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Textile Design
Education I n The
U.K. With Specific
Reference To The
University Of Leeds
Michael A. RANN
Dept of T d e Eng. University of Leeds ENGLAND
A short account of the textile design education in the
U.& isgiven in this aih'cle and various courses availabIe at Leeds University are erplained with theprincipal
aims and ideas on which they are based
From as far back in time as history can r e d , fibres
have been worked into yarns and fabrics and finally moulded into garments. The techniques associated with
this manufacture were initially practised on a domestic
basis nntil the onset of the Industrial Revolution which
paved the way for the establishment of a factory based
system of production. This developmentled to an increased demand for abetter educated and trained workforce.
By the end of the nineteenth century, thorough the foundation of the City and Guilds of London Institute, a
wide spectrum oftechnical courseswas available, designed to cater for the educational needs of the U.K textile and clothingindustries. However, there was not just
a necessity to provide courses aimed at solving technical and production problems. Consumer demand for a
variety in product design acted as a potent force to encourage the education of individuals with an awareness
of the eastheties of textile fabrics. This educational need was met, at least in part, by the estabilshment of courses in Colleges of Art and a small number of Universities.
The U.K. Department of Education and Science made a significant contribution through the introduction
of National Certificates and Diplomas which were ultimately superseded by the Business and Technical Edueation Council (B.TEC) Certificates and Diplomas. In
addition to preparing the individual to copewith the ri-
gours of modem industry, these qualifications provide
the opportunityfor entry to higher study and are recognised as appropriate qualificationsfor admission to more advanced courses in Polytechnics and Universities.
B.TEC National Certif~cate/Diplomacourses are available in centres throughout the U.K.Where appropriate, the requirements for the award of B.TEC, qualifications may be ful6lled through full-time, day-relese
and evening, block-release or sandwich modes of
study. It shouldbe notedthat admission to B.TEC courses in textile design is generally dependent on candidates presenting a comprehensiveportfolio of artwork at
The Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA)
have validated a number of courses leading to B.A. or
B.Sc. Degrees in Textile Design. Whilst direct entry
applications may at least be considered by most colleges offering such courses, successful application is generally after the completion of a pre-degree foundation
year a t a recognised centre for art and design education.
The Textile Institute, which was founded in 1910 to
promote closer liaison between scientific and technical
workers, represents an educational platform based on
courses such as that of Associate of the Textile Institute (A.T.I.), a qualification which confers on the holder
the status of a professionally qualified textile technologist or designer.
A number of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses are currently available a t both Polytechnics and Universities, these include the Scottish College of Textiles at Galashiels, Hudderdield, Leicester
and Trent Polytechnics, the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology and the Universty
of Leeds. A further examination of the courses offered
by the University of Leeds is presented below.
The University of Leeds Department of Textile Industries was founded over a century ago as a centre for
textile education. Today the department is the largest
of its kind in the U.K. and continues to retain its poaition as one of the premier international centres for teachingand research in awide spectrum of textile activities. Employing stafffarm a wide range of disciplines,
the department's teaching and research interests extend through polymer synthesis, wool chemistry, dyeing and finishing, electron microscopy, machine development, yarn and fabric production, industrial textiles, theoretical studies of yarn and fabric structure,
computer aided design, pattern and colour in textiles,
fashion theory, economic and strategic problems of the
Leeds Universitesi ile 0zel ili91rili Olarak
ingiltere'de Tekstil Tasarrm Egitimi
Giing6r BASER
Ege Uni.Muhendislik Fak.Tekstil Muh.Bo1.iZMiR
Bu yazlda, Ingiltere'deki tekstil tasanm egitiminin ktsa bir anlatlmt
yap~lmaktaue Leeds Uniuersitesi'nce sunulan fegitli pmgramlar, dayand~klarrbagllca amafuegcirz2glerle birlikte apklanmaktadlr.
l . ~ i ~ i ~
Tarihingeriye d o w gittigi en es-
ki zamanlardan bu yana lifler iplik
ve kumaga donugturiilmekte ve son
agamada giysi bicimine dokiilmektedir. Bu yaplm bicimi ile ilgili teknikler fabrikaya dayall uretim sisteminin kumlmaslna y o l a w endustri devriminin b a g l a n ~ a n akadar
ev temelinde uygulanm~ghr.Bu geligme daha iyi ogrenim gormug ve
egitilmig iggiicune olan gittikce artan bir isteme yo1 acm~ghr.
Ondokuzuncu yiizyll sonunda,
Londra Sehir ve Belediye Enstitiisu'nun (City and Guilds of London
Institute) kumlmas~yoluylaingi~tere'detekstilve h a z ~giyim
endustrilerinin egitsel gereksinimlerini kar$llama amac~ylatasarlanm~ggenig
spektmmlu teknik progmmlar saglanm~@r.
Bununla birlikte, yalnlzca teknik
veuretimle ilgili problemleri ciizmeyi hedefleyen kurlar saglamaya gereksinim yoktu. Uriin tasanm~nda
cegitlilige yonelik tuketici istemi, kigilerin k u m q estetig bilinci ile e g timini ozendiren giiclu bir kuwet
olarak etki yapmlgtlr. Bu egitim ger e k s i ~ m ilusmen
de olsa sanat kolejlerinde ve az sayda u ~ v e r s i t e d e
ingiltere Egitim ve Bilim BakanI@, sonunda IS ve Teknik Egitim
Konseyi Sel-tifikalan (B.TEC) ve
Diplomalanna yerini b~rakanUlusal Sertifika ve Diplomalanru ortaya clkarmas~ile onemli bir katluda
bulunmu$ur. Kigiyi modern endustrinin giigliikleri ile b q edebilmeye haz~rlamayan~nda,bu kalifikasyonlar daha yiiksek bir ogrenim
firsah saglarlar ve Politeknik ve
~niversitelerdekidaha ileri programlara kabul edilmeye yeterli kalifikasyonlar olarak tarunlrlar. B.TEC Ulusal Sertifika/Diploma
programlan Ingiltere'nin tiim merkezlerindebulunabilir. Uygun oldu@ndaB.TEC kalifikasyonlannm elde edilmesi icin gereken gartlar
tam giin, giinliik izinli ve akgam,
blok izinli ya da sandoviq ogrenim
bigimleri ile yerine getirilebilir.
Tekstil tasanm~ndaB.TEC programlanna girig izninin genellikle
adayn on gorugme s ~ r a s ~ n dsanat
birdosyaslnl sunmaslna bag11oldu@ hatlrlanmal~d~r.
Ulusal Akademik Unvanlar Konseyi (CNAA) Tekstil Tasanmmda
B.A veya BSc. lisans diplomalama
yonelikbirdiziprograml onaylam~gbr. Bu tiir programlar sunan kolejlerin c o b tarafindan dobudan yapllan b w r u l a r dikkate ahnabilmekle birlikte, bagan11 bir bagvum
genellikle tanmmq bir sanat ve tasanm egitim merkezindeki bir onlisans hazlrllk y111n1ntamamlanmasmdan sonra olmaktad~r.
1910'da bilimsel ve teknik Fallganlar aras~ndadaha yalun baglar
olugturmak icin kurulan Tekstil
Enstitiisu, Associate of TextileInstitute (Tekstil Enstitiisu Diplomas1
A.T.I.)gibi, sahibineprofesyoncl nitelikli tekstil teknolojisti veya statusu saglayan bir kalifikasyona yone-
lik programlara dayall egtsel bir
platformu temsil etmektedir.
Politeknik ve universitelerde gu
anda bircok lisans ve lisans iistii
program bulunmaktadm. Bunlar,
Galashiels'deki iskocya Tekstil Koleji, Huddersfield, Leicester ve
Trent Politeknikleri, Manchester
ijniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitiisu ve Leeds ~niversitesidir,
AgaDda Leeds Universitesi'nce sunulan progmmlann bir incelemesi
Leeds Universitesi Tekstil Endiistrileri Bolumu yiizy111 geeen bir
sure once bir tekstil egtim merkezi
olarak kumlmu$u. Bugiin boliim
Ingiltere'deki benzerlerinin en biiyiigiidur ve tekstil etkinliklerinin
genig bir spektummu icinde egitim
ve a r q h r m a yapan uluslararas~
merkezler icinde en onde gelenlerden olma konumunu korumaya devam etmektedir. Cokgeni~
bir disiplinler serisinden gelen bir kadroyu
tutan bolumun ogretim ve a r q h r ma konulan, polimer sentezinden,
yiin kimyasma, boyama ve bitirme
iglemine, elektron mikroskobu, makina geli$irme, iplikve k u m q uretiminden, endustriyel tekstiller, iplikvekumqyap~s~n~nteorekincelemelerine, bilgisayar destekli tasanm, tekstillerde desen ve re& moda teorisi, tekstilin ekonomik ve
stratejik problemlerine, h a z ~ rgiyim ve hazlr eSya endustrileri, ev I$1 etkinlikler icin giysi ve donanun,
tekstil ve giysi uretiminde mikroiglemci uygulamalanna kadar uzanmaktadlr. Bu genig alanayaylan etkinlik olr$isu dikkate allnd@nda,

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