Veysel Gazi Work Address: Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Dept


Veysel Gazi Work Address: Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Dept
Veysel Gazi
Work Address:
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Mahmutbey Dilmenler Caddesi No: 26, 34217 Bağcılar, Istanbul, Turkey,
Tel: +90 (212) 604-0100 / ext. 4025
Home Address:
Firuzköy Mahallesi, Derviş Sokak No: 10, Avcılar, Istanbul, Turkey,
Tel: +90 (212) 423-1334, Cel: +90 (537) 457-0870,
A. Educational Background
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, August 2002.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, August 1998.
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey,
July 1996.
B. Work Experience
Full Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University,
Istanbul, Turkey, August 2011 – present.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Kemerburgaz
University, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2011 – August 2011.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TOBB University of Economics
and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, July 2006 – December 2010.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TOBB University of Economics
and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, September 2004 – June 2006.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Atılım University, Ankara,
Turkey, September 2002 – September 2004.
Research/Teaching Associate, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, USA (supported in part by the DARPA MICA Program, DAGSI and AFRL, NIST),
May 1997 - August 2002.
Teaching Assistant, Dept. Biomedical Technology, Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey (part-time
position held while being a senior undergraduate student at METU), October 1995 - May 1996.
C. Publications
1) V. Gazi, M. L. Moore, K. M. Passino, W. P. Shackleford, F. M. Proctor, and J. S. Albus, “The RCS
Handbook: Tools for Real Time Control Systems Software Development," John Wiley and Sons,
May 2001.
2) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, ``Swarm Stability and Optimization,’’ Springer Verlag, January 2011.
Journal Papers (SCI)
1) M. L. Moore, V. Gazi, K. M. Passino, W. P. Shackleford and F. M. Proctor, “Complex Control
System Design and Implementation Using NIST-RCS Software Library,” IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, Vol.19, No. 6, pp. 12-28, December 1999.
2) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability Analysis of Swarms," IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 692-697, April 2003.
3) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability Analysis of Social Foraging Swarms,” IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 539-557, February 2004.
4) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “A Class of Attraction/Repulsion Functions for Stable Swarm
Aggregations," International Journal of Control, Vol. 77, No. 18, pp. 1567-1579, December 2004.
5) V. Gazi, “Formation Control of a Multi-Agent System Using Nonlinear Servomechanism,”
International Journal of Control, Vol. 78, No. 8, pp. 554-565, 20 May 2005.
6) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability of a One-Dimensional Discrete-Time Asynchronous Swarm,”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 834-841, August
7) V. Gazi, “Swarm Aggregations Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1208-1214, December 2005.
8) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Decentralized Output Regulation of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,”
International Journal of Control, Vol. 79, No. 12, pp. 1512–1522, December 2006.
9) J. Yao, R. Ordóñez, and V. Gazi, “Swarm Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode
Control,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 129, No. 5, pp. 749-754,
September 2007.
10) V. Gazi and R. Ordóñez, “Target Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,”
International Journal of Control, Vol. 80, No. 10, pp. 1626-1635, October 2007.
11) V. Gazi, “Output Regulation of a Class of Linear Systems with Switched Exosystems,”
International Journal of Control, Vol. 80, No. 10, pp. 1665-1675, October 2007.
12) V. Gazi, “Stability of an Asynchronous Swarm with Time-Dependent Communication Links,” IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 267-274, February
13) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Comparison of Three Orientation Agreement Strategies
in Self-Propelled Particle Systems With Turn Angle Restrictions in Synchronous and Asynchronous
Settings,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 212-232, March 2008.
14) S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, “Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search
with a Multi-Robot System: Simulation and Implementation on a Real Robotic System,” Turkish
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (ELEKTRIK), Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 749-764,
15) V. Gazi, B. Fidan, R. Ordóñez, and M. İ. Köksal, “A Target Tracking Approach for Non-Holonomic
Agents Based on Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” Journal of Dynamic Systems,
Measurement and Control, Vol. 134, No. 6, November 2012.
16) V. Gazi, "On Lagrangian Dynamics Based Modeling of Swarm Behavior," Physica D: Nonlinear
Phenomena, Vol. 260, pp. 159-175, 1 October 2013.
17) B. Fidan, V. Gazi, S. Zhai, N. Cen, and E. Karataş, "Single View Distance Estimation Based
Formation Control of Robotic Swarms," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, No.
12, pp. 5781-5791, December 2013.
18) M. Turduev, G. Cabrita, M. Kırtay, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, "Experimental Studies On Chemical
Concentration Map Building By A Multi-Robot System Using Bio-Inspired Algorithms," Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 72-100, January 2014.
Journal Papers (non-SCI)
1) V. Gazi, B. Fidan, Y. S. Hanay and M. İ. Köksal, “Aggregation, Foraging, and Formation Control of
Swarms with Non-Holonomic Agents Using Potential Functions and Sliding Mode Techniques,”
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (ELEKTRIK), Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.
149-168, July 2007.
Book Chapters
1) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Swarm Stability,” in W. S. Levine (edt.), The Control Handbook:
Control System Applications, second edition, CRC Press, December 2010.
LNCS Chapters (Refereed, one in SCI)
1) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Asynchronous Cyclic Pursuit,” S. Nolfi et al. (edt.),
SAB06, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4095, pp. 667-678, 2006. (SCI)
2) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Effects of Asynchronism and Neighborhood Size on
Clustering in Self-Propelled Particle Systems,” A. Levi et al (edt.), ISCIS06, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) 4263, pp. 665-676, 2006.
3) V. Gazi and B. Fidan, “Control and Coordination of Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems: Models and
Approaches,” E. Şahin et al. (edt.), Proceedings of the Second Swarm Robotics Workshop, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4433, pp. 71-102, 2007.
International Conference Papers (Refereed)
1) V. Gazi, M. L. Moore, and K. M. Passino, “Real-time control system software for intelligent system
development: Experiments and an educational program,” Proc. of the IEEE International
Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp. 102-107, Gaithersburg, MD, September 1998.
2) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Direct Adaptive Control Using Dynamic Structure Fuzzy Systems,”
Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 1954-1958, Chicago, IL, June 2000.
3) V. Gazi, K. M. Passino, and J. A. Farrell, “Adaptive Control of Discrete Time Nonlinear Systems
Using Dynamic Structure Approximators,” Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 30913096, Washington DC, June 2001.
4) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability of a One-Dimensional Discrete-Time Asynchronous Swarm,”
Proc. of the joint IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control/IEEE Conference on Control
Applications, pp. 19-24, Mexico City, Mexico, September 2001.
5) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Decentralized Regulation of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,” IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3014-3019, Orlando, FL, December 2001.
6) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability Analysis of Swarms,” Proc. of the American Control
Conference, pp. 1813-1818, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2002.
7) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability Analysis of Swarms, in an Environment with an
Attractant/Repellent Profile” Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 1819-1824, Anchorage,
Alaska, May 2002.
8) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “A Class of Attraction/Repulsion Functions for Stable Swarm
Aggregations,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2842-2847, Las Vegas, Nevada,
December 2002.
9) V. Gazi and K. M. Passino, “Stability Analysis of Social Foraging Swarms: Combined Effects of
Attractant/Repellent Profiles,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2848-2853, Las
Vegas, Nevada, December 2002.
10) V. Gazi, “Formation Control of a Multi-Agent System Using Decentralized Nonlinear
Servomechanism,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2531-2536, Maui, Hawaii,
December 2003.
11) V. Gazi, “Swarm Aggregations Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2041-2046, Maui, Hawaii, December 2003.
12) V. Gazi, “Formation Control of a Mobile Robots Using Decentralized Nonlinear Servomechanism,”
12’th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Kuşadası, Turkey, June 2004.
13) V. Gazi and R. Ordóñez, “Target Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,”
Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 5588-5593, Boston, June-July 2004.
14) J. Yao, Raul Ordonez, and V. Gazi, “Swarm Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode
Control,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4670-4675, San Diego, CA, USA,
December 2006.
15) C. M. Saaj, V. Lappas, and V. Gazi, “Spacecraft Swarm Navigation and Control Using Artificial
Potential Field and Sliding Mode Control,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,
pp. 2646-2652, Mumbai, India, December 2006.
16) V. Gazi, M. İ. Köksal, and B. Fidan, “Aggregation in a Swarm of Non-Holonomic Agents Using
Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” European Control Conference, pp. 1485-1491, Kos,
Greece, July 2007.
17) Y. S. Hanay, H. V. Hünerli, M. İ. Köksal, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi, “Formation Control with
Potential Functions and Newton's Iteration,” European Control Conference, pp. 4584-4590, Kos,
Greece, July 2007.
18) M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez, “Tracking a Maneuvering Target with a Nonholonomic Agent Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” Mediterranean Conference
on Control and Automation, pp. 1174 – 1179, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, June 2008.
19) S. Zhai, B. Fidan, Ş. Ç. Öztürk, and V. Gazi, “Single View Depth Estimation Based Formation
Control of Robotic Swarms: Obstacle Avoidance, Simulation, and Practical Issues,” Mediterranean
Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1162 – 1167, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, June 2008.
20) S. B. Akat and V. Gazi, “Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Neighborhood Topology:
Three Neighborhood Strategies and Preliminary Results,” IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, St.
Louis, Missouri, USA, September 2008.
21) S. B. Akat and V. Gazi, “Decentralized Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization,” IEEE Swarm
Intelligence Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, September 2008.
22) V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and S. Zhai, “Single View Depth Estimation Based Formation Control of Robotic
Swarms: Implementation Using Realistic Robot Simulator,” 11’th International Conference on
Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), pp.
1079-1089, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2008.
23) Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, B. Tavlı, E. Cervera, U. Witkowski, and J. Penders, “Experimental Study
on the Effects of Communication Range on Cooperative Robotic Search in Complex Environments,”
Second International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination (ROBOCOMM '09),
Odense, Denmark, March-April 2009.
24) E. Gül and V. Gazi, “Adaptive Internal Model Based Formation Control of a Class of Multi-Agent
Systems,” American Control Conference, pp. 4800-4805, Baltimore, MD, USA, June-July 2010.
25) S. Duran and V. Gazi, “Adaptive Formation Control and Target Tracking in a Class of Multi-Agent
Systems,” American Control Conference, pp. 75-80, Baltimore, MD, USA, June-July 2010.
26) A.-R. Merheb, V. Gazi, and N. Sezer-Uzol, “Experimental Study Of Robot Formation Control And
Navigation Using Potential Functions And Panel Method,” The joint 41st International Symposium on
Robotics (ISR 2010) and the 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK 2010), pp. 586-593,
Munich, Germany, June 2010.
27) B. Fidan and V. Gazi, “Target Tracking Using Adaptive Gain Backstepping Control,” 2010 IFAC
Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, August 2010, Antalya,
28) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Design of Circling Around a Target Controllers for
Mobile Robots by Feedback Linearization,” 2010 IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in
Control and Signal Processing, August 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
29) M. Turduev, M. Kırtay, P. Souza, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, “Chemical Concentration Map Building
Through Bacterial Foraging Optimization Based Search Algorithm by Mobile Robots,” IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2010), pp. 3242-3249, Istanbul,
Turkey, October 2010.
30) A.-R. Merheb, Y. Ataş, V. Gazi, and N. Sezer-Uzol, “Implementation of Robot Formation Control
and Navigation Using Real-Time Panel Method,” 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), pp. 5001-5006, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010.
31) M. Turduev, Y. Ataş, P. Souza, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, “Cooperative Chemical Concentration Map
Building Using Decentralized Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search Algorithm
by Mobile Robots,” 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS 2010), pp. 4175-4180, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010.
32) E. Gül and V. Gazi, “Adaptive Internal Model Based Distributed Output Agreement in a Class of
Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems,” Special International Conference on Complex Systems: Synergy of
Control, Computing, and Communications, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2011.
33) E. Gül and V. Gazi, “Adaptive Internal Model Based Formation Control of a Class of Multi-Agent
Systems with Switched Exosystems,” Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 6-13, Taiyuan,
China, May 2012.
34) V. Gazi, “Stochastic Stability Analysis of the Particle Dynamics in the PSO Algorithm,” IEEE MultiConference on Systems and Control (IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control), pp.
708-713, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2012.
35) V. Gazi, "Distributed Adaptive Output Agreement in a Class of Multi-Agent Systems," Asian
Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
36) S. Guler, N. Köksal, B. Fidan, and V. Gazi, "Indirect Adaptive Formation Control with Nonlinear
Dynamics and Parametric Uncertainty," Asian Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
37) V. Gazi and B. Fidan, "Adaptive Formation Control and Target Tracking in a Class of Multi-Agent
Systems: Formation Maneuvers," International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS 2013), pp. 78-85, Gwangju, Korea, October 2013.
38) O. Djaneye-Boundjou, R. Ordóñez, and V. Gazi, "Stable Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization,"
International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013), pp. 440-445,
Gwangju, Korea, October 2013.
39) G. Cabrita, L. Marques, and V. Gazi, "Virtual Cancelation Plume for Multiple Odor Source
Localization," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013),
pp. 5552-5558, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013.
40) V. Gazi, "Distributed Output Agreement in a Class of Uncertain Linear Heterogeneous Multi-Agent
Dynamic Systems," European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France, June 2014, accepted for
41) Y. S. Hanay and V. Gazi, "Sensor Coverage Maximization with Potential Fields," IEEE Symposium
on Computers and Communications, Madeira, Portugal, June 2014, accepted for publication.
International Workshop Papers
1) V. Gazi, “Stability of a Discrete-Time Asynchronous Swarm with Time-Dependent Communication
Links,” Systems and Control Theory Workshop, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, Turkey,
September 2005.
2) M. İ. Köksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez, “Tracking a Maneuvering Target with a Swarm of
Non-holonomic Agents Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control,” Workshop on Robotics
for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment, Benicassim, Spain, January 2008.
3) Ö. Çayırpunar, B. Tavlı, and V. Gazi, “Dynamic Robot Networks for Search and Rescue
Operations,” Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Surveillance of the Environment,
Benicassim, Spain, January 2008.
4) S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, “Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search
with a Multi-Robot System,” Workshop and Summer School on Evolutionary Computing: Lecture
Series by Pioneers, Derry, pp. 64-67, Ireland, August 2008.
5) A. T. Şamiloğlu, Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “An Experimental Set-up For Multi-Robot
Applications,” Proceedings of International Workshop on Standards and Common Platforms for
Robotics held in conjunction with Intl. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for
Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR 2008), pp. 539-550, Venice, Italy, November 2008.
National Conference Papers (in Turkish, Refereed)
1) Y. S. Hanay, M. İ. Köksal, H. V. Hünerli, A. T. Şamiloğlu and V. Gazi, “Potansiyel Fonksiyonlar ve
Newton Yinelemesi ile Oluşum Denetimi,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control
(TOK06), pp. 428-433, Ankara, Turkey, November 2006.
2) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Sürü Robotbilimi ve Çok-Erkinli Sistemlerdeki
Koordinasyon Problemleri,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK06), pp. 419427, Turkey, November 2006.
3) V. Gazi, “Değişken Komşuluklu Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yöntemi,” IEEE Signal Processing and
Communication Applications Conference (SIU2007), Eskişehir, Turkey, June 2007.
4) V. Gazi, “Eşzamanlı Olmayan Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yöntemi,” IEEE Signal Processing and
Communication Applications Conference (SIU2007), Eskişehir, Turkey, June 2007.
5) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Kendinden İtmeli Parçacık Sistemlerinde Üç Farklı Yön
Bulma Stratejisi Bölüm 1: Eş-Zamanlı Model”, Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control
(TOK07), pp. 247-252, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
6) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Kendinden İtmeli Parçacık Sistemlerinde Üç Farklı Yön
Bulma Stratejisi Bölüm 2: Eş-Zamansız Model,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control
(TOK07), pp. 253-258, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
7) M. İ. Koksal, V. Gazi, B. Fidan, and R. Ordóñez, “Hareketli Bir Hedefin Hız-Kısıtlamalı Erkinlerden
oluşan bir Robot Sürüsü ile Yapay Potansiyel Fonksiyonlar ve Kayan Kip Yöntemini Kullanarak
Takibi,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp. 329-334, Istanbul,
Turkey, September 2007.
8) Ş. Ç. Öztürk, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi, “Webots Gerçekçi Benzetim Yazılımı ile Sürü Robot
Uygulamaları,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK07), pp. 341-346,
Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
9) E. Gül, S. Duran, M. İ. Köksal, A. T. Şamiloğlu, and V. Gazi, ``Sürü Robot Sistemleri Üzerine Bazı
Deneysel Çalışmalar,’’ Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08), Istanbul,
Turkey, November 2008.
10) S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Marques, “Eşzamansız Parçacık Sürü Eniyileme Yönteminin Çok Robotlu
Arama Görevinde Uygulanması,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08),
Istanbul, Turkey, November 2008.
11) A. T. Şamiloğlu, Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Çoklu Robot Uygulamaları İçin Bir Deney
Düzeneği,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK08), Istanbul, Turkey,
November 2008.
12) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, A. B. Koku, and K. Leblebicioğlu, “Gezer Bir Robot için Hedef Takibi ve
Dairesel Yörüngede Seyir,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09), Istanbul,
Turkey, October 2009.
13) Ö. Çayırpunar, V. Gazi, and B. Tavlı, “RF İşaret Şiddeti ve Bakteri Beslenme Eniyileme Yöntemi
Kullanılarak Robot Dağılması Üzerine Deneysel Çalışma,” Turkish National Conference on
Automatic Control (TOK09), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2009.
14) Y. Ataş, Ö. Çayırpunar, S. B. Akat, V. Gazi, and L. Alboul, “Kapalı Alanlarda Lazer Mesafe
Algılayıcı Tabanlı Yardımlasmalı Çok-Robotlu Haritalama,” Turkish National Conference on
Automatic Control (TOK09), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2009.
15) M. Turduev, V. Gazi, J. Penders, and E. Cervera, “Voronoi Çizelgeleri, A* Arama Yöntemi ve Yapay
Potansiyel Fonksiyonlar Kullanılarak Çarpışmasız Gezgin Robot Güzergâh Planlama ve Gezinme
Uygulaması,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09), Istanbul, Turkey,
October 2009.
16) E. Gül and V. Gazi, “Çok Erkinli Bir Sistem Sınıfında Uyarlamalı Dizilim Denetimi,” Turkish
National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK09), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2009.
17) M. Kırtay, M. Turduev, V. Gazi, P. Souza, and L. Marques, "Karınca Kolonisi Beslenmesi Tabanlı
Eniyileme Yöntemi ile Kimyasal Gaz Yoğunluğu Haritalanması," Turkish National Conference on
Automatic Control (TOK10), pp. 180-186, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey, September 2010.
18) A. T. Şamiloğlu, V. Gazi, and A. B. Koku, “Geri Besleme Doğrusallaştırması Yöntemiyle Hereketli
Robotlarda Düz Çizgi Takibi,” Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK10), pp.
344-350, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey, September 2010.
1) V. Gazi, “Stabilization and Control of Discrete Event Systems Using Limited Look-Ahead Policies,”
M.S. Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, August 1998.
2) V. Gazi, “Stability Analysis of Swarms,” Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA, August 2002.
D. Talks
Technical Seminars and Invited Talks
1) M. L. Moore and V. Gazi, “The NIST Real Time Control Systems (RCS) Software,” Control
Workshop, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA,
March 1998.
2) V. Gazi, “The Multidirectional Search Algorithm,” presented to the Controls Group, Department of
Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, May 2000.
3) V. Gazi, “The Center Manifold Theory,” presented to the Controls Group, Department of Electrical
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, November 2001.
4) V. Gazi, “Aggregating Swarms: Stability and Formation Control,” invited seminar, Department of
Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2005.
5) V. Gazi, “Aggregating Swarms: Stability and Formation Control,” Advanced Space Vehicle Control
Workshop, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, Great Britain, September 2006.
6) V. Gazi, “Swarm Control Using Artificial Potential Functions and Sliding Mode Techniques,” invited
seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey,
October 2007.
7) V. Gazi, “Aggregating Swarms: Stability and Formation Control,” Technical Seminar, IRIDIA,
Brussels, Belgium, January 2009.
8) V. Gazi, “On Formation Control and Distributed Agreement in Swarms,” invited seminar,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey,
December 2010.
9) V. Gazi, “On Formation Control and Navigation in Robotic Swarms,” invited seminar, Department
of Control Engineering, Doğuş University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2011.
10) V. Gazi, "Adaptive Control and Coordination of Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems," invited seminar,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal,
April 2013.
11) V. Gazi, "Adaptive Control and Coordination of Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems," invited talk,
Special Session on Cognitive Robotics and Its Applications, IEEE Signal Processing and
Communication Applications Conference (SIU2013), Girne (Kyrenia), Nordern Cyprus, April 2013.
12) V. Gazi, "Adaptive Control and Coordination of Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems," invited seminar,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United
Kingdom, September 2013.
Non-Technical Talks/Interviews
1) V. Gazi, “Success Story: The GUARDIANS Project,” EU 7’th Framework Program Turkey Forum:
National Kick-Off Conference, Ankara, Turkey, February 2007.
2) V. Gazi, “My Experience in EU 6’th Framework Program Research Project Proposal Developing
Process,” Interview by the Turkish National Television Channel 2 (TRT 2) “European Vision”
Program Team, April 2007. (The program was aired on May 2, 2007).
3) V. Gazi, “The GUARDIANS Project,” Interview by the Turkish National Television Channel 2 (TRT
2) “European Vision” Program Team, May 2007. (The program was aired on May 16, 2007).
E. Courses Taught
Control Systems (undergraduate)
Control Systems Laboratory (undergraduate)
Linear Algebra (undergraduate)
Circuit Analysis (undergraduate)
Numerical Methods (undergraduate)
Physics (undergraduate)
Linear Systems Theory (graduate/senior undergraduate)
Nonlinear Systems (graduate/senior undergraduate)
Introduction to Robotics (graduate/senior undergraduate)
Swarm Systems (graduate)
Various laboratory courses
F. Projects
Current Projects (PI)
1) “Adaptive Swarm Control,” Research Project, supported by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey), 01/03/2010 – 15/05/2014, Principal Investigator.
(This project was temporarily frozen between September 2010 and October 2011.)
Past Projects (PI)
1) “GUARDIANS: Group of Unmanned Assistant Robots Deployed In Aggregative Navigation
supported by Scent detection,” Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP), supported by
European Commission – 6’th Framework Programme Objective 2 “Information and Communication
Technologies,” 01/12/2006 – 31/01/2010, Project Partner, Principal Investigator of the TOBB ETU
2) “Particle Swarm Optimization: Parallel and Asynchronous Implementation, Rigorous Convergence
Analysis, and Implementation on a Multi-Robot System,” CAREER Research Project, supported by
TÜBİTAK, 01/02/2007 – 01/02/2010, Principal Investigator.
3) “Robot Swarms: Coordination and Formation Control of Groups,” Research Project, supported by
TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), 01/08/2005 –
31/07/2008, Principal Investigator.
Past Projects that Worked on
1) “Real-Time Control Systems Software Library – Documentation, Implementation, Graduate level
Laboratory Course Development, and Control and Optimization Routines Development,” supported
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of USA, May 1997 – December
2) “Distributed Coordination and Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles,” supported by the Dayton Area
Graduate Studies Institute (DAGSI) and Air Force Research Laboratories (AFRL) at WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, January 2001 – September 2001.
3) “Strategies for Human-Automaton Resource Entity Deployment (SHARED),” supported by the
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Mixed Initiative Control of Automa-teams
(MICA) program, October 2001 – August 2002.
G. Graduate Student Supervision
PhD Dissertations
1) Andaç Töre Şamiloğlu, “Decentralized Coordination and Control in Robotic Swarms,” PhD Student
at Middle East Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering, graduated September
2012, co-supervisor (co-supervised with Dr. A. Buğra Koku).
MS Theses
1) Murat İlter Köksal, “Swarm Robot Control Using Potential Functions and the Sliding Mode Control
Technique,” TOBB University of Economics and Technology Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, graduated July 2008, supervisor.
2) Salih Burak Akat, “Asynchronous Particle Swarm optimization with Dynamic Neighborhood and its
application to Multi-Robot Search Applications,” TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, graduated May 2009, supervisor.
3) Ömer Çayırpunar, “Improving Performance of Multi-Robot Search Systems Using Inter-Robot
Communication and Cooperation,” TOBB University of Economics and Technology Department of
Computer Engineering, graduated September 2009, main supervisor (co-supervised together with
Dr. Bülent Tavlı).
4) Yunus Ataş, “Localization and Mapping in Mobile Robot Systems,” TOBB University of Economics
and Technology Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, graduated March 2010,
5) Esma Gül, “Motion and Formation Control in a Class of Multi-Agent Systems with Adaptive Internal
Model Based Output Regulation Method,” TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, graduated August 2010, supervisor.
6) Mirbek Turduev, “Real-Time Chemical Gas Concentration Map Building of an Unknown
Environment by Multiple Mobile Robots Using Bio-Inspired Search Algorithms,” TOBB University of
Economics and Technology Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, graduated
August 2010, supervisor.
7) Abdel-Razzak Merheb, “Robot Formation Control and Navigation Using Artificial Potential Functions
and Panel Methods,” TOBB University of Economics and Technology Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, graduated August 2010, main supervisor (co-supervised with Dr. Nilay
8) Engin Karataş, “Robot Control using Single View Depth Estimation Method,” TOBB University of
Economics and Technology Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, graduated
August 2010, supervisor.
H. Administrative Positions and University Service
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, Turkey
Founding Department Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, April 2011 – present.
Founding Program Chair, Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, October 2011
– present.
Member of the University Senate, October 2011 – present.
Member of the University Administrative Council, October 2011 – present.
Member of the Engineering Faculty Board, April 2011 – present.
Member of the Engineering Faculty Administrative Council, April 2011 – present.
Member of the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences Administrative Council,
October 2011 – present.
Chair of the Ethics Committee, August 2011 – present.
Member of the Scientific Research and Publications Support Committee, October 2011 – present.
Member of the KOSGEB RTD and Innovation Projects Cooperation Committee, December 2011 –
Member of the Education Committee, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2012 – present.
Academic Advisor, Robotics Club, October 2011 – December 2013.
Undergraduate Student Advising, September 2011 - present.
Contributed to curriculum development, April 2011 – present.
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Member of the Coop-Education Administrative Council, October 2006-January 2008.
Member of the Engineering Faculty Board, September 2006-August 2009.
Member of the Engineering Faculty Administrative Council, September 2006-August 2009.
Member of the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences Administrative Council,
September 2009 – August 2010.
Undergraduate Student Advising, September 2004 – August 2010.
Contributed to curriculum development, September 2004 – August 2010.
Member of the Student Activities Committee, 2004-2005 Academic Year.
Academic Advisor, Turkish Folklore Studies Association, 2004-2006 Academic Years.
Internal Scientific Research Projects Support Guidelines Document development, February-March
Member of the Committee for the University Web site in English, 2005-2006 Academic Year.
Member of the University Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-2007 Academic Year.
Participated in University Publicity Activities, September 2004-August 2010.
Member of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Faculty Hiring Committee.
Atılım University, Ankara, Turkey
Undergraduate Student Advising, September 2002 – August 2004.
Participated in Atılım University Publicity Activities, September 2002 – August 2004.
Contributed to curriculum development, September 2002 – August 2004.
İ. External Service and Professional Activities
Professional Societies/Organizations
Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
o Member of IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS)
o Member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)
o Member of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES)
Member of the Turkish National Committee of Automatic Control, the national branch of the
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), October 2008 – present.
Member of the RoboCup Turkish National Committee, July 2011 - present.
Editorial Activities
Guest editor for ELEKTRİK (The Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
of a special issue on “Swarm Robotics,” July 2007.
M. Ö. Efe and V. Gazi (eds.), Proceedings of the 2006 Turkish National Conference on Automatic
Control (TOK06), November 2006, Ankara.
Conference and Workshop Activities
Publicity Co-Chair: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey, June
Invited Sessions Co-Chair: Asian Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
Registration Chair: IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October
Member of the Organizing Committee: RoboCup2011, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
Member of the Program Committee: 10th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous
Robotics Systems (DARS 2010), Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2010.
Member of the Program Committee: ANTS 2010 Seventh International Conference on Swarm
Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium, September 2010.
Session Chair: Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control 2009 (TOK09), Yıldız Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2009.
Member of the Program Committee: Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control 2009
(TOK09), Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2009.
Associate Editor: 21’st Chinese Conference on Decision and Control (CCDC 2009), Guilin, Peoples
Republic of China, June 2009.
Session Chair: The Second International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination,
Odense, Denmark, April 2009.
Session Chair: Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control 2008 (TOK08), Istanbul
Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2008.
Member of the Program Committee: Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control 2008
(TOK08), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2008.
General Chair: TOBB ETU Multi-Agent and Networked Dynamic Control Systems Workshop, TOBB
University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, July 2008.
Member of the Program Committee: Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control 2007
(TOK07), Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
Organizer of the Special Session on Multi-Robot Systems: Turkish National Conference on
Automatic Control 2007 (TOK07), Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2007.
General Chair: TOBB ETU Multi-Agent and Networked Dynamic Control Systems Workshop, TOBB
University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, June 2007.
Member of the Program Committee: 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA 2007), Harbin, Peoples Republic of China, May 2007.
Member of the Program Committee: IEEE SMC UK&RI 6th Conference on Cybernetic Systems
2007, University College Dublin, Ireland, September 2007.
Member of the Program Committee: Workshop on Swarm Robotics organized in conjunction with
From Animals to Animats 9, Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
(SAB'06), September 2006, Roma, Italy.
Technical Program Co-Chair: 2006 Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK06),
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, November 2006.
Member of the Program Committee: 2006 Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control
(TOK06), TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, November 2006.
General Chair: TOBB ETU Multi-Agent and Networked Dynamic Control Systems Workshop, TOBB
University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, July 2006.
Member of the Program Committee: 13’th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
(MED05), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2005.
Publicity Co-Chair: 12’th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED04),
Kuşadası, Turkey, June 2004.
Member of the Program Committee: 12’th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
(MED04), Kuşadası, Turkey, June 2004.
Session Chair: IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003.
Session Chair: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 2003.
Helped in organizing the OSU Controls Workshop, April 1997 and April 1999, Columbus, Ohio,
Technical Publication Reviewer (Partial List)
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Systems and Control Letters
IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
International Journal of Systems Science
International Journal of Control
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Physics Letters A
Swarm Intelligence
Asian Journal of Control
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
ACM Computing Surveys
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
American Control Conference
International Symposium on Intelligent Control
IEEE Conference on Control Applications
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
IFAC World Congress
Other Review Activities
Reviewer, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology, RTD Research Centers
Program, January 2012.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, November 2011.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, June 2011.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, May 2010.
Review Panel Member, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry, Technical Entrepreneurship
Projects Program, February-March 2010.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, December 2009.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, April 2009.
Review Panel Member, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry, Technical Entrepreneurship
Projects Program, May 2009.
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, November 2008.
Project Progress Reviewer, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry, Industrial Thesis Research
Projects Program, June 2008 - …
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, October 2007.
Review Panel Member, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry, Industrial Thesis Research Projects
Program, September 2007.
Project Initiation or Progress Reviewer, TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Program Industrial Projects, November
2006 - …
Project Progress Reviewer, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, December 2006-…
Review Panel Member, TÜBİTAK Research Projects, October 2005.
Examination Committee/Jury Memberships
Served in several MS Defense Committees, Atılım University.
Served in many MS and PhD Defense Committees, Middle East Technical University, Department
of Computer Engineering.
Served in many MS and PhD Defense Committees, Middle East Technical University, Department
of Mechanical Engineering.
Served in many PhD Progress Evaluation Committees, Middle East Technical University,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Served in many PhD Progress Evaluation Committees, Middle East Technical University,
Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Serving in many PhD Qualifying Exam Committees, Middle East Technical University, Department
of Mechanical Engineering.
Served in PhD Defense Committee, University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, December 2007.
Served in PhD Defense Committee, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2013.
Served as external examiner in PhD Defense Exam, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United
Kingdom, September 2013.
Served in PhD Qualifying Exam Committee, Boğaziçi University, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, December 2013.
Served in PhD Defense Committee, Boğaziçi University, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, January 2014.
Other Activities
Served as Evaluation Panel Member, the 1’st and the 2’nd Robotic Contest organized by Republic
of Turkey Ministry of Education, High School Technical Education Branch, 2007 and 2008.
National Expert, European Union 7’the Framework Programme, Information and Communication
Technologies, 2007 – 2009.
J. Awards and Honors
Andy Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society,
for the paper “Stability Analysis of Social Foraging Swarms,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 539-557, February 2004.
Best Presentation Award (in the attended session), American Control Conference, Washington DC,
June 2001.
TÜBİTAK NATO Scholarship to Study Towards Ph.D. Degree Abroad, September 1996 – April 1997.
Listed seven times in the High Honor or Honor Students List, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey, 1992-1996.
TÜBİTAK Hüsamettin Tuğaç Foundation Scholarship, September 1994 - June 1996.
METU various undergraduate scholarships (on accommodation and catering), September 1993June 1996.
Ranked first in the graduating class of about 180 students in the High School, İhsan Mermerci
High School, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1991.
K. Collaborators
Scientific Collaborators (current)
Barış Fidan, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, Dept. Mechanical and Mechatronics
Engineering, Waterloo, Canada.
Raúl Ordóñez, Associate Professor, University of Dayton, Dept. Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Lino Marques, Assistant Professor, University of Coimbra, Institute of Systems and Robotics,
Coimbra, Portugal.
Yusuf Sinan Hanay, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet),
NICT and Osaka University, Japan.
Nilay Sezer-Uzol, Assistant Professor, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Dept.
Mechanical Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.
A. Buğra Koku, Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Dept. Mechanical
Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.
Scientific Collaborators (past)
Bülent Tavlı, Associate Professor, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Dept. Computer
Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.
Kevin M. Passino, Professor, The Ohio State University, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Jay A. Farrell, Professor, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California, USA.
Mathew L. Moore, Batell Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
W. P. Shackleford, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
F. M. Proctor, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
J. S. Albus, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
Major Doctoral Advisor: Kevin M. Passino, Professor, The Ohio State University
L. Additional Experience
Fluent in Turkish, English, and Bulgarian also basic knowledge of Russian.
Extensive experience with both practical and theoretical aspects of Control Theory gained through
implementation of many control algorithms, as well as development of abstract control theory.
Extensive programming experience and computer skills.
Basic system administration experience gained through set-up and usage of Linux systems.

Benzer belgeler

Bilimsel Yayınlar - Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü

Bilimsel Yayınlar - Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü Buildings, 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer Fluid Mecahnics and Thermodynamics, Antalya, Türkiye, 2010


EE 701 Robot Vision - Department Of | Electrical And Electronics

EE 701 Robot Vision - Department Of | Electrical And Electronics Middle East Technical University Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department



