

International Projects
Graphic Design
Corporate Identity
Corporate identity design and applications suitable for the
structure, activity areas, target audience of the clients (Logo,
letterhead groups etc. Design and applications)
Advertising, Promotion and Informative Designs
All kinds of printed materials designs, short or long term
campaigns, idea creation and consultancy services parallel
clients’ corporate identity (catalogue, brochure, flyer, book,
certificate, poster etc.)
Web Site
Web site or web portal design and applications according to
the needs of the clients. Maintenance and other services such
as control, user panel and modules software developments for
the sustainability of the web sites
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Film and Photography Production
Promotional, documentary, informative, archieve or
advertisement film ve photography shootings
Editing - Montage
Editing services fulfilling of the needs of a project’s
presentations or projections with the films and the photographs
shot or with pre-arranged materials
Dubbing – Voice Over
Dubbing and voice over services for the effective presentations
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Interactive Design
Interactive CD
Interactive CD-DVD design and software development
Video DVD
Interactive DVD Videos with full motion menu designs and
applications for archive purposes, promotion and reporting
Organization and Technical Support Service
Conference, seminar, workshop, group trainings, launch and
closing events, vendors meetings organizations
Technical support services for organizations
Stage, hall, exhibition area design and application,
Sound, audio-visual and projection systems
Simultaneous translations and record services
Meeting or conference audio and sound recordings
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Promotional Materials
All kinds of promotional materials to be used as samples or
giveaways (pencil, bag, clock, plaquette etc.)
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Examples of International Projects
: European Turkish Business Centres Project
Beneficary : TOBB (ABIGEM)
 Web Portal design
 Promotional Film
 Design and printing of bochure and invitation
 Closing event visual materials design
: UNICEF Turkey
Beneficary : UNICEF
 Web Portal design
 Web Portal software development
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
: Combating Gender Based Violence
Beneficary : UNFPA
 Web Portal design
 Web Portal software development
: A Youth Story
Beneficary : UNFPA
 Web Portal design
 Web Portal software development
: Child Rights Monitoring Comitee
Beneficary :TBMM
 Web Portal design
 Web Portal software development
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
: DCP (Development of a Clustering Policy)
(CFCU – TR0502.07)
Beneficary : Undersecretariat of Prime Ministry for Foreign
Web Portal design
Promotional film
Brochure, invitation card design and printing
Bag design and production
CD and CD Cover design
Closing event stage design and production
Closing event organization
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Proje Adı
: An Independent Police Complaints
Commission & Complaints System for the
Turkish National Police and Gendarmerie
Twinning Project
(CFCU TR.0501.05/002)
Beneficary :Ministry of Interior
 Project logo design
 Promotional material design and production
 Consultation Document and Executive
Summary content management and editing
 Consultation Document and Executive
Summary design, printing and distribution,
 Consultation Seminar organizations
 Stage design and production
 Poster, invitation card, landyard, letterhead
group design and printing,
 Sound, audio-visual and projection system
 Simultaneous translations and record
 Photography
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
: Domestic Violence Against Women Project
(UNFPA – 116-5/08,09)
Beneficary :UNFPA
 Millennium Development Goals Report design
and printing
 Women’s Shelter Guide design and printing
 Educational Training CD design, application
and printing
 Combating Domestic Violence Against Women
handbook design and printing
 Posters, landyards, banners design and
 Closing Event visual materials design.
 Report designs
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Proje Adı
: Expension of the European Turkish Business
Centres Network Project
(CFCU TR0602.06/01/001)
 Web Portal design
 Display Stand design
 Booklet design
Proje Adı
: Promoting Civil Society Dialogue Project
(CFCU - TR0604.01-02)
Yararlanıcı :TESK
 Brochure design and printing
 Letterhead group, landyard and banner design
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Proje Adı
: Women’s Shelters Project
(UNFPA – 116-5/08,09)
Yararlanıcı : UNFPA
 Web site design and application
 Project folder, notepads, landyard, letterhead
group, business card
 Final Repots design and printing
Proje Adı
: Turkey Avian Influenza and Human Pandemic
Preparedness and Response Campaign
(AIHP – 4822-TU)
Yararlanıcı : Republic of Turkey Ministry of Rural Affairs
 Web portalı design
 Flash animations
 Content Editing
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28
International Projects
Proje Adı
: Technical Assistance in The Re-structuring
and Strengthening of The Turkish Rail Sector
(AIHP – 4822-TU)
Yararlanıcı : TCDD
 Project corporate identity
 Project reports design and printing
 Business card, letterhead and brochures
design and printing
Proje Adı
: Strengthening Sexual & Reproductive Health
Pre-Service Training Capacity Project’s
(AIHP – 4822-TU)
Yararlanıcı : KSGM
 Interaktive Cd-ROM design and application
 Voice-over and video editing
Filistin Cad. Kuleli Sok. 23/10 G.O.P. / Çankaya – ANKARA Tel: 0312 436 51 15
www.resetotb.com info@resetotb.com
Fax: 0312 436 51 28

Benzer belgeler


www.resetotb.com Advertising, Promotion and Informative Designs All kinds of printed materials designs, short or long term campaigns, idea creation and consultancy services parallel clients’ corporate identity (cat...


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özgeçm ş ve eserler l stes özgeçm ş Konferansta 1 sözlü ve 1 poster sunumu yapılmıştır.
