Panel Discussion on the Demography of Turkey and other Muslim


Panel Discussion on the Demography of Turkey and other Muslim
Türkiye’nin ve Diğer Müslüman Ülkelerin Demografisi
(Panel Discussion on the Demography of Turkey and other Muslim Countries)
12 May 2015
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Rektörlük Yeni Senato Salonu
Açılış Konuşmaları
Prof. Dr. Ü. Şebnem Harput, Rektör Yardımcısı
Prof.Dr. A.Banu Ergöçmen, Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü Müdürü
Population Dynamics in the Muslim World
Professor Hans Groth
Demography of Governance in the Arab World
Ambassador Christian Blickenstorfer
Regional Geopolitics at the Interface with Demography
Professor. Nicholas Eberstadt
Professor Hans Groth is a permanent guest lecturer at the University of St. Gall
(HSG) in Switzerland with the topic “Megatrend: Global Demographic Change”
where he is also the Chairman of the Board of the World Demographic & Ageing
Forum (WDA Forum). An educated medical doctor holding an MBA, Hans Groth
worked with Pfizer Inc. for 24 years and has comprehensive experience in over 30
healthcare markets including Europe, Central Asia, and North America. For the past
14 years, Hans Groth has been studying the interaction between global demographic
change, economic development, wealth and societal stability. The focus of his
research has built upon theories of economic development and productivity and
employing the value of health, education and progress in societal governance as
sustainable tools to unlock new ways to tackle the imminent challenges of
demographic change.
Ambassador Christian Blickenstorfer joined the Swiss Foreign Service in 1974
after earning his PhD in modern history and international law at the University of
Zurich in 1972. His assignments abroad included Cairo, Bangkok, Tehran, and
Saudi Arabia. From 2001 to 2006 he served as Ambassador to the United States of
America and from 2006 until his retirement in 2010 as Ambassador to Germany.
Professor Nicholas Eberstadt is a Henry Wendt Scholar in political economy at
the American. Enterprise Institute (AEI) for public policy research in Washingtion
D.C. A political economist and a demographer by training, Professor Eberstadt is
also a senior adviser to the National Bureau of Asian Research, a member of the
visiting committee at the Harvard School of Public Health, and a member of the
Global Leadership Council at the World Economic Forum (WEF). He researches
and writes extensively on economic development, foreign aid, global health,
demographics, and poverty. His research areas include poverty, economic
development policy, foreign aid, global health, infant mortality, and HIV/AIDS.