Castles/The Lion`s Lady


Castles/The Lion`s Lady
Castles/The Lion's Lady
by Julie Garwood
5+ Favorite Stars!
I just love the works of the likes of Julie Garwood. It'll take you back to time. And it just so amazing!
Plus, I got this book from a second hand bookstore which is the price is soooo right! BEST BOOK DEAL EVER!
|4.5 stars: I have read too many Historical Romance novels to keep count. And as I have had to purge my shelves
during downsizing I can't go back and count how many of certain authors were on that list. But Julie Garwood is
one I have read many times. I read this novel twice, the latest time in order to refresh my memory before posting a
Some of the story is a stretch but in reading this type of story I allow for such as it adds to making a new and
interesting concept woven into the tale. Christina being reared by the Dakota nation of Native Americans was one
of those stretches. But the author does give us a journal entry from Christina’s mother now and then to help with
the background of just how this and other events did occur. Christina is a character, even as a child, announcing to
interesting concept woven into the tale. Christina being reared by the Dakota nation of Native Americans was one
of those stretches. But the author does give us a journal entry from Christina’s mother now and then to help with
the background of just how this and other events did occur. Christina is a character, even as a child, announcing to
the world at large, just who “my Eagle” or “my Papa” are and claiming ownership. And as an adult she seems to
make up her own rules about what constitutes the truth and with whom she will share such and even, forgetting
“the laws” (rules) that her aunt has taught her about acceptable behavior in the Ton.
I found humor in her concrete answers to Lyon’s questions - “Yes” and “No” and how he lost a bet with himself
that he would and could uncover the mystery of Princess Christina during his second meeting with her. Good luck
with that. Her complete naiveté in going into the dark underworld of London was another stretch but part of our
entertainment in this tale. There were many other incidents in which she surprises Lyon and the reader but I will
leave those for your discovery.
I thought we might see Christina travel back to “her family” at some point. I am sure they would have approved of
the warrior she married. Certain characters stand out: “Jack”, the aunt, her father, the servants, even the one she
picked up out of the gutters. All made for a good story.|
Bu kadın hep yazsın! Yemesin... içmesin... konuşmasın... kalkmasın otursun yazsın! Çevirmenlerde durmadan
çevirsinler olmadı yayınevleri orjinallerini burada da yayınlasınlar bizlerde yemeyip, içmeyip hep bu kadını okuyalım
:D Nasıl fikir? Bence muhteşem! :)
Garwood'un kalemini seviyorum. Konusunu okumadan, çıktığında hemen aldığım nadir yazarlardan biri kendisi...
Beni bu yazara kim alıştırdı merak ediyorum fena halde fanı oldum sanki :)
Kitaba geri dönelim değil mi? :)
Tarihi aşk romanı (historical romance) türünde bir kitaptı ama bu sefer alışılagelmiş bir kadın karakter yoktu
karşımızda. Kızılderililer tarafından yetiştirilmiş bir kadın vardı. Dolayısıyla fazlasıyla cesur, cüretkar ve özgür
hareket ediyordu ama bunun yanında çok da güzel konuşuyordu. Lyon yani erkek karakterimiz ise bir marki
olmasının yanında bir savaşçıda... yani en azından Christina'nın deyimiyle öyle :) Christina annesinin dileğini yerine
getirmek için İngiltere'ye geliyor ve Marki Lyon ile tanışıyor o an anlıyorlar ki bu ikisinin "kaderi" beraber olmak...
Christina ve Lyon arasındaki her sohbetten çok keyif aldım. Christina'nın davranışları ile çok eğlendim ama bir de
Lyon'ın en yakın arkadaşı Rhone'da var... onunla da çok eğlendim.
İlk defa bir kitabı okurken sinir olacağım hareketler yapmadı bu karakterler.. Eğlenceli sohbetler, muhteşem bir
kurgu ile birleşince yeme de yanında yat misali bir tat oluşturmuştu.
Bir de bölüm başlarında Christina'nın annesinin günlüğünden satırları okumak hem değişik hem de geçmişe dönüş
gibi oldu. Normalde bu tür kitaplarda olmuyor bunlar- cidden çok hoş ve okuru tatmin eden bir bir detaydı.
Beğendim! :)
Aşk dolu satırlar, güldüren sohbetlerle beğenerek, keyifle okuduğum bir kitap oldu. Rhone'a eğlenirken Christina
tam bir bomba oldu. Çok sevdim onu... çok eğlendim onu okurken...
Küçük, 2 yaşındaki Christina'yı okurken onu seveceğimi anlamıştım ama bir Leydi olan Christina'yı daha çok sevdim
Tavsiye ederim okuyun! Garwood kitapları şimdiye kadar beni hep memnun eden ve keyifle sayfaları çevirten
kitaplar oldu. Bu da onlardan biriydi. Bir iki yerde hatalar vardı onlarda olmayaydı iyiydi ama olmuş bir kere
yapacak bir şey yok ne yazık ki :(
Şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum! Okuyun!|Some of the "passionate" scenes were a little "descriptive" but I really liked the
read. It was easy to follow.|I LOVED THIS STORY AND I READ MANY YEARS AGO. It was even better to discover it
Şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum! Okuyun!|Some of the "passionate" scenes were a little "descriptive" but I really liked the
read. It was easy to follow.|I LOVED THIS STORY AND I READ MANY YEARS AGO. It was even better to discover it
on audio and RE listen to it instead of reading it again.
Her mother Jessica escapes from her fathers Kingdom. The father was a vicious cruel dictator of a small country.
Once Christina is 18 she is sent back to England Christina meets the Marquess of Lion at a ball and they fall madly
in love. This story is hilarious very sensual and borders on the erotic. The banter between all the characters is very
well written. Some of the conversations will have you laughing an in tears. Their are also villains such as Christina
father and her aunt Patrica that add the element of mystery and interference even murder.
I read The Lions Lady many years ago but recently purchased it on audio, it was lots of fun listening to it. I enjoyed
this wonderful Historical Romance all over again. I highly recommend The Lion's Lady You won't be able to put it
down once you start reading. The story moves very fast and its exciting to read. You will come to Love Christina
and Lion they are a wonderful couple and the other characters are very well developed and written in the story. A
Wonderful cast of Characters.