Alufte World Tam zamanlı nikahlı koca buldu da, o


Alufte World Tam zamanlı nikahlı koca buldu da, o
Tam zamanlı nikahlı koca buldu da, o mu varmadı
Erine haşa kusur etmez, dilber alüfte
Kalamışta 1+1 vardı da, o mu tutmadı
Diğer mahallede oturur, mecbur alufte
İzin yoktur sevdalısıyla kavuşmasına
Giyinir kuşanır, piyasaya çıkar alüfte
Konu komşu çekiştirir, dışlar dilberi
Yine de kabullenir, gülümser alüfte
Kimi der dilber, kimi gülşen, kimi güzide
Beyceğizine kurban herdem, afet alüfte
Sevdalım, belalım, artık bittim civanım
Ömr-ü hayatım amman, bekler alüfte
İstememez mi, evcağızı olsun, bir de kocası
Nikahlı eşi pek sayar, hem de korkar alüfte
Kınalı yapıncak, böyle miydi hayalleri
“Nazardır” der geçer, kurşun döktürür alüfte
İstememez mi, evcağızı olsun, bir de kocası
Giyinir kuşanır, piyasaya çıkar alüfte
Kınalı yapıncak, böyle miydi hayalleri
Yine de kabullenir, gülümser alüfte
Kimi der dilber, kimi gülşen, kimi güzide
Beyceğizine kurban herdem, afet alüfte
Sevdalım, belalım, artık bittim civanım
Ömr-ü hayatım amman, bekler alüfte…
Alufte (Coquette)
The Lyrics talks about “the second woman”. She is pretty, coquettish and in love with her man.
Although her dreams were to have a husband a family of her own, she modestly accepts her
fate and embraces her situation as a second woman. She is happy in a naïve way and does not
care about how the society looks down on her. In the scenario of the lyrics, she is the one
playing the Oud to her lover in the beginning.
(English Translation)
As if she had found a full time wedded husband , and she had refused it,
She never does wrong to her man, ‘belle’ Alufte
As if she had the chance of living in a ‘one plus den’ in Kalamış (a prestigious neighborhood in
Istanbul), and she had refused it.
She lives in ‘the other’ neighborhood, because that’s what Alufte is supposed to
She is not allowed to get together with her lover
Alufte dresses fancy and goes out in public
The neighbors talk about her behind her back
Still Alufte accepts all and she keep on smiling
Some call her ‘Belle’, some ‘Happy Rose’, some ‘Precious’
She is devoted to her lover, Alufte, ’the bewitching beauty’
‘My love’, ‘my destiny’, ‘my whole world’, now I am done
‘My whole life’, Alufte awaits
Wouldn’t she want a husband and a home of her own?
She respects the wedded wife of her lover and also she is afraid of her
‘The hennaed beauty’, was her dreams like this?
Alufte believes it is because of ‘evil eye’ and she tries to break the spell.
(The last 8 lines are repetitions of some of the previous lines)