Akademik Özgeçmiş


Akademik Özgeçmiş
Prof. Dr. Zuhal Yeşilyurt Gündüz
TED University
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Department of Political Science and International Relations
E-Mail: zuhal.gunduz@tedu.edu.tr
PhD (February 1995 – November 2000):
Germany, Bonn University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Political Science.
PhD thesis: “Die Türkei und die Europäische Union. Chancen und Grenzen der
Integration” (“Turkey and the European Union. Chances and Limits of Integration“),
Der Andere Verlag, Osnabrück 2000.
Undergraduate and MA Studies (October 1990 – February 1995):
Germany, Bonn University, Faculty of Philosophy, Political Science (major) American
Language and Literature (minor) and Islamic Sciences (minor). MA thesis: “Die
deutschen Bundesländer in einem Europa der Regionen? Herausforderungen des
deutschen Föderalismus“ (“The German Laender within a Europe of Regions?
Challenges for German Federalism“)
High School (August 1981 – July 1990):
Germany, Bonn.
Very good German and English, medium French, certificate in Latin.
03.02.2012 TED University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences,
Department of Political Science and International Relations, Academic, Ankara.
22.10.2001 – 31.01.2012
Başkent University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department
of Political Science and International Relations, Academic, Ankara.
10.04.2001 – 21.10.2001:
Turkish Great National Assembly, Advisor to İstanbul Member of Parliament, Dr.
Ahmet Tan, Ankara.
01.11.1999 – 08.01.2001:
Turkish Democracy Foundation, Project Coordinator, Ankara.
01.03.1997 – 30.09.1998:
Scientific Institute of Doctors in Germany (Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte
Deutschlands – WIAD), Scientific Project Coordinator, Bonn.
1992 - 1996:
German Equalization Bank, (Deutsche Ausgleichsbank), (part-time), Bonn.
Academic Titles:
Assistant Professor: 09 July 2003
Associate Professor: 28 April 2010
30 July 2015
Articles, Books and Book Chapters:
“Gendering the Neighbours” – The European Union’s Policies on Gender and Equality and
Gender Issues in Saharan Africa and Central Asia”, in: Sieglinde Gstöhl and Erwan Lannon
(Ed.): “The European Union’s Broader Neighbourhood. Challenges and Opportunities for
cooperation beyond the European Neighbourhood Policy”, Routledge Series on Global Order
Studies, 2015, pp. 162-186.
“The “New Turkey”: Fetishizing Growth with Fatal Results”, Monthly Review. An
Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 67, Number 2, June 2015, pp. 40-53.
(SSCI Journal)
“Göçün Feminizasyonu: Bakıcılık ve Yeni Duygusal Emperyalizm”, Monthly Review.
Bağımsız Sosyalist Dergi, Vol. 36, May 2014, pp. 153-166. (translation version)
“Avrupa Birliği ve AKP: Neoliberal bir Aşk Hikayesi”, in: Simten Coşar and Gamze
Yücesan-Özdemir (Ed.): “İktidarın Şiddeti. AKP’li Yıllar, Neoliberalizm ve İslamcı
Politikalar”, Metis Yayınları, 2014, pp. 229-246. (translation version)
“The Feminization of Migration. Care and the New Emotional Imperialism”, Monthly Review.
An Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 65, Number 7, December 2013, pp. 32-43.
http://monthlyreview.org/2013/12/01/feminization-migration (SSCI Journal)
“Explosive Türkei: Ein Bericht zum Widerstand gegen ein autoritäres Regime”, WeltTrends.
Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, Nr. 91, July/August 2013, pp. 9-19.
“Avrupa-Akdeniz Ortaklığı: İyi Niyetler, Alışveriş Listeleri ve Alakart Menüler Üzerine”, in:
Bezen Balamir Coşkun and Birgül Coşkun (Ed.): “Avrupa Birliği ve Komşuları. Fırsatlar ve
Zorluklar”, Elips Kitap, 2012, pp. 151-170. (translation version)
“The EU and the AKP: A Neoliberal Love Affair?”, in: Simten Coşar and Gamze YücesanÖzdemir (Ed.): “Silent Violence. Neoliberalism, Islamist Politics and the AKP Years in
Turkey”, Red Quill, 2012, pp. 269-294.
“11 Eylül Sonrasında Avrupa Birliği ve Göç: Güvelikleştirme ve Ekonomikleştirme İkilemi”,
in: Ali Murat Özdemir and İsmail Aydıngün (Ed.): “Küresel Felakete Yerel Yorumlar”, Tan
Kitapevi, 2012, pp. 135-165.
“Almanya’daki Türkiye Kökenli Göçmenlerin Sağlık Durumları – “Göç Hasta Eder”den “Göç
Sağlığa İyi Gelir”e Geçiş İçin Öneriler”, in: Erol Esen and Zeliha Yazıcı (Ed.): “Onlar Bizim
Hemşehrimiz. Uluslararası Göç ve Hizmetlerin Kültürlerarası Açılımı”, Siyasal Kitapevi,
2011, pp. 85-107, http://akvam.akdeniz.edu.tr/_dinamik/134/317.pdf
“Su: Kadınların Külfetleri, İnsanların Hakları ve Şirketlerin Kârları Üzerine, Monthly Review.
Bağımsız Sosyalist Dergi, 25, January 2011, pp. 145-156. (translation version)
“Water—On Women’s Burdens, Humans’ Rights, and Companies’ Profits”, Monthly Review,
62, January 2011, pp. 43-52. http://www.monthlyreview.org/110101gunduz.php (SSCI
“The European Union at 50 - Xenophobia, Islamophobia and the Rise of the Radical Right”,
“The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership – On Good Intentions, Shopping Lists and à la Carte
Menus”, in: Bezen Balamir Coşkun and Birgül Demirtaş Coşkun (Ed.): “Neighborhood
Challenge: European Union and its Neighbors”, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton Florida,
2009, pp. 145-164.
“Die zweite AKP-Regierung. Widersprüchliche Bilanz nach einem Jahr“, WeltTrends.
Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, Nr. 62, September/Oktober 2008, pp. 57-67,
“Europe and Islam: No Securitization, Please!”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, International
Policy Analysis, International Dialogue Department, Berlin, Oktober 2007, pp. 1-7,
“From “Necessary” to “Dangerous” and Back Again? The Economization, Securitization and
Europeanization of Migration”, Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Annual, 12, 2007, pp. 7198.
“The HIV/AIDS Epidemic – What’s Security got to do with it?”, Perceptions. Journal of
“Avrupa Birliği’nin Dil Sorunu”, Ankara Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 1, Nr. 3, Spring
2006, pp. 199-217, http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/16/6/480.pdf
with Yelda Demirağ, “Turkey & West: Contacts with Europe during the Ottoman Empire and
Early Turkish Republic”, Zeitschrift für Türkeistudien, Vol. 1-2, 2004, pp. 7-22.
“The Women’s Movement in Turkey: From Tanzimat Towards European Union
Membership”, Perceptions. Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 9, Nr. 3, 2004, pp. 115-134,
“Der Einfluss der Europäischen Union auf die Demokratisierung der Türkei”,
Auslandsinformationen, Vol. 20, Nr. 9, 2004, pp. 43-62. http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_5398544-1-30.pdf?041011144631
“Turkey’s Approach Towards the EU: Views from Within”, Perceptions. Journal of
“Welches Europa für die Türkei?”, Internationale Politik, Vol. 1, January 2003, pp. 25-30,
https://zeitschrift-ip.dgap.org/de/article/getFullPDF/9304 (SSCI Journal)
“Which Europe for Turkey?”, Internationale Politik. Transnational Edition, Vol. 2, Summer
2003, pp. 48-52. (translation version)
“Die Demokratisierung ist weiblich... Die türkische Frauenbewegung und ihr Beitrag zur
Demokratisierung der Türkei“, Der Andere Verlag, Osnabrück 2002.
“Die Türkei und die Europäische Union: Chancen und Grenzen der Integration“, (PhD
Thesis, Bonn University 1999), Der Andere Verlag, Osnabrück, 2000.
Other Publications:
with A. Geiger & C. Weilandt, “Mediengestütztes Programm (audiovisuell) zur HIVPrävention bei Migranten”, (SOC 96 202083 05F02) Schlußbericht, Wissenschaftliches
Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands, European Commission DG V/F, Bonn, September 1998.
with A. Geiger & C. Weilandt, “Mediengestütztes Programm (audiovisuell) zur HIVPrävention bei Migranten”, (SOC 96 202083 05F02), Zwischenbericht, Wissenschaftliches
Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands, European Commission (Europe against AIDS), Bonn,
October 1997.
“25. Yıldönümünde İki Almanya’nın Birleşme Sürecini Yeniden Düşünmek” (“Rethinking
Germany’s Union Process on the 25. Anniversary”), Seminar, TOBB-ETÜ, Department of
International Relations, Ankara, 10 July 2015.
“Body Politics in Turkey: On Women’s Bodies, Insecurities and Violence under Turkey’s
AKP”, The 14th METU Conference on International Relations: Area Studies and
International Relations: Intersecting Dimensions, Middle East Technical University,
Department of International Relations, Ankara, June 17-19, 2015.
“Türkiye’de Kadın Olmak – Beden Siyaseti, Muhafazakarlık, Kadın Kıyımı” (“To be a
Woman in Turkey – Body Politics, Conservatism, Feminicide”), World Women’s Day Panel,
TED University, Ankara, 06 March 2015.
“Zur aktuellen Lage in der Türkei: AKP – Neoliberalismus und Body Politics”, Discussion
Round: “Nach den Europawahlen und den türkischen Präsidentschaftswahlen: Wie realistisch
ist noch ein EU-Beitritt der Türkei”, during the 10.-16. November 2014 Turkey Week,
organized within the German-Turkish Science Year by the Universität Bremen and
Hochschule Bremen, EuropaPunkt Bremen, 13 November 2014.
“AKP’s Policies on Women’s Bodies and Humans’ Insecurities”, Fourth Istanbul Human
Security Conference, Twenty Years On: Human Security at a Crossroads, Kadir Has
University, İstanbul, 23-24 October 2014.
“The Justice and Development Party: On Women’s Bodies and Humans’ Insecurities”,
Fourth World Congress for Middle East Studies (WOCMES), Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, 18-22 August 2014.
“Die Gezi-Proteste und die besondere Rolle der Frauen und Jugendlichen im Protest gegen
Neoliberalismus und Body Politics”, Bonn University, Institute of Political Science and
Sociology, within the Life Long Learning Programme Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching,
24 June-06 July 2014.
“Gezi Direnişi, Gençler ve Kadınlar” (“The Gezi Resistance, the Young and Women”),
Seminar, TED University, Ankara, 21 April 2014.
with Prof. Dr. Aylin Özman: “Women, University Education and Patriarchy in Turkey:
Regrets, Expectations, and Realities”, 3rd AtGender Spring Conference, Swedish Secretariat
for Gender Research and University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, 26-28 April 2013.
“The Global Water Crisis – On Women’s Deprivations and Disparities”, “The Neighbours of
the EU’s Neighbours: Legal, Political, Security and Socio-Economic Challenges beyond the
ENP”, College of Europe, EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, Brugges, 21-22
March 2013.
“The Feminization of Migration – Care Drain, Care Chains and the New Emotional
Imperialism”, 2nd Conference on International Human Security, CPRS Turkey, Coventry
University, “International Human Security: Threats, Risks and Crises”, Kadir Has University,
Istanbul, 18-19 October 2012.
“From Westphalian National Security to Post-Westphalian Human Security – Turkey’s
Predicament in Adjusting to a Changing Environment”, 8th Central and East European
International Studies Association (CEEISA), “Whither the ‘Post-Westphalian World?
Inequalities, Conflicts and Solidarity in the Twenty-First Century”, Kadir Has University,
Istanbul, 15-18 June 2011.
“11 Eylül Sonrasında Avrupa Birliği ve Göç – Ekonomikleştirme ile Güvenlikleştirme
arasında” (“The European Union and Migration after 9/11 – Between Economization and
Securitization”), 10. Yılında 11 Eylül Konferanslar Dizisi, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 10
May 2011.
“Harems, Headscarves and Submissive Wives – The Portrayal of Muslim Women in German
Media and Islamophobia in Europe”, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies
(WOCMES), European Institute for the Mediterranean, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Barcelona, 19-24 July 2010.
“Making Contemporary Turkey Better Known in the EU”, Conference on “Influence
Strategies of Turkey in EU Member States”, Başkent University, NIHAnkara, Serenus
Counseil, Başkent University, Ankara, 13 November 2008.
“The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership – On Good Intentions, Shopping Lists and à la Carte
Menus”, Workshop on “Neighbourhood Challenge: European Union and its Neighbours”,
Loughborough, 18 January 2008.
“AB’nin Akdeniz Politikası” (“The EU’s Mediterranean Policy”), “AB Dış Politikası ve Yeni
Güvenlik Algılamaları Paneli”, Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative
Studies, Başkent University, Ankara, 04 March 2008.
“Die Türkei auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union” (“Turkey on her Way to the European
Union“), Europa Woche, Hamburg, 03-04 May 2004.
“Turkey’s Approach Towards the European Union: Perceptions of Different Groups”,
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Tenth Annual Meeting, Las Vegas,
20-23 February 2003.
“The Military Service of Dual Nationals in Turkey”, Aybay Law Research Foundation:
Conference on Dual Nationality, German Marshall Fund Project on Dual Nationality,
Istanbul, 20-21 October 2000.
“Turkey: From Closed Economy To Global Integration”, Third Pan-European Forum: The
Role of the State in Economic Reform, Moscow, 22-24 September 2000.
“Audio-visual HIV/AIDS Prevention for Turkish Migrants Living in Europe”, AIDS in
Europe. New Challenges For Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd European Conference on
the Methods and Results of Social and Behavioural Research on AIDS, Paris, 12-15 January
Undergraduate Courses:
 Global Politics
 International Relations Theories
 World History I
 Introduction to Sociology
 International Relations I
 International Relations II
 European Union
 Turkey – European Union Integration
 Current Issues in International Relations
Graduate (MA) Courses:
 Turkey – European Union Relations I
 Turkey – European Union Relations II
Supervized MA Theses:
 Farida Labib Raof: “Türkiye’nin Afganistan Politikası ve bu Politikanın Türkiye –
Avrupa Birliği Üyelik Sürecine Etkileri”, Başkent University, Institute for European
Union and International Relations, 2012.
 Benay Yakışır, “Din-Dış Politika Etkileşimi ve bu Etkileşimin AB Entegrasyon
Politikalarına Yansıması”, Başkent University, Institute for European Union and
International Relations, 2011.
 Cihan Aydın, “AB-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Çifte Standartların ve “Özel” Adaylık
Statüsünün Anatomisi: Farklılıkta Birleşememe”, Başkent University, Institute for
European Union and International Relations, 2011.
 Can Karakuş, “Avrupa Birliği’nde Kimlik, Avrupa Birliği Kimlik Tanımlama
Mekanizmasının İncelenmesi”, Başkent University, Institute for European Union and
International Relations, 2007.