Katalog indir


Katalog indir
1961 yýlýnda ORHAN ÖNAL, tarafýndan sofralýk zeytin ticareti yapmak üzere kurulmuþtur. Yaþamý boyunca savunduðu ve uyguladýðý görüþler, Orhanoðlu Gýda’nýn
üretim ve hizmetleri konusundaki temel ilke ve geleneðini oluþturmuþtur. 1990 yýlýnda ORHANOÐLU GIDA SAN. TÝC. KOLL. ÞTÝ. olarak Aydýn Ýli, Buharkent Ýlçesinde
13.000 m2 kapalý, toplam 40.000 m2 lik bir alanda entegre tesis haline gelmiþtir.
Yýllýk üretim kapasitesi 8.000 ton olan Orhanoðlu Gýda, ürün portföyünde bulunan Salamura Zeytinin yaný sýra, Fermante ürünler (Hýyar Turþu, Biber Turþu, Karýþýk
Turþu Vb.)ve közlenmiþ biber, domates biber ve bamya konserve üretimlerine de baþlamýþtýr. 5.000 tonunu baþta Avrupa, ABD, Kanada, Avustralya, Japonya,
Arabistan olmak üzere birçok ülkeye ihraç etmekte, 3000 tonunu da iç piyasa da verdiði bölge bayilikleri ile daðýtýmlarýný yapmaktadýr.
1998 yýlýnda ISO 9001:2000 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi ve 2005 Yýlýnda da ISO 22000 Yönetim Sistemi Belgelerini alarak tüketicilerine dünya standartlarýnda ürünleri
tüketimlerine sundu.
Doðal çevreyi koruma bilinci ile 2006 yýlýnda arýtma tesisini de faaliyete geçirmiþtir.
Firma kültürünü; sürdürülebilir büyüme için, müþterilerinin deðiþen ve geliþen ihtiyaçlarýný karþýlayarak istediði kalitede ürün ve hizmeti vermek, tedarikçileri,
çalýþanlarý ve müþterileri ile takým ruhu ile çalýþmak, ulusal ve uluslararasý yasal gerekliliklere uygun olarak hijyenik þartlarda daha saðlýklý bir yaþam için güvenli
ürünler üretmek ve dünya markasý olmaktýr.
It has been founded by ORHAN ONAL in 1961 to make trade of olives for breakfast. The ideas supported and applied by him during his life have composed the
principals and traditions of Orhanoglu Gýda in production and services. In 1990, it has become an integrated facility on a closed area of 13.000 m2 and total area of
40.000 m2 in Aydýn, Buharkent as ORHANOGLU GIDA SAN. TIC. KOLL. STÝ.
Orhanoglu Gýda whose annual production capacity is 8000 tons, has started production of Fermante products (Pickle, Pepper Pickle, Mixed Pickle) and Roasted red
Pepper, Tomatoe Pepper and Canned Okra besides Pickled Olive which is in the product portfolio. 5,000 tons of production has been exported to many countries
such as Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and Saudi Arabia ahead and 3,000 tons have been distributed through the regional dealers in the inner market.
Obtaining ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management
System Certificate in 1998 and ISO 22000
Management System Certificate in 2005, it has
presented products in world standards to its
It has activated its treatment facility in 2006 with its
awareness on the protection of natural environment.
The purpose of the company for a progressive
development is to provide product and services in a
quality demanded by the customers by meeting their
varying and flourishing needs, to work in a team
spirit with its suppliers, workers and customers, to
produce safe products for a healthier life on hygienic
conditions in conformance with the national and
international requirements and to be a global brand.
ISO 9001
ISO 2 20 0 0
Zeytin / Olive
Zeka, Aydýnlýk, beceri ve el sanatlarý tanrýçasý Athena ile Deniz tanrýsý Poseidon, Atina þehrinin tanrýçasý olmak
için Olimpos Tanrýsý Jüpiter’in düzenlediði yarýþmaya katýlýrlar. Jüpiter, Atina þehrini, kendisine insan soyu
içeren yararlý hediyeyi sunana vereceðini ilan eder. Poseidon, Atina akropolünün üstünde tuzlu bir göl (deniz)
oluþturur. Athena ise bir zeytin aðacý...Athena, bu bitkinin, insanlýðýn yaralarýný iyi edecek bir merhem, lezzetli
ve bol enerjili bir besin maddesi ve karanlýklarý aydýnlatacak bir alev olduðunu söyler. Jüpiter, Atina’nýn
yönetimini, denizden daha yararlý olan zeytin aðacýný kendisine sunan Athena’ya verir. Persler, Atina’ya
saldýrdýklarýnda akropoldeki zeytin aðacýný yakarlar, ne var ki, aðaç bir gecede tekrar filizlenip ölümsüzlüðünü
Bu akýllý aðaç, büyüyecek, ulu bir aðaca dönüþecektir. Meyvasýný insanlar hem yiyecekler, hem de
meyvasýný sýkýp suyundan yaralanýp besleneceklerdir. Yaðý yanýp ýþýk olacak, odunu ocaklarý
ýsýtacaktýr! Her derde deva sývýsý yaralara derman, hastalara þifa olacaktýr!
Athena, goddess of intelligence, evidence, ability and handcratfs and Poseidon, God of Sea attended the
contest organized by Jupiter, the god of Olimpos to be the goddess of Athens. Jupiter announced that she
would give Athens to the god who could give her the good present including human origin. Poseidon created
a salty lake on the acropol of Athens. And Athena created an olive tree... Athena said that this plant is a n
emulsion that will cure the wounds of humanity, a tasteful food and flame to brighten the darkness. Jupiter
gave the management of Athens to Athena who presented the olive tree, which is more beneficial than sea.
The Persians fired the olive tree in the acropol when tey attacked Athens, however by sprouting at a night, the
tree proved its immortality.
This intelligent tree was going to grow and become a big tree. The people would eat its fruit
and benefit from its oil. Its oil would become a light by burning and warm the fireplaces. Its
cure-all liquid would be a cure for all sores and patients!
Mitolojik olarak barýþ
Beslenme modeli olarak Akdeniz,
Saðlýk açýsýndan vazgeçilmez,
Damak tadý olarak dünyanýn tanýdýðý
Peace as mythological
Mediterranean as nutrition model
Indispensable for health
World-famous as a taste
Yeþil Zeytin
Green Olives
Sofralýk Salamura Yeþil Zeytinler, rengi yeþil iken tek tek elle toplanýr.
Doðal yöntemlerle acýlýðý giderilen zeytinler, yine doðal yöntemlerle fermente edilerek,
ambalajlanýr, pastörizasyon iþleminden sonra tüketilmeye hazýrdýr.
Table green olives are harvested by hand when they are green. Bitterness of
olives is removed by natural methods, fermentation is applied on them again by natural
methods, they are packaged and they are ready to be consumed after pasteurisation.
Dolgulu Yeþil Zeytin
Stuffed Green Olives
Sevdiðiniz tat içinde farklý tat...
Çekirdeði çýkarýlan yeþil zeytin tercihe görebiber, biberiye, sarýmsak, badem, portakal vb.
doldurularak tüketilmeye hazýr hale getirilir.
Different taste in the olives you like...
The olives whose seeds are removed, are filled with pepper, small hot peppers , garlic, almond,
orange etc., and prepared to be consumed.
Çekirdeksiz Zeytin
Pitted Olives
Zeytini seviyorum ama çekirdeði var
“Birde çekirdeksiz olsaydý...” diyenlere...
Yeþil ve siyah zeytinler fermantasyon sürecinden sonra,
teknik yöntemlerle çekirdekleri çýkarýlarak elde edilir.
For all saying "I like olives but they have seeds, I wish they did not...
Green and Black olives are produced by removing their seeds
after the fermentation process.
Bölünmüþ Zeytin
Halves Olive
Özel bir ürün...
Bölünmüþ zeytinler
siyah ve yeþil olarak sunulabilir.
A special product...
Divided olives can be presented as green and black.
Çizik Zeytin
Scratched Olives
Zeytinler 2 veya 3 yerinden
fazla derin olmayacak þekilde çizilerek,
geleneksel tadýyla sunulur.
The olives are cut from 2 or 3 points provided not to be too
deep and presented with its traditional taste.
Kýrma Yeþil Zeytin
Cracked Olives
Zeytinin yetiþtiði yerlerde bilirler. Yeni mahsul taze tat.
En hýzlý yemeye hazýrlama þekli. Kýrma...
Kokteyl yeþil zeytinlerin veya naturel yeþil zeytinlerin
zarar görmeyecek þekilde kýrýlmasý ile elde edilir.
It is known in the regions olive grows.
New harvest fresh taste.
The most rapid preparation to eat. Cracked
It is obtained by cracking the coctail green olives and
natural green olives without disruption.
Konfit Siyah Zeytin
Black Olive Oxidized
Oksidasyon tekniði kullanýlarak tadlandýrýlan zeytinler
seçme ve dolum iþleminden sonra sterilize edilir.
Afiyet olsun...
The olives tasted by oxidation technique, are sterilized after selection and filling process.
Bon Appetit.
Naturel Siyah Zeytin
Black Olives
Bu tür zeytinler siyah renge ulaþtýktan sonra hasat edilir.
Özel tekniklerle olgunlaþtýrýlan zeytinler
ambalajlanarak pastörize edilir.
These type of olives are harvested after they become black.
The olives which are matured by special techniques, are packaged and
Wish to have now..
Dilimlenmiþ Zeytin
Sliced Olives
Evet zeytinin farklý bir sunumu.
Damak tadýna düþkün ve yeni lezzet arayýþýnda olan mutfak ustalarýna
çok þey borçluyuz...
A different presentation of olives.
Thanks to the chiefs of meals discovering the best taste..
Mix Zeytin
Mix Olive
Farklý tip ve tatdaki farklý tekniklerle oluþturulmuþ zeytin
tüketmek isteyenlere...
For all who wish to consume different types
of olives produced by special techniques..
Ezme Zeytin
Olive Paste
Siyah veya yeþil çekirdeksiz zeytinler
Özel yöntemlerle ezilerek yapýlýr.
Kahvaltý zamaný...
Black or green olives without seeds,
it is made by grinding with special techniques.
Time for breakfast..
Turþu / Pickles
Anadolu’da, bazýlarý yüzyýllar öncesinden günümüze kadar ulaþmýþ olan “kýþ hazýrlýklarý” farklý kültür
birikimleriyle gýda depolama iþi nesilden nesile aktarýlýyor. Kýþ mevsiminde bulunamayan ya da ayný
tazelikte bulunamayacak olan gýdalarýn depolanmasý amaçlanýyor.
Günümüzde kentlerde yaþayanlarýn gerek çalýþma gerekse çevre koþullarýndan kaynaklý olarak
zaman ayýramamasý uygun sebze ve meyveyi bulamamasý yada yeterli bilgiye sahip
olunmamasýndan üretimi satýn alma yolu tercih ediliyor.
Teknolojinin gýda üretiminde ve saklanmasýnda sunduðu imkanlarla dahada kolaylaþýyor.
"The winter preparations"some of which reached the present day in Anatolia after centuries and food
storage with different culture effects have been conveyed from generation to generation. It is aimed
to store foods that cannot be found during winter or in the same freshness.
Purchase of production is preferred as the people living in the cities cannot find suitable fruits and
vegetables because of the working and living conditions and the lack of information.
It becomes easier with the opportunities provided by the technology in the production and storage.
Acý Biber Turþu
Hot Pepper Pickles
Acý olan fakat vazgeçilemeyen tat...
The hot but indispensable taste..
Karýþýk Turþu
Mixed Pickles
Hemen hemen herkesin bildiði yada tattýðý karýþýk turþu
içinde birçok ürünün kenti tatlarý ve
ayný zamanda birbiriyle karýþmýþ aromalarý...
iþtah açýcý.
Tastes of various vegetables and their mixed aroma in a mixed
pickle which is mostly known or tasted.
Pancar Turþu
Pickled Beets
Kendine özgü tadýyla Pancar, Akdenizli...
Mediterranen, with its unique taste..
Hýyar Turþu
Pickled Cucumbers
Taze, sert yapýlý, ayný boy ve kalýnlýktaki hýyarlardan,
Türk ve dünya mutfaðýnýn damak zevkine uygun farklý tadlarda üretilir.
Þaþýrtýcý olaný ise turþu dendiðinde ilk akla gelen tür olmasýdýr.
It is produced from fresh and craggy cucumbers in the same lenght and
thickness on different tastes favourable for the taste of the people around
Turkey and all over the world.
The amazing side of it that it is the first to be thought as pickle by everyone.
Çok deðiþik mutfaklarda kendine yer bulur.
It is used in many different kitchens.
Közlenmiþ Kýrmýzý Biber
Roasted Red Peppers
Tüm dünya mutfaklarýnýn yakýndan tanýdýðý Tatlý kýrmýzý biberler
tazeliði yitirmeden tarladan toplanýp, közleme iþleminden sonra
ambalaja alýnýr.
Aðustos ayýný hatýrlatýyor...
Sweet red peppers known by all are harvested from the fields when they
are fresh and packaged after they are fried.
It reminds August..
Domates Biber Turþu
Tomato Type Peppers
Domates biber ve baharatlar...
Tomato pepper and spices..
Olive Oil
Ýçme hissi uyandýrýyorsa bilinizki Akdeniz’lisiniz ve bugüne kadar hep iyi zeytinyaðý kullanmýþssýnýz...
Son yarým asýrdýr Akdeniz mutfaðýndan fazlaca sözedilir oldu.
Akdeniz mutfaðý diðer adýda zeytinyaðlýlar...
If you wish to drink it, be it known that you are a mediterrenean and
you have used good quality olive oil up to now...
Since the half of the recent century the Mediterrenean kitchen has
attracted the attention on itself.
Mediterrenean kitchen, in other words meals with olive oil..
Ambalaj / Packing
Süzme Aðýrlýk
Drain Weight
Net Aðýrlýk
Net Weight
Brüt Aðýrlýk
Gross Weight
Koli Adeti
Piece Carton
1/4 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/1 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
370 cc Kavanoz / Jars
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1/2 Teneke / Tins
1/1 Teneke / Tins
3/2 Teneke / Tins
A12 Teneke / Tins
16 Lt Plastik Kova/Plastic Buckets
18 Lt Teneke Kutu / Tins
200 gr
400 gr
800 gr
190 gr
420 gr
200 gr
400 gr
750 gr
2500 gr
8 kg
10 kg
340 gr
570 gr
1220 gr
350 gr
720 gr
400 gr
780 gr
1200 gr
4500 gr
16 kg
17,5 kg
370 gr
600 gr
1250 gr
500 gr
1050 gr
440 gr
900 gr
1350 gr
4700 gr
16,70 kg
18,50 kg
48 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Dolgulu Yeþil
Stuffed Green
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1/2 Teneke / Tins
1/1 Teneke / Tins
3/2 Teneke / Tins
A12 Teneke / Tins
16 Lt Plastik Kova/Plastic Buckets
18 Lt Teneke Kutu / Tins
420 gr
200 gr
400 gr
750 gr
2500 gr
8 kg
10 Kg
720 gr
400 gr
780 gr
1200 gr
4500 gr
16 kg
17,5 kg
1050 gr
440 gr
900 gr
1350 gr
4700 gr
16,70 kg
18,50 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Çizik Zeytin
Scratched Olives
1/4 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/1 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
370 cc Kavanoz / Jars
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
Teneke Kutu / Tins
200 gr
400 gr
800 gr
190 gr
420 gr
10 Kg
340 gr
570 gr
1220 gr
350 gr
720 gr
17,5 kg
370 gr
600 gr
1250 gr
500 gr
1050 gr
18,50 kg
48 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
Kýrma Zeytin
Cracked Olives
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1700 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
3000 cc Pet/ Plastic Jars
5000 cc Pet/ Plastic Jars
Teneke Kutu / Tins
420 gr
800 gr
2000 gr
3000 gr
10 Kg
720 gr
1500 gr
3000 gr
5000 gr
17,5 kg
1050 gr
1650 gr
3200 gr
5250 gr
18,50 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
1/4 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/1 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Teneke / Tins
1/1 Teneke / Tins
3/2 Teneke / Tins
A12 Teneke / Tins
Teneke Kutu / Tins
200 gr
400 gr
800 gr
200 gr
400 gr
750 gr
2500 gr
10 Kg
210 gr
420 gr
820 gr
400 gr
780 gr
1200 gr
4500 gr
16 Kg
220 gr
430 gr
830 gr
440 gr
900 gr
1350 gr
4700 gr
17 Kg
48 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Naturel Siyah
Black Olives
1/4 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/1 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
A12 Teneke / Tins
18 Lt Teneke Kutu / Tins
200 gr
400 gr
800 gr
2500 gr
10 Kg
210 gr
420 gr
820 gr
4500 gr
16 Kg
220 gr
430 gr
830 gr
4700 gr
17 kg
48 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Yeþil Zeytin
Sliced Green
1/4 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/2 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
1/1 Plastik Vakum/Vacuum Trays
370 cc Kavanoz / Jars
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
Teneke Kutu / Tins
200 gr
400 gr
800 gr
190 gr
420 gr
10 Kg
340 gr
570 gr
1220 gr
350 gr
720 gr
17,5 kg
370 gr
600 gr
1250 gr
500 gr
1050 gr
18,50 kg
48 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
Siyah Zeytin
Sliced Black
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1/2 Teneke / Tins
1/1 Teneke / Tins
3/2 Teneke / Tins
A12 Teneke / Tins
Teneke Kutu / Tins
370 gr
200 gr
400 gr
750 gr
2500 gr
10 Kg
720 gr
400 gr
780 gr
1200 gr
4500 gr
17,5 kg
1050 gr
440 gr
900 gr
1350 gr
4700 gr
18,50 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
24 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Ambalaj Cinsi
Type of Packing
Yeþil Zeytin
Green Olives
Konfit Siyah
Black Olive
Ambalaj Cinsi
Type of Packing
Süzme Aðýrlýk
Drain Weight
Net Aðýrlýk
Net Weight
Brüt Aðýrlýk
Gross Weight
Koli Adeti
Piece Carton
Hýyar Turþu
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1700 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
3000 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
5000 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
Teneke Kutu / Tins
420 gr
800 gr
2000 gr
3000 gr
10 Kg
720 gr
1500 gr
3000 gr
5000 gr
18,5 kg
1050 gr
1650 gr
3200 gr
5250 gr
19,50 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Karýþýk Turþu
Mixed pickles
Biber Turþu
Pickled Peppers
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1700 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
3000 cc Pet / Plastic Jars
5000 cc Pet/ Plastic Jars
Teneke Kutu/ Tins
420 gr
800 gr
2000 gr
3000 gr
10 kg
720 gr
1500 gr
3000 gr
5000 gr
17,5 kg
1050 gr
1650 gr
3200 gr
5250 gr
18,50 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Tatlý Hýyar Turþu
Sweet Pickled
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1000 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1700 cc Kavanoz / Jars
3000 cc Kavanoz / Jars
A12 Teneke/ Tins
9/1 Teneke/ Tins
360 gr
500 gr
850 gr
1500 gr
2,5 kg
5 kg
720 gr
1020 gr
1700 gr
2930 gr
4,3 kg
10,30 kg
1050 gr
1400 gr
2300 gr
4000 gr
4,6 kg
10,86 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Bamya Konservesi 720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
A12 Teneke/ Tins
400 gr
2,2 kg
720 gr
4 kg
1050 gr
4,4 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Kýrmýzý Biber
Roasted Red
720 CC Kavanoz / Jars
500 CC Kavanoz / Jars
A12 Teneke/ Tins
A10 Teneke/ Tins
400 gr
350 gr
2,5 kg
1,7 kg
720 gr
680 gr
4,25 kg
2,9 kg
1,05 kg
800 gr
4,8 kg
3,3 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
12 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
Biber Turþu
Tomato Type
720 cc Kavanoz / Jars
1700 cc Kavanoz / Jars
3000 cc Kavanoz / Jars
5000 cc Kavanoz / Jars
A12 Teneke/ Tins
300 gr
750 gr
1650 gr
2400 gr
2 kg
720 gr
1700 gr
2930 gr
4300 gr
4,25 kg
1050 gr
2300 gr
4000 gr
4600 gr
4,8 kg
12 Adet/Pieces
6 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
4 Adet/Pieces
Olive Oil
5/1 Teneke/ Tins
18/1 Teneke/ Tins
4550 gr
16380 gr
5000 Ml
18000 Ml
6 Adet/Pieces
Firmamýz üretmiþ olduðu ürünleri
en uygun ambalaja yerleþtirerek
lezzet, saðlýk ve hijyen açýsýndan
önem taþýyan bütün gereklilikleri
yerine getirmektedir.
Our company uses the most appropriate
packages for its products and meets all
requirements in terms of taste, health
and hygiene.
devam edecek...
To be continued...
Karayolu kenarý Ortakçý Köyü,
Buharkent - Aydýn / TURKEY
Tel: +90.256.391 39 35 391 47 17 - 391 44 44
Fax: +90.256.391 27 57
Mega Center C 25 Blok No: 207
Bayrampaþa - Ýstanbul / TURKEY
Tel: +90.212.640 59 19
Fax: +90.212.640 59 18
Aksu Beldesi Isparta Yolu 300. mt.
Pýnarlý - Antalya / TURKEY
Tel: +90 242 462 10 18
Fax: +90 242 462 10 13

Benzer belgeler

turquıe/turkey (90) - International Olive Council



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404 27 27 +90(232)404 27 28 info@q www.kervangida.com.tr www.kiricilar.com.tr www.cosmopolitanfood group.com www.marbil.com.tr www.maroli.com.tr
