Curriculum Vitae of Metin KURTOGLU


Curriculum Vitae of Metin KURTOGLU
Curriculum Vitae of Metin KURTOGLU
Phone: 305 761 0155
Medical Education, M.D.
Istanbul Universitesi, Istanbul Tip Fakultesi, Turkey
10/1995 - 06/2002
MD, 06/2002
Graduate Education, Ph.D.
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology
08/2002 - 05/2007
PHD, 05/2007
Postgraduate Education
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Internal Medicine – Categorical residency program
07/01/2010 - present
Research Experience
07/2009- 07/2010
Emory University, Georgia
Postdoctoral fellow, Lawrence H. Boise, PhD
- Investigate mechanisms of resistance to ABT-737 in multiple myeloma cells
- Determine whether interference with hexokinase type 2 and bcl-2 family proteins can be
exploited to inhibit glycolysis and thereby target hypoxic tumor cells.
- To further develop whether PPAR alpha agonists, i.e. fenofibrate has selective activity in
myeloma cell lines.
University of Miami, Florida
Postdoctoral fellow, Theodore J. Lampidis, PhD
- Developed a novel mechanism to treat multiple myeloma using PPAR and PPAR
agonists. This work has lead to a grant application submitted recently to Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society
- Developed a concept of using mannose analogs and fibric acid derivatives for viral
infections, particularly in a model of Kaposi sarcoma induced by HSV8.
08/2002 - 05/2007
University of Miami, Florida
Graduate assistant, Theodore J. Lampidis, phD
- Developing novel agents of glucose and mannose analogs which are shown to induce cell death in
aerobic as well as hypoxic portions of various kinds of tumor cell types including lung cancer, breast
cancer and pancreatic cancer.
- Investigating the mechanisms of cell death which result from 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 2-fluoro-deoxyD-glucose treatment in in vitro and in vivo models. Comparing inhibition of glycolysis to interference
with glycosylation by these sugar analogs in in vitro models of tumors.
- Competent in cell culture, biochemical assays, nuclear magnetic resonance of glucose metabolites,
protein as well as nucleic acid detection techniques, mice cancer models, i.e. xenograft,
Publications/Presentations/Poster Sessions
Kurtoglu M, Buyukkurt CD, Kurtoglu M, Dural CA, Guloglu R, Akar U.. Venous thromboembolism
prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparins in polytraumatized patients in intensive care unit
(extended serie). Ulusal Travma Acil Cerrahi Dergisi. 2002, Apr; 9(1):37-44.
Kurtoglu M, Granit V, Necefli A, Kurtoglu M, Guloglu R.. Thrombolysis of acute arterial occlusion with
rt PA. Ulusal Travma Acil Cerrahi Dergisi. 2001, Jul; 7(3):158-162.
Lampidis TJ, Kurtoglu M, Maher JC, Liu H, Krishan A, Sheft V, Szymanski S, Fokt I, Rudnicki WR,
Ginalski K, Lesyng B, Priebe W.. Efficacy of 2-halogen substituted D-glucose analogs in blocking
glycolysis and killing "hypoxic tumor cells".. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2006, Dec;
Maher JC, Wangpaichitr M, Savaraj N, Kurtoglu M, Lampidis TJ. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 confers
resistance to the glycolytic inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose.. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2007, Feb;
Kurtoglu M, Maher JC, Lampidis TJ. Differential Toxic Mechanisms of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose versus 2Fluorodeoxy-D -Glucose in Hypoxic and Normoxic Tumor Cells.. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling.
2007, Aug; 9(9):1383-1390.
Kurtoglu M, Gao N, Shang J, Maher JC, Lehrman MA, Wangpaicihitr M, Savaraj N, Lane AN,
Lampidis TJ. Under normoxia 2-deoxy-D-glucose elicits apoptosis in select tumor types not by
inhibition of glycolysis but via interference with N-linked glycosylation. Molecular Cancer
Therapeutics, 2007, Nov; 6(11):3049-58.
Wangpaichitr M, Maher JC, Savaraj N, Kurtoglu M, Lampidis TJ. Blocking mTOR potentiates the
toxicity of 2-deoxy-D-glucose in hypoxic tumor cell by down-regulating HIF-1. Molecular Cancer
Therapeutics, 2008, Jun; 7(6): 1506-13.
Kurtoglu M and Lampidis TJ. From delocalized lipophilic cations to hypoxia: blocking tumor cell
mitochondrial function leads to therapeutic gain with glycolytic inhibitors. Mol Nutr Food Research.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2009 Jan;53(1):68-75.
Kurtoglu M, Philips K, Boise L, Lampidis TJ. High endoplasmic reticulum activity renders multiple
myeloma cells hypersensitive to mitochondrial inhibitors. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2010
Aydogan B, Li J, Rajh T, Chaudhary A, Chmura SJ, Pelizzari C, Wietholt C, Kurtoglu M, Redmond P.
AuNP-DG: Deoxyglucose-Labeled Gold Nanoparticles as X-ray Computed Tomography Contrast
Agents for Cancer Imaging. Mol Imaging Biol. 2010 Oct;12(5):463-7.
Li J, Chaudhary A, Chmura SJ, Pelizzari C, Rajh T, Wietholt C, Kurtoglu M, Aydogan B. A novel
functional CT contrast agent for molecular imaging of cancer. Phys Med Biol. 2010 Aug
Xi H, Kurtoglu M, Liu H, Wangpaichitr M, You M, Liu X, Savaraj N, Lampidis TJ. 2-Deoxy-D: -glucose
activates autophagy via endoplasmic reticulum stress rather than ATP depletion. Cancer Chemother
Pharmacol. 2010 Apr;67(4):899-910
Merchan JR, Kovács K, Railsback JW, Kurtoglu M, Jing Y, Piña Y, Gao N, Murray TG, Lehrman MA,
Lampidis TJ. Antiangiogenic activity of 2-deoxy-D-glucose. PLoS One. 2010 Oct 27;5(10):e13699.
Morales AA, Kurtoglu M, Matulis SM, Siefker M, Gutman1 DM, Lee KP, Lonial S, Boise LH.
Distribution of Bim determines Mcl-1 dependence or co-dependence with Bcl-xL/Bcl-2 in Mcl-1
expressing myeloma cells. Blood 2011 Aug 4;118(5):1329-39.
Kurtoglu M. (1999, October). Follow-up of patients with deep venous thrombosis treated with low
molcular weight heparins. Poster presented at: European Medical Students Conference; Berlin,
Kurtoglu M. (1999, February). The effect of Antithrombin III levels on the mortality of trauma patients.
Poster presented at: Eastern Student Research Forum; Miami, FL.
Kurtoglu M. (2000, June). Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparins
in polytraumatized patients in intensive care unit (extended serie). Poster presented at: European
Surgery Conference; Istanbul, Turkey.
Kurtoglu M. (2000, February). Ambulatory treatment of proximal deep venous thrombosis with low
molecular weight heparin. Poster presented at: Eastern Student Research Forum; Miami, FL.
Kurtoglu M. (2005, April). 2-deoxy-D-glucose kills select tumor types under normoxia: reversal by
mannose indicates interference with glycosylation. Poster presented at: Annual meeting of American
Association of Cancer Research; Anaheim, CA.
Kurtoglu M. (2007, April). 2-deoxy-D-glucose induces unfolded protein response mediated apoptosis
via GADD153/CHOP in select tumor types growing under normoxia. Poster presented at: Annual
meeting of American Association of Cancer Research; Los Angeles, CA.
Kurtoglu M (2009, December) Bim distribution determines the Mcl-1/Bcl-xL co-dependence in multiple
myeloma cells. Poster presented at: Annual meeting of American Society of Hematology, New
Orleans, LA
Patent Applications
- Publication number: WO2007100728 (A2)
Publication date:
Mannose derivatives for killing tumor cells
Provisional patent application No. 61/071,907 entitled TREATMENT USING CONTINUOUS
LOW DOSE APPLICATION OF SUGAR ANALOGS_ was filed on May 23, 2008. Will be
converted to a regular patent application and filed through the PCT on May 23, 2009.
Provisional patent application No. 61/162,377 MITOCHONDRIAL INHIBITORS AND USES
THEREOF was filed on March 23, 2009 and revised in June 1, 2011.