

Clinical Research
ENT Updates 2015;5(3):124–127
Paranasal sinus fungus ball:
analysis of clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes
Ercan P›nar, Abdulkadir ‹mre, Ahmet Ata Ece, ‹brahim Alada¤, Hale Aslan,
Y›lmaz Özkul, Elif Dinçer
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Izmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey
Özet: Paranazal sinüs mantar topu: Klinik özellikler ve
cerrahi sonuçlar
Objective: The aim of the present study was to analyse the clinical,
radiographic, and surgical outcomes of paranasal fungus ball.
Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac› paranazal mantar topunun klinik, radyografik ve cerrahi sonuçlar›n› analiz etmektir.
Methods: A retrospective data analysis was performed on 16 patients
who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery for paranasal sinus fungus
ball between December 2005 and November 2014. The patient’s
demographic data, clinical presentations, radiological findings and
surgical outcomes were analysed.
Yöntem: 2005 Aral›k – 2014 Kas›m tarihleri aras›nda paranazal mantar topu için endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi geçiren 16 hastan›n verileri geriye dönük incelendi. Hastan›n demografik verileri, klinik sunumlar›,
radyolojik bulgular› ve cerrahi sonuçlar› analiz edildi.
Results: There were 10 female (62.5%) and six male (37.5%) patients
with a mean age of 53.6 (range: 32 to 74) years. Most common symptoms were headache and facial pain. Computed tomography showed a
hyper-dense area in 12 patients (75%) and sclerosis in bony walls of the
sinus in 13 patients (81.3%). Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a
marked low intensity on T2 weighted images in all cases (100%). All
patients were treated with functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Only
one patient had a recurrence in the postoperative period.
Bulgular: Çal›flmaya yafl ortalamas› 53.6 (aral›k: 32–74) y›l olan 10
(62.5%) kad›n ve 6 (37.5%) erkek hasta kat›lm›flt›r. En s›k görülen semptomlar bafl ve yüz a¤r›s› idi. Bilgisayarl› tomografi 12 (75%) hastada hiperdens bir alan ve 13 (81.3%) hastada sinüsün kemik yap›daki duvarlar›nda skleroz oldu¤unu göstermifltir. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme
olgular›n tümünde (100%) T2-a¤›rl›kl› görüntüleme, belirgin derecede
düflük bir dansitenin var oldu¤unu ortaya koymufltur. Hastalar›n hepsi
ifllevsel endoskopik sinüs cerrahisiyle tedavi edilmifltir. Yaln›zca bir hastada postoperatif dönemde nüks olmufltur.
Conclusion: The surgical opening of affected sinus ostium and
removal of the fungal concentration were the treatment of choice in
all cases.
Sonuç: Her olguda etkilenmifl sinüs a¤z›n›n cerrahi yolla aç›lmas› ve
fungal yo¤unlu¤un ortadan kald›r›lmas› tercih edilen tedavi flekli olmufltur.
Keywords: Paranasal sinus fungus ball, mycetoma, surgery.
Anahtar sözcükler: Paranazal mantar topu, misetom, cerrahi.
Fungal rhino-sinusitis (FRS) can be broadly divided into
two categories based on histopathological findings: invasive
and non-invasive, depending on the status of the mucosal
layer. The invasive diseases include (1) acute invasive (fulminant) FRS, (2) granulomatous invasive FRS and (3) chronic
invasive FRS. The non-invasive diseases include (1) saprophytic fungal infestation, (2) fungal ball, and (3) fungus
related eosinophilic FRS that includes allergic fungal rhino-
Correspondence: Ercan P›nar, MD. Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey.
Received: October 2, 2015; Accepted: October 30, 2015
©2015 Continuous Education and Scientific Research Association (CESRA)
sinusitis. Invasive FRS mostly affects immuno-compromised
patients, whereas the non-invasive form occurs in immunocompetent patients.[1]
Fungal ball is described as the presence of non-invasive
accumulation of dense conglomeration of fungal hyphae in
one sinus cavity. Various terms, such as mycetoma,
aspergilloma, and chronic non-invasive granuloma have
been used in the literature.[1,2] Fungal rhinosinusitis is
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Paranasal sinus fungus ball: analysis of clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes
encountered in approximately 10% of all the patients
requiring surgery for a nose or sinus disease. Fungal or
mixed fungal infections are responsible for 13.5% to
28.5% of all maxillary sinusitis cases.[2,3]
The purpose of this study was to analyse the characteristics of paranasal sinus fungus ball based on presenting
symptoms, radiologic findings, and surgical outcomes.
Materials and Methods
Surgical design
We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 16
patients diagnosed with paranasal sinus fungus ball
between December 2005 and November 2014. The diagnosis was based on histological examination of the surgically removed material.
Outcome parameters
We analysed age, sex, clinical presentation, location of the
fungus ball, radiologic imaging, and surgical outcomes. All
patients had computed tomography (CT) and 12 of 16
patients had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Successful outcome was defined as an adequate opening of
the operated sinus ostium. Patients were followed-up for
at least three months postoperatively.
There were 10 female (62.5%) and six male (37.5%)
patients with a mean age of 53.6 (range: 32 to 74) years. The
majority of the patient complaints were headache and facial
pain followed by post-nasal discharge. Paranasal fungus ball
was seen predominantly in maxillary sinus (75%), followed
by sphenoid sinus (25%). Patients’ demographic data and
clinical presentations are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
CT was performed pre-operatively for all patients. A
hyper-dense area was observed in 12 patients (75%) and
sclerosis of bony walls of the sinus was noted in 13 patients
(87.5%) (Fig. 1). MRI was performed in 12 of the patients
and a low intensity area was observed in the affected sinuses of all cases. Hypo-intensity on T1-weighted images and
significant hypo-intensity on T2-weighted images were
the most common MRI findings (Fig. 2). The radiologic
findings of the patients are shown in Table 2.
The definitive diagnosis was made by the pathologist
in all cases. There were no cases of invasive fungal sinusitis. Aspergillus fumigatus was the main causative fungus.
The sensitivity of the culture was 25% (4 of 16 patients).
The treatment of choice was functional endoscopic
sinus surgery in all patients. The affected sinus was widely
opened and the mass was meticulously removed. The sinus
was irrigated with high-pressure saline to remove fungal
debris. Recurrence was detected in a single patient, one
year after the operation.
Paranasal sinus fungus ball is predominantly observed in
older and female patients. Nicolai et al. found mean age of
52.7 years and female predominance of 73.8%. Similarly,
mean age and the ratio of female patients were 49 years
and 60%, respectively, in the study conducted by Dufour
et al. In our series, mean age was 53.6 and the ratio of
female patients was 62.5%.
Paranasal sinus fungus ball is most frequently encountered in the maxillary sinus followed by the sphenoid
Clinic presentation of patients with paranasal sinus fungus ball.
n (%)
10 (62.5%)
6 (37.5%)
Facial pain
Postnasal discharge
11 (68.8%)
4 (25%)
3 (18.8%)
Sinus localizations
Maxillary sinus
Sphenoid sinus
12 (75%)
4 (25%)
Culture study
3 (18.8%)
1 (6.3%)
12 (75%)
Fig. 1. Coronal paranasal sinus computed tomography showing right
sphenoid sinus heterogeneous opacification, and bone thickening of the
sinus wall.
Volume 5 | Issue 3 | December 2015
P›nar E et al.
Table 2.
Radiologic findings of patients with paranasal sinus fungus ball.
Radiologic signs
n (%)
CT signs
Hyperdense area on CT
Sclerosis of sinus wall
Total opacification
12 (75%)
13 (81.3%)
13 (81.3%)
MRI signs
12 (75%)
Marked hypointensity
16 (100%)
CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
sinus.[3–5] The reason for this remains unexplained but the
aerogenic theory suggests that ethmoid sinus is where
inhaled fungus spores accumulate and these become pathogenic when the sinus begins to become anaerobic.
Similarly, in our study, paranasal fungus ball was more
common in maxillary sinus (75%) than in sphenoid sinus
The patients’ demographic CT findings include ipsilateral involvement, bone thickening of the diseased sinus wall
and complete heterogeneous sinus opacity with a hyperdense area within the sinus. This high density is the consequence of the high content of heavy metals (iron and manganese) and calcium within the fungal hyphae and is
extremely specific but lacks sensitivity.[6,7] In our case series,
CT showed high-density mass in 75% of cases. However,
sclerosis and thickening of the diseased sinus wall was found
in 87.5% of cases. Sclerosis of the sinus wall was the most
common CT finding in previous studies.[8–10] When there is
a suspicion of a fungal disease with or without an intra-cranial or intra-orbital invasion and the CT images are not
conclusive for identification of fungal disease, MRI should
be used for differential diagnosis.
Fig. 2. Axial post-contrast T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging
showing hypo- and isointensity.
The prognosis for sinus fungus ball is favourable.
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is the treatment of
choice. The affected sinus was widely opened and the mass
was meticulously removed. The sinus was irrigated with
saline at high pressure to remove fungal debris. The
reported recurrence rates ranging from 0% to
10%.[3,9,10,13–16] In our series only one patient had a recurrence, one year after operation.
The causative fungus was mainly Aspergillus species
for paranasal sinus fungus ball as shown by previous histological examinations and culture studies.[1,2,10] However,
culture findings had extremely low sensitivity, previous
studies observed a sensitivity ranging from 20.3% to
31.0%.[2,11,12] This difficulty in getting fungi to grow can be
attributed to the absence of the fungus ball.
The clinician should suspect sclerosis and micro-calcifications when the CT shows unilateral complete or partial opacity of the paranasal sinus. The treatment is surgical. Wide opening of the affected sinus and complete
removal of the fungus ball are essential. The prognosis is
very good.
Typical symptoms of paranasal sinus fungus ball are
headache, nasal obstruction and postnasal drip; however,
headache is reportedly the most common symptom.[2,12–15]
Headache and facial pain were the most common symptoms also in our series.
ENT Updates
The English in this document has been checked by at least
two professional editors, both native speakers of English.
Conflict of Interest: No conflicts declared.
Paranasal sinus fungus ball: analysis of clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes
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Please cite this article as: P›nar E, ‹mre A, Ece AA, Alada¤ ‹, Aslan H, Özkul Y, Dinçer E. Paranasal sinus fungus ball: analysis of clinical characteristics
and surgical outcomes. ENT Updates 2015;5(3):124–127.
Volume 5 | Issue 3 | December 2015