CV-M. DOGAN, PhD - David Publishing


CV-M. DOGAN, PhD - David Publishing
Curriculum Vitae
Mahmut Dogan, PhD
Full Name:
Date & Place of 1965, Malazgirt TURKEY
Nationality: TC
Erciyes University
Office Contact:
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Food Engineering
38039 Kayseri, Turkey.
Tel:+90 352 437 49 01 (ex32751)
Fax:+90 352 4375784
Academic Title & Assoc. Prof., Food Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Erciyes
1996 PhD Food Engineering, Trakya University, Tekirdag,TURKEY
1991 MsC Food Engineering,Yuzuncu Yil University,Van,TURKEY
1989 BSc Food Engineering, Ataturk University, Erzurum,TURKEY
Academic Interests: Dairy Science and Technology
Instant Food Science and Technology
Food Control and Safety
Food Rheology
Food Chemistry
Language ability:
English (very good)
Germany (good)
(1984-1988) TR State scholarship for collage education.GS.
Grants and
Academic Honours: (1990) Research grants for graduate education for MS.
(1994) Research grants for graduate education for Ph.D.
(2004) TUBITAK awards he publication papers (SCI)
(2005) TUBITAK awards he publication papers (SCI)
(2005) Research Fon from Erciyes Univ for visiting scientist in
Berlin Technical Universty, Dept. Food Chem.
(2006) Erciyes University Engineering Faculty awards he publication
papers (SCI)
(2005) TUBITAK awards publication he papers (SCI)
(1989-1991) Research Assistant,Yuzuncu Yil Univ., Food Eng.
(1991-1992) Lecturer, Erciyes Univ., Kocasinan Vocational School.
(1992-1993) Research Assistant, Trakya Univ., Food Eng. Dept.
(1993-1996) Lecturer, Erciyes Univ., Safiye Cikrikcioglu Vocationa
(1997-1998) Assistant Professor, Erciyes Univ., Safiye Cikrikcioglu
Vocational School.
(1998- 2008)Assistant Professor, Erciyes Univ., College of Eng.,
Food Eng. Dept.
(2008- ) Associate Professor, Erciyes Univ., College of Eng., Food
Eng. Dept.
(1994-1995)Founder and Coordinator, Erciyes Univ., Vocational
School, Dept. Of Meat Science.
(1995-2003) Founder and Coordinator, Erciyes Univ., Vocational
School, Dept. Of Dairy Science.
(2003- ) Founder and Coordinator, Erciyes Univ., Vocational
School, Dept. Of Food Technology.
(1998-2001) Founder and Chair of Dept., Erciyes Univ., College of
Eng., Food Eng. Dept.
(1998-2001)Member of Administration Council, Erciyes Univ.,
College of Eng.
(2002- ) Member of Administration Council, Erciyes Univ.,
Safiye Cikrikcioglu Vocational School.
(2003- ) Assistant of Vice Chair of Dept. Food Eng., Erciyes
Univ., College of Eng.
(2004-2005)International Office, Organizasation Member, Erciyes
(2006- ) Faculty of Engineering, Memeber of Planning in
Strategy of Faculty,Erciyes University
(2007- ) Milk and Dairy Products Commision Member, Ministry
of Agriculture , Food Codex
1. Dogan, M., Sarıoğlu, K., Kayacıer A., Production of Prebiotic
Modified Butter and Crema with Reduced Calories. TUBITAK
TOVAG, Research Project. Project Number: 109O784, 2008
(1.5 year long, Project Budget: 50.000 EURO)
2. Dogan, M., Oral, R.A., Sarıoğlu, K., Sağdıç, O. Reduction
possibilities with biological and chemical methods of 5Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) which toxic substance in
foods. TUBITAK TOVAG, Research Project. Project
Number:106O289, 09.2006 (1.5 year long, Project Budget:
37.000 EURO)
3. Dogan, M., Er, V. Production of the flavored instant pudding
desserts with different fibers. Erciyes University Scientific
Research Center. 2006, Project No:FBA-06/ (Budget: 2.500
EURO, 1 years period).
4. Doğan, M., Bayrak, O., Er, V. 2006. Production of prebiotic
instant food. Erciyes Univ. Kosgeb (Budget: 220.000 Euro, 2
5. Dogan, M., Yildirim, A. Production of the different flavored
milk based instant beverages with fibers. Erciyes University
Scientific Research Center. 2006, Project No:FBA-06/
(Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
6. Dogan, M., Oral, R.A. Investiagtion of possibilities to reduce
of HMF content and determination of the 5-HMF in dairy
based foods and effect of storage on 5-HMF. Production of the
different flavored milk baseed instant beverages with fibers.
Erciyes University Scientific Research Center. 2006, Project
No:FBA-06/ 17(Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
7. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A. Production of Diet Instant Food and
Beverages. T.R. Prime Ministry State Planing Organization
(DPT), 2004, Project No: 2003K120420 (Budget:136.000
EURO, 3 year period).
8. Dogan, M., Sienkiewicz, T., Oral, A.R. Investigation of
Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content of the whey protein
powder. Erciyes University Scientific Research Center. 2004,
Project No:FBA-04/23 (Budget: 15.000 EURO, 8 month
9. Sienkiewicz, T., Dogan, M. and Kroh, L . Investigation of
proteins in ewe, goat and cow cheeses by gel isoelectric
focussing. Supported by Berlin Technical University Faculty
of Process Sciences, Institute of Food Technology and Food
Chemistry, Department of Food Chemistry and Erciyes
University Scientific Research Center, 2005, (Budget: 4.500
10. Sağdıç, O., Doğan, M., Kayacıer, A., Özkan, G. Production of
grape pomace extract and using of these as natural
antimicrobial preservatives in soup, fruit juice and ground
meat. 2004 (Budget: 22.000 EURO, 1.5 year period).
11. Sagdic, O., Yetim, H., Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Ozkan.
Utilization of Grape Pomace as Antimicrobial and Antioxidant
Ingredient in Food Industry. (Supported by TUBITAK, Project
No: TOVAG 105O 154, 2006 (76.000 EURO, 30 month
12. Dogan, M. Content of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in
Commercial Nonfat Dry Milk. Erciyes University Scientific
Research Center, 2001, Project No: 01-022-2 (completed).
13. Dogan, M., Tokalioglu, S. Trace Elements in Some Instant
Foods. Erciyes University Scientific Research Center, 2001,
Project No: 01-022-1.
14. Dogan, M., Liman, B. Level of the Total Aflatoxin in Some
Instant Foods. Erciyes University Scientific Research Center,
2001, Project No: 01-51-9.
15. Dogan, M. Rheological Properties of Instant Hot Salep
Beverage. Erciyes University Scientific Research Center,
Project No: 01-51-7.
16. Dogan, M. The Effect of Ageing at Low Temperature on The
rheological Characteristics of Kahramanmaras-type Ice-Cream
Mix. Project No: EUAP 01-51-7/ 01-51-1.
17. Dogan, M, Akgül, A. Fatty acids composition of some Walnut
(Juglans Regia L.), sunflower and sumac (Rhus coriaria L.)
cultivars from southeast Anatolia. Yuzuncu yil Univ. Scientific
Research Center Unit.
18. Dogan, M., Oguzman M.K., Gilaboru (Viburnum opulus) seed
oil and some other vegetable oils use as a functional ice
composition. Erciyes University Scientific Research Center.
2009, Project No:FBY-09/1101 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years
19. Dogan, M., Onart H., Rheological Behaviour and Chemical
Characterization of Milk-Based Circassian Tea. Erciyes
University Scientific Research Center. 2009, Project No:
FBY09-1092 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
20. Dogan, M., Cengiz E., Gum Production from Gleditschia
Triacanthos L. ve Ceratonia Silicua L., Determination of
Rheological Characterization and Investigation of Synergy
with Other Gums. (Erciyes University Scientific Research
Center. 2009, Project No: FBY09-1100 (Budget: 2.500 EURO,
1 years period).
21. Dogan, M., Kesler Y., The Production of Functional Butter
wıth Addition of Food Fiber and Probiotic Bacteria. Project
No: FBY07-88 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
22. Dogan, M., Karasu S., Optimization Rheological Properties of
Vegetable Fat Edible Milk Ice. Project No: FBY08-602
(Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
23. Dogan,
Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) Content in Some Foods,
Changing of HMF Level During Storage and Reduction with
Biological Method No: FBY08-599 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1
years period).
24. Dogan, M., Göksel M., Investigation of different sources of
dietary fiber, manufacturing and chemical characterization No:
FBY09-1091 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
25. Dogan, M., Yavaş B., Rheological Properties of Ayran
Production with Fiber Using Different Stabilizer No: FBY09931 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
26. Dogan, M., Öztürk G., Some Vegetable Water Use in the
Production of Edible Ice Milk and Physical, Chemical,
Functional and Rheological Investigation of Edible Ice Milk.
No: FBY10-3094 (Budget: 2.500 EURO, 1 years period).
27. Dogan, M., Oral R.A., Some Vegetable Based Phenolic
Particle Production and Investigation Effect of Products on the
Maillard Reaction and Some Carcinogenic Compounds No:
FBY09-1103 (Budget: 5.000 EURO, 2 years period).
28. Dogan, M., Improving Rheological Properties of Powder
Milk-Based Drink with Fiber Using Different Stabilizers.
NAP), FBA-07-48. (Budget: 15.000 EURO, 2 years period).
29. Silici, S., Sagdıc, O., Dogan, M., (2007).Determination Toxic
Chemicals, Antibacterial and Toxic Properties of honeys
Produced in Our Country. Researcher (NAP), DPT-06-02.
(Budget: 25.000 Euro, 2 years period)
30. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Ic, E. Showed Rheological Behavior
of Thickening Agents as a Result of Application of Irradiation.
31. Dogan, M., Kaya, I. Beyhan, Ö. 1990. Determine the
Composition of Fatty Acids of Types of Walnut Selected of
Daren. 91-ZF-90.
Teaching/Lectures: As a lecturer, I have had responsibility for teaching and
demonstrating a range of graduate courses.
BSc Lectures Given Milk Technology
Milk and Milk Products
Food Processing Applications
Food Chemistry
MScLectures Given Food Rheology I
Food Rheology II
Biochemical Changes in Foods
Sweeteners Used in Food Industry
Member of Administration Council, Erciyes Univ., Safiye
Cikrikcioglu Vocational School Coordinator of Food Technology
Vice Chair of Dept. Food Eng., Erciyes Univ., College of Eng.
European Society of Rheology,
American Chemical Society
Food Technology Society, Ankara, Turkey.
Turk-Celiac Society, Istanbul, Turkey.
Turkisch Biochemistry Society, Ankara, Turkey.
Federation of Europen Biochemical Societies, Copenhagen,Denmark.
1. Dogan, M., Ustdal, M., Demirci, M. 1999. Milk Protein
Polymorphism In The Population of Brown Swiss Cattle In
Turkey. Turkish Journal Veterinary and Animal Science 23(1):
2. Dogan, M., Kaygisiz, A. 1999. Relationships Between Milk
Yield Traits and Milk Protein Polymorphism In Brown Swiss
Cattle In Turkey. Turkish Journal Veterinary and Animal
Science 23(1): 47- 49.
3. Kaygisiz, A., Dogan, M. 1999. Genetics of Milk Protein
Polymorphism and Its Relation To Milk Yield Traits In
Holstein Cows. Turkish Journal Veterinary and Animal
Science 23(3): 447-455.
4. Sagdic, O., Simsek, B., Orhan, H., Dogan, M. 2004. Effect of
k-Carragenan On Bacteria and Some Characteristic of Yoghurt.
Milchwissenchaft(Milk Science International) 59(1/2):45-47.
5. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A. 2004. Rheological Properties of
Reconstituted Hot Salep Beverage. International Journal of
Food Properties 7(3):683-691.
6. Dogan, M., Sahin, U. and Ulgen, A. 2005. Determination of
Total Phosphorus In Milk by Near- Infrared Absoption
Spectroscopy with Laser Diode. Milchwissenchaft(Milk
Science International 60 (1): 18-21.
7. Dogan, M., Sienkiewicz, T., Oral, R. A. 2005.
Hydroxymethylfurfural content of some commercial whey
protein concentrates. Milchwissenchaft (Milk Science
International)60 (3): 309-311.
8. Dogan, M., Akgul, A. 2005. Fatty Acids Composition of Some
Walnut (Juglans Regia L.) Cultivars From East Anatolia.
Grasas Y Aceites 56(4), 328-331.
9. Dogan, M., Akgul, A. 2005. Fatty acids composition of sumac
(Rhus coriaria L.) cultivars from southeast Anatolia. Chemistry
and Natural Compounds, 41, 6, 724-725.
10. Kayacier, A., Dogan, M. 2006. Rheological properties of some
gums-salep mixed solution. Journal of Food Engineering, 72
11. Dogan, M., Silici, S., Saraymen, R., Ozer, I.O. 2006.
Investigation of Element Content of Propolis Different Regions
of Anatolia. Acta Alimentaria, 35 (1),127-130.
12. Sienkiewicz, T., Dogan, M. and Kroh, L.W. 2006.
Investigation of Proteins in Ewe, Goat and Cow Cheses By Gel
Isoelectric Focusing. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition
Sciences, 15/56, (1), 203-207.
13. Dogan, M., Liman, B.C., Sagdic, O. 2006. Total Aflatoxin
Levels of Instant Foods in Turkey by Elisa. Archiv Für
Lebensmittelhygiene , 57, (3/4),56-59.
14. Yetim,H., Sagdic, O., Dogan,M., Ockerman, H.W. 2006.
Sensitivity of three pathogenic bacteria to Turkish cemen paste
and its ingredients. Meat Science, 74, 354-358.
15. Yetim, H., Müller, W.D., Dogan, M., Klettner, P.G. 2006.
Using Fluid Whey in Comminuted Meat Products: Effects on
Textural Properties of Frankfurter Type Sausages. Journal of
Muscle Foods, 17: 354 – 366.
16. Dogan, M., Kayacıer, A., Ic, E. 2007. Rheological
characteristics of some food stabilizers processed with gammairradiation. Food Hydrocolloids, 21, 392-396.
17. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A. 2007. The Effect of Ageing at Low
Temperature on The Rheological Characteristics of
Kahramanmaras-Type Ice-Cream Mix. Journal of Food
Properties, 10:19-24.
18. Dogan, M., Oral, R. A. 2007. Effect of the shelf life on 5hydroxymethylfurfural content of whey protein concentrates.
Milchwissenchaft (Milk Science International) 62 (2):305-307.
19. Dogan, M. 2007. Rheological And Physicochemical
Characteristics of Ice Cream Mix With Molasses in A Model
System. Milchwissenchaft (Milk Science International), 62
20. Dogan, M., 2010, Rheological behavour and pyhsicochemical
properties of Kefir with honey.Journal für Verbraucherschutz
und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Journal of Consumer Protection
and Food Safety. In press.
21. Oral, R.A., Doğan, M., Sarıoğlu, K., 2011, Monitoring of the
5- HMF amount as an indicator of Maillard products in the
sweet whey and skim milk powder stored in different
conditions. Milchwissenchaft-Milk Science International, In
22. Toker, Ö.S., Doğan, M, Göksel, M., 2011, Prediction of
rheological parameters of model instant hot chocolate beverage
by adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system. MilchwissenchaftMilk Science International, In press.
Congress and
1. Dogan, M. The Place and Important of the Milk Receiving
Centers in The Dairy Industry In Kayseri. 7 th Internatıonal
Congress on Agricultural Mechanisation and Energy, 26- 27
May 1999, Adana, TURKEY. p 367-369.
2. Coskun, A., Dogan, M. Liver Gamma- Butyrobetaine
Hydroxylase Activity in Non pragnent (Dry), Pragnent and
Lactating Rabbit. 28 th Metting of The Federation of
European Biochemical Societies, EJB The Febs Journal, Vol
269, Supl. 1, October 20-25, 2002, İstanbul, TURKEY. Book
of Abstract, p124.
3. Dogan, M. The Importance of the Green Tea Extracts in
Human Nutrition and Food Technology. Proceedings of 1 st
Internatıonal Congress on the Chemistry of Natural Products,
16-19 October, 2002, Trabzon, TURKEY. pp. 281-285.
4. Dogan, M. Neohesperidin DC In Food Products. Proceedings
of 1 st Internatıonal Congress on the Chemistry of Natural
Products, 16-19 October, 2002, Trabzon, TURKEY. pp. 190195.
5. Dogan, M., Ozer,I. I. Determination of The Total Nitrogen of
The Thickening Agents Used In Different Food Formulations.
Comparison between Two Instruments: Elemental Analyser
and Microkjeldahl. 1 st Internatıonal Symposium on Recent
Advances in Food Analysis. November 5-7, 2003, Prague,
Czech Republic. Book of Abstract, p 99.
6. Dogan, M., Sahin, U., Ulgen, A. Total Phosphorus
Determination In Milk. Comparison Between Two
Spectrometric Instrument: UV-VIS and Near- Infrared Laser
Diode Spectrometers (NIR-LDS) 1 st Internatıonal
Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis.
November 5-7, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. Book of
Abstract, p 48.
7. Dogan, M., Yilmaz, H., Kayacier, A. Content of HMF
(Hydroxymethyl furfural) In Commercial Non Fat Dry Milk.
International Dairy Symposium 24-28 May 2004, Isparta,
TURKEY. pp. 285-287.
8. Dogan,
5Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content of some whey powder
concentrate in Turkey and Germany. EURO FOOD CHEM
XIII. September 21-23, 2005, Hamburg, Germany, Book of
Abstract, p 619-621.
9. Dogan, M., Gurcan, E.K., Soysal, M.I. Milk Protein
Polymorphism in the Population of Holstein Cows. EURO
FOOD CHEM XIII. September 21-23, 2005, Hamburg,
Germany, Book of Abstract, p 172-175.
10. Yetim, H., Sagdic, O., Dogan, M. and Ockerman, H.W.
Sensitivity of three pathogenic bacteria to Turkish cemen
paste and its ingredients. 51st International Congress of Meat
Science & Technology, Agust 7-12, 2005, Baltimore,
Maryland, U.S.A.
11. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Oral, R.A. Technological properties
in dairy foods of oligofructose and inulin. 1st International
Food and Nutrition Congress, 15-18 June, 2005, Istanbul,
12. Kayacier, A., Dogan, M. The Application of High Pressure In
Cheese-Making.1st International Food and Nutrition
Congress, 15-18 June, 2005, Istanbul, TURKEY.
13. Sienkiewicz, T., Dogan, M., Kroh, L. The necessity and
possibility for identification of milk in cheese products.
Congrees on Progress in Technology, Technic, Analysis and
Organisation of Dairying. 09 –10, 2006 Olsztyn, Poland.
14. Dogan,
5Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content of some whey powder
concentrate in Turkey and Germany. EURO FOOD CHEM
XIII. Proceedings Volume 2., p 619-621, 2005, September 2123 Hamburg, Germany.
15. Dogan, M., Gurcan, E.K., Soysal, M.I. Milk protein
polymorphism in the population of holstein cows.Euro Food
Chem XIII. Proceedings Volume 1., p 172-175, September
21-23, 2005, Hamburg, Germany.
16. Dogan, M. Overview of food applications with inulin and
oligofructose. 2nd International Congress on Functional
Foods and Neutraceuticals. May 4-6, 2006, Istanbul,
TURKEY.Book of Abstract, p 64.
17. Er, V., Dogan, M. Potential effect of prebiotics to reduce the
risk of colorectal cancer. 2nd International Congress on
Functional Foods and Neutraceuticals. May 4-6, 2006,
Istanbul, TURKEY.Book of Abstract, p 63.
18. Demirkan, I., Dogan, M., Sarioglu, K. The role of dietary
fibers on binding heavy metal ions. 2nd International
Congress on Functional Foods and Neutraceuticals. May 4-6,
2006, Istanbul, TURKEY.Book of Abstract, p 65.
19. Sienkiewicz, T.; Dogan, M.; Kroh, L. W.Investigation of
proteins in ewe, goat and cow cheeses by gel isoelectric
focusing. X International Scientific Conference: Advance in
Technology, Engineering, Analytics and Management of
Dairy Industry. Olsztyn, 2006, Poland; 9-10 February
20. Yetim, H., Sagdic, O., Kayacier, A., Ozkan, G., Dogan, M.
Nutritive values of the pomaces of commercial Turkish grape
(Vitis vinifera L.) varieties. 2 nd. International Congress on
Food and Nutrition. 24-26 October, 2007, Istanbul, TURKEY,
Book of Abstract, P 255.
21. Dogan, M., Oral, R.A., Sarioglu, K.,Sagdic, O., Kesler, Y.
Biodegradation of 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural (HMF) in
model foods using some lactic acid bacteria and yeast. 3 rd.
Internatıonal Symposium on Recent Advances in Food
Analysis. November 7-9, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
22. Oral, R.A., Doğan, M., Sarıoğlu, K. Monitoring the 5-HMF
amount as an indicator of maillard products in whey protein
concentrate and skim milk powder. 1st International Congress
on Food Technology, November 3-6, 2010, Antalya,
TURKEY.,Book of Abstract.
23. Doğan, M., Göksel, M. Fatty acid composition and some
chemical properties of circassian Kashar cheese.Proceedings
of the 1 st International Symposium on ''Traditional Foods
from Adriatic to Caucasus'' April, 15-17, 2010, Tekirdağ,
TURKEY.Book of Abstract, p 271.
24. Göksel, M., Doğan, M. Rheological and optical properties of
Köfter.Proceedings of the 1 st International Symposium on
''Traditional Foods From Adriatic to Caucasus''. April 15-17,
2010, Tekirdağ, TURKEY, Book of Abstarct, p.816.
25. Doğan, M., Karasu, S. Investigation of rheological properties
of edible milk ice with vegetable oil. Kiel Food Science
Syposium 2010. May 18-19, 2010, Kiel Germany, Book of
26. Sarıoğlu, K., Oral, R.A., Doğan, M. Adsorption of 5hydroxy-2-methyl furaldehyde (HMF) from model solution
and pekmez using polymeric adsorbent resin. 1st International
Congress on Food Technology, November 3-6, 2010, Antalya,
TURKEY.,Book of Abstract
27. Doğan, M., Gurmeriç, V.E. Production of instant pudding
with dietary food fibers. Kiel Food Science Syposium 2010.
May 18-19, Kiel Germany, Book of Abstract.
28. Oral, R.A., Mortaş, M., Doğan,M., Sarıoğlu, K., Yazıcı, F.
New approaches detection of 5-HMF by RP-HPLC in some
foods. 1st International Congress on Food Technology,
November 3-6, 2010, Antalya, TURKEY.,Book of Abstract.
29. Oral R.A., Doğan,M., Sarıoğlu, K. Effects of the storage
conditions on 5-hydroxy-2-methyl furaldehyde (HMF)
concentration in various pekmez. 1st International Congress
on Food Technology , November 3-6, 2010, Antalya
TURKEY, Boof of Abstract.
30. Doğan, M., Toker, Ö.S.Synergy effect of some hydrocolloids
on rheological properties of model instant hot chocolate
beverage.1st International Congress on Food Technology ,
November 3-6, 2010, Antalya TURKEY, Boof of Abstract.
31. Doğan, M., Oral, R.A., Sarıoğlu, K., Sağdıç, O. Kesler,
Y.Reduction of 5-Hydroxy-2-Methyl Furaldehyde (HMF)
concentration in fried potato model.1st International Congress
on Food Technology, November 3-6, 2010,
TURKEY.,Book of Abstract.
32. Doğan, M., Göksel, M. Production of orange albedo dietary
fiber by product and its rheolocical behavior in mayonnaise
model.1st International Congress on Food Technology,
November 3-6, Antalya, TURKEY.,Book of Abstract.
33. Doğan, M., Cengiz, E.Production of honeylocust (Gleditsia
triacanthos) gum and rheological interactions with some other
hydrocolloids. 1st International Congress on Food
Technology, November 3-6, 2010, Antalya, TURKEY.,Book
of Abstract.
Conferences and
Participated in
1. Demirci, M., Dogan, M., Eker, B. Equipments and Tools In
Yoghurt Industry. 3 st National Symposium on Dairy and
Dairy Products 2-3 June, 1994, Istanbul, Turkey. p. 231-245.
2. Dogan, M., Bal, H. Situation of Dairy Products in Kayseri 5
st National Symposium on Dairy and Dairy Products,
Traditional Dairy Products 21-22 May, 1998, Tekirdag,
Turkey. p. 394-402.
3. Dogan, M., Bal, H., Donek, E., Toprak, M. Building of
Entegre Dairy Factory In Kayseri. 18 st National Congress on
Mechanisation of Agricultural 17-18 July, 1998, Tekirdag,
Turkey. p. 713-720.
4. Dogan, M., Boroglu, E. Aspartame E 951 In Dairy Industry. 6
st National Symposium on Dairy Microbiology and Additive
Substances 21-22 May, 2000, Tekirdag, Turkey. p. 479-487.
5. Dogan, M., Simsek, B. Carrageenan In Dairy Products. 6 st
National Symposium on Dairy Microbiology and Additive
Substances 21-22 May 2000, Tekirdag, Turkey. p.465-472.
6. Dogan, M., Saraymen, R., Demirci, M. Association of Ca and
P Contents of Brown Swiss Milk Components (Protein, Total
Solid and Ash). Turkish 7 st Food Congress 22-24 May, 2002,
Ankara, Turkey. p 879-888.
7. Dogan, M. Importance and Using of Some Organic Acids In
Food Production and Technology. 5 st National Chemistry
Congress 2-5 July, 2002 Book of Abstract, Ankara, Turkey.
8. Coskun, A., Dogan, M., Yilmaz, O., Edirne, T. Artificial
Sweeteners and Lipid Peroxidation. 7 st. National
Biochemisty Congress 24-27 June, 2002, Book of Abstract,
Ankara, Turkey. p. 223.
9. Dogan, M. Nisin as a Natural Preservative Agent and Its
Using In Food Industry. SEYES’ 2003- Symposium on New
Tendencies In Dairy Industry 22-23 May, 2003, Izmir,
Turkey. p. 413-418.
10. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Yetim, H. The Importance of LCarnitin In Human Nutrition and Health. III st Food
Engineering Congress 2-4 October, 2003, Ankara, Turkey . p.
11. Kayacier, A., Yetim, H., Dogan, M. A Recently Discovered
Cancerogen In Foods: Acrlylamide. III st Food Engineering
Congress 2-4 October, 2003, Ankara, Turkey. p. 346-355.
12. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A., Oral, R.A. Content of
Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in Dairy Products.8st Food
Engineering Congress , 26-28 May, 2004, Bursa, Turkey.
13. Dogan, M., Kayacier, A. Rheology of Salep Flavoured Drink
Prepared with Milk and Water.8 st Food Engineering
Congress , 26-28 May, 2004, Bursa, Turkey.
14. Kayacier, A., Dogan, M., Yetim, H. New Development in
Foods Fried with Reduced Oil. 8 st Food Engineering
Congress , 26-28 May, 2004, Bursa, Turkey.
15. Kesler, Y., Doğan, M., Karaman, S. ve Kayacıer, A. Kan
Basıncını Düşürücü Süt Kaynaklı Peptitler. Türkiye 10. Gıda
Kongresi, 2008, 21-23 Mayıs, Erzurum.
16. Kesler, Y., Karaman, S., Doğan, M. ve Kayacıer, A. 2008.
Ekstrüzyon Prosesi ile Gıdaların Tekstürizasyonu. Türkiye 10.
Gıda Kongresi, 2008, 21-23 Mayıs Erzurum.
17. Karaman, S., Kesler, Y., Kayacıer, A. ve Doğan, M. Mesir
Macununun Reolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Türkiye 10.
Gıda Kongresi, 2008, 21-23 Mayıs Erzurum.
18. Doğan, M., Kayacıer, A., Kesler, Y., Karaman, S. Geleneksel
olarak üretilen kuşburnu (Rosa canina L.) marmeladının
reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. II. Geleneksel Gıdalar
Sempozyumu, 2009, 27-29 Mayıs, Van.
National papers
1. Beyhan, O., Kaya, I., Sen, S., Dogan, M. 1995. Fatty Acids
Composition of
Walnut (Juglans regia) Types Selected in
Darende. Turkisch Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 19 (4):
2. Dogan, M., Şimşek, O., Kurultay, Ş. 1996. Stabilizer
Substances As Additives In Dairy Industry. Food 21 (4) 252259.
3. Dogan, M., Bal, M. 1996. Develops In Milking Technics.
Milk Technology 1 (2):17-19.
4. Coskun, A., Dogan, M. 2003. Plazma L- Carnitine Levels In
Non-Pregnant, Pregnant and Lactating Rabbits. Turkisch
Clinics Journal of Medicine Science 23 (1):5-9.
5. Dogan, M. 2005. Effect on colesterol level of pectin.
Packworld, 8, (44):124-128.
6. Öztürk, İ., Doğan, M. The importance of biogenic amines in
foods. Packworld, 2007, 9, (53): 34-40.
7. Doğan, M., Cengiz, E. Future packaging: Edible Films.
Packworld , 2008, 12,(66):34-36.
8. Doğan, M., Göksel, M. The role of diet chocolate
and packaging materials used in the manufacture of chocolate.
Packworld , 2009, 13,(71):136-142.
Referee in Journals
1. Journal of Texture Studies (Willey- Blackwell, Editor:Dr. Ton
van Vliet)
2. International Dairy Journal (Elsevier, Editor: Dr. David W.
Food Science and Technology International (SAGE
Pablications, Managing Editor:Dr. Remedios Melero)
Food Additives and Contaminants (Published by:Taylor and
Francis Group, Editor :Dr. Elke Anklam).
Journal of Food Process Engineering,(Published by WilleyBlackwell, Editor in Chief: Dr. Elena Castell-Perez)
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, (Published by
Willey-Blackwell, Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Y. Martin Lo).
Journal of Food Biochemistry, (Published by WilleyBlackwell, Managing Editor: Dr. Maurice Marshall)
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology,
(Published by Willey-VCH, Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ines Chyla).
Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier, Editor: Dr. Alan
1. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences (Editors-in-Chief:
2. World Applied Sciences Journal (Editor board:
3. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research (Editor
4. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, (Associate Editor:
5. Gıda Sanayii Dergisi (Editor board:
Academic Honours:
(1984-1988) State scholarship for collage education.
(1990) Research grants for graduate education for MS.
(1994) Research grants for graduate education for Ph.D.
(2004) TUBITAK awards for the publication papers (SCI)
(2005) TUBITAK awards for the publication papers (SCI)
(2005) Research grants from Erciyes Univ for visiting
scientist in Berlin Technical Universty, Dept. Food Chem.
7. (2005-2006) Erciyes University Engineering Faculty awards
for the publication papers (SCI)
Scientific visits:
1. Technical University of Berlin, Faculty III Process Science,
Department of Food Rheology, Berlin-Germany, November
2003 (Supported by Erciyes University).
2. Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic-Prague,
November 5-7, 2003 (Supported by Erciyes University).
3. Technical University of Berlin, Faculty of Process Sciences,
Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry,
Department of Food Analysis, Berlin, Germany, May-Agust,
2005 (Supported by Erciyes University)
4. Lund University, Food Technology, Engineering and
Nutrition, Department of Applied Nutrition and Food
Chemistry, Lund, Sweden, July 2005 (Supported by Erciyes
5. German Institute of Human Nutrition, Department of
Toxicology, Postdam-Rehbrücke,Germany, 2005 (Supported
by Erciyes University).
6. Hamburg University, Department of Chemistry, Hamburg,
Germany, September 2005 (Supported by Erciyes University).
Food Industry as
part time:
1. (1998-2001)
Meysan General Food Company (Instant
foods and beverages), Kayseri, TURKEY.
2. (2006-)
Bayrak Gida Company (Instant foods and
beverages), Kayseri, TURKEY.
Marital status:
Married, have 3 child

Benzer belgeler

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