Master of Ceremonies Cheat Sheet


Master of Ceremonies Cheat Sheet
Master of Ceremonies Cheat Sheet
Make Apocalypse World Seem Real
Make the characters’ lives not boring
Play to find out
Barf Forth Apocalyptica
Address yourself the characters, not the players
Make your move, but misdirect
Make your move, but never speak its name
Look through crosshairs
Name Everyone, make everyone human
Ask provocative questions and build on the answers
Respond with fuckery and intermittent rewards
Be a fan of the player’s characters
Think offscreen too
Sometimes, disclaim decision making
Good Stuff to do
Make maps like crazy
Turn questions back to the asker, or the whole group
Digress occasionally
Elide the action sometimes, other times zoom in
Go around the table, give everyone screentime
Take breaks occasionally!
Always Say
What the principles demand
What the rules demand
What your prep demands
What honesty demands
Separate them
Capture someone
Put them in a spot
Trade harm for harm (as established)
Announce offscreen badness
Announce future harm
Inflict harm (as established)
Take away their stuff
Make them buy
Activate their stuff’s downsides
Tell them the possible consequences and ask
Offer an opportunity with or without a cost
Turn their move back on them
Make a threat move (from one of your fronts)
After every move: “what do you do?”
Tum Tum, Gnarly, Fleece, White, Lala, Bill, Crine, Mercer, Preen, Ik, Shan, Isle, Ula, Joe’s Girl, Dremmer, Balls, Amy, Rufe, Jackabacka, Ba, Mice, Dog head, Hugo, Roark, Monk, Pierre, Norvell, H, Omie Wise, Corbett, Jeanette, Rum, Peppering, Brain, Matilda,
Rothschild, Wisher, Partridge, Brace Win, Bar, Krin, Parcher, Millions, Grome, Foster, Mill, Dustwich, Newton, Tao, Missed, III,
Princy, East Harrow, Kettle, Putrid, Last, Twice, Clarion, Abondo, Mimi, Fianelly, Pellet, Li, Harridan, Rice, Do, Winkle, Fuse, Visage,
Enough-to-eat, Barker, Imam, Bowdy, Daff, Exit, Chin, Look, Shazza, Fauna, Sun, Chack, Ricarra, Prim, Dou, Bon, Abe, Boo, T, Kal,
Bai, Char, Jav, Ruth, Wei, Jay, Nee, Kim, Lan, Di, or Dez, Doc, Core, Wheels, Buzz, Key, Gabe, Biz, Bish, Line, Inch, Grip, Setter,
Snow, Crimson, Shadow, Azure, Midnight, Scarlet, Violetta, Amber, Rouge, Damson, Sunset, Emerald, or Ruby, Raksha, Kickskirt,
Kite, Monsoon, Smith, Beastie, Baaba, Melody, Mar, Tavi, Absinthe, Honeytree, Smith, Jones, Jackson, Marsh, Lively, Burroughs,
Gritch, Joyette, Iris, Marie, Amiette, Suselle, Cybelle, Pallor, Sin, Charmer, Pity, Brace, Sundown, Dog, Domino, T-bone, Stinky,
Satan, Lars, Bullet, Dice, Shit head, Half pint, Shooter, Diamond, Goldie, Tinker, Loose, Baby, Juck, Hammer, Hooch, Snake eyes,
Pinkie, Wire, Blues, Lauren, Audrey, Farley, Sammy, Katherine, Marilyn, James, Bridget, Paul, Annette, Marlene, Frankie, Marlon,
Kim, Errol, Humphrey, Phoenix, Mustang, Impala, Suv, Cougar, Cobra, Dart, Gremlin, Grand Cherokee, Jag, Beemer, Vonk the
Sculptor, Batty, Jonker, A.T., Rue Wakeman, Navarre, Man, Kartak, Barbarossa, Keeler, Grekkor, Crille, Doom, Chaplain, Rex, Fido,
Spot, Boxer, Doberman, Trey, Killer, Butch, Fifi, Fluffy, Duke, Wolf, Rover, Max, Buddy, Nbeke, Allison, Kobe, Kreider, Tranh, Marco,
Sadiq, Vega, Lang, Lin, Jackson, Madame, Barbecue, Grandma, Uncle, Parson, Barnum, Colonel, Mother Superior, Vision, Hope,
Dust, Truth, Found, Always, Lost, Want, Must, Bright, Sorrow, Horse, Rabbit, Trout, Cat, Spider, Snake, Bat, Lizard, Jackal, Weaver
Bird, Lark, Berg, Waters, Lafferty, Ebbs, Wilson, Marshall, Dolarhyde, Jesus, Bendrix, Proust, Steed, Nero, Amalia, Katinka, Dagny,
Fox, Christine, Clover, Olympias, Illeana, Franky, Sway, Acid Burn, Cash, Leah, Joshua, Tai, Ethan, Bran, Jeremy, Amanuel, Justin,
Jessica, Eliza, Dylan, Adnan, Alan, Nils, Ellen, Lee, Kim, Adele, Leone, Burdick, Oliver, Goldman, Whiting, Fauci, Hossfield, Lemma,
Morrell, Ozair, Robinson, Lemieux, Whitmont, Cullen, Spector, October, Venus, Mercury, Dune, Shade, Heron, Plum, Orchid,
Storm, Dusk, Sword, Midnight, Hide, Frost, Lawn, June, Icicle, Tern, Lavender, Spice, Gazelle, Lion, Peacock, Grace
First Session Stuff
MC the game. Bring it. - Describe. Barf forth apocalyptica. - Springboard off character creation - Ask questions
like crazy - Leave yourself things to wonder about - Look for where they’re not in control- Push there- Nudge
the players to have their characters make moves- Give every character good screentime - Leap forward with
named, human NPCs - Hell, have a fight - Fill up your first session worksheet