KNK Bulletin


KNK Bulletin
KNK Bulletin
Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
Home page :
Kurdistan National Congres
Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
Edition: 2
Date: 2009 February
 Final Resolutions:
5th International EUTCC Conference on the EU, Turkey
and the Kurds
 Parliament TV Channel goes off the air when Kurdish
deputy spoke in Kurdish
 Intellectuals reacts again TRT’s censure on Kurdish
 Peace Mothers:PM Erdogan should apologize from
 Tuğluk case risks turning into another Zana scandal
 AKP’s new trick to hunt voter: Voter form
 DTP doesn’t want tightness in Diyarbakır
 Erdogan’s meeting is over shade because of DTP’s
opening in Batman
 394 protesters under the police custody, more than
70 wounded on February 15th
 Mazlumder issues Turkey human rights report
 Former Turkish State Minister confesses:
The Güçlükonak massacre was conducted by the state
 The Balance sheet of Human Rights Violations of
2008 in Prisons in Turkey
 15 years old boy sentenced to 90 year in prison
 Diyarbakir Police Prevents Release of Children
 University punishes 35 students for speaking in
 Number of honour-killings and violations of women
rights alarming
 Kurdish women's rights activist released in Iran
 Press Release Assembly of PJAK
 Appeasing Mullahs by selling out Kurds is wrong!
Final Resolutions:
5th International EUTCC Conference on the EU,
Turkey and the Kurds
EP / 28-29 January 2009 -The
together contributors from all
over the world including
leading academics, writers,
legal experts, human rights
organizations and prominent
welcomes the steps that have been taken in reforms since the
conference last met, there is still a long way to go to get the
process of accession moving again since it stalled in 2007.
The title of this conference is 'Time for Change' but the
initiative for change in Turkey must not come from within that
country alone. The EU must take the lead in finding a peaceful
resolution to this ongoing problem. It is essential that all of
the groups involved make this a priority if the accession
process is to move forward once more.
In addition to the above, The EUTCC Conference resolves
to periodically make recommendations of measures for the
Turkish accession process, the protection of human rights and
the situation of the Kurds
Pursuant to the presentation of Conference papers and
interventions made by delegates, this Conference resolves to
adopt the following declarations and calls for action to be
undertaken by relevant parties to the conflict in the Kurdish
Regions of Turkey.
The Conference issues the following declarations:
The Conference notes that neither EU nor Turkey has
publicly tackled the long-standing issue of the Kurdish issue
which is central to the realisation of democracy, stability, and
human rights in Turkey.
The Conference notes that the 2007 European Commission
progress report on Turkish accession found that “no major
issue has been addressed and significant problems persist”,
and joins with the Commission in urging Turkey to confront
these problems;
The Conference notes that the 2008 European Commission
progress report on Turkish accession took note of “the
process underway to prepare a new, civilian constitution;
regards it as a key opportunity to place the protection of
human rights and freedoms at the core of the constitution;
reiterates that a system of checks and balances needs to be
established, guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, social
cohesion and the separation between religion and state;
underlines the need for a broad involvement of civil society in
this process…” The report also expresses concern about “the
hostility shown to minorities and about politically and
religiously motivated violence; calls on the Turkish
Government to…make sustained efforts to create an
environment conducive to full respect of fundamental human
rights and freedoms”
Recalling the resolutions from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
International Conferences on EU, Turkey and the Kurds, the
Conference continues to give its qualified support to Turkey’s
bid for EU accession.
1) The Conference takes note of the European
Commission’s assessment of the continued downward trend in
the number of cases of torture and ill-treatment and the
positive effect of the relevant legislative safeguards; however,
it is concerned about whether the anti-terror law and the law
on police powers will weaken this positive record;
2) The Conference notes the progress made with regards
to the efficiency of the judiciary, welcomes the Turkish
governments plan to implement a reform strategy designed to
strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary
and to increase the confidence enjoyed by the judiciary
amongst the public; is of the view that this strategy should
ensure that interpretation of legislation related to human
rights and fundamental freedoms is in line with ECHR
standards. The Conference notes with concern that in 2007
the European Court of Human Rights handed down by far
more judgements against Turkey for violations of the ECHR
than against any other country, including against Russia;
3) The Conference welcomes the declaration of two
ceasefires by the PKK on 1st September 2005 and 1st October
2006, and hereby once again calls upon all relevant parties
involved in the armed conflict in Turkey to forthwith stop all
hostile military operations in the region including Northern
Iraq (South Kurdistan) and henceforth pursue non-violent
resolutions to the conflict;
4) The Conference notes that though Turkey has made
progress in some areas, much work remains to be done, and
stresses that the EU must hold Turkey to the standards laid
out as criteria for accession, must monitor Turkey’s progress,
exert pressure on Turkey to implement further reforms, and
most importantly, follow up on these conditions to ensure that
concrete progress is made and that any gains made remain
permanent. In its turn, Turkey must fulfil its obligations both
under international law and as set out in the Copenhagen
KNK Bulletin
Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
Home page :
Kurdistan National Congres
Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
This Conference calls upon the European Union/EU
governments to:
5) The Conference calls upon the European Union to
strongly and publicly support all EU requirements concerning
democratic and legal reform within Turkey;
6) With specific reference to the 2007 European
Commission progress report, the European Parliament report
on the increasing suicide of Kurdish women in Turkey, as well
as recalling the 2005 CEDAW response to Turkish Report to
the Committee,) the Conference calls on the EU to ensure
that Turkey address the status of all women and girls in the
context of international standards, particularly considering the
high rates of illiteracy, domestic violence, honor killing,
suicide and forced and early marriages in Turkey, for which
the lack of requisite services and judicial training fail to
guarantee legal protections (and in particular notes the need
to address the regional disparity in the position of women
employment, political representation and access to justice);
7) Furthermore, with reference to the above, it requests
the European Union to use all it powers to ensure that the
Turkish Government develops, in consultation and cooperation with Kurdish women a National Action Plan to
implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Resolution
(S/RES/1325), passed on 31st October 2000, is the first
resolution ever passed by the Security Council that
specifically addresses the impact of war on women, and
women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable
peace; and requires that women are equal participants in all
peace-building measures;
8) The Conference also urges each member state of the
European Union to assist —including by earmarking funds— in
the creation of a democratic platform for dialogue between
Turkey and Kurdish representatives and fully comply with
their own freedom of expression obligations in respect of
those Kurdish organizations and individuals who are
concerned to promote the same;
9) The Conference reiterates that the Governments of the
EU should not criminalize peaceful dissent of Turkey echoed
by Kurdish organizations situated in Europe and to review its
proscription of certain Kurdish organizations, especially in the
light of public commitments to the search for a peaceful
solution of the Kurdish question within the present territorial
integrity of a democratically reformed Turkey;
10) The Conference renews its mandate for its directors,
advisors and committees, to engage and campaign on both a
political and civic level across Europe in support of Turkey’s
accession bid to join the European Union on the basis of this
This Conference calls upon the Turkish Government to:
11) The Conference notes with alarm the failure of certain
institutions, including but not limited to the military and the
police, within the Turkish State apparatus to adhere to its
obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights
and international humanitarian law in accordance with the
spirit and terms of its own recent reform packages and
commitments given under the accession process; in
particular, it is dismayed that institutions of the State have
continued its military activities, which primarily affect its
Kurdish citizens;
12) The Conference notes that it has become clear over
the last 30 years that there is no military solution to the
ongoing armed conflict in Turkey;
13) The Conference welcomes the fact that in 2007
democracy prevailed over attempts by the military to
interfere in the political process; encourages the Turkish
government to make further systematic efforts to ensure that
the democratically elected political leadership bears the full
responsibility for formulation of domestic, foreign and security
policy and that the armed forces respect this civilian
responsibility; points out the need to establish full
parliamentary oversight of military and defence policy and all
related expenditure;
14) The Conference notes that there is evidence
suggesting that the government and military are trying to
influence the judiciary and calls upon the Turkish government
and military to refrain from such interference and ensure a
free and fair judicial system. Furthermore, the Conference
encourages Turkish authorities to pursue investigations into
the Ergenekon affair, noting the opportunity for Turkey to
investigate cases related to the Deep State, such as
disappearances, torture, extra judicial killings, etc., but
stresses that relevant rules and procedures should be
followed and that impartiality and fair trials should be
guaranteed for all without exception;
15) The Conference calls upon Turkey to fully investigate
the murders of Hrant Dink and of the three Christians in
Matalya, as well as other cases of politically or religiously
motivated violence, including full clarification of allegations of
negligence on the part of the competent authorities, and to
bring those responsible to justice;
16) The Conference expresses its deep concern over
Turkey’s employment of articles of the criminal code to
prosecute writers, journalists, intellectuals, lawyers and many
other defenders of free speech, including articles 215
(praising an offence and offender), 216 (incitement to
hatred), 217 (provocation to disobey the law), 220, para. 8
(making propaganda for a criminal organization), 288
(attempt to influence a fair trial) and 301 (insulting the
Turkish nation, the State of the Republic of Turkey,
Institutions and Bodies of the State) of the Turkish Penal
Code; the Conference calls on the EU to ensure that Turkey
remove restrictions on freedom of expression from their legal
framework entirely;
17) The Conference urges the Turkish government and
the parliament to go further in its reform of Article 301 of the
Penal Code and deplores the fact that no real progress has
been achieved regarding freedom of expression a underlining
that further legislative reform, and most importantly,
implementation steps will be required to ensure that Turkey
fully guarantees freedom of expression and press freedom in
line with ECHR standards;
18) The conference calls upon the Turkish government to
encourage and support the growth of NGOs and civil society
organisations and welcome healthy debate and constructive
criticism as natural and beneficial to a vibrant democracy; to
this end, the conference is appalled by the current climate of
fear and intimidation faced by many in the NGO community,
especially those working on human rights;
19) The Conference calls upon Turkey to fulfil its positive
obligations under article 10 of the ECHR to promote a positive
climate in which freedom of expression can flourish, and to
protect writers, journalists, intellectuals, lawyers and many
other defenders of free speech from unlawful interference by
state and non-state actors;
20) The Conference welcomes the recent adoption by the
Turkish Parliament of the Law on Foundations and calls upon
Turkish authorities to ensure that the law is implemented in
line with the ECHR and the case-law of the European Court of
Human Rights;
21) The Conference calls upon Turkey, following the
positive step taken with the adoption of the Law on
Foundations, to fulfil its commitments regarding freedom of
religion by establishing, in line with the ECHR and the caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights, a legal
KNK Bulletin
Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
Home page :
Kurdistan National Congres
Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
framework enabling all religious communities to function
without undue constraints, in particular as regards their legal
status, training of clergy, election of hierarchy, religious
education and construction of places of worship; calls for the
immediate re-opening of the Greek Orthodox Halki Seminary
and the public use of the ecclesiastical title of the Ecumenical
22) The Conference is disappointed at the limited progress
made in strengthening the social dialogue mechanisms in
Turkey and calls upon the Turkish government to fully
implement ILO conventions, underlining the need to remove
current restrictions on freedom of association, the right to
strike and the right to collective bargaining;
23) The Conference underlines its view that the resolution
of the armed conflict in Turkey is essential to the
establishment of a stable, democratic and peaceful Turkey
capable of entering the European Union. True democratic
reform can only occur if Turkey undertakes new political
reform to its state institutions and banishes adherence to
ethnic nationalism which is the root cause of the conflict and
Turkey’s endemic instability;
24) This Conference therefore asserts that the Kurdish
people and their representatives should be given a genuine
participatory role in the accession process and in any debate
over Turkey’s democratic constitutional future;
Confidence Building Measures
The Conference further asserts that more must and can
be done on all sides and calls for the following confidence
building measures to be adopted;
25) This conference notes that the resolution of the
conflict and the constitutional recognition of Kurds in Turkey
are central to regional stability;
26) In this respect, the Conference calls upon the Turkish
Government to begin a public debate about the constitutional
recognition of the existence of the Kurdish people within
27) The Conference calls upon all political parties in
Turkey to help foster the conditions within Turkey for a
democratic platform for dialogue;
28) The Conference urges Turkey to recognize that for
democracy to function, it is imperative that local
municipalities across the country enjoy the full support of
national government;
29) In particular, the Conference calls upon the Turkish
Government to ensure that all legally constituted democratic
parties are allowed to engage in peaceful political activity
without interference or constant threat of closure, with
particular reference to the Democratic Society Party (DTP)
and its current democratically elected members of
parliament; in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the
European Convention of Human Rights;
30) This Conference calls upon the Turkish Government
to immediately cease the harassment and politicallymotivated investigations of Kurdish politicians;
31) The Conference notes the judgements of the ECtHR in
several cases, but in particular in the case of Abdullah Öcalan
in Turkey, regarding conditions of detention in Turkey. The
Conference further calls on the Turkish government to
implement CPT (Committee on Prevention of Torture)
recommendations on conditions of detention and specifically
relating to the health of Mr. Öcalan;
32) The Conference calls on the Turkish government to
step up its fight against torture perpetrated outside detention
centres and against the impunity of law enforcement officials,
and to ratify and implement the Optional Protocol to the
Convention against Torture (OPCAT), thus providing for
systematic torture prevention and for independent monitoring
of detention centres;
33) The Conference calls upon the Turkish government to
launch a political initiative favouring a lasting settlement of
the Kurdish issue, which can only be based on tangible
improvements in the cultural, economic and social
opportunities available to citizens of Kurdish origin;
34) The Conference calls on the Turkish government not
to engage in military operations in Northern Iraq (South
Kurdistan) violating Iraq’s territory; urges Turkey to respect
Iraq’s territorial integrity, human rights and the rule of law,
and to ensure that civilian casualties are avoided.
Furthermore, the conference notes that military operations
make it difficult to sustain dialogue with its neighbour, Iraq
and its Kurdish Regional Government.
35) In reference to the above, the Conference notes that
these are political issues and need a political response, that
the military response jeopardizes any gains made in this
arena and acts as a deterrent to future improvements, and
calls upon Turkey to cease such military activities in Northern
Iraq (South Kurdistan).
The Conference calls upon Turkey and the EU to:
36) In particular, the Conference urges Turkey and the
Member States of the EU to take practical and visible steps to
demonstrate their full support for the establishment of a
democratic platform for dialogue between all peoples
constituting the Turkish Republic; NGO’s and civil society
groups specifically should be encouraged and supported to
contribute to such a platform;
37) The Conference supports the undertakings by the EU
that reform in the area of Turkey’s fundamental rights,
democracy and the rule of law must be strengthened in the
course of accession negotiations and welcomes the
commitment by the EU Commission to continue to monitor
the reform process;
38) The Conference reiterates the view expressed in the
2004 - 2007 Conferences, that Turkey has not yet fulfilled the
political elements of the Copenhagen Criteria, and reiterates
that its support for the accession process is dependent upon
the institutions of the EU robustly enforcing accession
standards. It further underlines that there can be no further
compromises on membership criteria akin to the EU decision
to allow Turkey access to the negotiating table for
‘sufficiently’ fulfilling the Copenhagen Criteria;
39) Recalling last year's conference resolution number 10,
the Conference calls upon Turkey to ratify the European
Framework Convention on the Protection of Minorities as well
as other UN Instruments concerning minorities and to respect
the existing cultural and minority rights of all groups; and
calls on the EU to apply pressure on the Government of
Turkey as a potential member of the EU to ratify said
40) The Conference calls on the EU to recognize that
torture is still an administrative practice of the state rather
than an isolated practice and forms part of the systematic
policy of the state in Turkey, and calls upon Turkey to put a
halt to all such practices and ensure the Prevention of Torture
and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The
Conference calls on Turkey to fully cooperate with and
implement CPT recommendations with regards to the
conditions of detention of Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held
for more than nine years as the sole inmate of the prison on
the island of Imralı, and recent allegations of torture of
detained persons by law enforcement officials and prison
officers, as well as the situation of foreign nationals detained
under aliens legislation. The Conference condemns these
activities and calls for an immediate end to such actions. The
Conference calls on the EU to exert pressure on Turkey to
KNK Bulletin
Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
Home page :
Kurdistan National Congres
Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
abstain from the use of torture as a tool of the state and fully
cooperate with the CPT;
41) Recalling Articles 10, and 14, and Article 2 of the first
Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights and
Article 8 of the European Charter for Regional or Minority
languages, and the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary
Assembly’s resolution 1519 of October 2006 on the cultural
situation of the Kurds, the Conference reiterates its call to the
State of Turkey and the European Union to develop and
promote a strategic plan for mother tongue education;
42) This Conference expresses regret with regards to the
Turkish government’s initiation of work on the ill-planned Ilısu
Dam in August 2006, and the start of the expropriation of
land by the Turkish state which threatens mass displacement
and loss of livelihood of the area’s inhabitants, the majority of
whom are Kurds; endangers the historically important city of
Hasankeyf, in an apparent attempt to further disassociate
Kurds from their rich heritage and culture; and will, according
to several environmental assessment reports, further
jeopardize access to water for Turkey’s neighbours and cause
irreversible environmental harm;
43) The Conference calls upon the Turkish government to
reassess its position and calls on EU bodies monitoring the
impact of internal displacement and potential effects of this
project on the already overpopulated urban centres of the
Kurdish regions, as well as on member governments to put
pressure on foreign capital companies to withdraw their
investments in the project;
44) The Conference notes that nothing has changed with
regards to Turkey’s stance on the Ilısu Dam, consultations, or
resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons, and calls upon
the EU to abstain from funding or supporting the project;
45) The Conference notes that all evidence suggests that
the vast majority of Internally Displaced Persons are unable
to return to their villages without government support and
also face political difficulties. The Conference notes that the
EU could play a vital role in assisting Turkey and exerting
political pressure to remedy the situation of Internally
Displaced Persons. The Conference calls upon the EU to make
this a vital criterion to the accession of the EU, to monitor the
situation with regards to Internally Displaced Persons and
their conditions, and to follow up on such monitoring.
At this critical juncture all actors involved (the EU,
Turkey and the Kurds) must take heed of lessons from
their past, and act in accordance with international law
and humanitarian norms. With this in mind, this
Conference calls upon the international community to:
46) To take the lead in formally recognizing the consistent
policies of discrimination directed at Kurds, and by
consequence, all who live in the Kurdish regions and the
resulting economic, political and social problems and make a
concerted, visible and tangible effort to support all parties in
putting an end to them;
47) This Conference calls upon Iraq and the Kurdistan
Regional Government of Iraq to use its good offices to reduce
regional tensions.
48) The Conference recalls Turkey’s commitment to good
neighbourly relations, and stresses its expectation that
Turkey will refrain from any threats against neighbouring
countries and resolve all outstanding disputes peacefully in
accordance with the UN Charter and other relevant
international conventions; Stresses the need to arrive at a
comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus question; calls on
both parties to use the current window of opportunity with a
view to achieving a comprehensive settlement within the UN
framework, based on the principles on which the EU is
founded; in this regard, recalls its previous resolutions stating
that the withdrawal of Turkish forces would facilitate the
negotiation of a settlement;
49) The Conference calls on the Turkish government to
end the economic blockade and to re-open its border with
Armenia; calls once again on Turkish and the Armenian
governments to start a process of reconciliation, in respect of
the present and the past, allowing for a frank and open
discussion of past events; calls on the Commission to
facilitate this reconciliation process.
50) This Conference calls upon its directors, advisors, and
committees, to engage and campaign on both a political and
civic level across Europe in support of Turkey’s accession bid.
The Conference calls upon EU bodies and EU member states
to support Turkey in its bid to join the European Union, and
calls upon Turkey to make a firm commitment to further
progress in the areas set out in the above resolutions. The
time for change has arrived and opportunities for
advancement must not be lost at this crucial juncture.
51) The Conference is alarmed by the decision of the
Turkish courts to sentence Leyla Zana, winner of the
European Parliament Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought,
and welcomes the unanimous decision made by the
Presidents of all groups of the European Parliament to closely
monitor the case and raise the issue with Commissioner
Parliament TV Channel goes off the air when Kurdish
deputy spoke in Kurdish
24.02.2009Parliament TV Channel goes of
the air-live broadcast- when
Kurdish deputy and DTP’s cochair Ahmet Türk spoke in
Kurdish to salute 21 February
Mother Tongue Day. Ahmet
Turk said beginning of his
speech that “I want to show
that mother tongue issue is
an artificial element to fear. That is why I’m going to go on
my speech in Kurdish” regarding prohibition on Kurdish
language in DTP’s group meeting in the Parliament. In his
Kurdish speech he pointed that developing multicultural
environment goes with multilingual and he said: There is
Kurdish broadcast on TRT 6 without any legal base. Kurdish is
forbidden for Kurds but AKP and the State.”
People who were attended in the meeting applauded
Ahmet Turk’s and Parliament TV’s live broadcast from Turkish
Grand National Assembly or TGNA went off the air just in a
couple minute after his beginning of the speech.
Turk answered reporters’ question after his speech: “If PM
R. Tayyip Erdogan speaks in Kurdish, why I shouldn’t. I do
speak Kurdish since PM speaks. I just talk about richness and
goodness of languages in my parliament speech. If this is not
allowed, women who wear turban also shouldn’t be allowed
appearing in the Parliament,” he said
What Kurdish MP Said in Mother Tongue
Kurdish MP Ahmet Türk said, “They are spreading the
propaganda that Kurdish is freely spoken. We wanted to see
whether this was true.”
This led to Türk speaking Kurdish in a party group meeting
of the Democratic Society Party (DTP), of which he is cochair, in parliament. The state TRT 3 channel which
broadcasts live from parliament was ordered to halt
broadcasts by Parliament Speaker Köksal Toptan when it was
realised that he was speaking Kurdish. Following the speech
made on 25 February, Türk’s press advisors handed out a
Turkish translation of the Kurdish text. It has here been
KNK Bulletin
Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
Home page :
Kurdistan National Congres
Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
translated into English:
“21 February is International Mother Language Day.
Language is very important in Kurdish history. Because the
Kurds who did not know any languages apart from their own
were put under a lot of pressure. During the military coup,
the state arrested many people and put them in prison. I was
also arrested. Our families came for visits, and they wanted
to talk Kurdish, because they spoke no other language. But
because they knew that if they spoke Kurdish it would create
problems for us and them, and that we were beaten for it,
they could not speak. Sometimes we defied the ban and said
‘how are you mother?’ because we wanted them to go home
without their hearts broken. Later we paid for it and were
beaten. At that time I promised myself that one day, I would
speak my mother tongue at an official meeting.”
“The Prime Minister is praising his party and their projects
on TRT 6 (the newly set up state channel broadcasting in
Kurdish). But when members of the DTP greet others in their
own language, they are taken to court. They are investigated.
When a mayor speaks to his people in his own language, he is
taken to court. But when the Prime Minister speaks Kurdish,
no one says anything. We find this wrong, hypocritical. What
the Prime Minister has done to make the language free, we
“8 March is approaching and I want to extend my
congratulations to all women for this day. The DTP is an
important step towards Kurdish women and women all over
the world participating in political, cultural and economic life.
Kurds have long valued women highly. Our Kurdish ancestors
said this years ago, ‘A lion is a lion, neither male nor female.’”
“21 March, Newroz, is also approaching. Newroz stands for
enlightenment and peace. It is the rebellion of people against
oppression. Our people will celebrate Newroz with great joy. I
wish our people success for that day.”
“Not much time is left until the local elections on 29
March. These elections are very important for us and for
providing peace. I believe that our friends and our people will
make appropriate efforts.”
“The honourable Erdogan was in Diyarbakir a few days
ago, together with the honourable Kutbettin Arzu (Diyarbakir
AKP MP). Erdogan called Arzu an ‘atom ant’. I wonder what
Arzu has done for the Kurds. He only went to the
parliamentary podium once, when he was sworn in. How then
can he be an ‘atom ant’? I think he is at most a quiet bug.”
“Here I would like to read you part of a poem by the
Kurd Cigerxwin:
If you never sit side by side
If you never look on conversations with a smile
If you never add pleasure
If you do not build dialogue
If you do not understand each other
Then there is no beauty left in life.
Intellectuals reacts again TRT’s censure on Kurdish
Intellectuals reacts again TRT’s censure on Kurdish. TRT’s
Parliament TV Channel live broadcast had been gone off the
air when Kurdish deputy and DTP’s co-chair Ahmet Türk
spoke in Kurdish to salute 21 February Mother Tongue Day.
Regarding censoring of Ahmet Turk’s Kurdish speech in the
Parliament by TRT intellectuals and journalists, who used to
account the Kurdish Channel TRT6 as an opening out,
considered this censure as despotism.
Erol Katircioglu, Author and university lecturer in the Bilgi
University: Development has to be supported by laws. It is a
problem which has to be resolved. Government opened the
TRT 6 due to meet the Kurds neediness. If so, laws have to
be changed to lift this contradiction. AKP and DTP have to
settle a rapprochement. This would be a step for further
expansion on Kurdish.
Hakan Tahmaz, member of Peace Assembly of Turkey’s
Executive Council and journalist: To go off the air during
Ahmet Turk’s Kurdish speech is an unlawful act since TRT
broadcasts PM’s Kurdish speech. As we can see in this case
every one can speak Kurdish other than DTP. TRT is a state
run TV and a bureaucrat for AKP. AKP said with this censure
that “I can do but DTP cannot.” This is unacceptable action.
You cannot practice democracy in arbitrary way. You need
Mahir Kaynak, author and former head of National
Intelligence Organization: You need the rules in order to edit
these kinds of issues. Kurdish is a political issue and politician
has to solve this issue in politic way. TRT is just a tool. If
there is no rearrangement on this case problems wouldn’t be
solved. Going off the air is the act we met first time. I believe
in it is going to be solved after some discussion.
Osman Kavala, businessman, economist and counselor of
TESEV: Ahmet Türk has had a symbolic action. Kurdish has
some barriers to be spoken in the official area. Even though
there is Kurdish broadcast on TRT 6, no means all restrictions
have been lifted. I hope this speech would be a reason for
government to make serious arrangement due to lift
restrictions for using Kurdish.
Ali Bayramoglu, journalist: This is definitely a despotic act
against other, also shameful behavior. Laws which have to be
reorganized are not enough for this kind of conditions.
Peace Mothers: PM Erdogan should apologize
from Kurds
DIHA 26.02.2009- PM Erdogan’s
electioneering tours around Kurdish
majority areas continues among act
of protests. Tomorrow Erdogan will
be in Van where he will be not
welcomed by people as well as in
Diyarbakir. Peace Mothers Initiative
and DTP had press release in Van
and in some towns around Van such
as Ercis and Baskale in the context
of Erdogan’s visit. It is said in the
meeting that if Erdogan going to insist deadlock policy on
Kurdish issue, he is not welcomed. He should apologize
because of his Kurdish approach.
DTP deputies Özdal Üçer, Fatma Kurtulan ile a member of
DTP Central Executive Board Hüseyin Cengiz had meeting in
the party building. Hüseyin Cengiz marked in his speech
Erdogan’s Kurdish policy saying; his policy is just for
continuing other governments’ rejection and destruction
policy on Kurdish. We have witnessed for years this policy
particularly when police and soldiers were using their power
on Kurds during Newroz celebrations. His coming to Van is a
Moreover, Peace Mothers Initiative also organized a
meeting to support Ahmet Turk’s, who spoke in Kurdish,
action in the Parliament and to call on PM Erdogan to call off
coming to Van. They said in the meeting; “we are supporting
Ahmet Turk for speaking in Kurdish and we do not want
Erdogan to come our city. How he can look at our faces after
his hypocrite policy.
Also DTP Ercis branch members and executive board
organized a meeting and announced that people in Ercis do
not want to see Erdogan in their city. They say Erdogan is
announced as persona non grata by the region’s residents.
We do not accept Erdogan as our PM since there has been
nothing done for Kurds. During the statement participators
have chanted slogan as “Killer Erdogan Get out of Kurdistan”.
Another protest against Erdogan’s visit to Van was in
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DTP’s Baskale branch building. Protestors have showed their
reactions against Erdogan by chanting slogans as well.
Common slogan was “Killer Erdogan Get out of Kurdistan” in
Tuğluk case risks turning into another
Zana scandal
Bianet-A prison sentence handed down
to pro-Kurdish Democratic Society
Party (DTP) deputy Aysel Tuğluk is
strongly reminiscent of an earlier
incident that had turned Leyla Zana of
the Democracy Party (DEP), a DTP
predecessor which was shut down by
the State Security Court (DGM), into an
international object of attention and a
symbol of martyrdom in the name of
freedom of expression. The Tuğluk case is likely to embarrass
Turkey, an EU candidate country, in the international arena.
Tuğluk was sentenced last week to 18 months in jail over
a speech she gave on May 16, 2006 at a party congress.
Tuğluk now runs the risk of losing her parliamentary
immunity despite the Constitution and laws guaranteeing her
that immunity.
Speaking as a co-chairperson of the DTP on May 16, 2006
at her party's Batman Provincial Congress, Tuğluk had said:
"The prime minister tells us to denounce the PKK as a
terrorist organization. Only then, he says, he will talk with us.
This problem won't go away if we declare the PKK terrorists.
Those people you consider terrorists are heroes for some. If
we call [PKK leader] Abdullah Öcalan a terrorist, we won't be
able to face our people. The Kurdish people have chosen
waging a democratic struggle. But if you don't give a people
the right to even develop their own language as they want,
that policy of yours will create fertile ground for violence."
The Diyarbakır 4th Higher Criminal Court started legal
action against Tuğluk over her words at the Batman congress
in 2006, but the trial process was frozen since Tuğluk is a
parliamentary deputy protected by parliamentary immunity.
However, the Supreme Court of Appeals, going against all
established legal precedents, overruled the suspension of the
case and Tuğluk's trial resumed. Tuğluk was sentenced to one
year and six months in jail under Turkey's anti-terrorism
laws. The court did not reduce Tuğluk's sentence, arguing
that there was insufficient evidence that a future repeat of the
offense would be avoided. Tuğluk's situation will now be taken
up by the Parliament Speaker's Office. The stance of
Parliament Speaker Köksal Toptan will be of utmost
importance in this process.
Legal experts say that under normal circumstances, no
trial process should have taken place before Tuğluk's shield of
immunity was removed by a parliamentary decision according
to Article 83 of the Constitution. The decision is to be
submitted shortly to the Parliament Speaker's Office, which
also goes against previously established legal tradition.
Normally, a case regarding the removal of parliamentary
immunity is first sent by the Justice Ministry to the Prime
Ministry and then to the Parliament Speaker's Office, which,
traditionally, would send such a case to the Joint
Constitutional and Justice Commission. This commission,
however, has since 2003 always left such immunity removal
cases to the end of the parliamentary term.
Typically, the sentence of a parliamentary deputy can only
be carried out once the person's term in Parliament is over.
The immunity of a deputy can only be lifted by a majority
vote in Parliament. However, in Tuğluk's case, none of these
requirements were met.
The ruling is a "forced" one, according Constitutional Law
Professor Ergun Özbudun. "The Constitution says that if there
is a conviction, it should be left until after the person's term
as deputy ends. Also, there is Article 84 of the Constitution.
There is going to be some controversy about what will happen
in Tuğluk's case at this point."
He said the court ruling was referring to Article 14 of the
Constitution, which suspends normal immunity rules in certain
cases, and added: "Article 14 has a very wide scope. You can
pretty much include everything on it if you push hard enough.
I think what she has done cannot be included under 14." He
said the Constitution itself was causing part of the problem.
He also noted that the parliament speaker will have to
pursue legal action once the case reaches him.
Speaking to Today's Zaman on her sentence, Tuğluk said:
"We won't be silenced by such sentences, nor can the Kurdish
question be solved like this. Did the problem end despite the
thousands of sentences handed out so far? Maybe we are
expressing things that people are not very pleased to hear to
solve the problem. But the DTP is in Parliament to solve the
problem through peaceful and democratic means."
"I am saying that there is no good in calling the PKK
terrorists. To the country, such realities should be made into
part of the solution. I take this decision as targeting my party
and freedom of expression. If it is going to solve the problem,
I would be happy to be sentenced to 50 years. But these
convictions won't end the Kurdish question. We have to
accept different ideas within the limits of democracy. I
renounce this ruling as such," she said.
What's next?
Tuğluk will appeal the ruling at the Supreme Court of
Appeals. If the high court approves the Diyarbakır court's
ruling, Tuğluk will have to go to jail, making this the first time
in history that a deputy will have been sent to prison without
her immunity being removed. However, Tuğluk's lawyers
insist that she can be jailed only after her term in Parliament
is over.
AKP’s new trick to hunt voter: Voter form
Mekiye Gonenc 13.02.2009-AKP
prepared so-called an opinion
research for measuring Kurds
reaction on the Justice and
because of the incoming local
election. Absurd thing about this
research form is the questions
such as “Who are you going to
vote?” or “What do you need as household stuff?” It seems
that AKP set up whole election strategy on providing
household stuff and Batman’s governor Recep Kızılcık is
helping AKP by insisting to give away households for poor
people said Bengi Yıldız, Batman deputy from DTP. By the
way Batman’s residents are reacting against AKP’s women
who are visiting houses in company with the police protection.
DTP’s Batman deputy Bengi Yıldız, considered this practice
to create special war system in the region by AKP. “Kurds’
free will tries to be changed by giving away some household
stuff like TV or wash machine or refrigerator. Important thing
is, Kurds have to know that people who are giving away the
stuff to the region residents, are part of serial mentality which
was the reason for killing our people including children on the
middle of the street at the pass. Those were the governor or
chief of police department at that term,” he said. In addition
he particularly pointed out that that stuff, which poor people
deserved to be owner of them, have been bought by people
money and our tasks and now AKP try to use our money as
bribe in order to change Kurds’ free will. He also said; this will
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be never happen. Kurds have never changed their decision
because of AKP’s so-called social state solidarity which is
discovered just before the election.
DTP doesn’t want tightness in Diyarbakır
We do not want stress in Diyarbakır says DTP’s co-chair
Ahmet Turk in meeting with the press. There is nobody who
try to hypothecate people’s will or intimidate people by police
force can be accepted by people. We are telling Mr. President
that our people have had cultural and identification
requirements and they are economically poor. Can you
answer these expectations, asked Turk in his statement
giving during the meeting.
DTP’s co-chairs Ahmet Turk and Emine Ayna, Diyarbakır
Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir, Acting President of DTP
Group in Parliament Selahattin Demirtaş, DTP’s Diyarbakır
deputy Aysel Tuğluk and other mayors have gathered and
have a breakfast with the press for evaluating PM R. Tayyip
Erdoğan’s visit to Diyarbakır. Ahmet Turk pointed that PM’s
actions and implementations in the region are tightening the
atmosphere such as employing all kind of obstacle to
blockade DTP’s election work.
Opportunities have to be used equally other wise people’
reactions has to be understood. An approach which is equal
and fair has to be admitted by PM and AKP administration in
order to eliminate stress in the region, said Turk in his
Regarding police attacks on people in Diyarbakır event
Turk said that: According to Diyarbakır Governor there were
no gas bombs had been thrown on the protestors or police
didn’t use excessive force. No need to say these explanations
are not right. This approach and evaluations have terrorized
DTP and created tight atmosphere which is not favourite for
election. Government has to respect people’s will. Otherwise
people have to resist against this understanding.
Matter of the fact we need dialog which helps us to see the
issues through other visions. That is why Mr. PM has to listen
us and watch the records from Diyarbakır incidents and then
he can make decision about who is lying. If people out for
their demands you cannot take their will under the hypothec.
Neither of us can hypothec these demands. You need to tell
us and our people about what are you going to do due to lift
poverty, due to answer people’s identity and cultural
DTP’s Diyarbakır Mayor will not meet PM Erdoğan.
Diyarbakır Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir said; if PM
going to visit Diyarbakır as a chair of AKP, there is no need to
meet him as PM even according to the protocol. I’m not going
to go to meet him.
Erdogan’s meeting is over shade because of DTP’s
opening in Batman
DTP almost made a show of strength in Batman, against
PM R. Tayyip Erdogan’s visit. It is seen that Erdogan’s
meeting was over shade because of the DTP’s election office
opening. Former DEP deputy Leyla Zana has attended the
meeting also. People presented a riot of colors by their flags
and colorful dress and enthusiasm by slogans and cheers
during the meeting. There are also Abdullah Öcalan’s posters
have been carried by attendees. DTP managers, mayors and
mayoral candidates had speech including Leyla Zana which
met great enthusiasm.
Leyla Zana said; we have 30 years struggle heritage and
we are never going to give our rights or acquisitions. We wont
our voice is heard. People are going to show their decision on
29 March by their votes. We do not have NATO or IMF,
thousand years state either. Kurds will is in Imrali island.
Others has to hear this voice.
394 protesters under the police custody, more than
70 wounded on February 15th
of Turkey particularly
become battle field by
snow masked police’ raid
on houses, extraordinary
using superfluous gas bombs etc. on 15th February, when
there have been serial demonstrations to protest 10th
anniversary of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s imprisonment.
Total number after the incidents settle down is; 394 people
under the police custody, more than 70 others wounded.
Here are the detail;
BATMAN: 80 people have been under the police custody,
more than 10 others wounded.
ŞIRNAK: 49 people had been under the police custody, 4
of them arrested, 8 wounded including 4 police officers.
MARDİN: 69 people have been under the police custody,
8 others wounded including 6 police officers..
DİYARBAKIR: 38 people have been under the police
custody, 23 others wounded including 3 police officers.
SİİRT: 10 people have been under the police custody,
more than 10 others wounded including some police officers.
MERSİN:17 people have been under the police custody, a
women wounded
ADANA: 35 people have been under the police custody.
VAN: 20 people have been taken under the police
custody, 6 are still under the police custody, 3 others
HAKKÂRİ: 7 people have been taken under the police
custody, 17 others wounded including 9 police officers.
YÜKSEKOVA: 23 people have been under the police
custody, 12 are still under the police custody, 2 children
İSTANBUL: 44 people have been under the police
custody, 6 are still under the police custody, 1 wounded
Mazlumder issues Turkey human rights report
TZ 25.02.2009-Mazlumder issued
its annual human rights report on
Turkey.According to the annual report
published by Mazlumder (Foundation
for the Human Rights and Solidarity
for Oppressed People) showed that
Turkey's human rights record had
worsened last year. In 2008, 29
people had been the victim of extrajudicial execution and 343
people's murderers were not found. 25 people, also, has
become the victim of honour killing. Moreover, in 2008, 207
people were tortured and 10 people died in prison. The
foundation described Ergenekon probe as a historcial chance
in order to shed light on the extrajudicial executions.
According to Mazlumder, the worst case of 2008 was the
annuling of the law concerning the free entrance of students,
who wear headscarves, to the universities. Mazlumder
criticized the annuling in terms of reasons, saying it is "not
lawful and an excess of power."
Resistance against freedom of expression
Mazlumder said that the judiciary resisted to the
application of freedom of expression in Turkey. It is expressed
in the report that "Republic of Turkey guaranteed to the
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national and international community, by signing the
European Convent ion of Human Rights, that it will obey the
rules concerning human rights. Turkey also accepted the
jurisdiction of European Court of Human Rights."
The ban on youtube was also criticized in the report.
"Accreditation" ban against journalists by Turkish Army had
been another problem that conflicts with the freedom of
press, the report cited. Turkish Army was criticized for
applying pressure to Taraf, a daily, which harshly challenged
the passiveness of Turkish army on a Daglica case, where 12
soldiers were killed by PKK.
Beside bureaucratic and governmental problems, Turkish
media itself also caused numerous human rights breaches,
according to the report. "
"As examples, daily newspapers of Hurriyet, Vatan and
Milliyet degraded the women who wear their local and
traditional clothes at a ceremony as 'reactionary'." The report
listed 18 breaches of human rights in Turkish media.
Mazlumder, in addition, touched upon the right of
sanctuary and refugees. The rep ort said "Turkey refused to
accept the refugees, most of whom came from non-European
territories since Turkey signed 1951 Geneva Convention on
Refugee Law with reservation. Turkish refugee law includes
articles, which violates the right of asylum, should be
renewed in the manner that it would protect the rights
Understanding of strict secularism
The biggest part of the report was attributed to the
problems regarding freedom of religion and conscience.
Mazlumder concluded the report, saying "the understanding
of strict secularism that is being implemented in Turkey. Due
to this kind of secularist opinion, state controls the religion in
The headscarf ban continued to exist. The law which
amended the constitution in favor of students who wear
headscarves, was annuled by the Constitutional Court
unlawfully and by excess of power. The demonstartions for
the freedom of headscarf lasted in Turki sh cities of Kocaeli,
Sakarya, Ankara, Van and Akyazi. But, all efforts to lift the
ban was halted by the Constitutional Court, military
bureaucracy and the main opposition party CHP (Republican
People's Party).
Nearly 35 universities, including prestigious Bogazici and
Middle Eastern Technical University did not accept students
with headscarves. The report said "the Rector of Istanbul
University, which is 555 years old, Mesut Parlak told that they
would not give the deserved grade to headscarved students if
they insisted the demand for entering to the university as
Not only Sunni Muslims, but also Christian minorities
became victims of violent attacks against them, according to
thr report. "The cases of Malatya Zirve Publishing House and
Hrant Dink, a famous Armenian journalist, continued without
reaching out a final resolution. Some state official's
cooperation was proven, but it was not possible to birng them
in front of the court", the report said.
The report stated, "Christian minorities, except Greeks,
Armenians and Jews, are not officially recognized as
minorities. Those groups are Suryanis, Yezidis, Bahais,
Jehova's witnesses and other small communities. Orthodox
Christians has faced some problems as well. The long
enduring indifference to Heybeliada Cleric School and
Orthodox Patriarch's ecumenical claims are not recognized by
Turkish state."
"Alevis also witnessed the breach of their rights. State has
not officially recognized Alevi identity and continued its
pressure upon them. The problems continued regarding the
construction of cemevi, a place for gathering and pray for
Alevis. State institutions do not help, and even, in some
cases, do not permit the construction of cemevi," said the
Former Turkish State Minister confesses: The
Güçlükonak massacre was conducted by the state 16.02.2009 -The former state minister
responsible for human rights, Adnan Ekmen, had important
statements about the Güçlükonak massacre. These
statements shed light on the reasons for leaving the Kurdish
question unresolved and point out the who provoked, and
why, the declared ceasefire.
The confession came after 13 years
The minister responsible for human rights in the 52nd
government, in which Tansu Çiller was prime minister and
Deniz Baykal was foreign minister, Adnan Ekmen made
statements to Yeni Aktüel magazine by saying, "My
conscience makes me uncomfortable": "Although we knew the
background of the event, unfortunately we could not explain
it to the public. According to the hearings from the region and
from the relatives of the people who were killed, we realized
that the situation was not the same as the security forces
were talking about. The event that took place was in a
location where the security forces had full control anyway; It
was impossible for PKK to conduct an operation. Yet the ID
cards of the murdered were in the hands of the security
forces, people were burned; however, somehow, their ID
cards were never damaged. Apparently the people who
burned them took their ID cards before burning them. To me,
this was the point that exposed them.
"We sat and talked about what we could do together with
the ministry’s bureaucrats. I called a village guard chief and
tribal leader who I trusted, and told him what I had heard. He
said to me.” I cannot lie to you; whatever you heard is true.
The official statement of the security forces does not reflect
the truth.” I asked him whether he would be willing to tell us
the truth if we went to Güçlükonak.” This is not possible. If
we tell the truth we cannot protect ourselves, and neither can
you,’ he said. After he said that we changed our minds about
going to Güçlükonak.
"I offered Deniz Baykal the things that I knew, to tell
Prime Minister Çiller. When he said.” It is up to you, but the
Prime Minister is very busy nowadays “I changed my mind."
"I told the event to the chairman of CHP, of which I was a
member, and I told him that I wanted to share what I heard
with the public. He asked me why they were putting the
blame on PKK. In Europe there would be a very important
vote about the Kurds. By blaming this incident on PKK, I said
to him that they might want it to give a message to the
association which would hold the election."
First ceasefire, first provocation
Özal wanted it, a ceasefire was declared.
President Turgut Özal conveyed his ceasefire demand to
PKK through the PUK leader Celal Talabani. The Kurdish
people’s leader, Abdullah Öcalan, responded to Özal’s demand
positively. On 17 March 1993 in Lebanon’s Bar Eliyas town,
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Öcalan and PUK leader Celal Talabani, as mediator, came out
in front of the press and declared a 25-day ceasefire. Özal
expressed his satisfaction to Talabani, who visited him after
the ceasefire, by saying: "For ten years it is the very first
time I slept peacefully." After Özal’s positive reaction, one day
after the limited ceasefire, on 16 April, in Bar Eliyas, Öcalan
came out in front of the press one more time and declared
that they had extended the unilateral ceasefire indefinitely.
Özal’s suspicious death and the 33 soldiers incident
Özal, who had sympathy for most of the demands that
were mentioned in the ceasefire, including a general amnesty,
died suddenly, one day after the indefinite ceasefire, on 17
April 1993. It was stated that Özal suffered a heart attack.
However, many people, primarily his family, and including
Öcalan, said "Özal was murdered". On 24 May 1993, the news
of the massacre came. Şemdin Sakık, who blocked the
Bingöl-Elazığ highway and killed 33 unarmed soldiers,
declared the end of the first ceasefire. Öcalan said that
incident of the murder of 33 soldiers was not related to them
[PKK] and he refused to take responsibility. Öcalan mentioned
this truth many times on İmralı and he called for the
enlightenment of this incident.
Second ceasefire, second provocation
This time Çiller wanted it. After Özal’s death, Süleyman
Demirel became president and Tansu Çiller became prime
minister. Çiller sent a letter to Öcalan, again through
Talabani, and wanted Öcalan to declare a ceasefire. After
that, PKK declared the second unilateral ceasefire on 15
December 1995.
11 villagers were raked with gunfire and burned
One month after the ceasefire, on 16 January 1996, this
time the news came from Şırnak’s town, Güçlükonak. The
Koçyurdu minibus, which contained 11 villagers, was raked
with gunfire and the corpses were then burned. The general
staff and government officials declared the operation was
conducted by PKK. PKK, on the other hand, defined the
incident as "provocation through state-related contra groups"
and despite this incident, declared the "continuation of the
ceasefire". However, for the very first time the general staff
took journalists, including foreign journalists, to the scene
and made anti-PKK statements. However, the general staff
did not let the journalists talk to the villagers.
Intellectuals blamed the state
The Together for Peace Working Group members,
intellectuals, and journalists, went to the scene twice and
found clues. They focused on the fact that the incident was
related to the state. They sued, however not only did they
receive no result, but also they were countersued by the
charge of "insulting the army" and were convicted to ten
years in prison.
Two days after the massacre, the EU parliament
would assemble for a ceasefire
During the Güçlükonak incident, the European parliament
had assembled for an important agenda. Turkey conducted its
military operation despite the PKK’s unilateral ceasefire.
However, the ceasefire issue became a hot debate in the
international arena. The European parliament called PKK and
Turkey for a democratic solution to the Kurdish question on
13 December 1995. The ceasefire decision was given as a
response to this call. In fact, a proposition related to Turkey
was accepted unanimously during the 18 January 1996
session. One of the articles in the proposal was about the
ceasefire: "The European parliament greets the unilateral
ceasefire declared by Öcalan and accepts this initiative as a
positive response to the European parliament’s decision on 13
December 1995. At the same time it [the European
parliament] hopes Turkey considers this gesture as a step
towards a peaceful solution and accepts it as an opportunity
to initiate a national-level dialog to overcome the problem in
the Eastern Anatolian Region." Just two days before the
meeting at which this decision was made, the Güçlükonak
massacre took place.
Villagers were detained
It was revealed that some of the villagers who were
murdered were detained and were held in the Takonak
Jandarma Battalion, and some of them were taken from their
homes on the day of the incident. Among the people who
were killed, Halit Kaya’s daughter from Yata’ankaya village,
Ramazan Oruç’s son, and Ali Nas’s nephew from Çevrimli
village had previously joined the PKK guerrillas.
Third ceasefire, third provocation
Everyone wanted a ceasefire
Prime Minister Erdoğan made moderate statements related
to the Kurdish question in 2005 and showed attempts to
make PKK declare a ceasefire. Many parties, including the US,
the EU, KDP, PUK, AKP and DTP, made various attempts
toward this issue. On 1 October 2006, PKK declared a
ceasefire. However no improvement was made after the
Massacre in the first year of the ceasefire
One year passed and the ceasefire was still in effect. On
29 September 2007, the news of the massacre came from
rnak’s Beytüebap. Twelve people in a minibus going to
Beşağaç (Hemkan) village were ambushed. The general staff
and the government made a statement that "PKK did it"
about the massacre, which resembled the Guclukonak
incident. PKK on the other hand declared that "the massacre
was committed by JITEM, which is linked to the army".
Villagers also said that the incident was conducted by village
guards and JITEM; the information received confirmed this
claim. After this date, not only did the hope for a solution to
the Kurdish question weaken but it was also the start of the
cross-border operations. Thus the policies of violence entered
a new stage.
Kaplan: The state prosecutor must act
DTP’s rnak parliamentarian Hasip Kaplan expressed his
views regarding the statements made by the former minister
responsible for human rights at that time, Adnan Ekmen, and
wanted the state prosecutor to take action. Kaplan said, "The
investigation and evidence previously found by the
intellectuals and the NGOs is today confirmed one more time
by the statements of someone who has been at the ministry
level. The prosecutor must immediately begin an
investigation, listen to Minister Ekmen, the intellectuals, and
the NGOs who have previously made such investigations.
Because this is a massacre case, a case of provocation, the
case must be reopened." Mentioning that they would take this
issue to the parliament’s attention, Kaplan said: "Previously
we had given question and investigation proposals to the
parliament regarding extrajudicial murders and massacres.
We are going to keep a close eye on these. We will bring up
this incident too." Ozgur Gundem
The Balance sheet of Human Rights Violations of
2008 in Prisons in Turkey
Human Rights Associations -According to the “Report
on Prisons”, which has been prepared via examining the
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applications to the Headquarters and 29 Branches of the
Human Rights Association (IHD) between 01 January and 31
December 2008 and scanning the press in Turkey, there are
3519 violations in different categories and 37 people lost their
lives in the prisons in Turkey during this period.
Categories of violations:
 Torture and Ill-Treatment 333
 Violation of Right to Health 462
 Violations due to Nutrition, Heating and Physical
Conditions 64
 Violations due to Disciplinary Proceedings 1602
 Obstacles to Speaking and Communicating in Kurdish 323
 Violations in regard to Transferring Prisoners to Health
Services/Institutions 95
 Arbitrary Implementations (Prohibition of Books, Letter
and etc...) 363
 The Circulation Numbered 45/1 and Its Implementation
(Isolation) 70
 Body Search and Problems in regard to meeting with
family members and lawyers 39
 Other Violations 168
TOTAL 3519 applications.
15 years old boy sentenced to 90 year in prison
DIHA 28.02.2009- One more
case is added to children’s rights
violation issues in Turkey by
Yakup Turgut’s, 18 years old
boy, punishment which is 90
year jail sentence for 5 different
events. Turgut had been arrested
22 September 2006 allegedly
relation with armed attack on
police station on 17 September 2006 where 2 police officers
had died 2 others wounded. He was 15 years old and a first
grade student in high school. He is staying in Van F Type
Prison since than.
Turgut has being tried in Van Heavy Penalty Court Number
4 for 5 different accusations as two times felonious homicide
and malicious injury, keep explosive material, keep
organizational document and membership for an illegal
organization. According to his statement in Court his house
located near the attacked police station had been raided in
the middle of the night by police and explosive material had
been put in house by police at that night.
During the process of trial there have been other people
who caught related with the same case and statements on the
case which have not related with Turgut, people have been
surprised by the court’ verdict. According to the court verdict
Yakup Turgut, who was 15 years old when the case occurred,
has been sentenced to 90 years in prison and 4.500 TL fine.
Taner Polat, lawyer for Turgut, said; I was in a puzzle
when I heard the verdict. We proved with concrete evidences
in the court that my client doesn’t have any relation with this
case. This verdict is a personal attitude which is against laws.
Besides that this is the heaviest punishment we have ever
faced. We are going to appeal it.
He was 15 years old when the incident occurred; said
lawyer and added; Even though if we think one moment that
he is committed mentioned crime he needs to be trailed by
juvenile court instead of Heavy Penalty Court. I believe that
Supreme Court of Appeals is going to correct this tragic
mistake and he is going to be acquitted.
Diyarbakir Police Prevents Release of Children
Erhan Ustundag 27.02.2009- Ten children who participated in
protests in Diyarbakir during the visit of Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan on 20 October 2008 are on trial, but their
hearings have again been postponed.On Tuesday, there were
two court hearings in Diyarbakir. Human rights activists who
have come together as the Initiative for Justice for Children
came to the city in the southeast of Turkey from Izmir,
Istanbul and Ankara to join local activists of the Initiative.
The Initiative reiterated its demand for the release of the
dozens of children who were arrested in different provinces
and at different times for taking part in protests. It has also
called on changes in the regulations that make such arrests
The first trial hearing took place in the morning. Six
children who had been released in December 2008 after being
detained for two months, stand accused of membership in an
illegal organisation, namely the illegal Kurdistan Workers’
Party (PKK).
Need for more comprehensive report
The court case was closed to the press and public. The
court listened to an expert report prepared by Ümit Biçer,
head of the forensic medicine department at Kocaeli
University. In the report, which the defence lawyers had
asked for, Biçer concluded from examining the files that the
children were too young to realise the crime they were
accused of or the consequences of taking part in protests.
Biçer criticised earlier reports for only taking into account
the mental state of the children and said that experts from
different disciplines had to carry out a comprehensive
examination.When the prosecution approved of this, the court
postponed the case until 12 May in order to give the lawyers
time to create a social examination report on the children.
Police statements considered sufficient proof
Canan Atabay, lawyer for the children, told bianet that if
the court demanded a new social examination report and if it
was carried out by a deputation of experts, that this could
create a precedence for other cases.The lawyer added that
four children were arrested for taking part in protests purely
on the statements of police officers, without any further
proof. According to the expert’s report, one of the other two
children was also not filmed on the police video, and it was
“doubtful” whether the last child was filmed either.
Detention of two children to continue
In the afternoon, the trial of four other children continued.
Because they are aged 15-18, they are being tried before a
Special Heavy Penal Court, which has taken the place of the
State Security Courts. Two children are being tried without
detention, but it was decided to continue the detention of the
two other children. Despite the fact that there is no proof
beyond the statements of police officers as to the
participation of the children in protests, the three judges
refused a demand for the release of the two children. In
addition, the court sent an indictment to the school of two
children in order to support a disciplinary investigation into
their behaviour. The court case has been deferred until 24
Children tried as adults
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government
made an amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Law (TMY) in
2006, allowing children aged between 15 and18 to be tried as
adults concerning charges defined in that law. As such, just
participating in an event called by the PKK results in charges
of "membership to a terrorist organization", foreseeing harsh
penalties.The amendment came after wide spread protests in
Diyarbakir and other cities with a majority Kurdish
population.Rights activists demand an alteration in law, to
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bring the existing practice in par with international standards
on child criminal justice system.
Hundreds of children on trial and/or sentenced
Only this year, more than 100 children were taken into
custody during protests in commemoration of the arrest of
PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan on 15 February ten years ago. In
2006 and 2007, 1,572 children were put on trial on charges
under the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Penal Code. During the
same time, 174 children were sentenced, 92 of them in
Diyarbakir. Other trials will continue in March, too.
University punishes 35 students for speaking
in Kurdish
Ersin Celik 27.02.2009 - A group of Mersin University
student has held a ceremony for the International Mother Day
in the campus. One of students Onur Ender Kuntes performed
a symbolic Kurdish lessen during the ceremony. University
administration showed this symbolic lesson as a criminal act
and punished him and also others who were listening to the
lesson. Kurdish is described as so-called on the
administration’s notification which is paid attention as an
academic institution. Furthermore Kurdish has been written
‘kurdish’ again and again on the notification instead of
Kurdish as a word should be written by capital letter
according to the Turkish Language Institution’s rules.
Student Cihan Çelik said that we performed this ceremony
to make point for restrictions on Kurdish language and
University administration proved us that we are very right
about our worries about restrictions on Kurdish. AKP’s
extensions and practice are very different. These punishments
show us there is a lot of way to go to make speaking Kurdish
Number of honor-killings and violations of women
rights alarming
Özkan had been exposed violence
by her husband. She left her house
with her 17 years old daughter
Gonca Özkan and harbored in police
complained about her husband.
They have been found death on 3
February, 2009, after police sent them to their house instead
of taking them under protection. This common tragedy draws
the attentions of alarming number of honor-killings and
violation women rights particularly in the region. 21 women
had been killed around Van between 2004 and 2009, 2667
women imposed in psychological, 2067 others verbal and
3630 women physical violence, while 1753 women imposed in
sexual harassment and incest between 1997 and 2008 also
around Van. There are also other numbers allegedly tree
times more than reported honor killing, which officially
recording is almost impossible, about forcibly committed
suicide because of the honor issue.
Common point in women deaths is mostly domestic
violence. Usually no problem if women remain silent against
to be beaten, abused or other kinds of rights violation.
Women usually have been killed, when try to be against their
husbands’ violence or other kinds of abusive act as sexually
or physically.
Centerrepresentative in Van, said women deaths have been based
on patriarchal system which creates man-dominated
environment and women killer can be every were because of
this understanding. Each woman who is between 13 and 45
years old are potentially in danger of being killed.
Besides numbers or reasons given on the above, women
would being killed by any reasons or by any close relatives
under the name of honor killing in Turkey particularly eastern
part of Turkey.
Here is some examples occurred in Van between
2004 and 2009
 Nazime Alır, 27, had been burned by her husband on June
2004 in Muradiye. Husband used honor as an excuse for
murder in order to decrease punishment.
 Zülfinan Bayçınar, 24, had been killed for rejecting her
husband’s second wife in June 2005 in Muradiye also.
 Zahide Camiye, 39, had been strangled by her husband.
 Naile Erdaş, 17, became pregnant as a result of rape. Her
brother killed her after giving birth in October 2006.
 Dilan Binici, 8, committed suicide in April 2007. It is
understood after examination that she was a rape victim
 Türkan Aytiş, 23, allegedly committed suicide in June
2007. It is understood after investigation that she was killed.
 Gülten Ayaz, mother of two, had been burned on
December 28 2007 by her brother in laws because of
allegation about her life.
 Neriman Koğu, also killed related Gülten Ayaz’s death.
 Beyaz Alkan, 31, officially complained about her husband’s
violence and was killed by him in February 2008.
 AE, 19, had been killed by her husbands who beated her
to death in May 2008.
 Şerbet Kotlaş, 25, had been found hanged in June 2008,
but according to her family’s allegation she had been killed.
 Şehnaz Tong, 14, had been killed after she run away with
her boy friend in June 2008.
 Pakize Memmedova, 48, killed in October 2008.
 Nural Özkan and her daughter Gonca Özkan who had been
killed on February 3 2009 with single bullet were the last
victims by now in context with so-called honor killings.
Kurdish women's rights activist released in Iran
Amnesty International 27.02.2009-Kurdish student Hana
Abdi was released from prison on Thursday after spending
nearly 16 months in detention. She had been charged with
"enmity against God" and "gathering and colluding to harm
national security".
Amnesty International had campaigned for Hana Abdi’s
release and considered her to be a prisoner of conscience,
detained solely because of her peaceful exercise of their
rights to freedom of expression and association in connection
with her work for women’s rights and the rights of Iran's
Kurdish minority.
Hana Abdi, a student in Bijar University, is a member of
the Campaign for Equality, a grass-roots initiative to end legal
discrimination against women in Iran, and its Kurdish affiliate,
the Azar Mehr Women’s Organization of Sanandaj nongovernmental organization. She was arrested in November
2007, accused of membership of the Free Life Party of
Kurdistan (PJAK), an armed Kurdish opposition group, and
participation in "attacks" in Sanandaj in Kordestan province,
northwestern Iran. She was held incommunicado for two
months by the Ministry of Intelligence before being
transferred to Sanandaj prison. She was sentenced to five
years imprisonment to be spent in exile in Germi, far to the
north. Her sentence was reduced to 18 months imprisonment
on appeal, to be spent in Razan, Hamedan province. Shortly
before her release, she was transferred to Meshkin Shahr in
Ardabil Province, north-western Iran… In February 2008, the
lawyer of both women voiced concern that they had been
interrogated using illegal methods and accused of very
serious charges while being held in solitary confinement. In
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Rue Jean Stas 41, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: 0032 2 64 73 084 Fax: 00 32 2 64 76 849
his opinion, their confessions were not valid and could not be
used in court as credible evidence.
Press Release Assembly of PJAK
For a long time, a flood of attacks
has been directed at the Kurdish people
and the Kurdish liberation movement.
These attacks are the work of the
violent occupier of Kurdistan as well as
the super powers in the world.
PJAK is an Iranian Kurdish resistance
movement, from its existence 6 years
ago up until now, has been able to
continue its persistent struggle for freedom and democracy
successfully and has reached many of its political goals. These
successes will lay the base for further accomplishments and
finally the ultimate goals of the movement.
During this period, many misinformation and useless
speculations campaigns were directed by the Iranian, Turkish
and Iraqi sides and even the Kurdistan regional government
in southern Kurdistan, the Kurdish Iranian parties whom all
call themselves “Iranian opposition”, have stepped out their
campaign with single goal of defaming the name of PJAK and
to hinder the struggle of PJAK.
Iran authorities and other puppet organizations, from the
beginning of the establishment of PJAK, hinted falsely that
Iran is behind PJAK and it was created solely to serve the
Iranian regime. This filthy and untrue campaign of
misinformation and psychological warfare that carried out by
the Iranian regime and others failed and revealed by PJAK’s
continues struggle to change the Iranian dictatorial regime,
and the legitimate struggle for freedom and democracy
carried out. Consequently everybody understood the true
meaning of the national democratic struggle carried out by
PJAK and the goals of the movement.
Another allegation is that PJAK created by the United
States of America and also that the United States is
contributing to the struggle of PJAK on all areas. This
misinformation was fabricated to aid in bringing down the
Iranian regime.
But this was also exposed, by the aerial attacks from the
Turkish air forces that were carried out with the help from the
US intelligence. It was revealed that the United States and
PJAK did not have any relations and that in fact is the US and
Iran who are cooperating and making deals.
In the latest concept of uncertainty and continuous
attacks, the US treasury department states that it is freezing
all of the assets belonging to PJAK in the USA under the
pretext that PJAK has connections to the PKK and that it is
unclear whether or not the finances of PJAK are their own or
given to PJAK by the PKK. This was the reason behind this
decision of the US treasury department, but the real reason is
to protect the political interests of Turkey and to please Iran.
The facts on the ground shows that PJAK is an independent
democratic organization with the goal of obtaining the
legitimate national and human rights of the 12 million Kurds
in Iran. This decision is a political one and that it is in the
interest of the Iranian dictatorial regime.
We declare that PJAK does not has any assets or
established any business or get any financial aids from the
USA government, independent organizations or individuals.
Therefore it is needed that the US declares what their
reason for this decision is. Which countries and organizations
have delivered this suggestion to the US? What role has Iran
had in the making of this decision?
The US no longer thinks of a change in Iran and they are
even starting to slowly giving up to Iran’s demands and
aggressive policies. Iran and the US are closer than they have
ever especially when it comes to the question of PJAK, which
is probably a result of the latest diplomatic relations
witnessed. Therefore, upon condemning this decision, the US
needs to look over this decision again and not to give in to
the wishes of passive sides and organizations cooperating
with Iran.
PJAK is a political national democratic movement. Its
power comes from the support of the people of Iran. It is
continuing its struggle and nothing can stop it from reaching
its legitimate democratic goals of the Kurdish and Iranian
people. Neither this coalition between Iran, Turkey and Iraq
nor any other force try to defame the name of PJAK, will be
The Assembly of PJAK declares that any decision made
against PJAK is a decision against the destiny of 12 million
Kurds in eastern Kurdistan (Iran).
Terrorism is a concept of the states and has nothing to do
with the peace adoring movement of PJAK. It is neither a
word which has a place in the language of the movement nor
is it an act which ever crosses their road.
PJAK has never and will never surrender to any force and
become a puppet in the hands of any force, system or super
power like the USA. To be able to reach the legitimate goals
of the Kurdish people in eastern Kurdistan, we will continue
our struggle for peace democracy and freedom. PJAK will
never back off from its legitimate struggles as long as it has
the support and cooperation of the Kurdish and Iranian
We are therefore calling upon all political groups and
organizations to take a stand against this unjustified decision,
so that the attempts at hindering the Kurdish people struggle
in Iran are demolished and we will take new steps towards a
greater democratic national unity. 16.02.2009
Appeasing Mullahs by selling out Kurds is wrong! By Dr. Zardasht Diaz- Recent decision
by the US treasury board to add Party for Free Life in
Kurdistan (PJAK) to its list of terror organization and
subsequent directives to freeze their assets is truly a low
point in Obama administrations effort to engage the regime in
Tehran. This policy of appeasing Iranian regime is a failure
from the start and to make Kurds a sacrificial lamb in this
political maneuvering is even worse. President Obama only
needs to read a string of recent report by international
organizations detailing the gross violation of the most
fundamental rights of Kurdish people in Iran by this tyrannical
What does Obama administration want to achieve by
offering an olive branch to a regime that dangles its citizens
from cranes in public squares, exports terrorism globally, has
been found directly responsible for a string of assassinations
of its opponents abroad. This is a regime that blew up the US
base in Lebanon, killing hundreds of marines, obliterated a
Jewish community centre in Argentina and is actively involved
in funding anti-coalition insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This regime is adamant on acquiring the most lethal weapon
known to mankind. Given the generosity with which Mullahs
have provided terrorist with weapons, it's only a matter of
time before they provide nuclear bombs to Hezbollah and
Is Obama administration really that naïve to think that a
regime that has defied the entire international community for
three decades will suddenly make a u-turn and embrace
democracy? Selling out Kurds to the Iranian regime is wrong
for thousand reasons. Mullahs must not be rewarded for their
evil deeds. They must be held accountable for the disaster
they have brought on Iranian people. Statement of the
Executive Committee of KNK