CV N. Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu Prof. Dr. Scientific Advisor - Fame-Med


CV N. Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu Prof. Dr. Scientific Advisor - Fame-Med
Alaeddinoğlu N.Gürdal
ODTÜ Biyoloji Bölümü Biyoteknoloji Araştırma Ünitesi
312 2105195
312 2101326
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Tıbbi Teknoloji
Reading Üniversitesi
Mikrobiyal Genetik
Mikrobiyal Genetik
Moleküler Genetik
H.Ü.Tıp Fak.Hast.Klinik Patoloji
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Yüksek İhtisas Hast.Bakteriyoloji Lab.
Sağlık Bakanlığı
Biyolojik Bilimler
Biyolojik Bilimler
Bölüm Bşk.Yrd
Biyolojik Bilimler Bl. ODTÜ
Biyolojik Bilimler Bl. ODTÜ
Biyoloji Bl. ODTÜ
Biyoloji Bl. ODTÜ
Fermentasyon Teknolojisi
Sifar İlaç San. İstanbul
Fermentasyon Teknolojisi
Orba Kimyasal Sanayi, İstanbul
Pestisit geliştirme
Delta Tarım&kim.San.Tic.A.Ş.
Ortopedik malzeme geliştirme
Fame-Med, Ortopro A.Ş.
6. Seçilmiş Yayınlar
1. Kitap/Rapor
• Microbiology Laboratory Notes, N.G.Alaeddinoğlu, METU-Ankara. 1978
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu: E.coli K-12’ de Kromozomal Tobramycin Dirençliliği (dissertation for
associate professorship). Submitted to METU., Ankara. 1981.
• Endüstride Genetik Mühendisliği: Endüstriyel Mikrobiyoloji (Ed:E.T.Çetin) Istanbul Tıp
Fak.Vakfı. 123. 1982.
• Industrial Aspects of Biochemistry and Genetics (Eds: N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., A.L. Demain., G.
Lancini). Plenum Press. Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 87.1985.
• General Microbiology Manual (N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., S.Kocabıyık) METU- Ankara. 1988.
• Konjugasyon, Bakteri plazmidleri. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Yayınları, 14
K.Töreci), 37-45.1990
• Plazmidlerin genetik mühendisliğindeki yeri. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Yayınları, 14 (Ed:
K.Töreci), 79-84.1990.
• Fen Bilimleri 1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları (93. 34. 0002-1208): N. G.Alaeddinoğlu.,
M.Özbakan., S.Özkar., I.Özkan., F.Sharif. Milli Basım Sanayii Istanbul. 1993-1994.
• Fen Bilimleri 2. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları (93. 34. 0002-1223): N. G.Alaeddinoğlu.,
M.Özbakan., S.Özkar., I.Özkan. Milli Basım Sanayii Istanbul. 1993-1994.
• Fen Bilimleri 1(Öğretmen El Kitabı). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları (
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., M.Özbakan., S.Özkar., I.Özkan. Milli Basım Sanayii Istanbul. 1995.
• Fen Bilimleri 2(Öğretmen El Kitabı). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları (
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., M.Özbakan., S.Özkar., I.Özkan. Milli Basım Sanayii Istanbul. 1995.
• Mikroorganizma Genetiği 1999. Temel ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji (Ed: Şemsettin Ustaçelebi)
Güneş Kitabevi Ltd.Şti.(975-7467-77-4).Sayfa 71-81.
2. Araştırma makaleleri
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1976)Genetical analysis of variation in the ability to utilize sucrose in
strains of E.coli (Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the University of Reading.,UK).
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1978) Chromosomal genes related to the antibiotic resistance factor in
E.coli; investigation of sucrose fermentation. Microbiology Bulletin, 12.,2.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu, H.P. Charles (1979) Transfer of a gene for sucrose utilization into E.coli K12 and consequent failure of expression of genes for D-serine utilization., J.Gen.Microbiol, 47.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1982) Genetic analysis of raffinose fermentation in E.coli and investigation
of the relationship with K88 antigen. Microbiology Bulletin, 16: 21-32.
• S.Kocabıyık., N.G Alaeddinoğlu (1985) Enrichment of whey in nitrogen by fermentation.
Doğa Dergisi A2, 5 74.
• G.Aykut., V. N .Hasırcı., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1985) Invertase activity in entrapped yeast cells
in: Industrial Aspects of Biochemistry and Genetics (Eds: N.G Alaeddinoğlu., A.L. Demain.,
G.Lancini) Plenum.NATO-ASI Series A:87 pp. 171.
• S.Kocabıyık., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1987) Epidemiological aspects of enzyme mediated
aminoglycoside resistance. Hacettepe Medical Journal :20, 3: 185-199.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., S.Kocabıyık (1987) Plasmid mediated enzymatic detoxification of
aminoglycoside antibiotics in clinical isolates of Gram(-) bacilli. Proceedings of 15th Inter.
Cong Chem. (Eds: B.Berkarda.,H.P. Kuemmerle). Ecomed, 760-762, Germany.
• S.Kocabıyık., E. Akalın., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Aminoglycoside resistance profiles of the
gentamycin resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas. Proceedings of 15th
Inter. Cong. Chem. (Eds: B.Berkarda. ,H.P. Kuemmerle). Ecomed, 777-779, Germany.
• M.D.Hilton., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., A.L.Demain (1988) Bacillus subtilis mutant deficient in the
ability to produce the dipeptide antibiotic bacilysin: Isolation and mapping of the mutation. J.
Bacteriol. 170, 2.
• M.D.Hilton., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., A.L.Demain (1988) Synthesis of bacilysin by Bacillus
subtilis from prephanate of the aromatic amino acid pathway. J.Bacteriol. 170, 1.
• F.A.Sharif, N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1988) A rapid, simple method for staining of the crystal
protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. J. Ind. Microbiol. 3, 227.
• G.Aykut., V.N. Hasırcı., N.G Alaeddinoğlu (1988) Immobilization of yeast cells in acrylamide
gel matrix. Biomaterials, 169.
• S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1989) Analysis of plasmid mediating ANT(2") and ACC(3II) based gentamycin resistance in clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae. International Journal
of Medical Microbiol. 271.
• S.Kocabıyık., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1988) Determination of aminoglycoside modification
enzymes by "MIC ratio" method and its comparison with radioactive assay. Hacettepe Medical
Journal, 21, 3, 145-156.
• S.Kocabıyık., E. Akalın, N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1989) Aminoglycoside resistance profiles of the
gentamycin resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas strains. lnternational Journal of
Experimantal and Clinical Chemotherapy; 2: 2, 118.
• G.Özcengiz., N.G Alaeddinoğlu (1988) Microbial removal of sulfur compounds from Turkish
Çanakkale Çan lignites, Doğa Dergisi 12, 2.
• A.Güven., M. Özbilgen., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1989) Activity loss kinetics of freeze-dried lactic
acid starter cultures. Enzyme and Microb. Technol. 1, 11.
• S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1989) Cross resistance patterns for aminoglycosides and
non-aminoglycosides among clinical strains. Doğa Dergisi, Series A2, 13(1),35.
• M.Kriechbaum., H.J. Hielmann., F.J. Wientjes., M. Hahn., Jany., H.G. Gassen., F. Sharif., N.G
Alaeddinoğlu (1989). Cloning and DNA sequence analysis of the glucose oxidase gene from
A.niger. NRRL-3. FEBS Letters, 225, 1.
• G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu and A.L. Demain.(1990). Regulation of biosynthesis of
bacilysin by Bacillus subtilis. J. Indust. Microbiol. 6: 91-100.
• A.Başalp., G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1990). A rapid plate test for screening of
hyperproducer mutants of alkaline serine protease Turkish J.Biochem.15: 19-25.
• K.Adwan., S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1990). Effect of Drug Usage on Aminoglycoside
Susceptibilities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates. Int. J.Experiment. Clin.Chemother.3,
• G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1990). Dipeptide Antibiotic Bacilysin: Isolation and Kinetics
of Biosynthesis. Doğa-Türk Biyoloji Dergisi, 14:114-124.
• G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1991).Bacilysin production and sporulation in Bacillus
subtilis. Current Microbiology, 23:61-64.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1991).Aminoglikozit antibiyotik direnclilikte plazmitlerle taşınan enzimler:
Antibiyotik kullanımında stratejiler 3.Ulusal İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongre Kitabı (Ed:
E.Tümbay., A.Tuncer., Z.Zilmi) 236-247.
• G.Özcengiz., N.GAlaeddinoğlu (1991). Bacilysin production in relation to sporulation in B.
subtilis. Doğa-Türk Biyoloji Dergisi, 15: 85-93.
• G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1991). Bacilysin production by B. subtilis: Effects of
bacilysin, pH and temperature., Folia Microbiology, 36-6.
• G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., A.L.Demain (1992).Control by nitrogenous compounds of
bacilysin production. In: Recent advances in Biotechnology. NA TO-ASl Series E. Vol.210 .
Plenum Publishing Co.pp.489-490.
• G.Özcengiz.,O.Zarrinabadi., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1992). Metal-binding proteins from
Kluyveromyces spp. ln: Recent Advances in Biotechnology. NATO-ASl Series E. Vol.210.
Plenum Publishing Co. pp.491-492.
• A.Başalp., G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1992). Changes in patterns of alkaline serine
protease and bacilysin formation caused by common effectors of sporulation in B. subtilis 168.,
Current Microbiology, 24(3):129-135.
• K.Adwan., S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1992) Evaluation of plasmid DNA and the
protein profiles as epidemiologic tools in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. lnt. J. Experimental and
Clinical Chemother. 5(1). 37-40.
• Sharif.F., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1992) Expression and over production of glucose oxidase in
Aspergillus niger. Appl. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 38(1), 115-116.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1992) Safety aspects of biotechnology. In: Recent Advances in
Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology (Eds: A. A.Hinçal, S.Kaş,). pp. 224-238, Editions
de Sante.
• A.Yazgan.,G.Özcengiz.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993).Studies on metal resistance systems.
Biological Trace Element Research.Vol.38: 117-127.
• K.M.Adwan.,S.Kocabıyık.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993). Evaluation of multiple drug resistance in
clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. lnt. J.Experimental and Clinical Chemother. 6,1:
• P.Afkhami., G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993). Plasmid patterns of B.thuringiensis 81
and its crystal negative mutants. Biotechnology Letters, Vol.15, 12: 1247-1253.
• N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993).Biochemical and genetical aspects of aminoglycoside and β-Lactam
antibiotic resistance among the clinical isolates of P.aeruginosa. 12th Int. Meeting of European
Culture Coll. Org.Abstr.Book: pp.1-6.
• Y.Arıca., F.A.Sharif, N.G.Alaeddinoğlu, N.Hasırcı., V.N.Hasırcı (1993). Covalent
immobilization of A.niger on pHEMA membrane: application to continuous flow reactors.J.
Chem. Tech. Biotechnology, 58; 281-285 .
• P.Afkhami., G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993). Production of Lepidoptera-specific
crystal protein by a local isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis. Biotechnology Letters, Vol.15,
• Adwan.K., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1994) Mechanism of aminoglycoside, β-lactam
Quinolone antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Turkey and
Jordan. lnt .J.Experimental and Clinical Chemother. 7: 2
• C.Halıcıgil., G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1994) Delta endotoksinin üretici organizmada
sporlanma ve jerminasyon üzerine etkileri. Tr.J.Biology.18: 243-250.
• P.Afkhami.,C.Halıcıgil.,G.Özcengiz., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1994).Biochemical and Molecular
Characterization of Crystal Protein-Negative Mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis. ECB6
Proceedings of 6th European Congress on Biotechnol. (Ed:L.Alberghina, L.Frontali, P.Sensi.,
Elsevier Sa. B.V.)1081-1083.
• P.Afkhami., C.Halicigil., G. Ozcengiz and N.G.Alaeddinoglu (1994). Molecular and
biochemical characterization of crystal protein-negative mutants of Bacillus thrungiensis.
Progress in Biotechnology. 6:1081-1084.
• N.Asgari., F.A.Sharif., M.Y.Özden and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1995). Bacterial Utilization of
Purified Temik. Process Biochemistry Vol . 30, 2: 183-187.
• Y.Arıca.,V.N.Hasırcı.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1995) Covalent Immobilization of α-amylase onto
pHEMA Microspheres: Preparation and Application to Fixed Bed Reactor.Biomaterials 16 , 10:
• F.A.Sharif., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1995) Gene cloning and Protoplast Transformation in
Aspergillus niger: Tr.J. Biology 19: 209-215.
• V.Hasırcı., Y.Arıca., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu., C.Halıcıgil., R.M.Wilkins., R.B.Cain (1995).
Bacterial degradation and controlled release of Aldicarb; Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control.
Rel.Bioact.Mater: 22, Controlled Release Society,Inc.
• S.Bayarı., F.Severcan., I.Gürsel.,V.Hasırcı., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1998). The FTIR Studies of
the Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) and Poly (3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate); New
Biomedical Materials, pp 58-64. IOS Press, United Kingdom.
• M.Y.Arıca., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu and V.Hasırcı (1998) Immobilization of glucoamylase onto
activated pHEMA/EGDMA microspheres: properties and application to a packed-bed reactor;
Enzyme and Microbial Technology 22:152-157.
• V.Hasırcı., I.Gürsel., F.Türesin., G.Yiğitel., F.Korkusuz and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1998)
Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates as biodegradable drug release materials. In: Biomedical
Science and Technology Recent Developments in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
(Ed; A.A.Hıncal., H.S.Kas)., pp.183-189.Plenum Press.NewYork and London.
• İ.Gürsel and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1998) Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates: Biosynthesis,
screening and characterisation. In: Biomedical Science and Technology Recent Developments
in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences (Ed; A.A.Hıncal., H.S.Kas)., pp.81-89.Plenum
Press.NewYork and London.
• V.Hasırcı., I.Gürsel., F.Türesin., G.Yiğitel., F.Korkusuz and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1998)
Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates as biodegradable drug release materials. In: Biomedical
Science and Technology Recent Developments in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
(Ed; A.A.Hıncal., H.S.Kas)., pp.183-189.Plenum Press.NewYork and London.
• E.E.Yıldız., G.Özcengiz., B.İçgen and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1999) Assignment of biological
Functions to Specific Plasmids in a Local İsolate of Rhizobium cicer ; Folio Microbiol. 44 (1),
• M.Y.Arıca., C.Halıcıgil and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu, A.Denizli (1999) Studies of the affinity
interaction of hydroxypyruvate reductase from Methylophilus spp.with Cibacron blue F3GAderived poly(HEMA-EGDMA) microspheres: partial purification and characterization. Process
Biochemistry., 34, 375-381.
• F.N.Kök., M.Y.Arıca., C.Halıcıgil., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu and V.Hasırcı (1999) Biodegradation of
Aldicarb in a packed Bed Reactor by Immobilized Methylosinus; Enzyme and Microbial
Technology; 24: 291-296.
• F.N.Kök., R.M.Wilkins., R.B.Cains., M.Y.Arıca., N.G.Alaeddinoglu and V.Hasırcı (1999)
Controlled release of aldicarb from lignin loaded ionotropic hyrdogel microspheres.
J.Microencapsulation, 16(5).,613-623
• M.Gürsel.,S.Tunca.,M.Özkan.,G.Özcengiz and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1999) Immunoadjuvant
action of plasmid DNA in liposomes .Vaccines.17 (11-12), pp 1376-1383.
• M.Salameh., G.Özcengiz., Ü. Atalay., G.Özbayoğlu and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1999).Enhanced
recovery of silver from Artvin-Kafkasör ore by microbial treatment. Biohydrometallurgy and
the environment toward the mining of the 21st century ,Part A (Ed: R.Amils and A.Ballester).
Elsevier. pp.493-499.
• M.Y.Arıca., S.Şenel.,A.Denizli.,S.Patır and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1999) İmmobilized invertase
on the spacer arm attached PHEMA membrane: preparation and properties. J.Applied Polymer
Science 75: (14) pp.1685-1692.
• Füsun Türesin, Zeynep Gümüşyazıcı, Fatma.N.Kök, İhsan Gürsel, N.Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu and
Vasıf Hasırcı (2000). Biosynthesis of Polyhydroxybutyrate and its Copolymers and Their use in
Controlled Drug release. Turk J Med Sci (30) pp.535-541.
• Z.Özdemir, G.Özbayoğlu, Ü.Atalay, G.Özcengiz and G.Alaeddinoğlu (2000). Effect of
bacterial treatment on silver recovery from Artvin-Kafkasör ore. Mineral Processing on the
verge of the 21 st Century.(Ed:G.Özbayoğlu et al).2000 Balkema, Rotterdam, 553-556.
• İhsanGürsel, Feza Korkusuz, Füsun Türesin, N. Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu and Vasıf Hasırcı (2001)
Invivo application of biodegradable controlled antibiotic release systems for the treatment of
implant-related osteomyelitis Biomaterials, Vol. 22 (1) pp.73-80.
• Yazgan, A., Özcengiz, G., Özcengiz, E., Kilinc, K., Marahiel, M. A. and Alaeddinoğlu, N. G.
(2001). Bacilysin biosynthesis by a partially-purified enzyme fraction from Bacillus subtilis.
Enzyme and Microb. Technol. 29: 400-406.
7. Ulusal/Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılar
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1980) Genetic analysis of raffinose fermentation in E.coli. TÜBITAK. 7th
Science Congress 6-10 October, Kuşadası.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu, M. Akman., M. Baykal (1980) Tobramycin resistance and its transfer using
plasmids. Kükem National Congress., May 14-17 Istanbul (Abstract) Kükem Joumal,3, 1.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu, S. Sukan., S.Kocabıyık., Y. Arıca (1981) Potential use of side products in
milk industry. Kükem 2.nd National Congress, "Special Issue", September 1981. Istanbul
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1981) Genetical analysis of spontaneous resistance to tobramycin in E.coli
K-12. First National Genetics Symposium (TUBITAK) December 2-5., Ankara (Abstract).
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1981) Use of whey in Industry. SEGEM (State Department) December 1422, Ankara.
N.G Alaeddinoğlu (1982) Coal desulfurization by Thiobacilli. Biogeochemistry Symposium 78 June, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1982) University-Industry collaboration. SEGEM (State Department) April
21, Ankara.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1982) Genetic engineering in industry. Kükem 2nd. National Congress 3-5
May, Istanbul.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1983) Sucrose inversion by entrapped yeast cells. NATO/ASI on
"Industrial aspects of Biochemistry and Genetics", 4-14 September, Çeşme/ Izmir.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1983) Genetic Engineering. 3rd National Congress of Kükem, 5-7
September, Izmir.
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1984) Mapping of tobramyan resistance gene. Microbial Breeding, 3-8
September, Spoleto, Italy.
A.L. Demain., M. Sakayoh., M.D. Hilton.,N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1985) Studies on bacilysin
biosynthesis in B.subtilis. 17th FEBS Meeting, 1-7 August., Berlin (Abstract).
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1986) Aminoglycoside antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic use in clinical
practise. Hacettepe University, 20-22 May (Abstract).
M.D. Hilton., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., A.L. Demain (1986) Analysis of mutants of B.subtilis
which fail to produce bacilysin. ASM. Annual Meeting, 23-28 March Washington D.C
S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., E.Akalın (1986) Aminoglycoside resistance and its
characterization among clinical isolates. Journal of Biochemistry XI, I, 98-99 (Abstract).
S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1986) Genetic and Biochemical analysis of resistance to
aminoglycoside antibiotics. Kükem Journal, 9, 1,169 (Abstract).
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Biological Warfare Prep. Meeting, 31 March-15 April, Geneva,
Switzerland (Scientific Representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs -Turkey).
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1987) A series of conferences on "Pollution caused by the use of sea water
as coolant". 7-11 December., Iskenderun (2 Conferences).
N.G. Alaeddinoğlu., F. Sharif (1987) A rapid and a simple method for staining the crystal
protein of B.thuringiensis. 5th National Kükem Congress, 14-16 September, Ankara (Abstract).
S.Kocabıyık., N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Plasmid mediated enzymatic detoxification of
aminoglycoside antibiotics in clinical isolates. 15th Intemational Congress of
Chemotherapy.,20-27 July.,Istanbul (Abstract).
S.Kocabıyık.,E.Akalın, N.G. Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Aminoglycoside resistance profiles of the
gentamicin resistant strains. 15 th Intemational Congress of Chemotherapy. July, 2027.,Istanbul (Abstract).
F.A.Sharif and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Identification and genetic analysis of B.thuringiensis
plasmids.J.Biochem.12 (2) : 96. Turkish Biochemical Society.
G.Özcengiz.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1987) Basilisin biyosentezi ve düzenlenmesine ilişkin
Çalışmalar.5.Ulusal KÜKEM Kongresi (Eylül 6-10)., Ankara (Kükem Dergisi,10 (2):90-91).
G. Özcengiz ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Bacilysin Biyosentezi ve Düzenlenmesine Ilişkin
Çalışmalar." 5. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong. Ankara. Eylül 1987.
F.A.Sharif, S.Kocabıyık, N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1989) Isolation of glucose oxidase producing
fungi and subsequent mutagenesis for non-producer strains. 9th National Congress of
Biochemistry. November,19-23., Antalya (Abstract in Turkish J.Biochem.14.,3;182 ).
G. Özcengiz ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Bacillus subtilis'de Bacilysin(Dipeptid Antibiyotik)
Sentezinin Düzenlenmesi." 6. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong. Erzurum. Eylül 1989.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1990) Conjugation, 24th Turkish Microbiology Congress (Symp: Bacterial
Plasmids). 26-28 June, Kayseri.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Ülkemizde Biyoteknolojik Çalışma potansiyeli (Panel) 21 Mayıs 1990,
Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1990) The uses of plasmids in genetic engineering. 24th Turkish
Microbiology Congress (Symp:Bacterial Plasmids).26-28 June, Kayseri.
G. Özcengiz and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "A Role of Bacilysin in Sporulation of Its Producer
Organism Bacillus subtilis." 119th Annual Meeting of Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Edinburg,U.K.
April 1991.
G. Özcengiz ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Ribozomal Olmayan Peptid Sentezi Üzerine Çalışmalar.
10. Ulusal Biyokimya Kong. Izmir. 1991.
G. Özcengiz ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Saccharomyces cerevisiae ve Kluyveromyces
marxianus'da Bakır ve Gümüş Direncinin Moleküler Mekanizmaları Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı
bir Çalışma." 7. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong. Adana. 1991.
Başalp., G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Bacillus subtilis'de Sekonder Aktiviteler
Arasındaki Etkileşimler." 7. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong. Adana. 1991.
P.Afkhami, G.Özcengiz, N.G.Alaeddinoğlu(1992) Cry I tipi delta endotoksin üretiminin
moleküler karakterizasonu ve optimizasyonu üzerine çalışmalar. 8. KÜKEM Kongresi (20-22
Eylül, Ankara), KÜKEM Dergisi 16(2): 122-123.
Yazgan, G. Özcengiz, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Metal Uptake Profile and Growth Kinetics of
Kluyveromyces marxianus." 16th Intern. Conf. on Yeast Genet. and Mol. Biol. Vienna, Austria.
August 1992.
P. Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Kültür Ortamı ve Üreme Bacillus
thuringiensis'de Plazmid Kalıpları ve Kristal Protein Sentezi Üzerine Etkileri." 11. Ulusal
Biyokimya Kong. Antalya. Ekim 1992.
Yazgan, G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: " Maya Hücrelerinde Ağır Metal Biriktirilmesi:
Yüzeye Bağlanma ve Hücre Alınım Seviyeleri." 11. Ulusal Biyokimya Kong. Antalya. Ekim
P. Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Studies on Parasporal Crystal Protein
Production by Bacillus thuringiensis 81 and Isolation of Acrystaliferous Mutants”. 6th Intern.
Pharmaceut. Technol. Symp. Ankara, Turkey. September 1992.
Halıcıgil, P. Afkhami, E. Erdal, G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Bacillus thuringiensis'de
Kristal Protein Üretemeyen Mutantların Biyokimyasal Özellikleri." 11. Ulusal Biyokimya
Kong. Antalya. Ekim 1992.
E. Erdal, B. G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Çeşitli Rhizobium cicer Suşları
ile Nohut Bitkisinde (Cicer arientinum) Verimliliğin Arttırılması." 8. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong.
Içgen, E. Erdal, G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Rhizobium Izolatlarının
Özellikleri ve Plazmidlerinin Analizi." 8. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong. Ankara.1993.
N.Asghari.,M.Y.Özden.,F.A.Sharif.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993).Microbial degradation of Temik
Aldicarb.12th International
Meeting of European Culture Collection Organisation,
Istanbul.Congress Book of Abstracts: pp.22.
F.A.Sharif.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu (1993).Cloning of glucose oxidase gene from Aspergillus niger.
12th International Meeting of European Culture Collection Organisation , Istanbul.Congress
Book of Abstracts.pp.23
F.A.Sharif., M.Y.Arıca.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu.,V.Hasırcı(1993).Overproduction of glucose
oxidase from Aspergillus niger and immobilization of overproducers and wild type strains.
12th International Meeting of European Culture Collection Organisation. Istanbul.Congress
Book of Abstracts pp.24.
Halıcıgil, P. Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Biochemical and Molecular
Characterization of Crystal Protein-Negative Mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis" 6th Intern.
Cong. on Biotechnol. Firenze, Italy. June 1993.
F.A.Sharif., M.Y.Arıca.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu.,V.Hasırcı(1993). Aspergillus niger’de glukoz
oksidaz enzimi üretiminin artırılması, organizmanın tutuklanması ve hücre reaktörüne
uygulanması.8 Kükem Kongresi.Kükem Dergisi, 16 (2): 4-5.
P.Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Cry I Tipi Delta-Endotoksin Üretiminin
Moleküler Karakterizasyonu ve Optimizasyonu Üzerine Çalıþmalar." 8. Ulusal KÜKEM Kong.
Erdal, G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Chickpea-Rhizobium cicer
Symbiosis: I.Screening and Characterization of Effective Strains." 7th Intern. Cong. of
Bacteriol. Appl. Microbiol. Prague,Czech. Republic. July 1994.
Içgen, G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Chickpea-Rhizobium cicer
Symbiosis: II.Competitiveness of Inoculants and Optimization of Nodulation Conditions." 7th
Intern. Cong. of Bacteriol. Appl. Microbiol. Prague,Czech. Republic. July 1994.
Özcengiz, Y. Tayanç, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Regulation of Delta Endotoxin Synthesis by
Mineral Elements." 7th Intern. Cong. of Bacteriol. Appl. Microbiol. Prague,Czech. Republic.
July 1994.
P. Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Bacillus thuringiensis 81'de cry IA Tipi
Kristal Genlerinin Lokasyonu." 2. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Semp. Ankara. Eylül 1994.
E. Erdal, G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Rhizobium cicer' de Melanin
Üretiminin Genetik Analizi." 2. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Semp. Ankara. Eylül 1994.
Içgen, G. Özcengiz, F.A. Sharif, ve N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: "Rhizobium cicer-Nohut Simbiyozu:
Bazı Parametrelerin Değerlendirilmesi." 2. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Semp. Ankara. Eylül 1994.
P. Afkhami, G. Özcengiz, and N.G. Alaeddinoğlu: " Localization of cry I A type crystal protein
genes in a local isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis." 7th Intern. Cong. on Biotechnol. Nice,
France. February 1995.
Degradation and Controlled Release of Aldicarb”Intern.Symp. Control.Rel.Mater.18-21 July,
1995,Ottawa, Canada
C.Halıcıgil.,M.Y.Özden., F.A.Sharif., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu “Bacterial Degradation of Aldicarb”
Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Symposium, 27-30 July 1995. Massachusetts
Intitute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Y.Tayanç.,G.Özcengiz.,N.G.Alaeddinoğlu “Control by Mineral Nutrients, pH, and
Temperature of Crystal Protein Biosynthesis in Bacillus thuringiensis” Industrial Microbiology
and Biotechnology Symposium, 27-30 July 1995. Massachusetts Intitute of Technology,
Cambridge, USA.
Ozcengiz, G., Tayanc, Y. and Alaeddinoglu, N. G. 1995. Control by mineral nutrients, pH and
temperature of crystal protein biosynthesis in Bacillus thuringiensis. Presented in "Symposium
on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology" (27-30 July 1995, Cambridge, U.S.A.).
Abstract Book. p. 24.
Afkhami, P., Ozcengiz, G. and Alaeddinoglu, N. G. 1995. Characterization of plasmids
harboring crystal protein genes in Bacillus thuringiensis 81. Presented in "7th European
Congress on Biotechnology" (18-24 February, 1995, Nice, France). Abstract Book. Vol. 2,
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu.1997.Biyolojik Silahlar “NBC Savunma Sempozyumu” (8-9 Mayıs,
Küçükyalı, Istanbul, Türkiye)
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu.1997.Biyoremediasyon (Açılış konferansı) 1.Kızılırmak fen Bilimleri
Kongresi, 14-16 Mayıs.
C.Halıcıgil., N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. 1997.Aldicarb biyotransformasyonu. 1.Kızılırmak fen
Bilimleri Kongresi, 14-16 Mayıs .
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu 1997.Bacterial Degradation of Carbamate Pesticides (Aldicarb in
particular).Oral presentation in ISEB 97 Meeting on Bioremediation; 24-27 September 1997,
Leipzig, Germany.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Bacterial biosynthesis of PHB: Screening and characterization (Oral
presentation) “4th International Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology (15-17
September, Istanbul, Turkey). 1997.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Temel Bilimler ve Biyoteknoloji “Biyoteknoloji ve Sağlık Sempozyumu”
19 Aralık, 1997. Ankara.
I.Gürsel., Z.Gümüşyazıcı., B.E.Dayanç., V.Hasırcı and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Bacterial
production and screening of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). Presented in “An International
Symposium to Link Basic Science, Biotechnology and Industry” (3-6 June, Münster,
Germany). 1998.
F.N.Kök., Y.Arıca., I.Gürsel.,V.Hasırcı and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Biosynthesis of
Polyhydroxybutyrate and its copolymers by Alcaligenes latus. Presented in “An International
Symposium to Link Basic Science, Biotechnology and Industry” (3-6 June, Münster,
Germany). 1998.
M.Y.Arıca.,C.Halıcıgil., A.Denizli., V.Hasırcı and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu..Studies of the affinity
interaction of hydroxypyruvate reductase from Methylophilus spp. With cibacron blue F3GAderived pHEMA microspheres; “8th Int.Conf.on Polymer based Technology” (June28-July3
Ma’ale Hachamisha, Israel). 1998
Gürsel, M., Tunca, S., Özkan, M., Özcengiz, G., Alaeddinoğlu.N.G. Immunoadjuvant action of
plasmid DNA in liposomes. 1st World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization 4-6 Mayıs
1998, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract sayfa 2-5.
N.G.Alaeddinoğlu A novel screening method for bacterial PHB production(oral presantation).
3rd Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 8-10 July, 1999. Gent
(Belgium).Abstract L-14
M.Salameh., G.Özcengiz., Ü. Atalay., G.Özbayoğlu and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Enhanced
recovery of silver from Artvin-Kafkasör ore by microbial treatment.International
Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Euroforum-Infantes., san Lorenzo de ElEscorial, Madrid
(Spain). June 20-23,1999.
M.Salameh., G.Özcengiz., Ü.Atalay., G.Özbayoğlu and N.G.Alaeddinoğlu. Bioleaching of
silver from a limonite ore by using Aspegillus sp. 3rd Symposium on Industrial Microbiology
and Biotechnology, 8-10 July, 1999. Gent (Belgium).Abstract P7.
Asil üye
Society for General Microbiology (UK)
Asil Üye
Microbiological Society (Türkiye)
Bilimsel Kurum Üyesi
Turkish Journal of Biology (Türkiye)
Asil Üye
The Newyork Academy of Sciences (USA)
Asil Üye
KÜKEM (CultureCollection and Ind.Microbiol).
Yurtdışı doktora bursu
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
En iyi Bilimsel Yayın
Türk Mikrobiyoloji Derneği
NATO Scientific Collaboration Grant
Bilimsel Başarı Ödülü
10. Yönettiği Araştırma Projeleri
1. TÜBITAK (TBAG 330):1978-1979 Genetic analysis of raffinose fermentation in
E coli.
2. METU-Research fund:1979-1981.Genetic analysis of chromosomal tobramycin
resistance in E.coli K-12.
3 . METU-Research fund: 1979-1982. Fermentation of whey for production of single cell
4. METU-Research fund: 1979-1983. Bacterial desulfurization of Turkish lignites.
5. METU-Research fund:1981-1983. Polyacrylamide-entrapped yeast cells.
6. TÜBITAK (TBAG: 741): 1985-1987.Genetic characterization of aminoglycoside
antibiotic resistance in clinical strains.
7. NATO Research Fund (in collaboration with Massachusetts
Technology):1985-1987 on "Enzymatic synthesis of dipeptides".
8. TÜBITAK (TBAG: 810): 1986-1988. Studies on bacilysin biosynthesis and regulation.
9. BMFT (Germany): 1987/1990. Cloning of glucose oxidase genes in Aspergillus niger (in
collaboration with Darmstadt University-Germany).
10. METU-Research fund(
microorganisms in Jet-fuel".
11 .TÜBITAK (KTC, AG-DPT-l): 1992-1994. Microbial degradation of chlorinated
12. TÜBITAK (TBAG-1048): 1992-1993. Production of high fuctose syrup in a reactor by
enzymatic hydrolysis of starch.
13. DPT (AFP.01.08.DPT-12-K): 1989-1993. A new biotechnological approach in control
of pesticides and herbicides ( Carbamates-aldicarb in particular).
14. DPT(AFP.01.09.DPT-12-K): 1994-1996. Production and development of Polyester
films (membranes) of Microbial origin.
15. Nato/SFS Grant:1996-1998. The Production and application of microbial polyesters in
the construction of biodegradable controlled antibiotic release systems and bone fracture
repair rods (Mikrobiyal üretimden sorumlu).
Biyopolimerlerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle üretimi.
17.AFP 1997-1999.Kristal protein genlerinin (cry I,II,IV) klonlanması ve uygulama için
spesifik bir formülasyon geliştirilmesi
11.Yönettiği Tez Çalışmaları
1. Yüksek Lisans
1.Fermented ammoniated whey. 1982 (S.Kocabıyık)
2.Microbial desulfurization of coal. 1983 (G.Özcengiz)
3.Sucrose inversion by entrapped yeast cells. 1983 (G.Aykut)
4.Effects o freeze- drying on yogurt starter cultures. 1985 (A.Güven)
5 .Identification and genetical analysis of Bacillus thuringiensis. 1987 (F. Sharif)
6.Isolation and characterization of alkaline protease in Bacillus subtilis. 1988
7.The use of glucose isomerase in sugar industry: Properties and screening of the
enzyme. 1989 (E.Usta)
8.Production of non-lactose milk by immobilized, β-galactosidase. 1989 (G.Balta)
9.Microbial utilization of chlorinated hydrocarbons. l991 (B.Aygün)
10.Crystal protein production and its genetic expression in a local isolate of
B.thuringiensis. 1992 (P.Afkhami)
11.High fructose syrup production in a model reactor. 1993 (F.Halatçı) Co-advised by Dr.
12.Microbial degradation of Aldicarb. 1993 (N.Asghari)
13.Studies on metal resistance system in Kluyveromyces marxianus 1993 (A.Yazgan)
14.Characterization of Various Rhizobium cicer Strains and Assessment of Their
Symbiotic Effectiveness. 1994 (B.İçgen) Co-advised.
15.Physiological and Genetical Aspects of Rhizobium - Legume Symbiosis. 1994
(E. Erdal) Co-advised by Dr.G.Özcengiz.
16.Aldicarb biodegradation by soil bacteria.1995 (C.Halıcıgil)
17.Regulation of Delta-endotoxin biosynthesis and endospore formation in Bacillus thuringien
1995 (Y.Tayanç) Co-advised
18. Bacterial Colonization on Dental Implant Materials.1996 (G.Kahveci)
19. An optimization study on antidipteran (Cry IV-Type) toxin production. 1997 (M.Özkan)
20. Overproduction of neutral protease in Bacillus subtilis. 1997 (A.Günal).
21. Overproduction of α-amylase in Bacillus subtilis. 1997 (S.Tunca).
22. Microbial processing of Artvin-Kafkasör silver ore. 1999 (M.Salameh).
23. Bacterial PHB production.1999 (Z.Gümüşyazıcı).
24. Methomyl utilization by Metylothrophic bacteria .2001(D. Özaslan)
25.Hybridoma development:Monoclonal antibody production in search for protein purificatio
2002 (G.Yücel).
2. Doktora
l. A comparative study on the resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics among strains
of Enterobacteriaceae. 1986 (S.Kocabıyık)
2.Bacilysin regulation in Bacillus subtilis.1989 (G.Özcengiz)
3.Cloning of glucose oxidase gene(s) in A.niger. 1991 (F.Sharif)
4.Biochemical and Genetical aspects of aminoglycoside, B-lactam and quinolone antibiotic
resistance among the clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.1992 (K.M. Adwan)
5.Cloning of crystal protein(δ-endotoxin) genes and development of expression vectors in
Bacillus thuringiensis.1998 (P.Afkhami)
6.Genetical and Biochemical Basis of Aldicarb utilization in Methylosinus sp.2001

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Yem Hammaddeleri Kataloğu

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