C.V. 6 - Kadir Has Üniversitesi


C.V. 6 - Kadir Has Üniversitesi
Short-Term Objective : Beginning Post-Doctorate Studies
Long-Term Objective : Successful Academic Career as a Faculty Member
Universities & High School
2006 - 2009
Kadir Has University (www.khas.edu.tr)
Social Sciences Institute – Finance and Banking Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Full Scholarship Student
Ph.D. Courses: 3.38/4.00 G.P.A. (84.5 / 100.0)
Pedagogic Formation Courses: 4.00/4.00 G.P.A. (100.0 / 100.0)
Fastest - First Graduate of the Finance and Banking Ph.D. Class '2006
(Early Graduation)
Ph.D. Thesis Title: "The Measurement, Evaluation and Accounting of Intellectual
Capital in Banking Sector”
Y.O.K. (Yuksek Ogretim Kurumu - Higher Education Council) accredited
2006 – 2007
Southern New Hampshire University (U.S.A.) (www.snhu.edu)
M.S. - OL , School of Business – Master of Science in Organizational Leadership
(2006-2007) Diploma Date: January 15, 2008.
Highest Honors in M.S.O.L. Class
3.95/4.00 G.P.A. (98.7 / 100.0)
Dean's Honor List Member, 4/4 times
ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs) &
NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) &
ECBE (European Council for Business Education) &
Y.O.K. (Yuksek Ogretim Kurumu – Higher Education Council) accredited
2003 – 2004
Southern New Hampshire University (U.S.A.) (www.snhu.edu)
M.B.A. , School of Business – Master of Business Administration
(2003-2004) Diploma Date: May 13, 2005
Highest Honors in M.B.A. Class
3.93/4.00 G.P.A. (98.2 / 100.0)
Dean's Honor List Member, 5/5 times
ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs) &
NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) &
ECBE (European Council for Business Education) &
Y.O.K. (Yuksek Ogretim Kurumu – Higher Education Council) accredited
2000 – 2002
Istanbul University, (www.istanbul.edu.tr)
B.S. , Faculty of Economics – Business Administration Department
Honor Student, ranked in top 10%
Y.O.K. (Yuksek Ogretim Kurumu – Higher Education Council) accredited
1998 – 2000
Kocaeli University, (www.kocaeli.edu.tr)
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences – Economics Department
1st place in Economics Department, transferred by Istanbul University
Y.O.K. (Yuksek Ogretim Kurumu – Higher Education Council) accredited
1991 – 1998
Eyuboglu High School (www.eyuboglu.com)
ECIS (European Council of International Schools) accredited
2 times 1st rank, 3 times 2nd rank in class
Turkish (Native)
English (Very Good)
- 90/100 YDS (Interuniversity Board Foreign Language Exam in English), A Level - Ranked in Top
2 % in Turkey, year 2013
- 5/5 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Overall) Rating, year 2010
- 20/20 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Grammar) Score, year 2010
- 5/5 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Grammar) Rating, year 2010
- 20/20 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Reading) Score, year 2010
- 5/5 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Reading) Rating, year 2010
- 6/6 University of Liverpool English Language Test (Writing) Score, year 2010
- 7.0 / 9.0 IELTS Score, year 2006
- 84/100 KPDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Exam. for State Employees in English), year 2005
- 600 (250 CBT – 100 IBT) TOEFL Score, year 2003
- 75/100 UDS (Interuniversity Board Foreign Language Examination in English), year 2003
- 85/100 UDS (Interuniversity Board Foreign Language Examination in English), year 2002
- 583 (237 CBT – 93 IBT) TOEFL Score, year 2001
- Certified in Written English, Listening Skills, Spelling (U.S.) at brainbench (brainbench.com)
- Certified in English Spelling, English Vocabulary at ecertifications
Computer Skills
- Certified in Computer Fundamentals (Win XP), Computer Fundamental (Win 95/98), MS Word 2000
Fundamentals, MS Excel 2000 Fundamentals, Computer Fundamentals (Win 2000), Computer Industry
Knowledge, Internet Industry Knowledge, Internet Technology Fundamentals, Internet Concepts,
WWW Concepts, Web Design Concepts, MS Frontpage 2000, MS Internet Explorer 5.5 Fundamentals,
MS Internet Explorer 4.0 Fundamentals at brainbench
- Certified in Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Excel 97 at ecertifications
Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows
NT, Windows 98, Windows 95
Programming Languages:
HTML, ASP, Java script.
MS Word, MS Excel, MS Frontpage, MS Internet Explorer, MS
Powerpoint, MS Visio, MS Project
Business & Economics
- Graduate Certificate in International Business - Southern New Hampshire University
- Certified in Business Fundamentals (U.S.), Business Concepts (U.S.), Business Ethics Awareness
(U.S.), Business Communication, E-Commerce Concepts, Business Math, Business Writing,
Advertising Industry Knowledge at brainbench
- Certified in Basic Economics at ecertifications
- Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA) 10th Annual Conference Participation Certificate FourA
- The Institure of Internal Auditing - Turkey (Türkiye İç Denetim Enstitisü - TİDE) Corporate Risk
Management Certificate - TİDE
- Certified in Math Fundamentals, Mathematics Aptitude at brainbench & ecertifications
- Yalova University Prized Rectorship Chess Tournament Participation Certificate (Office of the
President) - Yalova University
- Yalova University Prized Rectorship Chess Tournament Participation Certificate (Yalova University
Chess Club) - YUCC
- History - Central/East Asia at ecertifications
Financial Accounting, Intellectual Capital Accounting, Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards,
Mergers and Acquisitions’ Reflection on Financial Statements, Digital Accounting, Accounting Ethics,
Accounting Education
Kızıl, C., Şeker, Ş.E., Akman, V., Işık, E. Y., Demirkol, V., Kefeli, S. (2015).
"Muhasebe Finansman, Yönetim Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri
Yazıları", (Accounting-Finance, Management Organization and Management
Information System Articles), Leges Yayınları (Leges Publishing), ISBN: 978605-65066-8-0.
Aksel, İ., Arslan, M. L., Kızıl, C., Okur, M. E., Şeker, Ş. E. (2013). “Dijital
İşletme”, (Digital Business), Cinius Yayınları (Cinius Publishing). ISBN: 978605-127-675-5.
Kızıl, A., Fidan, M. M., Kızıl, C., Keskin, A. İ. (2013). "TMS - TFRS, Türkiye
Muhasebe ve Finansal Raporlama Standartları: Uygulamalar, Yorumlar,
Muhasebeleştirme" (TAS - TFRS, Turkish Accounting and Financial
Reporting Standards: Practices, Interpretations, Accountancy), DER Yayınları
(DER Publishing). ISBN: 978-975-353-404-8.
Kızıl, C., Kahve, F., Aydınyılmaz, O. (2013). "Muhasebe ve Finans
Perspektifinden Renault-Nissan Birleşmesi ile Daimler Stratejik Ortaklığı"
(Renault-Nissan Merger and Daimler Strategic Alliance from an Accounting
and Finance Perspective), Derin Yayınları (Published by Derin). ISBN: 978605-5500-77-1.
Kızıl, C. (2012). “Measurement, Accounting and Reporting of Intellectual
Capital in Arcelik" (ISBN: 978-3-8465-9777-4), Lap Lambert Academic
Publishing, Germany (in English).
Kızıl, C. (2010). "Entelektüel Sermaye Analizleri" (Intellectual Capital
Analysis). Derin Yayınları (Published by Derin). ISBN: 978-9944-250-98-6.
Kızıl, A., Kızıl C. (2007). "Accounting: Financial, Cost Managerial". Bahar
Yayınevi (Published by Bahar). ISBN: 994463070-5. (in English).
Kızıl, C., Akman, V., Korkmaz, H. (2015). "Marmara Bölgesinde MuhasebeDenetim Mesleğinin Önemi Üzerine Bir Araştırma", (A Research on the
Significance of Accounting-Auditing Profession in Marmara Region), The
Journal of Academic Social Science (ASOS Journal), Year: 3, Number: 10,
Kızıl, C., Akman, V., Zorkalkan, T., Türkmen, R. (2015). "Muhasebenin
Tarihine Küresel Kapsamda ve Türkiye Kapsamında Vergisel Bir Bakış", (A
Taxational Overlook to the History of Accounting from a Global and Turkish
Extent), Leges Social Sciences Journal, 15 September 2014-15 January 2015,
Year: 5, Number: 3, pp.70-87.
Akman, V., Hanoğlu, M., Kızıl, C., "Liderlik ile Personel Performansı
Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Şirket İncelemesi", (An Investigation of
Organization on the Relationship Between Leadership and Employee
Performance), Electronic Journal of Social Sciences (ESOSDER), Volume:14,
http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/esosder/article/view/5000082269 (31 January
Kızıl, C, Akman, V, Demir, N., "Dış Ticaret Uygulamalarında Akreditif
İşlemlerin Muhasebeleştirilmesi", (The Accounting of Letter of Credit
Transactions in Foreign Trade Practices, Trakya University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences International E-Journal, Volume: 3,
Kızıl, C., Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E., "An Accounting Viewpoint for the
Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of BIST 30
Firms in Turkey", Maliye Finans Yazıları Dergisi (Journal of Public Finance
and Finance), Year: 28, Number: 101, April 2014, pp.53-81.
http://www.finanskulup.org.tr/assets/maliyefinans/101/mfy101_ckizil_larslan_seseker_an_accounting_viewploint.pdf (15 May 2014).
Kızıl, C., Şeker, Ş. E., Bozan, D. (2014). "Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Bilgisayar
Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Muhasebe Dersindeki Başarısına Etkisi", (The
Impact of Information Technologies and Computer Usage on the Student
Success in Accounting Courses), Alphanumeric Journal, Volume: 2. No: 2, pp.
volume2_issue2_2014 /2014.02.02.STAT.03.pdf (December 31, 2014).
Kızıl, C., Çetin, A. T., Bulunmaz, A. (2014). "Accounting Education Approach
in the Context of New Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Accounting
Standards", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press
http://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/emaj/article/view/62 (August 7, 2014).
Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E., Kızıl, C. (2014). "Innovation Driven Emerging
Technology from two Contrary Perspectives: A Case Study of Internet",
Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol
3. No: 3, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2014.54. pp. 87-97,
http://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/emaj/article/download/54/202 (March 26,
Kızıl, C, Şeker, Ş. E., Avarkan, T. (2014), "Türk İşletme Dünyasından
Muhasebe Barter Uygulamaları ve Örnekleri", (Accounting Barter
Implementations and Examples from the Turkish Business World), Yalova
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (Yalova Social Sciences Journal), Volume: 4, No: 7,
pp. 67-78. http://yusbed.net/issue/view/5000001892 (March 24, 2014).
Kızıl, C., Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E. (2013). "Correlation Between Intellectual
Capital and Web Trends of Top 30 Companies in Turkey", International
Journal of Social Studies and Humanity Studies, Vol. 5 No: 2, ISSN: 13098063
Kızıl, C., Akman, V., Esmer, Ö. (2013), "Yalova'daki Aile İşletmelerinde
Karşılaşılan Muhasebe-Finansman ve Yönetim Organizasyon Sorunları",
(Accounting-Finance and Management Organization Problems Encountered in
Family Businesses in Yalova), İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi (Journal
of Business and Economics Studies - İİÇD), Volume: 1, Noı: 2, ISSN: 2147804X,
http://www.isletmeiktisat.com/index.php/iicd/article/view/5/pdf_2 (November
18, 2013).
Kızıl, C., Eddy, V., Clary, L., Crowell, K. (2013). "Hershey's Entry to the
Australian Market with a New Brand: An Accounting and Marketing
Perspective", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh
Press (USA), Vol. 3, No:2, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI:
18, 2013). (in English).
Çetin, A. T., Kızıl, C., Zengin, H. İ. (2013), "Impact of Mentoring on
Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Accounting-Finance
Academicians Employed in Turkey", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ),
University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol. 3, No: 2, ISSN: 2158-8708
18, 2013). (in English).
Kızıl, A., Güler, F., Ceylan, C., Kızıl, C., Keskin, A. İ., Buget, P. (2010).
"Evaluation of Managers Employed in the Turkish Tourism Sector's
Accommodation Estabishments", Akademik Bakış International Refereed
Social Sciences E-Journal, Number:22, October-November-December 2010,
ISSN: 1694-528X, http://www.akademikbakis.org/eskisite/22/12.pdf (October
1, 2010). (in English).
National Article
Kızıl, C., Akman, V., Aras, S., Erzin, N.O. (2015). "Yalova İlinde İkamet Eden
Muhasebe Meslek Mensuplarının Muhasebe Etik Algısı", (Accounting Ethics
Perception of Accounting Professionals Residing in the City of Yalova),
Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (Beykent University Journal of
National Article
Kızıl, C., Akman, V., Tasmacıoğlu, A., Taşkıran, H. (2014). "Çevre
Muhasebesinin Önemi Üzerine Yalova İlinde Bir Araştırma", (A Research in
Yalova City on the Significance of Environmental Accounting), Beykent
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (Beykent University Journal of Social
National Article
Kızıl, C, Erzin, N. O., Kara, E. Ç. (2013), "E-Ticaret Sektöründe Entelektüel
Sermayenin Ölçülmesi, Raporlanması ve Muhasebeleştirilmesi: Amazon.com
İşletmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma", (Measurement, Reporting and Accounting of
Intellectual Captial in the E-Commerce Industry: A Research on Amazon.com
Inc.) Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Nişantaşı University
Journal of Social Sciences), Volume: 1, No: 2, ISSN: 2147-5121, pp.137-158.
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Aras, S., Erzin, N. O. (2014). "Accounting Ethics: A Research Run
On Certified Public Accountans Residing In The City Of Yalova", 5th National
Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility, 26
September 2014, Edirne, Turkey, http://icga-icongfesr.trakya.edu.tr/pages/5-ulusal-konferans-kabul-edilen-bildiriler#.VDGvYdFxnIU (in Turkish)
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Öztürk, S. (2015). "Determination of Patient Satisfaction Levels in
Family Health Centers: An Example from Yalova City - Turkey", International
Conference on Management, Business, Economics, Social Sciences and
Humanities, Dubai, United Arap Emirates (UAE), 12-13 March 2015.
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E. (2013). "Correlation between Intellectual
Capital and Web Trends of Top 30 Companies in Turkey", Social Sciences
Research Society (SOSRES) VI. International Conference on Social Sciences
http://www.icssconference.net/ICSS_web_program.pdf, p. 4. (in English)
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Kurt, M. (2013). "Vision at Global, Action at Local", 2013 PRME
Summit - 5th Annual Assembly: New Ways of Developing Leaders for The
Future We Want, Selected Case Stories, 25-26 September 2013,Bled, Slovenia,
(in English).
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Erzin, N. O., Kara, E. Ç. (2013). "Measurement, Reporting and
Accounting of Intellectual Capital in the E-Commerce Industry: A Research on
Amazon.com Inc", Proceedings of European Business Research Conference,
http://www.wbiworldconpro.com/uploads/italy-conference2013/accounting/1378871972_107-Cevdet.pdf , ISBN: 978-1-922069-29-0 (in
(Conference Paper)
Çetin, A. T., Aslan, S., Kızıl, C. (2013). ”Behaviors of Academicians
Regarding Internet Acceptance and a Research Run in Marmara Region
Universities”, Proceedings of Balkans Between East and West International
Conference, 5-7 June 2013, Prizren, Kosovo. p. 211.
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Çetin, A. T., Bulunmaz, A. (2013). “Accounting Education Approach
in the Context of New Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Accounting
Standards”, 10th EBES Istanbul Conference Program and Abstract Book, May
23-25 2013, Istabul, Turkey, p. 63.
(Conference Paper)
Kızıl, C., Tansel Çetin, A., Zengin, H. İ.(2012). "The Impact of Mentoring on
Job Commitment and Turnover Intentions of Accounting-Finance
Academicians Employed in Turkey", Proceedings of 6th Asian Business
Research Conference, 8-10 Nisan 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. Book of Abstracts
http://www.wbiconpro.com/403-Cevdet.pdf (in English).
(Conference Paper)
Tansel Çetin, A., Kızıl, C., Yapıcı, G.(2012). “The Effects of Regulations
Concerning Accounting Ethics on Fraud and Unintentional Errors”. 4th
International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Corporate Social
Responsibility , 3-7 Nisan 2012, Alanya-Antalya, Turkey. Book of Abstracts,
Sayfa 76. (in English).
(Conference Paper)
Aybar, B., Fıçıcı, A., Kızıl C. (2006). "The Impact of Turkey's Possible EU
Accession on the Privatization Processes of the Energy Sector in Turkey". The
Future Competitiveness of the EU and Its Eastern Neighbours International
Conference. Turku, Finland. Books of Abstracts, Page 5. (in English).
Magazine Column
Kızıl C. (2015). "Entelektüel Sermaye: Muhasebe-Finans Bilgisi Önem
Kazanıyor", (Intellectual Capital: Accounting-Finance Knowledge Is Gaining
Importance), Türkiye İnsan Yönetimi Derneği - PERYÖN (Turkish
Association of Human Management), Popüler Yönetim Dergisi, (Popular
Management Journal), April 2015, Number: 57, pp.12-13.
Magazine Column
Kızıl C. (2014). "Soyut Girdilerle Somut Çıktılar: Entelektüel Sermaye"
(Tangible Outputs with Intangible Inputs: Intellectual Capital), Harvard
Business Review - Turkey (Harvard University Press), Issue: 3, No: 9, ISSN:
2147-3773, September 2014, p. 35.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C., Özkoçer, V. Ç. (2011). "3D Gözlüklü Ekonomi" (Economy with 3D
Glasses), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), May 3 2011, Tuesday,
Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C., Güzel F. (2011). "Doğan Güneş’in Ülkesi’ndeki Feryat" (Scream in
Land of the Rising Sun), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), March
28, 2011, Monday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C., Güzel F. (2011). "Nil'in Bereketli Vadisindeki Başkaldırış" (The
Rebellion in the Fruitful Valley of Nile), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk
Newspaper), February 9, 2011, Wednesday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "Akademik Yayin Paradokslari" (Academic Publication
Paradoxes), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), November 21, 2010,
Sunday, Page 21.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "OSYM ve Olasilik Teorisi" (“OSYM and the Probability
Theory), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), September 12, 2010,
Sunday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "1/500", Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper),
September 5, 2010, Sunday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "2, 4, ... ∞", Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper),
August 31, 2010, Tuesday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "Universite Seciminde Ipuclari" ("Tips For University
Selection"), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), May 16, 2010,
Sunday, Page 24.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2010). "Simarik Cocuk Bizi de Uzer Mi?" ("Will The Spoiled Child
Also Sadden Us?"), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), April 10,
2010, Saturday, Page 24.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2009). "Beklentiler 2010… Ekonomi OFF/ON?" ("Expectations
2010… Economy OFF/ON?"), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper),
December 29, 2009, Tuesday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2009). "Mehmet Bey Taburcu Olacak Mi?" ("Will Mr. Mehmet Be
Discharged?"), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), November 11,
2009, Wednesday, Page 20.
Newspaper Column Kızıl C. (2009). "Kirmizi Alarmlarin Entegrasyonu" ("The Integration Of Red
Alerts"), Haberturk Gazetesi (Haberturk Newspaper), September 15, 2009,
Tuesday, Page 20.
Blog Article
Kızıl, C., Güzel, F. (2011). "Rekabetin Yakasına Yapışan Pazar: Niş" (The
Market for Competition: Niche"), Dusuncekulubu, February 28, 2011,
Monday, http://www.dusuncekulubu.com/rekabetin-yakasina-yapisan-pazarnis/
Blog Article
Kızıl, C. (2010). "Emeklileri Emekletmemek: Alternatif Ekonomik Çözümler"
("No Crawling for the Retired: Alternative Economic Solutions"),
Blog Article
Kızıl, C. (2010). "İhtimali Bedelli Askerlik Fonlarının Etkin Kullanımı" ("The
Efficient Use of Probable Paid Military Service"), Dusuncekulubu, October 22,
1. Cited Publication with pages:
Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E., Kızıl, C. (2014). "Innovation Driven Emerging Technology from two
Contrary Perspectives: A Case Study of Internet", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of
Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol 3. No: 3, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2014.54. p. 8797. http://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/emaj/article/download/54/202 (March 26, 2014).
Cited By:
Şeker, Ş. E. (2015). "Computerized Argument Delphi Technique", IEEE Access, Volume: 3, DOI:
2. Cited Publication with pages:
Kızıl, C., Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E., "An Accounting Viewpoint for the Relationship Between
Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of BIST 30 Firms in Turkey", Maliye Finans Yazıları Dergisi
(Journal of Public Finance and Finance Articles), Year: 28, No: 101, April 2014, pp.53-81.
http://www.finanskulup.org.tr/assets/maliyefinans/101/mfy101_ckizil_larslan_seseker_an_accounting_viewploint.pdf (May 15, 2014).
Cited By:
Taliyang, S.M., Jaffar, R., Mustafa, N.H., Mansor, M. "Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Market
Capitalization", International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 5, No: 10, September 2014,
pp.96-102. http://ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_5_No_10_September_2014/13.pdf
3. Cited Publication with pages:
Kızıl, C., Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E. (2013). "Correlation Between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends
of Top 30 Companies in Turkey", International Journal of Social Studies and Humanity Studies, Vol. 5
Cited By:
Mert, C., Şeker, Ş. E., Jamburia, G., Temel, M. H. (2014). "Technological Impact of Employment Web
Sites in Caucasus Region", European Journal of Business Research, Vol. 14, Issue: 3, pp.81-86.
4. Cited Publication with pages:
Arslan, M. L., Şeker, Ş. E., Kızıl, C. (2014). "Innovation Driven Emerging Technology from two
Contrary Perspectives: A Case Study of Internet", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of
Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol 3. No: 3, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2014.54. p. 87.
http://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/emaj/article/download/54/202 (March 26, 2014).
Cited By:
Şeker, Ş. E., Georgievski, B. (2014). "Financial Crisis and the ICT Industry, Cross Market Research on
Europe, US, Turkish and Gulf Countries", Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 22221697, Vol.5, No.24, pp. 78-88.
5. Cited Publication with pages:
Kızıl, A. & Kızıl C. (2007). "Accounting: Financial, Cost Managerial". Bahar Yayınevi (Published by
Bahar). ISBN: 994463070-5. (in English), pages 46, 159.
Cited By:
Şoğur, M. (2012). "Stoklar: Hukuk, Teori, Muhasebe Uygulaması" (Inventories: Law, Theory and
Accounting Applications), Derin Yayınları (Published by Derin), Publication No: 063, ISBN: 978-6055500-50-4, İstanbul.
6. Cited Publication with pages:
Kızıl, C. (2010). "Entelektüel Sermaye Analizleri" (Intellectual Capital Analysis). Derin Yayınları
(Published by Derin). ISBN: 978-9944-250-98-6, page 4.
Cited By:
Şoğur, M. (2012). "Marka" (The Brand), Derin Yayınları (Published by Derin), Publication No: 064,
ISBN: 978-605-5500-51-1, İstanbul.
7. Cited Publication with pages:
Aybar, B., Fıçıcı, A., Kızıl C. (2006). "The Impact of Turkey's Possible EU Accession on the
Privatization Processes of the Energy Sector in Turkey". Pan European Instıtute, Turku School of
Economics. CD-ROM, 1-27 (in English).
Cited By:
Condrat, C. (2011). "Enlargement of the European Union: Candidate Countries and New Entrants",
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom (Master’s Thesis).
2015 External Expert (Evaluator) - Republic of Turkey Ministry of European Union Affairs Erasmus+
Program, http://www.ua.gov.tr/
2015 Referee
2015 Referee - Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Beykent University Journal of Social Sciences
- BUJSS), http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/bujss
2014 Referee
2014 Editor
2014 Referee - Journal of Management of Roraima (Revista de Administração de Roraima - RARR) (Brasil),
2014 Editor - Journal of Management of Roraima (Revista de Administração de Roraima - RARR) (Brasil),
2014 Referee - Online Journal of Arts and Humanities (OIJAH), http://onlineresearchjournals.org/IJAH/
2014 Referee - Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies (JAFAS), http://jafas.org
2014 Referee - International Invention Journal of Arts and
2014 Referee - International Strategic Management Confereence (ISMC), http://ismc.gyte.edu.tr/
2014 Editor - International Journal of Business Intelligence and Information Management (IJBIIM), Peer
Reviewed Journal of Business Intelligence and Information Management
2014 –
Referee - International Conference of Business Students (ICOBS), http://www.icobs.org/index.html
2013 Referee - African Journal of Business Management (AJBM), Bi-Weekly Published Journal of
Management , ISSN: 1993-8233, http://www.academicjournals.org/ajbm/
2013 Referee - Istanbul Medeniyet University Rectorship Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit
(BAP) “Social Web Mining and Business Intelligence” titled project
2013 Referee - Online Journal of Social Sciences Research (OJSSR), Monthly Published Peer-Rewieved
Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN: 2277 - 0844, http://onlineresearchjournals.org/JSS/
2011 Referee - Maliye ve Finans Yazıları Dergisi (Journal of Public Finance and Finance Articles),
Quarterly Published Peer-Reviewed Journal of Public Finance and Finance, Turkey
2010 Managing Associate Editor - Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), Semiannually Published PeerReviewed Journal of Business Management, University of Pittsburgh - U.S.A., University Library
System, ISSN : 2159 - 2411, ISSN Online: 2158- 8724, http://emaj.pitt.edu
2010 - 2011
Associate Editor - Cinema Journal (CINEJ), Semiannually Published Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Cinema, University of Pittsburgh - U.S.A., University Library System, ISSN : 2159 - 242X, ISSN
Online: 2158- 8708, http://cinej.pitt.edu
"The Differences/Similarities among the Business Administration, Economics, International Finance
and International Relations Departments", Istanbul, Eyup Anatolian High School, May 26, 2010,
Wednesday, Presentation Period: 13.00 - 15.00.
“Introduction to the Science of Management and Exploring the Business Administration Department”,
Istanbul, E.C.A. Elginkan Anatolian High School, January 6, 2010, Wednesday, Presentation Period:
13.00 - 14.00
“E-Commerce Application Development Project”, Project Team Member, Istanbul, NEFAS
Electronics LLC, 2010. (www.nefas.com.tr)
“E-Commerce Application Content Writing Project”,
iphoneurunleri.com, 2010. (www.iphoneurunleri.com)
October 2011 -
Yalova University, School of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Business Administration Department in English, Yalova/TURKEY
Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)
Job Description:
Holding the positions of Vice Department Chair of Business Administration
Department in English, Head of the Department of Commercial Law and Leeds
Metropolitan University (U.K.) B.S. Dual Degree Program Coordinator in the
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Teaching Cost Accounting,
Accounting I, Inventory Balance Sheet, Accounting II, Financial Statement
Analysis, Managerial Accounting, Research Methdology and International
Financial Management courses to the students of Business Administration
Department in English. Lecturing Financial Statement Analysis course to
Business Administration (Evening Education) students and Accounting
Applications in Business course to Graduate MBA students. Teaching Basic
Computer Sciences course to the students of International Relations Department
via distance education. Serving as Deputy Chairman for Business Administration
Department in English (Periodical), Deputy Chairman for International Trade and
Finance Department (Periodical), Deputy Coordinator for Farabi Program
(Periodical), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Committee
Member for Internal Undergraduate Transfer Students, External Undergraduate
Students and Double Major Students, Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences Election Commission Member for Faculty Board Associate Professors
and Assistant Professors, Advisor for Yalova University Career Club, Advisor for
Yalova University Chess Club, Business Administration Department in English
Scholarship Committee Member, MBA Graduating Projects Oral Examination
Jury Member, MBA Admission Interviews and Evaluation Jury Member, Erasmus
Student Exchange Oral Examination for Outgoing Students in English Jury
Member, MBA Graduation Projects Advisor, Business Administration
Department in English Board Member and Business Administration Department
in English Career Days Coordinator. Doing scientific research, involving in book,
article and newspaper column writing activities, participating in international and
national conferences, seminars and panels. (http://www.yalova.edu.tr)
Jun. 2013-Jun. 2013
University of Sevilla (Universidad de Sevilla), Faculty of Work Sciences,
Finance and Accounting Department Sevilla/SPAIN
Visiting Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)
Job Description:
Teaching the Financial Management course to University of Sevilla (Universidad
de Sevilla), Faculty of Work and Sciences, Finance and Accounting Department
students within Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program. Informing the
undergraduate students from University of Sevilla (Universidad de Sevilla) about
International Financial Risk Types and Hedging Against Risk as well as the
World Trade Organization. Supporting the teaching process by examples globally
and from Turkey as well as Spain. Visiting Spain with Erasmus Scholarship and
having introduction, orientation and seminar with University of Sevilla
(Universidad de Sevilla) faculty. Contacting to University of Sevilla (Universidad
de Sevilla) accounting-finance academicians and the international office, meeting
with accounting-finance academicians to discuss possible future co-authored
publications. (http:www.us.es)
Jan. 2013-May. 2013
Kadir Has University, Vocational School of Justice, Istanbul/TURKEY
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Job Description:
Teaching the General Accounting course at Kadir Has University Vocational
School of Justice for 2 hours per week. Preparing the exam questions and
evaluating students' mid-term and final exam papers.
Oc. 2012-Jan. 2013
Turkish Naval Forces, Karamürselbey Petty Officer Vocational School,
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Job Description:
Teaching the General Accounting course at Turkish Naval Forces Karamürselbey
Petty Officer Vocational School for 2 hours per week. Preparing the exam
questions and evaluating students' mid-term and final exam papers.
March 2012
University of Lodz (Uniwersytet Lodzki), Faculty of Management,
Business Management Department, Lodz/POLAND
Visiting Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)
Job Description:
Teaching the Financial Management course to University of Lodz (Uniwersytet
Lodzki), Faculty of Management, Business Management Department 3rd year
students within Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program. Informing the
undergraduate students from University of Lodz (Uniwersytet Lodzki) about
International Financial Risk Types and Hedging Against Risk as well as the
World Trade Organization. Supporting the teaching process by examples globally
and from Turkey as well as Poland. Visiting Poland with Erasmus Scholarship
and having introduction, orientation and seminar with University of Lodz
(Uniwersytet Lodzki) faculty. Contacting to University of Lodz (Uniwersytet
Lodzki) accounting-finance academicians and the international office, meeting
with accounting-finance academicians to discuss possible future co-authored
publications. (http://www.uni.lodz.pl)
Sep. 2010-Oc. 2011
Beykent University, School of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Dep. of International Logistics and Transportation, Istanbul/TURKEY
Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)
Job Description:
Doing scientific research in School of Economics and Administrative
Sciences, involving in book, article and newspaper column writing
activities, participating in international and national conferences, seminars
and panels, informing the students and parents, guiding them about various
issues. (www.beykent.edu.tr)
Aug. 2010-Aug. 2011
Kadir Has University, School of Social Sciences,
Capital Market and Securities Program, Istanbul/TURKEY
Job Description:
Instructor, Doctor of Philosophy (Inst. Ph.D.)
Teaching Introduction to Business Administration I, Finance I, Accounting,
Management and Organization, Accounting for Financial Institutions, Credit
Management and Analysis, Introduction to Business Administration II, Foreign
Trade Accounting and Introduction to Accounting I courses in the School of
Social Sciences, doing scientific research, involving in book, article and
newspaper column writing activities, participating in international and national
conferences, seminars and panels, representing the School of Social Sciences in
education fairs and public relation events, informing the students and parents,
guiding them about various issues. (www.khas.edu.tr)
Feb. 2011 - Jun. 2011
Job Description:
Yalova University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Business Administration Department in English, Yalova/TURKEY
Part-Time Instructor, Ph.D.
Teaching Managerial Accounting and Analysis of Securities courses to Year 3
(3rd Year) students of Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences Business Administration Department in English.
Oc. 2009 – Aug. 2010
Kadir Has University, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences,
Business Administration Department, Istanbul/TURKEY
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Job Description:
Doing scientific research, involving in book, article and newspaper column
writing activities, participating in conferences and meetings, representing the
business administration department in education fairs, guiding the students and
parents by answering their questions through information sessions, determining
the courses and credits to be taken by transfer students, running the Web
Coordinator Position of Kadir Has University, Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences.(www.khas.edu.tr)
Jan. 2005 – Oc. 2009
Kadir Has University, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences,
Business Administration Department, Istanbul/TURKEY
Teaching & Research Assistant
Job Description:
Teaching the Project Management and E-Commerce courses, doing scientific
research, involving in the book and article writing activities, preparing exam
questions and grading the exam papers, grading assignments, representing the
business administration department in education fairs, reading and summarizing
business books, preparing Powerpoint presentations, finding data/articles on the
internet, introducing and touring the university to the high school students and
observing the exams.(www.khas.edu.tr)
Dec. 2008 - Jan. 2009
Kawacom Turkey Ipanema Espresso, Istanbul/TURKEY
Web Mentor
Job Description:
Providing consultancy to Kawacom Turkey Ipanema Espresso through the
initiation phase of their official website, sharing ideas and presenting technical
information, having brainstorming sessions with the company's webmaster,
providing guidance and giving advices for starting and developing the firm's
Ap. 2006 – Ap. 2007
Job Description:
SET Education and Consulting Services, Istanbul/TURKEY
Instructor & Consultant
Teaching the Economics, Finance and English language courses to university
students, providing information about the preparation of undergraduate and
graduate thesis, guiding students in writing projects and assignments, informing
them about doing scientific research, showing the required techniques and
strategies for an effective presentation and providing academic consulting for
university education.(www.setegitim.com)
Oct. 2003-Oct. 2004
Southern New Hampshire University, School of Business,
Economics/Finance Department, Manchester/New Hampshire/U.S.A.
Graduate Assistant
Job Description:
Doing scientific research on W.T.O. (World Trade Organization), reading and
summarizing economics and finance books, preparing Powerpoint presentations,
finding data/articles on the internet, report writing, grading exam papers
Jan. 2003-Aug. 2003
Job Description:
Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul/TURKEY
Assistant External Auditor
Planning and performing the audit, discovering of illegal or unsafe conditions or
activities, representing significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the
internal control structure, informing significant errors and problems, controlling
VAT rates and invoices - checking if they are correct on accountance records.
Jan. 2003-Aug. 2003
Istanbul University, Research Foundation, Istanbul/TURKEY
Instructor of Web Programming – Web Designing
Job Description:
Giving lectures on web programming. Training students by teaching them HTML,
ASP, Javascript, Frontpage, Internet Explorer, hosting & domain name operations,
search engines, meta tags, FTP, web programming and internet terms, designing
concepts. (iuvakfi.org)
Dec. 2002-Aug. 2003
UNYAKO Cooperative Corporation, Istanbul/TURKEY
Web Developer
Job Description:
Designing and developing the official website of Unyako Cooperative
Corporation by writing codes and using web technologies such as HTML, ASP
and Java Script. (unyako.org)
Aug. 2002-Aug. 2003
Istanbul University, Research Foundation, Istanbul/TURKEY
Web Developer
Job Description:
Designing and developing the official website of Istanbul University Research
Foundation by writing codes and using web technologies such as HTML, ASP
and Java Script. (iuvakfi.org)
June 2002-Aug. 2003
Ahmet Kızıl Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant (SCPA) Office,
Auditing Staff
Job Description:
Controlling VAT rates and invoices - checking if they are correct on accountance
Mar. 2001-Present
Istanbul Uni., Faculty of Eco. - Business Admin. Dep., Istanbul/TURKEY
Web Developer
Job Description:
Designing and developing the official website of Istanbul University, Faculty of
Economics - Business Administration Department by writing codes and using web
technologies such as HTML, ASP and Java Script. (istanbulisletme.org)
Feb.2000-April 2002
Acaröz Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Office, Istanbul/TURKEY
Accounting Staff
Job Description:
Organizing and filing accountance records, firms bookkeeping, involving in tax
office operations, contacting customer firms.
Sİİ507 Financial Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of Social
Sciences, MBA Program in English with Thesis, Sİİ507 Financial Accounting, 11 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA in English with Thesis)
Sİİ529TZ Accounting for Managers - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of
Social Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ529TZ Accounting for Managers, 13 Students, 3
Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds Beckett University (England) - Yalova
University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 104 Accounting II, 37 Students, 3 Hours Theory
Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds Beckett University
(England) - Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 2, MAN 212 Financial Statement
Analysis, 15 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 306 Managerial Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds Beckett University (England)
- Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 3, MAN 306 Managerial Accounting, 9 Students,
3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 104
Accounting II, 80 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2,
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis, 58 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 306 Managerial Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3,
MAN 306 Managerial Accounting, 48 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 404 Accounting CPA - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics
and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 4, MAN 404
Accounting CPA, 11 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 446 Tax Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 4, MAN 446 Tax
Accounting, 12 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
Sİİ507 Financial Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of Social
Sciences, MBA Program in English with Thesis, Sİİ507 Financial Accounting, 2 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA in English with Thesis)
Sİİ534TZ Cost and Managerial Accounting - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University
Institute of Social Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ534TZ Cost and Managerial
Accounting, 4 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
MAN 319 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds
Beckett University (England) - Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 3, MAN 319
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 8 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds Beckett University (England)
- Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 2, MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet, 23
Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Leeds Beckett University (England) - Yalova
University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 103 Accounting I, 31 Students, 3 Hours Theory
Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 405 Auditing - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 4, MAN 405 Auditing,
43 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 319 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) - 2014-2015 Academic Year,
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration
Department in English, Year 3, MAN 319 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 34
Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2,
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet, 53 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 103
Accounting I, 91 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 305 Cost Accounting (Evening Education) - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in Turkish,
Year 3, ISL 305 Cost Accounting, 57 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate - Evening
IKT 209 Inventory Balance Sheet (Evening Education) - 2014-2015 Academic Year, Yalova
University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics Department, Year 2, IKT
209 Inventory Balance Sheet, 64 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate - Evening
Sİİ555TZ Research Methodology - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of Social
Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ555TZ Research Methodology, 25 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University (England) Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 104 Accounting II, 22 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University
(England) - Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 2, MAN 212 Financial Statement
Analysis, 7 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 404 Graduation Project (Accounting-CPA) - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English,
Year 4, MAN 404 Graduation Project (Accounting-CPA), 12 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 104
Accounting II, 72 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2,
MAN 212 Financial Statement Analysis, 63 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 212 Financial Statement Analysis (Evening Education) - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova
University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in
Turkish, Year 2, ISL 212 Financial Statement Analysis, 72 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week
(Undergraduate - Evening Education)
ADL 112 General Accounting - Academic Year, Kadir Has University Vocational School of Justice,
43 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
Sİİ507 Financial Accounting - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of Social
Sciences, MBA Program in English with Thesis, Sİİ507 Financial Accounting, 5 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA in English with Thesis)
Sİİ511TZ Accounting for Managers - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Institute of
Social Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ511TZ Accounting for Managers, 18 Students, 3
Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
Sİİ534TZ Cost and Managerial Accounting - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University
Institute of Social Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ534TZ Cost and Managerial
Accounting, 6 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University (England) Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 103 Accounting I, 23 Students, 3 Hours
Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 103
Accounting I, 66 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University
(England) - Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 2, MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet,
8 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2013-2014 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2,
MAN 211 Inventory Balance Sheet, 46 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 214 Corporate Accounting - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English,
ISL 214 Corporate Accounting, 6 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 105 Research Methods - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English
and International Relations Department, Year 1, MAN 105 Research Methods, 12 Students, 6 Hours
Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 102 Introduction to Business II - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova
University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in
English, MAN 102 Introduction to Business II, 11 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week
ISL 407 Organizational Behavior - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English,
ISL 407 Organizational Behavior, 2 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 408 International Marketing - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English,
ISL 408 International Marketing, 3 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 324 Labor Law - 2012-2013 Academic Year Summer School, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, ISL 324
Labor Law, 3 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
1080024 Financial Management - 2012-2013 Academic Year, University of Sevilla - Spain
(Universidad de Sevilla) Faculty of Work Sciences, Finance and Accounting Department, Year 3,
1080024 Financial Management, 35 Students, 6 Hours Theory in Total (Undergraduate)
Sİİ501TZ Accounting Applications in Business - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University
Institute of Social Sciences, MBA Program without, Sİİ501TZ Accounting Applications in Business, 8
Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University (England) Yalova University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 104 Accounting II, 10 Students, 2 Hours
Theory + 2 Hours Practice Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 104 Accounting II - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 104
Accounting II, 56 Students, 2 Hours Theory + 2 Hours Practice Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 308 Managerial Accounting - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL
308 Managerial Accounting, 49 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
General Accounting - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Kadir Has University Vocational School of Justice,
34 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
General Accounting - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Turkish Naval Forces, Karamürselbey Petty Officer
Vocational School, 30 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Leeds Metropolitan University - Yalova
University B.S. Dual Degree Program, Year 1, MAN 103 Accounting I, 10 Students, 4 Hours Theory
Per Week (Undergraduate)
MAN 103 Accounting I - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, MAN 103
Accounting I, 56 Students, 4 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ENF 101 Use of Information Technology (Distance Education) - 2012-2013 Academic Year,
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, International Relations
Department, Year 1, ENF 101 Use of Information Technology, 44 Students, 1 Hour Theory and 2
Hours Practice Per Week (Undergraduate - Distance Education)
ISL 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2, ISL
211 Inventory Balance Sheet, 42 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 307 Cost Accounting - 2012-2013 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL 307 Cost
Accounting, 45 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
Sİİ501TZ Accounting Applications in Business - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University
Institute of Social Sciences, MBA Program without Thesis, Sİİ501TZ Accounting Applications in
Business, 9 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Graduate MBA without Thesis)
0800-XPAGON Financial Management - 2011-2012 Academic Year, University of Lodz - Poland
(Uniwersytet Lodzki - Poland) Faculty of Management, Business Management Department, Year 3,
0800-XPAGON Financial Management, 29 Students, 5 Hours Theory in Total (Undergraduate)
ISL 212 Financial Statement Analysis (Evening Education) - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova
University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in
Turkish, Year 2, ISL 212 Financial Statement Analysis, 34 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week
(Undergraduate – Evening Education)
ISL 212 Financial Statement Analysis - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2, ISL
212 Financial Statement Analysis, 51 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 102 Accounting II - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, ISL 102 Accounting
II, 56 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 211 Inventory Balance Sheet - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 2, ISL
211 Inventory Balance Sheet, 58 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 101 Accounting I - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 1, ISL 101 Accounting
I, 54 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 307 Cost Accounting - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL 307 Cost
Accounting, 52 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 323 International Financial Management - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English,
Year 3, ISL 323 International Financial Management, 26 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week
ISL 309 Research Methodology - 2011-2012 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL
309 Research Methdology, 39 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
MU 101 Inroduction to Accounting I - 2010-2011 Academic Year Summer School, Kadir Has
University School of Applied Sciences, Real Estate and Asset Valuation Department, Year 1, MU101
Introduction to Accounting I, 15 Students, 4 Hours 20 Minutes Theory + 4 Hours 20 Minutes Practice
Per Week (Undergraduate)
FI 114 Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year Summer School, Kadir Has University School of
Social Sciences, Finance Program, Year 1, FI 114 Accounting, 2 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week
DT 206 Foreign Trade Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year Summer School, Kadir Has
University School of Social Sciences, Foreign Trade Program, Year 2, DT 206 Foreign Trade
Accounting, 4 Students, 6 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
ISL 308 Managerial Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL
308 Managerial Accounting, 27 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
ISL 302 Analysis of Securities - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Yalova University Faculty of Economics
and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration Department in English, Year 3, ISL 302
Analysis of Securities, 27 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
YN 102.2 Introduction to Business Administration II - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has
University School of Applied Scieces, International Trade and Logistics Department, Year 1, YN 102.2
Introduction to Business Administration II, 53 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
BS 206.1 Credit Management and Analysis - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University
School of Social Sciences, Banking and Insurance Program, Year 2, BS 206.1 Credit Management and
Analysis, 16 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
BS 212.1 Accounting for Financial Institutions - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University
School of Social Sciences, Banking and Insurance Program, Year 2, BS 212.1 Accounting for Financial
Institutions, 17 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
FI 210.1 Accounting for Financial Institutions - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University
School of Social Sciences, Finance Program, Capital Markets and Securities Program, Year 2, FI 210.1
Accounting for Financial Institutions, 6 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
DT 114.1 Management and Organization - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School
of Social Sciences, Foreign Trade Program, Year 1, DT 114.1 Management and Organization, 29
Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
HIR 110.1 Management and Organization - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University
School of Social Sciences, Public Relations and Advertising Program, Year 1, HIR 110.1 Management
and Organization, 13 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
FI 114.1 Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social Sciences,
Finance Program, Capital Markets and Securities Program, Year 1, FI 114.1 Accounting, 10 Students,
3 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
UL 118.1 Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social Sciences,
Logistics Program, Year 1, UL 118.1 Accounting, 19 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate)
DT 109.1 Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social Sciences,
Foreign Trade Program, Year 1, DT 109.1 Accounting, 29 Students, 2 Hours Theory + 2 Hours
Practice Per Week (Associate)
BS 211.1 Accounting - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social Sciences,
Banking and Insurance Program, Year 2, BS 211.1 Accounting, 19 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week
FI 113.1 Finance I - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social Sciences,
Capital Market and Securities Program, Year 1, FI 113.1 Finance I, 6 Students, 3 Hours Theory Per
Week (Associate)
YN 101.2 Introduction to Business I - 2010-2011 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of
Applied Sciences, International Trade and Logistics Department, Year 1, YN 101.2 Introduction to
Business I, 60 Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
Finance, Economics, English Language - 2006-2007 Academic Year, SET Education and Consulting
Services, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate)
BA 428 and CE 481 E-Commerce - 2004-2005 Academic Year, Kadir Has University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Engineering, Business Administration
Department and Computer Engineering Department, Year 4, BA 428 and CE 481 E-Commerce, 25
Students, 3 Hours Theory Per Week (Undergraduate), Summer School, with Dr. Besir Topaloglu
PY 222 Project Management - 2004-2005 Academic Year, Kadir Has University School of Social
Sciences,Public Relations and Advertising Department, Year 2, PY 222 Project Management, 38
Students, 2 Hours Theory Per Week (Associate), with Dr. Ayten Gorgun
Web Programming and Web Designing - 2002-2003 Academic Year, Istanbul University Research
Foundation, Web Programming and Web Designing, 9 Students, 3 Hours Theory + 3 Hours Practice
Per Week
2015 -
Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Master of Business Administration
(MBA) in English, Admission Interviews and Scientific Evaluation Jury
2014 -
Yalova University Youth Club Advisor
2014 -
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Business
Administration Department in English, International Cooperations Coordinator
2013 -
Yalova University Jury Member of Foreign Language Exam in English for
Assistant Professor Appointments
2013 -
Yalova University Chess Club Advisor
2013 -
Yalova University Career Club Advisor
2013 -
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Election
Commission Member for Faculty Board Associate Professors and Assistant
2012 -
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Head of
the Department of Commercial Law
2012 - 2014
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Deputy
Chairman for Business Administration Department in English (Periodical)
2012 - 2013
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Deputy
Chairman for International Trade and Finance Department (Periodical)
2012 -
Yalova University Research
Examination Jury Member
2012 -
Erasmus Student Exchange Oral Examination for Outgoing Students in English
Jury Member (Yalova University Election Commission Member for the
Erasmus Program)
2012 - 2013
Yalova University Deputy Coordinator for Farabi Program
2012 -
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Committee Member for Internal Undergraduate Transfer Students, External
Undergraduate Students and Double Major Students
2011 - 2014
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business
Administration Department in English, Vice Department Chair
2011 -
Yalova University-Leeds Metropolitan University (U.K.) B.S. Dual Degree
Program Coordinator
2011 -
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business
Administration Department in English, Board Member
2011 -
Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, MBA Graduation Projects Oral
Examination Jury Member
2011 -
Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, MBA Admission Interviews and
Evaluation Jury Member
2011 -
Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, MBA Graduation Projects Advisor
2011 - 2012
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business
Administration Department in English, Scholarship Committee Member
2011 - 2012
Yalova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business
Administration Department in English, Career Days Coordinator
2010 – 2011
Kadir Has University, School of Social Sciences Curriculum Sub-Committee
2007 – 2010
Kadir Has University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Web
2014 - 2015
Senem Altan, "Intellectual Capital and School Performance: A Research in Private
High Schools", Okan University Social Sciences Institute, Ph.D. in Management and
Organization Program, Doctoral Thesis
2014 – 2015
Zeynep Çiğdem Şahin, "Ethical Principles for Independent Auditors", Yalova
University Social Sciences Institute, Master of Science in Social Policy Program,
Graduate Thesis
2014 – 2015
Elif Yazıcı, "Enron Scandal with Its International Reflections", Yalova University
Social Sciences Institute, Master of Science in Social Policy Program, Graduate
2012 - 2013
Şiyar Gazioğlu, "Service Quality in Social Security Institutions: An Example from
Yalova", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Master of Science in Social
Policy Program, Graduate Thesis
2012 - 2013
Aysun Göncü, "The Approaches of Yalova Based Decoration Plantsman Towards
Export", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2012 - 2013
Merih Türkarslan, "The Importance of Government Support in the Agriculture and
Livestock Industry", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA
2012 – 2013
Doğan Çay, "Evaluation of the Internal Audit System in Associations: An Example
from Yalova", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2012 – 2013
Ferhat Buğur, "Marketing Strategies - Problems and Solutions for SMEs: A Research
in the Decoration Plant Sector of Yalova", Yalova University Social Sciences
Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2012 – 2013
Gülsüm Vezir, "The New Face of Firms: Corporate Social Responsibility ", Yalova
University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Onur Öztürk, "Problems Experienced in the Marketing of Kiwi Fruit Produced in
Yalova", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Erol Ateş, "Outsourcing in Logistics Management: An Application on the
Manufacturing Sector of Bursa City", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute,
Graduate MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Gökçen Yapıcı, "The Effects of Regulations Concerning Accounting Ethics on Fraud
and Unintentional Errors", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate
MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Sema Aslan, "The Implementation of Internet Acceptance Model on Academicians",
Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Onur Gümüş, "The Analysis of Financial Ratio Variances for Small and Medium
Sized Enterprises Operating in Bursa ", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute,
Graduate MBA Program
2011 – 2012
Özlem Özmen, "Ethics in Accounting Profession: An Example from the city of
Yalova", Yalova University Social Sciences Institute, Graduate MBA Program
2010 -
Actively participated in the foundation process of Kadir Has University Alumni
Association (HASMED). Contributed to determination and creation of the road map,
mission, vision, values, logo and regulations (code of conduct) of the association.
Shared ideas about the strategy, short term and long term goals of HASMED by
joining the executive board meetings. Expressed thoughts about future policies and
steps to consider for structuring the association. Explained activities/operations that
can be put in practice for HASMED's organizations and events. Emphasized the
potential action plan for providing high quality services to Kadir Has University
2006 - 2009
Kadir Has University, Finance and Banking Doctorate Program
Representative for the Finance and Banking Ph.D. Class '2006
Communicated wishes, expectations and opinions of the Finance and Banking Ph.D.
Class '2006 to the institute management and teaching academicians during the
education period. Similarly, the demands, thoughts and desires of institute
management and professors were clearly delivered to Ph.D. students. Served as an
intercommunication and dialog bridge between the teaching academicians and
students. Informed and enlightened the Ph.D. students about regulations-procedures
regarding doctorate education. Made timely announcements to the class concerning
critical subjects. Created an e-group to foster data exchange, communication and
contact in digital environments. Coordinated and planned organizations held inside
and outside the university
2003 - 2004
Southern New Hampshire University - President of Chess Club
Joined the elections as a president candidate for Southern New Hampshire University
Chess Club and was voted the highest by organization members. After earning
president title, gave a speech in front of S.G.A. (Student Government Association)
Executive Committee and representatives of other clubs to inform them about the
chess club's projects. Finally did lead the events and gave chess courses as the
Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics - Chairman of Yearbook Committee
Joined the elections of yearbook project and was voted the highest by the students of
Economics Faculty. The yearbook was completed and delivered to all students
successfully at the end of the year.
Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics – Chairman, Graduation Committee
Joined the elections of graduation project and was voted the highest by the students
of Economics Faculty. The graduation ceremony and the following organizational
party were held successfully at the end of the year.
Date of Birth:
06.01.1980 (June 1, 1980)
Marital Status:
Military Service:
Completed. Mardin (Turkey-Syria border), 305 S/T Infantry Sergeant.
Driver’s License:
Operator (New Hampshire, U.S.A.), Operator - B Class (Turkey)
Chess (professional – officially licensed player , Turkish Chess Federation),
Computers, Web Programming, Web Designing , Cycling, R/C model hobbies, Soccer,
Aquarist, Karting.
- World Business Institute - World Academy of Social Science (wbiworld.org)
- Academy of Management (aomonline.org)
- Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business Administration (deltamudelta.org)
- Hasbahce Chess Club
- HASMED (Kadir Has University Alumni Association) (hasmed.org)
- IFMC (Faculty of Economics Alumni Association) (ifmc.org.tr)
- Istanbul University Economics Faculty Chess Club
- New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants (nhscpa.org)
- SNHU A.C.E. (SNHU Association of Cultural Exchange Club)
- SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University) Chess Club
- TEMA (tema.org.tr)
- TIDE (Institure of Internal Auditing - Turkey (tide.org.tr)
- Yalova Univerity Business and Economics Club (gelismecistiyorum.com)
- Yalova University Career Club
- Yalova University Chess Club
2015 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, 2014 Best Publication Performance Award
(Academic Personnel with the Highest Number of Publications Award for
2015 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, Excellence in Teaching Award for 2014 Spring
Term - Awarded for outstanding rank in the department concerning
teaching Financial Statement Analysis course, attaining a high grade and
receiving appreciation as a result of student satisfaction surveys
2014 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, Appreciation Plaque for Outstanding Performance
as the Vice Department Chairman (2011-2014)
2014 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, 2013 Best Publication Performance Award
(Academic Personnel with the Highest Number of Publications Award for
2014 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, Excellence in Teaching Award for 2013 Spring
Term - Awarded for outstanding rank in the department concerning
teaching Accounting II course, attaining a high grade and receiving
appreciation as a result of student satisfaction surveys
2014 - Republic of Turkey Yalova University Business Administration
Department in English, Appreciation Certificate for Outstanding
Performance as the Vice Department Chairman (2011-2014)
2013 - Erasmus Teaching Mobility Scholarship - Awarded for teaching
the Financial Management course at University of Sevilla (Universidad de
Sevilla) Faculty of Work Sciences, Finance and Accounting Department
(Sevilla, Spain)
2013 - Republic of Turkey, Yalova University
1st Rectorship Chess Tournament
1st Place Medal
(Yalova, Turkey)
2012 - World Academy of Social Sciences Best Paper Award. Ranked 1st
out of 21 countries and 70 scientific articles with the paper titled
"The Impact of Mentoring on Job Commitment and Turnover Intentions
of Accounting-Finance Academicians Employed in Turkey", 6th Asian
Business Research Conference, 8-10 April 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
2012 - Erasmus Teaching Mobility Scholarship - Awarded for teaching
the Financial Management course at University of Lodz (Uniwersytet
Lodzki) Faculty of Management, Business Management Department
(Lodz, Poland)
2008 - Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business Admin.
Honor Certificate - Awarded for recognition of high scholastic attainment
(Southern New Hampshire Uni., Manchester/New Hampshire, U.S.A.)
2006 - Republic of Turkey Kadir Has University
Finance and Banking Doctorate (Ph.D.) Program
Full (100%) Scholarship
(Istanbul, Turkey)
2006 - Republic of Turkey, The Land Forces Commandership
70th Mechanical Infantry Brigade Commandership
Superior Service (Appreciation) Certificate
(Mardin, Turkey)
2006 - Ilkadim Rotary Club
Letter (Certificate) of Thanks
(Samsun, Turkey)
2004 - Southern New Hampshire University
Summer Chess Tournament '04
1st Place Trophy
(Manchester/New Hampshire, U.S.A.)
2004 - Southern New Hampshire University
Spring Chess Tournament '04
1st Place Trophy
(Manchester/New Hampshire, U.S.A.)
2003 - Republic of Turkey, Istanbul University
Faculty of Economics Chess Club Businessmen Chess Tournament
1st Place Medal
(Istanbul, Turkey)
2003 - C.C. 1 min. Blitz International Chess Tournament
1st Place Certificate
2003 - Hasbahce Chess Club Championship
2nd Place Certificate
(Istanbul, Turkey)
2003 - C.C. 10 min. Blitz International Chess Tournament
3rd Place Certificate
2002 - Hasbahce Chess Club Championship
2nd Place Certificate
(Istanbul, Turkey)
2002 - The Blitz Kings Tournament
3rd Place Certificate
2002 - The Progressive Thought Tournament
3rd Place Certificate
2001 - Hasbahce Chess Club, Rifat Demir Tournament
1st Place Trophy
2001 - Hasbahce Chess Club, Blitz Tournament
2nd Place Trophy
2001 - Hasbahce Chess Club, New Year Tournament
2nd Place Trophy
2001 - Turkchess Super Blitz League
3rd Place Plaque
2001 - Chessvista Super Blitz League
3rd Place Certificate
2000 - Exception Skill and Speed Cup
1st Place Trophy
2000 - Excellence in Chess Cup
1st Place Trophy
2000 - Hasbahce Chess Club Championship
1st Place Trophy
2000 - Turkchess Championship
1st Place Trophy
2000 - Turkchess Autumn Tournament
3rd Place Trophy
Dr. Toker Dereli (Dean, Istanbul University Faculty of Economics - 2003)
Dr. Dursun Arikboga (President of Business Administration Department, Istanbul University Faculty of
Economics - 2003)
Dr. Esfender Korkmaz (President of Public Finance Department, Istanbul University Faculty of
Economics - 2003)
Dr. Gurbuz Gokcen (Vice President of Business Administration Department, Marmara University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences - 2010)
Dr. Orhan Sener (Full Professor of Public Economics, Kadir Has University Faculty of Law - 2010)
Dr. Lundy Lewis (Full Professor of Information Technology, Southern New Hampshire University School of Business, Information Technology Department - 2004)
Dr. Macide Sogur (Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Istanbul University Faculty of Economics
- 2003)
Dr. Shaikh Hamid (Associate Professor of Finance, Southern New Hampshire University - School of
Business, Economics & Finance Department - 2004)
Aysun Ficici (Assistant Professor of International Business, M.S., M.B.A., M.B.E., A.L.M. - Southern
New Hampshire University, School of Business, International Business Department - 2004)
Jeannemarie Thorpe (Assistant Professor of Marketing, M.Ed, M.B.A. - Southern New Hampshire
University, School of Business, Marketing Department - 2004)
Euclid Dupuis (Professor of Accounting & Taxation, M.S., C.P.A. - Southern New Hampshire
University, School of Business, Accounting Department - 2004)
Susan Losapio (Visiting Instructor, M.S. - Southern New Hampshire University, School of Business,
Organizational Leadership Department - 2004)
Erol Can (Education Coordinator, Istanbul University Research Foundation)
Hermon Navaryan (Founding Partner & Manager, Kawacom Turkey Ipanema Espresso - 2009)
Mustafa Hazret (GSM Solutions and Export-Import Personnel – NEFAS Electronics LLC - 2010)

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