK-P60, 2002.
16- H. Temel, ve Sat?c?, Ö. Bir Çevre Kirleticisi olan; Kükürt Dioksidin Dolomit Taraf?ndan
Farkl? Sere ve ?s? Gruplar?nda Absorpsiyon De?i?iminin Friedman ?ki Yönlü Varyans Analizi
ile ?ncelenmesi, XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, AK-P88, 2002.
17- M. ?ekerci, M. Boybay, Ü. Demirba? ve H. Temel, 1,2-Bis(o-aminofenoksi)etan
Ligand?n?n Co(II), Ni(II) ve Cu(II) Komplekslerinin sentezi, XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya,
AN-S1, 2002.
18- H. Temel, T. Ta?k?n, we M. ?ekerci, Sentez edilen Schiff baz?n?n Ti(IV), Co(II), Ni(II) ve
Cu(II) Komplekslerinin karekterizasyonu ve Antifungal Çal??malar?, XVI. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, Konya, AN-49, 2002.
19- H. Temel, B. Oral, ve E. Guler, Ö?rencilerin Bilgisayar Destekli Ö?retim Uygulamalar?
Hakk?ndaki Görü?lerin De?erlendirilmesi, XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, KE-P1, 2002.
20- N. Akpolat, A. Y?ld?z, K. Gül, Ö. F. Ye?il, T. Özekinci, H. Temel, Schiff baz? ve baz? A??r
metal Komplekslerinin Anti Bakteriyel özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Konusunda Bir Ara?t?rma, XVI.
Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Malatya, P. 48. 2002.
21- Ü. Demirba?, M. ?ekerci, M. H. Temel, 1,2-bis(p-aminofenoksietan) Ligand? ve
Komplekslerinin sentezi, XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P92. 2003
22- S. Soran, M. ?ekerci, H. Temel, Aminofenoksi grubu ihtiva eden ligand?n Co(II), Ni(II) ve
Cu(II) Komplekslerinin Sentezi, XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P93. 2003.
23- N. Tokmak, M. ?ekerci, H. Temel, Diamin ligand?n?n Co(II), Ni(II) ve Cu(II)
komplekslerinin sentezi, XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P94. 2003.
24- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, H. ?. ?lhan S. 4-Metoksibenzaldehit ve
1,2-bis(p-aminofenoksi)etan’dan Elde Edilen Schiff Baz?n?n Konduktometrik Çal??malar?.
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P103. 2003.
25- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, Ü. H. ?. U?ra?, N,N’-etilenebis(salisilidenimin) Schiff baz?n?n
konduktometrik çal??malar?. XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P104. 2003.
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
26- H. Temel, Çak?r, Ü. U?ra?, H. ?. Uçmak, H. Ho?o?lu, S., Schiff bazl? yeni VO(IV)
kompleksi. Kompleksle?me ve biyolojik aktivite çal??malar?. XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ANP105. 2003.
27- H. Temel, Ü. Çak?r, H. ?. U?ra?, M. ?ekerci, M. N,N’-bis(salisiliden)-1,2-bis(oaminofenoksi)etan Ligand?n?n Konduktometrik Ölçümlerle Kompleksle?me Çal??malar?. XVII.
Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AN-P106. 2003.
28- H. Temel, Ö?retim elemanlar?n?n davran??lar?n?n de?erlendirilmesi. XVII. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, KE-P7. 2003.
29- B. Gündüz, E. Matla?, S. Küçükkolba??, H. Temel, S. Y?ld?z, Farkl? çözücülerde Schiff
bazlar?n?n Floresans Özelliklerinin ?ncelenmesi, XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, AK-243. Kars,
30- B. Gündüz, S. Z. Ba?, S. Küçükkolba??, H. Temel, S. Y?ld?z, Baz? Schiff Bazlar?n?n
Alüminyum Komplekslerinin Floresans Özelliklerinin ?ncelenmesi, XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi,
FK-670. Kars, 2004.
31- F. Ayd?n, E. ?ahin, I. Ayd?n, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Temel,
2-Hidroksinaftalin-1-karbaldehiden-1-naftilaminden Elde edilen Schiff Baz?n?n baz? Geçi?
Metalleri ile Komplekslerinin Spectroskopik Yöntemle Kararl?l?klar? ve Termodinamik
Parametrelerin Belirlenmesi, II. Ulusal Analitik Kimya Kongresi, P- 80, Malatya, 2004.
32- H. Ayd?n, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Temel, 1,2-Bis-(o-aminofenoksi)etan ile Salisilaldehitden
Elde Edilen Schiff Baz?n?n Baz? Geçi? Metalleri ile Komplekslerinin Spectroskopik Yöntemle
Kararl?l?k ve Termodinamik Parametrelerin Belirlenmesi, II. Ulusal Analitik Kimya Kongresi, P132, Malatya, 2004.
33- E. Suba??, H. Temel, O. ?entürk, F. U?ur, N,N?-bis(salisiliden)-1,2-bis-(o
-aminofenoksi)etan ile [M(Co)6 (M= Cr, Mo, W)] Aras?ndaki Fotokimyasal Tepkimeler XIX.
Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005 ANP35.
34- H. Temel, I. Ayd?n, F. Ayd?n, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, 2-N,N'-bis
(2-hidroksinaftalin-1-kKarbaldehiden)-1,2-bis-(m-aminofenoksi)etan ile Yeni Metal
Komplekslerinin Haz?rlanmas?, Spektroskopik ve Termodinamik Çal??malar?, XIX. Ulusal
Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005, ANP72
35- H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Alp, I. Ayd?n, F. Ayd?n, S. ?lhan, Baz? Aromatik Diamin
Metal Komplekslerinin Sentezi, Spektroskopik Çal??malar?, Kararl?l?k Sabitleri ve
Termodinamik Sabitlerinin Tayini, XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, XIX. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi,2005, ANP 77.
36- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, M. Aslano?lu, 2,6-Diaminopridin ve
1,10-Bis(2-formilfenil)-1,4,7,10-trioksadekan’dan Elde Edilen Yeni Makrosiklik Schiff Baz?n?n
Komplekslerinin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Voltametrik Çal??malar?, XIX. Ulusal Kimya
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005, ANP 142
37- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, M. Aslano?lu, 2,6-Diaminopridin ve 1,7-bis
(2-Formilfenil)-1,4,7-Trioksaheptandan Elde Edilen Yeni Makrosiklik Schiff Baz?n?n Geçi? Metal
Komplekslerinin Sentezi ve Karekterizasyonu, XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 2005, ANP 143.
38- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Temel, D. Ceviziçi, S. ?lhan, Dört Di?li Yeni Schiff Baz?
N,N’-bis(salisilaldehiden) -1,4-bis(m-aminofenoksi)butan?n Sentezi ve Baz? Metallerin
Ekstraksiyonunda Uygulanmas?, XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005, AKP 109
39- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Temel, D. Ceviziçi, ?. Te?in, ?elatla?t?r?c? Olarak NN’-bis(2-hidroksinaftalin-1-karbaldehiden)-1,3-bis(o-aminofenoksi)propan Sentezi ve baz? iki
De?erli Katyonlar?n Ekstraksiyonu, XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005, AKP 110
40- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, H. Temel, D. Ceviziçi, R. Güzel, Baz? Metal Katyonlar?n?n NN’-bis(2-hidroksinaftalin–1-karbaldehiden)-1,3-bis(p-aminofenoksi)propan Sentezi ve Çözücü
Ekstraksiyonu ,XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Ku?adas?, 2005, AKP 111.
41- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, ?. Te?in, H. Temel, Sulu çözeltiden baz? metal katyonlar?n?n
1,4-bis(p-aminofenoksi)butan ditosilat ile ekstraksiyonu, III. Ulusal Analitik Kimya Kongresi,
Çanakkale, 2006, P. 141.
42- B. Ziyadano?ullar?, R. Güzel, H. Temel, Sulu çözeltiden baz? metal katyonlar?n?n
1,4-bis(o-aminofenoksi)butan ditosilat ile ekstraksiyonu, III. Ulusal Analitik Kimya Kongresi,
Çanakkale, 2006, P. 142.
43- S. Karahan, E. Suba??, S. Derinkuyu, K. Ertekin, H. Temel,
"[N,N?-bis(salisiliden)-1,2-bis-(o-aminofenoksi)etan], (H2L) Ligand? ile [W(Co)4(H2L)]
Kompleksinin Spektrofotometrik ?ncelenmesi ve (H2L) Yap?s? ile Emisyon Esasl? Nanomolar
Düzeyde Çinko Tayini" XX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ErciyesÜniversitesi, Eylül, 2006.
44- E. Suba??, H. Temel, Photogeneration of VIB Metal Carbonyl Complexes With A Chiral
Bidentate Schiff Base, I. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Günleri, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2007, P28.
45- H. Alp, H. Temel, S. ?lhan, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, ?. Y?lmaz, 2-Aminotiyofenol ?le
Dialdehitden Schiff Baz?n?n Sentezi Ve Geçi? Metalleri ?le Komplekslerinin Eldesi,
Karakterizasyonu Ve Ekstraksiyonunda Uygulamalar?, I. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Günleri,
Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2007, P46.
46- H. Temel, S. ?lhan, M. Aslano?lu, H. Alp,
N,N'-Bis(2-Hidroksinaftalin-1-Karbaldehiden)-1,3-Bis-(o-Aminofenoksi)Propan ?le Yeni Geçi?
Metal Komplekslerinin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Elektro Kimyasal Çal??malar?, I. Ulusal
Anorganik Kimya Günleri, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2007, P47.
47- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, A. K?l?ç, 1,4-Bis(2-Karboksaldehitfenoksi)Bütan?n Çe?itli Aminlerle
Template Etki ile Cu(II) Komplekslerinin Sentezi ve Karekterizasyonu, I. Ulusal Anorganik
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Kimya Günleri, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2007, P108.
48- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, M. ?ekerci, R. Ziyadano?ullar?, 2,6-Diaminopridin Ve
1,4-Bis(2-Karboksaldehitfenoksi)Bütandan Elde Edilen Yeni Makrosiklik Schiff Baz?n?n Cu(II),
Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) Ve La(III) Komplekslerinin Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu Ulusal Anorganik
Kimya Günleri, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2007, P109.
49- I. Ayd?n, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, S. Sözcan, H. Temel, N,N’-Etilenbis(Salisilaldenimin) Schiff
Baz? ile sulu çözeltiden CuII iyonlar?n?n ekstraksiyonu ve di?er katyonlardan ayr?lmas?, IV.
Ulusal Analitik Kimya Kongresi, 25-27 Haziran, Elaz??, 2008, P-93.
50- Ziyadano?ullar?, B.; Sözcan S.; Ayd?n, I.; Temel, H., N,N’_bis(salisilaldehiden)-1,2-bis(maminofenoksi)etan sentezi ve metal ekstraksiyonundaki uygulamalar?, XXII. Ulusal Kimya
Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim, 2008, AKP 23, Ma?usa-K.K.T.C.
51- ?lhan S., Temel, H., Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff Base Macrocyclic Pb(II),
Zn(II), Cd(II) and La(III) Complexes by Template Reaction of (±)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane
with Metal nitrate and Salicylaldehyde Derivatives, XXII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim,
2008, ANP 60, Ma?usa-K.K.T.C.
52- ?lhan S., Temel, H., Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Macrocyclic Schiff Base
Complexes by Template Reaction of Diamine with Metal(II) nitrate and
1,7-bis(2-formylphenyl)-1,4,7-trioxaheptane, XXII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim, 2008,
ANP 61 Ma?usa-K.K.T.C.
53- ?lhan S., Temel, H. Synthesis and spectral studies of macrocyclic Cu(II), Ni(II) and Co(II)
complexes by template reaction of 1,4-bis(3-aminopropoxy)butane with metal(II) nitrate and
salicylaldeyde derivatives, XXII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim, 2008, ANP 114 Ma?usaK.K.T.C.
54- ?. Y?lmaz, S. ?lhan, H. Temel, A. K?l?ç, Synthesis, Characterization and ElectroSpectroelectrochemical Studies of Four Macrocyclic Schiff-Base Co(II) Complexes having N2O2
Set of Donor Atoms, XXII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim, 2008, ANP 115 Ma?usa-K.K.T.C.
Sch?ff Bases
55- S. Pa?a, H. Temel, Synthes?s And Character?zat?on Of Novel Th?o
W?th 2-Am?nothi?ophenol And D?fferent Aldehydes And Its Complexes W?th Cu(II), Co(II),
Ni(II), Cd(II),Zn(II) And Pd(II), II. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, 16-19 May?s 2009, Elaz??.
56- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, A. K?l?ç, E.?ref Ta?, Synthesis And Spectral Characterization of
Macrocyclic Ni(II) Complexes Derived From Various Diamines, Ni(II) Perchlorate And
1,4-Bis(2-Carboxyaldehydephenoxy)Butane, II. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, 16-19 May?s
2009, Elaz??.
57- S. ?lhan, H. Temel, ?. Y?lmaz, A. K?l?ç, Synthesis, Character?zat?on And Redox
Propert?es of Macrocyclic Schiff Base By Reaction of 2,6-Diaminopyridine And
1,3-Bis(2-Carboxyaldehydephenoxy) Propane And Its Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), Co(III) And La(III)
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Complexes, II. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, 16-19 May?s 2009, Elaz??.
58- S. Çetin, S. Karahan, E. Suba??, H. Temel, Syntheses of Stable Heterocyclic (Schiff
Base) Divalent Tin Complexes, II. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, 16-19 May?s 2009,
59- E. V. Oral, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, ?. Dolak, H. Temel., o-1,4 Dialdehit ile Modifiye Edilmi?
Amberlit XAD-16 Kopolimeri Kullan?larak Pb(II) ve Cd(II) ?yonlar?n?n Zenginle?tirilme
Ko?ullar?n?n ?ncelenmesi ve Alevli AAS ile Tayinleri, Kromtografi, KTÜ, Trabzon, 26-29 Eylül
2009, S.43.
60- E. V. Oral, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, ?. Dolak, H. Temel., o-1,4 Dialdehit ile Modifiye Edilmi?
Amberlit XAD-16 Kopolimeri Kullan?larak Ni(II) ve Cu(II) ?yonlar?n?n Zenginle?tirilme
Ko?ullar?n?n ?ncelenmesi ve Alevli AAS ile Tayinleri, Kromotografi, KTÜ, Trabzon, 26-29 Eylül
2009, S.42.
61- H.Temel, S. Pa?a, ?. Özdemir, S. Demir, 2-Aminofeniltiyo ile 2-Hidroksi-1-naftaldehitten
yeni Schiff Baz?n?n Sentezi ve Geçi? metalleri ile Komplekslerinin Eldesi ve karakterizasyonu,
Organometalik Kimya kataliz Çal??tay?, 16-17May?s 2010, Malatya, S.57
62- P.Köse, E. Suba??, H. Temel, Palladium(II) Complexes of Tetradentate-ONNO-Type
Schiff Bases: Designing Catalysts for Heck Reaction, Organometalik Kimya kataliz Çal??tay?,
16-17May?s 2010, Malatya, S.53.
63- E. V. Oral, S. Erdo?an, H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar? , 1,6-Bis(2Aldehit Fenoksi) Bütan ile Modifiye Edilmi? Amberlit XAD-16 Reçinesinden Yaralan?larak Zn(II)
ve Cr(III) ?yonlar?n?n Önderi?tirilmesi ve Çözeltiden Ayr?lmalar?n?n ?ncelenmesi, 5. Uslusal
Analitik Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 21-25 Haziran 2010, P.17.
64- M. Zeyrek, K. Ertekin, A. Süslü, E. Suba??, H. Temel, Kalay (II) Katyonunun Elektroe?irme Yöntemi ile Haz?rlanm?? Fiberler ile Sub-nanomolar Düzeyde Tayini”, 24. Ulusal Kimya
kongresi, 29 Haziran- 2 Temmuz 2010, AP077.
65- E. V. Oral, S. Erdo?an, H. Temel, B. Ziyadano?ullar?, 1,6-Bis(2-karboksi aldehit
fenoksi)bütan ile Modifiye Edilmi? Amberlit XAD-16 Reçinesinden Yaralan?larak Zn(II) Ve Cr(III)
?yonlar?n?n Önderi?tirilmesi Ve Çözeltiden Ayr?lmalar?n?n ?ncelenmesi, 5. Ulusal Analitik
kimya Kongresi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, 21-25 Haziran 2010, P.17.
66- H. Temel, F. S??a, S. Pasa ve M. Atlan, 2-Hidroksi-1-Naftaldehit Turevli Ligand Polimerinin
Metal Komplekslerinin Eldesi ve Yap? Ayd?nlat?lmas?, III. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya kongresi,
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 19-22 May?s 2011, P147.
67- K. Onen, O. Kavak, H. Temel, Guneydo?u Anadolu Bolgesindeki Hidrokarbon (Petrol,
B?tüm) S?z?nt?lar?nda Eser Element Tayini, III. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale
Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 19-22 May?s 2011, P148.
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
68- P. Kose, E. Subas?, H. Turkmen, H. Temel, Synthes?s Of New Tetradentate Schiff Base
Pd(II) Complexes And Their Catalytic Applications, III. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi,
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 19-22 May?s 2011, P238.
69- F. S??a, H. Temel, S. Pasa, M. A.Y?lmaz, Schiff Baz? Ba?l? Poli(stiren-Co-divinil
benzen)amino metil ile Geçis Metal Komplekslerinin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Suzuki
Reaksiyonlar?n?n incelenmesi III. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart
Üniversitesi, 19-22 May?s 2011, P249.
Ongoing Projects
1- Ho?gören, H., M. Karakaplan, M. To?rul and H. Temel, “Synthesis of New Armed Crown
Ethers and Using in Solvent Extraction of Mono and Divalent Cations” TBAG-1058 1994.
2- Temel, H., M. ?ekerci, S. ?lhan and T. Ta?k?n, “Characterization of Metal Complexes with
Schiff Bases and Antifungal Studies”, TBAG-AY/217(100T080) 2001(Completed)
3- Topal, G., H. Temel, F. Karadeniz and S. ?lhan, “Preparation of some new precoursers
for substituted dibenzo and dibenzo diaza crown ethers” DÜAP-2000-EF-407 2002
(Completed). 2.000 Tl
4- Ziyadano?ullar?, B., H. Temel and H, Ayd?n “Spectroscopic Characterization of New Schiff
Bases” DÜAPK-02-EF-15 (2002-2005 ).2.000 Tl
5- H. Temel, Ziyadano?ullar?, B., ?lhan S., “Characterization and Synthesis of new
macrociklic Schiff base ligands and their metal complexes ” DÜAPK-03-EF-24,
2004-2006. 23.500 TL, completed
6- Temel, H., S. ?lhan, H. Alp, “Characterization and Synthesis of new macrociklic Schiff base
ligands and their metal complexes”, TBAG-HD/208 (106T475) 2006- 2007, 16.000 Y-TL,
7- H. Temel, ?lhan S. Ve H. Alp., “Characterization and Synthesis of new Schiff base ligands
with sulfur group and their metal complexes ” DÜAPK-06-EF-11, 2006-2007. 10.000 TL,
8- H.Temel, S.Pa?a, “ DÜBAP 08-EF-21 No project, 2009-2010 9.000 Tl. Completed.
9- H. Temel, “Central Research Laboratory”, DPT 2009K120580, 2009-2012, 9.900.000 Tl
10-S. Tural, H. Temel, B. Tural, S. Pa?a, R. Çakmak , infrastructure strengthening project of
chemistry researcher laboratory” DÜBAP 10-2EF-28, 2010- 2011, 190.000 Tl continues.
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Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
Prof. Dr. Hamdi Temel
11- K. Akk?l?ç, Y.S. Ocak, H.Temel, T. K?l?ço?lu, New Polymeric Metal Complexes Synthesis,
Characterization, Production of Photovoltaic Devices Using these devices Investigation of
characteristic parameters, , TÜB?TAK, 11OT332, 137.250 Tl continue.
12- H. Temel, K. Gönen, Southeastern Anatolia region of hydrocarbon-(Oil, Bitumen)
Geochemical Analysis Methods Interpretation and Hydrocarbon leaks i metal analysis applied,
10.000 Tl, continue.
13- H.Temel, B. Kurt “Establishment of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Laboratory” 10.000 continue.
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