Romano`s Revenge(The Romanos #2)


Romano`s Revenge(The Romanos #2)
Romano's Revenge(The Romanos #2)
by Sandra Marton
Olaylar çok çabuk gelişti yahu ne zaman nerede nasıl oldu anlamadım bile :D|This is just HILARIOUS :-) Sandra
marton at her best : funny situations, likeable characters, witty banter, inner thoughts h/H s POV on display . I liked
the characters especially the sweet meddling grandma who sets up h / H. What I also like about SM books,
especially in a series, is the relation she draws between H & his brother(s) or friend(s).|This without a doubt was
the funniest Sandra Marton book I have ever read. I had tears in my eyes a couple of times. Overall story 4 stars,
but because of the humor 5.