here - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department


here - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department
Full Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Konya, Turkey
Computer Engineering Department, Bilkent University,
Ankara, 06800, Turkey.
E-mail: /
August 2005 - May 2009:
B.Sc. @ Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department
September 2009 - August 2011:
M.Sc. @ Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department (Advisor: Prof. Fazlı Can)
October 2011 - today:
Ph.D @ Bilkent Computer Engineering (Advisor: Prof. Fazli Can)
Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Databases, Web Sciences, Social Networks
Teaching Assistant (in Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department):
CS101 Algorithms & Programming I (Fall 2009, Spring 2010)
CS102 Algorithms & Programming II (Fall 2009, Spring 2014)
CS281 Computers and Data Organization (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015)
CS351 Data Management & Organization (Fall 2010, Fall 2011)
CS352 Database Management Systems (Spring 2011, Spring 2012)
CS353 Database Systems (Spring 2013)
Summer School:
2013 Summer: 9 European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR 2013)
2012 Summer: 6 Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2012)
Trainee Position:
2008 Summer: Halıcı Software, Ankara, Turkey
2007 Summer: TR.NET, ODTU, Ankara, Turkey
ISCIS 2011 (request by Prof. Fazlı Can)
ECIR 2014 (request by Prof. Fazlı Can)
Journal of Program (request by Prof. Fazlı Can)
SIGIR'2014 (request by Prof. Fazlı Can)
ISCIS 2015 (request by Prof. Fazlı Can)
Selected Projects:
National Projects:
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Project title: “News chain
discovery in news articles”, Project no: 113E249 (in progress).
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Project title: “Selecting news
articles for front-pages of news portals and chronological news summarization”, Project no: 111E030.
B.Sc. Projects:
Online betting system,
Car rental application,
Turkish question answering application (senior project).
M.Sc. Projects:
Aspect-oriented banking system,
Turkish text categorization,
Information filtering simulation.
Ph.D Projects:
Analysis of cardiopulmonary bypass and cross-clamping time length
Random subspace with boosting
Image Retrieval based on object recognition
M.Sc. Thesis
Toraman, C.: Text Categorization and Ensemble Pruning in Turkish News Portals. M.Sc. Thesis. Bilkent
University, Ankara, Turkey (2011).
Journal Publications:
Toraman, C., Can, F. "A front-page news-selection algorithm based on topic modelling using raw text".
Journal of Information Science. 41(5): 676-685, 2015.
Conference Publications:
Toraman, C., Can, F., Kocberber, S. "Developing a text categorization template for Turkish news
portals" 2011 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications
(INISTA), vol., no., pp.379-383, 15-18 June 2011.
Toraman, C., Can, F., Kocberber, S. "Ensemble Pruning for Text Categorization Based on Data
Partitioning" Information Retrieval Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7097, no.,
pp.352-361, 2011.
Toraman, C., Can, F. "Squeezing the Ensemble Pruning: Faster and More Accurate Categorization for
News Portals" The 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2012), pp.508-511, 2012.
Toraman, C. "News selection with topic modeling" . Fifth BCS-IRSG Symposium on Future Directions in
Information Access (FDIA 2013), (e-publication), Granada, Spain, 3 september 2013.
Local Conference Publications:
Toraman, C., Can, F., "Haber yığınlarında konu başlıklarının belirlenmesi", 29. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı
(Bilişim 2012), Ankara, 21-23 Kasım 2012.
Toraman, C., Can, F., "Türkçe haber yazılarında sosyal ağların incelenmesi", Akademik Bilişim
Konferansı 2015 (AB'2015), Eskişehir, 4-6 Şubat 2015.
Prof. Fazlı Can
Address: Computer Engineering Department, Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara, 06800, Turkey.
Office Telephone: +90 (312) 290-2613
Fax: +90 (312) 266-4047
Dept. Secretary: +90 (312) 290-1218
Programming Skills:
Java, C, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, SPSS, R, LaTeX.
Native Turkish, advanced English.

Benzer belgeler

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