Regular Council Meeting Minutes


Regular Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2013
On Thursday, October 3, 2013 the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South
Algonquin held a Regular Council Meeting.
Present- Mayor Jane Dumas
Councillor Joe Florent
Councillor Dave Harper
Councillor Sid James
Councillor Randy Jessup
Councillor Bill Rodnick
Councillor Richard Shalla
Staff- Harold Luckasavitch, Clerk Treasurer
Gerry Dunn, Works Superintendent, CBO
Tracy Cannon, Administrative Assistant-Recording Secretary
Mayor Dumas called to order the October 3, 2013 Regular Council Meeting of the Corporation
of the Township of South Algonquin at 7:04 p.m.
Moved by: D. Harper
Seconded by: R. Rodnick
Res. # 13-307
“That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the agenda as
circulated for the regular Council meeting of October 3, 2013.”
- Henryk Newald and Ian Collins requested the Works Department to occasionally widen
approximately 1 kilometre of snow banks when required for the five residents on Landsdown
Avenue. This would make the laneway more accessible for larger vehicles such as fire trucks,
EMS, fuel trucks etc.
- Beverley Moore of Aylen Lake indicated that she would like to defer her request to discuss
geographical addresses and DSL internet to a later date and focus only on the road concern.
-Mrs. Moore requested Council to consider paving Aylen Lake Road. Consensus of Council was
in agreement, however a road that size would be very expensive. Councillor Florent indicated
that this would be discussed at a Roads Meeting and again when the 2014 budget is prepared.
Moved by: S. James
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-308
“Be it resolved that the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts
the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 2013 as circulated.”
-CarriedMoved by: R. Shalla
Seconded by: B. Rodnick
Res. # 13-309
“That the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes
of the closed session, of the regular meeting of September 19, 2013 as circulated.”
- Councillor Jessup requested the repairs/upgrades on Lyell Lake dock be completed next spring.
-Councillors reviewed the Works Superintendent Job Posting. The position will be posted
internally tomorrow for one week.
Fire Report Madawaska
Councillor Florent verbally reported:
- Councillor Florent will put a motion forward at the next regular council meeting to amend the
pay grid to include compensation for firefighters who attend fires or casualties and are required
to assist at the scene for the night and still have to attend to their regular jobs the next day.
Councillor James:
Provided staff with a written report:
-Attended Investment Basic and Beyond Seminar on September 19, 2013 with Deputy Clerk
Treasurer -Sue Klatt. Councillor James provided a disc to Councillors and Staff that offer
information of the seminar and also a working spreadsheet. The disc also contains the
presentations that were made at the Risk Management Symposium that Councillor James
attended earlier in September and further information regarding the Joint and Several Liability.
Recreation Report Whitney:
Councillor Shalla verbally reported:
-Councillor Shalla noted that Whitney Recreation will be offering movie night on Thursdays
until skating is available. Staff to contact Joe Avery to get details and add it to the newsletter.
McKenzie Lake Cottagers Association:
Councillor Shalla verbally reported:
-Councillor Shalla was approached from a member requesting that a garbage can be re-installed
at the McKenzie Lake Boat Launch.
Recreation Report Madawaska:
Councillor Jessup verbally reported:
-An alternate for Council representation is needed. Councillor Florent confirmed he will
temporarily be the alternate.
Roads Report
Works Superintendent, CBO Gerry Dunn provided a written report:
 Ottawa Street/Hay Creek-Line painting is complete along with the “Stop” bar. Decision
of a “No Parking” sign should be reconsidered. It has been noticed that the parking along
Canada Post and the intersection of Ottawa Street and Hay Creek Road has been more
 Winter Sand stockpile is complete. Total in dome including the 3% allowance for salt is
3034.35 tonnes.
 Maple Drive/Algonquin St./Cres.- Smith/Miller has scheduled to start paving on October
15th or 16th.
 G. Dunn spoke to Ministry of Transportation regarding driving the Zamboni, riding lawn
mowers etc. on Township property without a driver’s licence - It was suggested that
driving the above noted equipment on Township property is fine because these areas are
not commonly used by motor vehicles.
G. Dunn verbally stated:
 Results of the water samples of September 16th were negative.
 Drain-All reported drains at the Madawaska Garage are draining, however the metal
pipes that are buried are rotted and repairs should be considered.
 Culvert at Maple Drive/Sunset Trail is approximately 5 feet from Hydro Pole. Hydro
One will be on scene tomorrow morning when the culvert is replaced, at no extra cost.
 Rock Breaker was successful and debris has been picked up. Ditches still need to be
Administration Report
Clerk-Treasurer Harold Luckasavitch verbally reported:
 H. Luckasavitch, B. Ackney and Judy Harms-Potter of the Canadian Red Cross met at the
Madawaska Complex on October 2nd to discuss the results of the Shelter/Reception
Centre Survey. H. Luckasavitch itemized some of the services that the building should
have to be an emergency shelter.
 Councillor Shalla, G. Dunn and H. Luckasavitch met at the Galeairy Lake Dam to discuss
the ramp for the fire truck. A contractor will be visiting the site tomorrow to see what is
required to build the crib.
 Received a letter from a local resident requesting a sign (example-no exit) be erected on
Hay Creek Road - Some G.P.S units are guiding tourists down Hay Lake Road through
the Hydro line to get to Haliburton etc.
10. CORRESPONDENCE-Action Items- reviewed and filed
11. CORRESPONDENCE-Information Items- reviewed and filed
 Councillor Jessup formally announced his resignation. Acceptance of the resignation will
be at the next regular council meeting. Council discussed the steps that are required in
the Municipal Act to fulfil the seat, either to appoint or by-election.
 Councillors thanked Councillor Jessup for all his hard work and representing the
 Councillor Jessup thanked everyone and is pleased with the accomplishments Council
has made and the dedication of staff.
 As Human Resource Chair, Councillor Jessup recommended Council to revise the pay
grid for January 2014 and suggested Council do it appropriately. The Official Plan and
the Asset Management Plan will entail a lot of work for both Council and Staff.
There was a ten minute break.
Moved by: R. Jessup
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-310
“Whereas Council and Mayor’s honorarium and meeting allowance has changed little since
Therefore be it resolved that the monthly honorarium for Mayor be raised to $950.00; Council
members $700.00 and that committee or other special meeting remuneration be raised to $75.00
and these meetings in excess of 4 hours be raised to $100.00 and that these raises will be
effective Jan.1/14.”
-CarriedMoved by: J. Florent
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-311
“To endorse the resolution received from the City of Kenora to petition the Provincial
Government to have flying lantern devices banned from use and sale in the Province of Ontario.”
-CarriedMoved by: J. Florent
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-312
“That the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin supports the efforts
of the Bancroft and Hastings Highlands Disaster Relief Committee, by making a donation in the
amount of $1000.00 towards the municipalities funding share of the ODRAP assistance
-DefeatedMoved by: J. Florent
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-313
“Whereas a presentation has been received from residents on Landsdown Ave. in Murchison
Ward; and a case has been made for the Township to do some winter maintenance.
Therefore be it resolved that the Township is willing to provide limited winter maintenance as
required to Landsdown Ave.”
-DefeatedMoved by: R. Shalla
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-314
“Whereas the Bancroft Minden Forest Sustainability License appears to be preparing the forest
to log in the Hay Lake Area, and
Whereas they are identifying individual private property boundaries on a narrow strip of land
between McRae-Hay Lake Road and Hay Lake and
Whereas the elevation between the lake and the road in this particular location is very steep and
adjacent to both residential and seasonal properties and
Whereas there could be both environmental and aesthetic issues if logging were to occur in this
Therefore, Council agrees to send a letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Bancroft
Forest Sustainability License requesting they refrain from logging between the lake and the road
at this location.
Moved by: R. Shalla
Seconded by: B. Rodnick
Res. # 13-315
“That the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts all of the
proposed Modifications to the Official Plan of the Township of South Algonquin as presented to
Council on September 25th, by Kevin Jarus, Planner for Municipal Affairs which was outlined in
a letter dated January 29th, 2013 from Bridget Schulte-Hostedde, acting Manager of Community
Planning and Development, Municipal Affairs and Housing, Sudbury Office”.
-CarriedCouncillor Florent declared conflict of interest for resolution # 13-316.
Moved by: R. Jessup
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-316
“That the Council for the Township of South Algonquin authorizes the hiring of Floyd Florent
to fill the vacancy as advertised, for a Temporary-Full Time Public Works employee within the
Works Department, starting at Step 4 , of the Wage Grid, with benefits.”
-CarriedMoved by: R. Jessup
Seconded by: D. Harper
Res. # 13-317
“That the Council for the Township of South Algonquin authorizes the hiring of Stewart
Tompkins, to fill the vacancy as advertised for the position of a full time Public Works
Employee within the Works Department, starting at Step 4, of the Wage Grid, with benefits”.
-Carried14. NOTICE OF MOTIONS: None
15. BY-LAWS: None
Moved by: D. Harper
Seconded by: J. Florent
Res. # 13-318
“That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin authorizes the payment
of all bills (Batches 2013-00093 to 2013-00095) as recorded and presented for the meeting of
October 3, 2013”.
-CarriedCouncillor Florent recommended a Roads/Waste Management Meeting be scheduled - Meeting
scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2013 7:00 p.m.
Moved by: S. James
Seconded by: R. Jessup
Res. # 13-319
“That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adjourns the regular
meeting of October 3, 2013 at 9:24 p.m.”
Mayor Jane Dumas
Clerk- Harold Luckasavitch