A Guide for Enterprises “How can Enterprises support Vocational


A Guide for Enterprises “How can Enterprises support Vocational
A Guide for Students
“Profession Choice and Career Planning “
1. Access ................................................................................................. 4
2. Job, WorkandCareer ............................................................................ 4
2.1. Job: A general definition, profession is a vocation found edupon specealized educationalt raining in or dertoearn
his/her living. ......................................................................................................................................................................4
2.2. Work: It is thatto put the Vocational knowledge into practise. .................................................................................4
2.3. Career: A career is an individual’s journey through learning, work and other aspects of life. ..................................4
3. Factors affecting Career and profession Choice ................................... 4
3.1 Psychological Effects....................................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Sociolgical Effects ........................................................................................................................................................4
4. Questıons To Be Answered Whıle Choosıng Professıon ........................ 6
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The Role of the Third Parties in Vocational Education
The target group of our project includes administrators, teachers and students at the vocational and technical
training institutions in the same region where the project partner is located and the third parties (civil organizations,
NGO's, local authorities, enterprises, professional organizations, universities and other public institutions.
Keeping the third party institutions out from the vocational institutions is not realistic and reasonable. And this
instrument isn’t used effectively or neglected partly by the vocational institutions in the world and the Europe.
Our project aims to create local vocational training platforms including all interested parts in the participant
countries and use third party institutions effectively. These platforms will organize working groups and do academic
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1. Access
Profession Choice and Career Planning appeared especially in USA after WW1st. Hitler also led his army one by
one to specialize on a certain field in order to get most benefit. ( Niles, S.G: 2004)
Mean while Yıldız KUZGUN one of theleaders of psychological consultants started to have first steps of
vocational improvements and career consultancy in Hacettepe University.
2. Job, WorkandCareer
2.1. Job: A general definition, profession is a vocation found edupon specealized educationalt raining in or
dertoearn his/her living.
2.2. Work: It is thatto put the Vocational knowledge into practise.
2.3. Career: A career is an individual’s journey through learning, work and other aspects of life.
3. Factors affecting Career and profession Choice
Basicly Career and profession is affected by two factors. ‘ Psychological and Sociological Factors’.
3.1 Psychological Effects
Ability, interest, character, traits, professionvalue.
3.2 Sociolgical Effects
Family, socio-economiclevel, sex, economic and political factors.
All the sefactors should be checked and analyzed one by one before profession choice and career planning.
While programming the sefactors below are very important fort he person and program in general.
1. Those that should be known before Profession Choice
A. Knowing himself/ herself
Knowing Ability: The person who knows himself and the situation he is in and who has a balance between
personal values social expectancies can reach personal satisfactoriness. It means the person has an improvement in
terms of knowing himself. The person who knows himself will be more consistent.
Abilities to consider while choosing a profession
To think in an abstract way: It can be defined to be able to learn through abstract words like numbers and
shapes. This ability is measured as it is called oral and scalar in university entrance exams.
Such people are successful in general in physics, biology, sociology.
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 To write fluent way: Using words in an effective way. Suc
people are generally successful in Language and Literature fields.
 Understanding Others: This is called empathy. This ability
can help teachers, physicians, managers to be successful in their
 Capturing Shape Communication: this abilty means to be
able to see things in 3D and animate their movements in space.
This ability is necessary for carpentry, tailory, and plastic arts etc.
 Mechanical Ability: This ability is into machine, its function
and drawing figures with machine and producing new ideas to
improve machine. This ability needs being very powerful in the
fields with machine.
 Hand-finger ability: this is also a special abilty. Jewellery,
surgery is related with this abilty as it is something with doing small
 Eye-Hand cooperation: Being able to draw a straight line,
targeting a far object. It is necessary in architecture, art, carpentry
and surgery,
 Muscle Coordination: Having powerful muscles and using
them effectively is also an abilty. It is in the fields of sports, rithmic
dance and ballet.
 Color perception: This ability is about colors and the
differences among them. It is with Interior architecture, Decoration and food producing and likewise.
Creativity: Being unusual, having new ideas, science and arts, technical fields, management.
Apart from those above Art, music are also the abilities that are into some certain working fields.
Knowing the Domains
If you are interested in a field, it alsomeans that you are able in that field. So, in those fields only may be more
successful. For this reason to determine the domain makes it easier to choose a profession.
Knowing Values or Traits
Satisfactoriness expected from profession maybe accepted professional value. Knowing the values will take the
person better profession according to these values.
Knowing Professions
It is mostly happening in no deliberate way while choosing a profession. This means disappointment in the
future. So, it should be in accordance between domain and profession.
Knowing the Fields to be Successful Academically in
School success
Subjects in which is successful most
Tests answered rapidly and without mistake
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All these factors may lead to a coherent choice.
Making the Future Plans Clear
To have a goal makes it easier to choose a profession. It will not result in disappointment. So, it is important to
know why to choose a field to study.
Being Away From Outer Factors
Agreement with Family: While choosing a field and profession maybe asked an opinion from others. However
those people should be professional in their field.
Thinking over the social acceptance:
It will be not a good result to choose a profession because of the social acceptance/ values.
4. Questıons To Be Answered Whıle Choosıng Professıon
The individual should know himself first. So he should choose a profession according to his traits.
Is profession well-matched to domain and abilities?
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Is relation between high school fields and university programs known?
Is it clear which field will bring more success?
Qualty of Profession
Profession, activities of that profession, working hours and such
Working Atmosphere
Is there any dangerous side of Profession?
How is the heat, light and noise of the atmosphere?
Open or closed air?
Preparing for Profession
How long is the educational Period?
Any need for a special preparation after school?
Conditions for Profession
Are there conditions like age, sex, height and looking for profession?
Starting and Getting Retired Conditions
How can one start profession?
Is it through exam, assigning or personal efforts?
Between what ages is it done?
Is it with social insurance?
Advance in Profession
What is the conditions to advance in Profession?
Throgh working? Or Grade?
Is it possible to change profession into another one?
Positive and Negative sides of Profession
what are the positive and negative sides of the profession?
What is the place of Profession in society?
Possibility of finding employment
what is the demand for the profession to choose?
Any need according to area or season?
Is is easy to find an employment?
Is it possible the need for the profession to increase or decrease?
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Bu projenin sözleşme makamı AB Eğitim ve
Gençlik Programları Başkanlığıdır.
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Holland, J. L. (1994). The Self-Directed Search. Odessa, FL: PsycholgicalAssesment Resources.
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Kuzgun, Y. (2003). MeslekRehberliğiveDanışmanlığınaGiriş. Ankara: Nobel YayınDağıtım.
Rounds, J. B. & Tracey, T. J. (1990). “From Trait-and-factor to person-environment fit counseling: Theory and
process” Career Counseling (ed. Walsh Osipow). pp. 1-44. Hilsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Williamson, E. (1950). Counseling Adolescents. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.
Varçın, R. (2005). İşletmelerdeKariyerPlanlaması El Kitabı (Ed.) Ankara SanayiOdası MEKDAM Projesi.
Yeşilyaprak, B. (2008). EğitimdeRehberlikHizmetleri (16. baskı) Ankara: Nobel YayınDağıtım.
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